@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Kris Knoblauch 01.09.24

Kris addresses the media following the Oilers 2-1 victory at the United Center in Chicago on Tuesday.


  1. I love this guy. Skinner is showing he is a serious first option goaltender. Itโ€™s those grind it out wins that earns you that respect ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป

  2. Best coach winning percentage of any coach with over 4 games. Only coach with two 8 game winning streaks in 24 games ever

  3. The Oilers put in easily the least amount of effort I've ever seen an NHL team put into a game, and still won. How did Calgary lose to this Hawks team lol?

  4. I kinda feel like he took the "laxed" approach too much in this one instance. I think the 3rd goal 100% should not have been called back, Knobs should have challenged. I feel like it was easier to call back the 2nd one because no call was risked on the 1st. Had Knobs risked and won, I feel the call wouldn't have taken as long. They knew the first one was a bad call.

  5. Winning on the first game of a road trip is a good sign, however accomplished. A desirable outcome for sure. But I still think that play by Draisaitl over the blue line was on side. He kicked it from his left skate, to his stick while crossing over. That is intentional, purposeful, control . (edit grammar)

  6. Can someone ask Hyman if he will start a "Hat Buy-Back" Charity Auction with proceeds to the Stollery Childrens Hospital, set up a big wall in the Arena where people can come and donate Min 5$ no Max to Buy-Back their Favorite Oilers hat …. lets roll these bags of Hattrick hats right over into a Charity winfall and a draw to bring Fans back for their Hats…its a win-win-win….and it can become another NHL Tradition thats an Edmonton first and started in the City of Champions. I saw some leaks tonight…not my job to preach…but well done to roll it over to 8 games….you know how he story has to end….3s6s9s.

  7. if we were down in this game I sure as hell hope he would have challenged atleast the "goalie interference" goal…

  8. The Oilers should absolutely be arguing the goalie interference call, and the offside one well if itโ€™s not clear cut then the call stands? Isnโ€™t that how it works? Way to go Stu! Amazing game.

  9. Official score 4-1. I'll take a win anyway I get it. But let's talk about Knoblauch being completely outcoached by Richardson. Anytime a coach gets the blender out like Knoblauch did, he knows he has no answers to the pressure grinding his team down on every shift. A terrible coaching effort and a terrible effort all around by the Oilers. Absolutely lucky to come out on top with this one. Let's also talk about Knoblauch's fear of challenging. Why is Knoblauch completely petrified to flex a little muscle and challenge a call? Does he have that little faith in his PK if he's wrong? Has Knoblauch even challenged 1 goal since he took over the bench? Maybe he did, but I can't recall 1 challenge. Ever since Woodcroft's video guy took another job our challenges have become non existent. I'd take a hard look at our video guy, because it appears you can now throw this guy in the "absolute sucks" column with Schwartz. Although I'm pretty sure Schwartz had nothing to do with this…Skinner saved everyone's asses tonight. I'm thrilled to say Skinner ripped this game out of the firm clutches of Chicago. My final point. Does the NHL ever have just one single conversation with the NHLOA about rigged calls? I'm starting to think to become an NHL official it's not what you know it's who you know. I'm 100% convinced there are thousands of competent officials at every level of hockey that can do a much better job than the one's currently employed by the NHL.

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