@Boston Bruins

New Years Bruins Mailbag | Bruins Beat

New Years Bruins Mailbag | Bruins Beat

If you go to next season can you have swayan making more than omark I think it’s a real question and I think the Bruins if they don’t deal Omar are going to maybe try to make that case now a fair price for Swan is 6 years 6 million

Like I I think that’s a very fair deal I think he has the case for even More and welcome into the Bruins beat on clns media my name is Evan marinovsky hope you guys are having a great day a great week and on this episode it’s just us it’s just me and you we don’t I haven’t done this in a while but a

Mailbag episode uh where we dive into your questions uh it’s interesting you get guesss on so much and you hear their takes to give yours but uh I I you know when I tweeted out uh that I was doing a mailbag episode I was curious like what

Are you guys interested in what do you think and sometimes I read the YouTube comments uh sometimes I do check out the YouTube comments the nice stuff the not so nice stuff uh and that’s always fun you guys are funny down there um but I tweeted this out on uh Wednesday night

And uh wanted to kind of get your questions what you guys are thinking about and what’s funny is every time I tweet one of these there’s always that little part of me that’s like oo what if nobody answers it’s like you know when you’re in high school like what if

Nobody sits with me at lunch you know or you’re in you know uh Elementary or middle school like oh God uh but thankfully you guys delivered as you always have and always do and hopefully always uh continue to do um so I got your questions and uh we’ll I’ll answer

Them um again this is being recorded prior to Thursday night’s game so I don’t have any takes for you on that but fortunately I think we’re recording a couple podcasts on Friday um and we will get back just a programming note we will get back to the regular schedule of

Bruins beat next week uh I was away last weekend the weekend before was Christmas so the the schedule of Bruins beat has been very spotty the last two weeks I promise it will go back to normal uh with it coming out Tuesday and either Thursday or Friday uh of next week so

You can look forward to that uh and you know sometimes you just need a little little break uh but uh we are back back in um so anyways let’s dive into the questions I don’t want to hold you guys up uh any longer um so our first question comes from Connor Ryan why

Didn’t you go to the Eminem store in NYC like I asked it’s good question Connor don’t know who this Conor Ryan is uh but uh NYC was great I’d never been before um saw a lot of the city saw the World Trade Center uh saw the Empire State Building Wall Street uh different

Sections and neighborhoods uh I did go to Times Square the night before New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve I stayed the hell away from Times Square it was still a zoo even the night before New Year’s Eve uh so uh yeah New York City was great finally went I know it’s been an

Ongoing thing in this podcast I’d never been in New York City and that’s done now so we’ll have to find somewhere new that I need to go see um recommend some places YouTube comments tweet at me what should my next venture be uh maybe outer space maybe outer space will be the

Answer uh Frank the Tank enjoyer says thinking I’ll get back to you oh well I Frank the Tank enjoyer never got back to me with a question so hopefully maybe he’ll make the next mailbag maybe he’ll make the next mailbag umh all right anyways uh let’s get into the real Bruins questions I

Know people like get on with it Evan get stay on track so I’m trying my best to stay on track um and as always before we dive into the Bruins uh Bruins questions uh this podcast podast is brought to you by FanDuel and our good friends over at

Hellofresh I love both uh you love both on YouTube you can see the the promo codes uh so anyways let’s dive in Clark Stewart event says where he asked a couple questions he says where do you see Matt potra playing when he gets back from the world Jr also any word on Derek

Forbert and his return jvr money for money or dollar for dollar might be the best signing of the off season and do you think sway will sign soon 6 time 6 question mark so let’s break that down into the four parts that it is uh where do you see

Matt potra playing when he gets back from the world juniors instinctively I would say third line center right that’s the that’s you know or or or you know you’d have zaka Coy and ptra as your three centers but they’ve won four straight with geeki in the top six uh

We’ll get to geeki more later I don’t love the idea of geeky being a top six center uh uh you know if this team is to really contend but he’s looked solid at five on five and there’s something there is it you know is he a coil or zaka

Caliber Center no probably not but there is something there um so I don’t want to see Patra on the wing um that’s not what I would love I think for his development I think his two-way game is really strong I think he’s better down the

Middle um so again I comes down to where does he fit now maybe you go back to you know jvr Coyle and Frederick and then you move Patra in um up where Coy had been playing before and you move him in with guys like Marian and de Brusque um

And you know you try to see if that works out uh but that again that’s a that’s a lot of line juggling it’s funny cuz Patra left when they were starting the stumble uh and now they’re not the Bruins are are good and they seem to

Kind of be finding their groove um so again I don’t I I want I want him down the middle and I don’t want him on the fourth line so you want him somewhere in that top nine down the middle um you know maybe you move geeky back to the

Wing uh zaka has looked solid on the wing though that’s the other thing is like I think I’ve liked zaka on the wing him and poso work well together um you know uh so again I I’m I don’t know I think it’s somewhere in that top nine uh

In you know down the middle I think that’s sort of the biggest thing um and I and I I talked about this with hags a little bit on his last podcast I don’t think we’re going to be looking back going man the world Junior’s what a mistake Bruins never should have sent

Him I think it’s fine like I I do and I think it’s a big deal it’s a big event you know let him go um any word on Derek forbert and his return well I don’t have any new inside information unfortunately I cannot be uh I cannot be Adam schfer

On this this um I can only tell you what Montgomery said recently uh saying that you know he’s still a ways away he’s not dayto day at one point we gave him five days off and it was doing well but the nine games in 16 days just repetitive

Demands on the body it’s come back and we’re going to give him a little extended time to try to nip this for the rest of the year uh I’m fine with that I I you know I don’t mean to be like Mr Pro bruan but like give him as much time

As you need uh you know we’ll get to lowai grizzli them in a bit but like it’s fine it’s the middle of the Season you’re in first place give him the the rest he needs because when the playoffs come around if you want a Deep Run

Forbert does fit the mold of a playoff defenseman you want in your lineup um not the fastest not the most skilled not the best Puck mover but he’s big he can shut things down he’s good on the PK all those things physical uh and I think you

Do need that in your lineup um so I I uh I I think I don’t have any anything new for you though on forbs return um jvr dollar for dollar might be the best signing of the offseason uh so yeah I agree one year one million for Van Reams

Dyke was strong I mean you think about uh back then during free agency and there was a lot of outrage from Bruins fans about oh my God why aren’t they immediately replacing berson and grae like you couldn’t with the overages with the lack of cap space also the

Other thing is in free agency and I’ve talked about this before in free agency you’re most times you’re not looking to re you know find a a a pillar of your roster you are simply looking to get value guys um adding a piece here or

There you know oh we need a second pair right shot defenseman okay free agency can do that uh we need a depth score on the third line free agency can do that that um where free agency typically misses and teams swing hard and Miss hard is oh my team needs a number one

Center let’s go get a guy in free agency and hope he can be that the good the best players get resigned it’s so rare that a guy like Taris or gdo hit the free agency market it just doesn’t happen that often you look at the crop of free agents even in

2024 and there’s not many who are you could hit it who I mean obviously you have guys like Alias Lindholm um you don’t have that many that are franchise changing um and Van re’s like to me like for one year one million even at the time even if he was producing half of

What he’s doing now he’s fourth on the Bruins and scoring uh I think he’s like number one in primary assist at five on five or something I saw Scott mlin tweet like for what you know I agree I think he’s the best value signing in in this

In this crop because he’s been a guy that whoever you put him with he’s produced power play playing I mean again like right now uh or you know the other night he was you know Frederick was in the middle uh of van reik so like he’s producing with anybody and I think he’s

Such a good passer such a strong passer um so I I agree I think um I think vanin reak has been a phenomenal value signing and he’s going to be getting a Payday next season so uh enjoy this while you have it it’s like the bersot and Cree

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NFL do you think sway will sign soon 6times six this is a great question and someone else asked about San signing and I think oh someone asked me in my DMs they slid in my DMs they they got right on in those DMS down in the DMS um they

Got in there and asked about Swan so this is an interesting topic because it’s one that we have not touched on much this year um because again it’s the middle of the Season he is under contract um you know signed that he had to go to arbitration signed the oneyear

Uh three I think was 3.74 five million deal uh in the off season obviously worth a lot more now and he was even then um I was of the you know again they didn’t have a ton of cap room this offseason so you did did have to do that

I think in a perfect world you would have locked Swan up to a oh god um somewhere in the four five year range this past off season for four million four and a half maybe five uh and kind of hope that he lives up to

That and that looks cheap when the N of that contract hits four to five years down the line obviously they really couldn’t do that because of the salary cap so now they’re going to be on the hook for more six time six is not crazy

Um and you know it’s funny I I pulled up um goalie contracts on uh spot track to see like okay well what are other players making um Conor huk right now is making 8.5 million a year I don’t think San’s at that level yet sok is making

8.25 million a year I don’t know if he’s there but like Philip guow is making 5.9 Elvis Merin is making 5.4 uh Tristan Jar’s making 5.375 Darcy keer 5 .25 this is just per year um Matt Murray signed 6.25 per year which is awesome or this was uh oh yeah

He’s on that current contract now um he’s getting for sure I think over that over those players has to I mean he’s better than almost all of those guys I just mentioned guau murin jari keer I take San over all those guys um and I his Camp is going to make that argument

And they’re right to do it um I think the Bruins counterargument it’s an interesting one is Lena Sark makes five million now Lena Sark uh you know signed that deal in 2021 so again it’s a lot has changed when Lena Sark goes to sign his deal

Next off season he’s going to make a lot more than $5 million especially at I think uh 27 years old um or is he 27 I got to look this up it says on here 27 but I feel like he’s older maybe I think he’s older just because Swan is Young um

Oh L Marcus thir leark is 30 Swan’s um Swan’s 25 they signed omark when he was 27 excuse me um sorry about that uh anyways I do think that that omark thing will come in into play we’re like going into next year if both goalies are still here if they

Don’t trade omark which surprisingly I don’t think I got one question about trading lus homark which is incredible but we’ve talked about it so much that I think we’ you know my position on it um um if you go to next season can you have swayan making more than hmark I think

It’s a real question and I think the Bruins if they don’t deal Mark are gonna maybe try to make that case now a fair price for swayan is six years six million like I I think that’s a very fair deal I think he has the case for

Even more because he is clearly a I think a future you know definite number one starter in the NHL you know a guy that um you know can platoon now the question is like what’s he going to do in the playoffs this season I think that’s sort of the last Sho to drop

Thing to understand with San is like what are you getting out of him u in the playoffs so again right now like I mean hbu’s contract he signed in 2018 which again years ago now was six years six uh 6.16 6 million and that was back then I

Like I know that was back then but I I would expect SW to come around that like and I think he more than earned it um you know is Swan going to move into the upper tier of soken and hell’s current contract and like you know is he gonna touch bobovski like I

Don’t think so Sween is usually very good at resigning his own guys so you know so again I think it’s going to be somewhere around that six years um you know six six and a half million that would be my guess and he’s worth it I

Think he’s he’s proved he’s worth it I think he has the I think he has the mentality to be a very strong goalie whether he’s playing uh you know 45 games a year or 55 or 60 games a year I think he has a good mentality that’s why

I am he I want to see the goalie tandem work in the playoffs but I also want to see him extended in the playoffs I want to see what he has um come postseason time so um I again I I that’s where I stand with the swing and stuff I’m

Curious to get more into that with like Connor and Ty and Conor Ryan and Ty Anderson if you’ve heard of him maybe you haven’t I don’t know maybe you don’t know who the people are um but I am curious to get back into that so yeah

San uh 6 years six six and a half that would be my guess CJ Kelly asks do you see the Bruins not making any major moves at the trade deadline and instead waiting until the summer so they can see how this roster does in the playoffs what do you

Think will be patra’s first game back well first Patra was I just saw on Twitter at practice on Thursday so I’m curious to see if they use him him against the Penguins um I there’s no word on that yet so again I’m recording this in the after early afternoon so I

Don’t quite know the answer for that to you yet um your first question do you see the Bruins not making any major moves at the trade deadline uh and instead waiting until the summer so they can see how this roster does in the playoffs I think that’s the smarter move

I don’t think definitely no major moves I don’t you know again unless unless a player it’s a Taylor Hall deal where Ellas lindol says I only want to go to Boston I will you know then okay like then maybe but I I to me I you don’t have the assets and you’ve

Got you cannot you canot keep giving up future assets uh the only way that I’m fine with them giving up big future assets is if you get someone in return who’s going to be a long-term part of your plan if you can get lindol and then

Resign him or or sign him to to a you know a long-term deal then it’s okay right like then that makes sense the hampus lindome trade right you get a guy you know you deal off uh firsts and Prospects but you get a guy back who you

Would hope to draft in the first round a long-term potential top pairing left shot defenseman so I don’t see any major moves to the deadline I’m with you CJ I want to see how the roster does in the playoffs I do want to see and maybe that’s because my expectations for this

Team were not cup contenders uh I do want to see a guy like ptra in the playoffs uh I want to see Johnny beer I want to see Lil Mason lowai I want to see these guys uh in the playoffs and I want to see what they look like in the

Playoffs post berson and Cree I think it’s a real qu you know what what you know remember Coyle and zaka were terrific last year in the top six against Florida early in that series what will they be like I think Charlie Coyle is playing the best hockey of his

Career right now I let me say that for the record like I think Charlie Coyle is phenomenal right now point production’s there uh two-way game is there just everything I think he’s stepped in I think he’s been awesome um so I want to see this roster in the playoffs and I

Want to see the goalie tandem in the playoffs I know felger disagrees with me on this I know that uh many of you out there listening might disagree with me on this I want to see it um because maybe that’s just left over from last

Year of like come on you know that was your chance um but I to me I just go back too um I I I I don’t think and the other thing is the future assets you can’t keep giving up future assets and you need to find a way to get first you

Know I I and and you know Joe Hagerty and I talked about this on Wednesday like yeah you know it’s great that lorai and and uh beer and and Patra uh and Loco and guys like that are graduating to the big Club that’s awes awesome but

You do need to replace those guys in the in the prospect pool um and uh you need to bring in you need an infusion of high-end talent and I think that getting back into the first and second rounds uh would help you do that the question is

How uh but yeah I don’t think any major moves at the deadline um CJ I do not see any there um uh someone asked I gotta get their at at rore gu35 said with Grizz being lackluster and lowai clearly making imp back on his second STI with

The team do they keep him up I’ve liked lorai in his second go round I was not as big on lorai in his first I thought his defensive game lacked I thought he um there were some issues there in his own Zone um defending the rush things

Like that that you do need to figure out at the NHL level the offensive confidence was there the puck moving abilities were there it was just kind of what I just mentioned the dzone stuff um I’ve liked him a lot more as I said in uh in this second go round

Uh and I you know I I agree grick has not been his usual self you wonder how much whether it be trade rumors or his future uh is kind of hanging over him you never know how much that affects a player especially a guy who uh you guys

Know Mauk was born around here you know’s you know he’s from the area from Chown um and again him and makoy have not had the impact that they had in past years I’ve liked grizzli with shaton Kirk on that third pairing uh but the question is again when forbert comes

Back if you have lowai in the lineup and he is fitting you don’t need grizzli and lorai in the same lineup come the playoffs when you have heavy teams and you’re getting beat up like you just don’t need that um and again I think lowai is on that upward trajectory that

Grizzli at the moment doesn’t seem to be on um so yeah I think they probably do keep lowai up unless um unless his defensive game struggles and then it’s kind of like all right d go play a ton in Providence and you know we’ll see you

Back later in the season but he’s been great I you know again the offensive stuff is always there with him that’s never my my worry I don’t worry about lowai offensively kid used to be a freaking forward like I he’s he’s fine uh but it’s defensively and I think it’s

Been better and I think with macavoy um I’m curious to see how that pairing evolves it’s funny a lot of times and I fall in this category to you know a d pair will go together for a game or a forward line will go together

For a game and they don’t play well it’s like oh they don’t work and it’s like well they just need time like you look at Kevin shaton Kirk and Montgomery mentioned this the other day like mon shaton Kirk was rough at the beginning of the year he came from Anaheim where

There were a lot of defensive problems they played a man you know played man coverage uh in the dzone which I don’t know why that team is not good you don’t I think you only play man when your team is nasty and you’re better like you’re you’re winning every matchup but that’s

What they did and they weren’t very good and you know now he’s in Boston it took him a little time to adjust and now he’s adjusted he’s scoring he’s you know fitting in better some guys take time some guys take time so that’s why the lowai macavoy pairing um you know uh

Intrigues me intrigues me going forward um so that’s my answer on that uh slimed cheese which is a great name slimed cheese uh which is uh which is is a funny at uh at slim thick dumper which is a great Twitter name uh asks is Montgomery’s Forte benching the kids in

Big moments of concern to you for their development this I could do a whole podcast on and we’ve we’ve spent a lot of time with this I don’t want to go on and on about this but maybe I will maybe I still will I am fine with Jim Montgomery benching Georgie merula in

The third period um right when he comes up from Providence I am fine with in a game against Dallas or Toronto uh shortening the bench and going to Coy and zaka down the middle and using you know the lines and D that you trust most because you got to get

Two points and it’s an important win I’m fine with that like and I and I think you need and and and in the NHL you need to earn the right to play in crunch time the best players play then you know it’s not always the young

Guys and again if this Bruins team was middle of the pack or God forbid like bottom 10 yeah I’d say throw potra out there in the final minute of games throw merula out there you know like put lowai in front of the net uh when you’re

Defending a lead and it’s six on five sure like go do it but they’re first in the Atlantic and they are trying to get points they are trying to win and they are also they are also trying to get guys like Coyle and zaka ready for those crunch

Time moments when the playoffs come around because those guys when berson and Cree were here they were not always the guys out there now they’re the guys and you need to get them ready during the regular season now they’ve had their ups and downs they obviously have had

Some problems I’m not saying Co and zaka but the whole team has had problems defending leads late in games I get that but you do need reps at that and your Montgomery is going to go with the guys he trusts now in a game against like Arizona who I

Know is better this year but they’re still the coyotes or at teams that are not as good uh I would like to see some of the those younger guys get out there in those you know final the Ford F-150 final five and different parts of the

Third period but I get that you know the NHL is about winning games I get that and I understand that and I I agree with it um you know this is this is a team that the Bruins are doing their best to try to have a bridge year but a bridge

Year where they win so you’re getting those younger guys like beer and lorai and Patra and Loco and dtin in there and L you know I don’t know if I mentioned lowai lorai like all those young guys you’re trying to get them reps but you’re trying to win games too and

They’re doing that so far it’s kind of like the the Ben Affleck picture that it just released unfortunately gor Ryan’s not here to uh to comment on this he will soon but it’s sort of like uh the Ben affle picture of him holding the dunks where he’s like trying to hold it

All together like that’s sort of the Bruins like you’re trying to hold this weird season together where you are getting young guys ready for the future uh and and getting them reps but you’re also trying to win games and it’s like you’re holding like you know you got

Your your your uh dozen donuts you maybe got a couple breakfast sandwiches you have a couple coffees on there and they’re in the styrofoam container so it’s like steady but not really and you’re like holding it and hoping it just doesn’t fall over and it hasn’t

Fallen over yet it hasn’t it’s not like the end of the Ben Affleck sequence where he always drops everything he has um but uh I to me again I think uh you know that’s them they’re holding it together right now and I don’t I don’t see them dropping it I don’t see them

Dropping it so hopefully you guys enjoyed that little analogy um we’ll do more of those we’ll do more of those uh I’m not going to get off on the Affleck tangent because you guys are going to be um annoyed with that as you should be quick break in the

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Off plus free shipping again go to Bruins and use code 50 Bruins for 50% off plus free shipping hellofresh America’s number one meal kit now back to the show uh Daniel McKay asks if the Bruins had to what enforcer style player would you like the Bruins

To acquire we have lots of tough guys but there’s definitely the lack of a big dude who can hurt people when they mess their top players and then he asks what teams could give the Bruins trouble in the playoffs uh so I’ll answer the first one because this I’ll answerer both but

The first one I’ll spend a lot of time on um there you know obviously Lich was supposed to be that guy uh he is not that guy and shouldn’t be that guy going forward for obvious obvious reasons a you know an enforcer style it always

Goes back to Tom Wilson for me and I know people Tom Wilson Tom Wilson can contribute offensively now the contract he got in the offseason was ludicrous do not spend that on anybody like that but you do want a guy like that on your roster a

Guy who plays on the edge who you know again it’s he’s not dropping the gloves every game but he is a threat and he is someone that is going to finish his hits he is going to make Defenders be a little more hesitant when they’re going back for pucks and he’s going to

Contribute offensively that’s the kind of guy you want now obviously you’re not going to go out and get him at the deadline he’s signed long term the capitals are um are uh are contending uh I saw the capitals by the way on Friday night when I was in New York they’re

Playing the Islanders UBS Arena by the way gorgeous facility um what exactly is Alex vet can do outside scoring goals like I again I saw him one game and that’s the one time I’ve seen him in person this year so again I you know forgive me I haven’t seen every Capitals

Game but my God like there’s not much going on there outside of scoring goals um and he didn’t score any and didn’t really come close scoring any on Friday um but gez uh but yeah that’s the kind of guy you want now it’s hard to go out

And get that um because you need guys who contribute it’s a different NHL now you know your fourth line right now is lco beer Steen ideally you probably that would be an area where you would go out and get a veteran guy who can play in your bottom six who can contribute you

Know like that’s what you need you’re not I don’t think anyone who could play in your top six that can do like what a Tom wison can do is going to cost you too much that that’s too coveted everybody wants that guy you got to find

The guy in the bottom six who you know as I said can be a positive influence on a guy like beer uh and loo and and you know be able to pass and shoot like that’s really what you need I don’t have any names for me off the top of my head

On this um so again I’ll get I’ll get back to you on some names um on that but that’s what you need that’s what you don’t need the Goon you don’t need a goon a goon is not going to attract someone but you do need someone that as

I said Can can do all those things that I mentioned team-wise for teams that could uh cause fits for the Bruins in the playoffs Florida by the way is number two in the Atlantic right now four points behind you um now again as of now

You would not face them um in the you know in the first round I look at a team like Philadelphia as the first Wild Card doesn’t really scare me um just because again I know they’re they’re doing really well this year and you know they’ve got you know guy like cier who’s

Difficult to play against but they’re not a team that I’m overly worried about New Jersey in the second spot in that second Wild Card which is who you would play right now by the way um kind of does because New Jersey has the talent now in net I don’t know what they are

Doing I I’m not a fan of their plan in net it doesn’t make sense they needed goalie so bad but they have they’re they’re making their kicks at the can this is the beginning of that core of Hugh the two Hughes brothers and and uh

You know heer and uh and and and those guys so they’re sort of where you were a little bit in the mid 2000s uh mid to late 2000s so they’re a little scary in the sense that they’ve had you know they are they’ve been in the playoffs um and

They are in those early stages you know can they win a round can they be the 2010 Bruins beating the sabes you know I don’t know so that’s a team that would uh scare me a bit uh the Islanders are boring but again they typically find

Ways to win so that’s one uh the Rangers have everything I’m surp like to me that’s a team that you know they have the goal tending they have uh Firepower up front paner benad Chris krider um you know they have a good solid Decor that again

Like you got a guy like trouba in a playoff series like can you can you imagine how much Bruins fans would hate trouba even more in a playoff series and again I don’t it’s not it’s not looking like you’re going to play them in the first or even the second round um but

Again that’s a team that I think the Rangers do have what it takes to go deep it’s just like are they mature enough on the back end to win multiple seven game series um um and then again like I like people always look at the top teams as

Like oh you know and the Rangers are a top team right now but like Carolina struggled uh for parts this year but they’re knocking on the door um you know you look at a team like Tampa Tampa’s a you know a a one point out of the playoffs as of Thursday afternoon and

Again they’re a team that uh you know that that’s had a lot of success and that could that has a lot of play pedigree like what if you face them in the first round as if they’re a wild card um if the Bruins fall to second in

The Atlantic and they end there or third and play like Toronto that’s another one like Toronto did win a Playoff round last year so you do have to take that into consideration so I know that was kind of everybody but this goes back to the bigger Point I’ve

Said the whole time I don’t view the Bruins as this Powerhouse Stanley Cup Contender I don’t view them like that other people might National people might because they just might look at the the standings and the points and guys like that but like they have holes uh you know again there advantages

In net if Swan and olark are able to successfully alternate the net and dominate the way they do during the regular season the Bruins will be a cup Contender um and if they can have supplementary scoring that can win games 32 43 21 yeah they’ll go deep but if if

One of those things isn’t there you’re G to have a tough time so um that’s why kind of why I’m wary of everybody and maybe it’s just the the side effect of last season like oh God you know everything’s scary now um but again

That’s where I I go to on that uh Rob plinsky who is a cute dog as his uh as his profile picture says is Freddy better at Center than on the wing I would rather Frederick on the wing um I think that he has they’ve sort of grown

Him into that uh I think his game is is good when um you know my take on it is you can do a little more physically be a little more physically imposing on the wing as a center and not to be like Mr I’m going to explain hockey to you hockey 101 you

Know coach Evan you we’re gonna we’re going to diagram everything up we’re going to diagram some plays uh I my take on it and people might disagree with me on this is when you’re a wing you can get more on the physicality a little more um you’re not you know you’re not

As concerned with every single part of the ice when you’re the center you go everywhere you go everywhere in the dzone you go everywhere in the offensive zone um you go everywhere in the neutral zone like you are the guy is the center you’re you know you’re sort of the straw

That stirs the drink so it’s hard I think to then you know lay a bunch of hits and you know be the pest that Frederick can be um so I would rather him be on the wing and I think they have a lot of depth at center

With geeki and zaka and Coy and ptra and beeer and um I don’t think I’m forgetting anybody um so I just I think he’s fine on the wing and he’s had success on the wing you know if it ain’t broke don’t fix it but again and and

Also again it goes back to like he’s been okay at Center these past couple games so uh but again I go back to keep him on the wing uh trigger asks is Grizz playing his worst hockey this season yeah probably and I don’t it’s not bad I

Just I was I’ve been unimpressed with him in makoy which is why he’s in why you would put him in the top four would be that pairing and it just hasn’t been there this year so I would say probably yeah but again there’s a lot hanging over him uh Boston Bruins Watcher asks

How many 40 goal Seasons would Brandon Carlo have if Monty had the courage to play him at 1C this is a great question I think if Montgomery doesn’t move Brandon Carlo to the first uh Center Spot goodbye get a new coach in here Montgomery out the door um could have a

Lot of 40 goal Seasons they should one game a year one game a year um if a team you know how like in the NFL and even in the NHL they rest guys you know like there’s that game the brunin played the capitals and never forget it it was that

2021 covid shorten season uh it was against the Caps end of the SE last game of the year Bruins obviously were well in the playoffs and they played like their Providence Bruins lineup they should do a game every year where they have like Brandon Carlo as like as you

Said first line Center uh Charlie makoy like first line right wing uh you know put Georgie merul off as like your first pairing defenseman you know like go crazy let Swan and omark play out you know let let position players play a net they should like a exhibition between

You know local teams they should do that honestly they should do it just for fun you know maybe a pre-season thing uh but again you don’t want guys getting hurt so that’s a that would be a detractor to that um you don’t want you know Brad Marian and net you know tearing his

Groin because he’s trying to go post to post uh to stop uh you know Jeremy Swan one timer uh but yeah he have a lot of 40 goal Seasons brenon Carlo you know outstanding he’d be great uh Len burkowitz asks will the experiment using geeki on the power play ever end that

Decision looks awful um yeah I mean again I’ve been I would rather geeky not be on the power play either but he’s worked his way into being a legitimate player for them not power play I agree as of right now again if he he continues to work you know if he starts bursting

Out on it then my opinion will change but I agree with you I think and it goes back to like are the Bruins cup contenders if Morgan geeky or Danton heyen are in that top six probably not probably not um and you know maybe you can go into the

Playoffs with geeki uh Coyle and ptra as your top you know your centers in the top nine and it’s sort of like geeky and patra’s line are you know 2A and 2B fine but I I I still I I don’t know I just maybe again like fluto shinzawa wrote this and I

Agree if you’re gonna add something at the deadline which Ryan at Ryan j7 800 kind of asks you know if you’re gonna add something at the deadline you know do you do you uh go for a wing because it’s going to be cheaper Maybe maybe maybe

You put zaka back down the middle you put Coyle down the middle and you have ptra down the middle and that’s your one two three and you go out you add a wing so you can do you know your wings uh on that top six or then de Brusque marshan

Posto and person you go out and get hopefully I’m not forgetting anybody um uh so Ryan asks would Sweeney trade Patra for elas Lindholm if the Bruins continue to underperform in the playoffs will Sweeney be fired or will all the blame go on a coach again uh would

Sweeney trade ptra for ear slol you know ptra would get you a lot ptra is a guy that you could package for a guy like lle and I think that’s an intriguing piece Calgary is going to be rebuilding I don’t think that’s crazy to think now I don’t think they do it I

Don’t and here’s why they have struggled mightily to develop Center talent they have uh they had to trade for Coyle they had to trade for zaka um you know they tried with guys there was stanika uh obviously with B on cre for a long time you didn’t have to worry about that as

Much um but I I to me I I I don’t think that happens you finally have the guy you finally have someone that is a top six caliber Center that you drafted and you are developing I don’t think they’re gonna let go of that guy um I I that’s

My personal opinion so on inside information I just don’t think that they’re going to do that um if the Bruns continue to underperform in the playoffs will Sweeney be fired or will all the blame go on a coach again um uh no I don’t think Sweeney will be

Fired and I don’t think it’s going to go on Montgomery um you know last season was bad that first round exit was bad and it wasn’t Sweeney’s fault you think back to that roster I mean if you want to put then and I have you know the years for bersan and Cree of

2015 you know post that draft to like 2019 as Sweeney’s fault sure sure you’re more than welcome to um and you’re right you know like rough Drafting and missing on picks and you know some questionable deals the Rick Nash thing I can’t really put on Sweeney because you know he got

You know career under due to concussions like there’s nothing he can really do about that um but this like even last year you can’t put on Sweeney like Sweeney went out and like it was a good roster going into the air he added legitimate pieces

He put all the chips to the middle of the table like imagine like going back to last year imagine if Sweeney said nope I’m sitting on my hands I’m not going to do anything or to go into the playoffs with the roster we have and they were out in the first round we

Would everyone would be pissed pissed you wouldd call for his job b r a Crees last year and you don’t go for it you out of your mind this is different this is a different team this is different expectations I know they still are cup contenders in their eyes and they’re

Like playing like a cup Contender but um no I don’t think Sween will be fired they’re still winning I you know so that goes back to that uh will the blame go on the coach I mean if they if Montgomery gets out coached again in a playoff series then yeah

There’s a legitimate point there to blame him but they’re winning too much like like Jim Montgomery uh you know won the best regular season team of all time last year um now I value playoff success more 100% I’m not saying that uh you know I’m not saying that uh you know

That’s more important it’s not you got to win in the playoffs dude like that’s the biggest thing I’m not saying this to mon g I’m saying dude as to everybody I’m referencing all of you as dude um but uh yeah if he gets out coached again

Then yeah there’s a lot of blame to go around and the seek gets hotter I don’t think they fire him they do not I don’t think they fire Jim Montgomery if they’re out in the first round um but again the seat gets hotter of like hey you’re all this regular season

Success and you aren’t doing a heck of a lot in the playoffs like let’s go um so that might be more of it but no I don’t see Sweeney or or Montgomery getting fired at the end of the season if things continue the way they are and they lose

In the playoffs in the first or second round I don’t see that uh now if they collapse in these last bunch of months then it’s a totally different thing um and you’ve got all you know then the seats get hot but uh you know if they

Continue at this rate I I don’t see that being a thing um I think this is the last question Tom asked how many Bruins Cups have been won and how many times they’ve been in the Stanley Cup Final uh Bruins have won six cups and they’ve

Been 20 times six of 20 is not good um they got to figure that out I mean the berson core went one for three uh you know other cores went did worse so uh yeah six for 20 got to be a little bit better there um I think Bruns fans

That’s a one that everybody will agree with me on so that’s that I think we got everybody we got everybody I I need to drink of water and it hasn’t I don’t think it’s been that long um but this is always fun to do uh we’ll do more we’ll

Do one of these later in the season um and kind of get your when things are a little bit changed up as the playoffs come around um and obviously we’ll have podcasts Bruins speed will be out is twice a week poke the Bears twice a week

Pu with hags twice a week uh everything you could find over at the ringside YouTube channel which continues to grow which is really fun to see and it’s fun because I can you know we can see what you guys are saying chatting back and forth um so yeah that’s Bruins beat

Hopefully you guys enjoyed it uh as always we’re sponsored by our good friends at FanDuel and hellofresh I’m actually going to make a hellofresh before the game starts on Thursday night uh it’s I think it’s either like tacos or like unfried chicken so um whatever I’m feeling at the time is what I’m

Gonna do uh but anyways that has been Bruins beat I’m Evan marowski you Bruins me listeners are awesome thank you Happy New Year and uh we will see you guys Later

On a very special solo episode of Bruins Beat, Evan Marinofsky of the New England Hockey Journal dives into the mailbag and answers questions from you, the listeners. What would a Swayman extension look like? Will ther Bruins be active at the trade deadline? That, and much more!

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Bruins Beat w/ Evan Marinofsky Ep. 401

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  1. Can we finally say that the B's front office is doing this year what the Vikings GM is doing with Vikes: "a competitive rebuild" and this year they will do "the best they could and next year swing for the fences and start adding the pieces we all know they need to be a true Cup contender?

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