@Boston Bruins

Best 3-on-3 Overtime and Shootout Moments from December | NHL 2023-24

Best 3-on-3 Overtime and Shootout Moments from December | NHL 2023-24

[Applause] Penguins going overtime for the second  time of their last three games here’s Crosby   right in splits the defense Crosby tries to WRA it  around gel there he curls it wide gets it back and  

Puts it over the net it’s taken away by the pen  what a play by leang here comes gel he’s got two   on the game for the hatrick across L to save Ur  is Pittsburgh with a couple of good opportunities  

Letang moving away from sanine who’s right with  him gives it to Smith his drop pass taken away   here come the Flyers it’s Scott lton dangles  around Smith but Riley Smith a good recovery and   he’s going to atone for his mistake here he comes  three men here Smith with ell it’s Smith shot save  

Made by Ur in his career in shootouts a chance  to give the pens The Edge get so up over the net hoping you can hold him over on that right  side of the net net coming back across trying  

To Shan cier 11 for 40 in his career in shootouts  opens up and scores one nothing fire I love this   move I mean backhand forehand changes about 5T  off the post and in chance to tie things up here  

In the shootout the captain stopped by uren Ryan  Russ five for six and shootout of D in his career   has to score Cuts in beaks Arison the save and  the Flyers win it Sam Arison now seven of seven   in shootouts he stopped every shot fired his  way he’s mobbed an extremely valuable second  

Point pass neck able to swoop in going to the  net there’s wo with a stop and was in a pretty   good spot ruins take over aead it goes to Maran  KNE Landers back M treding to get back Maran sto  

By wall by olark elander finds Riley Riley in  front and swept off his stick elander tried to   play that back to the point nobody was there H FR  for marer kicked Away by Omar now lead de it’s a  

Breckle p zaka stop rebound from with two stops a  loose puck in front and now Morgan Riley up ahead   KN Lander behind everybody for the win over with  the stop great chances either way and that puck  

Alive for poster duck back in drops gets it back  Po and wall going to hold on terrific action here   three on three oh man you got to love three on  three for the Maple Leafs as the brush gather  

Speed heads in in behind the net to back up top  grizzli shooting oh sit on that once you gain the   zone and do a little Around the World opening up  he’s trying to get this to hit off of H oh what a  

Job there by Bel Captain Captain versus captain  and it’s Boston again getting first possession   mck with stick more to the D trying to jam that  home back in the leavs head to the attack back  

Over the line final minute of overtime m to the  net oh BS what a stop on a brilliant play is it   still loose for M Mar a little cross and go Mar  pulls it back around the Stick of Charlie M boy  

And now KNE Lander deliberately through Center  look out blows a tire breakway David pass KN   for the win well again rebounded FR scores the  Boston ruins in overtime red Maran has is the   winner tonight we get another look at it here  try to go five [Applause] hole what an effort  

By Boston that’s a great win the compete level  there the details were good defensively this   could be a high powered offense they’re about to  look to change here goes Larkin with some room   and a shot and a save rebound R around right up  from once it came back it comes for Walman just  

Held in at the line for lin looks for wman again  with Slap Shot Jake wman the gritty the Red Wings   wi it 5 to [Applause] four 54 seconds in what a  shot what a relief on a great release and Dylan  

Lin will get an assist he’s had a a greaty night  Ducks lose possession again Ronson and drops it   off glub save Gibson who wants to play the Pucket  got a good read on you could see he wanted to give  

It up in a hurry we played almost 3 minutes of  overtime no kale mot Here Comes McKinnon with   speed backhander another glove saved by Gibson  who shoves it away and he is having words with the  

Referee who was in the corner actually overtime  cuts to the slot drops it off Off the Bench room   for color color forced wide as it was knocked off  his stick but he recovers possession 20 seconds  

Left in overtime he hits the brakes on the wall  takes a look now walks it towards the goal TR   oh what off Escape crov made a huge P save former  Quebec League Player of the Year in on Gibson who  

Gets a piece mckinon works it in through the top  of the circle McKinnon looks shoots at a save by   Gibson first time we see Leo Carlson in a shootout  he hit a post in overtime he has a goal and an  

Assist and he’ll sweep in off the right side the  big left hand shot shot almost fumbled it oh then   just skapes it around PR theop has got some quick  hands this Puck rolls on him too but he doesn’t  

Panic gets it under control and then one move like  that and prosop is swimming Gibson can win it with   a save here against Ronin but what a move here  comes Ronin Gibson out to cut the angle and he  

Gets a glove on it and the ducks come all the way  back and end the losing streak well done to stay   on side the shot missed the target turnover cier  holds to Connected the shot and elovich with the  

Save goes malan again you’re going to clear this  up it goes off a stick it’s a race for the puck   out comes the goalie in comes lman it’s played  ahead here’s Carlson on the right side to Malin  

Malin back to Carlson to blast the Save By Heart  L will play it ahead he’s got sanheim and sanheim   couldn’t get it now he’s got it with a game on his  stick sanheim off the post lton picks up the butt  

Lton from the angle his shot that’s denied at the  side by the 12 remaining in the overtime and it’s   Crosby Crosby to the Philadelphia line drops to  gensel gensel moves in the shot save Carter hard  

And no rebound to be had and the Flyers win the  draw sanheim spins it ahead and here’s connect   moving up with Cur two on one connecting with a  puck connecting holes two he scores he now has  

His second overtime game winner of the Year fires  win it as they knocked off the Penguins two to one andit into the offensive end he’ll pull up  and flip it out High Thomas trying to settle a  

Bouncing Puck down low Thomas off to musis scor  pav nit was all alone down low and the blows Win   It 38 seconds into overtime Kopitar moving in deep  hands it off for kempe kempe in turn for dowy and  

To Kopitar to dowy a one timer he [Applause]  scores 10 straight road wins for the Kings   Drew dowy unloads from the top of the left Circle  pull up for barel forat now on the nice one timer  

Off the bar fck it nice saving off the off the  post there on a Islanders around the perimeter   here lot of Zone time barzel got free with a shot  and cocking and comes up with the save Puck was  

Available eckan got to it first he sends it ahead  now the Sharks hurrying up ice Eckland two-on one   with Ferraro William eckan S soken Puck available  Nelson slips by grin it’s Dolson he’s rushing   ahead Noah doson cutting in left it behind and  it wouldn’t roll into the Shark Zone for Noah  

Doson he’ll send it back for barzel doson loads up  shoots hits the post oh my that’s two goal posts   here on the third for the hitor now Eckland off  his foot but it ends up on the stick of granin  

Got to go he’ll come to center 8 seconds to go  Brin in E shoots and scor William Eckland wins   it in overtime what a comeback by the [Applause]  Sharks use the defenseman for the Islanders as a   screen the Islanders are tired they can’t get  off granin pushes the pace right here watch  

This little tow drag boom nice little flash screen  too Bard steps on it Bard over the line Bard saves   Soros and he swatched the puck out to the circle  final minute of three on three Nashville has the  

Puck Roman Yosi the Lefty Yosi save solder Bloom  long rebound Bard Bard and O’Reilly Bard cuts to   the middle he shoots save Soros he got a piece a  lot of tired skaters now yeah you never see Conor  

Bard out of breath but this time the chances  he’s generating iist takes the puck and away   we go in this shootout in Chicago way wide iqu  he scores here’s Conor Bard’s NHL shootout debut   on yussi Soros Bard scores oh it’s Beauty the  crowd has started to get to their feet O’Reilly  

In round two he goes to the opposite side brings  it to the middle he scores a beautiful backhand   top shelf watch him come his body’s going to go  across he’s going to bring the backand back and  

He just lifts it now Tyler Johnson a bid to tie  the shootout at two save Soros he kicks it away   he’s getting booed here comes forsberg he scores  the Predators go three for three in the shootout  

And they get the two points at the United Center  ran looking for wman who opens up to take the pass   Raymond off his back foot and now a foot rais  and here’s zland in alone on the Breakaway grin scores they did it again the sharks with an  unbelievable comeback and then the overtime  

Winner the Red Wings throw the puck back this  is going to be a good stick check right there   and then little bit of a hold to the stick  there was going to be a penalty lurking on   that situation but then johnon with speed around  oetkin behind the net about to wrap around it’s  

Dead to Ben drops it right back to Johnston  Johnston dangling shoot save made by lingren   tough wrist shot into the corner back to the  point Carlson across ofin again tries one save   made by Wedgewood and the oh he’s the slowest  shootout performer in the league here Wedgewood  

Waits who Nets off moves in misses goes in and  Meandering is generous and he ends up missing   the Nets Jon Robertson one for two and shootout  opportunities this season he’ll try first for   Dallas for the forehand scar strome had two goals  in regulation time on the shootout now denied by

Wedgewood the great eight to try and keep the game  alive for Washington to the backand den not Again   by Wedgewood and the shootout Victory goes to  the Dallas Stars off the boards in the Buffalo   Zone ahead to Middle St he gets to Center across  the Montreal line slides it across to Thompson  

Comes to the middle Thompson shakes and bakes in  the shot by middle stack kyoso needs to protect   the puck high in the zone here till Dalene gets  back and there he is Dalene creates the Lan and  

Fires the shot stop by Primo stick in his right  hand now makes his way to the far Circle between   the circles Thompson stuck by Primo Suzuki wide  to the left followed by Levi Suzuki Dees Levi  

Pek save and a beauty olon to the right Circle  works his way in scor Victor gon in the shootout   Coffield again to the same left Circle against  Levi Coffield between between the wickets open   them up enough and it’s one a piece Here Comes  power to the right Circle slowly power creeping  

Towards the net looking scores but right now  it’s Arizona native against Ste Levi to the   right Circle and with speed Yona Shake scores 22  in the shootout but turkus coming into the same   Circle right side not a lot of speed trying to  open him up and that time M Creo says that seen  

It in his career and he’s got a chance to win  it slowski built speed to the SL SC what a move   your lovsky What a Night by the 19-year-old  what a move right here patience just to get   around the outstretched Levi’s left leg right  here stops he brings it back and Levi already  

In what is their 26th game of the year what is  the king’s Shootout record 0 and2 which surprises   me a little bit Kemp shot deflected by doson  chipped on by Holstrom Paso a chance to win it scores no history tonight on Long Island JG  Pou completes the comeback H but guest came  

Out hard watch him come out hard and they just  not able to cover up the fiveable you got to   drop that stick down I’m guessing that’s what  he tried to do going back for kov he’s being  

Tracked by Jordan Everly he’ll tab it back to  Brandon Hegel now Hegel will wind it up Hegel   up the right side trying to skate away from Everly  Brandon Hegel across they score n could jop it’s a   lightning strike it’s the attention that Hegel  attracts right here it’s a it’s a line change  

I think it was radish going to the bench but  it Pagel all the way there’s stolen lead pass   eel has a step eel for the gamewinner and he’s  stopped by kinan going to gain the Vegas line  

Barov in W with the coverage on him forcing  him to the corner now feeds it to McDonald   and a shot blocked not sure if it was Hunton  or Patera Nick W first over the board for his   first opportunity in the shootout for the golden  knights this [Applause] season and kinan looked  

Over his shoulder but had it w loves that move  Jack eel one for four this year his goal was a   game decider here he comes slowly to the net  scores and now Jonathan maraso with a chance   to win it here with a goal and he [Music]  [Applause] does now a stretch pass Matthews  

Is open he’s got martyr Matthews the shot the  rebound soken stopped him twice barzel charging   back the other way got Horvat with them B  Horvat scores G winter New York [Applause] Highlanders Blocker in position but  it’s horat that gets it up in that  

Top third of the net and sends this  crowd home cheering that’s a great shot orberg eyes the net shots save made  by Arison the rebound score yes [Applause] sir nice little handoff forsberg does a loop  he’s got space and he’s attack in the net he’s  

A shooter he’s shooting look at that puck he  knew it games decid of an OT this year Jack eel   the gamewinner in Dallas Flames are three and0  in the overtime eel with a steal here beats it  

Up ahead stone with a step Jers Mark Stone the  overtime winner his fourth point of the night   and the golden knights in overtime win it 5 to  four 10th of the Season sixth career overtime  

Goal for Mark Stone his fourth point of the night  for the fans but right now it’s just all about   possession and then picking your moment to attack  Crosby got it and he gave it up to Carlson Eric  

Carlson coming in shoots multimo to save his  mask is popped off Carlson’s got a great set   of wheels and he cuts across and anytime the  defenseman or a forward gives you Suzuki all   the way back to the point the Caufield fires  and elovich got a piece to field on it again  

Back for Nick Suzuki to the in shooting and the  delovic makes the save aen to your slowski trying   to get away from bar Carlson sovi pass over and  elovich got a piece of that shot for the glove  

Daren watch all the way back into the P’s end  Brees long ke Riley Smith was there but it was   picked off by Aria y Aria the other way with a  shot and ultimate to Saed pson clears away the  

Rebound and here comes Nick Suzuki to start it  off Cuts wide left cross the dot into the slot scores 26 of 80 in the career of Chris leang  the Montreal kid in on mono scores beautiful   just same kind of approach as Suzuki  Coffield Cuts wide on that left side  

Again into the slot go delovic is coming  down this side I mentioned that they came   down that side quite often during the game  couldn’t solve them both suitter came down   the exact same side and he’s got two goals  in this game tonight Pros me into the slot

Scores goal for such a per long period of time and  now we’ve seen four in a row on the shootout such   great hands the quick back to front two for two  in the season three for three in his career can  

He keep his record perfect off the [Applause] post  Ulan comes down the opposite side though tries to   go back and nothing but iron and gensel with a  chance to win it for Pittsburgh Jake gensel into  

The slot hit the post as well it’s the caring  of the bills as we go to round four the chance   to put Montreal back in front slav kovski with  speed stopped by NAD delovic 24 for 71 in his  

Career with 10 game deciding goals Ming in stopped  by MBO let’s go to round five Aria one for five in   his career in the shootout he comes in missed  the net Riley Smith Little Speed gets into the  

SL stop by Mono 6 for 13 pretty good in these  shootout situations and on delovic missed the net Eric Carlson slows up get to the  slot hmer the shot and Mulo stands   up to make the save and 18 of 49 in his  career in the shootout he comes in shot

SC yeah 6 for 19 in his career he’s  got a score to keep it going Miller scores I think Marty St Lou was looking down the  bench now who do we go to he goes to Mike Mat the  

Former Pittsburgh Penguin the defenseman coming  in mat stopped by an elovich Jeff Carter with a   chance now for Pittsburgh Carter in with speed  Carter sto by mtim Mo he’ll take a wide route   petta stopped by natovich Al Terry pen with his  first career shootout attempt ptin snapped It  

Wide we’re going on first ever shootout attempt  here’s Evans slows up nalovic stopped him Ram   Zorna with his first career shoot out attempt  out for Pittsburgh zohorna gets in stopped by   m b let’s go to round 11 Gallagher with a crowd  on its feet stopped by n elovich Benny henza Cuts  

In wide slows down hit stroza stopped by m b one  for two in his career in the shootout Anderson   head fake NAD delovic gets a piece andon Hawkins  after this marathon of a shootout can walk it off scores happy dads and a shootout winner for  Jon Hawkins and the penguins are winners in  

Montreal Luke Hughes turns with space 30 seconds  in overtime he gains the Zone feeds it across Jack   shoots save Swan he threw the rebound off Swan’s  back and it didn’t go here’s jper Brad as Luke   Hughes changes off brat carries Jack Hughes takes  he centers and brat Deni by Swan he here still  

Rolling and on the puck keeps it in the offensive  end heer turns for goal cuts to the front Swan   got a piece of it Mercer PS it to space jimo nit  in a foot race and he gets there ahead of D Heen  

Nit turns ruins were changing ja KS to the ground  his shots altered and SW fights it off Myers got   it again he back for Meer he settles Jack Hugh  a one timer sing makes the sa and covered with  

234 to go so it is Brad Luke Hughes and Jack  Hughes Luke’s going to peel off look like he   took a bit of a stick so he changes Brad puts  the shoulder down he changes Direction Jack shoots [Applause] Devil’s winning [Music]  [Applause] overtime set up by vanich brat  

With the entry little change of pace get some time  has both fly winners in overtime this year drops   it back to connect able to move in Fire and the  save by L gr turns this into a three on two rois  

Downlo a save rebound oetkin he fumbled it now  the Flyers with a the chance they’ll move the   butt here’s paling ahead for ainson the game on  his stick save made by lindd crowd and the teams  

We into the final minute of the three on three  long pass that FES lose oetkin oetkin cutting on   in he shoots and the save made by Arison it’s  been pretty consistent there he goes swinging  

To the right wing in on lingren Geto straight up  and he scores Oshi 0 for two in the shootout this   season right up the gut there’s the big head  fake he scores did Aron ever bite off you talk  

About hands for the fers that move to his backand  Forster in the top of the second Forster snap shot   and lingren Dives out with a poke check anytime  you poke check to a player going to his forehand  

You run the risk if forcer just holds on to  that so now strong is over for seven in his   career in on goal save harison is not Morgan Frost  Bobby Brink with his first at HL shootout attempt  

Swings to the right wing Cuts in and dson down and  Tucks it home there’s that risk you were talking   about it break takes advantage and I thought he  might have misplayed it here he comes watch him  

Control it here just about when a little as he  cuts in Anthony man DS and canot score Arison   and the Flyers win the hockey game three shootouts  for Arison there’s Lon in behind it but score 1,1  

Points cing it Mar backit [Applause] scor and  it’s 52 and here’s Timmons at the line k m fir   scores must score did score 53 tried to kick it  in front KNE Lander shot projected another chance  

Matthews fired it’s a one go game back behind  it’s a d play for Matthews it back it scor are   you watching this the game is tied give up a  five goal lead and now have to find a way to  

Get something going on over what a valuable point  and now yard throw tried to kick it back to Riley   kep to the line and here’s litzky stealing Zack  Linsky break away and off the stop of the rebound  

And it’s knocked away and now we neander could  have a break and getting back oh KNE ler Steals   and stopped by m linol he’s out of gas heading  off here comes Johnny Gad 700 perhaps but shot  

It high and now Matthews to the attack two on one  with barter Matthews stops to the rebound thator   behind the net B forth rinsky Johnson lurking on  that left side rinsky Johnson Dan for in Fr shot   scores Ken Johnson his first three-point game it’s  the game-winning goal and his second of the night  

Columbus six Toronto five yeah for the blue ja  they give up five in the third but hey in overtime   it’s Kent Johnson great first period he ends up  ending it but man what a comeback third period  

To get us to overtime and it’s Johnson who sends  the fans home buzzing now it’s the Flames that   are gas long shot got through save lar cadri and  capriso battle capriso wins the fight zukaro fires  

Oh to the top of the goal ciso tried to center  it went right through the blue Here Comes zuk   Carell to start it for Minnesota and he scores  a zukar stick that’s no goal that’s what Vadar  

Is trying to say right now he went for the Poke  he got a p Sharon goic will shoot for Calgary   goal an assist in the game tonight and he scores  Carill capriso next to shoot for Minnesota comes  

In with speed and just tried to chip it up over  the glove of badar but missed so the throw in on badar stop by BL the old scorpion works  that is called second effort period comes   perhaps to your advantage they don’t ask how oh  that’s beautiful uberto can win it for Calgary  

Guston deflex it wide and we move into round  four Baldi who scored the game’s first goal tonight he scores and Minnesota needs a save for a win cadri against Guston sa Guston a win for the wild as Yosi stick handles and elicit booze  pass toward O’Reilly and forsberg fortunately  

For Nashville gloved down by Philip forsberg  forsberg darts to the slot shoots SC it’s over   the PRS win it and again it’s Philip forsberg  in overtime for the second time in his many   games 18 seconds into overtime took a little bit  longer here tonight yeah it looked like they’re  

Going to lose possession there but forsberg  drives birs back keep his Puck out his forand   barzel got it to Dobson in front a save from  almart Nelson took that one it’s poock out of   the box and here come the Bruins turle coil  over the line the tow drag on barzell he got  

The for hat shot away soken the Stop and now  it’s the Islanders in transition doson making   it a three on two here’s doson cut to the net  save olar rebound save as barzel was crashing   Islanders have to hustle back pook Off the  Bench comes up Horvat got back sokin made  

A save well the Islanders with the four on three  and deflection by Horvat very poor four on three   I’m I’m sorry they just they were too stationary  I was this was a good opportunity but look at an   aggressive save by allar and Islanders win  the face off and they head north Corvette to  

Dobson can he get there out of the net came  hmark with a poke check and now he’s got to   hustle back the only defenseman on the ice  is trailing the play Charlie Coyle working   on Holstrom and Horvat they drop it for Maran he  shoots safe theok and rebound still loose it’s  

Maran wrestled Away by Holstrom can he spring  Horvat can’t get it through good good effort   30 seconds left pass for poo he’s got Danton  Hein poono weight shoots off of sokin and over   the top of the net lenus Omar has participated  in a shootout this year B Horvat jams on the  

Brakes went to the backand and allar stayed with  him got in tight he’s over for three this year barzel never really got the shot away as he went  to the back hand charlot Coyle the shooter for  

Boston no goal so far here in the shootout Cole  oh what a move he went glovs side and scory yeah   just get a little fake to his he’s had a hot hand  as of late but he’s never scored in a shootout  

He’s 0 for three in his career holmstrom  needs to score oh and he did with style ala fron neelon and goes up and high like  right up and again see where uh allar ends   up soon as he pulls it he drops down and  you can go up with it one they needed a  

Goal they got it now they need a save from  sokin against David posto poono just rips   it home scores and the Bruins have won it well  that was that was too easy look POS he just got  

It there and he’s he’s just he’s just going  to whip it right by Hugh circles away from   gdo still with the puck gives to Garland  tries to cut through the slot and Guston   covers COV to the bench as Johansson drives  in Johansson to zuk Carell a shot saved by the

Smith zuk Carell in against the Smith and he   scores oh play look at it  it’s where that goal stick turns Miller swings wide stain on the backand  and gustaffson knocks it down with a glove   caprico can win it for Minnesota capriso in and  he fires the Vander over the top of the [Music]

Goal and a see by Guston and it’s  another shootout win for the wild   drops it off tro takes it back out  played two minutes fans getting on   the rangers they have the puck having  shot here down low tro scores rers win Vincent tro paner and he just deflect it

In no chance for San troch scores them both he’ll  drop it off for Thomas trying to find some room   and some speed to the Speedster CYO he darts up  the middle in on goal CYO sa rebound they score  

Paro wins it goodbye good [Music] [Applause] night  they’re all waiting to see it again this has been   the game tonight these neutral zone regroups Kyu  walks in the stars the Kings get it Trevor Moore  

Jordan Spence Bill den no now he’ll Tee It Up no  he won’t hammered by Kelly up denied by dord in   front broken up by gour to the outside 12 seconds  on the power play Arthur CV F to no CV swallowed  

Up by Joey dord well joy dord right here makes a  big save sliding over for the one time opportunity   can see him run the shootout yor strand moving  in weaving his way towards the front of the net  

And he Geeks and a globe save by talit well this  time Tomas Tatar what a moment here stopped by can   talit Pierre Luke dubba in the two- hole for Todd  mclen stopped by 35 the Kraken have one shootout  

The Cider this season Kyler Yamamoto has it make  it to a Spokan Special by Kyler [Music] [Applause] Yamamoto he swoops in he scores Adrien Kee will   extend the shootout an Kopitar the  future Hall of Famer it’s in his hands stopped goal line stand close  as it gets the overhead is going to  

Be a perfect view here off the toe  Kevin [Applause] fiala takes a look   at dord stopped dord holds his ground  again Jared mccan round number six shut down Quinton Byfield having a great  season his opportunity off the goal post   how about a late birthday gift for  the pepper pot Here Comes gourd he

Scores earlier everyone slowing things down he   kept going he changed it up he changed  the whole look the game on the line he scores we go deeper cool as can  be and you can see how many times   C have stick out watch him change  once twice all the way across his  

Moves in scores what a move by the  reigning Rookie of the Year stick magnet he had the big the big fake tber bit  Lewis needs it Trevor Lewis the veteran a   right shot in on goal DS and he scores was  ready watch this oh yeah he only waved one  

Move but that move because the go when you  make the Poke and Miss ninth round stick save   cam talut real good release he has a chance to  win it one of two in his career in a shootout   grundstrom to win it in shoots scores Carl  grundstrom in the ninth round of the shootout  

Wins the game for the Kings now NES NIS going  wide cutting Around the Net R chance and keer   gets across and now the Caps scaring with it  it’s sanine he’s got stro stro made on Coach  

Jov it’s knocked away well B lead off and here  comes Sebastian AO he’s one for one this year   AO in on keer Waits back in forehand and keer  seals off the bottom of the net here he comes  

At the snails pace now just push it forward  now he’ll get to it he’s one for three on the   year and it he’ll score Jarvis up for Carolina he  has to to score Jarvis on his forehand snapped it  

High Washington wins for Suzuki he’ll switch Sid  Suzuki to Coffield waiting back to Baron shooting scores watch here as Baron ends up getting that  puck that return feed right between the some   pressure legs for the Kraken Larsson hands to AC  cross bers and then makes his way to the bench  

Here’s bers darting left side a shot off the  outside of the [Applause] post right off that   far post by Matt there was a little hitch in the  delivery there that I think mess things up done is  

The Kraken again in bers curling behind the that  wrap around Wedgewood got over to make the save   and then he circles the wagons Wedgewood down and  oh man great SA almost stars have never trailed in  

The contest led by as many as two a couple of  occasions here’s Harley back to Du shaine two   goals in the game he waits F in front score he  put it right on the tape of Thomas Harley once  

Duain got it Matt just stood there and he was  wide open now he’s got it the side of the net   pivots back esper brat hands off to Hughes he’s  bumped by pal got through him Center it back out  

NE shot save Aron fires with a chance they move  it ahead here’s faraby farab moving up the ice   has help coming he waits he waits he fires save  and a check boxes it around and covers up the  

Ice great job by Jack Hughes to escape the hit  from paling knocks it back Marino steps under   some pressure and makes a smart play to he as  Jack Hugh pops out again there you go cier go  

Shoots Aron makes another save and now C’s got  a chance to go Jack Hughes racing back he slows   cier who was running low on gas at the end of  a shift to the front connect brings it off the

Post luk Hughes across a steal by tippet the  game on his stick he [Applause] scores otot   Tipp it wins it for Philadelphia 32 is your final  he’s a pick boock artist and then he goes in and  

Beats that a jack love side Jack Hughes thinks  he’s got tippet beat but tippet was one step   ahead and look at that [Applause] snipe plenty  of chances in this overtime session both ways   he finds makoy to pack fire saved by flurry and  why not one more postac shot on Mark Andre flurry  

Tonight marad who had the game tying goal drags  to the slot poke checked Away by Faber Baldi   strips him with the puck Baldi on the Breakaway  in for the win save by elar he thought he had an   opportunity to take Baldi oneon-one but Baldi  wins that battle back to Cole Coyle into the  

Minnesota Zone up to the slot blurry looking  behind him but the puck is safe now to bruss   working against Faber for the second game in a  row is over four miles of skating tonight wild   have numbers the other way ericon to capriso  he scores second of the night capriso wins it  

For the wild in overtime first time in nearly two  periods this building has been quiet Ericson want   another one to start this power play Dylan stro  will advance play it cross eyes Carlton wi and   fires fought off rebound batted out of the air  by Wilson spot stro stro do a better shooting  

Angle waights feeds with oetkin up top snap  shot of the way score Dylan stro wins it for Washington point streak with a tieing goal now marchenko  can he be the hero again tonight marchenko down  

The left wing a wrist shot and lingren the save  who has the first of the two goals but it’s Tom   Wilson a left wing pass and a breakaway moving  in denied Elvis M leans coming out makes the  

Save oh he’s got to be careful he’s going to get  an interference heed up getting under the skin of   Elvis M le as Elvis you can see Wilson gets thrown  in there Wilson sets the table again Carlson  

Around the Horn stro looking for the win oetkin  fires broken up in front stro on the feed Carlson   waits to pull the trigger so to D stro angling in  with options kicked out Wilson rolling for Carlson   John Carlson to Dylan stro stro through the  seam oetkin fired score the great weight is over  

Hallelujah for o the fans booing here we’re loving  life oh vkin the gwg in overtime he’s done it his   whole career and he beats M Lincoln he’s got Lan  wide open in foot deflected wide by Rael hains  

Got it again the shot save the check out Malin  handle the pass takes it back 30 seconds left in   OT m going to open up fire save made Crosby denied  on the rebound Crosby back to Malin Carlson what  

Tim blocked rebound it’s loose and the Pence can’t  put it in 20 seconds to go here’s Carlson back to   Malin shot is blocked one timer off the crossb  from Crosby are you kidding me Sydney Crosby   43 of 110 in his career in the shootout here  Here Comes Crosby [Applause] score this came  

In measuring quick hands and then it’s gone see  uh for Carolina save from the delovic puts the   Penguins in the driver’s seat here’s fetch nikov  twisting and turning stop made by NAD delovic with the check Ops stopped him terrain to keep it  

Alive for Carolina MC doovic says  no and the Penguins win it in the shootout already the regulation Hero trying  to be the overtime hero maybe Robertson let’s   Circle his shot saved by Demco people don’t  fully understand the idea of patience the  

The patience part usually because hin  in for D poked away and now a two on0   for Vancouver Pon with Joshua Pon to Joshua  Pon shot save Wedgewood sealed and low it’s   a two onone from three zones away one last  Rush Harley ahead sprung Shane he’s in he

Scores his sixth game-winning goal of the Season  that leads the NHL it’s another electric overtime   for 55 already in the back pocket of Marco  Rossi as he enters the Zone leaves to Faber   Faber fires just wide long rebound man hustling  after it two onone with Coffield man fires save  

Guston rebound Caufield knocked it on net  and Guston snatches it with a glove Faber   capriso in with speed capriso swings wide tried  to Center bounces to Johansson Johansson centers capro unbelievable the thrill does it again and the  Wild win it four three and overtime that’s his  

Eighth in the Minnesota Wild uniform watch how  he just slick slickly moves to the backside what   a pass by Joe Hansson and the Russian makes  no mistake here’s zanim zanim open is concy   saved by Rymer concy with it again slot shot oh  just missed debret still with it coner couldn’t  

Set up Goss to bring It Wide Open there  it is Big save by Carter har gos be with   to Brink C Bear to the middle drops to Brink  St by heart they come couldn’t get P hand on  

Shz good Save Right pad by Hart Comer rasm  and Gus be Flyers control the drop for rist   the line in save oh and that hit Rymer in the  head uhoh what’s the referee doing well the  

Mask came off so they blow the whistle that I  get I thought he was going for more than that   go bit a former flyer to Center on the wing for  Larin with C there it is oh what a stop oh what  

A save by Carter Hart he saved this one for  Philadelphia second shooter Raymond wide left scores he didn’t cool around here one for one this season denied there watch the left the right  pad blocker yeah I think he gets a little bit  

Of his block first shoot at attempt as a red wing  two and one in the game Patrick Kane scar Brad   Wings win it 7-6 patri Kane what a [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] wow Wilson stacked up with   headman Washington has a two-on-one developing  on a stretch Dylan stroes in stro fires missed  

It short side Connor turns 23 in the first month  of 24 off and running here two-on one settles cin   drag fire balesi the save looking to create Chris  Crossing there centering pass was a beauty Hegel   on the backand trapped there stuff attempt in a  diving lingren made the save who Nets off against  

Vasileski in round one slows the pace inching  closer fires it [Applause] scores hearing it   from the boob Birds rooting against him here in  Washington Santos Glides in forehand carry and   strome looking to give Washington a commanding  lead in the shootout stro holds fire is denied  

There by vasileski it’ll be Braden point in  the bottom of the second straight up the gut   Point fires and scores and he got lucky there  he lost the pock on him and then he just shot  

It watch him bounce the puck off his stick right  there oetkin in the top of the third snaking his   way in on vasileski off that head fake pad saves  Nikita kucherov shooting for the win for Tampa   Bay kucherov dangles in fires Linden gets the  glove on that headman again with a chance to  

Win it gathers the puck moves in and [Music]  scores Victor Hond Merry Christmas Lightning   win it off the post on a beautiful shot whoops  that part wasn’t planned but watch him pull it   back wait wait and throws it up top makes  it back of the line watched by Malin Malin  

All over ch he hold his all he does can he  play the Pue he does pon tight scoop let’s go this could have went either way right here B  and chipper battle and Rael besides he’s going  

To lean on the one side thinking this could  be a breakaway for me and instead it turns   around feeds Panera he shoots it block with the  stick by Clifton here’s Panera he’s got crder oh   that was blocked by a sliding Samuelson lead  pass that was tipped away Rangers blocked it  

Take it back to to Middle St Middle St to the net  save sh Sten he saved the game right there Miller   moves it middle stat comes out Chek trying to get  back Middle St save rebound tck save just stking  

With two more Beauties Ryder with Saad that’s  deflected across a stick went down that would   belong to Quinn here’s saned to the net Around  the Net pass score score the rers winning it over time and then down the other end after he  had made a couple more zabana Jad is going  

To be so patient hold hold it hold it hold it  throw it in front Bean Dro past bom’s got it   tries to feather it back in front it comes to  Johns on it and Teo Myers up to the races game  

On Meers stick he shoots he [Applause] scores  Teo Meer wins it as the Devils come all the   way [Music] back schz for Keller Keller wide  turn for Kess ring Kess ring shoots and a stop  

Gorgia K likes to pull this back in the neutral  zone and just come right at you with speed here   he comes and a stop by Cara mil iel carone’s  got some room brings it in carcone right to  

The net oh and he can’t get it pass Manson made  the play and balamaki with a point blanker oh   my what a move by carcone Zer behind the net  out High Jersy and now zooker just give it to  

Thy and end this suer with a shot 32 seconds  remaining Stripped Away Coyote’s get it in   over the line suer Jersy to suer he’s stopped  byor everybody in it’s in coyotes [Applause] win [Applause] unbelievable connection not there now boiler  it’s a three onone for the Hawks to Win It  

Boiler Kinski Kinski bili and he couldn’t get  a shot away now morisy in alone on moric morisy   stopped by bazic Neer Rider backhand save  bazic oh my goodness what a play by Lucas   reel to create that three onone and boila I  don’t think he was expecting it to come back  

To him Bard now Main Street he [Music] scores  it’s [Applause] over Conor Bard’s second goal   of the game he bookends this one a first period  ice breaker and an overtime game winner to Bret   oh and a screen going to wman with two goals  tonight leaves for de Brink gives to Raymond  

It he does he scores Locus Raymond Red Wings  with it 5 to four how do you like that so the   tie work does the at a boy and it just throws  the goal tender enough time for that buck to  

Find the back of the net and he gets his second  in 11 or 12 games approaching the one minute   Mark now vanelli who tied it vanelli spit down the  right side vanelli with a shot oh a glove save by

Sams Matthews back in with Marner and MCC  Matthews Miss short side it’s a little odd   to it I didn’t realize it was off the bar  we uh we wondered if he was hurt there it BR   again G [Applause] [Music] [Applause] scores  here’s from the face off good job by Dan for  

And now good dr’s all Al you can see samsonov  locks himself up on that PL hand off for hiny   Miro hiny for duchaine right wing side duain  to the slot his shot in a glove save by morz  

Smart changing the the Hawks and a weave  to the forand and the slot with 16 left in   overtime hinin leaves it for hints hint into  the Zone over for hinan now Robertson hits he   scores hatrick overtime game over Stars win it  5 to four to back door wide openen yawning cage

Tappins that’s backto back season with  Gordon Schultz yorran will dangle the   Maestro shot denied by Hart there was  some room on that short Side High some   tired guys out there right now for Philly  see if the Kraken can capitalize Bor strand  

Downstairs they score hey hey what do  you say Justin shs and the Kraken win in overtime Justin Schultz see gourd gives it to bork  Strand and he gives it to Schultz and then the redirect but let’s not forget again Columbus  still get the puck and we’ll see if they change  

Or they’re going to go for it here is Danforth in  behind everybody dan for puts it high Skinner’s   going to pull it back and they want Thompson  involved with this here’s Thompson nice move back   out off the out side of the post in behind the  goal power for skers for Skinner Skinner overtime

Winner and this is Dage Thompson he makes a  nice move just getting his Puck to the net and   then he wins the battle down low and by winning  that battle he’s able to find working laterally   there’s forsberg pressure comes from oetkin  forsberg gets through on his way to the goal  

Pad stopped Shephard rebound dors step still there  and no goal little mind game here everybody quiet   ketov is stopped by escaro a clutch save by the  rookie clutch save and I love it K net off nist  

He will also take his time dried all the way wide  now works his way in he scores round one to the   Predators now it is Russian versus Russian round  two oetkin the great a against young ascara Ed is  

Ascar coming up with another save he has stopped  the two Russian Legends O’Reilly can end it here   O’Reilly approaches he scor the Predators win  it the first career win for yaroslav letarov he   stops KET off and oetkin in the shootout Kee  in front kopar in in two deep the rer round denied

Things have an advantage here with the Personnel  they have on the ice du in with fiala dub to fiala   hit a leg almost went in hit an Oiler four of nine  in his career as he just saw a left shot more in  

Shoots and scores in on an angle McDavid in on  gold Dees and scores to the season for the veteran   campe winds his way in on goal shoots and [Music]  scores in on talin daks and scores let’s see how  

Slow he goes here for shooting room head up turn  now slow it down just slow slow slow and look by   the time the shot there’s a little bit of a deep  there Leon dry Sidle a left shot in save is made

The veteran Andre Kopitar his third attempt  this season in shoots glove save Derek Bryan   W for for his career look at that SK  he’s coming in and he scores and there   you have it the Edmonton Oilers victorious  in game number 600 of Conor mcdavid’s career

Sharks finish an improbable comeback vs. Detroit, Penguins and Canadiens reach an epic 12-rounds in the shootout, Bedard threads the Jets defense and Patrick Kane downs Philadelphia in a wild game!


  1. The Ottawa senators to this point in the season are the only team with zero overtime or shoot out losses. You will not see them in this video.

  2. That Boston & Toronto O.T. was absolutely thrilling and kept me on my toes what a goal from Boston Pasta to Marchand who jumped in the air grabbed the puck set it down and fired it in as we see the goalie slide bye just missing it..

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