@Boston Bruins

World Series of Poker Main Event 2010 Day 3 with Jason Mercier, Scotty Nguyen & Jean-Robert Bellande

World Series of Poker Main Event 2010 Day 3 with Jason Mercier, Scotty Nguyen & Jean-Robert Bellande

Oh thank you very much much thank you what’s up day three baby feature table baby going to be F just like jight 4 firework baby on the first day they came in waves just trying to survive yes on the second they settled in and prove that they

Belong yes yes now it’s day three and just look who’s here well this is fun world champions everyone forgets I wrote the book Big Time Players that’s the only stuff I play and even bigger personalities but one man encompasses it all you car going to be all over baby

The 1998 World Champion and Prince of Poker Scotty WN has forged an amazing Legacy I have all the in the book baby now the prince is on the verge of another Deep Run and no one in the room is safe they Ino now day three of the main event starts [Applause]

Now hello everyone I’m Lon McCarron with Norman Chad welcome to the World Series of Poker Main Event presented by Jack Links beef jerky day three B it is day three and for the first time the entire field is playing together at the Rio still rolling still rolling while it

Remains a star studded field full of big names including seven former world champions day three here we go only like 15 more to go many new faces remain including former chess Prodigy Jeff SAR and things are so friendly commanding table two today is poker Pro Jason Mercier the last couple of years he’s

Been making a lot of noise with some huge tournament scores speaking of noise that’s amateur Kat borts seated next to Jason jeez I hope he’s paper trained nearly $9 million is on the line it’s a big day playing for Big Money full of big names and perhaps n bigger than the

Self-proclaimed Prince of Poker and what a big stage performer he is the 98 title plus two other times he’s made it to the final two tables of the main event to his left David sansky author of 13 books on gaming and poker Theory and also here is pro and Ry poker Observer Adam

Shonfeld where you been baby I haven’t seen you uh you you get married you have kids or you have too much money no woman would go out with me true I don’t leave my cave Adam’s got a nice cave low HOA fees and it’s wired for cable the blinds at 500 1,000 action

On scany on the jacklinks beef jerky pocket cam 85 off suit into the muck sans’s poker books considered the Bible hold them by many players four five off suit for shonfeld and he’ll fold action f holds to 25-year-old Chuck Danielson as a founder of Deuces he’s a modern instructor sansy

Is an ancient instructor you see the D next to danielson’s name indicates he’s in the dealer position and with Jack seven he raised to 2700 Scotty win with Ace 9 off suit all right baby five time bracelet winner will come along from the big blind and two players will see the Flop

It is 10 Trey Ace Scotty hits top pair Danielson missed the flop Scotty checks Danielson looks like he’s going to try to finagle the prince of Poker 3800 yeah he flopped air but doesn’t seem to mind Scotty with a check raise to 8,000 Danielson should mind

That he he they they clap for you baby they clap for me come on Chuck make the good fold all right crowd I’ll listen that’s a foldable hand he lays down all which card you want to see the bottom or the top the bottom one well that was good that’s right

Baby Scotty win making a statement here early on day three we often compare the start of the main event to Christmas morning as anticipation meets excitement but for me today is the day when it truly comes together as you well know Norman the field is now Under One Roof and the main

Event Champion is indeed Somewhere Out There Lon you focus on what’s out there I’ll focus on what’s right here Scotty wind is one of the greatest characters in World Series history multiple bracelets check Main Event Champion check funloving and friendly at the table okay half a check on that one says

Baby an inconceivable amount of times in every sentence check check and check baby Scotty baby with a little more than 80,000 just below the chip average taking a look at some of the other notables we see former champ Johnny Chan tearing it up with over 281,000 but

Right behind him a host of other top Pros including two of them is Rocky brothers and Jason Mercier leading in everyone though at the moment is David asene of Montreal with over 387,000 chips so from the top of the leader board to one pro that may be on his way

Out Phil lock all in with Ace Queen of Diamonds against the pocket Queens of Dylan thomasy we leaving already Phil lock travels light and I think he’s headed to Mars from here lock at risk and here’s the Flop 9 106 two diamonds go slow for the drum they’re putting a drum roll

Sequence lock with a net flesh draw Thomas he doesn’t want a drum roll he wants the hand to be over turn card now is a diamond and lock hits the nut flush and Will Survive pays to travel life so thomasy doubles up Phil lock lock still the short stack just over

21,000 and still looking for his first main event cash oh so elsewhere another amusing Pro Jean rer balain seems quite serious right now in a hand with guy Thomas Balon just check raised Thomas to 24,000 Aces and four fours on the board baland a former club promoter now a

Poker player and self-promoter River card is a seven of Spades Balon checks again Thomas with a tiny bit 3,000 begging for a call does he want to check Rays again nope just a call and Thomas turns over pocket aces for Quad Aces quad right yeah quad Forest that’s what Iana I may

Not be the sharpest tool in the shed I’m guessing genre bear did not have quad Force so Thomas will stack the chips one guy who is pretty sharp at guessing players hands Daniel negano he’s up against 21-year-old Eric Carr I hope he has a note from his mother excusing him

From piano lessons today River card is a Jack Daniel checks 11,000 11,000 bets be careful with that hand you know with that hand you got to be real careful I know it was verbal before no well you before you said 11 you went like this I’m not I’m saying fine understand just

Letting you know you don’t want to actually I think he’s skipping geometry class and so why are you betting 11 exactly seems like an odd bet I think no I shouldn’t because you had me beat and I’m sure of this all right hence the fact that I’m about to throw this hand

Away I think Daniel seems convinced he’s beat H that would be a strange Bluff wouldn’t it you you’re not bluffing never mind Daniel fults huh oh you were bluffing oh my God that was so bad car with Rags I fed a queen I didn’t have a

A he was fluffing oh my God it pays to drink Slurpees even if you’re a pro jeez the main event is one long walk through a Minefield back at the Rio right now at the feature table poker author David sansky is all in and on the verge of

Falling victim to the trip Aces held by Damen Rooney sansy is out of strategy here he simply needs running hearts or his main event is over sansy knows he’s a big dog and now he’s drawing dead after the King on the turn Rooney takes the pot and knocks out David sansky

Scans one of the best and brightest Minds in the early development of holdam strategy one less Pro for shonfeld and Scotty wi to worry about at this table meanwhile there are plenty of Pros to worry about out in the field including some other world Champs defending champ

Joe cata currently holding his own after turning trip eight he’s getting paid off by Chris Bryce whose two Aces came up short cat is the champ but the champ has not cashed at this world series a Deep Run in the main event would be very

Sweet for Joe cata a Deep Run or even a Payday in the main EV event has eluded Chris Money Maker since he won an 03 Chris with Ace King is trying to knock out Mark whitesman who has pocket kings the Flop did not help Chris the year Scotty win won it all

Mark whitesman finished 14th turn card is a nine Money Maker needs an ace to knock out whitesman the River card is a deuce and whitesman will double up through Money Maker Whitman’s cash three times in the main event Money Maker Now short stacked of course only cash the

Year he won it all that that was my game plan all along trying to find the the last station the day failing that Chris is down to 5200 elsewhere O2 champ Robert Varone mixing it up with braced winner Vanessa selps both of whom began this day with over 200,000 chips by the

Way Kata Money Maker Varone not just Champions also nice guys after the five on the turn Robert bets 7,000 Vanessa who has been known to be aggressive at a poker table raises the 34,000 she muscles up on the O2 champ and that will force a fold from Robert

Vanessa sups has a lot of chips and a lot of game Vanessa’s bracelet came two years ago in Pot Limit Omaha to two time made EV champ Johnny Chan and a big pot with Sam Bernstein Chan just bet 50,000 on the river it’s a sizable pot line if

Chan takes this one down I believe he becomes chip leader Bernstein with a big decision makes the call time for a showdown Johnny shows Seven’s full Bernstein mucks and chant takes the pot woo and the chip lead that’s a big Johnny Chan with the chip lead at the

Main event starts Spreading the News Chan with almost half a million chips a Hall of Famer at the top of the leaderboard that will add a little excitement to the main event back over to table two and a man who knows what it’s like a top a leader board Jason

Mercier he’s seated next to Ted bort who made a lot of noise in that controversial prelot Freedman hand with his barking you were one of the barkers yeah what does it mean what there’s two meons of it okay I was a street fighter way back

In Chicago and when I barked I was I was really pounding on you okay the second phase was just more of an intimidation of a celebration we could do without the second phase first to act in this hand Jason Mercier with pocket eights Mercier cut his teeth online routinely playing 12

Tables at once and from under the Gunner utg he raises to 2800 bort with queen8 bort 46 years old so he’s almost seven in dog years all right action folds around to Bill Melvin in the small blind Ace Jack of Spades a software engineer who’s won the Alabama State Chess Championship a

Record seven times he calls and we’ll go heads up against top Pro Mercier the Flop is 657 mercier’s pocket eights are good he picked up an up and down straight draw Melvin with a nut flush draw he bets 4,000 Melvin leads out Mercier might pop

It here just a call Mercier is so at the table turn card nine of spay Melvin hits his nut flush and that also gave Mercier a straight Melvin comes out with 10,000 this time if I’m Jason Mercier I certainly might think my nine High straight is good he still could pop it

Here nope drawing dead he just makes the call River card now Queen of Diamonds what will Melvin do now well since the board didn’t pair Melvin knows his Ace flush is good and and he knows to bet it 20,000 Mercier getting almost 3 to one

On his money to call here and you know I still think Jason might raise it up Mercier with a befuddled look just with the call Melvin with the pot Merc you’re smarter than me Lon there’s a news flash I would have lost more Melvin bet the

Jason paid him off in that 76,000 chip pot Jason began the day with almost 200,000 chips but takes a hit ER as in life is an up and down game and Jason knows that better than most in April of 2008 I won a seat to go to Sano in Italy

I ended up going and uh winning the whole thing when I won I was pretty exatic you know $1.3 million is more money than I ever thought that I would be able to win but nothing’s really ever compared to that feeling when it comes

To poker after I won we decided to go to a club when we were at the club celebrating and having a good time some locals tried to pick a fight with us and it ended up turning into a big brawl the bouncers threw us out and those guys

Were out there waiting for us unfortunately myself and two of my friends uh got stabbed I got a beer bottle basically stuck in my back and got uh 60 stitches and was in the hospital for 2 days I was extremely lucky cuz if it had

Been few inches one way or the other it could have hit major artery and then uh I could have bled to death it was a pretty dramatic experience going from pretty much the highest point in my life to worrying about whether or not I was going to

Die I’ll always have that memory and there’s not really a week that goes by where I don’t think about what happened on that trip since that near tragedy Jason has been back to Europe including Sam Remo with great success plus he won his first bracelet last year what a year he has

Had back to the feature table where Scotty win is residing on this night I have to ask you a question yeah how many times like in a tournament do people say to you if you call it’s going to be all over baby you you know I only hear that

For a couple a couple of time but really yes but if you push me on and then I I go if I call you it’s going to be all over baby so you do it that way all right I’m going to do different way all

Right I like it I like it that’s right baby of course Scotty said if you call it’s going to be all over baby to Kevin McBride on the final hand of the 98 Main Event Scotty looks down at 94 off he calls it might be all

Over he lays it down check swing there baby to Damen Rooney the 27-year-old French poker Pro for Trey of diamonds and from the hijack position a raise to 2300 Adam shonfeld now a Queen of Diamonds it should be pointed out that Adam has made it to day two of the main

Event nine consecutive times now I don’t think that’s a record but it’s certainly a shonfeld family Mark Adam called from the cut off over to Nikki Evans Ace Queen of Hearts he’s from London now lives in Toronto and he makes the call from the big blind two Ace queens and a

Four tray I like the four tray and I know how much you hate Ace Queen three players the Flop is 7 10 six two hearts Evans with the nut flush draw and he checks Evans could have bet check roony checks roon could have bet Adam checks Adam wasn’t betting two of diamonds on

The turn Evans misses shonfeld with a nut flush draw everybody with the draw nobody with a pair 42 Evans bets 42002 Rooney with his inferior Diamond flush draw makes the call Adam makes the call Rooney was getting three to one on a call and then Adam was getting four to one Jack of

Spades helps no one Evans and shonfeld with their Ace Queens have the check mark three men who had Big Dreams left abandoned on the side of a country road to Nowhere Evans checks as does Rooney Adam now he’s thinking about stealing this one 9,000 Adam decides to show a

Little initiative he’s picked a good spot he has Evans stopped in his tracks Evans has chips but he lays it down Rooney folds as well so Adam will win that pot Adam you know I love you buddy but if you don’t start talking a little

Bit I’m going to call pen and let him know there’s a new teller a good decision to bet the river trip Adam he look so sad man this is work it’s work time this is the job we do cuz we love it Adam would love it

More if he had a few extra chip Stacks to work with but he’s got plenty of fight left it was a weight loss beted of Epic Proportions Mike Mato gave Ted Forest less than 2 and 1/2 months to lose over 45 lbs it’s impossible it’ll be the

Easiest 2 million I’ll ever make in my life when the big day finally arrived an emaciated Ted Forest stepped into the Rio and on to a scale when he stepped off he was $2 million richer now Mike will have to put his money where his mouth is Mike won’t answer his phone

Mike won’t answer his phone because he’s pwned it to make the first payment the mouth is promising to pay off Ted in $5,000 to $10,000 monthly installments there’s former World Champ Dan Harrington surviving is all in Dan spent the mid1 1980s playing at the Mayfair Club in Manhattan with guys like Eric

Zidell Eric on the right has put himself at risk hoping his pocket n can keep him around he was called by Raymond Romy with King seven of diamonds the Flop is five Queen five sidel’s pocket nines hold up sidel second in the 88 Main Event Ramy third in the 07 Main Event

Sidell still good after the six on the turn and Sidell needs to dodge a king to stick around it is a deuce and Sidell Will Survive and double up to 13,000 through Raymond Romy Sidell also finished fourth in the 99 Main Event let’s go from a mild mannered New Yorker

To a less reserved New Yorker did you hear what I said I’m going to ask you nicely let me have one broken born Steve Buckner bending the ear of Charles Alexander sylvestri Buckner started playing hold him in 2005 and where else a Cigar Shop Buckner sounds like he’s had a tough time

Beating sylvestri Buckner bet 35,000 sylvestri folds and Buckner shows a bluff triip it now I owe you one cuz all right I’m asking is it fair I owe you one when a guy from Brooklyn with a cigar asks you is it fair the answer is

Always yes and we said you and I were not going to battle right until later he makes an appointment with sestri for later in in the event of a nuclear blast line I believe that cigar would survive back to the feature table and another New Yorker Adam shonfeld from Queens

Who’s in the company of others from his neck of the woods so you’re a New Yorker as well yeah a you’re from New York yeah me too you from New York 1 2 34 as a rule I will not play with more than one New Yorker at a time well they

Won’t play with you either on the Jack Links beef jerky pocket Cam Ron gandal from Lindenhurst New York Ace Queen of Spades you get a couple of New Yorkers together it’s Yankees this Yankees that how about those Jets how about those giants blah blah blah gandala raised to

2800 from under the gun Ace King for Scotty W I like playing with people from Vietnam they don’t talk about A-Rod and Jeter and Mickey Manel from utg plus one Scotty makes it 7,000 plus New Yorkers are so neurotic have you ever spent five minutes with Adam

Shonfeld Adam we’ll lay that hand down so the Rays now back to gandal with Ace Queen he for bets it to 20,000 did I mention New Yorkers are pushy huh huh damn baby Gand Alo looks like a nice guy but New York is New York Scotty with Ace King all right baby

Just just for you all right baby lays it down and shows it he sends a message you better have a hand against me and DOA will not show Scotty you shouldn’t show like that cuz I’m the only one who knows how you play so now you’re evening it

Out where are you from Long Island Long Island Long Island all right if I watch TV you blow me that hand I will drag you down drag me down all right whether the New Yorker was bluffing or not when Scotty sees that gandal might want to change his address Chris money Maker’s

In trouble at his table he was all in pre- flop with 10 five of Spades the Flop was all fours Chris behind with two Live cards I still got to get lucky Victorino Torres with King High leads right now trying to knock out the former World

Champ turn card is a six Chris needs a 10 five or six to stay alive it’s a nine on the river Chris Money Maker has been eliminated you’re lucky man I wanted to be the one to kick him out you don’t want to kick out the guy who brought you

In Chris Moneymaker responsible for so many people in this room yep you just see the impact of his victory all over the Rio to table two once again where Jason Mercier is a spectator right now as tablemate Ted bort with Jack nine off called a raise from Bill Melvin and his

Pocket nines they’re going to the Flop and the Flop is for Trey Jack bort with a pair of jacks crushing the pocket nines of Melvin who bets 5,000 5,000 we raise him he’s going to raise him Lon how much I don’t know that for puts together 12,000 12,000 l i call noelvin

Calls they’ll see a turn card King of Diamonds sport still best Melvin in deep trouble Melvin checks this time Bor in an even more commanding position than he knows 12,000 again Melvin get the message yep he does and lays it down we got to hear it we finally got to

Hear it is that annoying yes very annoying he does that who let the docks out baby you know if a dog barked this much at the Westminster dog show they would toss him Scotty can be more bark than bite we saw him fold his Ace King to a four bet

So far his pre- flop aggression is a tad below the table average action on Adam shonfeld a seven of clubs shonfeld went to Cornell University you know admissions departments do make mistakes raised to 3,000 yeah if he’s an ivy leager I’m a rocket you do have nice

Legs folded to Scotty win with Ace six of diamonds good for you 18 Mo right baby Scotty started saying baby in the late 1990s because he couldn’t pronounce a lot of the other players names so he just began calling everybody baby he’ll go heads up with Adam shonfeld the Flop

Is try dece Duce that missed both Adam ahead with the stronger Ace Scotty checks shonfeld with position is going to use it and he’ll bet 4,000 back to Scotty now all right baby you got it and he’ll lay it down Adam Bluffs with the best hand and escapes with another

Pot someone almost cheered for you and then they realized that Scotty lost so they stopped I would cheer for Scotty against me also he’s the prince of Poker I’m just the guy I I know where he Liv Scotty lost that pot but he is up so

Far here on day three let’s get back to table two where apparently Ted borts barking has gotten the ATT tour official Behavior okay you can’t be yelling at the top of your lungs in the middle of the poker tournament did you hear me yeah I over in the far blue section

Yelling he can’t do it his would be heavier so right now when need warning happens again we will give you a penalty okay really yeah he’s getting a yellow card and I agree the honest emotions are fine but if you’re going to be Rin Tin you should

Be in a kennel so the dog Barker now a bit sheepish as he returns to action at table two want the game to be boring where we all stare at each other and don’t say anything and hey I love true emotion I love bursts of excitement but these premeditated celebrations frankly are

For the dogs out in the field the man bort shared some controversy with on day two continues his extended stay here at the main event prad fredman in a hand right now he’s ahead with aces up after the turn fredman getting short on chips bets 13,000 in the hand with Luis Nar

Tenno often mistaken for Michael the grinder M rocki he has a straight flush draw and a pair of The Barker called the clock on prad on day two you may recall prad was beat it appeared prad called before the clock hit zero but prad’s hand was ruled dead

Otherwise he would be gone arent tenno just hit a flush on the river and prad moves all in and a quick call from nent Teno means prad Freedman is done that’s it prad pushed with top two can’t blame him beell by running hearts and a day

Late prad is done in he is stunned and the news finally sinks in on the bracelet winner wow had you on a queen and exit some thought was overdue prad fredman is now out of the 2010 main event and once it open 290 it’s always fireworks when the

Entire field comes together and for many that means getting burned I gave all the chips to you a day three field of over 2500 is now below 2,000 and we may be adding one more to the exit list short stacked Eric cidale Allin with Jack Trey against the ace

Eight of Derek young sidal needs a Jack or tray to stick around the River card is a six and that will do it all right good luck the eight time bracelet winner is gone Eric grinded as long as he could but it was not to be at another table

Rock and roll star Sully Erna with pocket Queens up against the pocket kings of pet nto a two-time Olympic gold medal cross country skier he’s Michael Jordan big in Norway he loves coming here because unlike at home nobody recognizes him and he just reraised Sully all in okay call Sully makes the

Call for 41,5 and he’ll be at risk and way behind Sully Erna looking for something here and now the Flop Jack dece nine nothing there for S Erna nug King still dominating turn card another nine no help to nna Erna cashed in the ‘ 06 and

07 Main Events he needs a queen or he’s not cashing this year the River card is a seven and that will do it norog wins the hand knocks out c one pet can do it on the snow he can do it on the felt as well someone lied to me they said 2010

Was going to be my year hey Sully they’ve been lying to me since 1968 so long Sully meanwhile Steven Bucker and Charles Alexander sylvestri are added again both check the Flop 13,000 in the pot turn card is is an eight of spades Buckner reaching for chips 9200 sylvestri calls I don’t believe

That cigar should be allowed across state lines a queen on the river Buckner checked sylvestri reaching for some of his massive chip stack and he bets out 18,000 that is one imposing stoy and a call from Buckner first Buckner shows a pair of sixes and that’s good one time cuz good call huh

Good call Cuz actually Buckner’s nickname is cuz cuz keep coming for me because he calls everyone else cuz com for me cuz we’re going to get in a big one Buckner with a little lip and a challenge to sylvestri it’s all part of a street tough Persona that is truly the real Deal I was a bad kid I tell the truth I wasn’t a good kid I was a mover in a shake and I did whatever I had to do to survive at 16 I dropped out of high school I dealt drugs I was making a lot

Of money but I got involved in the wrong stuff and in 1985 I was homeless living in an Alleyway it took me from the highs all the way to the lows so the story was I hit my knees and I said I can’t do this no more and that truly was the last

Day that I used and April 14th 1985 asked me nicely I gave one I owe you one how you doing I should have that’s why I’m so happy all the time because I enjoy life and I know what it is to be really really down and out so I

Am a man of my word when I got cleaned the meetings taught you to live in the moment and sometimes a second so that’s where I got it to live in the here and now I am who I am somebody asked me how many places it pays I said I don’t know

Doesn’t matter I’m going to play Hand by hand and before you know it hopefully it’ll end the 12:00 and I’ll say B up your chips come back Tuesday that’s all I want to hear Buckner is proof of willpower overcoming hardship 3 years after being homeless he was running the finance department of a

Card dealership all right let’s get back to the feature table and Norman it’s time for the jacklink beef jerky Wild Card hand I’ve got to find another line of work I’ve heard that Vietnam is beautiful beautiful heard beautiful I was in Thailand last year oh thought it

Was magnificent you have to go to VI Vietnam beautiful all right let’s get this wild card hand underway action on Adam shonfeld Adam shonfeld lived in Thailand for parts of three years he folds his Queen four he’s a mysterious fella Scotty win has the Jack Links Wild

Card hand me and you baby Scotty could have anything anything I’ll put him on 87 suit he calls from the small blind how much you playing Scotty I just asked him I never thought I’d get to ask that that’s the reason I said that Steve tolch an amateur from

Montreal in the big blind queen six off battle the blinds and both are married here is the Flop Queen dece n touch we know has top pair Scotty bets 1400 Scotty could have anything anything I’ll put him on a flush draw8 seven of diamonds touch raises the 3100 come on baby TCH is

Saying I’ve got a queen and you don’t I agree with him it’s my P Touch by the way is about to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary he’s offered me marital advice in exchange for poker tips that’s a bad deal for him a king on the turn Scotty checks he’s got nothing

I’d bet 7,000 here and drive him away to checks I offered him a poker tip four of Hearts that’s a third heart on the river Scotty again reaching for chips 6,000 oh please that four didn’t help him toch now Mr Diamond Scotty would have look B

On on TV baby Scot’s playing pretty snug but I think he’s bluffing here he’s telling tol I can beat your pair I don’t think he can be beat ace high are they going to cheer if you win this spt for me loud please don’t call them they might Che for

You call them it’s a busted flesh draw I’m going to donate to you my friend two pair baby two pair is good bottom two pair wins the jacklink speed jerky Wild Card hand you give me a a free ride baby I hope his marital advice is better than

My poker chps sorry for Deuce give the chips to Scotty all right that’s it not messing around with you anymore like so many before him touch realizes that a little too late yata and uel Cori just saw a 10 hit the river on a paired board kski bet

35,000 Joe lays it down well not every moment is as good as that one against Darin moon for the game Joe trying to coax his opponent into showing raced it off right there to no avail Kata trying to do what this guy did win back-to-back World Championships right now Johnny Chan the

Tournament chip leader is facing all in from Arma atto for almost 60,000 Johnny would gamble if he knew he was in a race but he fears pocket aces are Kings is pocket Jacks would go against the Ace King if he calls still got a lot Johnny

Does make the call and let the race begin for atto’s tournament life and the Flop four for King atto hits his King and he’s got the better two pair the race is all but over Johnny’s going to need a Jack it’s an ace atto with aces

Up now Chan needs a Jack to knock out atto River cards a deuce and atto will double up to over 122,000 through Johnny Chan and that drops Johnny now to just under half a million chips he is no longer in the chip lead Chan with the

Face of a man who does not take parting with his chips very lightly back now to the featured table where Scotty win is holding Court taking a look at his voluntary hands played he’s currently at a fairly low 20% but that’s still higher than his conservative tablemates are you still working the

Magazine or I work at player yeah well occasionally everything about Adam shonfeld is occasionally Ace Jack offit you have you haven’t call called me come in no more I I I thought you quit you’ll be in whenever you want Scotty and Adam raised it to 3200 over to

Matthew Janda in the small blind 23-year-old poker Pro from California I started with 85,500 boyy Adam very accommodating I’d visit his cave anytime 98 raise 9 9800 Adam a retired investor not sure he wants to invest that many chips here and he studies the face of Matthew Janda I don’t think he’ll find

Any facial here he’s looking very carefully at Janda he’s got a crazy neck pulse going Adam FS I don’t know if that means you’re weak or strong don’t either ju I have a crazy neck pulse every time I see you going nuts yeah yeah I can see it

And there’s nothing you can do about it that one you should show me hand then I really will yeah I I better not do that and Norman you know all those players we see wearing scarves now we know why plus it’s freezing in here half the time at an outer table German poker

Pro Sandra naok is on her feet Michael M rocki with Ace Jack trying to eliminate her naok with pocket sevens the Flop is De TR seven now we yoke with a set the grinder going to take his left hand off his right shoulder this hand is pretty much over turn card

Now is a four grinder picks up a wheel draw hold the phone line a five would knock her out it’s a 10 on the river and nauk does double up through the grinder nauk the second ever woman to win an EP title Victoria Korn was the first Sandra won the German open last

Year as Rocky Summit Michael’s older brother Roberts stops by to get the low down on that hand these two brothers played on day two of the main event together but today is the first time all four Mis Rocky brothers are playing together Michael’s twin Eric in a hand

Right now with Steve Sanders there is a m rocki everywhere the I can see Sanders checked the turn Eric bet 6000 Sanders with a check race of 25,000 and M Rocky lays it down ever since Steve Sanders had life-saving surgery last year just hours after being

Knocked out of the main event he’s been an Unstoppable life force there’s the youngest Mis Rocky Donnie a I is sitting with and watching Robert Varone and Vanessa selston a hand both have Queen nine and paired their Queens on the Flop kings came on the turn and

River Robert moves all in on the river that’s a big all in he pushed with 55 big blinds left with that board I don’t know how he went all in but frankly I don’t know how she can call you got a hand actually he has the exact same hand

You do you have a pair he’s got the same pair and the same kicker that you you do who knew I call wow she calls call 46 amazing and they will chop the pot great call Vanessa seems a bit miffed with Robert’s play look what are you doing I believe

He’s playing poker and Vanessa was up to the task it’s like the worst going to have you got that’s un how could you call that listen I’m new at this game I’m an amateur he’s not new but he is an amateur but an amateur with a main

Event bracelet back to table two where top Pro Jason Mercier has been pretty quiet so far and Ted Bard has been effectively muzzled he just flopped a pair of tens jousting with Bill Melvin who has a pair of aces all right turn card now is a seven Melvin’s top pair

Still good bort with a gut shot and the pair of tens bort always looks on the edge of something Melvin check bort checks all right the River card is a Jack and Jacks up for bort earns him the check mark Melvin now bets 10,000 bet is

10,000 I call and a call from Melvin gone and bort nope you’re not gone you double up 30k well don’t do it don’t do it oh he wants to you know he wants to bark but they’ll penalize him it’s okay oh man hey my second tournament I thought I

Was gone you know I know what it took to call that hey I appreciate it Melvin provides the double up to Ted bort who is still Chasing the Dream on day three back at the Rio when the main event began more than 7,300 players were entered by day three that number reduced

To 2557 now a mere 1842 remain I mean excessive is yelling screaming going all nuts but just throw a couple barks out there as a good win you know I don’t think that was that accessive they’ll probably let you go do it in the hallway how about in the bathroom you do

It in the stall really freak people out I’m tell I tell you this much man that that would uh that’d be a little much for me oh it sounds like Ted bort the former Street Fighter does have some limits action on Jason Mercier ace9 offit Mercier was a substitute teacher

Briefly oh man can’t you just leave me alone one time you get no respect when you’re a substitute teacher he gets plenty of respect at the PO table I’m telling you what just for that I hope I get pocket on you Jason raised to 3900 Ace King for bort wow really he sounds

Like he has pocket aces wow I think Jason might believe he has pocket aces a rer the 136 can I see your Chips please yeah for has a little more than 70,000 right there Jason has them easily covered I’m really interested in your attention what are you interested in I’m really

Interested in your attention my intentions or no I mean your I’m yes I’m really interested I don’t understand what you’re interested in that’s all right man I think you can be talking to Ted bort and have absolutely no idea what the conversation is about Mercier needs almost 10,000 to

Call but I think bort talked him out of it the one car if that was your high car then that wasn’t good there’s two people you don’t want to make mad and you’re both of them right I’m not wanting to run any of you and if I if I go over you

I got something and if you got something over you come over me I was going to go all in I ready for that one well then I’m playing pretty good that was a good fold you told me what you have I’ll tell you what I had no thank you I saw a king

That’s enough Jason has all the info he needs from that hand let’s get back to the feature table where the main event bracelet sits oh so close Scotty win has steadily built his chip stack today let’s take a look at his tail of the tape brought to you by the official WSOP

Game play now on Facebook Scotty’s not been too active today he’s played in 13 hands while not in the blinds but as you can see he’s won most of the hands he’s played nine of 13 that’s pretty good and he’s had more success pre flop where

He’s got a 5-1 record post flop he’s 4- three no matter the stats you always have to deal with Scotty’s Aura so I think Scotty if you bust they probably kick us off the table so do me a favor like you know keep playing well you get

Over here you get the lights and you know lot of people rooting for me that’s right baby Scotty looks down at 75 clubs into the muck folded around two Damen roony roony has A6 off suit rais to 2800 Adam shonfeld with pocket T from the button he makes the call Lee

Walling with pocket sevens in the small blind and the amateur from New York makes the call he probably talks about bucking Dent all day big blindfolds three players will see the Flop two pocket pair and an ace6 the Flop is Trey Ace Ace a thing of beauty for Rooney now

With trip Aces Walling first to act he checks his pocket pair roon slow plays the aces Adam makes a bet 4,300 you know I would have bet 4,300 to you know Adam and I have that connection I guess it’s a losing connection Walling folds his sevens Rooney smooth

Calls with his trips roony sitting pretty Adam’s never sitting pretty it’s a seven on the turn Rooney checks again Adam checks behind him if Walling had stayed he would have hit Sev full and that Full House would have come up short as roony hits quad Aces boy and Lana I

Think that card’s going to cost Adam shonfeld some chips because now he’ll never put Rooney on an ace in his hand Rooney bets 14,5 if I’m ad him I’m thinking I’m good unless he’s got pocket kings queens or Jacks I would call and of course lose and he does and he does no

Good show them Adam really Adam’s thinking uh what can you do we’re smiling it’s fun right Scotty smile all day that’s right baby could be worse it could be somewhere else you know baby there there like almost 5,000 player was in your spot right now so you know

Scotty speaks the truth he sure does out in the field the guy every poker player wishes they were defending champ Joe has all his chips in the Middle with Ace Queen Bradley libson with pocket 10 would need over 67,000 to call if he calls the champ will be in a race for

His main event life and behind libson doeses call to put Kata at risk and Joe Kata now hoping some 09 magic is left over all right here’s the Flop it is all Spades Joe picked up a lot of outs with the flush draw yeah now it’s a coin flip

La this could be magic in progress for the champ all right the turn card seven of clubs C it down to his last card perhaps Joe cata looking for an ace queen or any Spade or his title defense is done the River card is a six of clubs

And that will do it Bradley Lipson knocks out the defending Champion World Champ should be able to afford long pants no it is over for the youngest champ ever nothing to be ashamed about though Bradley libson will remember that for quite a while welcome back to the World

Series of Poker presented by Jack Links beef jerky alongside Norman Chad I’m laon McCarron as day three of the main event rolls on online players like Peter Jetton Eric Baldwin Billy cop and Phil galon continue to move towards day four as do other top Pros in the game including Patrick Antonius Barry

Greenstein and Gavin Smith how we roll in Canada you knock us down we go to the bench we get stitched up we come back on in our next ship fellow Canadian and top Pro Daniel nean was hoping that statement holds true as he finds himself short stacked and still at our featured

Table tonight a pair of poker’s most colorful characters whose chip Stacks are moving in different directions much decorated Scotty win is on the uptick but he’s still below the chip average of 119,000 meanwhile lesser decorated Adam shonfeld has struggled losing more than a third of his chips here on day three

Yeah baby oh do going non-alcoholic perhaps we’ll see a Kinder gentler Scotty win here day three often sees big swings in chip Stacks richer pots and higher pressure to keep ahead of the ever increasing blinds the blinds at 6 and 1200 on the jackling beef jerky

Pocket cam Adam folds ace5 Adam left the business World on the company he partly owned went public and he made a bunch of money so now we’ve got him now on the button Ron gandal he works for New York City Transit King four of diamonds do I

Complain to him about the rats in New York subway stations from the dealer position he raised es to 3,000 Scotty win with Ace Jack and the small blind Scotty’s looking for a fan to write his life story Lon I don’t think Scotty needs a writer his life story pretty

Much writes itself just transcribed a Rea to 10,000 Steve touch fold so the ray back to gandal well remember earlier in the day gandala pushed Scotty off the better hand pre flop they heads up again gandala with a ray all in for over 24,000 he pushes with a king Scotty’s

Got him well covered this would be for about 20% of the Champs chips all right baby and Scotty okay let’s do it and Scotty sees he’s in good shape Gand Doo decide to gamble here with 20 big blinds left he’s a three to2 dog looking for a

Double up against Scotty in that earlier hand you mentioned Gand Doo pushed Scotty off his Ace King while he was holding just ace Queen here’s the Flop it is Duce 108 Scotty still good with his ace high gandala now a 3 to1 Dog looking to double up it’s another Deuce

No help to gandal gandal now a six to1 dog he needs a king or a four it is a 10 on the river Ron gandal knocked out by Scotty win hey buddy I take the A train a lot if you can look into that rat thing when you get home earlier Scotty

Had threatened to track Gand doel down if he learned the amateur was bluffing him so now now I know he Bluff me the last hand baby Gala paid the ultimate price I doubt anyone else will be bluffing Scotty soon well Norman I do realize there’s

Still a long way to go and a lot of people left but as the main event rolls along and the field continues to shrink the remaining players get to know each other more and more and certainly there is already a fair amount of familiarity at this feature table laon tonight we

Give you the prince and the popper Scotty win is indeed the prince of Poker and the 98 World Champ is poised to make another Deep Run and then there is the popper Adam shonfeld who took forever to finally cash at the World Series since he and I have that in common and Phil

Ivy has been eliminated I now have someone new to root for Adam has twice as many World Series caches as you Norman and he’s making making another run here how old are you you don’t want me asking me yeah 46 and I used to look a lot younger you’re not 46 wow well

That’s a good thing I thought you were much younger I’m older than Adam and I got carded playing Kino last week at the Rainforest Cafe that’s crazy all right we go to a much quieter table too no mistaking the now musle Ted Bard he’s continuing to observe the No Barking

Policy at the World Series he’s looking on as four players just saw the Flop Jason Merc are his best with pocket nines David Williams sits with a gutshot straight draw filipo conio has a pair of eights and Jordan Christos was dealt pakad deces and that’s what he’s left with cono and kristos

Checked Mercier now Mercier always no wasted movements yeah trying to reduce the number of opponents with his pocket n bets 8,300 Williams cashed at last year’s main event and he’ll call cono gets out of the way kristos lays down so it’s heads up to the the

Turn and the turn card is a seven Mercier adds an up and down straight draw Williams got no help he’s an electrical contractor in Maryland oh I have some uh recessed lighting issues Jason Mercier checks 18 18,000 mercier’s got a a zen-like presence at the table he’s like soft

Jazz very mellow and Jason makes the call for 18,000 and the River card against dve David Williams it’s a jack Mercier Rivers his straight that also gave Williams top pair Mercier just 23 already with a World Series bracelet and an EP title and with the check mark bets

32,500 Mercer has been ahead every step of the way Williams makes the call and Jason shows in the straight I I hate to see that guard Williams shaking his head but he was behind every step of the way thank you Jason finished fourth at the World Series Europe Main Event

Last year and he is pretty much treading water so far here on day3 so from the 09 Bluff magazine player of the year to the guy who has all but wrapped up the 2010 World Series Player of the Year Frank Cella has a commanding lead winning two

Bracelets this year Frank on the river with two other players Kirby low and Mark Nino and cassella Bets 10,000 action on Nino Nino graduated from UC Santa Barbara College home of mild breezes and Lon McCarron he’s already my favorite to win the main event and he raises to 43,000 Kirby low

Folds before this year cassella had no bracelets one final table in six World Series caches this year alone two bracelets three final tables and five cashes and he calls for 33,000 and Frank’s not a pro Nino shows eights and queens cassella Jackson Queens to win the PO that was

Hard almost threw up on my shoes having to call that one that’s why I never wear sandals if cassella does not cash in the main event and Michael mroi wins the main event the grinder will be our player of the year so cassella is our Player of the Year not quite yet the

Grinder holding Ace King has called the Allin of George kis who’s hoping his pocket Queens hold up katus will have that earring surgically removed after the main event turn card pairs aboard no help to the grinder the river card’s a seven and so katus will double up through Michael M Rocky grinder going

The wrong direction today and it’s a worst story for former Player of the Year Daniel Nano he’s short stacked in a hand with two other players Mike Ado and Eric Carr Daniel and Carr checked an ace 8 Jack flop I think Carr is young enough to be Adam shonfeld’s

Gr Ado’s going to bet 5,000 the Grano commits the last of his chips 98 total action on Carr and he will make the call to put Daniel at risk Daniel at risk and on edge Ado made the call so all three see the turn card of a king car checked Ado bets

15,000 so action over to Carr and he folds make it straight there Adama with Broadway a disappointing World Series for Danel Nano is about to get more disappointing he needs a Jacker an eight wave deer he want the River card is a six and that will do it Ado knocks out

Daniel Nano who makes a quick exit and once again the event gets the better of Daniel nanu another bitter pill to swallow just one cash in the last nine main events back at the re let’s get over to table two Jason Mercier now moving in the right direction sitting

With about 300,000 chips action folded to him and he looks down at Ace Queen off in 2009 Mercier won five tournaments and made 11 final tables in early position from under the gun plus one Jason with a raise over to Ted bort king queen off his nickname is Road dog but

That’s because he moves around a lot B called to Williams I told you he owned an electrical business what would you call it if you were him David Williams Electric exactly H with pocket Queens he reraises from the hijack position this is where I have confidence in Jason

Mercier Ace Queens a loser he’s going to muck it call time just kidding you’re right man take your time to say I’ve been thinking for like 35 seconds n man I’m just I’m just messing with you take your time he merer you want me to take them out now you

Want to take him out man why don’t you guys both try to take me out I like you man I think you’re a pretty cool cat my wife calls me all the time I hear you brother Jason folded bort made the call he’ll go heads up with Williams and his

Queens the Flop is 86 King for pairs his King how did it what how did that hit you no I look at my cars I forgot what I got man you make me nervous for usually does like talking during hands a top pair bet 16,000 Williams makes the call when I

Look at bort laon I just think of a pot of water about to boil over Jack of Spades for still ahead Williams picked up a flush draw I’m going check to you trying to save my ter at like I hear you Williams does not check 25,000 bort will make the

Call all right let’s see what the river brings five of Club Sport with a check mark if you got me beat I’m going check to you got the king he’s got the king I was looking for the river no barking Pho I think his water dish is over in

That corner oh I was ready to go all in I was ready to leave I was ready to leave on that one baby they won’t let me bark how huh I can’t do nothing they don’t want me disrupt in the tournament any longer I heard you from I was in The Pavilion

Room I heard would you uh ever here I’m going bark my butt off when they cut this table I’m going to bark cuz they can’t tell he is a unique character but bort says it’s his unusual background that gives him an advantage at the poker

Table I was born in Chicago and I ended up in Social Services uh as in the foster care and children’s homes at 19 years old I left Chicago went to Dallas and became a male stripper for three and A2 years was working um in various places

To try to find myself and uh actually ended up in jail a lot of people said wow you had a tough life I said no I had a good life I’ve experienced everything seeing more gave me the experience how to handle things how to work with people

How to be genuine and I think it’s made me look at people and I could read people really well talk to me or what I got a good hand when I get to the table I can pick up almost any sense anybody gives me I don’t care who it is I’m a

Very dangerous player a lot of people take a negative and make it more of a negative well I take a negative and making a Positive bort is now the founder and president of an IT company in California but he’s not the CEO so we can’t say he’s the top dog oh back to the feature table Scotty went over 100,000 right now where’s the nearest bathroom B you’ve been playing here in the Rio for the

Last 6 years you don’t know where the bathrooms are so I guess Scotty will sit this hand out to the left to the left action on Steve touch amateur player owns a paper recycling facility in Montreal Ace Jack of Spades 36 he’ll raise it up to

3600 the blinds are up to 8 in600 Damen Rooney with Ace King of Diamonds he used to use recycled paper lawn when he was an economics student a reais from the small blind to 11,2 shonfeld with Queen four Adam shirt is made out of recycled

Paper Adam lays down so the ray back to touch and he calls for 7600 more so heads up roony with his Ace King Ace Jack for touch and there’s an ace for both roony out kicking touch Rooney first to act he bits 14,000 six with his Ace King to touch now he

Makes the call Touch dominated as they’re going to the turn and welcome back Scotty win you didn’t miss much Scotty roone three bet pre- flop with Ace King and let out on the flop for 14 Adam shonfeld hasn’t said a word he must be meditating you’re up to date turn

Card now Rooney ahead it’s a Jack and touch takes control with aces up interesting card line very interesting roony with a gut shot checks now touch comes with 36,000 Ro’s got his thinking cap on which would be hard to get over his head of hair he raises toch all

In WoW Scotty got back just in time it’s like law and order it really doesn’t heat up until the second half of the show it’s so sick that is so sick why would you do that because he’s a kid with a dream so sick if you have king

Queen I call tolch makes the correct call there and he’s headed for a double up that’s the right call come on tolch does make the right call for his main event life Rooney will need a king or a queen to knock him out River card is another deuce and touch

Doubles up to over 263,000 roony gives up about half a stack TCH is pleased with himself that’s the biggest part of the day baby yeah so the recycler could be turning his chips Into Cash Money very soon Scotty admiring TL’s Good Fortune out in the field another world champion

Looking to keep ahead of the pack onetime chip leader Johnny Chan has put some heat on his opponent Josh brickus after the River card brickus had just doubled through Chan knocking Johnny down to about 400,000 rck is giving this some serious thought Against the two-time World Champ

Rck has four cashes at this world series he’s about to get married so he’s under a lot of pressure and he does fold and Chan will stack the chips he’s moving back toward that half million chip Mark but big Stacks can disappear quickly and Billy cop knows that all too well with

230,000 he checked Ray in on the turn with Aces full but was hit by a sledgehammer when he saw that Nicola Babel had quad eight boy when Billy cop goes out he goes out with a bang last year he flopped the flush this year he turned Aces full he went all in against

Darin moon on the turn drawing dead he goes all in here on the turn drawing dead to the last Ace in the deck and he comes up short once again cop knocked out by Babel if I’m Billy cop I might think about another line of work and cop

Makes another painful walk out out of the Rio Poker Room Deja Vu of the worst kind time now for deal me in brought to you by full til at the 2006 main event final table Allan Cunningham faced a big decision against Jamie gold and relied on his knowledge of the

Opponent and a Keen Eye so we’ll go to the River card it’s a queen and that earns Cunningham the check mark I check any bets 2 million bet from Jamie gold I’ve been showing a lot of Bluffs I don’t mind showing he seemed to be telling the truth a lot

And made it possible to figure out what he had so I’m pretty much going to call anyway just for fun I decided to talk to him a little bit and do a little dance I was thinking they calling it anyway all right oh wait I didn’t call yet hold on

You call uh they’re not going to show you their hand they’re just pretending like they’re going to show it to you so that’s actually kind of a classic little tell that means they’re bluffing we’ll call it you’re good and cting him with a great call wow what a call

He’s still Allan Cunningham he finished fourth in that main event and right now he’s sitting next to Donnie Mis rocki one of the four Mis rocki Brothers still in the main event he’s the youngest of the flying Mis Rockies Donnie the magician lays down to his opponent there

But his brother at another table Eric just w a pot he’s the twin brother of the grinder I think they call him the Smasher Eric picking up a few more chips he needs all he can to make the money huge not a huge chip sack yet over to

The Ringo of this fat four that would be the oldest of them is Rocky brothers 32-year-old Robert and a hand with Lauren cing a pro from Las Vegas really four of diamonds on the river I’m Norman Chad I kind of run things around here

Can I help you Lauren cing oh all in for Lauren 1468 oh Ringo can’t call can’t we show the all-in player again please please thank you I love romantic walks at Sunset around the Rio buffet oh fold quickly Robert yeah Robert does lay it down to

Clings all in to brother Michael who has Kings up and in position to knock out Nick Stow from Portland Oregon who’ll need an ace to stay alive River card is a king and the grinder gets The Knockout I’ll say he’s a combination of Germaine and Tito and Nick stole will make the walk

With that hand grinder about where he started the day in chips 221,000 heading back to the feature table Scotty wins chip total of 111,000 is still hovering just below the chip average right now while fellow Pro Adam shonfeld is still a bit low with 48,000 action folds around to Adam and

Adam looks down at a couple of Queens Adam once was a bike messenger in New York City and once was an agot clerk at Associated Press now I’m really not sure what he does from under the gun plus two Adam raises to 4,100 folded to Chuck Danielson with a couple of nines

Danielson’s a legitimate poker Pro and I think Adam just plays one on TV from the dealer button a r ra to 6600 Scotty now in the big blind looks at a tray of clubs and folds back to shonfeld with his Queens he’s all in how can Adam look this serious it’s

Just poker so it’s on Danielson okay I call and he makes the call you’re ahead hey that’s my job Adam shonfeld is a headline a 4 to1 favorite to stay alive here Adams felt the sting of a main event bad beat you can cheer up you got the best hand smile one time

I know you got a smile in there somewhere there oh oh almost sir there’s no upside to him smiling but it’s a nice thought here’s the Flop and a queen in the door that’s worth smiling about Adam smile buddy the 2% hand is smiling can I

Get a sweat with a 10 is that okay will you allow it I’d prefer not to you got my suit dominated too turn guard now four of Spades that will do it Danielson drawing dead Adam shonfeld will double up count it smile now there you go there

We go that doesn’t count as a smile don’t be don’t be steaming baby ah steaming at least I lost it to Adam not this guy here we go you know babies so far you’re the the nicest New York player player there we go thank you very much

Adam is thinking nice guys finish last I have most of your chips hi baby b baby oh you got it baby you got it enough is enough man enough it’s enough easy baby that’s righty that’s right baby only thing I know how to say baby baby only n nut baby sorry baby through

Good time in bad at the World Series Scotty’s status as a true star in poker is undeniable you’re the only one they put on the big screen you see this look you’re the only one I haven’t seen anybody else even when Scotty win tweets every fourth word is baby I should on

Scotty on the jacklinks beef jerky pocket cam he has Ace six and into the mock I would write Scotty’s life story but I just think something would be Lost in Translation quite possible Damen Rooney looks down at 10 n of diamonds this kid had a crew cut when the main

Event began from under the gun plus three a rais to 3,800 Adam shonfeld Ace Queen off Adam famously was 0 for 27 at the World Series no cashes before finally breaking through in the main event two years ago Adam makes the call almost 9 million for first prize

This year L this seems like a large number that’s a lot of guacamole Rony eying Adams chip stack he should check out Adams bank account that’s more impressive the Flop now is 94 Trey roone with a pair of nines to take the lead show Fel no help for the ace Queen Adam

Looks pained he should be he’s got Ace Queen Rooney bets 4100 all right Adam hand over nope I’m rooting for Adam but he’s not listening to me all right turn card now Rooney ahead it’s a king on the turn roony still ahead Adam Got No Help

By the way is Adam under some type of gag order I mean bort can’t bark but Adam can talk Rony bets 10,000 leading with those nines I think Adam was playing to make a play here if roony had checked yeah but roony bet so Adam folds no Adam wanted to talk there he

He’s so conflicted today yeah Adam has not been very talkative at this table but out in the field is a guy who talks out of all sides of his mouth what do you mean what’s the M you calling MOA monster gazaria entertaining his tablemates between hands that’s the

Voice of Mo from The Simpsons give me some Duff man come on 21 Seasons with the Simpsons that is amazing we’ll get there someday Norman another player who’s had a role in a hit TV series right there Jean r was a contestant on Survivor right now he’s in a hand with

Barry scholman who put out a raise on the river I think JRE bear is a reality series all his own he’s like Kramer with a gambling habit actually Kramer also had a gambling habit yeah he did indeed Balon makes the fold and Shan will take

The PO genre bear 442nd in the 2008 Main Event Adam shonfeld 424th that year from a Survivor contestant to a real life Survivor Steve Buckner just laid down his hand after the turn how is Steve Buckner not a character on a TV show if he were on The Sopranos they would have

Whacked him in season 4 well he has been getting whacked here lately Buckner down to 13,000 let’s take a look at some of the other notable chip Stacks Johnny Chan leads with over 420,000 Peter Jetton and Eric Baldwin sit with very comfortable stacks back over at table two Jason Mercier slightly above where

He started the day has 249,000 action on David Williams here he looks down at Ace 7 of Spades even when it’s hard to see the Ace of Spades line Remains the prettiest card in the deck Williams lims in for 2000 filipo cono now cono Peaks at pocket sixes he cashed

At a no limit hold him event earlier at this world series and he makes a raise with a small pocket pair to 5700 over to Bill Melvin the amateur from Huntsville Alabama with Ace King off a lot of A’s in Alabama line and he’s got one of them there with the Ace

King a r ra to 15,000 Mercier with Ace King also he didn’t like college he didn’t like working Jason figured he’d better play poker well so he doesn’t have to do anything else Jason getting busy with a r ra to 38,200 he plays poker pretty well so

Bort lays down back to Williams now with a small ace he folds Kia with pocket sixes oh his chip sack line matches his shirt very nice the big stack bets enough to put the other two at risk the best hand I’ve had in hours wow cono pushes with a small pocket pair I

Have to hold it now a decision for all of mercier’s chips so quick man ju I am stunned almost in shock that cono could five bet all in with pocket sixes and 100 big blinds left it is the best hand but the guy three betting it or or the

Guy four betting it might have a bigger pocket pair K is betting like he has the monster pair and he’s counting on Mercier not wanting to risk all his chips Jason lays down as Ace King conio shows one six oh you’re kidding oh what a play one

Of us should have been in there buddy should just done what I always do never fold you come in smirking like that you’re too cocky for this table I don’t like you come on now man be nice that is nice that is a nice side of me I was

Angry some individual I tried to understand was a bluff was all BL young Italian having trouble following the conversation time he was joking I was joking I’m dead serious man guys yes I know but I don’t understand you neither do we son I think Jason wants a do over

There but it’s cono who’s counting his chips and his all smiles back at the Rio the field on day three continues to shrink as a steady stream of players head out of this poker room former chess master Jeff s hoping not to join them he’s all in with king queen off he’s up

Against Donnie Kidman and his pocket Queens Kidman a 23 yearold Michigan Pro s with three Cashes in this his first World Series dece Trey six Kidman’s Queen still in control s with one overcard looking for help the turn card does not bring it s is going to need a king or his main

Event is over the 32-year-old has had a nice run here at the main event the River card is a five and that will do it Jeff s knocked out Donnie Kidman will stack the 74,000 chipot that was one congenial chess master line I hope to see him again here oh well he certainly

Knows how to play the game so Sor heads out of the poker room it may also be the end for Heather Sue Mercer and her chance to taste that cookie that she’ll eat only if she survives the day she’s all in and at risk with pocket fives

Against the pocket kings of Raphael Sans Rodrigo turn card now isn’t eight no help to Heather Sue Mercer and Mercer’s got to have a five on the river or she is eliminated the River card is a three and that will do it Sans Rodrigo knocks out Heather Su Mercer she doesn’t get to

Eat that cookie but she’s got plenty more at the bakery she runs with her Sisters in New York City like Barry Greenstein and Greg rmer she should give the cookie to Raphael so the poker room continues to thin out as day three moves on just over 1,400 players remain but

You could add a few more to that number if if you include the many characters portrayed by Hank aeria on The Simpsons he’s looking at a board with a lot of paint on it all right I’ll uh Chief wiam remember you’re playing against Chief wigam he’s in a handle with Yuki Sakia

Who puts out a B on the river book him Chief Ain thinking about it book him Chief I think the chief is going to let him get away not a great board for this hand Z shows pocket nines and folds I’m not playing as Chief wigam anymore that’s

Ridic is not I should have known Chief wig nothing goes right for chief so Chief wigam has to give up a few chips but overall how would the characters from Springfield do at the poker table I started playing poker around the time I started working on The Simpsons

Yeah I had a good hand they’re here Mo would not take a bad beat well no mo would curse why you when I get a hold of you I’m going to stick your face so far down your throat you’ll be able to see out your rear end you would say things like

That now Professor Frank would have a decent chance of being a wonderful card player he would uh definitely know the odds in any given moment he would certainly be aware of the correct play to make comicbook guy would probably go consider yourself all in he’d probably

Turn around on you you make it like weird you sir are all in I feel that AO would be not a good card player because he’s got eight children first of all so always be scared money you know I feel Chief wigam would be an extraordinarily Bad Card Player you probably know how

But a he’s how do you say this politically correctly he’s stupid I wish I could say I make more money of Poker but thankfully I’ve done better financially with the Simpsons than the poker sorry nothing happened you can all go away now go find somebody else to pick on Zer has won

Four amys for his Voice work on the simps or stay there and and stare at me all right we’ll stop staring at Hank aeria go back to the feature table where Scotty win has been slightly more active than the rest of the table as shown by a voluntary hand percentage of 20 putting

Him above the table average Adam shonfeld just below that average at 16% Adam also below his usual conversation average Adam with Kings don’t do it baby you know I’ve gone to dinner with Adam when he’s talked for two straight hours but today he’s just having conversations

In his head Adam does it he raises he’s big blind to 5,000 over to Chuck Danielson Chuck looks down at pocket Jacks pocket Jacks L tellum got he warned you don’t do it Daniel sit all in I I told him baby you knew it you said don’t do it baby

Don’t do it baby you don’t Scotty and the big BL with pocket Deuces oh my God he’ll lay him down Aces have Jack Daniel said in deep trouble and at risk with his jacks look at this guy so sad he’s got me P by two every time he can’t even

Smile he’s waiting for the Flop he’s got a bad feeling I got a good feeling about this one I think I might make a flush I feel about 80% I have a PIR too baby I’m always rooting for Adam but this Chuck Danielson is my type of guy losing

Gracefully here’s the Flop it is 6 a queen all clubs swe Club sweat Club sweat can someone tell Adam that he’s ahead and about to knock out the other guy all right turn cardo a deuce oh Scotty Scotty fold the Deuces Scot baby oh Adam shonfeld the Grim Reaper

Danielson needs a Jack or he’s gone River card is a tray that’ll do it chop it up no chop sorry Chuck Daniels is gone for the main event meeting you nice meeting you nice meeting you don’t forget he’ll be Miss meeting you Scotty baby come on man give me a hug let’s go

You get it baby all right good luck all right nice meeting you it was nice meeting Adam he you know he is a nice player you know he’s good for play each other not nasty people you know mean all there’s no stronger preacher than a converted Center last year’s fourth

Place finisher in action in this main event and a hand against Gabe walls who was a one-time chip leader this year and last year after a king on the turn walls bets 18,000 two pretty good poker mins walls is 26 Buckman 30 Buckman makes the call and they’ll see a river card five

Of Hearts wals checks Buckman check checks as Wellman says yeah I got a pair he’s actually got two pair kings up and it looks like Buckman gets the better of that battle walls another magic the Gathering graduate Buckman a Sunni Albany graduate Buckman has more than doubled his chips from the start of

Today he’s over 300,000 but still far behind the chip leader James Caroll in this tournament Carol crippled Phil helmuth went head-to-head with negano just knocked out another victim and he’s now the chip leader with nearly 780,000 could be a bright poker future for the 24-year-old another player who’s rolling

Today well not just a player it’s Johnny Chan over 700,000 Johnny Chan he is clashing again with the other big stack at this table Josh brickus Chan limp re raised free flop with Ace King Josh brickus calls he’s the head with pocket nines trying to play a big pot here at

The end of the night I think Josh brickus has borrowed Johnny Chan sunglasses brickus still ahead with his pocket nines Chan bets 33,000 and brickus makes the call Chan’s been in a pretty good Zone but brickus a 30-year-old Pro from Pittsburgh is not backing down from him turn card is another

Four Johnny will check that brickus likewise River Card Trey of hearts brickus with his n’s up is best Chan checked and looks like Johnny has given up on the hand brickus checks as well two pair sir that can be Jack got two pair from brickus is good it’s nines and

Fours this brickus fella can play but he’s got a marriage coming up good luck he is over 700,000 right now while Chan Falls below that Mark but still in a very comfortable position certainly better than Steve Buckner who’s been knocked out later cuz he made quite an impression during his short Main Event

Stay and the cigar is intact back at the featured table Adam shonfeld sits with 122,000 chips Scotty win has a bit less with about 107,000 let’s take a look at how they’ve gotten to this point on the tail of the tape you see Adam’s success rate compared to Scotty’s Scotty not

Only playing more voluntary hands than Adam but having more success both doing most of their damage pre flop Scotty winning 12 of 15 hands pre flop but look at Adam post flop with a very poper likee two and six record and speaking of losing records Norman it’s time for the

Jacklinks beef jerky wildcard hand sometimes I Homer sometimes I strike out action is folded to massud Nick Julian in the small blind and he has the jackings Wild Card hand good luck how do I put a complete stranger on a hand I’ve got a better chance to tell you what he

Might order in a restaurant he makes the call well from the small blind I’ll put him on Jack 8 off suit Scotty wind King four of diamonds in the big blind if I were Scotty I would have popped him less babies more raises SC all right they see the flop for the

Minimum the Flop is 10 King a Scotty hits a pair of kings Nick Julian first to act cashed four times at World Series events putting chips together 2500 he’s got nothing Scotty but I believe he would order bullay in a French restaurant pop them Scotty just calls ah

Turn card is a tray that does not help Scotty win this guy’s got nothing Jack at off suit but I believe he would order Ross compoyo in a Cuban restaurant check to the river another 10 Scotty with Kings up you know when when you wear your jacket like a cape you tend to

Bluff more than the next guy Nick Julian bets 5,000 he’s got nothing Scotty jack8 but I believe he would order the gordita supreme a Taco Bell Scotty’s going to lay it down now what do we got for this guy jackling beef jerky Wild Card hand is Queen five

I let you get there baby he took food out of your out Scotty I was there you got lucky there baby you got lucky Scotty didn’t call all right let’s go back to table two where Jason Mercier is looking on as Ted bort has 87 suited

He just called the r ra of David Williams with pocket Queens in the cutof so two amateurs to the Flop Williams with a 4 to one advantage the Flop is six Jack eight Williams Queen still ahead bort now with a pair of eights four checks Williams has been playing poker

Seriously for about 10 years and he’ll bet 17,000 something about Borton I don’t think I could beat him heads up if we played a 100 times he has quite a presence at the table and he’ll call with his two8 turn card five of Spades bort still

More than a two to1 dog but he picks up an up and down straight draw and checks again Williams working his gum chips in hand 28,000 of them too small of a bet Lon that prices bort in bort gets three and a half to one on a call

Here and bort does make that call if Williams had bet more it’s a tougher decision for bort right there River card oh and bort got there hitting his nine High straight and I guarantee you he’s barking internally let’s see how much he’s betting here now on the river with

The straight come on everything he’s got and a cold from Williams you got straight he’s got a straight and bort will double up woof woof and Williams will hand more chips to Ted bort there’s that 89 shoved up right up in there patience there’s my boy

Patience hey huh I just went all in with a guy I just doubled up in chips it’s awesome noram don’t call me a donkey nah that’s your wife’s job dead bort wanting to share a success with the family and this dog is having quite a day that was

Big back to the Rio day three beginning to wind down and Hank aaria among the many looking to hang on in advance to day four it’s impressive aaria is still here this late on day three it’s up it’s down I’m still scratching not unlike

Many of the 1300 or so still in the room the stacks at this table look what’s going on here ready for plenty of chip at aia’s table the mean big kids in the schoolyard let’s take a look at the top 10 chip counts presented by the biggest stack belongs

To James Carroll but the name that stands out among all the others is Johnny Chan in Ninth Place what a remarkable story if Chan could somehow win here 22 years after he went back to back Jean rer Balon a bit further down the list but in good position to add to

His stack he has pocket queens and called the pre flop Allin from Mark barer turn card now King of Hearts barer with a royal flush drop the barer needs a queen or a heart to survive the River card is the Queen of Hearts Royal Plush royal Royal Plush Balon absorbs that

Blow pretty well wow run a runner Royal Flush Ooh La La and the French poker Pro doubles up through Jean rer balant who’s thinking yeah that’s just how I run back to table two where Ted bour and Jason Mercer are looking on as one of the tournament’s biggest pots has develop

Pre- flop with Kings filipo cono made an initial raise Jordan kristos reraised with his Aces cono came back over the top followed by another Rea from kristos before cono six bet kristos all in which of course he called and his Aces have cono Kings crushed all right here we go

To the Flop almost 700,000 in the pot Queen six Deuce kristo still ahead what a pre- flop raising war between these two and cono on the short end of it a 10 on the turn changes nothing cono about to be crippled he needs a king to knock

Out kristos and the River card is King yes sir I believe cono wins and kristos loses Jordan kristos knocked out by a lightning bolt my God what a game changer cono vaults to one of the top five chip stacks and that’s worth a bark from bort while Jason can’t believe what he’s seen

The weirdest day of Poker in my life it has been an Eclectic evening at table 2 back at the feature table things are a little calmer for Scotty win my day one my table was the nicest table I ever play at men wor ser and then and then

Today the real treat sitting beside you my H I admire your played honestly when Scotty acts like the prince of Poker it is a real treat walking around the halls of the Rio he is one of the favored poker Pros here and Steve touch getting a taste of that here at this feature

Table tonight action has folded around to Scotty win and he looks down at pocket eights Scotty win came to Las Vegas about 27 years ago with $6 in his pocket and never left he raises to 4,400 toch folds to Damen roony in the small blind with king queen of diamonds I’m gonna

Bet Rooney’s got exactly $6 in his pocket right now he’s got enough to call Scotty winds Rays over to Adam shonfeld in the big blind Adam with 8 seven of Hearts Adam is co-host with the scoop on with his good friend Diego cordz when he’s not there they say

He’s on overseas assignment please Adam’s just wandering around Thailand looking for some good noodles he makes the call as well three players will see the Flop it is Deuce 6 King roony hits top pair Scotty’s pocket are way behind and Adam missed that flop roony checks the best hand shonfeld checks the worst

Hand Scotty whims going to take charge yeah he’s going to see where his eights are he bets 5,000 Rooney just a call and Adam will sit this one out well with that koi check call Rooney’s got Scotty just where he wants him all right so heads up

Here’s the turn card another king roony with trips now Scotty wondering what will do he has chips 13,000 almost half the pot Here Comes Scotty again Scotty makes that call obviously he does not put Rooney on a king it’s a nine of diamonds on the river roony with the check mark can he

Get any more out of Scotty win Rooney will try 27,000 if Scotty doesn’t think roony has a king Scotty is going to believe his pocket eights are good and a call from Scotty and there’s the king Scotty win loses that pot to the French poker Pro

Sometimes even a prince can play like a poer just a misread from the 98 champ 100,000 chip pot to Damen Rooney and Scotty’s feelings about this table may have done a 180 in the span of that hand ah the emotional roller coaster of this Main

Event day three was moving out day for a lot of top Pros including Phil lock but other big names look forward to day four including Michael Mis rocki who leads up budding poker Dynasty another step closer to the final table Four Brothers day four and Johnny Chan who continues

His quest towards a remarkable third world title I don’t even know how I got this chip day four Now lies ahead where players can begin to say they’re in the money for Norman Chad I’m L McCarron thanks for watching the World Series of Poker a

The WSOP Main Event is down to 2,557 players, and Day 3 action begins with 1998 champion Scotty Nguyen and poker author David Sklansky headlining the feature table. There will be no back-to-back for Joe Cada as he is eliminated along with 2003 champion Chris Moneymaker, Erik Seidel, and Prahlad Friedman.

Day 3 action continues in the WSOP Main Event as notable pros continue to fall. The turn card isn’t kind to either Daniel Negreanu or Billy Kopp as they are both eliminated, while Italian Filippo Candio makes a run up the leaderboard as the Main Event field is reduced to just over 1,200 players.

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  1. I dont think the guy barking understands what a huge idiot he makes himself look like doing that i just cringe when i hear it

  2. What Ted Forest should have told Mike “The Mouth” after he lost their weight loss bet:
    “Ok, Mike. I’ll let you pay in monthly increments on two conditions. 1. You pay as much as you can now, and I’ll let you pay $5000/month, and 2. You’ll wear donkeys ears at every Main Event you participate in for the rest of your life”.

  3. 0:00: 🃏 World Series of Poker Main Event 2010 Day 3 features prominent players and intense competition.
    7:19: 🃏 Poker tournament drama unfolds as player bluffs and gets caught, leading to elimination.
    13:37: 🃏 Poker players recall past experiences and discuss tournament strategies.
    20:13: 🃏 Poker tournament highlights with eliminations and table dynamics.
    27:27: 🃏 Poker player's tough past shapes his street persona and approach to the game.
    34:19: 🃏 Poker tournament update: Sandra Naok doubles up against Michael Mrocki with a set of sevens, while the brothers discuss the hand.
    41:04: 🃏 Poker game with unexpected turn of events.
    46:56: 🃏 Intense poker game with unexpected player ages and actions.
    54:31: 🃏 Poker player's unique background gives him advantage at the table.
    1:00:19: 🃏 Poker tournament action with big hands and knockouts.
    1:07:13: 🃏 Intense poker action with high stakes and surprising moves.
    1:13:57: 🃏 Intense poker game with emotional exchanges and eliminations.
    1:20:38: 🃏 Poker players compete in the Main Event, with one player hitting a straight and doubling up, while others aim to advance to day four.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  4. Pretty crazy that the grinder and he brothers all still in to day 3 in the main 4 brother s day 3 in the main bust be a record who still stands 😊

  5. Eric Sidel always looks like a normal human then he stands up and you realize you’ve been playing cards with Lurch 🤣

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