@Buffalo Sabres

Ex-Major League Baseball Player tells all…

Ex-Major League Baseball Player tells all…

Did you ever have to drop a deuce while on the mound? I’ll answer that one. A couple of weeks ago I asked Twitter, YouTube, and I think I did an Instagram story which I’m now realizing I didn’t check for this video. I asked you guys to ask me any question about my career

Or just about the game in general, because I feel like I now can talk a little bit more candidly about some of the stuff that maybe you want to know about. Not all of it, but some of it. I knew you were going to respond. I knew there was going to

Be some responses. I did not know that there was going to be 500 plus That’s B 500 of you asked questions, which is, thank you, but Jesus. There’s some more in there, too. there might be a part to let me know down in the comments. before I start that though.

I just want to thank everyone for being here. going into this year, I’ve been thinking a lot about intention, setting and goals because now I don’t have a season to get in way of my content creation because the season kept getting in the way of my content creation.

So I’m going to be here, I’m gonna be on the channel, I’m going to be making tons and tons of videos. I got all these ideas, but I also want to hear your ideas. So if you want to keep up on those, make sure that you subscribe. And if you’re still listening

To this part of the video, make sure you write Sugar Cookie, sugar cookie, singular in the comments below so that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that you like the video Anyway, let’s get into the questions. The first question is from True

Dom on Twitter. What was it like getting the call that you were going to be promoted to the MLB? It was amazing. It is a day that you look forward to from the moment you are drafted, sometimes even before, because you know you’re going to get drafted cause you’re like that.

So it was many years in the making. It took me over five years to get called up to the major leagues, which is just unheard of these days. But digress. And it was a day in Indianapolis. I’ll never forget that trip because right before we left to go on the plane,

Which interplay, you fly commercial and your flight is almost like a 550 to like 630 always in the morning. you’ve got to get up at 330, go to the airport, and then you have to play that night. So I remember going to the airport, getting there, and then having the zipper

On my suitcase break and we had to Saran wrap. It closed in order to get on the plane. we are in Indianapolis game ends the manager walks in he walks through, says, hey, great win tonight, let’s go get another one tomorrow. Goes into his office

And he puts his head back out and says, by the way, Trevor makes one of the big leagues. And it was it was. I’ve never smiled bigger. It was amazing feeling of accomplishment. a realization of the dream. next from Darcy and from YouTube, What is the feeling you get

When you know you’re pitching well or in a groove there’s an absence of fear. sometimes being afraid is easier than other times, A lot of that has to do with your mental state. A lot of it has to do with, what’s gone on recently, what’s about to go on. Like,

Are you apprehensive for something else? So like fear can build out of nowhere for a lot of different things for me it was always like I threw that first fastball and they were late, that would be the biggest, confidence block building on the tower and building my head, if that makes sense.

And you start to think about how great being successful is going to feel There’s no effort for your brain to be where it needs to be. that’s what the zone is. it’s the greatest feeling of like, I am going to do this, and then you do it immediately.

And it happened exactly where you say there is nothing better than that in the world. Would you ever work in the front office of an organization? A lot of former players are doing that now. That is from Oshie. Is I baseball? I’m so sorry if I pronounce that incorrectly,

I think I would work low. I would be interested in doing like an analytics job I would like to not have to go be on the road. I would like to just help a little bit from afar and as far as like getting no shot because you got a boss

Sometimes that boss isn’t the most knowledgeable about what you’re trying to do and doesn’t really care and has all the money. I just don’t want to be beholden to someone like that. I don’t want I have to listen to somebody because I just don’t have a lot of respect for it, frankly.

At this moment I’m a little I’m a little cold on it, but I do love the game and I do love the idea of the problem of trying to win a World Series and trying to solve that problem in clever ways That’s really exciting and interesting to me. So who knows?

I won’t I won’t close the door on it. But as of right now, yeah, just and no, from Dave Luna I don’t know why, but I immediately thought, hey, does someone really watch you? P When you’re drug testing? But no, that’s not my question. I’d like to know why you signed

With the A’s last season. It threw me off because I thought you were capable of contributing to a contending team and the A’s were just not that I wanted to be close to home. That was number one. Seattle wasn’t interested. That’s where I live. And so the closest I could get

Would be either San Francisco or Oakland. the offer was really good, and I felt good about that as well. And then it was an exciting young group of guys and I had the opportunity to be like the old veteran guy, and I never got to do that.

So that was also really interesting to me and I thought it would be enjoyable to do in what I was anticipating to be my last year. from Miles fan how do you I will be player salaries get paid I’ve heard it’s biweekly during the season only also

What’s it like signing with a new team and trying to get situated in the new city so player salaries are paid biweekly? We are W-2, we are salaried employees. And I always knew when payday was because I needed to make sure as I walked into the stadium that I told everyone Happy payday.

So that was always one way that I brought some joy. As for your second part of that question, moving to New City is interesting. It’s hard in a lot of ways, but you get a lot of practice with it. In the minors, You’re moving cities all over the place.

You had to do it in spring training. So I’ve lived in so many different places and more often you do it, the easier it is. big shout out to my wife Kate, being amazing and doing so much of that, like moving us in when we’re on the road

To start the season and things moving the cats around the country. having a wonderful partner to support you and help you and your family does so much for you. I don’t think they get enough love for that. So shout out to all the families out there. Basically making baseball players exist

Because without you, we are screwed from Will biggest display of eyewash you witnessed. For those of you that don’t know what eyewash is, think about things that are unwanted getting in your eyes, what you do. So biggest display of eyewash. I won’t name a specific situation because I’ve seen a lot.

But the biggest one is relievers in the major leagues that run. Why? Why are you running? Why are you running? you throw an inning, you throw, you throw one inning, you getting three guys out. Save your energy. You can’t run it to the plate. life isn’t about checking boxes, it’s

About having a reason to do things and when it’s purposeless, that’s what I watch is. And I hate it. I hate it. from Ethan What was your favorite thing you got to do in your career? I got to tour the White House and was the tour was led

By the chief of staff at the time. So in 2015 I think is 2016, I don’t remember, but we got to tour it At that time, the chief of staff for President Obama was from Minnesota, So and he was a Twins fan and they knew him from some other things.

So I got to walk around, stand at the podium in the press room, like see the Oval Office, just like just see things. no one was there, but it was it was cool. It was really cool. And I think the likes is something I would have been able to do had I

Not been a professional baseball player at the time Are New York fans too hard on their players? And Brody asks, Additionally, and what do you think of the fans booing their own players just in general? Let me say this first. I believe that if a fan wants to boo,

You should be able to do all of that. Anything you want on social media in the stands and anywhere that is your right and as a fan, that is the point. You’re being entertained in one way or the other. Say what you think. However, if you think that booing or belittling

Or telling someone how mad it’s going to make you if they fail is going to help them play better, you’re lying. That’s not real. That’s not how it works. It’s not helping. it can only hurt. So it’s either going to be neutral because you’re being ignored or it’s going to bother somebody

And make it harder to do that thing that you say you want. that doesn’t mean you have to be like, it’s okay to bet. But if they’re giving you everything they got, then gas and then mop is your best chance to get more Remember the traitor Scott Walker? The traitor anything. Exhibit A?

Which one do you think you’re better at? Fortnite or baseball? Did I was a world class athlete and then I just, you know, sometimes got like ten eliminations on Fortnite? To think that those might even be close is flattering to me. But yeah it’s it’s probably I. Baseball. Baseball. It’s baseball.

What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it? My biggest challenge was learning about how my brain works not letting things snowball on me when things were going poorly. I really struggled with getting out of that mindspace, I growing up, I have some relationships with showing emotions and things that I’ve

I’ve been working through for a long time. the biggest challenge I had was how do I, show emotion without like showing people up and making a scene? And that’s very frowned upon in sports in general, but very much so in baseball. I was just fighting a battle in my own head,

Spending a lot more energy than some other guys would have been doing with the same situations Was there a player you enjoyed facing the most and vice versa? Somebody who never wanted to face a al or an Al? A guy that I always was excited, and especially towards

The end of his career was Mike Napoli. I had a lot of success against Mike. He’s an amazing hitter, had an incredible career. I mean, the guy is on a Hall of Fame ballot. He was an amazing player. However, I did have a lot of success. I think over eight was seven strikeouts.

Is struck out six times. Make it seven And then on the other side, like Donaldson just gave me fits early in my career. You know, every time V Mark came out. I was like, da God. But as I got older, I started to not have that strong of a feeling anymore about it.

I saw them as peers and then it became my job to get them out. I couldn’t afford to start on my heels without giving them a little bit of advantage. But, you know, there’s there’s guys you’re like, man, I don’t wanna face. I would say in today’s game. Here’s a quick list

Soto Freeman Acuna Trout Ohtani Like the guys that you don’t want to be you you’d rather not face the guy that you have to kind of pitch around. What was your favorite stadium to pitch in from Chief Wahoo? of my favorite stadiums depiction of all time is Target Field. Target field is beautiful.

It’s generally a pitcher’s park. I also really enjoy coming to T-Mobile. I think Seattle does a great job with their atmosphere. The cool park again is built 2000. Feels like it was built yesterday. It’s an awesome time and also my family could be there, so I get to see

Everybody get to sleep, my own bed and there’s something to be said for that. Also in that list, Fenway. Love going to Fenway because it’s Fenway. And when you’re a kid, you like Fenway and then you go play in Fenway. You like Fenway. And then success wise, I was always very successful

In Chicago against the White Sox. I felt comfortable there for whatever reason. And I really love Citi Field. I believe the city is actually statistically my best stadium. So go look that up. from Joshie games you were most nervous about. most nervous about. There’s a few. my first playoff

Game in 2019 was a little bit nerve wracking. It was in Naked Stadium, the division series, the Yankee Stadium. It’s a playoff series. so loud I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again as relievers going into the playoffs, you just don’t want it to be your fault. you just don’t want everyone

To remember that it was you that did it. You know, we all know Bill Buckner. It’s all I’m saying. That guy was really good, but we don’t remember his career. Do we? Another one that sticks out in my head. The last time I think I felt truly overwhelmed was September 11, 2021.

It was the 20 year anniversary of 911. We are playing against the Yankees in our place. they have the big moment, Piazza the first home run back like there’s there’s a lot of history there. And I just had a feeling and it’s for everyone. It’s very nervous, like just about the game.

Like not not that even just that day, the whole series of like, I know, I know. It’s going to like I was the eighth inning. I’m like, I was going to it’s going to be me. I’m going to have to. I’m out of it and then turn off eighth inning

Come comes around, We’re up 75. I throw a second pitch fastball to Brett Gardner single throw a slider to judge. Next up, Ball threw him a changeup up and in Homer tie game So I’ve done four pitches the game is tied I get three two on Giancarlo Stanton

He hits double down the line I’m pulled and I was truly remember like being like I feel like I am underwater I learned a lot from it and it didn’t become that for me ever again, which is good What were some of your favorite entrance songs from the bullpen?

Did you get to choose the songs as an enclosure? do get to choose the songs in on Closer. In most places, though, at the beginning of my career, the twins only played the closer song and I had to fight tooth and nail. And and whoever is in charge of this,

You know, you know what you did. So now all of those guys got songs over there. We just played them up in the air. And I was like, What is this? You all got songs? I had to fight for years for this. You’re welcome. I walk so you could run.

I’m huge on songs and songs. It’s like my favorite thing I liked WWF when I was a kid and the entrances were the big thing. So I’ve always loved reliever entrances, I came out to Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria for a long time. I have a signed photo of them over here,

Which is amazing. I mean, it’s pretty cool. the drummer, is a huge Mets fan, so walking out the song in City and then them signing this and leaving this in my locker, this is one of the coolest things that I own. However, in Oakland I had to forgo that song

Because the way the Oakland speakers are, it’s like being at a concert venue So you kind of have to go with something with bass So I had to go with Rumble by Skrillex and float on and Wolf, I’m glad I did. That thing was it was sick. some other ones I’ve heard. thunderstruck,

John Doran’s now is pretty great then obviously, like, we got to go trumpets, right? Let just that’s how it should be. We should have more fun with this type of stuff. Who is the best teammate you ever had in your career? This is from Benny Best teammate I’ve ever had.

I’ll give you a short list of some of the best people that I played with Pete Alonso’s up there, Matt Belisle, Blaine Boyer, Tyler Duffy, Taylor Rodgers. Those are my boys. Those are my, my good friends. Not to take anything away from anyone else, but these are just the guys

We could joke around with a lot. Aaron Loup Hilarious. Adam Ottavino is up there now. Tori Hunter was I had him for one year. Tori was one of the best leaders that I’ve ever met, and I learned a lot from Tori as well. From Blake and Carlos, what team do you wish

You had a chance to play For most the Mariners I wanted to play in Seattle. Everyone wants to play for their home team at some point. Not everyone can be Joe Mauer and just like be Mr. Twin their whole life and grow up there and then become the face of the franchise

And then have twins. What? from Throat on moment where you told yourself, I got to tell my grandkids about this one day, basically the entire 2022 season with the Mets, but I think the moment that I was involved in is getting the 20th strikeout and 20 strikeout game because it was only

It was only like the 12th or 13th time that’s happened ever even combined. And I got to pitch in and get one of them and I have the ball and so I get to talk about that with them. And that’s going to be super cool because I got to be part of

Kind of a historical moment. So I technically have a signature on a ball from that game that’s in the Hall of Fame. So that that’s a moment that I’ll probably be sharing with my kids. Did you ever have to drop a deuce while on the mound? Duh, Of course

I’ve had to pee so bad that I’m like, I am going to wet myself. I’ve got to the point where I waddled off you get you go as fast as you can. These things happen. Adrenaline is a crazy, crazy, crazy chemical. I will say I always made it.

No, I’m not lying And our last question, What is your favorite memory of baseball and was it a challenge to find moments to become your new favorite memory? I have a lot of really great memories in baseball. One is winning my state semifinal game I’ve battled motion my whole life.

When I was younger, in my teens, I really struggled with for showing emotion. And that really hurt my ability to be the best version of myself as a player. when I was dialed in, nobody could dodge me, but was basically coin flip whether or not I would meltdown and just come apart.

Leave them out in tears, frankly. so that year my senior in high school and things it’s flip for me for like the last year, I had no trouble at all with any of that stuff. And something happened where I was just a supremely confident. that was my first.

Like, you can do this moment of that. But I say as a professional, was a game and it was September of 2014 against the White Sox of his day game, and I was pitching well to start the game. I started to implode a little bit Like I hadn’t actually turned it

Around at any start up to that. I think this was my my ninth start or something. So I kept falling apart in like the fourth or fifth. I was just hurting our bullpen. Every time I pitched, they were like, Trevor again. So I’ll never forget I got into some trouble.

And the Trevor Bloom said, Hey man, this could go the same way it always goes. Or, you know, you could make it not And I struck I struck the side out in ten pitches after that with guy in second or third. And so that was a switch flipping to. and so that’s it.

Those are the frequently asked questions. hit me in the comments below Sugar Cookie you remember you know what to do subscribe to the channel. We are going to be here regularly every single week Also, join the Discord. Discord Link is in the description below as well. Have a wonderful day.

I will see you next time on the Trevor May Baseball Channel. You’re all very attractive and very nice and your hair looks amazing today, Bob.

You asked your questions and I gave my honest answers.
No back was held in the making of this video.

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  1. Sugar 🍪.

    Didn't realize you were from Longview. I live in Portland and know that small town. Good for you bud. Would love to meet ya one day and get a beer. You seem like a real one🍻👍🏻

  2. Greetings from Hillsboro Oregon! I went to Columbia River HS in Vancouver, had good friends play against you!

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