@Boston Bruins

Depth Targets For The New York Rangers At The Trade Deadline!

Depth Targets For The New York Rangers At The Trade Deadline!

What is going on guys welcome back to Rangers Central and today we are going to do what I did last year which you guys seem to enjoy a lot my series here of trade deadline videos we went over debt players that the Rangers could add last year we went over underrated guys

The big fish defenseman and three out of the four that I mentioned ended up becoming Rangers M was kind of a bad Miss I I probably should have included him included him in that defenseman video but instead we are going to do a deeper dive we’re going to do seven

Targets versus five last year because of the fact that feel like there’s more options this year and if you’re wondering why I’m doing this so much earlier than I did last year because trades seemed to happen earlier than we think last year Bo Horvat was traded I

Think in January tereno traded about a month before the trade deadline so yeah there’s a lot of movement that might happen beforehand and I know that people are going to be in the comments so I do want to clear this in advance too people are going to be in the comments saying

That this is dumb why you talking about this player no way they sell off them this is just under the assumption which never make assumptions makes an asset of you and me but outside of that this is assuming that the that every team or the player that I’m mentioning the team that

They’re on is in a window or in a spot where they are going to sell this is under that assumption this is not me saying that oh this team’s definitely going to be bad by then but this is teams that I could Envision selling so it’s not like I went out there and

Picked you know some of the top teams in the league where oh we’re going to look at Chandler Stevenson from the golden knights cuz that’s just completely unrealistic some of these teams have a legitimate chance at least to miss the playoffs we just don’t know if they’re

Going to make a wild card spot or whatever it may be but I’m on ranting and rambling we’re going to kick things off with a de players in the series for this one like I did last year before we jump into that please be sure to leave a

Like on the video If you do enjoy subscribe if you guys are new especially if you’re Ranger fans and let me know in the comments do you guys agree with these picks and and who you guys want at the deadline who you guys don’t but we’re going to kick things off and we

Are going to kick things off with current Edmonton Oiler Matias Yanmar who spent a couple Seasons with the Vegas golden knights was with the Blackhawks and was mostly good with Dallas when he had his most effective years but he’s pretty much been consistent and what he is throughout most of his career which

Is just a guy that will add some depth to your lineup in terms of giving you some solid defensive play and giving you as well some points he has consistently been a 20 plus Point guy as long as he plays above 50 games he is going to give

You pretty much 25 points and or at least 20 and he’s not going to come in here this is obviously just debt players these are not guys that are going to come in here and you know make huge huge impacts on the lineup but it’s a guy

That you could expect to bring in some solid production as well as some defensive play he has one goal four assist on the air for Five Points he’s a minus five on a bad Edmonton team which or which is getting better but they have not been the best defensive team he

Averages almost 13 minutes on Ice he’s not a center he’s not going to win you face off so even though he’s listed that on hockey reference don’t fool you he’s he’s not a center he doesn’t take a lot of faceoffs so don’t expect much there

If you look at the charts though if you look at the Andy Rono model he is a 15 on offense 91 on defense 30 overall so you’re not going to get really that big of an impact but you’re getting more offense then you are currently getting

From a guy like Nick bino in the lineup or Tyler pitlick and you look at the evolving hockey charts the expected goals against per 60s where you’d like it the Cory against perix is where you’d like it you look at the J fresh charts his even strength defense is in the blue

Everything else though unfortunately in the red his penalty kill though is still kind of middle of the pack then you get to some of the miscellaneous stats which I know cjets is going to love when he watches this video that I’m looking at this where Matias yanm mark would rank

On the Rangers in very stats he would rank 10th on the Rangers in hits per 60 he would rank 17th in Block shots per 60 and 19th in takeaways per 60 so he’s not going to blow you away with his play he’s kind of just middle of the pack in

Terms of what you’re going to get from him he’s kind of pretty much just Jimmy VC light if you will he’s just like I yeah just a lesser version of Jimmy VC but that’s kind of what you could expect with most players in this video but that’s the first player that we are

Going to talk about cuz we have plenty more next up we have a player that I have been dying for for the past few years unfortunately I didn’t get to include him in my video last year because of the fact that he was on a very good team in the Tampa Bay

Lightning that is Pierre edir Belmar and I will continue to beat this drum that he is such an underrated hockey player and you know it’s there’s a reason a smart organization like Tampa picked him up there’s a reason he was with Colorado Vegas couple of smart organizations

There’s a reason for it because he’s a very effective bottom six hockey player he’s had even Sky votes granted fish 48th in 201617 but he’s had Sky votes but 29 games play he’s currently on the injured reserve right now he should be back though within a few weeks it said

That he was going to be out for I think four to six weeks I think the report was but in 29 games played right now he has four goals one assist for Five Points he’s a plus three in the plus minus category six pins averages only 9:30 of

Ice time so he doesn’t get a lot of ice time he is b six player so you shouldn’t really expect much from that anyway but he is a guy that could play multiple different positions he definitely is best fitted at either left wing or Center he does take a good amount of

Faceoffs though over the past few years you look at his face off percentage he has constantly been over 50% last time he wasn’t was when he was a Philadelphia Flyer when he had those Sky votes funny enough you look at all the models it says that he’s a great defensive player

The Andy and Rono model 93 35 on offense and a 4 overall everything pretty much in the purple except for expected goals four per 60 on evolving hockey chart so that’s a big positive because you again you’re not expecting a guy like this to bring in the most offense in the world

Granted he could chip in some offense he’s put up a couple 20 point Seasons a couple 15-point Seasons you look at Jay Fresh’s charts another guy positive in the even strength defense category a little bit odd that he’s not the best penalty killer but I will say this is

Where you’re really going to like him if you are a fan like me of certain defensive elements of the game 13th in six uh he would rank on the Rangers I should say 13th in hits per 60 so not necessarily going to blow you away with physicality but he could get a little

Physical and that’s still not bad all things considered he’s seventh in Block shots per 60 on the Rangers and this is also filtered by the way for if for players that have played at least 20 games for these respective teams but he would rank seventh in Block shots per 60

On the Rangers and this is the big one he would rank by a wide margin to that is first in takeaways per 60 on the Rangers and that is going to pass Jimmy VC who is currently first on the team with 2.18 and then Pierre edir Belmar

3.02 that is a almost an entire takeaway more per 60 than Jimmy VC so yeah that’s someone that you would definitely want to add to the bottom six potentially another guy where I feel you’re getting an upgrade over Nick Bonino too because of the fact that he get chip in

Offensively because of the fact that he still is going to win you faceoffs and because of the fact that I mean look at the way that he’s just taking the way uh taking the puck away and the way he’s playing defense I think Belmar is such an underrated player and that’s the

Second target by the way I forgot to mention the open these are in no particular order this is just me going and rambling so let’s move on to the next one next up we have someone that’s not really one of my favorite options but he is there and I figured he’s worth

Throwing in the mix and that is Christian fiser there are some things to like about his game but not really enough where it’s like yeah I’m going to be jumping for joy if they make this move but it is someone that I would be at the very least intrigued by if the

Rangers went out and got him in 36 games played with the Detroit Red Wings he has eight points two goal six assists he’s a plus three 24 pins on the year right now and he averages about 11 minutes of ice time the models tell you he’s a very

Good defensive forward in terms of the andian Rona won the evolving hockey chart says otherwise it says his expected metrics are good but his actual ones aren’t good so it shows he’s getting a little bit unlucky and you know he’s kind of playing on a not so

Great team right now kind of fake good team is what I should say but yeah Christian Fischer too if you look at the J fresh chards not really in his favor it shows that he’s pretty good on the penalty kill doesn’t take a lot of penalties but he is definitely kind of

Middle of the pack in pretty much everything he’s kind of just mid like that’s kind of Christian Fischer’s thing the thing that that you would like about him though is where he is in terms of the miscellaneous stats for hits per 60 where he would rank fifth on the Rangers

Below Jacob trouba and above Braden Schneider not bad company to be in especially for a team that’s kind of lacking physicality block shots per 60 though 16th so Ranger fans might not like that kind of is not that big of a deal because if he takes the puck away

Then it’s really not but the problem is he doesn’t really do that e either he’s 13th would be 13th on the Rangers in takeaways per 60 so yeah uh again Christian fer not really my favorite option but it is definitely someone worth maybe taking a look at at the very

Least next up we’re going to get into a guy that I think Ranger fans are really going to like just hearing about his numbers and everything on the year but that is Nicholas albe kuel and you know what this is a guy for the past few

Years that I was like man this guy stinks and I don’t think I would want him ever on the Rangers especially because there was a report earlier that the Rangers had Scouts in Washington I was like who could it be for and aube kubel was one of the guys and I was like

Please no but then I dove deeper into how albe kubel is and all of a sudden my opinion has changed and I would be very on board with the Rangers bringing him in in 25 games played this year he started off the year in Hershey by the

Way he had three goals five assists eight points on the year he’s a plus six 19 pins on the air so doesn’t take too many penalties he averages a little over 13 minutes of ice time won’t take faceoffs uh he mostly plays on the wing that’s really the only gripe you could

Maybe have but if you look at all of the metrics he is a huge positive in terms of his defensive play and he does chip in some offense too so let me get more into what he could do that Ranger fans are going to love his block shots per 60

Is not going to blow you away he would be 13th on the Rangers as of right now but the thing that’s going to make Ranger fans really love him and get excited about the potential of albe kuel he would would rank fourth on the Rangers in hits per 60 ahead of Jacob

Trouba that is nonetheless and the guys that would be ahead of him in terms of that category would be will Coley Tyler pitlick and Barkley goodro those are the guys that would still be ahead but he wouldn’t be that far behind Barkley goodro at the very least because Barkley

Goodro is at 7.15 where Au kubel is currently at 6.84 he is also by the way first he would be first on the Rangers in takeways per 60 just like Belmar the difference is he is even further ahead than Belmar Belmar I think what I say was that

3.02 yeah uh you look over at aube kubel he’s leading Washington at 3.24 that would put him so much further ahead than Jimmy VC Nicholas albe kuel I might owe him an apology if he’s going to keep this up especially if he comes to the Rangers then I’m definitely gonna have

To root for the guy at this point too he is definitely someone that could be a very underrated Target and this isn’t even my favorite one of the video thus far but he definitely should at least be considered for the New York Rangers he comes in next and yeah let’s go ahead

And talk about the next one who is definitely my favorite option out out of all of them next up and like I said this guy is my favorite option and I know in the comments you’re going to be like Evan you always like the stupidest players and the most random players but

I need you guys to hear me out on this one fully and that is AJ Greer of the Calgary Flames and like I said hear me out in 37 games played six goals four assists for 10 points a minus 3 27 pins and he is averaging about 9 Minutes of

Ice time so imagine he gets even just slightly more you might see an increase in point production but that’s not even where you guys are going to love him obviously all the metrics we could get into that he’s pretty much balanced too like he’s a very positive player when it

Comes to the defensive side of things and he’s also very solid offensively so he could give you good play on both sides of the puck but this is where Ranger fans and myself really really want a guy like AJ Greer is because his defensive impact yeah you’ll notice it

Because of the fact that he would be second on the Rangers and hits per 60 so he would also help on the four check too so you wonder why he’s a good offensive player G I don’t know he hits everything that freaking moves and that that too by

The way him being second is unreal because of the fact that will Coley has 13.41% 60 is 13.41% 40 and second on the Rangers like I said so you’re getting a guy that hits pretty much everything that moves then you get into his block shots he’s 10th

On the team which would put him right ahead of Vinnie troch not a bad guy to be ahead of because of the fact that he’s a guy that block shots a lot in his own right and then he would be first on the team and take away ways per 60 and

Also I think by a pretty good margin as well 2.31 and not by that large 2.18 for Jimmy VC but still a very sizable Gap to an extent you’re getting a guy that gives you such good two-way play and I know that people don’t want to hear this

And they’re tired of hearing about Tyler Mt this guy’s potential to be Tyler Mt but even better potentially because of the because of the fact I could talk because of the fact that he adds so much value on both sides of the puck the only

Gripe you might have with him is that he doesn’t really kill penalties that’s really his biggest a kill’s heal CU if he gets on the penalty kill he might become an even bigger threat for any hockey team that either picks him up or gives him the chance to kill penalties

Because he’s already good enough defensively I don’t know why he’s not killing penalties especially for Calgary they stink but yeah uh AJ Greer that’s my favorite option biasly but we still got more to talk about next up we have a guy that already has his bags packed up

For Edmonton in the summer because of the fact that wherever he goes at the deadline he’s probably just going to go back to Edmonton anyway and that’s Sam G who just again loves to leave Edmonton and go back for some reason but regardless Sam G an option in 18 games

Played he has four goals five assists nine points on the year he is a plus three on the season as well averaging about 11 minutes of ice time so not like he’s uh you know making the most out of his ice time but still half a point a

Game that’s not terrible you look at his metrics there through the charts this year so far on Andy and Rono but that’s going to come back down the Earth tot only 18 games played for him and you look at the evolving hockey metrics looks good there J fresh kind of middle

Of the pack and below average with a lot of things and then you get to the miscellaneous stats there’s not really a lot to Love Too Much seventh was is where he’d be on the Rangers and hits per for 60 he’d be 10th in Block shots

Per 60 and last on takeaways per 60 cuz somehow he has just not taken the puck away I don’t know how it’s possible but he just hasn’t and I don’t know how at all but uh yeah so it’s sitting at a flat zero but regardless Sam G is an

Option because of the fact that he could add some scoring depth as well as he plays at least respectable defense for the bottom six so yeah Sam G definitely not the sexy pick but it is an option last up we have a guy who’s having a very sneaky Good Year in Nashville and

That is someone with the most generic name I’ve ever heard and I didn’t even know about until I was making this video that is Cole Smith and what an underrated ad this could potentially be for the Rangers if they go out and get him he is easily going to get a career

High in points the question is is Nashville going to be willing to move him I don’t know but regardless that’s pretty much the question with a lot of these players but at 28 years old in his second season or second like full season 15 points in 38 games played where last

Year he had 17 69 games played nice already smashed his goal total well not smash but he’s at five he will smash it though and he’s at 10 assist for 15 points on the year 37 pin so he does take a decent amount of penalties and he

Averages almost 14 minutes of ice time a night which you know is a lot but it’s still not terrible he brings you very solid two-way play very good in his own end if you look at all the metrics it tells you that he is a very good defensive forward and he also kills

Penalties that’s the biggest takeaway this was probably my second favorite option if I did have to add to that but this is my second favorite option because you look at the miscellaneous stats too he would be second on the Rangers and hits per 60 again will Coley

A guy who hits everything that moves Cole Smith does pretty much the same thing it’s over 11 as hits per 60 block shots per 60 14th on the Rangers so not the sexiest but he would be eighth on the Rangers in takeaways per 60 which would put him ahead of Eric gipson so

You’re getting a guy that brings you very solid defensive hockey and he may not block a lot of shots but for a team like the Rangers who kind of just has made a thing where they block a lot of shots you’re not expecting his to be

High until he comes here he you could expect that number to go up and the fact that he hits a lot fact that he takes the puck away a lot puts up points yeah I I mean sign me up for a guy like Cole Smith I think that him Greer would be my

Top two options if I were to rank them off the top of my head quickly I’d probably go Cole Smith AJ Greer OB Cel Belmar gmark fiser G uh like probably that would be my ranking if I had to do from what I’d want the most to least but let me know

Your thoughts and who you’d want the most if I didn’t mention a guy that you’re thinking of in this video I do apologize I have plenty of other videos coming out I have three more of these so so don’t worry I’m going to get some more players that I might have left off

In this video so don’t be too mad about that and again let me know what you think who you like the most out of this do you think all these guys suck and they’re not even worth taking a look at would you like multiple of these guys

I’d love to hear what you guys think in the comment section down below don’t forget to leave a like if you have not already subscribe if you guys are new especially if you’re Ranger fans turn on your notification so you know when I upload or go live next and I’ll see you

In the next one let’s go Rangers

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  1. Evan..A little off topic…Tampa may be sellers and have not locked up Stamkos… Would you do Stamkos for a rental for Kakko and Schneider!?…Assuming we could sign him.

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