@Toronto Maple Leafs

I know this page is a joke but is everyone okay over at editor in leaf?

Should we fire Keefe or are we lucky for Jones? This page has some of the worst takes on hockey I have ever read. How is this page considered legitimate hockey news?

by HostNorth240


  1. Rare-Temporary7602

    Can we stop posting about EIL and their clickbait garbage kthx.

  2. Thats the whole point of their content. Just throw outragious headlines out there to generate clicks.

    You sharing this validated it.

  3. UrWifesSoftPecker

    Your mistake is considering it legitimate news.

  4. Turbo_911

    Hilarious. These same stories were pushed to my Google feed earlier and I was going to post about it too. Absolute cringeworthy articles.

  5. Svalbard38

    > How is this page considered legitimate hockey news?

    By who?

  6. MarketingOwn3547

    Is Ridgewell the new James Tanner? I stopped reading their garbage, literally years ago. Don’t fall into the trap, laugh at their headlines and move on.

  7. Keep in mind that literally any fan can make a website, “write” an “article” about any team, player, or staff member, post it on their own website or some forum, then call themselves a hockey writer.

    In fact, Editor in leaf is hosted on FanSided, a massive network of over 300 sites, mostly sports newsletters. FanSided literally started because two brothers, who were Kansas City Chiefs fans, wanted to publish their own takes on the team, so they created their own blog about the team, which then expanded to other teams/sports and became the network known as FanSided.

    The whole point of FanSided is actually to be as biased as possible. The creators of the network said that they named the site after sports fans nature of being one-sided, or “FanSided”.

    “I think the reason we had success was because, compared to other media outlets who were unbiased and objective, we decided that we were going to represent the fans from that point of view.” ~Adam Best, Co-founder of “FanSided”

    If you ever see an article or blog hosted on FanSided, take it with a grain of salt.

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