@National Hockey League

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Toronto Maple Leafs – the world’s best hockey team, has lost its 3rd game in a row.

some things in life make sense, others.. simply dont.

by OpinionOwn6727


  1. Strange_Cap1049

    It’s alright we’re just letting everyone else catch up. We’re gonna attempt to pull an Edmonton

  2. BeautifulPlace2Drown

    With Reimer in net for the wings too. I would have died if Holl had scored the game winner

  3. shouldbeworking10

    I other news the Wings pick up 11 points out of a total possible 12

  4. isgooglenotworking

    Not even leafs fans say they’re the best team in the world though…

  5. Ok_Orchid7131

    Are the leaf’s and their fans the Canadian equivalent of the Dallas cowboys an their fans?

  6. Grizz-88-

    Some people just can’t help themselves and need to talk about the Leafs no matter what lol. It’s pathetic.

  7. french_sheppard

    This sub complains about too much Leafs coverage in the media but also goes rabid for every bread crumb of news like a jealous crazy ex.

  8. goodbye9hello10

    How tf do you not beat a team thatanded 90s mins before puck drop?

  9. This is a terrible troll attempt. Even the best teams lose 3 in a row some times.

  10. Last-Faithlessness-6

    Leafs are 25th in the league in regulation wins. We are much worse than our record indicates.

  11. HenryGreatSageJunkie

    Not even leaf fans think their team is the best. We have such low expectations that your satire of us is entirely false.

  12. “I’m so sick of hearing about the Leafs all the time”

  13. Outrageous-Estimate9

    Is it Spring already?

    They usually start to lose when playoffs are at stake…

  14. LuFantastic

    Why don’t the Leafs just simply win all of their games? Are they stupid or something?

  15. I swear, some of you losers hate the leafs more than you love your own teams.

  16. thoroughly_useful

    Everyone complains about the Leafs getting too much coverage, and they also happen to be the ones inundating everyone with Leafs content. What morons.

  17. BluePearlGaming

    What is the point of this post, no actual leafs fan thinks they are good this year, its a shit show. I swear you guys love to hate the leafs more than you like your own team

  18. Canada_Checking_In

    People who make these kind of posts don’t actually watch or enjoy hockey, guaranteed.

  19. lemonmelonhead

    Rent free bud. Rent free. Hope the weather is nice in Florida

  20. Comfortable_Bend9175

    Just wanted to comment saying that OP is a pathetic human and undoubtedly doesn’t have a life outside of being an internet troll

  21. GoLeafs61

    I think the Leafs have touched OP in a sensitive region when he was young…

  22. Anxietyriddenstoner

    wow a team goes on a 3 game losing streak. That’s never happened before ever. Ever.

  23. balloonman_magee

    Maybe if Sammy didn’t just flop on his back all the time lol I almost felt sorry for him watching that replay back. That’s like beer league goaltending

  24. Since when are the Maple Leafs the world’s best hockey team? Like I can’t even imagine their own fans saying something that stupid anymore…

  25. JonDuke19

    I especially enjoyed the 3-0 lead against Colorado, finishing 5-3 for the Avs. I can smell a cup!

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