@Colorado Avalanche

The NHL should be TERRIFIED of Nathan MacKinnon

The NHL should be TERRIFIED of Nathan MacKinnon
#nhl #nathanmackinnon #coloradoavalanche #mackinnon
I created this video to show that Nathan MacKinnon is the best player in the entire NHL right now. Right now he is favoured to win the MVP award and I predict he will finish with the most points in the NHL. I think he will get 140 points this season. MacKinnon is also the best most complete player in the entire NHL. If MacKinnon keeps playing like this, the Colorado Avalanche have a very good chance to win the STANLEY CUP.
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  1. skating of mcddvid with the coolness and toughness of a NFL football player. I love how he not only uses crossovers to accelerate but he almost jumps into them. was trying to practice that last night.
    Just watching skaters like mckinnion and mcdcvid makes me a better skater every time I get out there.

  2. McKinnon is essentially the LeBron James of Hockey right now.
    Lebron was able to use his larger than everybody else's body/mass combined with his top level skill to just play through and over everybody. they couldn't hold their ground against a force that big and fast.

  3. I agree with everything you said…but showing clips of previous years to illustrate how good he is right now doesn't help your point.

  4. I am so glad people finally are understanding how good mackinnon is, hes rlly close to mcdavid as the best player in the world. I personally think that the even strength points stat speaks for that the most, and mackinnon is the best all around player you can find on this earth

  5. Hes playing on stanley cup level but colorado has terrrible 3rd and 4th line. And i writing this as colorado fan

  6. The 20+ mph speed bursts stat is one of my faves. Nate is in the lead for the season and #2 is so far below him they might as well be on a different planet. MacK is the 5on5 goat. You also gotta remember all these late 3rd period and OT goals are also after hes probably played 23-25m every night.

  7. I've said it for awhile, as good as McDavid is, if I was building a team & had my choice of anyone in the NHL, the first player I'd take is Makar but the next is Mackinnon. But at this point I'm leaning towards big Nate Dogg bc he's simply an animal. While McDavid might be faster in a straight line, Mackinnon is just TERRIFYING when he picks up a puck on his backhand, dips his shoulder, leans on his outside edge and EXPLODES through the neutral zone. I would rather get run into by McDavid 2x/day for 365 days a year than get hit by Nate once.

  8. Even with Landeskog out, Rantanan, Girard, Makar, Nate Mack. They're such a scary team. Would love for them to get a repeat.

  9. Followed Mack since halifax days. I knew his max potential would be this level we are seeing now. Drouin heating up too!

  10. haha look the term "carry" can be reserved for someone like mcdavid we have a whole 1st line of monsters bruh. Val pretty much got a HAT TRICK against VEGAS the other night, Geogriev hit all saves that night too. Cale is tossin salad and you can't leave out Rantanen either.

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