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Kelly & Murray Show – NFL Wild Card Weekend Predictions and Bets Direct from Vegas

Kelly & Murray Show – NFL Wild Card Weekend Predictions and Bets Direct from Vegas

I lightened my hair yes I did I was feeling I I felt like I needed to have like a refresh before I came out there for the Super Bowl it’s a little too blonde but I didn’t tell my hair stylist that because you know like when you’re

There for like five hours and they’re like pulling on your hair like it’s like I said this um in an interview today like the ugliest a woman can ever feel is sitting there with soaking wet hair with like a cape on you and all you see

Is this no makeup and you’re just like God just get me out of here anyway I was there for six hours and and I didn’t I was like let it marinate throughout the weekend if I don’t like it on Monday I’ll go get it a little bit darker uh

But this is pretty blonde this is as Blonde as I’ve been for a while and I I told her I wanted to be I said either we’re going brunette we’re going blonde we’re done with this like in between thing and and uh she picked blonde you never went to like you’ve never gone

Black like jet black I have been very very dark but never would I go black I’ve been uh what talking about your hair hair yeah yeah okay go ahead sorry I’m sorry go ahead what are you talking about skin like tan what else would I be talking about you seriously don’t understand the

Reference all right of course I understand the reference uh can you can you please explain the reference to me just one time so like I don’t have to get it from Twitter in two days from now no I I thought you were just talking about being overly tanned I there was no

There’s nothing else to that I am so what is with you you’re you make these references sometimes that I just don’t know I I’m like it is like so far over my head tough start to the show for Kelly and me always D me I I think

Your hair looks fine I was annoyed with you though you wouldn’t do a video for me over the weekend because you said you look like [ __ ] because you didn’t have your your your hair and makeup team are you kidding me my hair and makeup team

No I just didn’t bring it with me and it hit anyway so you’re [ __ ] welcome I literally was driving up to hillbilly Florida with two dogs a six-month old baby my niece her fiance and Brett and you call me and you’re like hey can you

Do a video no as a matter of fact I cannot not right now I need like just a few days of not having to do my hair and makeup at like once a month and that was those few days so you got a winning same game parlay and it was virtually no

Sweat it was like basically free money as free money as I’ve ever given to our Superbook listeners before I don’t appreciate the term hillbilly I’m from Virginia so you know that you’re kind of putting all people into a into class there hillbilly I’m from Virginia listen

I love going up to visit but I also should never wear hair and makeup up there because I was out in like overalls in a sports bra one day and Brett was like how many people are going to stare at you I’m like well you know it’s

Hellbilly Florida I got a few talking points here uh number one actually a lot of them are complimentary to you uh so you hit you hit a same game parlay on the game what what was it that sucks by the way that [ __ ] up how many

People bet it not that many people bet it it didn’t have that much time to live it just pisses me off when you win but what what was it well that’s why you should stop asking me to do this because I’m the only one that wins on these if

You’re going to give me an advantageous parlay I’m going to take advantage of it so I had a Futures bet on Michigan that I basically decided was Square uh come the title game I had Michigan at seven to one I thought they’d beat Texas and I thought hey look

There’s seven to one on Michigan was Square excuse me no no no sorry Washington I thought they would beat Texas Washington sorry on Washington excuse me I thought they would beat Texas right and then I thought as the we went long after they did beat Texas I

Kind of looked at it and I thought all right let me hedge some of this off so it was um uh a dime to win Seven Grand and I was like all right now I have yes now I have a a position here where I can come back on Michigan money line I

Thought maybe uh we’d see it minus 190 no the best I could get was uh minus $2 here in Florida so I hammered the minus $2 and was like cool don’t care basically what happened in this game so I was like looking at the total and I

Really like the under so I was like all right Michigan money line the under and of course everybody thinks Michael pennick Jr is just going to air it out and his line was entirely too high from his player props perspective and JJ McCarthy doesn’t need to air it out

Because he has Blake Corum so why would he and uh it was other kid was uh number seven was even better than cor better than Blake yeah great win the first two touchdowns so the people thatum two plus touchdowns were probably sweating until right there at the end of the game who

Has it better than the Harbaugh family they they win the national championship John Harbaugh is is the number one seed in the playoffs who has it better than that probably nobody the answer is nobody you just get away with cheating and then you get gifted a g National Championship because Georgia gets left

Out I yeah I don’t know this was this was Harbaugh’s chance right this was this was Steve SAR chance this was Harbaugh’s chance Harbaugh took advantage of it he won the National Championship is he is he going to go to the NFL let’s talk about that is he to

Go to the NFL do you really want to deal with the ncaa’s [ __ ] from here on out right like the the the joke within seven minutes left in the game was how long before this win gets vacated I don’t know what’s going on with NCAA looks like

Michigan just said we don’t care here’s 125 million 10year contract you’re our guy we don’t care right I mean they didn’t say that but they might as well have said that and Jim Harbaugh is cheating then he’s the only one in college football and college basketball cheating they’re all cheating and as a

Matter of fact here I’m gonna tell this story because there’s a statue of limitations and I’m sure that’s passed so I don’t really give a [ __ ] when I was I don’t know legally you’re sure that it’s passed I don’t think you have a good legal opinion how do you know it’s

Passed yes because it’s been 10 years and the satue limitation is like seven how do you know ESPN should learn that by the way that being said I had a basketball coach that was in town for NBA Summer League and I was waiting on an entire group of the guy had no idea

Who I was Zero idea okay and I made a joke about his team cheating and he said everyone cheats and just s on his vodka cranberry afterwards and that was in like 2012 2013 I mean like and I just looked and now that same guy got caught making unethical phone

Calls but the NCAA didn’t do anything about it I don’t like vodka cranberry that it’s like the worst thing you can mix with vodka first of all vodka not that great spirit it’s very neutral but like mix it with a soda or water or anything besides cranberry because now I

Can’t even drink cranberry or orange juice because it all tastes like vodka Michigan is the national champion we did pretty well in that game we had a really good Futures position on Michigan so we were we were in good shape there we like so unlike your Heisman odds you

Did really well oh we all we always lose on the Heisman so how do you always lose on the Heisman you’d have to ask those guys you’d have to ask like Chase Michaelson Ed Salmons you just you always complain about losing on the Heisman and I asked

You to put the Heisman odds out so I could wager on them when I’m in Las Vegas and you’re like well we’re just going to lose on it anyway why we that actually sounds a lot like me and we are going to lose we are Chase you’re

Going to lose on the Heisman in 2024 uh who do you think is gonna win the Heisman in 2024 because it’s not gonna be the guy that I bet on my whoever our team writes bets on is gonna win the Heisman uh so let’s praise

Kelly more Kelly um I got in my notes Here you nailed it on Sunday you like the Packers you were right and not only were you right but the Bears were totally a square dog and and the Packers ended up being our biggest need of the afternoon and they won and I I

Had a I had a moment I realized something about myself on Sunday I’ve been underestimating the Packers for months I I think that they suck and I’ve just been wrong and they’ve been they’ve been progressively getting better and love is getting better and the floor is a good coach their defense is

Good and uh Kelly you nailed it I mean what do you have to say for yourself tell me your best bet yes it was my best bet on every show that I did um and look it was one of those spots where I thought it was a cheap price we’ve

Historically seen the Packers yes with Aaron Rogers own this Bears team I think the Packers might go three and0 here with quarterbacks Brett Favre Aaron Rogers Jordan love I know we criticize them a lot for drafting Jordan love I think he’s really starting to come into

Form uh obviously he buys into to Matt Le’s [ __ ] which is something Aaron Rogers could never do and maybe just maybe this team might be duking it out with the Detroit Lions uh for first and second place for a long time what about the Bears uh did you see Bears fans

Yesterday these people cannot be happy they’ve got the first pick in the draft they’ve got the first pick in the draft they get to keep Justin Fields they all wanted to keep Justin field no they’re gonna take Caleb Williams there’s no way they’re going to do that

Why would you take Caleb Williams I don’t understand it why take it the Bears are definitely gonna take Williams there’s no way they’re that dumb no way okay so you’re gonna keep You’re Gonna Keep ever Flo or however you say his last name right they all pissed off

About that the Bears had CJ Stroud last season no but eventually they could have Patricks eventually you have to stop this nonsense you know what’s wrong with the bearss they have been on a coaching Carousel my entire existence they have been on a quarterback Carousel my entire

Existence do you know the best when the Bears were when they stuck with one or two guys when they had Jay Cutler they weren’t great but they were good enough they were okay hey Rex Grossman got them to a Super Bowl oh my God Rex Gman I

Forgot he even existed W Le grman was a very fun player he he was he was a great player to watch no matter what he was not he was like jamus Winston is he gonna throw a pick six and just kill your bet that’s fun God no I forgot even

Existed wow um you didn’t so you nailed the Packer game you didn’t say anything to me I I picked the Raiders so I was talking to Brett and he told me that I put out this video on neston with Sam panovich and we had we got to make a

Pick at the end of the video Brett texted me and he’s like hey just letting you know Kelly played your video fast forwarded to the part where you made the pick and then shut it off it’s three minutes long you don’t have three minutes yeah but I

Know you’re gonna give it out at the end this is why you got to mix it up JM you can’t be just like giving out Best Bets at the last 30 seconds so why would I listen to the rest of it I don’t have time I just wanted the pick and you’re

Not gonna text it to me so why not just scroll to the end you didn’t say anything you didn’t even thank me for that one Raiders I had the Broncos over eight and a half wins remember when we did the first video in Westgate so yeah

I was a little frustrated and I was like I really don’t want to lay two and a half here with this Raiders team when I need the Broncos to win the game it kind of those two things don’t really go together I I can’t believe you

Guys did a great job on your uh well at least the ones that I bet I had six different needs down to week 18 that I knew one of them was dead the Vikings obviously was all but dead was like a 3% chance but it was kind of crazy uh

Eagles wow can’t believe I cashed Eagles under 11 and a half wins that was nuts Jags plus 280 not to make the playoffs let’s go that was the biggest score that was a good one um but a lot of the other ones had cash you know because I did all

32 teams I gave out a pick or an opinion at least I didn’t obviously bet 32 of them but there was a significant amount that you know we did social media videos over I could not believe how many came down to week 18 which tells me that

Maybe you need to be nice to your risk team and say hey guys you guys did a good job here no that’s out of the question um my season bet in the NFL Atlanta I hate Atlanta so I I I don’t that was a miserable bet it wasn’t fun I

Jump red paint or whatever Sammy P had to do on your head when I’m there yeah sure I there was nothing fun about it it lost I lost money I didn’t enjoy it I didn’t I didn’t get any laughs out of it when Arthur Smith got fired you didn’t

Enjoy it no not really I don’t like him I well that’s like your Solace like screw you I didn’t win my season wi but at least this guy got fired he’s still a billionaire no that’s Arthur Blank That’s the owner no no no Arthur Smith’s dad founded uh

FedEx Arthur Smith is a billionaire he’s the son of a billionaire what yes oh wow yes I had no idea so why working then go work at and pretend to be a CEO I have no earthly idea why he’s working instead of going the traditional Hunter Biden

Route but he worked his way up to being an N time out I have to I have to interject here um sir go ahead only because I see all these ridiculous things about how everybody was upset that Aaron Rogers and McAfee and all this other [ __ ] so like now I’m gonna

Just hijack the show did you hear the alltime alltime reporter question they ask on her Biden I did I I know what you’re talking about I think I actually S I think I sent you an Ariel and Sam the video did you send it to the group

Because I must have missed it or maybe that’s where I saw it I about feed my pants laughing I was like this is real they’re asking the president’s son uh what his favorite type of crack is I did not know there was multiple types of crack see I’m learning something every

Single day on this show I didn’t know Arthur Smith also a billionaire huh no no Arthur Smith’s dad is is Fred Smith I’m pretty sure it’s his dad Fred Smith founder FedEx uh other notes from the week Eagles no showed in New York against the Giants and the big game was the night

Game Buffalo rallies they win the game they win the division against a very banged up Miami team pretty good weekend 290 plus 290 went down the drain uh that would have been very nice that probably one of my bigger bets and it looked good for the entire season up until week

18 probably should happened to Miami I think their injuries is just caught up to them Miami had so many by the end of the year Miami had so many guys hurt so many guys out and look they’re they’re in a really tough spot going to Arrowhead on Saturday night to

Play Kelly’s favorite team the Chiefs Kelly’s is a is a Travis Kelce person a Taylor Swift person Kelly likes the Chiefs uh G be there for for all those using that as their handicap do you have peacock do you have a peacock subscription I told you I got

Free peacock through Xfinity down here they gave me free peacock for 24 months or something ridiculous so I took advantage of it I already see I already have peacock because that’s where I watched EPL that’s where I watched Liverpool so I don’t even care I already

Have an account that that game being on peacock means nothing to me I already have a peacock account nothing all the old that have to somehow download it I’m probably gonna have to go over to Grandma’s house and download it on the TV and type in my login so that she can

Watch a game that I don’t really care about let’s do um so there’s six wild card games super wildc card weekend are you want to attack these one at a time do you want to lead off with your best bet what are you uh you’re the start no

Go ahead I’m just gonna mute myself I’m gonna sit back relax and take some not so the first first game is Saturday afternoon Cleveland minus two at Houston we had this game at two and a half 2 and a half2 on Cleveland we had some really sharp money on

Houston Houston when it was plus two and a half even got some sharp money now you look the whole Market is down to two now and uh big news today Denzel Ward Cleveland’s Pro Bowl Corner got hurt in practice so he’s listed as questionable for for um for Saturday H you know I

Don’t know how you could not be impressed with CJ strad that after Indianapolis tied the game I really thought they were gonna win on Saturday night and stad made several throws to get them down the field Colts probably should have won coming back but that’s not CJ Stroud’s

Fault he was on the sidelines he played awesome in that game that kid is awesome yeah I stoud he’s made me a ton of money this year he’s awesome you talk about the Bears passing on Caleb Williams after they passed on CJ strad last

Season I don’t agree with that I I I I just don’t see it though here’s my problem what is so great about at Ohio State more so than I see it with Caleb Williams yeah this thing you have to realize with with NFL quarterbacks it is not Caleb Williams

Very athletic no problem you have got to want to win you have got to have a leadership mentality I have not seen that from Caleb Williams not one time I have never seen him show an ounce of grit I have never seen him have any ounce of humility or take any of the

Losses on himself have you watched the press conference where he said hey guys that loss was on me he was pretty gritty in the Pack 12 title game against Utah when he got hurt I was at that game last season at a legion stadium so let let’s

And he’s AOW Gonzaga man so obviously I’m going to defend him I guess I just can’t get over him crying in the stands to his mom instead of you know being there with his teammates in defeat I those are the types of character attributes that I you would think that

NFL owners and head coaches would look for I don’t know yes the Bears are gonna take them but and then do what use Justin fields’s trade bait or yeah okay fine and then he’s gonna go be somewhere great at somewhere else and and here’s another get if you put Justin Fields

Behind a better o line he’s way better than where he was in Chicago another factor is if they draft Caleb Williams they’ll have Caleb Williams on a rookie contract Justin Field’s contract’s about to come up NFL teams have this window where their quarterback’s on a rookie deal where they can build a roster

Around the guy I mean look at look at Kansas City’s roster now that they had to pay Mahomes all that money this is not the team that Mahomes was playing with at the beginning of his career right it’s because they’re paying him all this money which they obviously had

To do but you have this window where your QB’s on a rookie deal the Bears can reset that window by drafting Caleb Williams I I think it’s a no-brainer I mean the best thing for don’t you think and this is just maybe I’m just crazy because you don’t take a wide receiver

But like why wouldn’t you trade to three for something else like right I I I don’t fully understand the intricacies and that’s apparent I trade with who’s who’s the number three who gets the number three picked uh I think it’s New England okay so you trade with New England who

Definitely needs a quarterback let them have the number one pick take Marvin Harrison Jr because you need a weapon or a really solid o lineman and then now you have some more wiggle room for another pick I don’t know I I think that Justin Fields is going to put you in a

Position to win more football games and that’s what people care about you’re you’re looking at the long game that the Bears have been losing for forever and that’s my problem at some point in time you’ve got to stop the rebuild nonsense but how high of the ceiling do Justin

Fields really have I don’t know I don’t know but he’s been in the league for how high ceilings does Caleb Williams really have I don’t know Caleb Williams was the number one see every single okay that’s fine but we see every single year we see quarterbacks that are a bust Justin

Fields okay CJ Stout is an anomaly well you just said how I have was ceiling as he have he was the number one high school player in the country and then he won the Heisman trophy so his ceiling is really really high actually is it though in the NFL because

We’re asking him to go from high school to college to the NFL yeah he looks like to me one of those guys that within two years defensive coordinators are gonna have a ton of tape on him they’re gonna be able to exploit him he’s gonna get manhandled behind that crappy Bears

Offensive line and then what you’re gonna get him killed you’re a hater man you I’m not a hater yes you are I want the Bears to do well well Bears fans hate me I just want them to be happy and they’re not going to they keep this up I

Don’t think Bears fans were capable of being happy I don’t think that they I said I wanty I think they like I like think they like being miserable like talking about the double do and I I don’t think the Bears fans really want to be successful there’s a country song

Called miserable and I always attribute it to Brett Ariel and I I always say like if you’re not you’re not happy unless you’re miserable and I don’t understand that because I don’t live in that world right like I also don’t let the Broncos really dictate my mood as

Much as others do uh but I I I as a Broncos fan could see someone like the Broncos dra drafting a Caleb Williams drafting a drake May because that’s in the position that they’re at they just said Russell Wilson’s not our guy well you just had Justin Fields be your guy

He they would have absolutely won eight games and I would have lost that Futures bet had just field has been healthy all season long okay so we’re done arguing about the Bears and my lack of draft knowledge okay let’s go to the next game okay uh it’s enough about the Bears

Nobody gives a [ __ ] the late game Saturday is Miami and Kansas City so they’re they’re saying it’s going to be like historically cold at this game did you read that yeah the coldest I’ve ever been at a game was Arrowhead and like one warmer was Soldier Field it is

Freezing at Arrowhead this weekend it is going to suck balls what would you have to what would uh you have to be paid you’re rich so you’re a bad example but what would somebody have to pay you to go to that game like there’s no way I’ve been to

That game I went as a Broncos fan uh during when it was this cold it was cold John Murray I had to go to Bass Pro Shop in in Kansas and I bought head to toe hunting gear so I could be orange you know like the Broncos and that was the

Way I I went to the kids section and bought clearance hunting gear to wear to the game it was UN Godly cold like the coldest I’ve ever been like couldn’t feel my fingers couldn’t feel my toes why you wouldn’t have to pay me I mean

This game I don’t give a [ __ ] about so I’m not gonna go but if it was like the Broncos versus the Chiefs which it wouldn’t be because whatever but if it was yeah I would go uh I went to a USA El Salvador El Salvador world qualifying match in

Columbus Ohio two years ago that was cold yeah but oh my God it was so cold but the coldest for me was a West Virginia pit Backyard Brawl in 2005 in Morgantown it was on Thanksgiving night [ __ ] cold it was really cold um Miami Kansas City we saw really sharp

Money over 43 and a half now we’re at 44 and a half I thought that was interesting because Miami’s got a a lot of guys out on offense Kansas City’s offense has really struggled for a lot of the season and it’s supposed to be cold and windy so

Okay so here’s what you have to remember about Arrowhead the way it’s shaped like the closer you get down to the field it’s not that windy okay it’s like a weird kind of the way so it’s okay so we were freezing at the tailgate like freezing I’ll find a picture of me I

Have like a mask before we had to wear masks because like I had like a ski mask I was so were you afraid of were you afraid of Co or was it for H for didn’t exist then uh well I’ll find the funny picture and then JH can insert it into

The show uh but all jokes aside I was like a marshmallow man but in orange hunting gear but inside the stadium we were like 40 yard linish like five rows up it was not that cold well I still wouldn’t go to the game and and the field is

Heated oh really yeah and they have heated seats like you know what I’m talking about the heated benches I don’t think it’s gonna be that bad I also like the over do you think it’s weird because Ed Ed Sammons made fun of me for this when

The games came out I said I thought it was weird that they’re playing AFC AFC AFC and then NFC NFC NFC do you think that’s strange the first three games were in the AFC no interesting I don’t know if it’s strange but I didn’t quite catch that no

Let’s to Sunday morning Pittsburgh is plus 10 at Buffalo I don’t have a lot to say on this game no TJ watt for the Steelers we’re at 35 and a half on a total yeah that’s only going down that’s only going one way nobody’s betting the

Over this is supposed to be another big weather game in Buffalo uh gotta think the bills will take care of business here most of our tickets are on the Steelers but that’s not a big surprise people don’t want to 10 people don’t want to lay 10 points when the total’s 35 double digigit

Favorites in the Wild Card round are like 10 and one against the spread people don’t want to like 10 points it’s it’s bills are nothing for me here’s another popular dog in the afternoon Green Bay so not really shocking Green Bay they’ve been bet down

From seven and a half to 7 they’re at Dallas High total here 50 and a half I heard Jer Alexander got hurt today for green Bay so we’ll see I mean Green Bay’s been playing really well I don’t I don’t trust myself my Green Bay opinion sucks my opinion doesn’t suck my Dallas

Cowboys opinion doesn’t suck I think this is an easy just tease the Cowboys they win the game well I think I think the best bet this week and I think it’s going to be really popular is the Texas teaser you take Houston you go up through three and seven you take Dallas

Although Dallas is now down to minus 7 I know but did that cutting through seven and three but I do think that’s going to be a really popular teaser that’s the most terrifying thing when a teaser comes off seven and a half to seven I’m like oh my God they’re gonna lose

Outright because games don’t land one no they don’t not that I’m aware of at least I don’t really I’m not sure that I’ve seen one of those um not much there in terms of sharp money but this game so the late game Sunday the Sunday night game is

Generally the game that has the most volume on it because of all the weekend parlays and then the Monday night game is crap right so most the parlays will go to that’s my best bet I like the Monday night game I don’t think it’s crap well I think it sucks but anyways

So last year if the Ravens your friend Ariel’s Ravens if they could have won against the Bengals in this spot we would have won a fortune Tyler Huntley fumbles inside the one yard line the Bengals return it for a touchdown they win the game we we’ve got a lot of money

On the Rams and it’s it’s sharp money they took plus three and a half minus 110 they took plus three even and the public is on the Rams so it’s like almost 70% of the tickets are on the Rams so I guess right now we’ll need

Detroit um lot of money a lot of money on the Rams and what a Revenge spot for Jared Goff I mean this guy nobody talks about they all talk about Matthew Stafford nobody’s talking about Jared G for gol [ __ ] you go to go to go to Detroit see you later Stafford got to

Move to and won the Super Bowl what does he want revenge for gof was he was the first pick in the draft he took them to a Super Bowl which they lost then he gets shipped that was the worst Super Bowl ever that game was not very good he

Gets shipped to Detroit his old team wins a Super Bowl without him this is the Revenge spot for Jared G not for Matthew Stafford I agree I think we’re I think we’ll need the Lions and then you teased it give me your best bet Monday night night Philly

And Tampa Bay that’s a playoff game what’s your best bet of the week of course it’s a playoff game it’s the Bucks how can I not bet against the Eagles one last time uh and their demise I I took the plus three I took the plus

120 uh and I probably could have got a better money line but that’s what it was here in Florida because well that’s the Bucks and so they’re gonna assume that they’re gonna get bucks money and I’m gonna get a crappy money line but I digress Baker Mayfield well albeit that

Week three game was rather frustrating I saw it in person Jaylen HZ through two interceptions but the the Bucks offense couldn’t get anything going I think this bucks offense is really starting to click I think they’re going to be able to get the running game going against this Philly defense I think they’re

Going to be able to throw against this Philly secondary obviously Philly banged up uh including Jaylen Herz so I like the plus three very easy boring handicap you mentioned it Philadelphia went under their win total I thought I thought Philadelphia should have lost the game in Kansas City on Monday night game

Should lost that game they should have lost to the bills they were very lucky to beat Dallas when they played him in Philadelphia I thought that was probably a touchdown Buffalo got totally screwed by the refs in that game I mean the Eagles could have lost like eight games

Yeah and I was like just getting fisted left and right on every single one of them and I finally got Vindication and it was so easy I like the Giants was five and a half but that was like thank you I needed an easy win I just needed just an e like between

Michigan and that was just like ah easy wins well I wonder one thing I couldn’t help with Wonder this season watching the Eagles watching Jaylen Herz and watching the Colts Shane Sten almost sucked a playoff birth out of that ridiculous Indianapolis roster with Gardner mchu as his quarterback he he called some good

Plays that last Drive was well coached by stien the players didn’t execute Jonathan Taylor went out of bounds on second down instead of putting his head down and getting the first down and then that fourth and one play was a good play call the guy bad throw by mchu and the

Guy dropped the ball styken is great I think he’s great oh great because I laid one with the Texans and I teased talking I’m not talking about that I’m talking about Philadelphia they gave Jaylen Herz a huge contract extension and they watched Shane styken walk out the door

Now I don’t know about the Philadelphia Eagles uh Eagles minus three at Tampa Bay low energy game it’s a low energy game I hope it’s a low energy game can the Bucks just win like 1710 I would love that under low energy go to bed early on

Monday night just kill all the clock run run run run run yeah I would love that we are uh we will be doing starting Saturday at the super book we’ll be doing minus 105 for for all these games on the point spread not the totals but the point

Spreads are all going to be booked that’s misleading so you you call it a minus 105 promo but you give yourself the the ability to go to minus 110 even same thing but people get upset when you call a minus 105 promo because you might

Want to go to minus 110 and even on the other side when you move the price but that that’s what it is we’re going to do that starting Saturday in every state mailbag so you’re gonna get so people are GNA [ __ ] when the side they want to

Bet is minus 110 but the side then the other side will be even money yeah that’s a great deal if you like the other side okay all right John hogland hey guys my phone has not turned on for over 24 hours so if you send me any texts I haven’t been

Able to see it sounds like he had too much fun in Florida mail oh that is that’s just oh us yeah okay inappropriate like I said some people can’t handle Florida um um Hatcher tjr one onx say John you are Premier League soccer guy do you find any value in the English Championship

League if so who’s being promoted up and regulated down you know I I saw this question and I I have to answer it it’s embarrassing I don’t I don’t follow that at all I know I saw the question but I mean yeah I could have looked at the

Table what you what do you mean follow it the championship league is the league below the Premier League I don’t follow oh see I don’t know that okay got it yeah I don’t know so I could have looked at the table and just picked the top

Three teams but I don’t I don’t know anything about it got it next Danny 731 see he’s not the soccer gur you guys thought he was two questions for John Murray do you have any sharp action to report on college basketball Futures and is Mo Salah the best player to wear the

Liverpool kit he Salah is is he might be Salah Salah what is most people most people would say Stevie Gerard well let’s only talk about our generation Stevie Gerard uh nobody was better than Luis Suarez during the 2012 season he was the best I have no idea who you’re

Talking about well uh the college basketball Futures I got some notes on that Purdue I don’t like that coach by the way have I ever told you that I like Matt Painter uh you have you have mentioned to me that you have some disdain for Matt Painter I don’t like

Him so they it doesn’t matter I mean I can tell you because all the numbers have changed but they bet Purdue down to 7 to1 from 18 they bet Arizona down to 8 to1 from 20 and then I have a question for Kelly because they bet Yukon down to 10

To one from 18 to1 is Yukon the best basketball program in the last 25 years it’s got to uh has to be the last 25 years years they’ve won the National Championship five times it’s got to be that right very impressive they wanted remember they beat Duke in

99 rip no I don’t remember that you remember 1999 no that was well that was like one of the great college basketball games ever it was Rip Hamilton khid elamine against Duke Duke was a huge Duke was like it was two one seeds Duke was awesome that year and Yukon beat him

Jake Vos remember him oh they won and then they uh they won four national championships since the turn of the century five in the last 25 years with three different head coaches very impressive and didn’t they get like in a lot of trouble at one point in time when

Was that for cheating oh they got yeah goad H AE eth Wonder oh eth wondercore new uh on X when it comes to play play football how much do referees records ATS do you take in your handicap some of these records versus spefic specific teams are

Is no are eye popping ref crew for Rams Lions are three and six ATS for Rams games when last one this is really hard to read ref crew for Rams Lions are three and six ATS for Rams games last one the did was Ram Seahawks week 18 last year cheated him holy

[ __ ] rewrite these we got to proof read the questions for Kelly Kelly can’t Kelly can’t read this no well I wouldn’t so I wouldn’t look at any Trend that’s three and six I don’t think that’s enough of a sample to really catch my attention um the only time I looked at

The refs was like remember back in the 90s when the NBA would make sure that Jordan’s Bulls teams won or in the in the David Stern era happen still Scott Foster versus the Suns remember they would make sure that the Lakers with sha and Kobe won in the early 2000s you had

To look at stuff like that they were not going to let those teams lose but I don’t the NFL I don’t think they’re corrupt I just think they’re incompetent o Vince and PGH on XS which potential Super Bowl matchup would be best for business factoring in team popularity fan bases point spread

Potential visitors to the Westgate well I mean the AFC obviously is Buffalo Bills right I mean of course by far the bills would come out here with bills Mafia they’ve got a high scoring offense theyve got a great quarterback they haven’t been to the Super Bowl in 30

Years bills against anybody would just be huge for the city uh I guess the NFC team you had to pick one Dallas San Francisco would be great yeah unfortunately it’d be the unsufferable Dallas Cowboys fans I think they’d be really great San Francisco would be great too San Francisco’s got a

Lot of fans I mean I think as long as we get the bills though because Baltimore doesn’t have any fans and Kansas City don’t no and Kansas City people are a little tired of them right so it’s it’s got to be buffalo buffalo against whoever is the

Best okay College picks four on says John do you guys see Sharp guys make bets on the 2024 college football national championship this early if so who are the teams you’re see uh that you see are taking bets you know what we would see in the past right when we put

These up was people betting the favorite for next season sharp guys I should say uh but now with the transfer portal and all these coaching changes people don’t know what to do plus the playoff now you know we we’ve moved moved Alabama from 6 up to 10 the big news Nick Sabin

Retiring yesterday um and we lowered Georgia from four down to 7 to2 we brought Oregon and Texas each down from 10 to1 to 8 to1 sounds like Dan Landing is staying in Eugene so we’ll see I mean could Steve sarkeesian be on the Move could he go

Back to Alabama be there I don’t know I don’t know I don’t feel like I think Alabama should Alabama should hire lane kein lane kein that’s what I said on Twitter he’s the modern coach he knows how to play the game with the nil and the transfers and all this stuff he’s

Built for the modern college game Lane kein is the guy they should go get uh but we haven’t we have not really taken much action at all on this yet I don’t think people know what to do with college football never seen this many question marks going into a college

Football season Jim Harbaugh may be gone to the NFL nobody really knows what to do with this 12 team playoff that starts next year it’s uh that does make handicapping the national championship significantly harder Good Luck Good Luck kib thanks uh Braxton dart on X says how has the betting landscape an overall

Tourism change at the Westgate since covid happened also with more States legalizing sports betting is the Westgate seeing any decline in wagering I think this is an crazy question I had a conversation with an Uber driver about this the other night uh it’s not because of Co but it’s not because they shut

Down the casinos for three and a half months and then injected fake money into the economy and crappy people came and visited Vegas for a year and trashed the place oh well we had we had a great year in 20121 um but yeah I think you you’re

Seeing more and more people they don’t have to come to Las Vegas anymore to make Wagers on Sports legally right so people now are a little bit more inclined to to stay home to make their bets on their app in states that allow you to register remotely without having

To go into a casino or a bar or whatever so I think that uh you do see some of that but sports betting is more popular than ever Sports definitely more popular than ever actually this question got asked me this morning at the Harrison do you

Think AI will ever take your job and I go yeah AI is already taking my job oh yeah all you have to do is type in chat GPT who’s gonna win between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs and it spits out an answer that sounds

Pretty much like every talking head on ESPN but do they pick winners you you had a best bet on the Green Bay Packers against everybody me against the world last week I think the sharp groups went 0 and three and I went three and0 I I like Chicago I was wrong you’re

Right you’re smart I’m dumb we’re going to do the shows on Thursdays now to have one extra day to see the stuff the Wagers coming in during the week leading up to the postseason we’re going to do a show next Thursday out of the divisional playoffs are we doing a show during that

We’re doing a show Wednesday in Vegas because I have to be at Radio Row for super the Super Bowl that the Super Bowl Wednesday what about during that harrowing bye between the conference Championship games and the ref B what’s our contract say I don’t know uh we’ll

Talk I guess we can talk about basketball might as well yeah I like college basketball all right we’ll be back next Thursday after the six wild card games to preview the four divisional games Kelly see you then bye

Looking for NFL Wild Card (NFL Playoffs Preview) best bets, picks, and predictions? Kelly in Vegas and John Murray have you covered! Where is the sharp action this week in football for NFL Wild Card Weekend? We head to Vegas to SuperBook Sports and check in with bookmaker John Murray for the bookmaker’s perspective! Get your fix for NFL picks for NFL Playoffs on the latest episode of the “Kelly and Murray” Show.

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  1. Kelly you look terrific with blonde hair!! my girl can’t even spell “NFL”
    you’re goin make some guy very happy one day being an NFL fan 🙂
    Big fan!!

  2. Pure comedy!!!!! KIV ur hair is a lil too blonde but looks good… then John Murray with the comment of the year “we’re talking about your hair”🤷🏿‍♂️ I couldn’t breathe 😆🤣😂

  3. I think Caleb maybe overated. Miller Moss had 6 touches in the Holiday Bowl. I agree with you trading the pick. There are 3 teams behind Bears. Commanders, Giants, Patriots all need a QB.

  4. I keep hearing Dbl digit wild card favorites are 10-1 ats…..Does anybody know who the one loss was?……Buffalo (-17) last season hosting Miami, they won by fg

  5. Caleb Williams is the real life Bo Callahan (Draft Day). I bet no one went to Caleb Williams's birthday.

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