@Edmonton Oilers

McDavid is tired of the NHL’s bs

Connor McDavid was unhappy about a call by the officials and let the media know about it in the post-game scrum. That and more in today’s NHL Hockey video!


  1. If they want to get the call 100% right, they need to get some blue line/goal line technology. We get a near instantaneous call that should be always right, even by the slimmest of margins.

    I personally like the “close enough” thought process here, but if the nhl isn’t gonna do that they have to stop wasting people’s time.

  2. I know Eck is aware of publicly available analytics data, and yet he's saying the Oilers have made big improvements under Knoblauch? I don't think Knoblauch is responsible for the goaltending improvement, although he could be credited for some cherry-pickrd aspects of team performance. It was still a huge gamble to replace Woodcroft, given that he was already getting the team to perform at the top of the league (except goaltending).

  3. These officials last night were total garbage. Two high sticks against Hyman refs just couldn't see it. Ok.Then incredibly dubious calls against the Oilers. Refs then screw Hyman out of two goals due to their cheering on Chicago. Sorry, Hawks fans about your injuries, but watching the officials screw Edmonton was no fun. And people wonder how the Oilers had do many 1st overall picks? This type of fkd up officiating is why. I have NEVER seen the Oilers being the benefactors of the officials to this degree. EVER. Fk you refs, fk you. Another game where the Oil has to beat the refs, the NHL war room, and the opposition.

  4. I think anything thats microscopic and really close should give attackers the benefit of the doubt

  5. The first goal getting called back should be a non-issue. Hyman was in the blue paint and NOT being forced into the Hawks' goaltender. If you're in the blue paint and getting in the goalie's way or making incidental contact, you're pretty much getting an interference call — no brainer, honestly.

    As for the second goal on the offside, this one likely should've stuck since the call was ruled a goal on the ice. The puck appears to get played off the player's skate and up to his stick while he's straddling the blue line. This, to me, shows he's established puck control as he's going over the blue line. If he kicked it up and missed his own stick, not so much. It was a tough call either way, but I think it should've been upheld since it was pretty inconclusive.

    It's definitely frustrating, especially after having one called back earlier in the game. Doubly so if the time to review it was as long as it sounds.

  6. I’m ok with the reviews, I’m ok with more coaches challenges too. But if it’s too close to call with the reviews, then the call on the ice should stand. The rule of thumb on overturning the call should be that the evidence provided in the review should clear enough to erase any doubt. If there’s some doubt still, then the calls stands.

  7. I still think the obvious fix is, put a clock on the refs. You get 60 seconds to look at as many angles as they can as many times as they can and then they have to make a call. If they can't make a call by then, then the play is probably too close to call and not worth wasting the time on. Not spending 15 minutes to analyze a fraction of a fraction of a millimeter and getting it wrong is not going to anger anyone. Spending 15 minutes on almost anything other than watching hockey during a hockey game is going to piss most fans off.

  8. Most people nowadays, whine and complain no matter what. People wanted video review and complained about referees so the NHL decided to listen, and now everyone is mad again, and says we should give more power to the referees. Sports fans are getting harder and harder to please.

  9. I think that offsides should never be a reason to review a goal. The whole point of the line is to make it impossible for a player to just sit in the opposing end and wait for a pass. A few centimeters don't change the spirit of the rule, and if the refs didn't spot the offside, it couldn't have been that bad. I really think that it is one of the dumbest things the NHL does.

  10. Yeah this is ruining the flow in soccer at the moment. Because the technology can call hairline offsides, that’s what they’re doing. But the player is not gaining an advantage in any meaningful way – the original intent of the offside call – so we’re seeing long delays for borderline offside calls.

  11. This is the one instance where offside is a judgment call. It’s usually black/white. But a puck carrier CAN proceed the puck into the attacking zone provided they maintain possession and control of the puck. In this instance it’s really difficult to tell whether the puck carrier maintained possession and control. If it’s a close call, the linesman are instructed to NOT blow the whistle. Just let the play continue and bring it back for review if a goal is scored. That’s what they did here. Regardless, the review should never take that long.

  12. You are all blaming the refs and nhl but you should really blame Chicago’s coach for challenging the play lol.

  13. So they introduced the review system to ensure Matt Duchene couldn't score when he was 10 feet offside, and now we're overturning calls that no human could possibly make it real time? That's pretty brutal. It sucks for the game. Ruins the whole thing.

  14. I have a serious beef with how goalie interference and no goals are called. I feel that if you think there is enough goalie interference that it prevented the goalie from making a save, then the goal should be disallowed and the offending player be put in the box for goalie interference, which by my last reading is still in the rule book. If you are unwilling to put the player in the box, the goal should be allowed to stand.

  15. Its also so stupid because you have to consider what the point of the rule is! its not like draisaitl was cherry picking, there is no competitive advantage to him bringing the puck into the zone 1 mm behind his skate. shouldnt this also fall under the possession clause?

  16. These need to be fixed. Either get some fucking high tech shit on the rinks with sensors and what-have-you that will prevent miscalls from ever happening. Easy.

    Or…. Dial all this shit back. If things can't be sorted out within a couple minutes, CLEARLY there was no way a ref would have been able to make that call on the ice. That should be the full stop right there.

  17. I prefer them taking time out for reviewing plays. Now with THAT said. A time limit should be implemented depending what the call on the ice was. Take 5 and if you can’t upturn the original call. 10 for a major? I don’t want them missing calls that should be called.

  18. I like your videos, but please, stop trying to justify your mistake with the coaching change. You were WRONG, and stop mentioning it or thinking you can justify it by what's happening now. The Oilers are superior in every way. Take the L and just drop it.

  19. The NHLs big mistake was creating the vertical plane where anything on the plane is onside, should have just left it with skate on the ice. Plain, simple and easy to verify.
    Bad move NHL.

  20. Everyone wanted video review because there were wrong calls made. Now everyone is complaining because some calls are really close. So what if it's really close, you can be offside by 1mm. Offside is offside. When it's close then it takes more time. That's just what it is.

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