@Boston Bruins

The Buffalo Sabes continue to spiral out of control

The Buffalo Sabes continue to spiral out of control

The Buffalo Sabers are doing that thing again and we’ll talk about much more after this short Break Welcome to Sab Edge podcast presented by Nichol City and Mafia uh before we get started make sure to like subscribe and leave any comments Below on the show um but yeah it’s been kind of one of those weeks again with a both of those Sabers Sammy saitz how’s your past week been my

Week it’s been great I I’ve had a great time New Year’s happened my sister had her birthday no complaints with like my general week when it comes to the Savers I mean you know it’s not great yeah two in one this week isn’t fantastic what about you how’s your week

Been I mean it’s the same old same old so you know stayed up here for the holiday so nothing crazy um you know we just had these Sabers games going on and I feel like some of these games are just like a struggle to get through for the

Fans too so um we’ll kind of hop into those so um I’ll just go over kind of like the past three games real quick and then I’ll get your opinion on them okay all right so yeah um the first game last week we had the Boston game uh the score

Ended up being 4 to1 Boston with Eric Johnson gain the only goal um the notable stat that I noticed was the power play was 0 for six in that game followed by the Buffalo Sabres beating the Columbus Blue Jackets three to2 uh we had goals by Quinn middle stat and

Skinner had the overtime goal uh the power play was over for one uh but the Buffalo saers did have 42 shots compared to Columbus’s 20 uh shots and then the third game of the week was the Ottawa Senators game five to one uh Tage Thompson had a goal and the power

Play went 0 for three again and for all you Faceoff percentage people I looked at those stats real quick Savers are pretty much even on every single game they’re actually 5050 with the Senators um I believe they were like 5545 with the Bruins and they’re around like I like a 43

Or no a 4753 with Columbus Blue Jackets so yeah there’s another stat to throw out to you people um so yeah Sam what are your thoughts of the games this past week I mean so like we kind of talked about it last week I didn’t really

Expect us to beat Boston I didn’t expect us to have a good like stretch of three games between Toronto um who was that Toronto was Toronto Rangers Boston and you know you pull three out of six points from there okay whatever you lose to Boston we go

Into we go into we go against Columbus and we play them like you’d expect us to play a worse team than us like we were definitely controlling the runoff play they got a point it was kind of strange we did very very poorly on that power

Play that you mentioned I think they got one of their goals just after that power play but they were already on a breakway when it h when the like power play ended it was like a whole crapshoot that was embarrassing the power play has been embarrassing and then I’ll be real with

You after I think it was the fourth goal against Ottawa I was like I can’t I can’t watch this it was really bad I think that there’s like you can lose a game and it can still be a fun watch we just looked miserable out there it

Looked like we were intent to just be kicked around yeah no exactly um there’s fun competitive losses and there are games where the team didn’t show up and there were two go two games this week that that happened in you know with the Boston game and with the Columbus Blue

Jacket or not sorry the Ottawa game um the the Kos Blue Jackets game being an outlier um and that’s kind of what’s making this season frustrating is that in those games where they get down fast there’s no compe in the team really maybe until like the third period yeah

And that’s what’s just I mean it’s not the losing part of it like you mentioned I didn’t expect us to be winning against Boston would have been a nice treat um but the way that they just went down on that 0 for six on the power play was just I mean and I’m

Pretty sure they penalty kill had more shots on net than our power play at one point I I think I don’t know it I believe you yeah I’m pretty sure when it not when it was um obviously when it’s was not not five to three I believe when they were like

Four no yeah yeah 43 that the Bruins had a couple more shots in the sabr uh power plate which is just it’s the frustrating part with this team and I know it’s the power play has just been the common theme but just the team trying to get into the

Offensive zone has been a struggle off season and I I don’t feel like they’ve tried to make any changes into how to get the puck in there and set up the offensive zone it’s kind of just they’re met at the the blue line by basically all five

Skaters on the other team and then they kind of like I forgot what you were calling it earlier earlier in a couple podcasts where they just drop the puck back to the guy that’s like four checking forward to get the puck in there just kind of it in there and it

Just hasn’t been working and they’ve been trying this all season and they haven’t done anything to change it um is that something I mean do you feel like that’s something that that you’re noticing as well or or am I just going insane here so for the power play at

Least I think that’s what you’re talking about with the like dropback pass we do do the dropback pass probably I it feels feels like we do it more than any team in the league but it is a very valuable uh technique so the theory behind it

Right is you push the opponents onto the line that they’re trying to hold you drop back the puck and then the person behind now has a full like head of steam coming into the zone and you can blow past the Defenders and you have space right yeah and it it’s effective every

Team in the league uses it on the power play I don’t know why we choose to do it almost every single time and then it just makes it predictable you have to add some sort of variance you have to like sometimes the player who’s running it up has to look and say

Hey you know what there’s space anyway even if I don’t like push them back like I can just get through because they’re letting me or like hey there’s someone on the wall there and they’re not marking that wall because they only have four players and can only do so much and

Yet we always defer to the like okay now throw it back lazily and it’s just like I don’t I don’t know it’s not it’s not a good look we cannot really get into the Zone effectively and then even when we are in the zone I don’t think it like

We’re we’re doing anything to help ourselves because we just like on the power play we’ll just pass it around and then pass it around like you stay high in the zone and even like Tage Thompson the like shooter will be high in the zone you’re not putting any sort of like

Pressure on the other team if you’re gonna have Tage and Dalene sit at the top of the zone and pass it back like to each back and forth to each other the other team’s not feeling threatened they don’t have to move they have one guys stand kind of in between them and guess

What if one of you actually winds up to shoot then like they’re going to they’re going to be there it’s all it’s all gonna be seen by the goalie it’s gonna be seen by the players in advance like it’s not you’re not adding any danger

You need to be able to move it around the Zone more and you need to get Thompson the puck not just at the top of the Zone but like near the circle yeah but I don’t know I think there’s so much wrong with the power

Play right now that I’m not even able to like look at the entries and be like this is definitely why it’s not working it’s not working sometimes but we get into the Zone enough where we should be able to score some Power Play Goals but it’s just atrocious and we cannot seem

To get any sort of offense going once we’re actually in the zone either so everything just feels like it’s not working yeah overall the power play is just a struggle and I that’s just something I know that’s that’s the one thing to getting into the zone is just

The only thing but when they do get into the Zone it’s also a struggle for them to keep the puck in the zone yeah because I feel like the other team’s defense is right on top of them and knocking the puck away easily and then

Getting it out of the Zone well it’s why you need to move it to someone who’s not just like the people at the point like if you make them move to like unique positions one you’re going to make them break their formation and two like you’re gonna Tire them out if you’re

Playing like some more high low now now a player has to move further instead of just like like kind of dot to they’re just like back and forth but between Tage and Dalene it doesn’t make sense it just doesn’t make sense why they do that something interesting to

Note is that last week I believe it was Don Granado said that he’s gonna be putting his mark on the power play Don Granado then Falls sick and I think for all three games maybe only for two of them maybe the last two but we’ve had Seth aert uh Manning the bench because

Don Granado has been sick how do you think Seth AER aert has played and do you think that it’s better than uh don Granado um I mean he hasn’t really shown anything to be totally honest with you um I mean the only thing that I heard

And that it was listening to the guys on after the whistle was I think he benched PKA after that he botched um oh oh man now I’m losing words right now this is how much I’m trying to think right now basically um Breakaway where he boted that Breakaway where he could

Have had go petka he supposedly he got benched after that I didn’t watch too much of the Senators game to be totally honest with you yeah again I I I stepped out I I excused myself after a second because it was just painful so I mean if he’s willing to bench guys I

Mean that’s something different than gadoo doesn’t do but besides that I mean how much more change can a single head coach do it doesn’t seem like the philosophy changed at all it felt like the assistant coaches really running everything and he was just kind of running the bench I don’t know was there

Anything that stuck out to you at all with aert coaching behind the bench literally nothing I I I bring it I bring up the at birthing more just because we were asked about it but I don’t think it’s that different because one yeah you still have the assistant coaches there and you

Know you’re just like putting someone in as filler and being like all right a you’re you’re filling in for a Granado we’re not even sure that he was actually filling in as head coach he was there and gonado wasn’t but like I’m sure that a lot of the voice was still of the

Assistant coaches and on top of that they talk about um like a systemwide philosophy and that in Rochester they try and play a similar system so that the players are more adjusted when they end up in Buffalo so I’m sure like philosophically it’s very the same down

There and therefore bringing up Apert to replace Granado is kind of a like yeah they’re following the same system anyway yeah I’m kind of I took a look real quick at the Rochester Americans and their standings right now and they’re fifth place in their division they’re

Kind of I think they’re 12 points out of first place so I mean there H how much of the system is going to keep on going that’s going to be make this team successful I’m not goingon to go into that we’re not going to delve into this but I guess what I

Really wanted to point out too was and I guess a lot of the media was talking into in Buffalo was is it a little bit concerning that um Kevin Adams didn’t have any trust in under of the assistance to run the bench and he had to go and grab his

AHL coach to come up and be the head coach of the team because that seems to be a sticking point for a lot of people in NHL and I think this the first time in history that it’s ever happened that AHL coach came up and coached the NHL

Team I think it’s a weird thing it’s weird that people care also like it’s both weird that it happened and weird that people care I understand like yeah a coach is sick you have like four of them or whatever like you surely have like just if you need another person on

The bench like bring like the vi graffiti coach down or whatever like he’s already here yeah I yeah but also like I don’t know if they if aer’s like available for the time being and is he’s right like Rochester’s just down the road it’s not like we’re like hey

Someone from like Seattle come down here like it’s our Affiliates two hours away yeah it’s fine I I don’t think I don’t see why people would be it’s again it’s weird on it’s weird that it happened and I think weird that people care yeah I’m

Kind of in the same boat um I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal that South that bir came up and Coach team at all um I mean like we mentioned there wasn’t really no no difference in the team and the style that they played

So I’m he was just literally kind of like a body there and he was just kind of making any executive decisions that were going to be made during the game right how much a head coach actually does in the middle of an NHL game it’s very little yeah unless it’s like a

Pressing game where it’s all right you’re it’s 32 and you’re getting down to the last five minutes of the game that’s when their head coach kind of stands out but besides that I mean yeah he’ll might throw out a challenge every once in a while got challenges you got

Set plays you got motivating speeches I think that’s you got you got the ability to bench PKA yeah exactly so I think that’s the one thing that he did and um all right I mean he missed he missed doing that but petka left Rochester and after it’s Miss to the

Thrill yeah exactly I mean gotta get your you gotta get your looks every once in a while so um yeah I mean it was pretty much a non story I think a lot of people were blowing out proportion but you know yeah like it was cool that he

Was here it’s you know kind of kind of fun seeing the HL guy but he’ll go back and I’m sure we’ll forget well we will all forget about this in like a week yeah um so yeah um besides that um what else were we gonna talk about

Was there anything else I mean I guess the other point that we can go look into is do would you put any of these games on the goalies at all like stats wise because we had the 4-1 Boston game the 5-1 Ottawa game would you put that on the goalies or

Would you put that more on like just like the team in general the way that they played it’s hard right because so like goalie stats can be deceiving and often times they’re team stats like if you look against the Boston game it was four goals against for Devin and he had an

840 save percentage Yeah now that’s not good even even if your team’s getting like hammered that’s still not good but I don’t know if I watched any of those goals and I was like man I’m sure Devon wants that one back like they were like they were almost impossible like

What are you supposed to do there yeah so I don’t know and then in the next one it was Devon again four goals let in on 30 shots for an 867 we were we were terrible we were terrible in front of him I know it’s only 30 shots but we were terrible in

Front of Deon I think the one thing that I noticed especially during the Boston game is um I think the first goal I forgot who scored it but Benson is the one that gave up the puck on that right and then basically he gave up the puck guys were

Breaking into the Zone Clifton there so both defenseman stood out to me where it just looked like the effort wasn’t really there like Clifton kind of tries to make a move on the guy but doesn’t commit to it then ends up having to chase him but isn’t really skating hard

To chase him and then dal’s in the front of the net darene doesn’t really do anything and the goal gets l in after that then there’s a goal with I believe it’s with coil I think it was his first goal where marshan was wrapping in under the net and then there

Was um Dalene was kind of like right on I wouldn’t even know what is the Zone was but he wasn’t in front of the net but he was kind of like not in the corner but right by the net and he just kind of lets that puck slide in between

Him and Levi and then just leaves an easy shot for the offensive player in front right I really don’t want to put any um either know these games on the goal any any of these games on the golender just because that’s just kind of it’s a theme where this team isn’t really

Trying trying anymore I don’t know I don’t know if if it’s like a if they don’t have pride what they’re doing anymore or if dal’s not if dal’s trying to do too much and it’s just too much on his plate right now or what’s going on but just like the team philosophy and

The team energy at a whole like it’s they’re not committing to defense they’re trying to switch over to offense their offense I don’t know what it is it might be a combination of getting goaled because you get 42 shots off in the uh Columbus game and I believe they had was

It 30 shots or 40 shots in the they had a decent amount of shots in the Ottawa game too I don’t if they’re just getting goaled or if they’re not getting good looks or what’s going on with this team but overall nothing’s going right for this team and they just they’re not

Showing the effort that they’re trying to make this change or trying to you know trying to get something going it’s just overall the team’s just kind of collapsing in on and imploding um and that’s and as fans it’s making it hard hard for all of us to

Watch this game I mean I me Mike when contracts come up next year with this saber season I mean we might have to talk a little bit because we’ve been talking about the same thing slogging through the season right now it’s a long season but um it’s just kind of been

Tough overall for everybody here and I think everyone’s you can feel like the energy is just kind of leaving the Sabres in general where the season started off hey we’re going to be a high-scoring team to now it’s just like no one’s really caring about this team

At all and I just it’s it’s tough to see I know we mentioned it off year you know you don’t want to root against this team because you still love this team and you want to support the players I mean you do have a good group of players there

You have a good group of coaches there too and it’s hard not to cheer for them but also it’s just The Struggle Bus has been real for all of us here right yeah yeah it’s definitely I I think you said it best it is a slog we are getting through this season and

Again it’s just like the before the season starts it’s the hope that kills right you thought we we all thought we all hoped that this was really gonna be it this is GNA be the year and we all really believed it and that was just you know we’re

Almost halfway through the season we might even be at this point it’s all gone all that hope is gone and all that we’re left with is just like I don’t know I don’t even know what to call this emotion because it’s somewhere between like I can’t even be disappointed anymore like yeah it’s

Tough to be disappointed it’s like I yeah I shouldn’t have expected anything that’s where it’s it’s kind of disappointed in myself that I really thought but yeah and that’s just like every other fan of the Sabers too is that you know and and the Sabers pumped

It up themselves I mean you ended last season you’re one point out of the playoffs all the players are saying we’re making the playoffs next year we’re committed to the playoffs the coach is saying that the GM is saying that and you know you get the fans hopes

Up yeah I think you you know I everyone kind of knew what was going to be going on or the moves that you were going to need to make in the off season to um kind of make that happen and the team kind of fell short on that end you know no veteran

Goenda been piss poor on that too I mean you know a lot of people when we signed Clifton were thinking possibly a top four D he’s a bottom six maybe even seventh defenseman back where he was in Boston and you’re expecting a lot of Eric Johnson right now where he’s gonna

Have his good games and bad games the guy’s a 35y old veteran I mean you can’t put too much on his play he’s kind of there just to be like a support system for the defense um and it kind of makes me think you know especially with you

Know what happened this pack past week with comry being sent down um the big note that was being mentioned is there’s seven M there’s Million worth of NHL contracts sitting in the Amar right now between Yos comry and Bryson stillman’s down there too and Stillman too so this team is very good

At drafting skill in amateurs but they’re very bad at Pro personnel and it almost makes me want a question is maybe they’re gonna have to make a change on the pro Personnel side because they are just not making the moves that are going to help out this

Team um and it’s been questionable for for years I mean even the Taylor halls I me back when Adam started I mean that was a good sales going but he wasn’t really beloved here like let’s let’s do an exercise here and just try and think back to the

Time when these signings were made did you we’ll start with Taylor Hall did you dislike that signing when it was made I it’s it’s a hard thing because it was I liked the signing because at that point we still had eel and Hall was is a

Few years off from his MVP season so maybe you’re thinking this guy can come back and do that and the guy’s a proven name in the NHL we kind of knew the deal what was going to be going on with Hall on that one-year deal is if the Sabres

Were going to be making the playoffs he’s going to be traded for a pick um or and Prospects and he was using the Sabers to kind of just get you know a new lease on life maybe to start up his um career so I wasn’t too mad about the

Hall I but I wasn’t too like overly enthusiastic about it either because I mean for me Taylor Hall never got it up for me but for like the Sabres I mean and the state that the team was in I mean it was a pretty big siging um but I

Wasn’t I mean for me personally as like a hockey fan I’ve haven’t been really impressed with like Taylor Hall’s career overall I think on paper that at the time that was a great signing you get him for one year you say you’re gonna play with Jack eel and you’re gonna

Prove it you’re G to prove what you need to or that that you deserve that bigger contract that you actually want and like you’re just going to play Top Line minutes with Jack eel like that was that was the whole thing with that and at the time that was probably like like that

Looked like it was a very good signing now retrospectively we know maybe maybe that’s not the case maybe that wasn’t uh ideal yeah other Uh Kevin Adams moves he brought Payton Krebs um Alex tuck and Noah Oland that’s a pick though so we’re not gonna include

That over was ER stall under him too I can’t Eric stall yeah he he got uh stall was one of his signings also I think like at the time like that’s that’s a good idea that was a good idea that’s a name yeah yeah it’s a real name it’s

Someone who like brings that veteran leadership that everyone’s oh so fond of he like has really done it in his career you know like that’s a and and he filled the void for us where we like we had middle stat at this time who was probably our second

Center I think so that that was before middle stat was realistically uh C2 yeah that’s a good signing there’s nothing wrong with that signing don’t think and again we know it doesn’t turn out well and whether we want to say that was Ralph Krueger’s fault or Kevin Adams for not doing enough that

Year that’s you know I think yeah I mean I think for That season personally for myself I really wasn’t expecting out of the anything out of the team yeah those signings are a big deal for the team um that I really didn’t have much hope for at that point because I think

We all knew eel was kind of out of there and and the whole and that was was that after everyone else left like Reinhardt and well rol but or were they still on the team still there okay because that this was gonna be the SE eel gets

Injured this season and then he doesn’t play and then Sam Reinhardt becomes first line Center and he gets traded after the season yeah so yeah that’s correct I’m trying to remember my Seasons I’ll becoming a blur at this point um yeah I mean as as should have

Been this is not yeah and I think at that point too it was almost the right signings that you need because it was the last gasp of that core to see if this is going to be something that move forward in the future so you you go out

You get a few big signings it doesn’t work then then Kevin Adams gets to making trades he sends uh eel Reinhardt and rist Alan out and I think that the wrist in trade is undisputable undisputably great getting anything for him would have been great but what did we get like

Two first round picks or something like it was maybe like a first and a second like I think it was a first and a second I or maybe no it could have been two first round I think it was two first round picks that we got were selected for and which is insane

Steel and I think right now they’re looking to trade him on Philadelphia they’re trying to get rid of him now so it’s crazy Rasmus versus thean was a first round pick Robert heg as well so maybe maybe I I remembered it more fondly than it was um but still first round pick

Robert Robert hag that’s uh that’s fine did Robert hag ever end up playing for the Sabers he did yeah he played a few years I don’t see this is my memory is being wiped I guess that’s a good thing yeah it’s it’s definitely good to have pushed all of these years out of

Your memory right so what whatever you get a first- round pick for rist aling that’s great for Sam Reinhardt you I think you got a first and Levi which becomes K in Levi yep Sam Reinhardt wasn’t gonna resign with us that’s a great trade I mean he tried to make it

Seemed like he was very sad to leave the Sabers but I think he was I think both of those things can be true yeah he did seem J like in the Beyond blue and gold one with that trade like he seemed genuinely like he cared about the

Franchise and that he wants to see it succeed and that can also be the case well being like I need to get out of here like yeah no I mean he at that time he was my favorite player on that core oh I I agree yeah it was just like

Watching um Brian Campbell leave back in the day so he the the thing I loved so much about him is even like he he lived through the dog days of the Sabers and he would never give up on any given night no Relentless no yeah

Would would love to if if he ever wants to come back I would love to take him back but uh rumors of Vancouver next year I mean that that makes sense going going back home yeah they’re starting they’re starting to pick it up there so

I can see that for Sam yeah but yeah and then uh the other trade big trade that Kevin has made was the EO one which I think is probably good for both sides I think Alex tuck could if he could find a bit more consistency and health that

Would be good Payton Krabs is still the jury’s a little bit out on him Noah osland seems to be tearing it up in juniors right now but I or in World Juniors but I think we were gonna get to world juniors later yeah we’ll talk about that later did we get like a

Second as well that became Jordan Greenway I believe so I think Jordan Greenway um yeah the second that they traded for him was Jordan Greenway right so then that becomes Jordan Greenway that’s fine I think losing a superstar you never want to give up the

Best player in a trade but I think you did well with what you had especially people don’t always remember Jack eel was forcing a trade at that time and everyone knew it he was not going to continue playing with the Buffalo Sabers so like given that knowledge he did

Well yeah so I think I think the way that he went about it too is when he sat was he wasn’t going for the first offer he was going to sit and wait as long as he could to make that trade and he made the perfect trade at the perfect time I

Mean I’m glad I mean I know a lot of people hate eel um sa fans especially um I’m kind of glad that it worked out for him in Vegas to be honest with you um he kind of got got out of the Limelight surprisingly because he’s in Vegas it’s

Kind of coming back from him right now he’s kind of becoming the face of Vegas right but he’s not the franchise savior like he has a couple guys that kind of keep him in line over there like you have Matt Stone who’s gting your Center there who’s or your captain there who’s

Pretty good um so I’m glad that it worked out for him it kind of hurts to see him win a cup but I mean shoot he was supposed to be you know if it wasn’t for McDavid he was supposed to be like another another almost like gener almost

Typal line generational guy right and just to see him you know performing at that level now it’s good to see that so to like chronologically plac Kevin Adams tenure he started off with Jack Sam and I and decided it was a good idea to make some bigger signings to try and make a

Push for the playoffs M we both agree that those signings were probably good at the time they looked good yeah it didn’t work out but it was it was a good effort let’s just say let’s just say that the coach at the time was not probably up to Snuff

With yeah Krueger I mean let’s just forget we ever had Krueger here like that’s so Kevin Kevin Adams like that that was probably a good start yeah it didn’t work out so Kevin pivots and he trades the big stars away and we agree big stars I mean kind of loosely with r

The Lan we agree that those trades were also good yeah you get a bunch of draft Capital you trade out some uh like like you probably get back Warm Bodies like heg you get Alex tuck who’s like a very good player in the league prospecting Payton crabs it’s

Good it’s a good trade good trades you get our future starting golender and Devin Levi let’s hope so hope it works out jer’s still out there right but like the it’s all promising things yeah and then you move into a different era and this is the one that people are

Most like questioning but I think it’s important to put into context like when you when you ship out sha eel Sam Reinhardt and Rasmus ver Lan you say we’re done with this core we are starting over it’s a new rebuild that is a new rebuild it’s hard for some people to

Accept that but that’s what that was yep and so now Kevin Adams people are the thing that we hear the most about Kevin Adams is he’s not doing enough to push us over the edge we’re still waiting for all of those draft picks to mature why would we do something to push

Us over the edge before we get the core that we got from getting rid of our old one until you see kulick Rose or seavoy and uh Oland on this team that core is not here yet so yeah I understand it’s easy to say like oh you you went out in the

Offseason and you got Ilia leushin or you picked up someone like Tyson yoast on waivers yes that’s his plan that’s been his plan because it’s a rebuild as soon as those three players left it was a rebuild and until the play until the draft picks that we got in return for

Those players get here you’re just kind of waiting so yes I don’t think that all of the moves he’s made after that are fantastic but I think they’re all at least good ideas and none of the important thing is none of them have cost us really

Anything but if you go down the line all of his signings were at least fine ideas Tyson Yos was a um waiver claim literally free and we got him he’s like a former first round pick he’s serviceable in the NHL I would still say he’s serviceable in the NHL like I don’t

Really want to see him on my team anymore just because I’ve seen enough of him but if another team put him on their NHL roster I wouldn’t be shocked you get someone like Jordan Greenway that’s a second round pick maybe that’s a little high maybe it was

A third round pick I don’t really remember or Stillman was a third round pick like that was I still think stillman’s probably a fine seventh defenseman he adds something that’s different from our defenseman in it’s the like physicality if you rotate Stillman in once every few nights and

Just let him like just destroy people’s bones out on the ice like that’s fine he’s fine MH you kind of replace him with Connor Clifton this year and again I think that that’s probably a little You’ signed him for a little longer than I would have liked but the

Idea of Conor Clifton’s not that bad obviously he’s not playing great here but a lot of these players I don’t think are bad pickups Eric comry like he was great in his last year before he came here as a backup so we hoped that we could say hey you’re a or like may

Maybe you’re a starting goalie and it’s just kind of a you know unseen potential kind of thing and that was a good idea because he was he had like a like 937 save percentage the year before he came here and like it was only 20

Games but if you can up that to like 40 and maybe have like a 920 you’ve just like kind of stolen a starter goal tender for two years for like no money these aren’t bad ideas and especially I think you can do that with the assumption that you’re still waiting

You’re still waiting for that rebuild to come to fruition you can do that with Conor Clifton because like we said we kind fans were expect are hoping he would be a like third fourth Defender yeah you can take those kind of risks when you’re San Jose when you’re Anaheim when you’re in a

Rebuild cuz if you strike or if you strike gold with one of those things if you allow Tage Thompson to play first line Center even though he literally hasn’t put up like 12 points in a year sometimes it works yeah and so like I don’t mind that we’re taking these

Liberties as like a big picture thing during during what is a rebuild but I’m just it’s it hurts because there was hope this year yeah again in the grand scheme I don’t even like you wouldn’t have expected us to be in the position we were in last year one point

Out maybe we overperformed maybe I don’t know but I think Kevin Adams I think has done a good job regardless of all all the like hate he’s getting getting for he’s not doing enough for the team right now he’s not trying to push you over the

Edge right now yeah that was never the plan he’s not afraid to make bigger moves whether it be long contracts or signing Taylor Hall that’s not like I don’t think he’s afraid to make those moves he’s not afraid to make a blockbuster trade he’s done all of those things right now he’s

Waiting he’s buying time until the prospects that we got from until like even like the prospects some of the ones that are here like Devon Levi I do think he’s like realistically can be our goalie of the future he’s not it right now it was unfair to expect him to

Be I don’t think that Kevin deserves like really any of the hate yeah um no I agree with you on most of the stuff when you’re in a rebuild you know you can’t expect guys to to come over here and sign free agent deals and be outstanding players are going to

Be coming over you’re going to be guys who are on the last legs of their career or guys are are trying to you know like you said a comy who’s a backup had a pretty solid season as a backup was trying to make his name as a a starter

You know that’s going to happen those type of players you’re going to have to sign those guys we to rebuild you’re just gonna have to take shots in the dark at some point so no I totally agree with your assessment on those you know Taylor Hall at the time too like that’s

The other thing it was a last gasp of a core that they’re trying to restart now if the coach was the problem there maybe probably most likely to be honest with you with Ralph Krueger yeah Ral krer was embarrassing yeah um so I mean it’s it’s

A lot of things but I also think there’s part of me too where I we’re still waiting on the prospects but you always can’t put all your eggs in the basket for the prospects too no you can’t but I don’t think you start really trying to like overbuild your

Team until those players are at least here until you get a real sense of like what they can and what they will be yeah I’m just worrying that we’re g to have a Perpetual door of you know we’re gonna we’re waiting for prospects to come in

We have prospects we have our core here that we’re try to get they get pushed out because the core that we have here is burn out and doesn’t want to play in here then we insert prospects here and then we do this again and again again until finally you’re just like when are

We going to have a solid team here at some point so that’s that that’s my main concern with that and where it’s just I’m sitting here two and I’m thinking of like well what is going to be the future captain of this team is that guy on this roster right now

Um I mean it’s I don’t know because if you have a guy that’s been sitting on a team that’s been losing forever do you want one of those guys to be a captain on your team does he have have the voice and does have veteran leadership to do that I

Don’t know but that’s another conversation that we could have at another time because we have a lot of inexperience on this team our coaching’s fast and experience as well as our teammates too so I just want to go to the chat real quick because we have some

People coming on here yeah um Tom first you always have to shout out Tom thanks for coming on so yeah too many goals getting let in top shelf UPL Wei need to train with nunchucks or something I mean that could definitely help maybe they could play with nunchucks if only you

We’re just a little taller yeah totally I mean 6’4 is a little short let me tell you 65 65 oh damn well that’s still too short maybe a little bit too tall um grats to tux baby so I mean few days old and Tux baby must have done something

Did they sign a contract with the Sabers NFL playoffs we got a couple weeks I see Josh Allen photo there um yeah let’s hope what’s up guys thanks for coming on lady Ryder hand pink waving I think that’s supposed to be an emoji um Tom levo is at the Sabers

Insight tonight funny dude very young what is do you know what Sab insights are I do not know I wonder if it’s like kind of like a round table panel like a meet or greet Tom let us know more about that so we have an idea John Paulo Keefe

We’ve been on a rebuild for like 20 years yeah more like yeah 13 years but it feels like 20 years feels like the thing is they are like I think Kevin’s rebuild is its own thing like yeah we have it in a rebuild but they have been different I think that’s maybe even

Sadder I I mean it’s yeah it’s a per like I said it’s a Perpetual door of re core rebuild core rebuild yeah hopefully you get this one to end um and uh NFL playoffs the Buffalo Sabres I think need a new coach I don’t enjoy watching the Sabers uh just seen Pittsburgh 51

Pittsburgh 5-1 last six games I mean I think there’s a lot of things going on with this team I know we had this there’s a few shows back where I went off on Granado then I went off on the team after that there’s a lot of

Things going on with this team which we can’t give a definitive answer now my statement is I don’t think ronado is going to get that gonna be the coach that pushes this team into the playoffs or into the Stanley Cup but I think right now he’s kind of the

Coach that you need to hopefully develop these players I know it doesn’t look good right now um but we’ll see I mean it’s just been a down year for everybody at this point um I don’t know if you have any else to add to that Sam yeah I think

Uh I think that I like I’ve been I’ve been contemplating my feelings about the coaching thing for a while I don’t think for the the team that is necessarily productive to fire the coach right now yeah but it might be like it’s it’s close right like it’s obviously we’re

We’re we’re all having these discussions like it’s it’s close the team’s not performing well yeah but it might be worthwhile to do it just for like the fans sake by saying like hey guys it’s not going well and we acknowledge that like that might just be worthwhile CU listen the the

Team as much as they try and not let it happen the outside voices get into the locker room oh yeah we know that we know that after the post right like they they know it yeah it maybe it lights a little spark under you like I think that’s the effect that

You see when you like fire a coach right and then they and then a team goes like on a winning streak like you it like to spark on you for sure that like hey guys we played so bad that like this guy got fired because of it that that’s a

Motivator I don’t know how sustainable it is eventually you know they all end up falling back into like I’m sure next year Pittsburgh if they aren’t doing well like they’ll be having these conversations like is it is it a coach do we need a new coach right like these you see how frequently

Like the NHL carousel’s coaches yeah like those uh wins winning streaks do not last that long we saw it with uh Vancouver recently boo Buro was their savior at the end of one year and then they started the next year and they didn’t have that same spark anymore and

They were still bad like so I don’t know his name’s been thrown around with the Sabers too I mean as possibly he would be a good fit for this team I I mean I’ve never been impressed with Bruce Buro yeah he can he’s he he’s kind of still a players

Coach I mean I don’t know the thing is like we mentioned in a couple last few shows ago is okay you fire Granado now who’s gonna be your head coach because you just sent Seth ater up here to be your head coach because you don’t I

Don’t know the whole system like oh we don’t want the assistants to be getting away from their meetings blah blah blah whatever I don’t know the truth is and all that stuff if you don’t trust your assistant or it’s whatever who knows um but I don’t think you’re gonna call

South upart to be your head coach so you’re gonna have to have someone in line that’s gon to be doing that and that guy’s not gonna be signing on for half a season right they’re going to be wanting a couple more years so you’re gonna have to have your ducks in a line

When you’re going to be firing a coach and then bringing in a new guy because he’s going to want to bring in his assistance and it’s just a whole new system and philosophy change in the middle of the season and that’s going to be you’re not going

To get any better with that to be totally honest exactly so again you might get that spark that helps like momentarily but at this point I don’t think that a short spark is gonna thrust Us in the playoffs and you look at like the teams this year who fire their coach

They didn’t really get that spark I mean the blues really they didn’t really do anything Ottawa really didn’t do anything it’s just it’s it’s just an overall I want to say it’s a bad team in the sense of the season the team has a lot of skill but the potential is gone and

The motivation is gone right now for the season it’s already a Lost season it sucks that happened through halfway through the year um yeah so yeah and then yeah pits Pittsburgh just went five and one in the last six games I mean how how sustainable that’s going to

Be for the Penguins I don’t know um they an old team that’s the biggest question mark is you know what what did leang have he had five points in five games right as a defenseman or what what was or five points in one game right was that big thing that happened recently he

Did something crazy I mean I don’t know I don’t I don’t watch I yeah me either I just see I saw this um stats recently I mean he’s it’s it’s not sustainable I don’t think Pittsburgh Penguins are going to be sustainable and they think get into the playoffs they’re not making

The cup they’re not going to be competitive I know you got Sydney Crosby and I know you got Malin malin’s shown his age and then you know you have gensel who might be your third best offensive weapon on there and then you well maybe Carlson might be your third

Or maybe be might be your best um so I mean I’m not really I mean I don’t know Pittsburgh it they’re just like an anonym right now you have a lot of good former players I don’t know I don’t think it’s sustainable I really don’t see that team being competitive in the

Playoffs um and had a couple more comments uh Tom says a Q&A with uh two Sabers and and Duffy all right um I don’t know if that’s on YouTube or where to catch that I’ll have to check that out next time let me know Tom where I

Can find that and then NFL playoffs says did Dominic hasik ever have a son L we need him we need a defense and a goalie um I don’t know about that with [Laughter] um uh Dominic hasik but I think both mentioned you know Levi has a bright

Future with him he’s proven himself at all levels so far so I’m not too worried about the goalie situation like I was last year yeah again we’re talking about the future though like yeah it’s for this year like yeah we don’t our our goalies are Lucan and Levi this year

Yeah settle up and the biggest thing with this team this year and I’ve mentioned it before I just don’t want the losing to affect them too much I mean right I feel like Levi has a strong head on um I think if UPL still keeps on

Having like a solid SE like continues a solid season like he started off with last year then he shouldn’t have anything to look down upon either like they’re two solid goenda um but at the moment it’s just the team overall just looks bad I don’t

Know what else to talk to say to people at this point it’s it’s tough and then yeah uh John Paulo Keefe it’s tough being a small Market team in any League Of Fortune yeah um we talked about this last week you know the big thing with the Sabers

Is you’ve gone through a lot of years of losing fan attendance is down you know I’m sure the poulas aren’t making a lot of profits off this team like they’re expecting and I know someone mentioned I think it was Paul Hamilton on wgr mentioned and kind of why I brought it

Up too with like the AHL dollars is b roll is fired because he had a lot of NHL contracts on the AHL team too which which made it seem interesting that you know the same Situation’s going on here so like you said you know these guys

Were stabs in the dark I mean I don’t know how Bryson got his contract he was just arbitration signing right I think yeah I think he was an arbitration signing yeah um yo it was just another guy you like you mentioned claim like and like he didn’t

Have a bad season with the Sabers last year but he’s also not the guy that you want play in one seed that you had on the last game with him the team um and then um yeah Stillman another shot in the dark you know see what happens so

No overall yeah I know a lot of I mean the biggest thing is fans that we have to realize and I always tell myself it’s not my money I can’t worry about the contracts too much it’s just the commitment and the investment that we have to all those veteran

Teams and then uh John Paul Keef maybe we need better scouting I don’t know longest playoff drop in all sports sucks uh yeah um again you’re were talking about the pro scouting seems to be an issue for us as we keep picking up and that and that’s the thing you mentioned we’re in

A rebuild not many good veteran players want to go on a team that’s rebuilding unless huge dollars that brings up the small Market thing as well like yeah yeah you’re in Buffalo too the biggest thing to get these players in here is going to have um

Winning and not being in the middle yeah not having to build so that’s tough it’s it’s overall losing losing makes everything tough we saw with the Buffalo Bills and we’re seeing it right now with the Sab Bridge with stinks but like you mentioned you know we have a lot of

Skilled you know prospects that you know they’re going to have a bright future with us so I mean we’re gonna transition into that real quick because I mean the world juniors are going on so you want to see some positive with the Sabers right now um I definitely be checking

Out the world juniors um so we have four guys that in there right now um Yuri Kulik he is actually the captain of Team CIA and he has four goals four assists eight points I mean it’s kind of on par with him right now and CIA actually beat

Canada today in the world juniors I think yep did Canada get knocked out then yep can is the quarterfinals so Canada is out of the tournament yeah so they’re gone USA is actually the favorite this year I believe yeah I believe they were yeah um another prospect that you mentioned earlier too

No Olen two goals five assists seven points and I’m pretty sure he’s one C on the team too he’s playing he’s one C with Anton wallberg on his wing and let me just say like the the scoring stats are great it’s great that he’s putting up points yeah watch him play yeah it’s

Awesome he is so mindful of just the ice and the people around him and he is just great at uh like keeping up a high motor which I didn’t really expect was going to be his game he skates really smoothly it feels like he’s never really out of

Position he is probably the prospect that has looked the best in this tournament for us yeah no I agree and it’s almost surprising was he so yeah he was in the middle between uh Kik and soy it’s kind of surprising because I think he had the most question marks out of

Both those guys he got drafted so and then he went and played more in uh Sweden so like we I think we tried to bring him over this year to be a Rochester American and he like chose to stay in Sweden for another year but hey

Cl’s doing well though so it’s nice to we gota make sure that we bring him over next year that’s for sure um then we have Maxim straic he’s playing for Slovak he’s a defenseman so he has one goal six assist seven points no is he a

Defenseman I think he he is no he’s so I can’t remember now I mess no Max is Def seven points and he’s playing for Michigan State right now I haven’t checked out his Michigan State um um stats right now but he’s having pretty solid you know World Juniors as

Well I mean seven points defens that’s a lot and he’s kind of of the uh of the five players that we sent over to the World Juniors stuk is the um he has the highest overall game scores on average so he’s he’s doing pretty well for himself and that’s

Compared to Noah Oland who’s been great like Kik wallberg who like Kik and wallberg we had higher expectations for and I think uh seavoy has been injured yeah I mean that brings up the the injury question on him again I believe it’s another it’s an they classified as

Upper body but I pretty sure I heard someone say it’s a shoulder thing again as well so I wonder if it’s just like if it ended up so beyond broken that it’s never gonna be right again and if so that would just suck like what what are

You gonna do about a freak accident like that but I hope that’s not the case for him but yeah yeah there is there is a question about the injuries and also you kind of see some people passing him I guess is the word in our Prospect rankings like the year

Before we weren’t sure whether Rosine was ever going to really be an NHL player and now it seemed more and more like he might be the next guy up you see Kulik like he was drafted at the end of the first in that same draft and he’s

Clearly Now like a more favorable in a more favorable spot with the Sabers you see no osland like he’s doing very well in this tournament Zack Benson gets drafted this year and he’s already on the roster yeah maybe you try and see like hey maybe Savoy has

Value if he can be sent somewhere else because eventually you will have to make choices about all of these guys like they are not all gonna be able to stay yeah and if it’s looking early like hey this guy might have injury problems this guy might not or this guy’s already

Falling in the pecking order even without the injuries like maybe maybe that’s one of the guys that we look to move out and that’s what I was thinking too is I think he might be a trade candidate just because he still has a lot of high he has a high ceiling still

Um but I just don’t think he’s going to be he’s like you mentioned passed by a lot of guys I just don’t feel like it almost seems like the coaching staff’s not even really like a big fan of him as well I mean uh yeah aert said um

Mentioned something about him when he was playing the AHL last year during the playoffs and then you know you just saw how much ice time he got up in the sabers this year too and got set down literally the next day yeah um I I I

Just think his style of play um and for his size too and his injuries I don’t think the Sabers are really in love with the guy anymore especially when you got Benson who overall Benson on that team was the best player and some people say Benson actually made Matt seavoy a first

Round pick possibly um I think that there is Merit to Matt seavo drafting I was at the um the prospects tournament yeah and I was at uh yeah that was the prospects or maybe it was like the inter or like the between those weird on the blue and gold

Scrimmage and like matoy was the best player on the ice I remember hearing that yeah that included Benson that included Anton wallberg that included sturb I believe so there there were some I I think they had Kulik and Rose or no they didn’t go because they were from they

Were coming from uh the playoff run so they didn’t get put into that tournament but there were there were still a lot of like real prospects good prospects we had some of the rushing guys around yeah and it was seavoy was clearly the best player yeah I actually didn’t pull up

The stats on Antoine Wahlberg um did you do you have him he’s been all right I don’t know his like uh exact goals or like assists but I just know like the The General consensus that he’s been okay from people watched yeah that’s kind of what I’ve read too and I think

Overall I mean he’s kind of more of like a power forward style player too he’s not going with the skill so I don’t that can that can mesh weirdly in juniors where like there’s a lot of like skilled players that end up on those teams so yeah so maybe the power forward

Just kind of is a weird mismatch but yeah well it’s good to see him and Olen on the same line too I mean yeah help develop chemistry definitely yeah I guess the one thing that’s just a bummer about the world juniors is that you know we don’t get to see our Russian guys

Play at all I mean there’s a lot of guys out there that you know right they’re we have some High um end skill guys and we have novakov is like he’s killing it down in Rochester right now would have been awesome to see those guys out in

The ice so I guess that’s the one downside that we have we don’t get to see those guys just because the Sabers have been having a propensity to draft more Russians in the past couple years to take that risk on them so yeah yeah um yeah um that’s pretty much all I had

For like the world juniors um I don’t know if there’s any other news that you had stick out to you at all I think that’s a good World Juniors update you know it’s yeah let letting everyone know how uh how our players are doing and John Paulo Keef is thankful for that

Yeah and I I don’t know it’s I the cheu you made it to the quarter or made made it through the quarterfinals to beat Canada that’s for for people who actually care about World Juniors that’s that’s cool and interesting yeah but I beyond that I think it’s I think it’s playing out

About how how you’d expect yeah no and it’s kind of funny that you see Canada go out just because you know you still you see the top prospect of next year mlin celebrini is on the team right now yeah he actually wasn’t too much of a standout in the world juniors to be

Honest with you I thought he I thought he played well I thought he play well in what I saw I think um I think Bard ruined it for all top prospects at this point right like Bard Bard was kind of yeah he’s he’s kind of crazy but yeah yeah I

Like besides that yeah the final remaining teams are Sweden and czechia and they’ll be playing each other and then USA and Finland so it is like it’s kind of exactly what you’d think given that Canada is out right like obviously it would be yeah Canada and Sweden we

Think would be playing each other but um yeah so would be interesting definitely take a look out for those games I mean watch the highlights guys you know they yeah they have like the compressed games they’re like four minutes on YouTube unless it’s the Canada games because you know they they

Make those a little longer they give you like 10 minutes of highlights from the Canada games yeah but yeah definitely um like Sam mentioned watch Olen play I mean the way guy plays is just amazing and it’s exciting to see this guy in in in the tal pool right now and see what

We can do in the future um Tom says bring back Malcolm suban um I’ve heard him say this a couple of times Tom listen he’s The Vibes coordinator he’ll sing your anthem for you he’s great to have around the locker room if you need to send him down

To the AHL he’s been in the a for a while so it’s not a big deal yeah he can’t hurt the locker room yeah I mean can you make him like your permanent you know anthem singer and you know yeah you can inter that’s kind of what we did

With Craig he’s a hockey liaison now is suban too young to do a hockey liaison role yet I don’t know I don’t know what a hockey liaison does I’m pretty sure they just have Craig like putts around the locker room with the boys and that’s what the that’s what his official job is

But they had to give him a title that didn’t that wasn’t uh hockey puts her but like yeah yeah we I mean hey just you know he slaps up the boys and just tells them hey tough one out there get them next time that’s what I would say

Every single time and they just go goes back and gets the free meals at the nutrition bar um and then yeah NFL playoffs I feel the Buffalo Bills will win Super Bowls soon um just hope they beat the Dolphins and make the playoffs yeah I think everyone in Buffalo is

Hoping that the save or the bills um can definitely win next week and get into the playoffs and eventually Super Bowl I mean you have Josh Allen you should be able to use that talent but the Sabers I thought would make a step forward this year I thought they’ make playoffs

Anyway yeah I think a lot of us felt that way uh we talked about it earlier in the show it stinks again that’s why it hurts we all thought it’s the combination of them having that hope up for the Sabers and then it’s just I think the other thing like we mentioned

It’s it’s just frustrating that they’re not really showing the effort really any more and it’s just tough watching overall um and then yeah uh John Paul Keef yeah definitely check out the world junior highlights I mean watching Olen play is just it’s kind of refreshing because I don’t think we’ve seen many

Much of him no yeah he’s like you see you see the like Kulik and rosan highlights because they’re in the AHL you never really see the European guys when they’re playing out there yeah so it’s exciting definitely check them out I mean Prospect the sabr have a great

Future I mean if these guys can all pan out that’s gonna be an awesome it’s they’re going to have a very high skill team the thing is they also don’t even need them all to pan out like that’s that is how how like Rich our Prospect pool is right

Now and that’s that’s why like you can have the conversations about like yeah okay I’m okay letting go of seavoy at the moment like that’s crazy to say that I think last year people were flipping out like no we can’t trade seavoy and it’s like okay maybe we can get rid of

Seavo this year yeah I mean I hope he gets healthy and I hope he has a good season too yeah whether he stays in the sabers um system or not I mean you know you just always want the best for these guys um so yeah uh getting out of the

Prospects real quick I guess we’ll just kind of go over what our next couple of games are going to be I don’t know if you I didn’t set any three stars for this week I mean there’s no one really want to give three stars to I’ll just

Give the three stars to the fans that I have to offer um for going through all this I will give give one of the Stars to Lucan because he played one game and we won that game okay so and he had a 900 save percentage that’s that’s equal

To or above 900 that’s all it’s all he could ask for all right looking in the fans you you each get a star there you go um yeah and then just coming up for this next week uh so Thursday we play Montreal um Saturday we play Pittsburgh

Both of those games are away and then next Tuesday we play the Kraken at home um are you going to that game Sam I’m going to the Pittsburgh one I think so I don’t think I’ll be at the Kraken one you’re going down to Pittsburgh oh is that in Pittsburgh oh

Never mind yeah I thought I had tickets to a Pittsburgh one maybe maybe it’s very late in the season okay either way I don’t I don’t think I’m at the Kraken one but all right any expectations for the team these next three games you know instead of doing expectations for the

Team I think it would be fun to do New Year’s resolution for the team all right yeah also Mike says we should get the extra stars for the week and you know what I agree we watched these games that gives us a star yeah I agree with that I

Mean I’ll take that star and I’m gonna hold it close to my heart right now as you should all right you very much earned it so you got some New Year’s resolutions for the team right now Sam yeah so my my first New Year’s resolution that I think that we should

Strive to do is go on any uh win streak the Sabers after a win this season are one nine and four I I’ve heard this yeah that’s terrible that’s almost a guarantee that if you won your last game that it’s going to be a loss or overtime loss

We’ve won one of 14 games after a win that’s embarrassing that is part of the reason why this team can’t do anything because there is there’s been no momentum anytime we get a win it’s followed immediately by a loss you can’t like like there’s nothing to build on there’s

No there’s no win streak there’s no momentum so get it get at least get at least one more win streak before the end of the season I’d appreciate that you know you guys won two once that was crazy I’m so proud of you guys but you you went on a three- game point

Streak once using one of those overtime losses so proud of them either way get get some uh get some get some point streaks going yeah NFL playoffs says win five we need five wins in a row if we if we win five in a row then we’re you know

I think we’re if we win five in a row we’re above NHL 500 again so we do have coming up Ottawa again next Thursday yeah but they just stomped us I know I’m trying to look for something this month Vancouver after that San Jose after that and then Chicago so we could well

Vancouver is gonna beat us shoot um so we have S we can go on a two game streak between San Jose Sharks and Chicago because those are both at home okay but like don’t jinx it I mean there there’s not too much jinkx at this point um then

After the week after that we have Anaheim LA Kings and San Jose Shark we go on our West Coast trip um for three games all right I mean we can have a two game win streak that’s something that’s that’s two we love we it’s the classic chant one we want two

Yeah just in terms of games uh yeah just just just win win win some games yeah um I would say like a second uh resolution that I’d like to see this year oh the the next by the way the next game I have is the 11th so yeah I’m not Ottawa okay yeah

Ottawa cool another resolution I’d like to see this year is just like for the rest of the year again broken record here play with inspiration this franchise should matter to you guys go out on the ice and show it all year you don’t even have to win the

Games you have to at least win two in a row but like you don’t have to after that you don’t have to win the games just like you know more play more inspired play with more energy play like you care that’s that’s the theme of this whole season

Just play like you care and that’s what I’m going to carry into this New Year hopefully New Year new Team all right no you got you got any uh wishes for the upcoming year I mean you said exactly your last point is exactly what I thought just play like

You freaking care I mean what are we doing out here you’re playing in an NHL there’s so many of us out there I’m sure you and I would love to be playing in NHL right now play it like you love playing hockey play like you freaking

Care have pride for the team that you’re playing for and then don’t give an Fu to the fans don’t play Fu hockey to the fans play Fu hockey to the rest of the league I mean just show like you care about hockey that you care about winning

That you’re just not going through the motions I mean yes I know you’re a bunch of teenagers I’m sure you have a bunch of horor modes okay but still play like you care at this point I know we have the 12year drought it’s not on you guys but you should take a little

Bit of ownership to kind of help that power you forward because right now people are even questioning if the Sabers are like a serious hockey team and it’s just upsetting because the sabes are serious hockey team because you have a serious fan base behind you

You have a fan base who is ready for the playoffs and ready for you to win you saw that towards the end of last year you saw that back in ‘ 05 and ‘ 06 you saw that when you’re making the playoffs consistently you have those fans you

Just have to wake them back up and play like you care but it’s hard I mean you have’t shown it that this year I don’t know what it’s going to take I know John py playing like the care really comes down to coaching I feel I mean it comes down to

A lot of things I mean yeah it’s hard to play it’s hard to listen to Don Granado because he does say the same thing after every game and he’s kind of monotone so he doesn’t isn’t really a RI R go go guy so yeah I mean it he takes a lot of heat

But just the players rally around yourselves you say you guys are all friends but sometimes when scrums happen you’re not acting like you’re fighting for each other show that you care about each other show that you care about your coaching staff play like you’re playing for Granado every game

Darene and play for your fans because at this point it’s just getting it’s I don’t care like Sam mentioned and I mentioned I don’t care if you lose anymore the playoffs aren’t even a hope this season but if you’re gonna go down go down fighting and that’s all I ask

For show that you really do care and you have some pry and that’s really all I have to say that’s the really the only one resolution I have for this team for the rest of the season well we got some uh resolutions from chat NFL playoffs would like playoffs fitting for your

Name uh show some heart and also from him hit that subscribe button and smash the like button totally free that’s also one of my New Year’s resolutions it would be totally awesome if you guys did that yeah but yeah um and then NFL playoff unfortunately 13 is unlucky Sab 13

Season not making the playoffs prove me wrong I mean yeah I mean that I think we agreed two weeks ago that this is not a playoff hockey team so um I mean there’s going to be I think there should be some shakeups in the roster come trade deadline you’re

Going to see some guys leaving which is going to be a good thing or bad thing um depending on what players are going to be um so I mean that’s kind of and sadly that’s kind of what we’re looking forward to is like the trade deadline

And you know yeah seeing kind of what pick we’re going to get at this point because you know it sucks I don’t want to be here you have any uh early predictions for trade deadline like who who we lose at the trade deadline I almost feeling like middle

Stat is definitely gone at this point one year left and it’s not on the player it’s yeah it’s just the position age yeah position oh I just mean like like the age and the contract like age contract and I also I think the Sabers too they have a lot of centers in the

System as well I mean they this guy anywhere so I think he’s definitely gone um Eric Johnson might be gone too maybe they trade him to a contender he’ll probably play sth D somewhere else and then um I think could they CH still trade Olson maybe is there gonna be a I kind

Of forgot he was here I thought about that I was gonna ask you earlier I’m like did he play at all these past three games I don’t think he has yeah so I could see him that’s tough though what you can you can trade him for something like a very low

Pick I guess I don’t know yeah um I mean doesn’t matter at that point like if if you can get something for him why not yeah exactly but besides that I mean your top two lines are basically set and even like your third line between Greenway and Benson those guys are going

To be on the team you could ship out like Genson is like the only last person I could possibly conceive moving yeah I mean that kind of makes sense too I mean you’ve been on the team for too long buddy go win somewhere else yeah please

For your own good do something like in this league yeah exactly we we all feel bad at this point yeah like we we we thought we’d be able to like bring you to the playoffs but at this point I think I think you’re better off doing it on your

Own yeah I mean I feel bad for the guys he’s he went through the freaking tank yeah um so no um that’s kind of like my predictions um and then yeah I don’t know but my other end of the year POS my other prediction is at the end of the

Season I just don’t see Granado being on this team anymore I don’t know if this keeps on going the way it does I just don’t think Donnie’s gonna be making it at this point sadly so that’ll be interesting to see for sure yeah so all right I think we’re gonna wrap up the

Show here uh but I want to uh thank everyone for coming out and watching the show and be participating in the chat too uh we got some new people John Paulo NFL playoffs I believe we had Lady Rider too so if you’re not subscribed to Nickel City mafia please hit the

Subscribe button it’s free you even can take the notifications off as well if you don’t like the DS but definitely put a notification on so when the shows do pop up we talk about hockey and we talk about football as well so yeah oh all right um yeah but yeah like And

Subscribe leave some comments too on the show as well I’m sorry I’m reacting to this last comment uh oh yeah the the the waffle yeah um yeah for sure congrats on that one there’s no Waffle House in the state of Maine there’s no Waffle House in the

State of New Hampshire how far do you have to go for a waffle house I’m G check that right real quick let’s do that outline well he’s well yeah while you’re checking that I’ll just read the incoming comments NFL playoffs L it’s the 104th NFL season the bills won one

And lost four Super Bowl or wait if the bills won one and lost four in Super Bowls long shot we’ll see you again yep let’s hope let’s hope this is the year the Bills got this this year I believe good show guys let’s go Buffalo thank you so much for tuning in John

Paulo Keefe now Timmy do you know how close your nearest Waffle House is before we wrap this up because this is important they need to they need to know where you’re streaming your next show from I mean I’m I’m not in in Massachusetts doesn’t even have a waffle

House we got to pick somewhere else I don’t I can’t go to Waffle House yeah I mean the Northeast even towards like New York City there’s no Waffle House yeah I’m you’re making your way down south I’m pretty sure Buffalo only has yeah so um it’s gonna have to

Be an off seon show when I’m down so I I I’ll do it maybe after the draft because I don’t have any plans I’m leaving for vacation anytime soon so maybe I may you guys Mike you’re just gonna have to keep on top of me um I don’t find a

Waffle house like I said the food is decent but uh oh 24-hour live stream of me driving down to find a waffle house I mean that’s enough punishment in itself who’s gonna be paying my gas bills for that huh all right we’re gonna have

To set up a patreon for my gas bills to try to find Waffle House go fund me to get you to a Waffle House all right well like I said I appreciate everyone for coming on I’m gonna try next show I’ll actually see what the closest Waffle House is Google

Google Maps hadn’t showed anything in the next oh that’s crazy five joining States um so I’m gonna try to find one and then we’ll talk about that and hopefully we will talk about a Sabers win wins wins win yeah I mean we hopefully by then we’ll be watching the

Sabers beat the crack into to that’s right so yeah um and then yeah when the Savers get hot on your channel we’ll grow keep up the good work I appreciate NFL playoffs um thanks for um Coming on we’ll be on here next week uh Tuesday at

8:30 so yeah um thanks for coming on everybody have a good night

The Buffalo Sabres continue to struggle and continue to regress. No consistancy with this team and something seems completely off.

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  1. Timmy! A little shave there ehh! Looking good boys. Cannot figure this team out and it just makes no sense!

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