@Detroit Red Wings

Hardcore Blackhawks fan turned Red Wings lover because of Kane ? Yes and I’m proud . Silly sentimental story but true

My dad asked me this year for Xmas what I wanted and I said a KANE jersey , home colors, wings . He didn’t even question it and bought himself an away jersey … now I apologize for reminiscing but here we go. People will blast me for wearing it to the game I’m going to next month but I simply don’t care .

I remember being 20 years old in 2010 and Patrick Kane flipped in that crazy goal that only he saw in Philadelphia and Chicago FINALLY could say that they were champions . My dad was silent and all he said was “I-I just don’t know .. that this is real?” Took me a second to realize this man was crying . I understood from that point forward what this sport means to people . He said he skipped his high school prom to watch the hawks in the finals get beaten by Montreal and had been waiting for this for a very very long time .
I literally fell in love with hockey from that point on , lol! And something pops always told me was
“Those Red Wings though, man, they have always had this ..Red Wings factor? Where it doesn’t matter exactly how the team is made up , they are consistently tricky and SKILLED , they have a pride and professionalism on and off the ice . They call themselves HOCKEY TOWN and nobody has ever dared question it because they are an incredibly classy franchise .
He said all I’m saying is they aren’t the Minnesota Wild or something who can be figured out and kicked around , let’s just hope we never have to face them in the playoffs , because they have been our big brother for years (no two teams in SPORTS have played more games against eachother ) .
In 2013 we had to face them …
It was and will always be the series that changed my life … we won the first game YYYEAAHHH but then lost the following THREE games . I attended game 5 when my dad got us tickets somehow and man it was def 50/50 Hawks/Wings fans . I had never seen another team fill up the madhouse like that before . “FUCK THE HAWKS” chants were very audible and disconcerting . Zetterburg ? Wtf? Dude idk but he was a savage monster with manners. Haha. He seemed to score at will.
Somehow we fought and fought and made it to game 7.

For the first time since 1945, the four semifinalists were the previous four Stanley Cup champions: Pittsburgh (2009), Chicago (2010), Boston (2011), and Los Angeles (2012).[3] In fact, Detroit, the 2008 Stanley Cup champions, were the last team to be eliminated in the conference semifinals, so the last five teams remaining were the previous five champions.
Somehow we won game seven and it was no freaking picnic . My heart races thinking of Henrik Z , J Howard, G Nyquist, Drew miller oh man . If Lidstrom or Datsyuk proper were there would we have had a chance? No . It would have been done already.
So while I do apologize for my long-winded story, I just want to say that I respect the hell out of the Wings and that man, 88 Kane , literally made that part of my life something I will tell generations about for as long as I live. GO Wings ! And 88 Kane please turn into SHOWTIME as a Wing. THATS HOCKEY BABY !!!

by Algoresrythm


  1. Eagle2502

    My wife’s cousin lives in downtown Chicago and is a huge Blackhawks fan. She was texting him one evening and I asked her to say to him that I’m sorry we have one of their old star players. He responded that it was alright because they had Bedard now. LOL

  2. Let’s all bless his hip that it gives him some pain free playing time.

  3. Balance47x

    This is how I feel about the Astros because of Verlander. My favorite baseball player of all-time.

    Kane’s been a favorite of mine since I started watching hockey again in 2010. I got his jersey for Christmas too.

  4. BiggestYzerfan

    Man, Kane sure knows how to pick’em. Chicago, Rags, Detroit. Jeeze if I was a hockey player that would be a pretty great team history. Hope he stays with us.

  5. Leepa1491

    To each their own, but I just wouldn’t be able to become a fan of my most hated rival team (or any team for that matter) because one of our best players left and went to that team.

    It’d be like if in 2000 Yzerman became a Blackhawk… I’d be sad, upset, and confused why he left and went to one of, if not our biggest rivals, but I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing an Yzerman Blackhawks jersey.

    But like I said. To each their own, glad to have you as a wings fan now.


    Fuck the hawks.

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