@Vancouver Canucks

Gauthier makes a comment in the handshake line Lekkermaki doesn’t like

What do you think was said?

by Markiv19


  1. ProtectionFromStupid

    Going to Vancouver, this was probably your last chance to win a championship

  2. SuperSwaiyen

    Elias Pettersson isnt as good as Elias Pettersson.

  3. kneejerk_nuck

    We should probably send threats to his social media accounts now. Don’t mess with our Swedes.

  4. NotaRussianChabot

    Yeah, in times like this I tend to side with the guy not named “Cutter”

  5. I_Am_Kevin_Federline

    How the hell are Tiktok links allowed?

  6. _CoconutsGo

    TBH Gautheir kinda looks like an insecure sore winning bitch here

  7. metrichustle

    “Great game, Lek! You’re going to be a star in the NHL.”
    “Sorry, didn’t hear the last part”
    “Star in the NHL”
    “Oh thanks. Good luck with Torts”

  8. johnnyzunami

    Happy for team USA but this team just came across to me as a bunch of frat bro douches with 0 class.

  9. postredditdisorder

    Did the team dress code say you had to wear your cap backwards?

  10. CulturalLevel3189

    Was this before or after Lekkerimaki won MVP? If it’s after, Gauthier is definitely salty about getting snubbed. It could’ve gone to either of them, but in my opinion Lekkerimaki deserved it way more. He, more or less, Carried Sweden to the finals. Gauthier played great, but he didn’t carry his team. Its most valuable player, not most points.

  11. Whitetailer6

    As a Canucks fan I love to see our draft pick take no bullshit. Super excited to watch this young man develop.

  12. waitout_over

    Y’all never stirred up some shit in the handshake, that was (and still is sometimes) my favourite part of the game. But I was born a mission farm kid.

  13. starrynova888

    Lekki will be a star. Maybe even future captain.

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