@Vancouver Canucks

Chris Neil vs Luke Schenn Oct 8, 2011

Chris Neil vs Luke Schenn from the Ottawa Senators at Toronto Maple Leafs game on Oct 8, 2011.


  1. @Dixon917 Typical Maple Queafs fan… Schenn tried to act tough and got his ass kicked. Watch the replay, Schenn instigates his ass whoopin. Neil is a waste of space ? You might wanna look at that useless goon Colton Orr you have on your team, atleast Neiler actually plays a regular shift. "Leafs>Sens." ? LOL !!!! #1. Make it to the playoffs before you chirp another team and #2. The Maple Queafs almost lost after being up 5-0 against a rebuilding team…. Shit covered garbage>Leafs.

  2. @Tuckerfan11 And Neil beating up Schenn is a pretty damn hilarious highlight, if that's all my rebuilding team can do…. I'LL TAKE IT !

  3. @MrLeafs2011 Did Neil not fight Orr last year ? You Maple Queafs fans are hilarious. Neil has fought some of the best of his era and you still question his toughness ? Neil isn't even there to be a full time fighter like that goon Colton Orr, he's an energy/grinder type of player who also fights. He dropped em with Orr last year and actually held his own against a bigger pure fighter. Sometimes I'm literally vexed by people like you and your seemingly COMPLETE lack of hockey knowledge….

  4. @ThaOneChrisJONES pshhh… lets be honest… 5th best record in the league last year after the all star break.. and we only got better over the off season.. dion looks like he has came back in Calgary form .. ottawa has a second rate goalie two decent forwards and d man in gonchar that had his best years behind him…you do know you guys hate on the leafs for not making the playoffs so much just means this year or next when they do us leafs fans are gonna shit on every one and be very obnoxious

  5. Neil won the fight because he doesn't fight fighters. He usually just kneels before heavy weights. gg though.

  6. @murray709 /watch?v=fl54rLR58HI maybe be a shitty fight cuz of the slip but its neil fighting a fighter and technically winning. you can also search neil vs domi, tucker, lucic downie etc etc etc…

  7. @Tuckerfan11 Neil getting the instigator is just another example of how the refs always need to help you guys win games. Look at the replay and Schenn is trying to get Neil to drop the gloves and Neil did. And Orr finally gets a point…. what is that, like the 2nd point of his career ? We'll see how big the point difference is between Neil and Orr by the end of the year lol !

  8. @Tuckerfan11 LOL ! I guess your right, then again I wouldn't expect any mercy from fans of other teams. Especially a fan of the Leafs but then again, the back and forth trash talk is one of the great things about being a sports fan !

  9. Wow, and I thought all the idiots were on mma videos. Apparently not. Props to Schenn for fighting a guy he knows he probably cant beat….Neil is being the bully he always is, and taking stupid penalties, hurting his team…Oh well, dont like Ottawa so it doesnt bother me.

  10. @ziomany LOL !!!!! Neil isn't a goon, he's an energy player who is good at fighting. Neil is actually able to get points and plays a regular shift. If you wan't to know what a goon is look at Colton Orr, Cam Jansen, Daniell Carcillo etc… And calling a yearly Norris trophy candidate and captain of the defending Stanley Cup Champions a goon, shows just how stupid you really are. People who don't know anything about Hockey should really be banned from commenting on Hockey videos…..

  11. @POW22POW22 Well IF you guys finally make the playoffs, you can do that. Until then, you haven't made the playoffs in 7 years and people are gonna keep shitting on you ( and the sense of arrogance you Maple Queafs fans walk around with doesn't help your case either ).

  12. @Tuckerfan11 Yeh exactly, to see the leafs acomplishments youd have to look back to the60's. And if were counting things from 50 years ago, why not count the sens stanley cup wins 100 years ago. And yeh, we have a president trophy to our name, a couple of division tittlesand a trip to the stanley cup. What do the leafs have, a short appearance in the playoffs in 2003? And the sens will never sink as low as the leafs.

  13. considering that chris neil is a better fighter and player than schenn i think i can just disregard this comment

  14. @wirelession hahahhaha its kinda hard for neil to cross the leafs blue line considering the leafs arent in the playoffs for the 7th straight year. And hahahaha u wish schenn had half the heart of neil!

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