@New Jersey Devils

Making a move?

by Devils3xcup


  1. brinkley26

    8 mil aav this year then 3.5 the next two years, that’s not bad at all

  2. TheDugoutGum

    if this isn’t us, i don’t know what to say. Vitek is quite literally the worst goalie in the NHL on almost every matrix. Our team is that good (even tho injured) where one difference maker in net can lead us to the playoffs. from there who knows, but a rotation of Vitek/Daws/Schmid is simply unacceptable for a team as good as ours.

  3. TheTechManager

    I really wanna love VV. Last year he looked so happy just to be loved and accepted. I keep reminding myself this is a business and if you don’t perform, shit will happen.

  4. Sometimes you have to really think why the Capitals gave up on him. Be realistic. He’s not that great.

  5. Trick-Package8557

    VV needs to go immediately. He is the worst goalkeeper in the league.

    My 3 year old daughter can beat him glove side.

  6. HeshootsHescores88

    mascot tweeted too. Fitz is cooking. just apprehensive for the return…..

  7. Tommydean22

    Let’s go Fitzy, grab one of their d-men as well

  8. PhotographyRaptor10

    Why would Calgary do this though? They certainly don’t want vitek, do they have another starting quality tendie?

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