@Detroit Red Wings

[Prashanth Iyer] if you slow it down even further you’ll see a tiny garden gnome come out of Rasmussen’s skate and kick the puck directly into the net

[Prashanth Iyer] if you slow it down even further you’ll see a tiny garden gnome come out of Rasmussen’s skate and kick the puck directly into the net

by Salamangra


  1. Old_Cryptographer226

    In my honest opinion I think that moving your skate toward the puck like that should qualify as kicking. However, the NHL has pretty much never ruled that as kicking so by their own standards it’s obviously the right call

  2. LowOnPaint

    Not going to lie, I wouldn’t have been mad if they called that back and I definitely would be losing my shit if the ducks had got the game winner like that. If they’re upset, they have every right to be.

  3. RocketSZN

    I swear it 100% hit his stick if you look at it from the top angle. I could be wrong tho

  4. Am I crazy or does it look like it actually goes in off his stick and not directly from his skate?

  5. TheNewPlague666

    That was a deflection off his skate, not a kick. He extended his leg out so the puck would hit his skate, redirecting the trajectory of the puck.

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