@Pittsburgh Penguins

Pat McAfee & Aaron Rodgers Talk Jon Gruden Resigning After Email Scandal

Jon Gruden made the decision to step down after an investigation into the Washington Football Team revealed emails of his.

This is a clip from The Pat McAfee Show live from Noon-3PM EST Mon-Fri.

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  1. This is crap. Not unlike when Morgan Wallen faced his crucifixion. Nothing and nobody will convince me that people can say racist and supposedly "homophobic" things but that doesn't mean that they are inherently racist or homophobic. Everyone does this. EVERYONE!!! And if someone says they don't they are lying. This is no different than a group of buddies hanging out and having some drinks and having conversations between just the group of them that are not made for anyone else's ears to hear. They do not reflect how you really feel and you are sharing thoughts with a very specific person or persons. Men do this. Women do it. Everyone. Unfortunately John Gruden is going to get unjustly vilified for this. I honestly was never a big fan of him just because he represented the Raiders and if you're not a Raider fan you're a hater of the Raiders LOL…So these thoughts that I'm sharing are coming from someone that is not a homeboy. The woke continue to win and turn this country into a circus! Sometimes I wonder when there will be a tipping point?

  2. Black players are allowed to make racially charged taunts against white players in plain sight with zero consequences, so I don’t care

  3. This is an absolute tragedy!!! John Gruden is the embodiment of the NFL. When Americans think of the NFL…. As a matter of fact FOOTBALL itself, they think of John Gruden. And you PCMF‘s have totally destroyed his name, all of his accomplishments & achievements!!!

    This is an absolute witchhunt. And no one (no white ones) in the media’s eye is safe.

  4. Pat STOP trying to act like everyone should speak the same words and be into this utopia!! We are all unique and have different views and will NEVER like the same things unless we create a dull society! Differences are not a bad thing, it’s a chance to learn and grow. Stop canceling differences it’s what makes us thrive in life.

  5. 140000 emails and this this is what we see? This was 10 years ago. He makes some bad comments and now we wish him into the corn field? There is no forgiveness? He loses 60 million. Everything is stupid.

  6. most dislikes? probably because ppl hate uneven treatment/JUDGEMENT, can't judge what he said and make a world of it and not balance it against what others DID and SAID and are still in the league. You better than that! it's funny how people speak tho, most dislikes ha?

  7. I stand by John grudens comments.
    What he said was funny and true.If somebody got their feelings hurt its because they are weak and lack the necessary character to be an adult.
    Grown men are responsible for their own feelings not other people.

  8. Cookie cutter cupcake school where we all learn to speak properly and grow so we can play with the other kids.
    Under the bus we go and the wheel goes round and round. I should be ashamed of myself

  9. I thought raiders were a place for guys that just left jail for – anything. He said mean things? F- that mcafee, Gruden is football, his biggest detractors don’t know where the raiders even play. Gruden can win a super bowl in MN, being him here. Players have actually beaten people and then were forgiven. Can’t forgive when he says mean things? Cowards

  10. LMFAO! You guys are soft as hell! For one, it was 10 years ago. And how is it racist? You can same the same thing about Angelina Jolie lmao

    The NFL is so goddamn lame! I'm glad I stepped away from watching that garbage

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