@Vancouver Canucks

The Canucks just won their WILDEST one yet!

The Vancouver Canucks win a thriller vs the Pittsburgh Penguins 4-3 in OT Elias Pettersson & Brock Boeser with 2 goals, Miller, Demko and Hughes were also at their best and Sidney Crosby scored 2 goals. Canucks win in OT and they win 4 straight!



  1. On the second goal Miller's shot/pass was very(Oilers era) Messier-like with his weight on the inside foot & a midair kick during release.

  2. Bro I’m now randomly a canucks fan cuz of you and you randomly appearing on my feed. Ngl though, as a goalie, thatcher demko is the fucking man. Braden holtby type intense athlete attitude.

  3. This team is for real. They're resilient and playing with composure. I don't see any weaknesses on this team, they look like contenders for the cup.

  4. 1st video I watched of yours and Im done as soon as I hear you say "we" when referring to the team because you are not part of the team and its so annoying and childish to say "we" when your not on the team

  5. Great vid man, woulda been nice to highlight Hroneks defensive effort in OT right before making that dish to Petey tho, that saved the game and then he assisted the win!

  6. Pens fan.. That was def the best most entertaining game this season! Pens could have won easily if their Powerplay wasn’t garbage.

  7. 0:33 man… that stop. Wow. It was against Achari who is an animal, but not a D-man. Also, Pens fourth line on the first 2 goals. Beautiful. And yes, this Canucks team is good. But, wouldn’t beat the Pens in 7 game series.

  8. I can't believe how dirty the Penguins are. Diving and flopping all over the place. Slashing goalie hands, and just being the greasiest d-bags. And they STILL lost. Bye, Felicia.

  9. These VanLOSER CaLUCKS are nothing but garbage phonies and are the most overrated team in the history of the NHL. They haven't won anything in the past lol. And hey guys get a load of this I just checked who the CaLUCKS played against throughout their season and low and behold they played against bottom feeders for 90% of their games lol what a joke of a team and I'm just a jealous person and wish my team were as good as the Canucks.

  10. I'm a massive fan of both teams, so I would have been satisfied regardless of who won. I'm just glad two of my favorite players, Crosby and Petey, did their thing tonight. This was an extremely entertaining game.

  11. Umm "… he's literally Gretzky."
    Grammar nazi here: That should be: "… he's virtually Gretzky." To literally be Gretzky he would, uh, have to be the man himself. Literally.

    Enjoying your enthusiasm commenting on the games. Keep it up! Go Canucks!!

  12. There were some slashes that were not called. I don't get these refs…Demko and Petey gets my stars for this game

  13. Dunno if you noticed, but the pens put a fourth man on the ice during the Pettersson breakaway. I’m curious if the refs would have called/noticed it if he failed to score?

  14. Can we talk about the fact that Petey actually set an NHL record for that 4th GWG in a row??? Let's keep rolling!!!

  15. If the Lotto line was intact from the beginning of the season Petey would be leading the league in scoring!
    Please leave the Lotto line together!

  16. I want to believe that this group has the depth to take it all the way. I am a Knucklehead win or lose but this feels surreal. I had to pick a last place team to follow … just so I could emotionally cope with the shear magic I am witnessing day in and out. When I tune in for Blackhawk games I somehow balance out. And truthfully that Bedard kid is so fun to watch. So here's to the love of my sports life Canucks and my emotional support team Chicago as we barrel toward this years Stanley Cup Playoffs. GO … YOU KNUCKLEHEADS … GO !!!!

    Also … Im comment " 69 " … so go s**k a lemon everybody !!!
    ❤❤❤ 🍋🍋🍋
    LMFAO … WOOT WOOT !!!!

  17. I really laughed out loud when you said somehow whenever Boeser plays Pittsburgh he turns into Gretzky lol because that has always been one thing that really sticks out about Boeser for me too, is that for some reason Boeser turns into a penguin killer whenever he plays them and that has always been one thing I rmbr undoubtedly without looking at stats or anything lol. I just know any time he plays the Pens he racks up points. Go Canucks Go!

    PS: And yes I agree with you it will cost us a liver and a spleen to re-sign Petey the way he's playing this yr lol but idc because I'm loving it, let's go Petey!

  18. All my canadian bets work but somehow mapel leafs and montreal canadiens failed. Ahhhhhh oilers check, jets check, flames check senators (+3.5 lol) check, canucks check!

  19. Not being a negative nellie but I want the Canucks to endure some more hardship during the year to prepare them for the playoffs….rest of the year they need to build reslience and mental toughness..we are seeing that now but this team is so much more capable..I truly believe we have not yet seen their best hockey

  20. Hey mate. I live in Australia and have to watch the replay of the game as I can't watxh it live. Can you please not have the score in the Thumbnail of your video to avoid spoilers. Thanks in advance.

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