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Eddie House reacts to ‘frustrating’ L2M report on controversial ending in Celtics’ loss to Pacers

Eddie House reacts to ‘frustrating’ L2M report on controversial ending in Celtics’ loss to Pacers

Any you know now that we know that it was incidental the report came out they said the hit on jayen Brown was incidental which means it wasn’t quite illegal so how do we feel about the te isn’t every foul incidental isn’t every single foul like I was reaching for the

Ball I incidentally hit his wrist I incidentally hit his elbow I incidentally fou him that that’s bogus they should not even say it remember I said it last night they going to come out they going to say oh we made a mistake well we clearly seen that and

Then it doesn’t change anything all it does is really frustrate you it just gets you oh so what is the reason why we go to the sideline why do we have a green light special why don’t we look at all these replays take all of this time

To get it wrong yeah yeah I think what’s most frustrating to me is that not only did they come out and say oh yeah I hit him in the head incidental it wasn’t a foul but then they’re like oh but also we missed two calls on the other end

That would that was the part for me yes the goahead free throws so whoopsie so not only are we not going to acknowledge that we blew that call we’re going to acknowledge that we also blew two calls on the opposite end and I mean it almost feels like they’re trolling Celtics fans

At this point a little bit a little bit the call on Chris that’s porzingis the foul they looked at it they say ah not a foul on Chris that’s por Zing does that make anything better Eddie no not at all no you still got a l sleep at night you

Still got a loss you took that L they say hold that L get up out of Indie with a with a l on the back end of it and that that’s what it is again I if you’re going to take the time to look at it

During the game then get it right I’m not mad at you looking at it and finally getting it right if it is right but if you going to take uh 15 minutes to look at it then come back and the ref want to get his TV time

And say not the TV it’s a clear this not a foul like oh come on man I I I need you to get it right that’s all that’s everybody’s asking for and there a lot of money involved now because with the sports B yeah and look we’re not mad at

You but we’re mad at you sood

A foul call was overturned on Buddy Hield against Jaylen Brown in the final moments of the Celtics’ loss to the Pacers. Eddie House reacts to the L2M report and the final minute of play vs. the Pacers.

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  1. I feel like this was karma for us when we got away with a blatant foul committed by tatum against lebron last season

  2. I think we all as NBA fans just need to plan on being screwed 1-2 games per year. Hell I've been saying all week that the Bucks game Thurs is a scheduling loss. 5 games in 7 days bookended by a back to back travelling to Milwaukee while the Bucks get 2 days rest at home. I hope Mazzulla gives them a bench game like last year, where the 2nd unit forced OT against the Bucks starters. That's when I knew they were no one to be feared. The Heat proved that assertion correct in 5 games.

  3. As fans I think we all accept that the officials make bad calls. Its part of the game. But as Eddie House said, why do we have a challenge system if it completely stops the game for long stretches and still gets the calls wrong? So painful to watch these games slow to a crawl in the final minutes. The challenge causes more problems than it fixes and should be removed

  4. yall just can’t get over it can you, there were multiple times throughout this game that jaylen brown was getting some very questionable foul calls to his favor, but no one focuses on those because they weren’t at the end of the game, when realistically they had as big as an effect as the 4th quarter calls on the game.

  5. "As the rulebook makes clear, the mere fact that contact occurs does not necessarily constitute a foul; contact which is incidental to an effort by a player to defend an opponent, reach a loose ball, or perform normal defensive or offensive movements is not considered illegal," the L2M read. MF EVERY FUCKING CALL IN THE NBA COULD BE INTERPRETED AS THIS FUCKING HATE THIS FUCKING LEAGUE MAN GLAD THE NFL IS KICKING Y'ALL MFING BEHIND.

  6. Its ok. 💩 happens. We have gotten away with a few calls before. Better for it to happen now than later. . Still a great game.

  7. refs should be fined heavily for incorrect & missed calls. that would curb betting's influence, and there's no mistake; the refs last night were bought.

  8. We don't watch the refs game we watch the players the refs are makers by the game not fun to watch anymore. They really fuck up everything now. Regardless were still number 1 but the point is call it on both ends and be consistent andfair . they used no lube with the Celtics last night

  9. Handed pacers the win with two bad calls in a row at the very end of the game. They didn't want the Celtics winning that game and someone made money off that outcome.

  10. Missed calls happen it’s part of the sport all fans know that. The issue with this call is they took it to review and just lied about what they saw on the replay. They told Jaylen he wasn’t hit on the head when the world all saw it. Refs need to be held accountable for that. This wasn’t a bang bang call. It was reviewed over and over and they still came out with some bs wrong call

  11. Boston particularly JB now understand & experienced how LBJ & the Lakers felt last season when JT fouled LBJ but the refs say otherwise… 🤭😁

  12. I'm celtics fan
    The Pacers scored 44 points in the third quater.
    Before de controversial call celtics were Up 131-129 and there was no defense at all.
    T J Macconnell scored very easy to tie the game.
    Buddy Hield went three after three.
    From my point of view Boston Celtics defender was terrible .
    We lose .

  13. I look at like this, there’s no way the NBA was going to let the Celtics fly out of Indianapolis with 2 back to back wins!

  14. Being an NBA ref is a tough job made even tougher on the effective ones by the numerous inept, corrupt ones in their midst.

  15. Referees have money on the Games, since betting became legal all sports Referees making obvious bad calls that ultimately effect outcomes!!!

  16. I’ve said before there should b a time limit for challenge reviews. If there’s not clear and irrefutable evidence within 30 sec to a min of replay review then they should just have the original call stand

  17. Hey as long as yall accept their incompetence it will continue behavior doesn't change without consequences 😬

  18. So many anti-Celtics fans came out in droves saying that the calls were legit but Buddy Heild and the NBA center in NJ disagree. The validation is worth something. Celtics should jot down the names of those refs. If this happens again, file a grievance and get that ref out of there.

  19. NBA is rigged. Always has been. But sports betting has really exposed how bad it is, this year.

  20. vegas gotta get theirs, its just the biz. im not too mad about it if its only every so often. happy if nba league silently allows it. BUT IM SICK OF REFS LAKERS BIAS lol

  21. Introduce an independent referee crew for only video reviews to make the decision, so there is no emotional investment from ref crew on the floor.

  22. Like Eddie said there was money on the line. It makes me uncomfortable that all these gambling companies are so involved in sports.

  23. Eddie at the very end said the quiet part out loud "There's a lot of money involved with the sports betting".

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