@National Hockey League

From the Athletic, ROY ranking half way through the season. Thoughts?

From the Athletic, ROY ranking half way through the season. Thoughts?

by alvvaysundertow


  1. Love how “advanced stats” somehow has Bedard at #10 with 15 goals and 33 points. Bananas.

  2. If Bedard can’t win it because he’s out too long, I hope that Rossi wins it.

  3. papertonic123

    That’s not their actual ranking, they know Bedard will likely win if he’s not out too long, it’s just showing how terrible he’s been defensively

  4. gilbert-brule

    Including Dimitry Voronkov (who tbh has been really impressive) but not Adam Fantili (who has been REALLY impressive) is a head scratcher.

  5. no_baseball1919

    Wtf? How does Bedard have 33 pts and only a +2.9 offensive rating? How is he at 10 with 33 points?

  6. Ridiculous graphic. Bedard is 1, Faber is the runner up.

  7. Cautious-Moose9180

    From the article: ”Chicago has earned just 41 percent of the expected and actual goals with Bedard on the ice, entirely an issue of his lackluster defense. More shocking is that relative to teammates, Bedard’s on-ice numbers are only average, too.”

    Luszcyszyn goes on to explain that Bedard’s usage (minutes and competition) has been so difficult that his statistical model can struggle to find enough comparables in order to gauge Bedard’s contribution.

  8. Due_Muffin_5406

    This doesn’t mean anything. The Blackhawks have a mediocre backup goalie in net. Defensive numbers are magnified in a bad way because of it.

  9. If Bedard comes back and plays average, he wins the Calder. If he comes back gun shy, I can see someone taking it from him, but it’s his to lose.

  10. While Brodin was out, Faber recorded nearly 80 minutes of 5 on 5 time between 4 games and was on the ice for a single goal against. All while recording nearly 30 minutes of ice time each game.

    Calder voting will be based on stats, not advanced stats, but as far as overall impact goes, he’s one of the best rookies this year.

  11. The fact that Bedard is putting out any stat in that shitshow Chicago has been speaks highly of his ability. That said Faber is doing roughly the same thing here but as a defensive forward so it doesn’t show on the score sheet (there’s no stat for goals not scored by opponents) and we lose anyway because he can’t play 60 minutes. Look at his TOI: if we have a chance to win a game he goes for 30 minutes, if we give up on the game he puts a “normal” 24 minutes and we are blown out of the water because we basically don’t have another defensive line at his level.

  12. Connor Bedard net rating is a product of him playing with literally an AHL team. This kid will be absolutely bonkers when they built a decent team around him.

    If Bedard is out long enough I feel like Luke Hughes is a slam dunk for Calder. Not often you see a D-man step in at 20 years old and play this strong on both ends of the rink.

  13. Love how an unbiased model gets the reaction from people saying “BuT pOiNtS”…that’s literally the point. Points aren’t the end all be all in this sport and if you think so you don’t understand the game, plain and simple

  14. Losdangles24

    I’m completely unbiased but Luke Hughes should absolutely win the Calder if Bedard misses too much time

  15. ldssggrdssgds

    Bedard will win…these stats are nonsense

  16. Is there a stat that can identify how bad the Hawks are as a team? What I mean specifically is…how do you record that a team has zero breakout plays, zero power play plan (outside of the drop back pass to Bedard), zero support on an offensive play to the net. I could keep going. #98 isn’t great defensively, but holy crap do the Hawks suck. The only play is to try and find Bedard for a pass.

  17. kjframe1223

    Can I get some kind of random metric that shows Luke Evangelista leading in the Calder race?

  18. LegionaryTitusPullo_

    That’s what makes NHL awards so worthless, everything is just given to top point getters regardless if they’re dogshit are every other aspect.
    Bedard is being gifted top everything cause their roster is pathetic, which they purposely made pathetic.

    Faber undoubtedly won’t win RoTY but he far and above deserves it, he’s played his way into top everything. Hell in the past month he has nearly 10 games playing 30 min a night, a rookie defensemen that plays 30+ mins at all is fucking bonkers nevermind the # of times he’s already done it

  19. azndestructo

    Having Bedard anything below 1 is absurd.

    Also, I feel like Zary should be right beside Faber in the rankings. He is only second to Bedard on a points per game basis and without him, the Flames are likely bottom 3 in the league, but maybe I’m just a huge homer? LOL

  20. Pixel_Sports

    Is this not Rossi’s 2nd year in the league? I thought he played 50 some games last year?

  21. Jjrose362

    Brock Faber at +18 is ridiculous. The kid is getting 30 minutes a night. If the second half of the season plays out the same way, he deserves the trophy.

  22. OhioNHLHockeyFan2489


  23. Schwinston123456

    I can’t believe they don’t have IP60 (interviews per 60) as a stat on there. Bedard is clearly leading the league, let alone rookies.

  24. ColourBlindPower

    2 thoughts:

    1st, what the hell is the difference between offensive ± and defensive ±??

    2nd, Bedard being anything but top of this, with 33 points while playing on the (2nd) worst team in the league? Scuse you??

  25. RSlashLazy

    Just so you guys know, this uses a combination of what advanced stats say their rating is for defense and offence and just combines those numbers. It is not an actual Calder list since it’s just ordering them based on their net rating. All it shows is that Bedard is extremely good offensively but extremely bad defensively since his offence isn’t good enough to offset how bad analytics say his defence is.

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