@National Hockey League

Tkachuk punching over the linesman

Tkachuk punching over the linesman

by Only-Highlights


  1. fallingwispy

    And picks on the smallest guy on the ice, can’t wait until he drops the gloves with someone his own size, what a baby

  2. buddachickentml

    He’s only tough when his opponent is being held by someone . Pos

  3. jigglywigglydigaby

    Not the first time he’s done this. Just spineless all around. Too bad, he has so much talent only to be a coward out there.

  4. morrisseysawanker

    Happens all the time. Nothing new, and I am not a fan of tkachuk. I’m a Philly fan and I see Laughton do the same thing many times.

  5. sherrybobbinsbort

    You ever once seen him get in a fight with someone who is considered tough? It really annoys me about him, acts tough but really isn’t.
    Today he starts punching the guy who is laying on the ground.

  6. fendermonkey

    Why are refs protecting players with their lives? Is it really their job now?

  7. ShellshockedLetsGo

    Matthew Tkachuk will never beat the turtle allegations.

  8. Space_Legitimate

    The only time that pussy ever engages someone is if there’s a ref or a teammate there to hold the guy back

  9. okokokoyeahright

    The official was a linesman. Refs don’t usually break up fights. TBH the official was smaller than either fighter. He did what he could and punching over him by a bigger person is almost an expected thing.

    As tot he actual players, well Tkachuk is well known for being an asshole, so no surprises, no prizes either.

  10. Stoudamirefor3

    Tkachuk is such a muppet. Straight loser like his daddy.

  11. JustinRansom

    The “youd love him on your team” argument i see so often doesnt seem to work for this guy. Hes no marchand, and i reserve statements like that for guys like him. I can admit i would love brad marchand on my team, even more so if we would get marchand back when he was tkachuks age now lol. This guys just a gutless sack of shit though, id be embarrassed to have him on my team

  12. jonclarkX1

    Any other sport, and he’s suspended and fined. Don’t allow your refs to get punched, NHL.

  13. unitednihilists

    Is there anyone in the family that’s not a complete asshole?

  14. KthuluAwakened

    I really want a huge nobody to rock this guy.

  15. shanster925

    One of those punches goes slightly askew and it’s an auto 30 game suspension.

  16. Loudlaryadjust

    Hide your 160 pounders when you face the Cats.

  17. Seagrave4187

    Hockey fans are the best. Lady holding the baby banging glass is the real star of this clip.

  18. ConfusedGuy3260

    Sometimes refs be acting like they’re stepping in to protect the President

  19. Calgarychokes

    Tfuk’s a piece of shit and always has been!

  20. Goatmilk2208

    Such scum behaviour from a scum player. The refs are there to monitor the game. If they grab you, you should stop fighting 100%.

    But of course fuck face Mc fuck chuck would never.

  21. WarehouseNiz13

    Tkachuk is the definition of a no one likes this guy.

  22. SonnierDick

    Is it common now for someone to get checked into the goalie and then the team who checked the guy just dog pile on them because they ended up on the goalie/in the net? Are they stupid? Lol. If it isnt the consequences of my own actions.

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