@Boston Bruins

F18/Tornado Crew Positions for MAXIMUM efficiency⛵️Q+A Live Catamaran Sailing

F18/Tornado Crew Positions for MAXIMUM efficiency⛵️Q+A Live Catamaran Sailing

Hello yes that’s right it’s Joe here live for Joy Rider TV with some more very interesting live Q Anda oh yes and as we’ve been doing previous weeks I’m just going to launch in to the main featured topic uh the opening Topic in today’s round of Q&A which is

F18 crew positions for Optimal Performance uh this will be applicable to um tornado sailing F16 sailing or anything else that is similar like if you sell a Prindle 19 for example this will be similar so we’re just going to launch straight in and then after we’ve gone

Through this then I’ll check in with everybody who’s checking in as we often do thanks for tuning in by the way oh yes all right so here I’ve um I’ve been prepared and I’ve drawn two top down boat kind of um pictures so if we start off um this

Is the one that’s going up wind as we know the wind always comes from the top um yeah so if we start off by looking at sailing up wind in light winds and we just um by the way this is in response to a question from oh how do I pronounce that

Pim mat who sails an F18 in Ria Formosa uh he’s just started with the F-18 and is not quite getting the hang of where to position uh the uh the team on the boat so in light winds so when there’s not much risk of lifting the hole that sort of wind condition right

Down to pretty much no wind at all we’re going to be in the same sort of position and that is crew is going to be positioned just forwards of the Cross Beam on the Winward side and the helm is going to be just behind so

Uh back in the olden days it was um I did it myself quite a lot um it was pretty common to send the crew down to the lewood side um in light winds and get them right far forwards as well and um it’s been proven that this isn’t

Effective on the race course because by sending the crew to the leard side and getting them far forward you’re losing some of your um leeway prevention leeway prevention and some of your lift even though in light winds you’re not getting much lift but firstly we want to keep

The boat flat at all times so that we’re getting um the right shape of the hull in the water we don’t want to be wheelbarrowing bows down that’s not how the hle was designed to be sailed and also by going bows down you’re lifting a

Lot of the rud blade out of the water and losing all the performance that you could be getting from driving off the rudder blade as well um so the boat is designed to be flat like this so in um an F18 or a tornado or similar this is

The position for up wind right up to the point when you’re going to start trapezing so as the wind increases and the hull starts lifting occasionally then from this position apologies for those of you by the way who’ve heard all this before but I think it’s worth going

Over again um yeah when there’s a gust hole starts to lift um if the hole lifts reasonably consistently then if we go on to phase two and the crew will change color Helm will stay where he is and the crew from there can go out onto the trapeze and

Then once the crew is on the trapeze it’s very easy for the crew to move up and down the boat forwards and backwards again we’re just trying to keep the boat really flat so really sort of parallel with the Horizon so if you feel that the

Bows are a little bit down because all f18s are slightly different in where the volume is positioned in the hull so if you’re on a boat which has the volume perhaps further forwards then the crew will be able to go further forwards whereas on the boats where the volume is

Um centralized further back then the crew will have to come further back otherwise you’re just going to be driving in too much bow um so the crew just needs to keep their eye on what is level and move forwards and backwards to adjust accordingly if we’re sailing a boat um which

Has like Hobie tiger shaped bow profile then we just want to a good gauge is just to have that curved part of the bow just in the water there if we’re sailing a boat which has the more modern shape of bow like this um bad picture sorry about that we just want to

Try to keep just the tip of the bow just in the water especially in these lighter winds because that’s going to cut through better and prevent slapping if you’re if you don’t have the tip of the bow in the water on the modern flat bottomed shaped f18s in light winds then

The boat is going to slap like it’s going to get lifted up by any bits of chop because we’re not cutting through as we should do and then so we’ve got um very light winds as we start to lift the hole crew can go out onto the trapeze

And then once there is enough wind to keep um one person out on the tra consistently then it’s the turn of the helm to get out on the trapeze so the crew can move back in um if necessary and the helm can go out onto the trapeze and again we’re

Moving forwards and backwards to keep that bow in The Sweet Spot to keep the boat totally level so once we get to an amount of wind where we can double trapeze if we’re able to double trape and keep the hole lifted then we want to be focusing our combined Helm and

Crew right on top of the dagger boards so if we’re getting cons if we’re consistently lifting the hole then Helman crew right over the top of the dagger board that means we’re going to be applying the maximum amount of pressure to the dagger boards from our

Crew weight and that is going to really help to drive the boat up wind now um something that I’m not very good at being disciplined with but um you shouldn’t get out on the trapas and with these types of boat until you’re lifting the hull with all these types of boats

Once the hull is lifting the performance really um increases a lot so if you go out on the trape because you love to Trapeze and what it means is the both holes are uh completely in the water you you’re going to lose performance so if you’re not able to fly

The hull then get back onto the boat and just be ready to get out so then it should be the crew who is ready to get out on the trapeze if there is not enough wind to sustain one person out there hole out of the water consistently so there we go and then

Once we get to a very good amount of wind let’s call it where um you’re depowering the boat pulling on the down hall perhaps you pulled the mass rotation on as well like we talked about last week or was it the week before then we gonna move back a bit

More so where the helm was this becomes the crew and the helm is just going to be a bit further back from there so you could if you had to put a a um a way point a um a descriptive mark on where the crew should be I would say front

Foot in the middle of the dagger board uh would be a good spot and then the helm directly behind now with when whenever you’re sailing it doesn’t matter if you’re trapezing or not uh whatever type of boat you’re on in a four and AR plane you always want to

Keep the helm and the crew as close together as possible like this they there these are legs by the way so if you’re far apart like this it’s very inefficient because not only have you got two lumps of person uh on the boat which the wind has got to get around if

You’ve got all your people together that’s only one lump for the wind to go around less windage but the other thing is if you’re further apart you’re going to get this seaing action and the boat is not going to be particularly stable so there we go so that is the

Story of the upwind crew positions if we now look at the downwind crew positions so in really light winds we are going to put the crew on the lewood side just forwards again of the front beam and um just making sure that there’s no chance that the crew is going

To fall off the boat I think that’s important um a good position um yeah is just forwards of the front beam or if necessary just slightly behind but that is really in very light winds if um if the if there’s enough wind to lift the hole in the gusts then

The crew definitely wants to be behind the front Cross Beam um going downwind uh you’ll also find that being forwards of the Cross Beam it’s quite difficult to play the spa from that position because the boat generally isn’t laid out very well for um trimming the Spiner

From that far forwards whereas when you get behind the Cross Beam you’ve generally got a block like here which really wants the sheet to be pulled from behind and that is much easier there we go um and then the helm again we want to be as close for and after as possible um

Together so um now the crew does the helm doesn’t want to go quite as far forwards um because we still need to have the ability to steer the further forwards you go the less this angle is going to get between your tiller connecting bar and the tiller extension so if you think as

You come back the angle is going to be like that very easy positive steering as you go further forwards the steering is going to become a lot less easy let’s call it because of this angle so um the furthest forwards that you’re going to want to go is to

About the front beam just so that you have got the ability to steer and then in the really really light winds when the crew’s been up here the helm could be s just in on the trampoline just behind the front beam or actually on the front

Beam if um if it’s comfortable to do so and then as the wind increases so let’s go for stage two when we start lifting the hole slightly then the crew is going to come back here Helm directly opposite and then possibly another stage um where the crew come back a little bit

More Helm again directly opposite and then what you need to do is make the call when it’s viable for the crew to come across to the windward side um so there are choices that have to be made so if the hull is definitely in the air all of the time and you’re

Having to steer the boat um to control the power because otherwise you do actually think that occasionally it’s possible to cap size then it’s time to bring the crew across to the windward side and then once it gets to that level I would put the crew Winward side and the helm sitting

In board and at that point uh yeah the helm sitting in board slightly what is important animportant on the downwind also as well as all this is the Helm’s ability to see under or through the main sail because when you get a gust on the downwind with the sper

Up you have to turn the boat downwind which means you need to know if there’s anything there otherwise you might turn downwind and there’ll be somebody there and they might get a bit upset when you hit them I would imagine yes so um being able to see is very important as well

All right continuing the story we’re going back to the green so as the wind gets even stronger then again once we’re definitely flying a hole all of the time wor it’s good to get the crew out on the trapeze Helm will stay in pretty much the same position maybe coming back

Slightly but it’s good to get the it kind of depends a little bit on your crew weight and on the conditions but if you’re a light to mediumweight team it’s very good to get the crew out earlier because then you can put more power on and for your vmg for your downwind

Efficiency of the angle that you’re going and the speed that you’re going at this is going to be optimal because you’re going to sail so much much faster once the crew is on the trapeze and then again like we were saying with the upwind um the crew’s job

Once they’re out on the trapeze is moving forwards and backwards just depending on the trim of the boat like what you’ll find as the wind increases is once there’s a gust the bowels are going to dip slightly and rather than bearing off straight away if the boughs

Just dip slightly it’s more efficient uh not to steer but for the crew just to move back so if there’s enough wind the crew could go all the way back making use of this footstrap you’ve just put on the boat which we were talking about last week um and then you

Can really power the boat once you’re in this position so um crew out on the trapeze reasonably early but again moving forwards and backwards just to keep the boat as level as possible if the wind is very Gusty uh better to be a little bit further back than what you might

Consider to be optimal because um you need to have that little margin for reaction time if a gust hits and you’re in the optimal position the bows might go straight under whereas if um you’re a little bit further back the gust hits the bows will

Start to dip a bit but you’ve got more time for the crew to move backwards and less likelihood of actual sticking the nose in yeah so I would say that is um what we’re talking about sometimes on the downwind if perhaps what would it be if

You’ve Jed a little bit too early to get around the mark then you might find getting the crew in off the we want to keep the hole flying that is what we’re into so getting the crew in is going to maybe allow you to sail a little bit deeper

Not as fast but certainly deeper and you might find that if the wind goes a lot lighter you might even put the crew back onto the lard side so that you can keep the hole flying but in a competitive situation um what is very important on the downwind especially is that you’re

Always ready to change mode so um at the worlds last year um me and Swedish John just to become more um efficient we um started describing the different positions on the boat as modes so we’d call I can’t remember what we called it now it would be in the

Videos I should watch those really but um if the crew is on the lard side we’d call it perhaps um mode light like the wind’s gone light or we’re having to go deep so he might have to run across to the leard side just because we’ve got to

Go a little bit deeper downwind um or then mode um mode medium would be with the crew on the trampoline I’d sit inboard and then mode trapeze so three modes to talk about and being ready to quickly switch between those modes because You’ be in a very rare situation unless the

Wind is very strong where you’re not having to move occasionally on these legs so there we go that is pretty much the nutshell of it of the F18 or tornado F16 crew positions um but the most important thing is we’re trying to keep the boat flat all the time the only time when

Going bows down is good is in the very light winds on the downwind because uh this is on any type of catamaran because we’re not trying to get lift off the rudder blades we’re just trying to get as deep down wind as possible um yeah so there we

Go all right so um thank you very much just going to check in with everybody who’s on board at this time um by the way if you’ve got spare finger at the moment if you could hit the like button that is um very good because it means this video presentation

Will will be presented to more people on the YouTube uh user interface which means more people might get the benefit of this information which I think you’ll find is of a very high quality oh yes it is all right so we got Mark checking in

In Ohio USA nice to see you there mark uh to is with us in Texas and then we’ve got Lee in Florida we are hitting much of the USA right now um also in Florida we’ve got um the ewn that’s Eric I believe in Melbourne Florida um Le is of course in Clearwater

Florida uh we got Yano who would normally be in Berlin but right now he’s in Colorado um it’s been another week already well yes so it seems lot livelier today actually I think the um there was an a Post New Year slump in the Q&A all right we got Eric on board

In Quebec Canada love your channel thank you very much Eric very pleased that the um the content is hitting the spot coming back to sailing after 30 years do you or someone in the chat know which category of cat is most trending at the moment in North America well I could I

Could tell you the most abundant um for recreational use and if you were looking to uh get hold of one is always going to be the Hobie 16 um I may have said said this before but the Hobe 16 there are more uh in the world there are more Hobe

16s been produced than every single other catamaran combined um so uh for that reason there’s always going to be more Hobe 16s there’s a real variety of Hobe 16s as well there’s some people are still sailing boats from the 70s uh and there’s of course brand new boats coming

Out uh every year so um there’s a really big range especially if you’re looking to buy a boat um but the F18 is possibly the most popular class CL um for racing possibly or maybe very close in numbers uh for racing the F18 what we were talking about here boats like the

Um probably the most abundant F18 would be the Hobie tiger which um because the Hobie tiger was in production right from the um the start of the F18 class back in 95 and right through until around 2014 something like that so the Hobie tiger was popular for all of those years

And um really doing well in competition but it was I think with the Advent of the NRA infusion which led to the um and actually it was when the hole shapes went kind of this upside down that is when the tiger was no longer competitive so that’s when Hobie uh ditched the

Tiger brought out the wild cat and that was that so there you go good question there Eric um hope you um you get into what you are needing I think um the US um North American f8 Nationals last year in Canada I believe there we are

All right we’ve got youu AATA sang hi hello great to have you on board all right uh Yan Leo says my guest would be the Hobe 16 and F18 well I think that’s um it’s almost like um that’s I agree yes all right we got Ryan on board in

Maui uh let’s get after it it’s Friday yeah and I dare say in Maui uh the sailing season is definitely in full flow and I’m going to tell you this we have got a brand new blank Speed Stick at the moment so if you ever

Wanted to be first on the Speed Stick I should start getting involved um and there’s I can tell you this now but I’m not going to be specific but there are going to be more prizes this year more real prizes um yeah and in having said that

If you would like to um sponsor the Speed Stick perhaps if you are a uh manufacturer of um something that people might find useful when they go sailing um you could sponsor a prize in the Speed Stick and we’ll get your logo on the um the web page and on all of the

Videos but it’ll be mid-February where we’re um announcing what all the categories will be for the actual prizes in the speed stick but uh get on the Speed Stick sooner and hopefully those Swiss guys aren’t to go and smash it mid January again and uh close the door on

Everybody yes all right we got Aaron on board in New Zealand happy New Year and uh Happy New Year to everyone thanks Aaron always a pleasure all right and then in Germany we’ve got HR 67 thank you for your channel thank you for watching uh without you guys watching

The videos I’d probably stop making the videos to be honest because um it’d be a bit one-sided and quite a lot of effort for um when nobody actually gets to see this stuff all right we’ve got Benny on board in let’s go for a b pronunciation hofman torp

Sweden and then I think we’ve got is it Andre in Croatia winner of the Su God sunglasses uh what was it was it a challenge was it a giveaway I think it was a giveaway I hope uh you’re getting some sunshine to be able to use those

Bad boys great to have you on board all right so we’ve got Mr Tony KP in Denmark in eof nice to have you on board as always Texas weather report from Toot says high 60 Sunny water temperature 58 to 60 get on the stick um right we got Alex the boat guy

On board who’s tuned in from salamina Greece I don’t know exactly where that is um I will look it up and uh see whereabouts you are I’m guessing you’d be on the aan side uh somewhere I would guess all right cuckol is with us um Mark is with us as well do

You do these every Friday do I ever yes every Friday at the moment it’s been at the same time every Friday now the only thing which might change that and I will um put out some notifications if I do change it um if you didn’t know the notifications that I generally put out

Will be on the total Joy Rider Facebook page and also on the YouTube uh Channel Community uh tab which if you subscribe uh you should see that in your feed on YouTube um kind of like how you’d see a video but it’ll be one you can’t click on and

There I I would just let you know if there is any change to the schedule the only Reas reason why there might be a change to the schedule is if there is snow in the north I might be heading to hit the slopes fingers crossed it’s my

New sport slope hitting all right Max is with us in rosenheim Germany uh no wind sadly but one meter of snow uh is meant to come in the next three days hopefully my Lake stays free of ice my word um of the hat to how cold you are

Willing to go out sailing in very well done all right we got Roberto on board in Italy hello Roberto all right all right Isabelle is with us uh good afternoon or good evening or uh good morning depending on where you are uh best choice Hobie 16

Lovely yeah um it is very popular choice around these parts all right right also on board we’ve got armod armad armed lion okay yeah sorry sometimes these names take a bit of reading Hobie 16 sailor from New Jersey got a GoPro for Christmas oh yes now we’re talking so looking forward to

Sending in some clips for show shat and the Speed Stick and um you know maybe not not suggesting anything there’s also if you are sailing with a GoPro on your boat and something doesn’t go particularly well we’ve also got the series what went wrong um and with what

Went wrong and the speed uh sorry and show us shat I’m basically just waiting for more um content to come from the global Joy Rider TV Community before I put out the next video so in either of those series ideally I’d have three minimum to feature before it goes out um

Oh yeah so if you’ve got a GoPro for Christmas you really if and you sell a Hobie 16 you should make yourself one of these I’ve done a video on this basically what we’ve got you might have seen the video it’s the quickest easiest

Mount to make for um a GoPro but we got three carabinas this one Clips on uh just under the jib then we’ve got bit of rope elastic you have to get the length right and then a carabiner on the end that Clips onto your bow Tang same on the other

Side and then you just need to use a bit of your GoPro uh I call it Lego meano kind of stuff um to attach all the ropes to the actual GoPro itself always use a safety l line on the camera that would be if if you

Said Joe tell me what is your if you could just give us one single piece of advice for a go a new GoPro user what would it be my advice would be security but the one bit of advice always attach some sort of safety line

To your camera have I got one here yeah um so uh this works with all the generations of GoPro if you take a small p a piece of um thin rope so this must be about a 1.5 and on the ones that sit in a case

Like this it will pass through the hinge and then on the ones with the um the hinged wingy leg things uh like this is an eight um you can pass a line through the Gap here well worth doing um and then that’s make a small Loop there with a reliable knot and then

Tie that onto a fixed place where you can’t lose your camera um the times when I’ve lost cameras have always been when I’ve gone out um on the water thinking oh there’s not much wind it’s pretty flat um I won’t bother tying it on today Doom terrible yeah so there we

Go all right Robert’s with us hello Robert um I have the opportunity to purchase a 1984 Hobe 18 with ferling jib anything to look at um in in this era of 8 now I would say the same sort of stuff that we talk about with the 16s uh most

Important is the soft soft hulls that is a um that shows that the boat has had a hard life basically or it might show that the boat has been stored in hot conditions with water inside the hes yes if you um leave the bungs in if you sail

In a hot country and you leave the bungs in and there’s water inside the holes um then what happens is you get massive amounts of humidity inside the holes which actually will cause over time delamination of the fiberglass making the boat go soft that is one reason for

It um so uh this is just a tangent when you’re leaving your boat on the beach always if you’ve got bungs take the bungs out and before you take the boat off the launching trolley empty all the water out of the hulls very important um

What else to look for when buying a boat from that 84 I would number one soft hulls number two um look under the front beam where the Mast is and just look for any cracking on the front beam under the Mast and then number three um I would

Look at the gons where the Rudders attach and just take the rudder like this and just try going side to side and see if the actual gudon the plate on the back of the hole moves at all if it does um ask the vendor if you can um just

Have a go at tightening it up um then and there because if it doesn’t tighten up that could be a sign that Sinister things are a foot there we go oh by the way Isabelle is in Leon France very nice bonjour uh Robert is uh on board Robert

Who’s uh looking to buy that hob 18 in New Hampshire USA all right um all right we’ve got Renee on board as well hello um all right Ryan IM Maui says so I’m just uh skimming through the comments to see what is a uh comment and what is just

Chat um Ryan says center of the global Beach cat Community oh yes you know it I hear a lot from the Jersey Crews that they really send it so we’re gonna need video proof from Jersey Shore there we go um I think there is some sort of uh throwing it down there

Um all right so toot says um and toot said this before but um Lake Buchanan Sailing Club uh in Texas has got two Hobie 16s which are available to loan to visiting Sailors uh Central Texas um so if you’re heading to Cal C Central Texas just

Check out Lake bu can Sailing Club I’m sure um I am guessing they’ve got a website or a Facebook page where you can get in touch through there all right um Robert says security question mark I remember your floating GoPro R yeah that was a really dark time

Until I actually found it and then the you know sometimes you’ve got to go through something bad to appreciate the the good that happens afterwards when I thought I’ve lost my camera was gutted um but then when I found it the Elation of finding something that you think you’ve

Lost it’s almost worth the losing it but not quite all right we got Sunset wingman on board hello um here we go ideally this is addressed to Robert you need to get the side shroud anchor plate added to the front beam and even back rear

Beam we’re s oh here we go we are seeing tons of 18s ripping beams off by the lip if you don’t add these yeah yes so um I believe what Sunset wingman is saying is on what the um Hobie 18 should have Where It Bolts together here’s the hole then this is the

Gunnel exaggerated in size uh of course we’ve got a gunnel on both sides and then there’s the lid um and then you’ll have the beam which goes into a cavity on top of the hole and this bolts through here and here now what we absolutely must have

Is you’re calling it an anchor plate which basically is like a piece of box like this which is um which sits inside the gunel to spread the load of the the nut on the inside so need to make sure uh you’ve got those located in there I I

Think all boats should have those but if they don’t then um need to address that otherwise the consequences could be quite severe all right so uh on to the next preloaded question uh this one comes from Matts again we’re talking about F18 sailing uh this time we’re talking about

Sailing with the Spiner up in a stronger wind and he says how do you avoid I’ve what you call it paraphrased the um question how do you avoid pitch polling in the gust when you’re sailing with the Spiner up okay so the first thing that we that really really helps

And um is to get the crew on the trapes all the way to the back so their back foot is right at the back of the hole that is going to make huge difference and then for downwind sailing when it’s windy the best way of keeping uh the

Boat stable and less likely to cap size even though it may seem counterintuitive is to sail as fast as possible speed is your friend um the only pitch polling I’ve done with the Spiner up in recent years is when I’ve been trying to sail slowly or perhaps

I’ve um jibed too late for a boy and I’m trying to sail really high and I let the traveler out to try to gain a bit of height and um because I’m trying to sail slowly it puts more load in the rig which means you’re more likely to stick

The nose in so sing fast is the best way to avoid the pitch pole um so if you’re sailing along what you want to do is if possible you want to spot the gusts before they hit you or if you can’t spot them on the water you

Want to respond to the gusts this is when it’s really windy I know earlier I was saying when you get a gust try to let the whole lift and Just go with it but when it’s really windy like pitch polling conditions as or if you’re new

To it as soon as you get a gust if the hole starts lifting a bit more or as soon as you feel more wind then just bear away slightly immediately just slightly and that will take the edge off that gust so um I’d say that as well as

Sailing fast the other thing that’s going to help is responding early to the gusts so as soon as the gust hits just bear away slightly now uh just on the topic of main sheet with is this a topic in oh hello yes we’ve got another question on the same topic which is from

Uh ik Mari who’s probably called Mary um who says can I ask about the main and traveler where downwind with the sper uh new to F18 sailing oh no it’s Richard in Dubai okay so um yes so let’s uh just finish with the pitch pole and then we’ll talk about

Main and traveler settings for when we’re uh going downwind with the sper up yes so um respond as soon as you feel the gust and that is going to to be the best thing you can do um I’m going to talk about the main sheet in a second so

The second part of Matt’s question is he says is it worth double trapezing with the uh Spiner up for extra speed in the F18 class it has become standard practice to single trapes with uh the Spiner up because that is what’s best if if we’re sailing an upwind downwind

Course and we’re trying to get downwind um taking effectively the most direct route but also with good speed uh the most efficient is to single trapes if you double trapeze you’re going to be sailing too high and um it’s not going to um the vmg isn’t going to be as

Efficient it’s not going to going to be as good you’re not going to get there as soon if you’re just out blasting with the sper up and you just want to perhaps you want to see how fast you can go like you’ve got your GPS um then yes it is

Worth double trapezing but it is um it becomes a slightly bigger game when you’re helming on the trape with the crew out as well um I would certainly if I was helming on the trapes with the Spiner up um main sheet cranked in before you go out on the piece then

Take the traveler line with you and use that to stay anchored to the back of the boat pull a bit of tension into your feet because if you have to do quite a hard bear away you might feel this pull towards the front of the boat which

Um you know uh holding on to that traveler line line might do it or if you’ve been sailing slowly and a big gust hits and you bear away a bit in the gust then maybe the acceleration will send you going backwards but um yes go for a bit of double trapezing uh with

The kite up what I’ve found in my experience because most of my F-18 experience has been with the Hobie tiger uh because of the um the low aspect foils on the Hobie Tire it doesn’t feel good double trapezing it so much um unless it’s lighter winds and

You’re trying to go a bit higher but when it’s really windy what I found is the foils become a bit overloaded and um the steering uh ceases to work as it should just doesn’t feel right so there we go all right unbelievably we’ve been going for 47 minutes now all right so

Back to the Hobe 18 anchor plates uh the anchor plate uh Sunset wingman says the anchor plate comes down anchor plate comes down and bolts to the side of the hull to keep all right okay um so it’s different to what I thought stock they only have them on the side

Shroud they only started using them on the beams as well sometime in the 1990s okay I’m gonna have to see um pictures of that uh I I’m not going to draw a picture of what I guess that looks like so I’m GNA have to see pictures of that to um follow this up

But thanks very much for the info there uh all right so next question Maine and traveler downwind with the Spiner up um on an F18 style boat Spa is up okay so the first thing is you know if we start off in light winds I would if you’re if it’s really

Really light winds and remembering our crew positions from earlier and the helm is sitting in sort of towards the M uh perhaps on the front beam then tra let’s just talk traveler here and this is the middle um I would let the traveler out just an inch or two um and the

Reason for letting the traveler out is so that the actual traveler car and the main sheet doesn’t interfere with your steering if you keep the traveler pulled all the way to the center in very light winds um your stick your tiller extension is going to keep hitting it

And you’re not going to be able to steer very well um but you may think but light winds downwind really traveler in yes and um with the main sheet if we this is our main sale and we’ve got our leech tell Tales we’re talking about leech tell Tails a

Lot these days these little streamers that fly off the back edge of the sale um so going downwind we want to use the main sheet to keep the leech tell tals in The Sweet Spot before you go sailing make sure that you’ve got four um not one right in the top panel but

From the second panel and then basically in halfway between the next batters coming down and then when you pull the main sheet in this is upwind and downwind what you’re looking for is you’re looking for this bottom one disappear what that shows is you’ve really got the sale absolutely in The

Sweet Spot if the next one disappears it means you’ve got the sale the main sale in on the sheet a little bit too much so then you could just ease out slightly uh if it comes back back Pull It in again um these leech ta TOS very important uh

On the boat with the high aspect main sell because they’re a lot easier to see than ttws in the body of the sale and they show you what the wind is doing at the exit of the sail which is very important okay so um in all wind strengths we’re looking at the tell

Tales for our main sheet tension um so as the wind increases and we’ve moved back a little bit on the boat you know once we’re in this position then we’ll get the traveler right in the center and again we’re just looking at the leech tell tals which are going to

Tell us how much main sheet to pull in um as a once you’ve once you’re underway as a guide a same upwind when the winds light is as well when you get more wind sheet in harder if you sail into an area of less wind ease the sail out just to make sure

That you’re not over sheet it’s over sheeting that’s going to slow you down more than anything and then once you get to the amount of wind where your crew is out on the trapeze consistently that is when you want to really crank the main sheet in um

Because the boat is going so fast and this Spa you might call it like an apparent wind machine which you know the true wind as we know is coming from here but because we’ve got the spa this apparent wind machine the actual wind on the boat you know maybe here it’s like here

But the sper is bending the wind as it comes comes down the boat as well so on the rest of the boat the wind is pretty much the same as when you’re going upwind so you really need to have the main sheet cranked in as tight as

Possible the other reason why you need to do this is because it’s going to pull down the leech of the sail and that is going to support this top part of the M which badly needs support because all the things that hold the M up are coming

From here so the top of the Mast is unsupported so we definitely need to wind the main sheet in there we go and then when it’s windy the only time we’re going to let the main sheet out is firstly if we sail into a big hole area

Of less wind and we might be over sheet so we just give an armful of main sheet or after you’ve gone through a j if you keep the main sheet pinned in tight your MK won’t be able to rotate so you need to loosen the main sheet to allow the MK

To rotate and there we go but most of the time cranked so there we go those are downwind traveler and main sheet positions very straightforward just uh watch out for over sheeting so in really light winds the main sheet should be quite slack and then as the wind

Increases uh becoming tighter as we go all right what’s going on in the live chat all right Robert says a related question to the show us your cat videos a is Microsoft Movie Maker format good for you uh yes also is there a profi preferred time limit uh for you to use

Thanks for for response uh thank youw Sunset wingman for the comments all right nice yeah so um if you’re if you’re putting together a whole let’s call it an edit about your boat for show as youat then pretty much any format is good but just try to keep

The quality as high as possible um yes so Windows Movie Maker will be fine um and generally don’t put any music on it that is that really helps me if you don’t put music on it because sometimes what happens if there’s music on your video clip

Um and I put it on YouTube with that music on even with royaltyfree music sometimes then the video gets flagged for copyright infringement and I get in trouble so don’t put music on your clip um please um and then what sort of time I would say between three and five

Minutes is good for a feature um if you’re doing any voice over commentary just be really um War if you’re standing on the beach talking about your boat that’s really nice but just try to keep your microphone of your camera Shel shielded Against the Wind um just because

You know listen do a little tester first listen back to it and if there’s a load of wind then um maybe try just filming from the other side of the boat where there might not be wind in the microphone or so that your back is to

The wind so if you’ve got the camera in front of you you’ll be Shel shielding the camera from the wind that kind of thing lovely but uh looking forward to it Robert thanks very much all right so we’ve got a um a sad tale here from Matt in

Baltimore I believe um I think this he’s he’s had this on Facebook as well because um basically he’s left his sales stored and a feline has decided to use the sales as a toilet and uh Matt no longer likes the way his sales smell what can we do about this yeah so um

I’ve reached out to uh Thanos os3 sales but he is at the moment uh on a break so um I haven’t got the Lowdown from him what to do but I would to get rid of the smell I would do some research into using vinegar that neutralizes a lot of

Bad smells um like I know if you’ve got not related to this at all but if you’ve got a smelly bin if you put some vinegar soak a sponge in vinegar Chuck it in the bin um then after a day or so your bin will no longer stink of bad bin smells

Might smell of vinegar a bit as you’d expect but I really do believe in vinegar for this stuff um yeah and then for other sale cleaning I would just use a normal soap like pretty much dish soap kind of thing and um just give them a

Scrub that’s what I would do if but um when I do get more information from uh Thanos from os3 I will let you know and um see if I can come up with something more scientific all right we got Declan on board Declan the winner of the uh

Getaway challenge now if that is not a happy getaway I don’t know how to make a getaway happier than having a beautiful bit of hand weaved malcheski carbon tiller extension on there um Dean says uh a very Happy New Year to everyone sorry I’m late um and on the topic of

Matt and the cat he Declan says get rid of the cat Isabelle in France says white vinegar scour clearing okay yeah that sounds like a good plan um I’m sure if you do a bit of Google on um different sort what you can mix vinegar with for different

Purposes um I’ve been doing some research just for around the house sort of stuff and um vinegar is very uh what’s the word versatile in what you can do with it all right Ryan says welcome Dean the fastest getaway of 2023 unfortunately I’m going to lay this

Down now in uh 2024 on the Speed Stick there is not going to be a getaway challenge yes we want to get the getaways on the speed stick but there won’t be a prize next year for the fastest getaway because the getaways had it this year last year

23 okay we’ve got Alpha b2c on board oh he’s uh um he’s speaking French so I can’t really help there but um I do understand J unus um which the Sirrus R is um one of the earlier Sirus f18s very quick on the race course great to have you on board Alpha

B2c all right oh now declan’s uh speaking Swedish in the live chat all right we’ve right and actually as far as the live chat is concerned can we have no further questions please because oh uh Isabelle says he wants to take classes all right excellent that is a very good question

Because uh I’m about to announce um it’s already on uh the website but I’m about to do some more announcement of the private coaching that is available as of pretty much now um if you would like me to come and Coach you with your on your

Boat I will come on your boat with you and we’ll go selling together and I will basically make you more comfortable more confident uh sail your boat more effectively more efficiently um we can do that oh yes now uh of course I am in Greece this could be a small problem so

If you’re somewhere else in the world like for everyone who’s in America if you want me to come to America and Coach you with your boat it might be worth if you say you just wanted like two hours on a Saturday two hours on a Sunday it

Might be worth speaking to other people at your club and say does anybody else want to book Joe for a couple of hours uh because if it is to go to overseas um then you uh there’s going to be expenses uh like those airplane tickets that sort of thing as well as

The coaching fee so uh just something to think about but of course the most convenient would be if you happen to be fancy in coming to Greece um anytime from mid April which is where the the wind conditions generally get a bit better then I can supply the boat and

The instruction and um I can tell you where to get the best sagaki cheese in town now that is good information all right uh but at this time no further questions in the live chat uh please because um we’ve been going over an hour now and I’ve got to make my little boy’s

Tea um otherwise he’ll start complaining that he’s hungry all right this is one from Greg um we saw Greg at the intro of show sheat uh perhaps not the last one the one before he’s got a 1984 Hobe 16 he says have you ever heard of somebody putting twin tiller extensions on a

Catamaran um this would save switching a single tiller across the back of the main sheet um if you have would this be legal in Hobe racing well we can answer that straight away it wouldn’t be legal um in racing in pretty much any of the beach cat classes I’m pretty sure probably

In this it’d be interesting but nobody does it now the reason why it’s not popular whereas like on a boat like a 49er they use twin tiller extensions is because on the catamaran what is the other tiller extension going to be doing when you’re on the other

Side of the boat using the other one it’s two places it might end up one is off the back okay it’s going to cause a bit of drag but you know it’s not the end of the world but the place where we don’t want it where it could end up cuz

If it hit a bit of chop when you attack uh probably not when you attack because you’re going to grab it but if it ended up here on the lewood side then it get hit by a wave and it would snap so it’s not a popular choice

Unfortunately so there you go uh let’s I think no another big mistake that I’ve made uh camaran tiller extension is we heard this was back in the um late 90s that the where were they from maybe it was like the one of the South America 49er um Olympic teams they train

Using bamboo tiller extensions so they harvest bamboo make it the right size to get into the connection and off they go uh we decided to put a bamboo till extension on a Hobe 16 there is significantly more load in the Rudders on a 16 than there is on a 49er tiller

Extension snapped and became an absolute lethal stabbing weapon so we’re not doing that again there we go use the melesy all right one um last preloaded question this one comes from Alonso uh 8284 who I not sure where Alonso is but um he actually sails a laser 4,000 which is a

Uh skiff type monol but this is definitely applicable to what we’re talking about here he says in sometimes in light winds the batons especially the top one doesn’t pop of pop across to the correct side after tacking or jibing so much I have to pump the fa to get the Batts to

Go any advice could it be more tension in the Batts or more kicker all right so the F there’s a few ways that we could go about this so I think does everybody follow what is being asked here um basically when tacking or jibing very light wins the top baton doesn’t go

Across first thing how stiff is the Batton um if you so softer battens will put will get more curve and if you’re using a batt which is really soft in very very light winds um we’re g to have an absolute ton of curve up there because we’re not pulling

Any down hall on really in the light winds and because there’s so much curve it’s going to be very difficult for that baton to pop across to the other side so option number one is try having a stiffer battern uh in the top maybe the top two when the wind is super

Light but um once the wind gets to about five knots then yes we want the soft batter the top to get all that curve in there but in really light winds or perhaps your soft battern is even a bit too soft worth experimenting with he says um should I try more or less

Tension in the um in the battens okay so if you put more tension in the Batton then it’s going to be even harder for it to pop across and maybe you have got too much tension in the battens what we’re looking for is just enough tension in the Baton to take

The creases out of the Baton pocket um any more than that and yes we might en encounter these sort of problems so the minimum amount of tension but so there’s no creases in the Baton pocket and if you pull the Baton from the end here’s the pocket it can’t move number

Two one thing we can do uh when we tack or J when the wind is very light probably not um for those of you sailing um the more old uh fashion boats but certainly on the newer boats with powerful downhall systems is um when you tack or J Pull on

Some down Hall that’s going to flatten the sale and make it easier um for the batons to go across so uh that’s something you can do and then the last line of um of uh what you can do in this situation if the Batts absolutely won’t go

Is you’ve got to get brutal with it sometimes unfortunately on a monole the other thing you can do is you can lean the boat to lewood so away from you and then at the same time aggressively heal the boat over on top of you and Sheet

The main in at the same time that’s like a mega pump and that should get the Batts to pop but if no if all else fails grab the boom and kind of treat it a little bit like the AE on a rowing bat where you go up and then down so you’re

Pulling down on the leech and towards you at the same time like you’re rowing and that will generally get the batt to go so I hope that helps there Alonso and everybody else who’s ever had a sticky Batton right I’m just going to finish off in the live chat and then

We’ll call it a day so um oh Mark said says in Ohio when was the latest newsletter I haven’t got one yet I did send a load out yesterday uh not a new one but I’ve only done one so far and I was just uh trying to send it

Out to everybody who didn’t um who hadn’t signed up before the first delivery uh do check in your junk mail of course and Market is safe but I think you should be all right I’ll I will check tomorrow and make sure that one gets in the post if you don’t

Know what I’m talking about there is now a joy Rider TV newsletter uh the first one has gone out but I um it’s it’s new so and people are still signing up and I’m just trying to um make sure that as people sign up I’m sending them out but obviously not uh

Quite um as efficiently as I thought all right Alpha b2c says where are your videos shot it’s a nice spot yeah I’m um in Greece on the island of leus and the uh the bay where all sailing goes on it’s called vasiliki it’s very famous

For wind surfing uh but it’s it is just a sailor’s Paradise because most days in the summer the wind is strong like bow for four or above and the Sea stays flat very nice and every morning the wind is light so um you don’t feel what’s nice sometimes is that you don’t

Feel that you have to go and sail in heavy winds straight after breakfast so you’ve got an easy morning and then tough afternoons because I’m not sure if many people have got the stamina to do a full day of hard cat sailing in uh 25 knots of wind so that’s a nice

Feature all right so um Eric says oh this is back in reference to sale cleaning I believe um I soak mine in Oxy clean you can get a trash can take the battens out of a main or baton jib soak for 24 to 48 hours rinse hang dry and it brings the

Colors back as well I think so this is called oxy clean I think this um definitely sounds like a plan all right Declan says will you be doing any events the community could come um to perhaps on your world tour 24 yeah I’m definitely to the tornado worlds which

Are in Italy in um July as it stands that’s all that I’m doing but um it’s early days but yes all right Alpha b2c says the videos should be subtitled in French um that sounds like good advice yeah um to be honest all of the Q&A videos until

Probably June this year I was going through them and making sure they did have subtitles in um all languages that I thought would uh be useful but to be honest I have been a little bit slack in doing that uh since but now that you’ve asked I’m going to make sure it happens

And in fact maybe big job for me for tomorrow is to go through all of the recent videos maybe if I do the previous 10 and get them subtitled in all languages because I should have done that already and I’ve just been a bit slack all

Right hands up Dean says who here would like a Speed Stick 2023 results t-shirt sounds good um yeah let me know and I will get on to that all right we got Phillip on board in Ireland coming in right at the end nice to have you on board Phillip

Um Ryan says maybe a central convention somewhere that would be awesome yeah I think that would be very cool I’m I’m kind of feeling either Texas or Florida um just sounds sounds quite warm all right Isabelle says not sure if YouTube can translate technical sailing correctly no I’m sure it it can’t do

Very well I think it uses the same um engine if I can call it that the same software as Google translate so the technical sailing stuff isn’t translated quite so well um but it’s a start it’s the best I can do all right uh Dean says we need to put

Something together to host Joy Rider TV somewhere call in the world so we can gather together and have a joy Rider Sailing Club Convention oh yes all right that’s responsiveness says Ryan okay so there we go thanks for tuning in thanks for coming along for the ride and

Um I don’t know what I’ve got planned for Sunday probably nothing for this week but um yeah I’ve just been as you may have noticed from previous videos I’ve just been going through a lot of footage from the summer and uh seeing what I can make out of it um so more of

That to come I’m sure but in the meantime I hope you all have a great weekend um if you can get out sailing uh get on the stick let’s get this 24 stick started still nobody on it five days in unbelievable um yeah so there we go

Thanks very much and I’ll see you soon with some more on Joy Rider TV yes I will yes thank you




0:00 – Hello
0:30 – F18 Crew Positions Upwind
10:45 – F18 Crew Positions Downwind
23:20 – What is the most popular class of catamaran in the US?
29:00 – Is there a Q+A every Friday?
31:58 – The home made quickest easiest GoPro Mount for your cat.
33:00 – One single piece of advice for a new GoPro user
42:00 – How to avoid pitchpoling with the spinnaker up
45:30 – Why don’t you twin trapeze with the spinnaker up?
49:00 – Mainsheet and traveller positions when using the spinnaker
59:00 – How to get rid of the smell of feline urine on sails
1:02:00 – Would you like to book Joe for private coaching?

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