@Montreal Canadiens

[Dumont] Some people really think the fact that a handful of fans made some noise three hours ago is why the Habs allowed one of the best teams in the NHL to score? That’s just stupid. I’m sorry.

[Dumont] Some people really think the fact that a handful of fans made some noise three hours ago is why the Habs allowed one of the best teams in the NHL to score? That’s just stupid. I’m sorry.

by HanshinFan


  1. HanshinFan

    Follow-ups from thread:

    [[Dumont](] I love to sugar coat things, but trying to blame fans for the Habs’ poor defensive coverage is flat-out stupid. No other way to put it.

    [[Dumont](] People save up all year, or even longer, to afford a pair of tickets. And you’re going to tell me that YOU get to decide how much noise they make? Get out of here with that stupidity.

  2. I seem to have missed this controversy. Were people blaming the olé song for the Rangers scoring or something?

  3. While it is stupid, I have to say it does seem to happen sometimes when the fans start cheering when the Habs are up.

  4. slafyousilly

    Like that time we sang to lundqvist in round 1?

    Edit: I guess examples are upsetting

  5. GeistHunt

    I’m pretty sure that it’s universally known that if you celebrate your victory too early that you jynx it. Or the Habs have been blowing 3+ leads all season and it’s following a pattern.

  6. Studly_Wonderballs

    My French is pretty weak, but why don’t we chant ‘Allez’ instead of ‘olé’

  7. HotHits630

    Even the players were muttering shut the hell up fools! (probably)

  8. propagandavid

    If anything you do changes the outcome of a hockey game, the team should put you on the roster.

  9. People who get upset about “jinxing” are very dumb

  10. Booyacaja

    I mean it’s not that stupid if the Rangers heard it and got fired up. I know I would if I was on the visiting team. Maybe it gave them a little 1% extra motivation who knows. In summary, YOU’RE STUPID DUMONT!

  11. usernamemispeled

    I dunno back in 2010 I converted a good friend to the Habs just in time for that epic playoff run. We both grew our beards out and I explained to him the importance of the playoff beard.

    He showed up at my place for game 1 of the conference finals clean shaven… said it was too itchy.

    Well the rest is history but I’ve felt guilty about what could have been ever since.

  12. Well, hear me out… I have to admit that I am part of the don’t chant ole ole too soon. This post and how Dumont sees things actually made realise something.

    It was of my understanding that we as a crowd were chanting ole ole as a way to celebrate a win. Kind of a chant that we do late in the third. I realise now that this celebration might not be the same for everybody.

    Yesterday, when the crowd sang it, I admit I was mad but in my head it’s not a superstition. It could wake up the other team, shake up their pride that a bottom team crowd are teasing them.

    I think he’s right, who are we to say how people should celebrate, they paid for their ticket so they do what they want.

  13. For some reason, some people think “Olé Olé Olé” is a stand-in for “Nah nah nah hey hey hey goodbye”, ie. a victory song.

    It’s not. It’s an enjoyment song. “Hey this game is exciting and the team is flying, this is fun, Olé!”.

    I think the misconception comes from other fanbases mocking the song when *they* are beating us. But those fanbases are not serious people and all their opinions are automatically invalid.

  14. seabee2113

    Chants are a great way to get the crowd more into the game and have a more enjoyable experience. The whole point of these events are to have a good time. Go see English football match, they constantly have different chants going. It’s to make everyone feel more apart of the game. People bashing it are missing the point of any sporting event.

  15. DeciduousPlatter

    Phew, interesting concept…

    Fans are too good, it helps the opposition. Should stay at home and stay silent next time to maximise our chances of winning.

  16. defineloser

    It’s just annoying to hear the premature chanting. We all know superstitions are stupid. But these chants are just stupid and give the opposition fuel to try harder. You might as well chant “it’s already over”. It is even more annoying knowing it is the clueless alcoholics.

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