@Toronto Maple Leafs

Wake Up! It’s Game Day!

Go Leafs Go!

by Commercial-Bee2589


  1. Gavin1453

    I am really looking forward to just watching the Leafs play again with how well they have been doing lately. They will likely have to make major changes after this season and in future seasons but I can’t do anything about that. All I know is this team is both awesome to watch and dare I say it, a cup contender! GLG!

  2. brownmagician

    Anyone on the sharks worth acquiring via trade?

  3. I hope Keefe puts in Hildeby just to make the game more interesting.

  4. SpinningDickTwist

    If I was Willy I would revert back to no effort Willy from every other season just for this game to drive our fanbase insane then return to this years version of Willy who works his ass off next game.

    I’m kind of a Sadist tho

  5. I_Am_Vladimir_Putin

    Willy extended, get hard stay hard, balls on the line at 7

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