@Boston Bruins

I had to watch these more than once

I had to watch these more than once

Last night we certainly had some Shenanigans in a negative way with cousins hitting a defenseless player Zucker then retaliating with a hit from behind when the puck is nowhere close which he’s going to have a hearing for today and normally I’d probably make a video on this but today rather than

Focusing on a negative theme where everyone in the comments is just going to Flame each other I figured why not lighten things up a bit last night we had ourselves a Full Slate of hockey and we saw some hilarious stuff all over the place poor guy he looks like me last night on

Broadway just kidding so let’s start in Toronto where the Kings and leafs went ated and at one point benois had two guys at once kind of gives me buffin Vibes plus a fight later in the game which had him casually checking out his bloody knuckles in the box but we also

Got berzi an absolute beauty of a dude on the bench meticulously taping his stick look at that concentration all four this a single tiny strip of tape across the butt end of the stick now I don’t know if he’s required to cover the hole with a knob or tape and this is

Just his way around it he’s technically covering the hole but either way this one had me cracking up Todd M with this game it’ll be interesting to see if over in Vancouver we had Miller chirping a reporter but first let’s get a little context a few years back the Canucks

Were struggling and drer asked him this I think when we get everybody to buy in we’re really hard to play Team to play against is everyone buying right now so maybe getting a bit of a Revenge last night he got back at drer after he misspoke on who shot the puck sort of

Deflected no the door open oh that wasn’t right should watch the game drer that one’s going to be meeme material but we also had holander behind the net say screw it Michigan pass as he scooped it over the net and with this one I just love the lack of any real

Plan other than maybe banking it off the goalie I guess but I actually recently covered the whole covering the puck with your hand in the crease thing doing so should result in a penalty shot which didn’t get called in Nashville but it did get called just a night prior in

Winnipeg in this one I think the difference is that the puck is above or at least right at the crossbar when he catches this so not technically in the crease I don’t know you guys let me know your thoughts on this one heading over to Pittsburgh we’ve had this for a while

Now but it’s called The Graham Zam during the intermission the Granny’s get on the Zamboni and ball out this one never fails to make me laugh heading back to New York how about the return of Shawn Avery one of the key memories from watching hockey as a kid was Shawn Avery

With this screen technique they actually had to bring in the Avery rule to deter from it but we kind of saw a comeback of it here now the reason this isn’t a penalty is because he’s not screening the goalie if the puck is behind the Rangers net so not quite the same thing

But pretty great nonetheless and finally we had bo viler blocking a shot breaking a blade and trying to get to the bench push from behind for some help as he makes a great effort honestly get some head Taps from the boys when he finally does get back there now you see this

Happen all the time but it will never not be funny but yeah that’s a look at some of the funnier side of hockey from last night let me know if you guys like this I appreciate you guys watching and I will see you in the next one

Last night, we had some shenanigans in the Panthers Coyotes game when Nick Cousins hit a defenceless player and Jason Zucker, retaliating hit Cousins from behind when the puck was nowhere clos. He’s going to have a hearing for it today and normally I’d probably make a video on it but instead, I wanted to lighten things up a bit. After we had ourselves a full slate of hockey across the NHL, we saw hilarious stuff all over the place. From Benoit with two players at once, Noesen bringing back the Sean Avery rule, JT Miller roasting a reporter (Drancer), Bertuzzi hilariously taping his stick and much more. I cover it all in todays NHL hockey video!

#hockey #nhl #highlights #funnymoments #torontomapleleafs


  1. A video like this is entertaining and I for one, find it a break from the normal highlight video. I do enjoy all your content and appreciate your view of what’s happening. So if you want to throw in a lighter look at it’s okay with me.

  2. For the hand on the puck, you can not close your hand on the puck. However, if you keep your fingers open, you can handle the puck as shown.

  3. Love this synopsis style video!
    Thank you! Great content of context for these types of clips not traditionally covered by media. Thank you!!

  4. Most hypocritical athletes on the planet. They have ZERO respect but talk it blah blah blah fuhgin blah. The game has become so gross. Losers

  5. I have seen this channel grow and I still think it’s totally underrated. Great content and its all quality NHL stuff. The Audio is absolutely superb and you haven’t made a video that wasn’t interesting to watch regardless of team.

  6. With regard to "closing the hand on the puck", this is one of the most misunderstood rules (even by officials), and largely that has to do with people characterizing the rule in the preceding quoted terms "you cannot close your hand on the puck." The reality is: You can.

    Rule 67 – Handling Puck

    67.2 Minor Penalty – Player – A player shall be permitted to catch the puck out of the air but must immediately place it or knock it down to the ice. If he catches it and skates with it, either to avoid a check or to gain a territorial advantage over his opponent , a minor penalty shall be assessed for “closing his hand on the puck”.

    A minor penalty shall be imposed on a player who, while play is in progress, picks up the puck off the ice with his hand.

    67.4 Penalty Shot – If a defending player, except a goalkeeper, while play is in progress, falls on the puck, holds the puck, picks up the puck, or gathers the puck into his body or hands from the ice in the goal crease area , the play shall be stopped immediately and a penalty shot shall be awarded to the non-offending team. See also Rule 63 – Delaying the Game.

    No where in the rules does it say you cannot close your hand on the puck. The intent of the rule is that you cannot grab the puck and skate with it, or "hide" the puck with your hand or body in an attempt to keep the other team from playing it (or knowing it's location). Specifically with the puck in the crease "air space" the rule only specifies a puck on the "… from the ice in the goal crease area."

    Players may certainly catch a puck from the air, grip it with their fingers (close their hand on it), and then immediately place it down on the ice.

  7. There's a Steve's Dang-Its sized hole in hockey media these days. I really miss having a show that consolidated all the wacky and odd moments in one place, and had someone with charisma breaking it down. Thanks. I'd love to see more of it, if you have the time!

  8. That guy who caught the Michigan in the crease did not CLOSE his hand on the puck, which is what the infraction would have been, had he actually done so. "Covering the puck" involves the ice surface.

  9. 2:20 he closes his hand on the puck while he’s in the crease and the puck was on the goalie side of the goal line. Penalty shot. And Bertuzzi, really? You would think that cuts the palms in his glove every period. Cool video.

  10. As much as I enjoy videos talking about certain games, teams, penalties, this is really fun. It’s stuff you wouldn’t normal see anymore. Would love to see this more often.

  11. This is why I live and breathe hockey. Moments like the ones you highlighted in your video make me smile, laugh, and appreciate the sport.

  12. You think if a player that's not the goal tender makes a glove save, it should be a penalty? Or that it IS a penalty? It shouldn't be if it is. That's skill mf

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