@Buffalo Sabres

Senators @ Sabres 1/11 | NHL Highlights 2024

Senators @ Sabres 1/11 | NHL Highlights 2024

It’s power that comes on to the ice Johnson goes  to the bench after that pass and the sabes work   their way into the Ottawa Zone here’s garon’s  in tight and that one stopped by forsberg well  

Get the puck down low winning battles taken  to the net and this is going to be an example   KBS just throws this one back down oh good shot  by cousins keeping it low but the guys in front  

Of the net here have to find that they got to  know that’s coming and get themselves ready   if it comes off hot like that strong entry  for a power comes into AC cross scores JJ PKA they came with speed they came in hot and  the Sabers take a one- nothing lead good job  

Here by the Savers as this penalty just is over  but Power lugging this Puck up the ice get it   and look he just he continues going there what it  does it backs off everybody for Ottawa if he had  

To just put on the brakes there everybody’s in  good position but he takes a few extra strides   he keeps going before he peels off but what  a move right there by Dylan cousins stepping   past his man regaining control of the pock off  the face off of the Buffalo Zone McKuen comes up  

With it for Ottawa slaps it around the boards  it’ll be kept in as Shabbat brings it down to   the bottom of the circle trying to Center teras  senko up top scores lot of traffic in front that  

Time luk and I’m not sure if he saw that one  at all now I think it goes straight in terce   ankko from the point here and this is tereno  on the point here’s the quick shot and he’s  

Out there battling he’s looking he’s thinking he  had it and we’ll see exactly where it goes boom   just catches short side right there so did  he make contact with Lucan in at all if so where yeah your last game didn’t leave a good  taste in your mouth for sure but the Savers  

Won three the last five games they need to stay  on that pace for the rest of the year far close   chance here by kylo B let’s take a look here this  is Benson stepping over From The Far Side trying  

To wrap around there and I love how the young man  just wants to take this Puck to the net all the   time aall playing with 7D here tonight so you’ll  see a couple of different looks from time to time  

Sabers quick get it up for Benson onehanded shot  goes just wide and then onehanded yeah one-handed   here doing his job to still the rush but tereno  let that one RI and off the blocker that time of Luc Sabers come to Center  Ice Tas Thompson carries it

Scores Tage Thompson shot that puck with an  attitude and it listened as it hums to the   back of the net and the Sabers take a two to  one lead that he’s comfortable shooting in and  

He’s going to let it go there’s no extra moves  there’s no extra plays he’s going to get the pot   to the net here once again gets him raid in the  middle the ice there just above the hash marks  

Right at the top of the circles and he lets  it rip and he looks around he knows there’s   nobody with him you see him take a quick look  there’s nobody there with him he’s by himself  

He’s got to take the shot Bine will send it down  low this time as auttaa aggressive on the puck   behind the net back up top for dolene takes a  look cage Thompson over at the left Circle 29  

Seconds to go SC backto back darts by T andt  and Tage Thompson has given Buffalo a 3 to   one lead with the power play goal excited  as well because they know if they get the   big man rolling a lot of things are going  to fall into place behind it here nice job  

Just on the wall he’s got the time and space  and he’s comfortable shooting from that area   and he’s going to take the shot watch you got  middle stat and you got Tuck they’re in front   of the net rebound goes to the front middle  stats got it stopped on the short side tuck

There Ryan Johnson out of the box now here’s K  two on one kuss passes across gets it back scor   Payton CR gives the Savers a 4 to one lead with  1508 to go in Period number two it’s a nice one  

But it’s all because of the pressure once again  here’s Krebs slides it across and he’s going to   get it back again and when he gets it back because  it was a perfect pass by Eric Robinson right back  

To him Corpus Sal has zero chance on this one but  you just see the pressure the Sabers are putting   on the Ottawa centers all over the I and that  up the middle just misses kachuck Buffalo able  

To play it ahead but Dylan cousins can’t move  it up Ridley Greg to the slot puts one off the   bar relaxed and stuff like this is going to happen  there’s the quick shot goes right off the crossbar  

And a bit of a bowling alley of players down this  right side and Ottawa Force back to their own Zone   here’s bson with a shot sto by Lucan this is him  right here and he has to go he’s on his offside  

There and Ja Maran standing on the bench there you  just that look he’s giving a lot of the times when   guys are coming off the ice I know that look not  real happy myself and Daniel Alon got a lot of  

Things to try to figure out here drop p kachuck  for Ridley CG in front pck stays with a backand   scores Jus stayed with it in front of the net  and the Senators cut the lead in half it is 4-2  

Buffalo with an early goal here by Ottawa in the  first minute of the game and just kind of drive   by there’s the first block made then the puck  is turned over by Jack Quinn right in front of  

The net and that’s what led to the opportunity Z  just stepped into it power’s got him he’s there   so when Jack Quinn gets that Pock and he turns  you see Eric Johnson he’s stung a little bit  

He’s down on the ice H he’s not there to GL down  by the Sabers Casey middle stat ahead to Tage   Thompson two back of the first Tommy dangles to  the net and the rebound is saved by Corpus Salo  

Around the defender right there they’re just  looking for the shot trying to block it gets   him caught flat footed just across the line stop  by shabat susler comes back the other way into   the Buffalo Zone turns it inside two on one down  low big save by Lucan and the puck drifts over to  

The far side and now back behind the net up the  near wall for garson’s not out shot well wide   to the goal chicken will keep it in at the Far  Point the Chuck Tred to Center and lcan it again  

With a stop moving his feet and racing down the  left side here’s crab strikes a shot Rebound in   front and it’s still free Eric Robinson had a  stab at it but for brano made the stop up top  

Looking for Bernard Docker comes outside the line  and the cmore the native just outside of Calgary   will Retreat and send it right back up into the  Buffalo Zone they stay on side Puck scorts to the  

Front of the net but Dylan cousins is there can’t  move it up scores shot from the far Circle by giru and he’s got his second’s got his 12th of  the Year here and so right here just got plenty  

Of opportunity to get rid of that Pock or getting  into a safe area and right there as cousins getss   this Puck he’s checked from behind right there  is stick to stick from tchuk and it goes right  

To zeru and jaru just jumps onto this one it looks  like it’s right on the ice 339 on his career goal   total now at 341 Savers look to the counter and  Corpus Salo trying to play Savior for Ottawa  

Racing after it is Sanderson power intercepts he  lifts one down the ice to The Emptiness oh it’s   off the PO post inside of the post and across  the blue paint hauled down as he tried to make  

A play on the puck and then it’s turned over and  Dylan cousins he’s got an empty n Dylan cousins scores the Workhorse from White Horse with  the empty net goal with 2.1 seconds to go in   the third Buffalo five Auto off three really  good defensive job here a look at this one  

Greenway getting down blocking that shot but  getting back up and being able to play it and   then once again the pressure the Sabers able to  put on the top side there for the Auto Centers   they end up turning up the pock and and the  Sabres will have four wins in their last six

Games and they reached the 40o mark and maybe here   we go but right now you celebrate  the 5-3 win over the Rival senator

Extended highlights of the Ottawa Senators at the Buffalo Sabres

00:00 1st Period
04:02 2nd Period
05:15 3rd Period


  1. that first goal thats the first time all year I seen Owen Power skate with the puck and look like a 1st over all pick

  2. This game is a rollercoaster of emotions from the tension of close calls to the jubilation of well executed plays. Pure drama on ice! Great job guys! 👍👍

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