@Ottawa Senators

Claude Giroux Big Hit on Sidney Crosby (Pens/Flyers Game 6)

Giroux lays out Crosby in the beginning of Game 6!

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  1. @Sambuca6178 yeah man good one you really told us. Sorry for rooting for my team on a good play and we beat a rival. Yeah we shouldn't celebrate prolly should just not watch sports anymore….you sir are a moron, go cry somewhere else

  2. Difference between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia…

    Six years after winning their last cup the Pittsburgh fans stop going to the games and nearly bankrupt a team to relocate.

    Philadelphia hasn't won a cup in over thirty years and never once had a bankruptcy or relocation issue.

    Bottom line Pittsburgh fans are fair weathered. When their team is down they're nowhere to be found. End of story.

  3. if thats a cheap shot james neal is getting life. aaron ashram lethal injection….

    congratulations for further proving pittsburgh and the people/thoughts/words that come out of the city are slowing down progression of the human race..

  4. Philadelphia has zero history in sports? How about when the Flyers won the cup, the Phillies won the World Series, and even the Sixers with Doctor J, grow up and move out of your moms basement please.

  5. Yeah because were better then shitsburgh on all your teams you have crybabys philly has the best players in the sports on our team we have the best hockey player in the world today and you guys are just mad because we been better then u for while now so come talk to us when u think your better

  6. oilers fans top the list for best fans, no matter where they are in the standing, its still a sold out arena

  7. seeing how Giroux had his shoulder down and he didnt charge or jump up into the hit i would say that youre a moron who knows nothing of hockey and this my friend is a textbook example of a clean hit,something your team knows nothing about.

  8. But youre still a wannabe hockey fan,maybe thats why Pitt fans try soooo hard,sorta like this post,you are digging too deep moron.Devild may have beat us,but….Once again my shameful little Penguins fan,WHO sent your team home…Gee I wonder who it couldve been???…Oh Thats right…The Philadelphia Flyers,that team you say sucks….smh,lmao..

  9. Ive been to Pittsburgh my friend,you guys arent far off from being ghetto your damn saelves.As a matter of fact you more than likely dont live in the city you probably live north like somewhere in Slippery Rock or something in Mercer.Every post I have read from you sounds idiotic.Dont post anymore your town and team have suffered enough,ok?

  10. Funny you say that when in a 1992 game in Philadelphia when Mario Lemieux returned to the ice after going through radiation treatment, the crowd gave him a standing ovation out of their respect for him. My advice to you, make sure you know what you're talking about before you start talking out of your ass.

  11. Guy uses the grammar angle to insult someone, yet he can't spell Philadelphia correctly. 😀 Bwahahaha is not a word btw, at least in the English language. See ya next year because we won't be having a season this year.

  12. Did he take strides into him? No. He took a couple strides then glided into the check. Learn something about the sport.

  13. This explains why the fans will disappear again when the Shittsberg Penguins stop winning as they always do. Face it, they are all front runners, when the team is playing well, they are all there, when they are swept because they again are over rated they are no where to be found…

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