@Buffalo Sabres



What is up everyone welcome back to another episode of hockeytown University you are here with us your beautiful host once again Matt and Zach Matt happy New Year buddy how you doing haven’t seen you in a little bit yeah Happy New Year I haven’t seen you since last

Year oh but anyways uh yeah I’m doing pretty good um yeah it’s New Year I’m not I’m not really going to do any resolutions I don’t really do that stuff like let’s be honest anyone who does one they they give up in the first month or

Two anyways so I just don’t really need to do one um I hope the I hope the one uh group of people who is doing a resolution is the red wins I want them to have the New Year’s resolution to play hockey better I know that was

Michael Ras M’s um resolution and it came true so hopefully everyone on the team is assigning to do that and you know they got a win last night so that’s pretty cool let’s um you know what let’s just let’s go undefeated in 2024 we’re one and0 so far let’s just let’s keep

Going no losses in 2024 love the positivity that you’re trying to bring into this year thank you we it’s much needed especially after a really really not bad 2023 right but seems like that they were probably more Downs than there were UPS right but uh no and we’ll

Talk about that too but yeah happy New Year buddy welcome back everyone let’s kind of go ahead and jump into things and today what do we got you know we’re M STI with it we’re going to go straight into Game notes just recapping the Boston Bruins game and the San Jose

Sharks game which was last night we are recording Wednesday it is 7 pm at night Eastern Standard time we will then go into the main topics Red Wings news and then run the League news to close it off so Matt let’s go ahead and jump into it but

Before we do we want to thank you all for stopping by for those that are returning if you are new thank you for stopping by by and watching and listening to us we really do appreciate it and if you would be as so kind to go ahead and hit that subscribe button if

You have not already and make sure you’re hitting the Thumbs Up Button the like button it really does go a long way for us turns the FRS upside down right Matt yes Derek did not get us any octopus octopi plural right uh for microphones for Christmas so I did Bo

Derek I did ask him and he he decided to be the Grinch and not do it so thanks Derek for nothing thanks Derek we appreciate it all right Matt yeah if you are in Spotify make sure that you are following us and that you are rating us

Five stars as well all right Matt yes let’s go ahead and talk about the game that was on Sunday New Year’s Eve against the Boston Bruins where the Red Wings did lose 5 to3 um Lion obviously the starter and Nets and is for the forc future until whoo comes back and even

When whoo comes back Li will probably majority take over the starting Reigns until whoo shows that he’s capable to take that back over as the number one go tender but going into the game Red Wings had a decent first period but with less than a minute left into the first period

Boston Bruins were able to get one up on the board honestly that was kind of a dagger to the heart because then you go into the second period where the Red Wings continue to fall behind where they are down now two to zero Jake wman finally was able to get

Us up onto the board and then Ben shot a couple minutes later was able to get us tied two to2 going into the third period though Charlie coo was able to take the lead back for the Boston Bruins then it kind of just went from there with Jake de Brusque making it 4-2

JT comfor getting us up power play goal but nonetheless Tav zaka with another empty net goal along with Jake de brasque making it five to three Matt what do you think about this game yeah I mean it wasn’t like a horrible effort um I think actually when the Red

Wings are playing Boston you you do kind of expect a little bit more which is kind of funny to say since they’re I think right now they’re the best team in the NHL boo still frauds um but yeah the the Red Wings usually play pretty well against Boston we’re think now we’re two

And three against Boston this year so or two for three excuse me not two and three um yeah so you know we’ we’ve played pretty well against them um I still think all things is considered they they kind of got goed a little bit I think they actually played pretty well

This is really honestly one of their more recent like allaround performances so there’s not too much I really like want to get too negative on I mean the team defense is just it’s just a running theme you can pick literally any game Throw throw put all the games on a dart

Board throw a dart you’ll hit a game where they had terrible defense it’s it’s just the way it’s going this year it seems it seems this is going to be a year-long thing I really don’t like that I don’t want to have to admit that but I mean listen like it’s it’s been

Happening what for like the last two months that I hope it improves but I don’t really see signs of that happening so yeah there’s no there’s no reason for us to go into a rabbit hole about because you’re right it was a whole there’s no team defense whatsoever between the defense the

Offense it very much was a goal tending game especially on the Boston Bruin side where swayan he he looked phenomenal our power play our special teams just did not look good we were one for six on the power play that’s 16.7% okay you converted one but one for

Six honestly really isn’t that great um from what I remember of that game there were multiple times where you couldn’t even be in their zone for 10 seconds at a time where you were just losing control your your ability to enter into the offensive zone was just not there I

Have said this multiple times and I am someone who really does not like the pass back and then everyone Waits at the Blue Line and you all enter at the same time I hate that never really worked for the Red Wings I think it’s dumb um

During the San Jose game I know I’m jumping out of myself there were a couple times where cider on the power play would just enter the Zone himself without doing the pass back and waiting at the blued line and I much prefer that if you have Speed enter the Zone get in

Deep let everyone else enter the zone and then start setting up the play that way just do it that way I think that works a lot better none of this other bull crap but yeah the it’s the same song and dance right mad and so um no reason they really keep going deep

Further into it but I thought lion looked great um for someone who really for someone who was out for a long period of time you know coming back and kind of getting his feet wet a little bit more and going up against a really good Boston Bruins team like you

Said you know they’re at the top of the league one of the better teams in the league if not one of or the best team in the league and so good on him I thought he had a really good game like I said Boston scored two empty net goals um

Lions numbers really don’t show very very well but I thought that he played on top of his head a little bit and same with Swan I can we trade for Swan please like that I would love that please but uh all right Matt let’s go on to uh last

Night’s game 10:30 p.m eastern time last night you said that you didn’t stay up to watch it I did unfortunately look at you well not unfortunately there was a lot of action um unnecessary action I believe um yeah a lot of goals that shouldn’t have gone in and not because

Of lion lion was in that again um I think it was just same as it’s been the past two months like Matt said same song in dance um Daniel sprong opens up the scoring which was awesome um then it’s tied one to one in the first you go into the second JT

Confer scores and it’s tied two to2 then the Sharks Take the Lead it’s 32 and that’s where David P says hold my Ginger rail let me put the team on my back and scores two goals um not back to back but yes back to back and then Michael rasm

Was able to get the empty net uh goal with six seconds left in the game um Matts daddy P two goals Daniel sprong one goal one assist Lucas Raymond three assists great game by the boys I think like we said before we recorded but to me personally this

Is one of those times where you’re yay it’s a victory but boo we should have beaten the hell out of this team five to four that or five to three that’s at one point it we were losing three to2 and never should have gotten this close but

What do you think overall about the game I I don’t really know what it is with the Red Wings just playing down to their competition it’s actually not really even like playing down at this point it’s really just playing the game that the other team wants you to play

They they just always fall into that trap somehow no matter what team they’re playing against so yeah I I feel like they definitely should have I I wouldn’t say blow them out like they they can’t really blow teams out because they’ll let in three plus goals a night so like

How how do you really blow teams out unless you’re scoring like nine or 10 goals so glows don’t really happen for this team um I think this is a pretty ugly win which is kind of pathetic to say it’s the worst team in the league

Which I mean yeah I guess we did loosen them once that was that’s still ridiculous I don’t know how that happened but um yeah it’s it’s an ugly win and to be honest when your goal ending has been as bad as it is and we’ll get into that later and then you

Know of course the whole team defense is bad you really do need to find ways to win ugly that that’s exactly what this team needs to do um they count all the same as any other WI a win is a win so it doesn’t really matter but this might

Just be the type of game the wings have to play to get into the playoffs and yeah once they get in the playoffs this definitely won’t work you’re not going to be able to do you’re not be able to play games like this in the playoffs but

You know what they’ll be in hopefully and then we’ll we’ll just we’ll go from there yeah and I don’t even know how much longer they can continue doing this map because since the game last night when Detroit scores four plus goals they’re 180 and three so they’ve

Never lost they’ve only lost in in overtime three times right but when they score three or less goals they’re 06 and one they’ve never won scoring three or less goals so they saw San Jose scoring three goals last night they said we are not about to lose

Them we have to score four goals that means we automatically win pretty much and so that’s what they went out and de but this is not sustainable whatsoever and I think that the Red Wings can still th this is not a portrayal this is a portrayal actually of the

Whole entire season for the Red Wings right is that it’s sweet we won but at at the cost of letting in you know four goals when we scored five and we it’s a roller coaster and we have a headache now because it’s always up and down and then you go into the games

Where get blown out I don’t know how much longer they can keep doing this man yeah how much longer is this sustainable how much longer is this sustainable uh maybe the whole year until we get in the playoffs I don’t really know to be honest cuz you know

That that’s crazy every single win they’ve had four plus goals you know to be honest I I want to bring it to like a positive little sort of side um you know in the past years like offense is actually why we were losing games but now it’s the

Defense so I guess this is like you plug one hole and then two more pop up so that’s kind of annoying yeah yeah I mean I I would love to be able to have a goalie steel one game please one game because I mean you’re pretty much asking

For I whoever’s on the offense I mean any given night you’re you’re just asking for them to have just the like the just the the night of the season I guess like it’s a lot to ask and that’s definitely not going to be sustainable if you make it to the playoffs I mean

We’ve we know exactly how this type of hockey is played all the teams tighten up a lot more a lot less mistakes mes are made teams really go into more of like a prevent defense and I mean you really you just you need a solid goalie in the playoffs it’s that’s it’s always

I mean not even just in the playoffs to get to the cup like I mean you saw bsky last year on the Panthers like nobody had that team PED in to go to the cup and bosski just comes out of nowhere and puts the team on his shoulders you need

That type of goalie and all three goalies on this roster if you put them all together into one goalie they’re probably not going to be able to do that so yeah I I really don’t know how sustainable this is I hopefully for the rest of the year and then you get in the

Offseason and you try and fix some things I I don’t really know I mean this it doesn’t seem like this is a thing that’s going to stop to be completely honest with you I think this is going to be the whole season it’s like this I I hope that it’s not like that

For the rest of the season I don’t think it’s going to be like that for the rest of the season I think at some point that they will go on a winning stretch once I’m not saying that hoo is going to be the answer but you know once

Everything starts picking up I don’t know maybe once they realize Evanson might be a better plug-in player than a hall or Jeff P things might start to get a little bit better but we’re just going to have to wait and see and that’s going to be something we’ll talk about in our

Main topic right what’s going into 2024 with Steve isman and the team but let’s just go ahead and talk about that stuff right let’s just talk about you know it’s the new year is this going to be a new Red Wings team 2024 what does 2022 have 2024 have

In store for us um you know here one thing I have to ask is should Steve Eisenman make a trade to improve this team we’re talking about playoffs and this is sustainable you’re saying you hope that it’s sustainable I’m saying that I don’t think it is but I think this team te can

Can win and continue or be a playoff team but do you think that they should make a trade going into the playoffs this season well may maybe I I don’t really know to be honest with you it’s it’s gonna you’re going to have to you’re ask me

Again in March I don’t really know um you know currently they’re just outside of of the second wild card spot I mean they’re I think they’re tied in points with um with I think it’s with the Penguins and the Devils so you know those are two teams that I expect us to

Be fighting with that last last playoff spot four for probably the rest of the season um I think the big difference is honestly going to come down to well actually I don’t know maybe there’s two differences like team defense and goal tending that that’s really it I mean you you watch those

Teams and like even the Devils they don’t have very good goal tending either they’re actually kind of similar to the Red Wings where they really only win their games based on scoring a lot of goals that’s how they’ve been winning their games and yeah vanich has not been

Great um I guess the same could be said for Pittsburgh’s goal tending although it’s it’s gotten a little bit better and their team defense has gotten a little bit better too so I really think with all three of those teams that team defense is going to be

The biggest factor and who’s going to get in who’s going to stay out yeah I mean you just like you said you know you’re naming off a couple different teams and you’re looking at a couple different teams I mean the Washington Capitals their go tending situation is isn’t exactly the greatest

I mean you got the Panthers are starting to kick off a little bit too I mean bosski I don’t really have how much Faith do you really have in aab rovski you look at maach chuk he’s not really filling it in there but they finally

Have they got him back a while ago but e blad and I think Brandon Montour they were both out for a little bit when the season started so they got their defense ramping up Toronto doesn’t have any goal tending Tampa Bay their defense is kind of falling apart but their whole team

Really is they’re getting older and they’ve lost a lot of players throughout the years um like you said vanich too goal tending right now is up in the air that’s with a lot of teams but with this defense to answer the question should Steve Eiserman make a trade to improve the

Team yes and I don’t think it’s going to be on defense I I think that it’s going to be a forward player I think watching some of these games as of late you know the last five six maybe seven games it’s not just on the defensive side in terms

Of our players playing defense but our players on the offense when they play defense and so I think that there’s quite a bit of players on the offense that aren’t playing defense like they’re supposed to and so I think if you can get one of those players that

Isn’t going to cost you a lot like a fourth maybe a third at most a fifth go ahead and do it but you have to give up someone and so if you can get someone to take on cop kri maybe even maada Hall I don’t know

How hell maybe you have to give up someone like Aras m oreno in order to get that done or whatever you have to do but I think if you want to make the playoffs you have to make a trade and you have to become more defensive defensively liable out there on your own

Ice because n and n Out Matt we keep on seeing the same old thing right same old love story where this team can’t even get the puck out of Their Own Zone that’s that’s a defensive issue right like you said last couple years we got beat because we couldn’t score goals

Now we’re getting beat because because we’re letting in too many and we’re not scoring enough even though we’re scoring three four a night it’s ridiculous and so let me let me ask this in a different way if you were to make a trade to improve the team what

Would you feel giving up what would you feel comfortable giving up for a rental player or a player that has term to make up playoffs which which one would you actually prefer do you want a rental player or do you want someone with term well me personally I I actually

Think I I’ll go ahead and expand on this because the main trade that I really want to make is a goal tender and it’s not really only just because of how bad they’ve been this year after next year we don’t even know what the future go

Tiing is going to be in Detroit vly hus will be up with his deal Rymer will thank God be gone after this year and lion will be up too and I got to be completely honest with you I don’t really feel comfortable going in next

Year with for being hu and Li like sure Lion’s been fine he hasn’t been a starter level but he’s he’s been the best out of the three which really isn’t saying much I would absolutely love if we actually are in a playoff spot by the trade deadline and we want to push into

The playoffs I I would personally love to get a goalie with some term because it really solves two problems number one your goal ending which you’ll need to show up to get into the playoffs and number two maybe you’ll have the guy depending on who it is for the next two

Three four seasons and that definitely makes you feel a lot more comfortable and more patient with the guys like kosa and um in Augustine you don’t have to rush them up to the NHL in anytime soon and I don’t really want to go the free agency route for a

Goenda again that is pretty much what we’ve been doing since 2019 it really hasn’t worked once it worked for like half a season with whoo and that was about it so I would personally love to trade for agolos some term I I don’t really know who that is I haven’t really

Looked into on that too much I I really think my like my first obvious choice would be John Gibson out in Anaheim I know a lot of Red Wings fans you included have really kind of targeted him as as a guy to bring over um he’s

He’s getting a little bit older you know I think he’s around like 30 or 31 or something like that but hopefully he could just be like a you know like a not like longterm but like a middle term guy is your answer for the start harder but

That’s really what I want I I don’t think this defense is going to be fixed by one person or one player coming in through a trade I really think this is like the whole team has to buy into playing more defensive style like like look at Philly dude look at Philly of

Torella they all Buy in every single player on there is bought into the team defense mindset that torella has brought there and it’s getting them results they’re in a they’re in a playoff spot right now so I think that’s what needs to happen I think we need a reliable

Goenda without one of those and we just need to hope that it works out for the long term yeah oh wi I start okay yeah you kind of you touched on to me you touched on a lot so I will say I will agree with you I think if you’re going into the

Trade deadline and you can’t fix your defense from now until trade deadline if the defense does not figure itself out and by defense I mean as a team as a whole we know what we have in our defensive players right where like we know that benro Petri Mata Hall not the

Greatest pairings right and so you can and I was going to ask this question would you wave a dman or two to bring up Evanson and Albert Johansson and at this point I would and even if you did have them both I don’t think it’s like you said that they would Auto automatically

Give you that that push to be in a playoff spot and give you that extra oomph to get into there so I’ll agree with you that you should be targeting a goenda is the answer I don’t think L’s the answer and going into next season I don’t feel confident with them but if

You were to make coaching changes maybe you can change my mind but if you were to get someone with term as a goalie what do you feel comfortable with giving up for for that side gold tender mad like do you feel comfortable with giving

A Yan Tober gr or a Carter merer or or a Marco Casper are we kind of in that spot where we kind of have to start either making these Grand Slam trades and pushes to get these better players because we’re not going to get them in in the draft unfortunately it

Just isn’t working out for us that way and we don’t have a solution kosa could take another two years and Trey Austin’s looking like another two to three years as well depending on if he keeps on the up and up so what do you think sorry I had a mouthful

Too yeah I’ll just start in by saying like I don’t I don’t think the draft is really ever an answer to getting a goenda right away like no matter how good they are like we’ve seen how good Augustine is at Michigan State in this tournament he’s been honestly phenomenal

And yeah I mean the kids I think he’s still no I think he’s 19 now so yeah I would not expecting I I would not expect to see him for like probably another three to four years in Detroit and probably see with kosa maybe another two

Years so the draft is never ever the answer to get a guy immediately now as far as like what I’d give up like I it’s it’s just so tough to talk about that cuz they’re so young and so early in their development um I think the way

It’s tring right now maybe I’d feel better giving up Casper and really only just because we also have Danielson who looks pretty good I mean he looked really good for Team Canada and he’s having a solid season with Brandon there’s rumors that he might be traded

To Portland who I guess is supposed to be a better team I don’t really know that much about the dub but yeah that that’s actually kind of like the the whole point in this argument like to get a goalie Who’s that good and has has a contract that is like really honestly

Pretty Team friendly you’re gonna have to give up a guy that you’re kind of uncomfortable giving up like yeah you’re gonna have to about talk about the possibility of giving up a Meer giving up a a alel and I could just keep going like it’s that is how big of a detriment

The goal tending is to this team so I I think it would need to happen um I don’t know if it will honestly if I had to put my money on it i’ been on it not happening to be honest Eiserman is kind of a wait and see guy and you know like

You don’t see that many trades in the middle of the Season anyways a lot of GMS like to sit on their hands and just say well we like the team that we have let’s see how they play and what the results they can get are until the trade

Deadline so it’s really hard for these things to even happen in the middle of the season but man the goal ending has been just so atrocious the entire season you might have to seriously consider doing it yeah I it’s not that trades don’t really happen too often in the middle of the

Season it’s that it’s not like major ones like this just goalies with tournament General they never get traded It’s usually the goalies are just the one term or the oneye term left on their deals because goalies are just so wishy-washy you really don’t know what

You’re going to get out of them and so but still I’m willing to take that risk and I we’ve already done an episode on this and we talked about a John Gibson trade right and like if if that was something that we would be interested in

Yeah 100% I think it would would be something worth worth your while to investigate and you have that connection with Pat verbe the the Ducks GM over there you you’re kind of in a spot where and at least for Eiserman eisman’s now in a spot where he has no choice but to

Continue making this team good and he kind of put the team in that spot too by going out and getting an Alex to brat signing a Daniel sprong JT Comer ghost the season before you went out and got like players like Andrew cop and David

Pan and stuff like that and it was like okay you could probably be bad for you know that year too and they were they weren’t the greatest but they weren’t the worst right and so you were able to get a n Danielson and then luckily an axel s

Pika but then going into this season you got an Alex De Brat via trade you got Shane ghost bear JT Comer Daniel sprong and you got Patrick Kane and free agency Lane the season and so it’s a new looking team and so Eiserman was was kind of I don’t know

If iserman was told this but like to me it seems like he was almost forced to make this team good with plugin players before they were actually ready to make that next step because you look at some of the prospects the last Prospect to me that has made a significant jump since

Being drafted the Eiserman era was Lucas Raymond and that was four years ago almost now back in 2020 when he was drafted and so Simon evanson’s looking great but he’s not on the team fulltime Marco Casper he finally makes the AHL this year Carter merer same thing Albert

Johansson we can wait and see what Nate Daniels and and axel Cindy and Pica do but if players like enson can’t make the team how are players like Exel Sandy Pika and Nate Danielson supposed to make the team and you brought up Albert Johansson as someone who might be a good

Candidate to be traded he’s not going to be able to make the Red Wings next season Simon Evanson will probably take that spot if there’s even a spot available only one D player is one defenseman’s coming off the roster next season you would assume that spot would go to Ed

Right they’re not going to have two spots and so the Red Wings now are kind of like in a weird spot but it’s like in a good spot where Eisman put them in a spot where you were able to get good free agent players but now you’re in a

Spot where every free agency you have to continue going after those players so like next season you have to go after a nylander right you have to or like a Steven stanos if he’s still there and then you have to start cycling out some of these these prospects that you I

Don’t even know when you’re going to be able to see an Albert Johansson because of the contracts that Steve Eisenman signed it sucks it really does suck but like you said he might be the best chances for us to get that goenda that we haven’t been to in the

Last seven eight years feels like it’s been 10 now longer than that but it’s been 20 but but to go back and answer the question yeah I’m I’m comfortable with trading way players like Barren merer Casper if that means that’s going to get us a player in return to be good

For us for the next six to eight years now right now and then eventually as time goes on you’re going to be able to fill in those players but you have to draft out good outside of the first round like I said first round players have been doing very well some second

Round players have not been doing so well so Eiserman needs to figure that out and there’s a bunch of other stuff that needs to be figured out um thoughts on that though on everything that I just said see I think a lot of people like to judge the success of a rebuild just

Depending on how good the prospects are and how quick they make it to the NHL and I really don’t think that’s the only way that it can work I mean if you have a player out there who you think you can trade for if you’re Steve Eiserman and

You think that if on this team they will improve us vastly and help us get in the playoffs and your price starts at Albert Johansson Carter merer Marco Casper you got to pay it like I that’s not that the rebuild is not solved once

All these guys come up like I mean it is it is that’s not the only way it can happen though I mean look at Vegas look at how they built that cup winning team that Jack eel trade there was like three young Vegas players in that trade the

Mark Stone trade bunch of young players in that trade the when they got uh I’m blanking on the others but those are the two main ones and yeah they had a lot of draft capital on that they had a lot of um prospects that they sent over and

They built a cup winning team so I mean sometimes that’s what you have to do to bring your team to the next level is go out and get those elite players that yeah they cost a lot but once you get them on the team your team is way way

Better so maybe that’s the route that irman has to take if these guys aren’t ready maybe he has to look at some other teams that could use a little injection of Youth and they have some players that they you know for the right package would trade over maybe that’s what he

Has to do um I I also kind of don’t really think it’s fair to judge like Marco Casper and Carter merer all these younger guys on still not being on the team I mean Carter Maser was a third round pick if he was an NHL ready guy he

Would have gone in like the top three or five of that draft and you know we picked eight we got Marco Casper I think a lot of people knew at the time that he was not really like a raw Prospect but he didn’t have the skill just yet to

Compete in the NHL but if he was was given the proper time and develop the right way he he could make noise in the NHL that’s just kind of the way that Eiserman has made these picks I mean look at Nate Danielson it’s the exact same thing really well-rounded guy

Doesn’t have the highest skill but once he gets in the NHL she’ll be a really good allaround player that’s the type of guys he goes for and I mean we’re not winning draft lotteries I don’t I don’t have to bring it up again because everyone has talked about it until

They’re blew in the face but if we did we’d have more prospects up so that’s just the way it goes I think a lot of like there’s also like the factor of patience coming in here too isman is not really a guy who likes to rush players

Up until they have deemed that they’re worthy of being in the NHL so that’s that’s pretty much it that’s pretty much all I have to say about that that it’s just I I think he’s going about it a different way than a lot of other people

Would like him to and it’s it’s been frustrating for people yeah and I would I would agree with that because I’m frustrated at the fact that Grand Rapids has the team that I’ve wanted the Red Wings to be since the rebuild began was having all these really good young prospects play night

In night out you know what I mean love that too that’s what we that’s what we’ve always wanted and and Grand Rapids is now getting to see that and and and luckily for them that’s awesome I think that’s phenomenal that you get to see you know all this young Talent flirt or

Trying to flourish and learn how to be night in Night Out Pros you know over there I I just think that’s great and I’m very jealous of that and so yeah um and and it is frustrating that it’s ve it’s very different it’s not the same approach as

You know um like the Senators are doing or like Arizona Coyotes are doing or you know some of these other teams and yeah the Red Wings have never been gifted like that super Elite star talent but eventually they have to somehow get them and if that’s not

Through free agency or if that’s not through the draft which is that window is pretty much gone I’ll give it one or two more years but it’s pretty much gone you have to do it via trade and Matt would you agree with me on this that that that’s what the Red Wings need

To do in order to not only be a playoff team but be a a Stan League Cup winner is to sign a player that’s better than Lin or trade for one would you agree with me on that well to be completely honest I think they’ve already done it like

Patrick Kane he’s been incredible since he’s coming to Brink it I think he’s leading the team in points I think they have two players on the team that are not if not better than Len they’re just as good so I absolutely love that I actually I actually think it’s already

Happened to be honest with you but here’s the other thing that’s on the offensive side now they need to do the same thing on the defensive side they need to get a guy who’s better than cider get two guys who are better than cider that’s exactly what needs to

Happen then get a bender that’s all they need to do that’s it yeah I I I been saying that for a couple weeks now to my buddy Carlo shout out to you Carlo out there in Canadia land um yeah I think this is no offense to Jake Walman or to

Sim Evanson if Simon Evanson you’re not going to put him paired up with with mider next season right and so Jake Walman and mider both we see the numbers right that they are getting the hardest minutes and deployments out of anybody in the NHL right now and so you want to

Have good defense you have to have good talent on your defense too right and so I think if you can get someone to replace Jake wman in that spot or someone that could swap with Jake wman in that top pairing in that second pairing role on the left side that would

Be awesome they tried doing it with Shane ghost bear for whatever reason it just wasn’t working I think him and mider are just kind of twoo similar in in players in that sense I don’t know um but yeah I would agree with you mat I think you know

Going out and getting if you somehow can get an elite toi or not toi second or top a a number two top pairing defenseman I think that really does help out the team along along the way and sorry for cutting you off but continue on with

What you were going on about yeah I mean I mean you pretty much just picked up where I left off like yeah you you absolutely just need to go out there and you need to get a reliable partner for cider I mean we thought that was wman

And for a little while it was but for whatever reason he’s kind of taken a step backwards maybe that’s due to injury who really knows I really honestly can’t say but you know maybe you already have the guys in the system you know here’s my mandatory once an episode talking about

ASP you know maybe he’s the answer you never know I mean the only thing about that is you can’t really just wait around and see if he is better you kind of need to get one now because hopefully hopefully the window is opening for the red Bings to compete for the playoffs

And then you know go on to the promised land I really hope that window if it’s not opening this season it’s next season and you you need to do anything you can to make sure this is a team that can compete with the big boys because it’s

Just been way too long being stuck in the middle of this rebuild you need to just go for it or you need to tear it down and I don’t want this to be torn down I don’t think it needs to be I think they just need to go all gas no

Breaks I really do I would agree with you on that and it’s and it’s all gas no breaks in terms of either you allow some of these prospects to make the jump onto the roster and so you can see what they can provide for you and let them play it out

Or you you go out trading them for players that can come in and help you out right now because you don’t feel like waiting for them all gas no breaks like like Matt said new year new Red Wings let’s see what Steve Risman has in store for us this year in 2024 so

Matt I think we can move on now that was awesome nice job buddy and so with that let’s go into the Red Wings news and so yeah we kind of talked about the goal tending and I’m assuming that the is what you were going with you might have

Saw this but uh Rymer is currently the six worth goal worst goalie in the league not sure if you saw that chart but expected goals uh expected or something I think that was the stat that yeah he was definitely the sixth worst but right when that was coming out samonov ilas

Samsonov and Eric hry both were on waivers would you have picked either one of them up answer that yes or no real quick no no okay are you are you shocked that we did not pick either of them up absolutely not because Sam sonov is the worst in

The league for goals expected for whatever the stat was and then I don’t I’m not sure where Eric comry was but you didn’t want to try Eric comry for the second time yeah I I was about to say we already did it um yeah I mean we

Have the sixth worst golender in the league we don’t need also the first and second worst golender in the league we’re trying to improve the goal attending not make it worse it’s already very bad yeah I mean was Eric comry actually the second I didn’t think he was the

Second I can’t remember I I have no idea to be honest I know that Sam sonov was the worst I mean I will say this about Sam sonov like he has the talent to play in the NHL we’ve seen it we’ve seen it in Washington we’ve seen it last year in

Toronto I don’t really know what’s going on with him maybe he just has the Jack Campbell syndrome or the Alex n NAD delovic syndrome I I really really honestly couldn’t tell you but um no I’m I’m not taking I’m not taking a flyer on that we need to be taking the guys who

Are good and they’re not good um Matt let’s go into talking about the world junior Championship and so kind of talking about Nate Danielson earlier not really but going in depth about him Nate Danielson was knocked out of the Tour Tournament with Team Canada uh losing to

Team do are they is it czechia now is that how you yeah it’s okay I just want to be correct awesome uh yeah so they lost to them three to2 in overtime Danielson finished the tournament with one goal two assists plus two playing third and fourth line throughout the whole tournament which to

Me makes absolutely no sense by I don’t know if it was the eliminate or the game that they lost in but one of the games they had him posted for like the fourth line on the wing or something if I remember correctly I was just like this

Is just dumb I don’t know what’s up with Team Canada obviously you know clearly their gold tending hasn’t been there the last few years but I don’t know what it is with Team Canada they haven’t been showing out like they usually do being a Powerhouse but Matt great tournament by

Nate Danielson but I got a question for you is Nate Danielson the top 2C of the future for the Detroit Red Wings Steve Eisman better hope so it’s got to be somebody um the kid’s 19 I don’t know I I hope so I definitely hope so um he looks really

Good I will say this he looks very very good I mean he was playing fourth fine minutes but there are a few games I watched that he was one of their best players he generates chances from pretty much all over the ice there was one goal

I think it was in like the first game they played that it was tipped off him he made some really good passing plays to some guys in front of the net I thought he looked apart I thought he looked really good um it seemed like for a lot of the

Sequences Canada had just no matter who they were playing like when they had extended offensive zone time it was when Danielson was on the ice so he’s a guy who already at this age is really well-rounded he doesn’t make very many mistakes and he’s he’s shown that he can

Make plays to just about anybody so I I really like what I saw from him U even though he was playing on the fourth line which I still think that was insane like I guess in Theory this is a pretty stacked team even though they had the

Result that they did but yeah I think even just the fact that he played on Team Canada is really tremendous for his development I think he’s gonna impress a lot of teams in the WHL which is why you hear his name in trade rumors and yeah I

Hope he goes on to a playoff team and goes for the Memorial Cup I I think he I think he can be a big part of whatever team he plays for in the playoffs and you know a big Championship run that really helps his development too gets

Him you know a little taste of that winning culture which hopefully when he gets on the Red Wings he’ll be competing for Stanley Cups so yeah I really I really like Danielson I think that he’s he’s trending upwards as far as prospects Go 100% he’s definitely trending upwards

I would definitely place them in the top three Detroit Red Wings prospects right now um we could save that for a different date but um yeah Nate Danielson top 2C of the future um yeah uh I sure sure do hope so I think Eiserman probably hope so and I think

All of you watching and listening agree with us and that and so yeah going and looking back at some of the games that he played during this tournament yeah there were multiple shifts where being on the fourth line or the third line where he created multiple opportunities thus created longer shifts

For him to be out there on the ice and playing against chuia when I watched them play there was quite a few different moments where yeah he got extended period of play on shifts because you just heard his name Nate Danielson with the shot Nate Danielson making the pass

There’s Nate Danielson Nate Danielson Nate Danielson I mean he when he was out there he was out there you heard his name and he was always in the right spots doing the exact right things that you needed from your player whatever line that they were playing on and I

Think it’s a little ridiculous and like Matt said I know how stacked that this team was but with the inconsistencies and the issues that they were having in the prelims you would have thought that they would have shaken up the roster a little bit more than putting Nate

Danielson down on the fourth line am I being a little biased yes 100% I am a Red Wings fan and this is my Prospect I want him to get more playing time I mean it’s not even like bias like you look at all like the performances

For every player on that team like Nate Danielson showed up in every single game it’s not even a bias like he he faren away was one of the better players on that team like sure they got carried by mlin celebrini that’s not really a surprise he’s going to be the next

Superstar in the NHL and to be honest like some from some of the bigger names like the the Mato and the Jordan dumes they didn’t really do that much of anything in this tournament they seem to kind of be overthinking the game a little bit and not really sticking to

Their fundamentals and that’s honestly why I think isman really likes Danielson because he’s a guy who plays the game the way it’s meant to be played you know he obviously listens to all the coaching that comes his way and he just plays a really solid game like everything that

He does from his passing his defending his skating his vision on the ice it’s all crystal clear he doesn’t really try to do like any I guess like fancy moves or anything he doesn’t overthink the play he just he plays the way he knows how to play and it works for

Him Eiserman has his mold and it’s hockey smarts that’s for sure some hockey IQ loves himself some hockey IQ and his hockey players and sometimes that kind of comes back and hurts him you know what else he loves about his players I mean he’s he’s team captain

And Brandon and he loves his captains he’s always taking guys of leadership qualities he loves leadership quality that’s just another bonus yes and so all right well yeah Nate Danielson 2C of the future let’s go you’re gonna win a championship with d Lin Captain one c um what else do we got here

Germany uh Kevin bicker had a fantastic tournament playing in the top six and also playing majority in net front uh there were quite a few times where you would hear his name where he was involved in just standing in front of the net creating scoring opportunities for team Germany

And so getting points do doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a uh quality factor to your team’s success but you know I can tell you this the Detroit Red WIS could benefit from having a Kevin bicker type of player on their team right now I can’t tell you

Matt the Red Wings do not get in front of the opposing team’s Nets and we are very soft in front of our own Nets we do not knock players out and so he finished the tournament with two assists as a minus three but they will be playing to

Not get relegated I believe that that still happens in this tournament um and I think that they go up against they’re going up against is it Switzerland yeah I think it’s no it’s not Switzerland it’s I I can’t remember who it is I think it’s Norway or something I don’t even remember yeah

Sorry Norway I got I got their logo their logo their flag yeah um okay so Kevin bicker and then Axel sine pela this is where we kind of go into depth a little bit more about this player who scores the overtime winner to advance Sweden to the semis over Switzerland okay

Matt read the quote oh darn I I was actually not ready so after he scored that overtime goal he had honestly one of the the most metal quotes I’ve ever seen in my entire life completely magical it’s pretty unbelievable to score a goal in just that situation we had a knife to our

Throats and it’s just such a relief what a boss I love this guy I mean I didn’t think I could love him any more than I actually do but here we are like he’s just he’s been for sure team Sweden’s best defenseman um you know they actually have some really good

Players on that team I actually think before this tournament started I said on this show I would not be surprised if they actually end up taking gold in this tournament because they’re honestly a wagon like you go look at all the guys that are on there like they’re all high

Draft picks they’re all guys that will be in the NHL one day lighting it up Sandy and pela will be part of that group um yeah he’s he’s just he’s everything that we’ve been looking for in a defenseman you know he’s just he kind of rounds out that Prospect pool

And to be honest I’ve I’ve got a pretty hot take for you Zack I think you already know what it’s going to be I I think he’s our best Prospect right now I really genuinely do over guys like Simon Edinson Jonathan bergren who are much older I think he’s better than them I

Really do so I’m I am so excited to see him one day in the wing wheel it’s it’s a matter of when not if with this kid he will be on this team I I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s our next cder winner I’m really getting ahead of

Myself right now but I don’t care I just love this kid yeah no I mean the comparisons the comparison hype is there I mean a lot of people are comparing at least people in Red Wing’s Twitter sphere and social media sphere whatever you want to call it Redwings

Fandom they’re all calling for Eric Carlson comparison to actual Sandy Pika and yeah sweet I I love it yeah choo choo like I’m on that train hell yeah we got a temper them though right because oh yeah do do we really think that he’s going to get there is he going to hit

That Str do we think that he’s actually going to be an Eric Eric Carlson type of player we want that but how much of that can he get there to and so yeah I Matt getting a little far of himself talking about Calder we don’t even know when

This guy’s going to even make into North America I’m pretty sure he still signed with Sweden for one more season um be like sorry you’re too good kid you have to go to North America you have to play would not be surprised but that that OT

Winner I mean that is just the clutch Gene and that was just prototypical something that actual sing pela does I mean we’ve seen at least if you’re on Twitter uh ice hockey gifts that they’re always posting um videos of ASP over in Sweden playing the shl scoring goals

He’s got nine of them over there and so yeah it’s just one of those situations where it was just prototypical ASP oh there he goes doing it again again like no surprise but hot damn we love seeing it every single time and it it was just

Nuts and and then overtime I think that that really does give them a chip going into the semis and then potentially going and playing for gold or bronze whatever it is that they’re going to walk out with with being happy and that you can go in there go walking out of

This tournament saying ASP was one of the better players for team Sweden and I’m very thankful that he is a Detroit ref Prospect because you got players like Tom willander you also got Anton Johanson who has been playing very minimal minutes but yeah they are a very

Stacked team M and like I said in the last episode I wouldn’t be surprised either if team Sweden walked out of here with gold and so that’s kind of what it’s looking like I think it’s going to be USA vers verse verse Sweden and let’s talk about that you got Sweden and USA

Moving on to the semis where it’s going to be Sweden vers czechy and USA vers Finland and so I got Sweden versus USA in the final what do you think it’s going to be would you agree with me on that I think I’m right there with you I

Think USA versus Sweden which you know if you’re a redings fan that works out pretty well for you at least one of our prospects is going home with gold so yeah that’s that would be an absolute electric final um I I honestly would be shocked if it was anything different

Especially with Canada being eliminated but you know don’t don’t sleep on chakia they beat Canada I I think they’re a really good team too they could make some noise um I I guess I wouldn’t be surprised to seen them in there but it’s it’s going to be tough getting past one

Of USA or Sweden to get in there so yeah I think that’ll be the final um if I really had to put money on it I don’t even know if this is something you can bet I don’t think it is but if I had to

Put money on it I I think I’d bet on Sweden I really would I think that they’re just such a complete team um you know the US has shown that they can score a lot of goals but this the Swedish defense I think it’s going to be

A really tough test against them and their gold ending is very good too so I think it’s going to be a battle of the juggernauts it’s honestly going to be one of the better finals we’ve had in recent memory to be honest yeah I think with USA’s deep scoring forward threat that

They have up against a Sweden’s tough shutdown defensive core that they have is going to make for really really fun finals if it is Team USA versus Team Sweden in the final for gold and so yeah yeah it could be Trey Augustine verse exual S pela and Anton

Johansson for golden silver and so yeah one of them’s going to be walking away happy and the other one hopefully still happy but we’ll be happy because they’re Red Wings prospects and so Matt theend day that’s the real winner being a Red Wings Prospect that’s a real gold true and so

Matt let’s go ahead and uh finish it off with Around The League news and so I don’t really have a lot of Around The League news other than the professional women’s hockey league inaug inaugural season actually begins tonight at 6 PM Central Standard Time and that was over

An hour ago uh with Minnesota playing against Boston I tried to see if they had names for their teams yet and I don’t think that they do um if they do please leave them down in the comments I would love to know what they are um and

Then Matt well first you actually do you have anything to say about the pwhl I I want to watch them I I want to watch more than a couple games I actually want to watch a lot of their games and see how sick their players are and see

If you know what the NHL can do to get them promoted more and see if more teams can get added into this league yeah I mean I’m I’m very excited to watch I I will I will try and keep up with it I mean there’s just there’s so

Much going on in the sports world with you know our Lions getting in the playoffs and hopefully they’ll make some noise there our Michigan Wolverines well they’re mine I don’t know if you R for them but they’re in the national championship go Blue yeah go Blue absolutely they’re in the national

Championship I gotta be completely honest with you I’m not really focusing on anything until after that game happens um yeah I’ll I’ll try and watch some games I watched a little bit of the pre season I mean these these ladies have some skill man like honestly it’s

It’s not much different from the men’s game it’s a little bit less physical but yeah it’s it’s still just as exciting as the men’s game and I really hope it gets to a point where we have every single team in the pwl and they’re affiliated

With one NHL team in each City I would love to have the Red Wings and then the Detroit team the Bruins and then the Boston team the Arizona Coyotes and the women’s team on the moon I I would absolutely love that so I I hope it can

Get to that point I think the NHL really needs to help this league Market itself because in years past it has kind of failed to do that and that’s kind of done in these These past leagues I hope this is different this time around because you know the women they need a

League to show off their skill like I know everybody dogs on a WNBA but believe it or not it’s it’s a pretty popular League a lot a lot of people like to watch the WNBA and I think hockey needs that too they need that equivalent League to the men’s and

Hopefully this is it hopefully it sticks around for a while and it’s very successful but yeah I I will try and watch some games and I don’t I don’t know if I want to pick a team to root for just yet hopefully we get a Detroit

Team and you best believe I’ll be all over them so yeah it’s it’s very exciting I can’t wait to see where it goes and then finally Alexander vkin is 64 goals away from TY Wayne Gretzky’s goal record 800 94 to 830 Obie assigned for two more years

After this season at like a ridiculous a half million doll capit Matt can Obie break it before his contract ends with the Washington Capitals and to continue with that question it’s a two-parter can he do it before his contract ends yes or no and then can he do it with the Washington

Capitals if he chooses to continue playing after these next two years okay so I’ll answer this second part first um honestly the way he’s looked this year I think it’s probably going to take him another year maybe another couple of years um he’s he’s been pretty bad this year but he’s

Picked it up recently actually so I think he will get there um honestly if you’re Washington just keep resigning him until he gets a record like listen actually no never mind what I was going to say they they actually look pretty decent this year they might get in the

Wild card spot so yeah I I really think he can do it I think he will do it with Washington to be honest I I just can’t imagine him in any other uniform and Washington for sure doesn’t want that to happen I don’t think he does either so I

Think they’ll just keep paying him until he does it and then he’ll just ride off into the sunset I just I I mean I don’t think he finishes I don’t think he gets the 64 goals in in these next two seasons unless something dramatic happens with Washington where he just

Booms and gets 40 goals again randomly I don’t see it happening I think Washington would love to sign him until he breaks it but I don’t think he’s ever going to be able to break it being with Washington he’ll be 45 by the time that happens I think

In order for Obie to break this record he needs to go to a team on a minimum contract that’s really good and someone just feeds him the puck and he just takes clap Bombs all day that’s me I mean that might happen when Washington just finally falls off a

Cliff I I think we all thought it would have been this year um yeah when he retires I don’t think they’re going to have much to play for to be completely honest with you like they do have some good young players but I don’t think

It’s going to be enough to build on to have another run like they had in 2018 yeah no I I think he does it with this team I I don’t know I mean if you’re out of the playoffs this year and you’re Washington maybe you want to just like

Next year just focus on him breaking the record and that’s it because like that’s a big deal like they’re gonna hang a banner for that absolutely so so you think okay so you think in two years when his contract is over you think both the Washington Capitals and Alexander

Oetkin want to commit with each other to get him to break it with yeah I do and it only has to be a one-year deal I mean what is he now like 36 37 like you don’t really pay veterans longterm anyways okay but you just signed him this last

Contract he was in it was a 5 by n and a half did he really I mean like nine and a half like yeah so he signed it when he was what like 32 I mean he was still scoring 50 goals a year so that’s not really that crazy I just think that

They’re they’re not gonna sign to another fiveyear contract they’re not going to do that well no I just think they’re going to be so bad in two years that like who’s going to be able to give him the to score I mean he he’s got what like eight goals I think so far

This season like it’s it’s not looking that good so like they’re gonna be bad bad and so like at that point is he just doing it because like oh well they’re paying me well and like there’s really not that much pressure so if I get 10

Goals I get 10 goals no I I I don’t break I think if you think that Obie is going to do that you don’t understand the type of player oie is like he will always always be competing for more than just a goal record he will be competing

For Stanley Cups that’s comp for a free car from the allstar games yeah sure that too I mean if that’s what he’s going to get then so be it but yeah like pretty much every single year he’s he’s been doing what he does because he wants

To get the team to that next Stanley Cup and even before they won the Stanley Cup he’s I mean he’s not out there like scoring 50 goals because he had one goal in mind when he got drafted want to break Wing Gretzky’s record no I mean if

He like if he gets to the Stanley Cup and he won the Stanley Cup like every single year if he’s competing to get back to the promised land and do the thing again and if he has to score 50 goals to do it so be it that’s what he’s

Going for I think the fans maybe even some people in the front office they want him there just to break the record I think a guy like Obie he wants to stay there because he wants to win another cup with the Washington Capitals I think that’s what it is well it’s not gonna

Happen but no he’s not gonna get the cup I I really don’t think that he’s gonna break the goal scoring record staying with the Caps I think he needs to go to a different team but let’s go ahead and close it off there Matt I think that’s

Something that we can go on for another half an hour talking about we’ve done this long enough and so Matt final thoughts buddy take it away yeah I mean I’m just I’m excited for the next year Red Wings hockey that’s about it I hope we can get in the

Playoffs I guess we’ll see yeah and you brought up New Year’s resolution so what what are you hoping for in a new year new Red Wings 2024 what do you what do you what expectation real quick well I think my expectation is they play defense better I know that’s a lot to

Ask for but I just it needs to happen it really genuinely does like like these go tenders they are if they are at this point there’s not a single one who’s going to stand on their head every single night for sure it’s not going to

Be Rhymer it has been hoo and it’s not going to be Ling you you need to play better defense in front of them you can’t leave them out to dry it happens at least once every single game that there’s a goal where the golender is left out to dry that can’t happen it

Just can’t happen they need to stop doing that so I think you fixed this goal tending and this little sked we’ve been on through team defense it needs to happen you already have the goal scoring it’s the next piece of the puzzle nice those are your final thoughts

Yep sick my final thoughts are let’s go Red Wings expectations for this year yeah I just want to my expectation is not to make the playoffs my expectation is to continue getting better as a team put out better defense stop leaving our goalie shock straps out the dry hanging

On the wire for everyone in the arena to see um I think moving forward all gas no breaks like Matt said enough of just doing that in the first period do it throughout the whole entire game Steve Eiserman also for you I think at trade deadline you know you get

Your feet wet you make small trades you give up small assets fourth round picks in 202 5 2026 whatever get plug in players but going into next season it’s not playtime anymore you would out have got an Alex De Brat other big name players you got a

Kane I even want to think about trading Kane if we earn a playoff contending team come trade deadline day I I want him to stay now is when you can start talking to players that are on one-year deals that are on expiring contracts started talking to some of these players

Start thinking about who you want to Target this off season like I said you got nylander got St Coast just a name off a couple players if you want to become a stainley cup contending team in the next two to three years you have to start going after some of these star

Players that are laring the brink cat level tier or higher something’s got to give and so that’s what I think Eiserman needs to do either start bringing up some of these young prospects start trading them for players that can help out right now the prospects will come back if you can draft

Properly but that’s been a hit and miss too and so a couple things have to change and so we’ll just have to wait and see but that’s what I’m hoping for that’s my expectation is that you know if we don’t make the playoffs this year my expectation is we make him next

Year and that Eiserman goes into this off next off season guns of Blazing full swings Suns out guns out Guns of Glory hell’s blazing those are my final thoughts yeah that was a long one wow I I nice longer than mine yeah I know I’m what’s going

On here I always do the long ones this isn’t my body okay okay kind of funny kind of funny okay I’m glad that E’s caught that okay nope it’s still me I’m still Zach he still Matt all right Matt let’s go ahead and close it off on this episode

Of hockey Town University we want to thank youall for joining us once again if you are new thank you for joining us if you would as be so kind to uh hit that thumbs up button but if you haven’t already done that make sure you are hitting the Subscribe Button as well

That really does help us out we’re at 256 we’re almost at our Oney year anniversary Matt I think it’s like the 22nd of January or something and so I don’t know if we have anything planned but maybe we’ll do something special for a one-year anniversary but yeah 256 of

You guys stuck around with us for a whole entire year kind of crazy Matt honestly I never even thought that we would make it this far to us it’s a lot you know to some people it’s really not but us it really does mean a lot and

So we can’t thank y’all enough um Derek thanks y’all too but he’s not here so you suck Derek just we’ll thank youall next time how about that yeah he’ll thank youall next time um okay let’s go ahead and close it off Matt and it’s talk next time we’ll see y’all on the

Next one on hockeytown University bye bye bye bye

On today’s episode, Matt and Zack wish you all a happy new year!

Around the league news:

– Ovi is 64 goals away from tying gretzkys goal record 894 to 830. Can ovi break it?
– PWHL inaugural season begins tonight 6pm CST with the Minnesota vs Boston

Red Wings News:

– Reimer 6th worse goalie in the league. Samsonov 1st worse and Comrie both on waivers. Shocked we didn’t pick either up?
– When Detroit scores 4+ goals: 18-0-3 When Detroit scores 3 or less: 0-16-1 since SJS Tuesday
– Nate Danielson and team Canada knocked out of the tournament Czechia 3-2. Is Nate Danielson the top 2C of the future? 1G 2A +2
– Germany fighting to not be relegated. Kevin Bicker had a fantastic tournament playing in the top 6 net front. 2A -3
– ASP scores OT winner to advance Sweden to semis over Switzerland. @Matt read the quote!
– Sweden and USA move on to semis
– Sweden vs Czechia
– USA vs Finland
Main Topics:

– New Year, New Red Wings: Should Steve Yzerman make a trade to improve the team?
– What would you feel comfortable with giving up for a rental or a player with term to make the playoffs?
– Would you waive a Dman or two to bring up edvinsson and AlJo right now?
Game notes:

Wings lose to Boston (Sunday) 5-3
– Lyon in net

Wings beat SJS 5-3
– Lyon in net
– Perron 2 goals
– Sprong 1 goal 1 assist
– Raymond 3 assists
Upcoming Games

LA kings Thursday 1030pm est
Mighty ducks Sunday 8pm est

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  1. ASP just scored a goal and an assist in todays semi game! Kid legit will be a top 4 Dman and the comparison to Karlsson is real

  2. This team absolutely needs an ELITE superstar player to be a cup contender. Get a top pairing LHD man too with a decent goalie and youre golden to be good for a while

  3. Ik yall talked about John Gibson already in another episode, but Matt is right we should go for a goalie with term if one is available but the risk is always there. I can’t justify giving up an A level prospect for a goalie, but I would for a Dman in a heartbeat because this defense is not it with Petry and Holl

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