@San Jose Sharks

TNT analysts speaking about Adam Johnson’s death on the pre-game show. 11/01/2023

Wayne Gretzky, Paul Bissonnette, Anson Carter& Host Liam McHugh talking about the recent death of Adam Johnson. But ironically not speaking about Matt Petgrave who injured & cut the neck of Adam Johnson when he kicked him with his skate blade.


  1. I was a little disappointed all talked about was protective equipment and not an analysis of was this intentional and what the punishment should be ..

  2. I still think Clint Malarchucks injury goaldy for Buffalo over 20 years ago was the worst skate to neck ever to see blood was coming out so fast and furious figured he was going to did right on ice but fast acting Dr saved his life by putting his fingers on veins cut all the way to hospital saving his life just wish this day and age it could not be done for Johnson

  3. Maybe all the skeptics who think this was "just an accident" will be quiet now with Wayne Gretzky saying this wasn't an "accident". Yes accidents happen in every sport, but what happened to Adam Johnson was No accident!!

  4. can't remember which NHL player it was but he had his wrist cut by a skate and he said his glove filled up with blood.

  5. This is more about the kick that no one has seen in 100 years of hockey! If you get hit and fall upside down your skates will go up but never have you seen a kick up on one leg. This kick was on purpose, did he want to kill him. No. They do not want to say anything about the player because he's black and they don't want to be called a racist!

  6. TNT analyst? that's the great one, Wayne Gretzky…regardless of that faux pau, this won't make it to trial as there is an inherent risk of severe injury when you play hockey.

  7. I’m so sick of the political correctness bs and now it’s being funneled into sports etc…. Let’s call it like it is…. It was a black hockey player and a dirty one at that and has been kicked out of games repeatedly… he should have been kicked out of the league a long time ago… all the nhl hockey players know it was an intentional karate kick to a players throat and here these 4 commentators and former hockey players know damn well it was as dirty as you can get. If this happened back in the 80s and 90s and it was in the nhl you know damn well there would have been fights and bench clearing ruckuses on the ice…. Could you imagine if it was a white on black player, all these Marxist groups like BLM and Antifa would have been out there riots and fires and looting and anarchy…. And of course these guys had to remain silent as to not offend anson carter…. Give me a break with the wearing the neck protectors and face shields… I’ve been watching the nhl since the early 80s and now all of a sudden let’s change the rules…. I call fiing bs!!!! Shame on this crew for not having a spine to speak up…. Did u mention how the crowd was giving Petgraves a standing ovation the very next game??? Bunch of a hole fans they have!!!!! I’m applauding and giving a standing ovation now that he’s been arrested!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊 Prayers to the Johnson family and may he RIP!!!!

  8. Not even close enough for a body check and never even tried ? But he did put his lead leg up and reached. Now did he mean to kill ? Probably not but he meant to hurt , watch the video you can see , if he never reached they would not even have collided.

  9. Maybe don't lift your skated foot towards another players head …
    just a thought.
    Devastatingly sad.
    No punishment will come close to living with yourself after taking an innocent life.
    I'll pray for both sides.

  10. They don't need neck guards because no one has ever intentionally tried to kick someone in the head with their skate. This was intentional.

  11. Wow Wayne. Always looked up to you as a genius of hockey. But 'those guys in england arent ever gonna play in the nhl so why dont they play non contact' are you for real? Nice way to spread the game round the world mate. Adam johnson who is the guy that got killed, had played in the nhl wayne.

    We are fully capable of playing full contact over here in england wayne. In fact maybe we should keep the league a bit more english and stop paying wannabe's from canada like petgrave to play over here just because their Canadian, despite the fact that they are dog shit and dirty players. Yes wayne, it was one of your fellow canadians who proved to be incapable of playing the sport without killing someone.

    Out of order for you to imply that its us brits who cant play contact. You take the contact out the game the sport will lose what little appeal it has in this country. Thanks a lot wayne.b

  12. You see how the NHL is led by woke psychology, god will be there in the stands watching this interaction between the periods. Father c'mon

  13. Yes, wear neck guards, but address the dirty play, and kick the dirty players out of the league. From everything I've heard about him, it sounds like this was inevitable. He should never have been out there.

  14. Be sure to put the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the hearts of the ones we love so that we may rest assured they are in Heaven especially when they leave us so young; Oh Lord please bring comfort and healing to Adam's friends and family.

  15. You take body checking out of hockey the players won’t be able to handle nhl hits and your crazy if you think so.

  16. I was the equipment manager of one of the top teams in the Ontario junior C league for 23 years the grimsby Peach kings. For half those years we had to wear them. Players bend the rules buy rolling them folding them cutting them in half. The refs never I forced the neckguard rule as long as something was around their necks they would let it go.

  17. Yea Wayne but you take checking out of any league, good luck ever attracting fans selling tickets. Fighting is one thing and we know how that argument goes amongst fans but you take checking out? HA! Good luck. Just wear more padding like you said as far as neck goes. RIP Johnson.🙏🏒🥅

  18. WHY even listen to corporate talking heads and muzzled stooges. ANYTHING out of main stream, corporate press is watered down and misleading! PERIOD!

  19. I accepted the tragic accident commentary..until a You Tube Channel host I have watched for several years..not a hockey channel..expressed shock and dismay at this situation. I then watched the video..the deliberate kicking motion wasn’t subtle. Dismaying so many continue to call Adam’s fatal injury an unfortunate collision in the moment. There are players at every level of hockey who have a propensity for bad behavior that is continuous and chronic..and escalates.

  20. Everyone should download a copy of Wayne feeling up his daughter in her see through wedding dress and her teenage friends at her wedding and he just might not be your hero anymore. It was so cringe it made Trump blush!

  21. Thanks Wayne for sneaking that in as to what really happened. Don't get me wrong, bringing in new equipment for safety makes sense,. however we should be talking about the elephant in the room too. This was a disgusting, dirty play that resulted in a death and the player responsible should be held accountable.

  22. "kids grow up wearing neck guards". Yes, and they cut the innards out of them and wear them that way just to "comply", because they are so irritating.

  23. Lifetime ban from all leagues for Mr. Petgrave. This isn't a bump from behind which happens ALL the time. Anyone playing that recklessly has almost zero respect for his opponents. He can play pond hockey with his friends if they trust him.

  24. I'm impressed that Gretzky brought up the more pressing issue of players falling into the boards and getting paralyzed. It's actually kind of nuts that we sign kids up to play a sport where never using your limbs again is one of the risks. It's an issue that the whole "neck guards will make hockey safe again" cope fails to address.

  25. It wasn’t a accident. Talking about sticks coming up they need to enforce kids starting hockey to keep sticks down. This was taught to me by my dad and I have never ever lifted a stick to anyone’s face.

  26. Why grandfather it in. Its not even in the way. Make em wear it. Its not 1983 and those thicks rings we had to put on, they are basically as thin as a shirt. Weird.

  27. Stop with this talk about needing to implement a neck guard mandate like this was an accident or that it happens all the time.
    Matt Petgrave is a reckless, malicious, dirty player that committed felony assault resulting in the death of the victim.
    He should be treated like the criminal he is.

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