@Pittsburgh Penguins

I have a few jersey options for tomorrow’s game. Welcome back, Dumo.

All jerseys are game or warm-up worn and include his juniors All-Star jersey, first NHL ‘A’, U18 Team USA jersey, and his 2017 Cup Finals jersey. My absolute favorite player when he was here and having a pretty decent season in Seattle in a reduced role (3rd pair with Schultz). Please also enjoy my poster I’ll be holding for warm-ups, couldn’t think of a more fitting picture for it.

by Pipes32


  1. TehJonezi

    I thought I had a jersey problem, that is an insanely impressive collection

  2. davidb12820000

    I would say probably the vegas gold one tho, I’m going to be there too wearing a RR Malkin jersey

  3. J3roseidon

    That juniors jersey, the diagonal third, or the cup final triple patch goodness.

  4. Dixon-Mason

    I think you have more Dumo jerseys in your house than Dumo has in his.

  5. bonnydelrico

    I like the pride one esp bc it’s signed!!! Also very very partial to the WBS ones

  6. oxfordclubciggies

    WOW! I don’t even have that many jerseys all put together let alone of one player.

  7. Great collection! So which jersey will you wear to the game?

    I’m always a sucker for the road whites!

  8. AdministrationWhole8

    That’s almost as alarming as it is impressive.

    Some might say you have a “Dumoulin jersey problem” but at this point, I’d say the jerseys have more of an OP problem.

  9. RickandMortyfan956

    Imma guess ur favorite player, uuuuuhuh, Malkin?

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