@Florida Panthers

Gustav Forsling vs Jason Zucker Jan 01, 2024

Gustav Forsling vs Jason Zucker from the Florida Panthers at Arizona Coyotes game on Jan 2, 2024. via


  1. the flop from cousins here is crazy. Goes from dead on the ice to skating off on his own power in 3 seconds. undercover scumbag is starting to become less undercover

  2. Both cousins and forsling need a game each min. Cousins for the illegal check to the head of a guy wearing a full visor and forsling for the check from behind.

  3. Looks good on Cousins, cheap shot artist! You play with fire you get burnt, Cousey boy. Cousins is a dirty player, along with his buddy's Chucky boy and Bennett.

  4. 2:07 when you call 82 Panthers’ games a season, these Homers would definitely know what premeditated intent to injure looks like.

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