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Tunnel Vision: Trojans end season on a Holiday High thanks to Miller Moss and his 6 touchdown passes

Tunnel Vision: Trojans end season on a Holiday High thanks to Miller Moss and his 6 touchdown passes

[Applause] Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of tunnel vision a show brought to you by USC I’m your host and the publisher of USC Ryan Abraham I’m in studio I’ll by my loansome I’ll tell you why in a second but we’re joined remotely we got uh triple double

Himself Connor Morisette he’s over to my left what’s up Connor how’s it going Ryan good good good you he’s freshly back from uh San dieago where USC defeated Louisville in the Holiday Bowl 42 to 28 so we’ll get his thoughts on that and we got shotgun spratling way on

The East Coast where I just came from shotty how you doing man hanging in there he’s here and uh we’re all together uh remotely but we’re not together in studio usually Connor would be in here I came home from my Christmas trip and end up getting I tested positive for Co

Today so couldn’t have Connor come in I feel I’m feeling fine I mean I’m doing the show and everything but uh got the Rona my second second time doing this uh but hopefully things are gonna be okay and uh go through but we we want to do

The show because USC got a big win which I don’t know remember in bowl games if there was the least amount of hype and the least amount of expectations going into a bowl game as there was for this one I mean USC’s been like crushing offseason stuff and then there would be

Disappointments like in season and then the last you know six weeks or so there were sort of like disappointing offseason stuff with like the recruiting class being in like the high teens and not really just crushing the portal and a lot of guys leaving so the offseason and stuff the the off

Whatever you know it wasn’t like great and then the on the field stuff they actually came out and played well they blocked and tackled which this game is largely about and they end up getting a big win so we want to talk about all that Connor was there like I said Shaka

And I were watching on our couches or I’m not sure exactly where he was watching we are uh live on YouTube Facebook and Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it now so if you are on YouTube or Facebook you should be able to put a comment uh during the stream

And I can put it up on the screen um like we have one up here that says Miller Moss yes huge I’m sorry that was the maybe the old comment let me try that one again uh of course that’s not working but we’ll try one more time okay

Here we go I think it’s working now yes Miller Moss uh huge game for Miller Moss sets a USC record six touchdowns in a bowl game pretty impressive uh for him so I’ll try to put your comments up there on the screen we are not going to

Do live calls uh today just because we’re going to try to keep this an hour USC basketball tips off at 6 PM we’re doing on the west coast we’re starting this at 5:00 p.m. so we’ll try to keep this a tight show kind of get everyone’s

Thoughts on the game and get you guys you know talking about this again because again it was really exciting to see this team without Caleb Williams with only 52 scholarship players available to play and get a big win look good defense tackling I mean it was It

Was kind of crazy but Connor you were there maybe we get your thoughts to to start I mean this was I I liked your instant analysis with Chris but man this was uh I I was surprised I don’t know if you were surprised and and what you kind

Of think of this one I was certainly surprised I thought they would lose by 10 points I said in the pick them so wrong on that one the big story Ryan and shotgun has to be Miller Moss with how he performed USC goes three and out on

The first drive and then they allow a touchdown to Louisville and sure we all thought the same thing here we go again but then they buckled down Max William gets this strip sack USC gets a short field for the first touchdown drive and then they were rolling so Miller Moss is

The big story and then I think the secondary story is just that’s a big win for Lincoln Riley because finishing the regular season one and five they needed some good news and that you mentioned it Ryan not really winning the offseason the last few weeks you have all these

Guys enter the transfer portal some shakeups on the defensive staff and then for USC to come out really buckle down during the last six weeks practice well and get Buy in from all the guys who stayed and Prov that they wanted to be there and and win that game that made

Riley look good I I thought that made the program look good and for the first time since the Rose Bowl USC ends the season with a bowl win so that’s really significant in my opinion because that hasn’t happened in a few years here so it’s not all good news of course but how

Can you not be happy and smiling after a big game like that I I thought USC did everything that they needed to do the fans have some hope and they haven’t really had much hope here in the past few weeks so that’s the most significant

Part of it for me I agree with you I mean we kind of plan our offseason it was sort of like oh there’s going to be nine months of fans complaining oh who’s going to be the quarterback this is going to suck and like oh Miller boss

Looks pretty good like you have a good option there uh you might go to the transfer Port we’ll talk about that and stuff but I think now like just that that 60 Minutes of football could change the next several months of hey there’s a little bit more optimism that the

Defense can play better and the offense can still be good without your generational quarterback Caleb Williams but shakan what were your kind of thoughts on on the game I mean we we knew there was going to be questions going to this offseason but I think the questions have changed now I mean the

Questions were going to be all centered on the defense and what is UFC going to do and how’s this how different can things be next season how much change can actually happen and you go oh Lincoln Riley can actually coach and can motivate again you know some some people

Have doubted that after you know the recent you know turn of events for USC at the end of the season but I think you the question now is is Miller quarterback going in instead of you know all the questions of you know is USC doomed is Lincoln Riley going to leave

For the NFL is Lincoln Riley going you know is USC gonna fire L all these random rumors we we keep popping up on our message boards and stuff now it’s back to about football and can USC be great again next year can they get the right people in and it makes you wonder

What happened this season um you know seeing the effort seeing the tackling seeing all the things that we thought were potential for this team coming in this season that’s what I expected out of this USC defense this season you know they weren’t great but they were good

They were good enough plenty good enough when you score 42 points and the offense was going to put up points we felt like throughout the season if the defense could be at least decent and you know they were flying around the ball the tackling was fantastic get a lot of

Credit to Taylor Mays the secondary in particular the tackling was seven bodies the secondary um you know looked fantastic I I thought that was a real standout Point outside of Miller Moss that one was one that caught my eye for sure some of those young guys that hadn’t had time like Anthony beavers

Getting opportunities and maybe he’s not even a young guy now you know being a third year guy in the program but those guys making the most of their opportunities profet Brown making the most of his opportunities Jobe coven is showing he can be a shutdown guy on one

Side instead of being a guys rotated in and out with other guys they’re not with the program or there are question marks about where they are with the program with someone like Sierra Wright so you know I think there’s a lot of positivity that comes out of this and hope going

Forward and I don’t know that we thought that that was going to be the case even if you would have said they would have won yeah it probably would have to be a you know 45 42 shootout type of win and you might come out confident in the

Offense again but I think this gives you a lot of confidence what the defense can become especially if they get the right guys in and everyone fighting for each other and that was interesting to hear those comments afterwards from the players talking about how the six weeks

Has been since the season ended and the different things they’ve had to do and I’d liked a lot of the changes that were made just to you know Lincoln Riley said they had to change completely change the game plan defensively because of the opt outs because those injuries that they

Were going to have I’m thinking that means hey you got seven people uh in the secondary they played more Zone something they hadn’t really done all season and they did it because it takes less energy a little bit that’s part of the reason why it went into it and you

Saw those guys get tired towards the end of the game but they still found a way to get the win so I think there’s a lot of positives to come out of this and a lot of hope that you can take from it that USC’s not as far away as we would

Have definitely thought they were after that UCLA game and maybe that’s going back to Lincoln Riley all oh we’re one or two plays away there were a little bit more than that but they’re still not as far away as you know can be overcomed in a with a really good off season and

That’s going to be the question can they go have a really good offseason springboarding off of this holiday bull win I like what you said um in this sort of like when you see them play like this with only seven guys available in the secondary and you play five you know so

That’s there’s not a lot of backups there um losing Caleb Williams losing Brendan rice losing Marshall and lyd I mean all that that that you know goes on and on about who was not going to be in this game and you put an effort out there that looks like that’s good like

It was like okay you’re missing some guys you could still play well it was above what they were playing with with the full compliment of players that they had not below it and I I think your question of what the hell happened this season is valid because it’s like they

Should have been with the talent they have out there they should have been way better like oh they didn’t play a lot of Zone the the the not the the inability to make any sort of changes on defense where you’re just like Hey we’re going

To mix it up and play some Zone because we’re just getting burned we play M and man all the time and one guy misses his assignment and it’s a touchdown and they never got away from that and you know this is just one of those things where

What the hell happened like you this was really almost like a throwaway season when you can just sort of like coach him up a little bit better with less dudes less talent and get the kind of performance you saw uh last night I mean it just it’s like a head scratcher to

Especially how the season ended you know and even the games someone put a comment in there this was the only game USC one that you actually felt good about it was it was probably the best you USC fans have felt after a game um you know most

Of the other wins like triple overtime triple overtime against Arizona now looks pretty good because they are good but at the time it did not and you know the allowing a lot of points to some of the lower team the Lesser teams on the schedule Colorado’s comeback and all

That there wasn’t a lot of like feel-good after a game this one was so I think you’re right there’s it’s encouraging that you could have a depleted team and still play at a very high level and I think that’s what you know USC fans can kind of cling to going

Forward but I was not expecting this to be like a feel-good thing this was sort of just like get this ball game out of the way and move on but end up being like a feel-good moment for fans which is crazy to answer the question about

What was so wrong with the team I think you have to start with Alex Grinch and we’ve piled on him so I don’t want to spend too much time there but he was certainly a problem and then I think in a weird way RJ made this point to me

Earlier and I think it’s a really good one having fewer scholarship guys available might have helped in a one-off bowl game situation like this where he had all this time to prepare like the linebackers if they make one mistake here there it’s not oh you’re getting pulled on the next series because we

Have someone else who was a really highly rated recruit and even though he isn’t playing well we got to give him a chance because you just made a mistake and the same can be applied to the quarterbacks profit Brown I thought he had a really good game I don’t really

Remember him messing up but say he maybe did something that wasn’t perfect I don’t think he much pressure like okay if I make one little mistake I’m out of the next series because we have these other players who were highly rated recruits and I’m just lucky to be out

Here for whatever reason you know what you know what I mean by that I think having fewer guys help them in the situation and having all these guys be so bought in was important you look at all the people who left in the transfer portal all those negative headlines that

Might have helped USC because I don’t know how bought in a lot of those guys were at the end of the year you had everyone bought in in this game and even though there weren’t as many bodies as usual I think the buying Factor was huge and not having a lot of pressure

Pressure on these guys I think was important as well defensively they couldn’t really stop the run but they played well enough to win certainly only allowing the 28 points and that’s all we could have asked for All Season I I still think they have a long way to go

And Danton Lynn is going to come in and should help that unit for sure I think the the lack of pressure these guys were playing with was significant and to me that really factors into it I don’t know how you feel on that shotgun yeah I I

Think that you look at it and I I think not having anything to lose in this game it definitely makes things a little bit easier in that regard um but I I think you know there were mistakes still made you know they blew a couple coverage some people were saying

Hey we didn’t see any blown coverages like the very first play the guys running wide open Louisville doesn’t connect they give up a ton of R yards on the ground but they found a way still and I think that says something about the team playing for each other and so

They were I thought they were playing with nothing to lose but I think they it was just they were wanting to win for each other and that is such a huge part of football in General particularly college football and that’s one of the things that is being learned by coaching

Staffs across the country in with the transfer portal era is how do we get everybody in here everyone bought in get talented players but guys that are going to play hard for each other and if something doesn’t go right then they’re not going to shut it down then they’re

Not going to you know woe is me or put their head down or start focusing on something else um you know whatever it may be find the guys that will find a way to make things work Chris Thompson was was a captain and you know he’s not going to be back

With the program next year he’s already entered the transfer portal Lincoln Riley mentioned him uh I think in the postgame uh either the postgame interview uh on broadcast or in the postgame presser said he’s not gonna be with us but we made him a captain because he’s a guy that’s that’s gonna

Fight for us tonight they knew you know they he’ been very up front hey I want to go somewhere where I’m going to get more opportunities but he’s been a solid special teams contributor they may made him a captain and everyone rallied around those four captains four new

Captains for this game I thought that was an interesting tidbit there and even guys that were playing that had been captains like Justin diit and Jonah Manheim and Mason Cobb were not captains for this game they went out and said hey and Lincoln Riley basically said this is

A new team for this game a one it’s a oneoff one one game together we’re gonna choose new captains Miller Moss is one of them Taj Washington pretty obvious why those two guys are going to be Washington deciding to play through Chris Thompson deciding I’m in the

Transfer portal but I’m going to play with you and he got some run at linebacker and looked pretty good in there as well as well as playing a ton of special teams um so I just thought they were playing for each other and that’s such an underrated aspect that we

Look at star ratings all the time and we look at all the hype coming into a season about what players have done in previous places in the transfer you know before they transferred or what they’ve done in high school but the biggest thing of coaching is putting all those

Pieces together ex’s and o’s really really important but if you get everyone pulling in the same direction in a tug-of-war game it’s much better than having the strongest guys but everyone’s poting pointed in four different directions so I I think that is really impressive to me that what the coaching

Staff did in that six weeks leading up and the players what they did together coming together with all the negativity surrounding the end of the SE second half of the Season all the negativity surrounding all the players leaving and whatnot they said we want guys that are

Going to want to be here and we’re going to play the guys that do want to be here and they went out and showed it and when you do that you play to such a different level suddenly now when there is a fumble you recover it and that’s a

Little bit of luck right but it just somehow Finds Its way into one of your guys hands instead of the other teams and that’s kind of what it was last year this team you created all those turnovers and stuff but the camaraderie was the thing that stood out the most of

How they came together which is why it was so disappointing and so um kind of baffling that they never came together as a team this season in my opinion that they were able to do it last year in such a short time frame with such a roster turnover I thought they would be

Able to build on that coming in this year and they weren’t able to do that but you saw when they put all the pieces together even if they don’t even if it’s not you know pristine they can still find a way hey we don’t have a run game

Miller M throw six and we can’t stop the run but we’re not letting Jake plumber throw for 400 yards against us like he did last year and that’s that’s the same Jake plumber you know they did he did dislocate his finger early in the game and you know maybe that affected his

Accuracy on a couple balls but same guy that threw for 400 yards and a terrible offense of Cal last year threw for like what 160 or something in that game or 200 maybe like that’s the vast difference in in this and that’s with all you know five what five guys playing

Backup positions like Jaylen Smith is is a starter but he was you know playing safety in this game um you’ve had Max Williams and Bryson Shaw have started at different times but they didn’t start this game Anthony beavers did so five new guys if you don’t want to call jacobe Covington a

Regular starter Five Guys in different positions and it was one of the best secondary efforts we’ve seen all season not only in coverage but also in tackling USC had six mixed tackles in this game and four of them were by one player so the rest of the team had two

Miss tackles that was incredible didn’t have a ton of penalties they just played like a completely different team and the hope now is that it’s not just a one-off game as Lincoln Riley called it this is you know a new team this is one game they’re going to play together they can

Carry that momentum forward last year all the momentum was was against them going to the off season and they had a slogan slogan didn’t work now can you carry the momentum from this Holiday Bowl win it’s not the bowl game you wanted to we show in Lincoln Riley

Getting eggnog on him you think Le Riley coming this season was like man I just hope I get some eggnog poured on me this season rather than raising a different type of trophy being in the college football playoff no but look look at the smile on his face even when he’s getting

Eggnog poured on him he was excited about this and he called it one of the most fun wins he’d had as a coach yeah for sure um this was there was a lot there shotgun I had like five thoughts along the way and I was just like oh

I’ll mention this and then I’ll mention this like oh then you kept going like all right uh we can’t go into this all all those things um but one thing I did want to me we haven’t really talked about you were talking about some of the

Guys playing um you know we we saw uh you know guys having to fill into roles where they weren’t really playing before just because there was less bodies there we haven’t talked really about the offensive line and we did have a comment about that from Paul uh they found the

Right combo on the offensive line last night so I know you were there Conor what was give him kind of a breakdown of what they were doing because you know your your left tackle wasn’t the left tackle anymore I mean they made some significant changes and again sort of

Like what they did on defense you’re like ah well maybe you could have um you could have you could have done this during the season too but what Conor what were your thoughts on the offensive line the headliner was true freshman Elijah pige getting the start

At left tackle I believe he only allowed one pressure and was solid in the 25 pass blocking snaps he had I said it on instant analysis if you’re not noticing an offensive lineman it’s usually good and I didn’t really notice him outside of when I watched him and I felt like he

He really had a nice game so that was encouraging and I saw a tweet from Jam Muhammad who just talked about how Paige like this guy is for real and watch out going into next season so he rotated a little bit he didn’t play left tackle

The whole game Mason Murphy came in who also played some right tackle and then you saw Justin Dees play center as he did All Season Jonah monheim kick inside and Emanuel Pon was on the inside as well Jared Kingston rotated in a tackle so it just seemed like the six weeks

That USC had to practice that was really helpful for them because they had all those issues that we talked a lot about all those week weeks back and to figure out the offensive line that was huge Elijah paage had made great strides from when he came into the program being able

To start in a bowl game as a true freshman even though he is a little bit older that was really significant and I just wonder like looking back Ryan we talked about this on the Paras style podcast Jonah Manheim being the left tackle when that was announced all the

Way back in media day and I remember my thought was oh cool he’s the best player on the line that makes sense I think that was more of a warning sign than a good thing looking back at it and seems like if Jonah stays that’ll be great

It’s not gonna be at left tackle he still has a decision to make but Elijah paage you have your left tackle that was a big question it looks like you have your quarterback and your left tackle and who would have thought that uh a few days ago heading into this one so that

Was the most encouraging point for me on the offense Elijah paage yeah we talked about on the parisel podcast like Alani Noah like starting the first game you’re like that should have been like a wo there’s problems here and uh moving monheim in there and it looked they looked a lot better

Um that was great we did get a Super Chat Uh Kevin um says do you think uh dant and Lynn helped in some way uh I think so so thanks for the Super Chat by the way you don’t have to do that but that’s cool we

Got a couple bucks from from Kevin happy holidays to you thank you for that and please hit the if you’re watching on YouTube please hit the uh the like button we like that but um I asked Lincoln Riley at practice would the new coaches be involved in the defensive

Game plan he said no they’re going to be recruiting and all that um um maybe it was the audition factor that players wanted to play harder but I Al I tweeted this out when Lincoln Riley got hired in you know November of 2021 USC had a stinker when they played Cal and Lincoln

Riley was the head coach that could have been an audition moment for everybody on the team and that didn’t seem to motivate anybody but the defense looked a lot more motivated but any thoughts on this one if you want to go shotgun you can go first I I would say that I think

The audition Factor did play into it I think even that cow game I just think USC wasn’t very talented in that 2021 season um and you know with Jackson Dart going down early Miller Moss being thrown into the mix you’re back up not getting all the Reps during the SE

During the week all that and there was different motivation then you know six weeks you can kind of after that disappointment of the UCLA game you can start building them back up to be a little more motivated versus this game has been thrown on to the end of the

Season everyone else is already done you have one week to you know and it wasn’t the audition Factor wasn’t uh you know three weeks building up going into the game like it was for Denton Lynn it was three days or or whatever it was for f link and Riley being on campus and

Checking them out at practice and whatnot and that team had some turmoil and stuff going on too with players not wanting to play and some people not traveling that one I think there was 47 scholarship players that traveled for that game if I remember my my count from

That one I looked at up last night I think that’s what I said uh last night Conor count of 53 players um so you know little bit more there but I just think the audition factor of yeah let’s go out and make some plays and I thought that

The same thing happened in that cow game they weren his talented yeah Riley talked about sorry to cut you off Ryan just after the game how Brian odm and sha newa he he didn’t mention them directly but he talked about members of the staff who probably aren’t going to

Be here next season but choosing to stay they could have opted out and left for a different opportunity but him talking about staff members doing that made me think of those two guys and I think the audition Factor was huge but those guys deserve credit for the game plan and for

What USC was able to do in that one maybe Danton Lynn helped here or there if if a guy in the secondary had a question or something I I don’t exactly know what lengths he’s uh been at with with helping the team right now just at practice he’s there but it looks like

He’s more watching than than doing stuff from what we’re able to see so Shan newa and Brian odm it’s been a tough year for those guys but I think what Shuan said earlier they had to revamp the game plan a little bit and USC’s defense from a Personnel standpoint was certainly

Limited this season and we saw that it was limited in the game but the fact that the team was able to get the win and play a lot better than they had all season against a good opponent I think those guys deserve more credit than Danton Lynn does and and in that regard

But the audition Factor can’t be overstated I I agree with that too yeah um all right so we did get a uh a super chat I want to pull this one up there from Maurice uh thank you for the Super Chat uh he says uh Miller Moss had a um had ontime

Throws and played within the scheme of the offense a great sign I wanted you know yeah we get into the Miller Moss stuff because like he made his audition for qb1 if you want to talk about what you saw a shotgun and then Conor maybe chime in about what Lincoln riy said

About Miller and stuff but yeah let’s let’s do a little Miller Moss talk yeah I mean some of the throws were terrific I mean the the window throw that he threw to kyen Hudson that was through four Defenders um it’s one of those oh no oh no throws from a coach and then

You’re like whoa he fit it in there he did miss a couple throws he had zachari Branch a couple times over the middle he threw a couple balls behind guys he a little skittish early but I thought it was awesome to see you know that first

Drive did not go well the second drive wasn’t great um and they missed the field goal duche Robinson the ball goes through his hands and then even when they score the first touchdown with Taj Washington that’s not a very good throw by Miller Moss either and Taj Waton

Picks him up but you just saw his confidence grow growing and growing as the game progressed I thought that was really fun to to watch especially you know AB know Miller since he’s I think 13 14 years old his first first time I saw him at a USC Camp just kind of

Pointing him out like that ball comes off that kid’s hands no clue who the hell he is ball comes off that kid’s hands great um you you got to find out who he is type of thing um and you know it was fun to see him really run the

Offense but he also showed you hey I can move around the pocket and I can throw on the Run connect with jacobe Lane but he gave his guys opportunities at times the in at times as well I thought Lincoln Riley really designed a really good game with the screens and stuff

Early in the game the the crossers where it wasn’t putting too much on him so that he could gain his confidence but it was so much fun to watch him as he progress in that game and then after the interception I think that shows you everything you need to know about him as

A person and as a potential qb1 that is a huge game-changing play you go from about to be up 21 points at minimum 17 so a three-score game to now they’re in position they score and now a seven-point game again you can Wilt after that we’ve seen players Wilt after

A big mistake like that he didn’t third Downs the I think the next two third rounds that third Downs in that next drive connected on both of those one of them a very nice catch by jacobe lane behind him to help him out but he just got better and better and the third

Downs in that game were really telling because Louisville have been so good against teams on third down I think it was something like 28% or something coming into the game somewhere in the 20s um and in this game USC went six to 10 on third down so that was really

Telling to me and I thought I mean they put the ball in Miller’s hands over and over and over I thought they could have used the Run game a little bit more instead they trusted Miller gave him the opportunity and you know as his confidence grew he made tougher and

Tougher throws as the game progress Ryan I saw the chat that you put on the screen there about Miller versus Caleb and I think every USC fan who has watched all these games with Caleb Williams the guy is so talented he’s going to be the likely number one

Overall pick the skill sets Caleb Williams is a generational player but I think there’s something to be said about the hunger and the desire and Miller waiting so long for his opportunity and I I just think the mental side of of his game and and his specific situation we

Need to talk about that a little bit it’s a guy who sat behind Caleb for two years and has been like a sponge with Lincoln Riley and Cliff kingsberry this year just waiting for an opportunity he gets his opportunity and if he didn’t play well then what are we talking about

Today it’s oh USC needs will Howard USC probably needs a couple quarterbacks in the transfer portal big question mark at quarterback for next season he really only had one opportunity to stake his claim and he went out and did it he was really hungry to do so there was so much

Desire and so much passion there and I I think with Caleb Williams at the end of the season of course he wanted to win and he wanted to play well but the situ are so different and I seeing what that that YouTube commenter said just about the different situations with those two

Guys I think when you win a Heisman tropy and you come back the next season you’re the number one overall draft pick you’re gonna get a little bit comfortable there’s nothing wrong with that but Miller Moss he he was uncomfortable in this game and he know

He he knew he needed to make a a big impression and there was pressure on him and and it was just really refreshing because I think Caleb Williams maybe got a little bit comfortable this season and I don’t really blame him for that it was refreshing to see a guy in Miller Mossa

Situation come out and and really sees the day and it was a little bit different compared to Caleb williams’ season and I love to see those two guys Embrace after the game because there was a lot of mutual respect between those two just the dichotomy between those two

Guys was striking to me and I’m just so happy for Miller Moss today had the big moment and he took it that’s awesome it was great for him and I I tweeted this out too his first touchdown pass was kind of like I think it was like a

Little dump off it was okay to Taj Washington who beat up a couple guys and ran in his other five were all into the end zone or like the one the jacobe lane one I got a picture of that um I mean that was that was pretty sick uh you

Know when he he looked great but you look at that and there was one I think The Duce Robinson one might have been like he caught it at the two but was like running in like there were they were these were throws that were these were touchdown passes not a screen pass

That a guy runs 40 yards for a touchdown I mean he threw balls into the end zone and the receivers caught him and to have jacobe Lane and McKai lemon uh you know along with like Tosh Washington Dorian singer had a catch um Carson Tabuchi had

A catch like that was kind of crazy I was like what I never expected that it was like a you know and then he throws the interception like right afterwards um but seeing these young guys get some run the one guy you know Zachariah Branch was the one that really didn’t do

That much but uh I think it’s really encouraging knowing that this young group of receivers and a guy like Miller Moss can run this offense and you feel pretty good about it from the off season but it was I was pretty impressed by that like his throws into the end zone

Yeah and like the tabarra throw finding the scam right there that’s something USC has not really done really well this season it’s been open a couple times and there’s been so much pressure in cayb Williams face that you get Lake McCree wide open against Notre Dame on that

First drive and there’s pressure right in his face he throws the highest interception I I thought the offensive line gave him time but also I was really impressed with Miller Moss taking some hits you know didn’t shy away when he when he took them that douche Robinson

Throw you mentioned they roll the pocket right because everything they’re basically you know clearing out the to the right side kind of like a flood route they you know send douche Robinson across on a Crosser and instead he jet self uh takes off on it you know kind of

A cross and go type of thing and perfect play call but he moves over and there’s a stunt and a guy comes free Miller Moss delivers a perfect throw and then takes a huge hit on it he did that a couple times where took some big hits and still

Made the throw so that was impressive now there was a couple balls under the throw the jacobe lane first touchdown he threw with someone in his face off off platform he doesn’t have the same arm strength as Caleb Williams but got it there gave his guy a chance and jacobe

Lane goes do and that’s something that that Caleb that Miller Moss does a little bit or has shown he will do more often than Caleb Williams Caleb Williams it just seemed like to me the last two years this was not something that suddenly came about but he felt like he

Could continue to create a play that something would come open if he created with his legs that he didn’t need to fit that tight window throw they didn’t mean to try to attempt that one that might get tipped or might be an overthrow because he could elude a guy and then

Keep it open and then get somebody’s wide open whereas Miller is like hey I’m gonna throw it up and give my guys a chance and I’m gonna let jacobe Lane go make a play I’m gonna let Duce Robinson go make a play those type of things use

Those big body guys use Taj Washington underneath and throw it short of the sticks and let him go run so he was willing to do those things um maybe a little bit more than Caleb Williams had been at times this season so you know he every pass wasn’t perfect had a couple

People saying oh he under threw a couple throws he missed Zachariah Branch over the middle twice those could have been both touchdown passes so that’s the one guy didn’t put any stats up from the Freshman group but how about that young group like you talked about making plays

For him jacobe Lane coming back for that touchdown maai lemon stretching out to catch that first one over the middle that really kind of took the top off for the offense is like okay we can you know relieve some pressure and let them go and then also the jacobe lane third down

Catch I mentioned earlier when the momentum was going against USC Louisville had scored after the interception and he just catches it you know sliding kind of with his feet out from under him reaches back and makes a tremendous catch that was probably the catch of the game and then as Miller’s

Confidence grew you saw that touchdown pass right there to jacobe Lane just an absolute perfect throw back corner of the end zone and Jacob Lane showing him what he’s going to be capable of being a Randy Moss type of guy on the outside of being able to go up over defenders and

Catch balls routinely so a lot of things to be excited about in that receiving core as well but Miller Moss you know like I said everyone was making plays around him the offensive line it felt like hey they blocked for that extra half a second to give him a chance the

Wide receivers hey they made those catches that were behind them whereas you know there are times this season where you know people didn’t make catches for Caleb Williams so all those little things just seem to add up and I think that’s the product of Miller Moss being a locker room guy that everyone

Enjoys and Miller Moss it was great to see because like I said I’ve known him for a long time this is a kid who grew up his first real memory if I remember correctly was USC destroying Illinois in a Rose Bowl so he has always wanted to

Play in A Rose Ball he’s always wanted to have that you when he committed he talked to me about you know going to Matt liner camps as a as a youth growing up watching Mark Sanchez I think it was Mark Sanchez Illinois game was the first

One John David booty one of those two so watching those guys watch Matt Barkley all that type stuff so that made it even more of a fun night and a fun moment to see Miller Moss Thrive and you know when he got his opportunity make the most of

It he’s a guy who wants to be a Trojan like you talked about shotgun and Lincoln Riley said after the game how important that is guys who even when things aren’t going well believe and don’t leave at the first sign of trouble one other thing with Miller too that I

Think is so important the guy just hasn’t taken that many live reps so some of the throws it’s kind of like okay maybe he missed that throw maybe he missed that that throw but I I I think going forward the tape will be out on him the more he plays so defenses will

Adjust and he’ll have to adjust to those adjustments funny thing to say I just think that the potential for him is is really great because he hasn’t played a lot of football and with Lincoln Riley kind of pulling the strings and he he’s really molded Miller these past few

Years it’s an exciting time to be a USC fan and I didn’t think uh I’d be saying that I mean I I’ve been accused of being Mr negative on these shows all season long and I’m I’m smiling because Miller how well he played and just the excitement that I have for him because

Yeah once people see what he’s able to do then defenses will adjust like I said but I I just think the more reps this guy gets he could get a lot better yeah first first start in four years basically remember he missed his senior year of of high school football because

Of covid so first start in four years and basically first true game time in you know second true game time in that four years the cow game being the other one that we mentioned earlier where he came in for Jackson Dart and injured Jackson Dart yeah um you mentioned something earlier

Shotgun about the USC had a weird six weeks off uh it wasn’t the best sort of off season we didn’t get a lot of access as far as we got to talk to players a few times we didn’t get to really watch any practice but I think the encouraging

Thing is that Lincoln Riley took those six weeks with a staff that was in flux and shout out to Taylor ma our firmer colleague here at the par style you know he uh I think he did a really nice job with the secondary they look like a

Coach team they used six weeks well um I remember I think it was USC played Wisconsin in the Holiday Bowl and Klay hton was the coach and they only practiced like seven times or something and they just get both you know they got beat by beat down there and you could

Tell okay they didn’t use this practice time uh well and I think it’s because they he fired a bunch of his staff or something if I if I remember correctly say tell me in the chat if I was wrong or whatever but um this was well used even though you’re doing all the

Recruiting and everything like that I I felt this was encouraging that they could coach up this smaller group of guys not as talented group of guys without your number one pick in the NFL draft and still come up with a good game plan and something that could you could

Get a win where they just weren’t able to do that especially in the second half of the season they just weren’t able to figure out a way to get a win and they did that and I think it’s encouraging that the coaches were able to do that if

You remember like when like Max Wick would come in it was like oh he looks good and then oh they got coached for a week and then he looks worse like it the coaching seemed to hurt you remember that like it was like the more coaching they got they hurt the players’s chances

Of doing well and this was encouraging that they got a bunch of coaching and they played better and maybe that’s is going to Connor’s point of not feeling the pressure you know when there’s nothing no pressure on you in that that Max wh example did you give you come in you

Ball out and then the next week okay I’m the guy now everything and everyone’s focused on me and that maybe maybe changes things so maybe that plays into it a little bit but I think again it comes back to the the group playing for each other like again I say it it’s one

Of the the most underrated aspects of football in general it’s just because there’s so many things happening on a football field at one time with 11 on 11 that you know if you don’t really care about the person beside you and it’s just a paycheck or it’s just a you know

Fun time fun hobby for you then you know you don’t ex expend that extra 1% 2% whatever it is to dive and make a block or whatever to dive and hold on to a guy you know that’s pulling away from you so someone else can get

There to make a tackle you don’t strain that extra bit if you don’t love the people around you if you’re playing for the people around you you go to another level it’s the you know it’s the classic mom lifts a car because the baby’s stuck type of thing when someone you care

About is in danger or whatever it is it doesn’t have to be an extreme example like that but uh you know when someone you care about is something’s going to happen to them you jump in and you go to an extra level and I think that’s what we saw from that

Group they cared about each other they played for each other and it all starts for me with Miller moss in the middle I agree with all that I mean TSH Washington you talk about lifting cars I feel like he’s been lifting cars all season for USC and Lincoln Riley after

The game talked about how if you know Taj you know that he was never going to opt out of this game and he gets to a thousand yards catches two touchdowns he was Sensational in this game and he went on this little Soliloquy about the six weeks how it was

One of his favorite times at USC which like if you had told me he was going to say that before the game I would have been like that’s a guy who in my opinion I’m sure he can’t wait to get out of there and go to the NFL but he really

Took that to heart and it just seemed like the bond of the team was was really really it just got a lot bigger during that six week period I think that’s a credit to Lincoln Riley a credit to the coaching staff and that’s another reason why fans deserve to be excited for next

Season I think all of a sudden even though Taj is leaving but the receivers behind them are really good you have a really good core going into the Big 10 and I think there were some serious question marks about that core leading up to the Holiday Bowl one game doesn’t

Fix everything but finally there’s some positive stuff to talk about and I I think the recruiting class that they had in 2023 the guys who were still there that’s going to be a really really big base of talent for you in the the Big 10

And a lot of those guys showed that they can play last night which was huge yeah um couple things and we’ll get to uh questions we’re trying to wrap this up in 20 minutes or so uh USC basketball tips off against Oregon at the top of

The hour and of course uh if you want to see Arizona and Oklahoma play that starts at 6:15 to I’ll definitely be watching that one um I want to give a little shout out to Jaylen Smith who uh one of my favorite players on the team and uh you know childhood friends with

Miller Moss you know Bishop alaman he gets the defensive MVP I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this 12 tackles all solo and uh he moved over to play safety cuz shotgun mentioned before there just a lot of guys were out there you know cin

Bulock wasn’t playing so I mean a lot of guys were missing in the secondary he stepped up and I thought he had a really good game yeah I jrock’s one of my favorite uh guys on the team um same thing with Miller like I feel like I’ve known this

Kid for a decade now um so seeing him especially when you can watch the Snoop documentaries new league documentary as well to see him as a as a true kid I didn’t know him back then uh but from the bishop Alam many days premium 7 on

Seven you know both of those guys were teammates at both of those spots you know like you said you know very close friends and came to USC together and you know to see them ball out like that was really fun 12 tackles career high for Jaylen Smith as well and like like you

Said being thrown into position he has not practice all season for you shotgun I wonder with the transfer portal Edition maybe we don’t know at this point but I feel like Kamari Ramsey I really like him as one of the safeties do you think jayen Smith will play alongside him do

You think he’ll stay at nickel next season is that am I getting ahead of myself do you have any idea with that because I’m fascinated by his performance last night I thought he played really well and he had a solid season in nickel could he be the other

Safety besides Ramsey do you think I I think the interesting thing will be it’ll be depending on where Kinley Arnold lines up because there’s a potential where you put both those hasn’t Nickelback you can run more dime if you want to we saw we actually saw Eric Gentry you know they did some

Different alignments last night some different things defensively that kind of threw off Louisville a little bit we saw some basically a 4-3 alignment with three linebackers but we saw Eric Gentry kind of split out as a Nickelback and I kind of said hey he’s playing Nickelback

Or maybe he’s just being split out him and Chris Thompson were on the field together as the the outside linebackers so there’s just a lot of options in that Nickelback spot um you know if all those guys end up returning so I think that’s fascinating and I thought Anthony

Beavers looked really good last night you know I mentioned him as a guy I thought with some extra opportunities could make some plays and you know really finish the game strong with that that punch I mean it looked like he’ been on the heavy bag you know throwing

Some some hooks in there that was a perfect punch on there you know that would have connected with the rib cage that might be a broken rib or something there for for the Louisville ball carry on that one but he looked really good so I think you have options and you know

There’s always gonna be injuries and stuff like that but you know I I think Jaylen Smith sowing what he can do here just gives Danton Lyn another piece of the puzzle another piece where they can move around uh you know something that that they can you know put him at safety

Put him at Nickelback is ail Arnold has played cornerback in the past you know so John Humphrey’s coming in you know had a good showing from jacobe cing and profit Brown we’ll see if they bring anybody else in the quarterback room but what’s the pieces there at quarterback

Any competition is the best thing if you can get better and better because you’re competing each week uh then you know that’s something you want to see as well so I I don’t think anything’s answered there but that definitely open my eyes to say okay maybe you need to look at

Jaylen Smith because Jaylen Smith was the guy that Alex Grinch really liked in that nickel position of what he could do because he’s a physical guy even though he’s not the biggest guy he is physical playing that nickel spot in the slot to help out with the run so now do you feel

Like you can leave him there or do you want him to cover a little bit more at safety and kind of run around like he did last night and go make plays um you know I thought the safety play was fantastic last night I thought Max Williams looked really good in the

Nickelback spot coming off the edge getting the strip sack as well um so great to see him have a highlight going out his final game him and Justin diit you know guys that we’ve known for the last you know five six years and longer because of their high school stuff so it

Was great to see them be able to end on a win I thought Chris uh trino wrapped it up really well at the end of his Ghost Notes his game day ghost post notes if you haven’t read that piece yet it’s always one of the best ones each

Week that there’s a game um but just wrapping up what it meant for those seniors and to see them have success at the end in their final game when Max Williams said he hasn’t won a bowl game during his time at USC so to see him

Have that that was really cool too but I think you got some options definitely at the safety and the Nickelback spot next year I think the one thing you look at this team they were put especially on the defensive side players were put in a position to succeed and and I just felt

Like they weren’t that for the whole season you might had better players the assemblance of talent that lined up to play against Oregon or Washington is better than what we saw play against Louisville last night now those better offenses but you could pick any of the

Games but I felt like these players were put in a better position to succeed and after Alex Grinch was fired maybe there wasn’t enough time in those next two weeks to make changes like Hey we’re going to do this differently and over the six weeks you they could make you

Know I don’t know know is Brian odm Shan new were they a part of this or what but it looked like the players were in a position to succeed as opposed to just being out there flailing and not Shing what was going on I don’t if that makes

Sense that makes sense and just the tackling like we watched some defensive performances this year where the tackling was awful and then to see profet brown I haven’t looked at the PFF numbers yet shotgun but I don’t believe he had a m tackle like even if he

Allowed a completion the guy was going to the ground there were no yards after the catch it was just really freshing and he was a guy who was pretty low in the depth chart didn’t play a ton when everyone was available at quarterback so that was a big thing that that I took

Away from this game that the tackling improved and I can’t exactly pinpoint why that is I’m sure a little bit of the game plan had to do with it and the personnel and the desire but it’s not like oh they were doing this this week

So then they just tackled better I I’m a little bit curious shakan I’m just interviewing you I guess here at the end of the show do you have any idea why they why they tackled better in this one like profet brown where where was this from the quarterbacks all season he he

Looked awesome in this one profet brown did have one miss tackle him ma Williams and Mason Cobb were the only three guys to have any Miss tackles last game but only one for profet brown okay um I just think the angles looked a lot better in

My opinion uh you know and I haven’t rewatched the game yet you know so I was watching on TV so I get a little bit different angle than normally when I’m on the sidelines but also when I rewatch and rewatch plays over and over you see things a little bit differently but I

Thought the angles were better and there were just multiple guys running so if you were starting to slip off of a tackle that the other guys coming to help you out uh whereas maybe we didn’t see that in the past and I thought that they they just kind of funneled

Everything inside uh you know the Run game now the Run game gashed him a little bit there was some big plays there but they didn’t let anything explosive in the pass game and when you don’t let any catch and run after the pass game and that’s again that’s the

Profit Brown that’s the Jaylen Smith tackles out in space those are game-changing plays yeah and then when you make game changing tackles like that suddenly there’s a fourth down play and a ball thrown behind a wide receiver and the turf monster helps you out and suddenly you know it looks even better

For you so when you’re making plays I mean the most impressive there was two back-to-back tackles in wide open space that forced Louisville to punt from their own 36 so if you pick up four more yards in that situation you’re going for it regardless because I think it was

Like third and eight or something or fourth and eight and they decided to punt it like that that is gamechanging that’s a gamechanging two tackle out in space so yeah the tackling was was probably the most mindblowing team aspect outside of the fact that they just came together when I didn’t think

That was goingon to happen at all all right well we got let’s try to um rapid fire some questions here we did get a super chat from only nates um uh how you win matters a lot of us were tired of watching Caleb bail us out last night we

Saw a team win that’s why we’re excited uh for the new Riley you know I would love to ask Lincoln Riley what he’s learned this season and I know he wouldn’t tell us exactly what he’s learned but I I I just feel like he has told us a little bit just the guys

Who want to be there and and relying on those guys is so important when you have 53 guys who want to be there compared to 85 it’s probably easier to go with the the fewer guys but I I I just think he he did learn a lot this season and I’m

Excited for the future now because he he won some points back last night in my opinion Alonzo said uh should we expect will Howard to come in even though Miller had a great game if not what Young quarterback do we go after yeah kind of get your guys’ thoughts on the

Quarterback situation real quick I mean linoln Riley said it after the game he said Miller Moss probably scared some people off yeah and and if you’re will Howard or you’re cam Ward you’re one of those top guys on the market if Miller Moss is stand put and he tell you know

You come in go for your visit or whatever and you talk to Miller Moss personally says yeah I’m going to stay I’m ready to compete we can make each other better like I might go for a different situation just because I want that assurance that I’m gonna be the

Starter I didn’t leave Kansas State or Washington State to go somewhere and battle for a spot I went to go be the starter so I would say I don’t think if Miller Moss is staying and that is the conversation that has had I don’t think

Will Howard or Cam warden’s up at USC I think R talked about this too sorry Conor but just um you talked about maybe bringing in two quarterbacks one like a younger guy you can develop and then one would be like the stop Gap kind of guy

Well maybe you only bring in one younger guy to add another scholarship quarterback but he’ be competing with moss or behind Moss so I we’ll see I agree with everything shotgun said if you’re will Howard you’re not going to come if you’re not guaranteed the spot and I’ve been hearing Ohio Ohio State

Rumors with him before Miller even played really well so that definitely didn’t help USC’s pursuit of him and I wouldn’t be surprised if Lincoln Riley said hey you know would’ still love to have you compete but I understand if if you don’t want to come here maybe the

Aggression from USC side and the recruitment goes down after Miller Moss plays a huge game I’m dying to know who they’re gonna get at quarterback because it’s kind of like Dante Moore going to Oregon he’s not gonna play but it didn’t work out for him at his previous stop he

Probably should have gone to Oregon from the jump and he’s just looking at a second chance USC doesn’t really have anyone like that I mean Jake Garcia was a guy who was in Miller Moss’s class who’s been all over the place highly kid I wonder if UFC would look at him

But I I really he for a while yeah yeah true it’s it’s just a very specific situation where hey we want you but we want you maybe in two or three years compared to right now and I don’t envy recruiting quarterbacks like guys in that position Lincoln Riley has the

Great track record of course but that’s so hard there’s only one guy you can play and you gotta you know put the pieces to the puzzle like look at Maliki Nelson it is a very very tough position to recruit yeah uh ham Samy how much does the bowl win change your

Expectations for next season I don’t know that it necessarily changes my expectations um just for next season what I I wasn’t saying whether the bowl game would would sway them at all uh but I I think your expectations for what the team can become as far as coming

Together you know it’ll all depend on how much talent they get and all that it’s a really tough schedule all those things um and won’t change my expectations now but I I am you I do heighten my expectations of what this program can become when they’ve had such

A rough season to turn things around in that six weeks and find something I don’t know exactly what it is it’s something I’ll be digging on the next couple weeks with you know trying to chat with you know some families and different things people around the program but there’s something changed

What was the difference was it just you know Cutting Loose some people that didn’t want to be there and were bringing things down I don’t know but that’s something I really want to know because that tells me this program can still grow it felt like this program had

Run into a bog and now it seems like all right you know they’ve gotten through uh you know The Princess Bride they’ve gotten past the the the big giant rat beast and now they they’re able to move forward so we’ll see what they can do uh as the offseason continues I do think

The schedule of next season is so hard so even with this nice end of the season I I feel way better about the team but I I still think nine and three next season would be a really good regular season maybe you guys feel differently on that

But I sort of had him an eight and four nine and three with some question marks now I feel better about him at at nine and three potentially to shotguns point I feel better about the long-term future of the program and Lincoln Riley talking about how he wants to stack High School

Classes on top of high school classes and I I was critical of the 2024 class ranking but if you can get a percentage of what you’re getting down the line from this 20 like it just seems like the 2023 class is going to be awesome and if

The 2024 class can supplement that then you might be cooking with gas and the long-term prognosis looks a lot better the the weird thing was uh lincol rally comes in roster turnover there was we hadn’t seen in college football until Prime and we’ve seen some other schools

Go even crazier than that and the team chemistry was great I mean to get a guy like Travis Dy being like the you know the leader of the whole team and he’s the you know the Oregon running back for the last several years and you felt like

You could keep doing that but the chemistry I don’t think was good in in year two and I don’t know you know what the reasons behind that were but it just seemed like the harder year to have great chemistry on your team would have probably been your first year and it was

More difficult in the second year and maybe some of the guys being gone some of the highly ranked guys that weren’t really participating or contributing they’re not there cleared out some space I don’t know what it is but the chemistry did get a lot better uh in

This game than we seen you I thought it’ be better in year two cuz you give Lincoln r a lot of credit for making it good in year one which seemed like it would be the harder task but whatever uh lfg says uh any lean regarding um Jon am Manheim returning for

2024 it sounds like he’s still really weighing his options and it’s going to be a tough call for him so based on what I’ve heard it still could go either way I don’t know if you guys for anything else no I haven’t heard anything but uh

You know I think the fact that usfc moved him in to guard is that a showcase game for the NFL scouts or is that all right let’s start working towards next season looking at some of the other moves around the fact that we didn’t see any Alani Noah the fact that we didn’t

See a little bit of rotation at right tackle with jerck Kingston and maybe Mason Murphy rotating in there tells me that would lead me to believe it’s more of a spotlight game but you know is it was that the the case all around or is

That just the case in that one spot I don’t know I think if he does come back it’s 100% he’s not playing left tackle anymore he’s either going to guard or Center yeah I’m sure he’ll get a he’ll get a draft grade and then here what the

NFL uh you know advisors Scouts have to say basically about his game like and they’ll probably say yeah we want to see more tape of you inside because that’s your position at the next level uh USA football for Life uh Eric Gentry tweeted last night sort of like a a seemed like

It could be a goodbye from the team but it could also have just been end of the season tweet what did you guys think about Eric Gentry will he be back too well if you’re a subscriber then you would know aha see very nice if you’re

Not a subscriber right now I think we still got the 60% off deal going on so if I know we got how many we got people like we have over 500 people watching on YouTube um if you are not a USC subscriber I mean it’s totally cheap 60%

Off yeah for for an an annual membership so much good information and stuff on there and some insight into uh what Eric Gentry’s treat tweet was the War Room will be tomorrow morning lots of great stuff uh in there as well so make sure you guys go check that out if you’re not

A subscriber and if you do please jump over the P the par style that’s our premium Message Board the biggest Message Board in USC football history it’s been around the longest just cuz I’m old and I started it you know created it by hand writing code back in

The day but yeah go check it out and say hi to the P say hi to me on the p and we’ll come uh say hello so hopefully you guys can join and if you are already a member thank you for that and we’ll do one last one from Steve uh he

Says uh which defensive players uh can play multiple spots that are likely to excel under uh coach Lynn thanks so some versatile guys like we’d mentioned Jaylen Smith like you know seems like he’s probably going to get a bump from this but any other thoughts on uh defensive players that might Excel

Under Lynn sounds like Nate Clifton the new defensive lineman from Vanderbilt can play inside or outside and I’m excited to see how Danton Lynn uses him that was really the first Danton Lyn recruitment that we saw because Clifton was all in really fast out of the portal

Right after Lynn was hired so he jumps to mine there we talked about Jaylen Smith I think the linebackers are the linebackers he won’t really see too much rotation there but that question makes me think of guys in the secondary and guys in the defensive line yeah we we

Mentioned some of those guys uh you know Eric Gentry is the Unicorn can you figure out a way to get him to his greatest potential he is such a unique weapon but it also takes learning how to mold him into what you need him to be

What he can be and that takes a little bit of extra effort we’ll see if Denon Lynn can can get that from him uh be Alexander is also a guy that’s very versatile but it will depend on the pieces around him if USC can’t get a true trench tank nose tackle then you’re

Going to have to leave be as Ender there because he’s the biggest guy and he can work against the center but if you do you get a couple guys now maybe you you can move bear from zero Tech all the way out to maybe a five even maybe a seven

At times depending on you know who else you’re putting in the game just because he is a unique pass rusher so if you get some of those third and long situations he can be a guy and how about that play last night can we we touch on that real

Quick it looks like he the the one where he makes a tackle for loss on the running back and he didn’t make a ton of plays in that he was eating up uh you know some blocks and stuff um but that play just stood out it was beast mode it

Was a bare mauling in that one because he sits the center back with one hand and basically shoves him into a tight end that’s coming across and uses the tight end it looks like he did it on purpose I don’t know if he did or not

But it looks like he saw the tight end coming across the the formation and said let me shove the center into him so that his momentum the tight ends momentum is going to take out the center and open me up to go make a play so he took out two

Blockers with one hand essentially and then he goes and swallows up the running back for a tackle for loss that’s the type of play that bar Alexander can make now if you put more Playmakers around him and if you can find a way to open up Anthony Lucas ton of potential only

Played a handful of snaps last night that’s a guy they still got to F figure out a way to to get him to his potential as well like Eric Gentry those unique athletes if you can find a way to use them that best kind of accentuates their

Talents that’s when you your defense can really take off Anthony Lucas you know with this new ruling on two-time transfers he’s a guy to keep an eye on to with the number of snaps he’s played the last half of the season um one last thing thank good stuff there USC

Football for Life says can’t afford to subscribe I need a new transmission and saving for my teens College tuition give up the info guys tell you what so here’s the deal for $43 you get a year of access to so it’s like you can’t even go take your you

Know significant other out to dinner for that for a whole year plus you get Paramount plus which is like a $99 uh a year kind of deal too and if if you do sign up or if anyone signs up watching this broadcast drop me an email Ryan USC and I’ll add a couple free months to your subscription as well so you can’t afford not to do this like you can definitely 43 bucks come on you can do it a whole year of great info so $358 per month yeah right now during

This current and 60% off is is one of our best deals the season or best deals of the year so make sure you jump in especially with this wild Time of the Season progressing right now uh the offseason progressing excuse me the transfer portal and the February signing

Period all that type stuff coaching movement all that will be you want to get the inside access you want to be a USC parisy member you got you I’m obviously a I’m sorry Ryan I’m obviously a homer but I was subscribed when I was at Sports Illustrated because

I was like I got to see what’s going on I got to get yeah guys go check it out so thanks uh thanks everyone for tuning in um it was great thank you for dealing with me hope I hopefully I sounded okay like I feel all right I little I need to go

Back on the couch and watch some football and basketball and stuff now but um yeah we uh with the tunnel vision I think Conor and I will try to do a show sometime next week or whatever um shotgun you guys doing any more podcasts what’s your he boys will be reunited on

Uh probably Monday night so Monday night okay oh that’s isn’t that New Year’s Day Sunday night or oh then Sunday night or Monday night we’ll see we we got to figure it out to to get it but we’ll have something for you guys in the next couple days as well Chris has already

Been sending me ideas for things he wants to do uh and if you haven’t checked out the parisy you can go there and look at some of the merch that we have as well for the cilantro boys and the Helen boys all right well thank you everyone for tuning in uh

Thanks Kore set fresh uh off his trip down to San Diego flew from the East Coast right to San Diego gets a ride back up to LA and shotgun spratling doing all kinds of family stuff and we’re all here you know holidays still kind of going on but we wanted to get

You a show wanted to talk about this game was shocked at the result of the game that that we were talking about this excitement heading the off season but I think it’s a great thing for USC fans and hope you guys enjoyed it so for Connor and shotgun I am Ryan Abraham

Hope you enjoyed the show and we will talk to you next time don’t forget to check out USC UCLA women’s basketball too this weekend top 10 matchup nice

On this latest edition of Tunnel Vision’s Ryan Abraham is in studio joined remotely by Shotgun Spratling and Connor Morrissette talking about USC’s huge Holiday Bowl win over Louisville with offensive MVP Miller Moss setting a Trojan bowl record with six touchdown passes in the 42-28 victory. With only 52 scholarship players available due to the transfer portal and opt-outs, Lincoln Riley’s crew played one of their better games of the season, blocking well, tackling better and airing the ball out with Moss and a host of mostly young receivers.
The Trojans scored 42 points on just 52 plays and Moss lit it up completing 23 of his 33 attempts for 372 passing yards, 6 touchdowns and one interception. Tahj Washington in his final game in a USC uniform went over 1,000 yards for the season with his 7 catches for 99 yards and two touchdowns. Freshmen receiver Ja’Kobi Lane had 3 catches for 60 yards and two touchdowns and Kyron Hudson and Duce Robinson each had a touchdown grab.
With a secondary that only had 7 scholarship players suited up, Jaylin Smith moved from nickel to safety and ranked up a team high 12 tackles (all solo) and the Holiday Bowl defensive MVP.
The crew will take your questions either from our live call-in line at (512) 4 TUNNEL or the Facebook and YouTube chat boxes.


  1. Miller time and the defense,offense and special team played very well. I said moss would have 3TD but 6 wow what a great team win fight on✌️✌️✌️

  2. Some of his throws worst suspect..and he left a couple touchdowns out there.. but I'm good with him being the starter moving forward. You give Lincoln Riley 6 weeks he will come up with a great game plan.

  3. No one knows how tough the schedule is going to be next year. A lot of those teams could have down year, some are changing quarterbacks.

  4. Why can’t this 247 guy just be happy for once about this USC team instead of directing blames to CW? You can celebrate one’s success by not bringing another down. Always the grinch…

  5. The transfer portal players for the most part were the problem. Only at SC because they were getting paid. Think about being at a job only for the money. Your loyalty and effort are usually lacking compared to somebody who is grateful to have a job and a family to support.

  6. Absolutely enjoyed the show. Amazing turnaround for Miller et al, hope going forward. Personally, I'm pumped up about the future. Trust the process. Should be an exciting off-season leading into the B1G!!!FightOnFreddy

  7. This game had a magical feel that you could tell was different. Wish we could bottle that emotion and sprinkle it for every game.

  8. This win actually lived up to the USC's motto- FightOn!

    I wouldn't be THAT delighted if all USC's star players were playing, and we had full team present on the sideline, and Caleb Williams just being himself and finding unimaginable ways to to score 50 points.

  9. Shotgun is the best in the business when it comes to USC football. You just think of something that you want to know and he'll bring it up on the show.

  10. Thanks for the info all season. Missed Chris in Phx this year, looking forward to his recommendations for MD on 24. Fight on!

  11. This game was an indictment on some of the players and coaches. Because if we had this kind of performance from “ younger , less experienced “ players what would have happened if they were starters? Basically USC’s practice squad beat the ACC runner up champ

  12. They needed to play together not by themselves and that's what some of them did and the coach didn't do no better he let them play the way they want to play

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