@Buffalo Sabres

UPL Leads Sabres To Back To Back Wins – Postgame Thoughts

UPL Leads Sabres To Back To Back Wins – Postgame Thoughts

Come on men let’s get to it let’s get that product on the shelves displays in the aisles Billboards on the highways and byways and we can win this Battle hey fool you ready for another beating you should have never came back terminate terminate destroy you will be destroyed we had to get that in there we had to get that in there my goodness I’m I was online folks and I was looking just at some of the penguin

Fans are so mad tonight they lost this game too bad too bad so sad okay too bad so sad for the penguin fans what the one thing they don’t get okay penguin fans don’t understand is out with the old in with the new and that’s the way the

Revolving door of the NHL happens Pittsburgh the young and upcoming teams eventually push you old geezers out the door and I’m not one to talk about being young but that’s how it works in hockey guys come on younger teams event take over the older teams I mean this is just what

Happens so the boys tonight led by upl’s Brilliance and Nets get their second two game winning streak if you want to call it that of the season I don’t think we can complain right now that’s for sure guys we needed this we needed this game to get this season alive again as

We approach the 41 game Mark we’ve got to get this season season alive and now we have a six-game home stand no backto backs we can maybe figure it out get some practice time in and this team maybe just maybe might get going we’ll see the six games is going to Telltale I

Believe the season really if the Sabres go in there win all six something’s happening this year I don’t know what yet but something is definitely happening we’ll see for now we’re going to take this we’re going to enjoy this it may be simple but it’s a

Start let’s go Buffalo let’s look at the numbers here we go okay Final Shots here guys reads 4232 yeah I know you heard you seen 45 then the league was saying it’s 41 I cut it out when it’s 42 the actual clip in there says Lucan and made 41 save so I’m

Guessing the 42 is correct so 4232 they had 53% of the face us we had 47 they were one for five on the power play which I’ll talk about in a sec we were all for three we had 25 hits they had 15 we were the by far I thought the

Most physical team in this game and uh the block shots we had 16 they had 17 we had six giveaways they had 12 we had nine takeaways they had 11 shots and goal per period a very dominated Pittsburgh first 17 to8 then the sabes get back into the

Game 15 12 Sabers in the second and I thought the third was pretty even overall it was uh 139 it reads but I thought it was a pretty even period for that 43 uh 4232 total scoring tuck opens it up on a nice rer says there a snapshot I guess yeah it

Was a snap I call it a rer anyway was one- nothing from Clifton and Thompson at the 253 Mark to open the game and folks I I we got to start just scoring first more in the in the season and look at the result tonight then Raquel gets his uh fourth from

Carlson and malcin at the 749 mark on a five on three uh we’ll talk about that in a second gurgenson then replies and I was so thrilled when we got this one from Robinson and Samuelson that’s your game winner right there 2 to one dalim with the empty Netter doesn’t say it there

But it was an empty Netter at 1824 so we score in the first period no teams score in the second and I should have mentioned those goals were in the third but you already know that guys this this uh this thing the league has

To fix okay and I I’ll admit it I mean in montal we got lucky with the refs but Pittsburgh really got lucky I thought also with the refs in this game they’re going to their fans are complaining about these of these two called back goals well one of them was

Clearly offside so Pitts fans do you know that offside means that the play is whistled down when a player goes in ahead before the play you know like do you understand this that’s not a goal so you got nothing to complain about there and yeah there was contact in the crease I’m

Seeing Pittsburg faning there’s no contact in a crease my goodness I see guys get penalties for doing that to other players let alone goalies does the goalie have to be knocked out for there to be contact no no there it doesn’t so those calls were correct those were correct calls if it

Would have been called against Buffalo I’d be the first to say that’s the right call sadly it is and uh Pittsburgh had breakaways they couldn’t capitalize and Lucan in guys in this net was tonight in this game and Nets was brilliant he was brilliant in this game he just styed

Them here’s the good news and I’ve been trying to think about this I don’t think it’s happened yet correct me if I’m wrong guys when’s the last time we seen back-to-back games with Levi then Lucan both be the number one Stars I I can’t place it in my head I

Just can’t if it’s happened it eludes me for sure so two back-to-back performances by our young goalies got the jobs done on this two game set on the road so this is really huge coming home guys cuz now the chance is there it’s there for the

Taking if we can put together like a good hockey team does a good home stretch The Season’s alive if we come home and fail at home I don’t know what to say anymore I I won’t be able to look at Granado I know that so they got to do something on

This home stretch and no not three and three not two two and two no not 3 2 and one no they got to go minimum minimum four and two minimum bare minimum that’s bare minimum I’m hoping 5- one so 6 and0 I want to see something happened this year maybe it

Will maybe we went through one of our worst stretches in our history to have one of our biggest winning streaks in years maybe so I don’t know what to say right now we got um Seattle next guys and they’re not easy we haven’t beaten them yet they’re not easy and they’re

Playing good right now they’re playing really good hockey right now let me give you what they’ve been let me check that for you I know the game’s not for a few more days but this team is right now playing pretty damn good hockey again uh Seattle has won six in a

Row yep Seattle has won six in a row let me just check their schedule where their next game okay so Seattle’s coming into Buffalo on a six-game winning streak and they will have not played a game though in 5 days so that momentum as we know can

Disappear um also but the Sabers if they’re not going to ride this momentum now we don’t have much of a team so we’re going to see how we ride this momentum coming into this game we’ve got to figure out the home record guys I’ve been saying that for years now we’ve got

To figure it out I said before the year and I’m going to say it again they’re not going to be close to last year’s road record that’s an anomaly that happens every once in a while in our history it’s not going to be a backtack because I know some fans were saying

Well we’re good on the road yeah last year last year this year well maybe you know if we can be like a few games over 500 on the road two I’ll take it this year really two on two but we got got to figure a way to get like 12 over at home

Is what we have to do and this six games is going to dictate if that’s even a reality if we can get it to I don’t know 4 and two we can then talk about it’ll just bring us to like 500 won’t it it’s not good

Enough the sabes have to take a stand and if they’re going to take a stand folks it’s got to be in their home ice it really does cuz if they can’t figure out their game on their home ice we’re not a playoff team I mean we’re damn close to being a

Playoff team last year if we weren’t such a crap home team last year yeah we’re eight and nine at home you know so we can get the record to 500 at home now look we’re 9 10 and three on the road okay last year on the

Road the sabes are 25 13 and three so let’s backtrack that again 25 13 and 3 that means the Sabers would have to go 16 and three their next 19 games on the road to be as good as last year 16 and three it’s not happening it’s just not

Happening so we’d have to go 16 and three to equal last year’s um home record but uh sorry road record but at home last year the Sabres were 17 and 20 you know so if we can figure out the home thing this year which we should be able to do with six

Games if we cannot be comfortable enough as a unit as a team in a dressing room that is used to the going outside used to the restaurants used to the people used to the regulars that they can’t figure a way to get winning at home we got problems we got problems I can’t

Even try to figure out that they’re going to have to figure out with trades and maybe a new coach but I don’t want to jump on anything right now I want to see next game now UPL I do want to talk about UPL in this video UPL was

Brilliant tonight he was brilliant I mean he he made the breakaways look easy that to me is a sign of confidence he just made it look easy and people say yeah but he hit three posts I don’t care that means he’s covering the net the there’s no room if they’re hitting post

You know it’s not like they’re missing wide open Nets in hitting the post it’s that they’re trying to pick off areas and they can’t get it through also he’s a big body this guy if we can get goal tending what if we can get goal tending from both in the second half there’s

Something to think about if they both could just Elevate their game the rest of the year wouldn’t all of you be thrilled really I mean what what would what would that mean to you guys as fans if they if the go tending is what brings us back this year from the dead

Maybe it’s the goal tending all along that is the thing that might bring us back I know it’s only two games but it’s two Road games and two games where we let in quite a few shots each game so if we can go home tighten it up hold it to

20 25 shots maybe against Seattle we’ll see then so my guess next game will be Levi then UPL Levi UPL I would do uh I heard in the postgame they were comparing it to the Edwards SV season of the 19798 Sabers yeah I would do that

Back then guys for those of you that weren’t even born yet what they did in 7980 when that was Scotty Bowman’s first year taking over the Reigns in Buffalo they they they tightened up they were 30 30 I believe it was 33 goals less than everybody in the entire league they let

In 2011 goals that year and they brought in they he brought in a a a system with the goalies going like this that’s what Scotti Bowman did back then and yes they didn’t play exactly the same amount of games but there was a huge stretch of the Season sve Edwards sve Edwards sve

Edwards many many you older saber fans might remember that year and remember that Gretzky’s rookie year in the NHL that is and guys if we can just get that kind of goal tending I say do that do it develop them right let them know when they’re playing let them know ahead of

Time okay it’s your turn next like you know don’t be scared I say do it go for it I’m all for it if they can just take the goalies and go like this with them rest of the season sure why not why not this way they get guys that they get the

The the the much needed minutes of experience under their belts think about it I mean this is what we need to do if we’re not going to make the playoffs this year guys and it doesn’t look like we’re going to but if we don’t okay cuz we still could we’re

Six points out right now if we could still at least take those valuable minutes and no you don’t put the goalies in AHL put them in and let them learn let them learn this thing today that oh he’s going to lose his confidence good grief

Guys come on I mean if somebody’s like a professional athlete that’s making millions of dollars you’re telling me they don’t have confidence come on you know they got confidence you just got have the right guys around them it’s not so much the goalies that lose their confidence as

The people around them that keep them healthy in the noodles that’s what it’s that’s what’s important the right coaches the right coaching staff I tell you if Granado eventually this team takes an O dive and goes down this year they better clear out the entire coaching staff if they fire

Granado the entire coaching staff I want God not just Granado all of them all of them so we’re not there tonight’s a good night I’m going to leave it there guys boys win we’re taking this one we’re coming home so we are coming home let’s

See what we can swing in these six games do we have a season or not we’ll find out in the weeks to come have a great night guys see you Soon

Well folks, the 2 month wait is over as the Sabres led by a very solid UPL performance finally win back to back games to get this 2024 year off to a solid start..thanks for watching and see you all soon 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Crosby is still so good as he's pushing 40 years old. Just unreal to me. While upl played incredible, we got lucky with this win between all the breakaways given up and goals called back.

  2. Oh I remember that 79-80 season with Sauve and Edwards.. and they won the Vezina too. And we lost in the semis to the Islanders who went on to win the next 4 cups..

  3. Pens had so many chances man… 3 breakaways, two goals overturned, posts… Im 100% sure that in any other night that score would be different. UPL had a game of the year too. Its good win but still… This feels like the long win streak few years ago. It was a great run but when you really focused on those games… many were won in OT or SO so it made it feel…kinda worse and you knew that a small bounce in those tight games could have ended the run so much faster. They were just lucky in many games during that stretch. I hope they turn this around but the way they are STILL giving opposite so many top quality chances, i just can’t see it happening.

  4. UPL did a Tokarski against Pittsburgh, they must be spitting! Now for the boys to really kick on at home and start building the fanbase confidence. A half decent run at home would make it a different season altogether. We'll have to wait and see. 🤔 The platooning of the goalies doesn't always work but several teams have got good results doing it. I seem to recall the mid-90's Senators doing it with Rhodes/Tugnutt with some success too.

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