@New York Rangers

[Walker] Trouba/Mika IN. Igor in net. Cuylle on top line.

[Walker] Trouba/Mika IN. Igor in net. Cuylle on top line.

by memeaste


  1. Excited to see how Cuylle looks on the top line. IMO, he’s got the skillset and speed to mesh well with Mika and Kreider. His shot is also pretty nasty, which gives that line a scoring threat from all 3 forwards.

    That all being said, I still think that spot belongs to Kakko when he’s healthy. The line wasn’t producing when he was on it, but he can’t be blamed for Mika’s ice cold start to the season.

  2. explosivebuttfarts

    Mika had the squirts on the bus/plane ride over

  3. smitty046

    Top line is getting a more confusing as bread/tro/laf is ascending.

  4. BeesVBeads

    Very excited to see Coolio mix it up with Zbad and Kreids. Day 3 of covid isolation so I’ve been really looking forward to this game.

  5. 8teamparlay

    Shit I mean this kid reeeaaally deserves this opportunity. I’m excited to watch.

  6. Kaapo-Taco

    Drives me crazy that they keep trying to fit guys on that line with Mika and CK. How long until Jimmy Veasy is up with them? I understand they have no one for that spot right now, but when will they consider that Mika and CK might be the problem.

  7. Psyched. I think that line totally needs a banger to disrupt the other team and cause chaos that K/Z can exploit. Cuylle could be our Matthew Tkachuk.

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