@Boston Bruins

NHL Predictions, Picks & Odds | Devils vs Bruins | Predators vs Golden Knights | PuckTime Jan 15

NHL Predictions, Picks & Odds | Devils vs Bruins | Predators vs Golden Knights | PuckTime Jan 15

Happy Monday guys welcome in here to Puck time live on wager talk TV I am Andrew mcginness and I have carai and biano with me and it’s just the two of us here today for a jam-packed Monday in the NHL all kinds of afternoon games look forward to breaking down all of

These games here with you guys Devils Bruins Predators Knights LA Kings and Carolina Hurricanes we have my buy and sell segment at the end of the show along with Best Bets and a lot more to come here on Martin Luther King Day Carmine how was your

Weekend um let me start by giving you uh one of my favorite Martin Luther King quotes Andrew and that is uh and I wrote it and I wrote it and I wrote it down because I knew I was going to screw it up at some point but true peace is not

Merely the absence of tension it is the presence of justice and you can’t apply that to anything other than Martin Luther King day and uh everything that obviously he went through Andrew I had to mute YouTube it’s in my ear I’m hearing two things today weekend uh a lot of NFL um

Didn’t go as well as uh I thought it would and then NHL on on Saturday my God the LA Kings um they just blew my mind with uh how bad they played uh for a short spur of time against the Detroit rngs who then went on to to win that game 5

To3 uh we’ll get it back but Andrew you know before we get into the three games St and again there’s a lot of early start times we’re going to cover a game that goes at one o’clock one at 3 o’clock and one that goes at six o’clock

On today’s show so we can give you some early action some midday action some late action we got to talk about um narratives um and this is mine sometimes I talk about teams and I get it completely wrong and I thought that road trip for the for the Leafs and this

Isn’t me making fun of the leavs but uh there is a problem with that team Andrew uh I thought that road trip they went to LA they beat LA and then they win their next three games against Anaheim and then back to back home and away against

The Sharks I thought that was a springboard for this team to um to start stringing some wins together and then they lose in OT against the Islanders in New York where they blow a 3-1 lead uh a three- nothing lead against Colorado and they blow that lead they allow what four

Goals and then yesterday against Detroit uh they jump out to a lead and then blow that one and lose to Detroit and I keep saying um this whole Sheldon Keef I I get it we can’t always blame the coaches but how do you not blame the coach in

This instance Andrew like I I watch his pregame and postgame pressors and this guy just he just doesn’t seem like an NHL coach to me he’s a regular season coach and I know someone said to me well with the Leafs he’s got one of the best regular season records I get it that’s

Why I bet the Leafs regular season points this year um for quite a bit of money but I’m gonna lose that because they’re not even playing well during the regular season and you expecting them to just turn it on in the postseason Andrew uh I’m certainly not uh um when I

Look at this team though I think it’s more so like accountability like like you mentioned about the coaching record and about about it I I think it’s a lot of it to do with uh just the players they have Kum I think you can rack up a

Ton of wins as the head coach of that team and I’m not saying anything against your Hockey coaching ability I just don’t think that you’re an NHL coach so I think that you know you give a coach a bunch of players that making over $10 million then you know they’re going to

Still have good games but the fact of the matter is I I think that you they need Craig baru they need a John torella type coach they need a hard-nosed coach a players’s coach is not the type of coach for them uh so that’s my opinion on it back-to-back games giv up four

Goals unanswered it’s going to be crazy but I’ll tell you what as we approach start this show off I will say if you have a second guys today take a look at what the current playoff picture looks like in the NHL it’s unbelievable right now I

Say it every year but um it’s looking like these playoffs are going to be really really good this year let’s jump into the devils and Bruins we’ve got that early game at TD Garden uh as we see so many times here uh during these Day games when we have a bunch of games

Going on minus 170 home favorites for the bees plus 140 the other way of course we’re seeing a six as the total don’t see six and a halfs in a lot of Bruins games we will see some sixes here in this one Carmen what do you think

Think about this one here the bees are Hefty favorites at home and and likely rightfully so Andrew they should be you know this is their first off a a four game Road Trip uh they win the final one in St Louis in OT uh and you know me normally I want to

Fade a team off like the West Coast trip uh at home uh and then you look at New Jersey and they’re like 63 and one their last 10 and I don’t know how they’re doing that it’s like sort of the next man up mentality with this W with this

Team but uh it’s it’s tough to go against the Bruins here even at this uh even at this high price when you look at uh the New Jersey lineup um I I looked at some of the notes for their lineup uh heading into like uh their last game

Against at the morning skates and they had like some guys from the a AHL that were called up that were on the number one defensive line and I could couldn’t believe it I’m like and yet they still found a way to win but you look at New

Jersey last year they had a fantastic season but last year with the exception of uh Andre Pat um Andre Pat however you you want to pronounce it but um they were injury free the whole season and it shows you if you can remain injury free

You can have a good season if you’re a good club but this was their um this was the their their uh injury list a week ago these are the eyes uh you had nicoo heer with a concussion Jack Hughes he’s still out um you have Sig taller broken

Foot noac foot surgery holla nagging injury uh douge Hamilton Toren peek teimo Meer lower middle back pain Pat of course uh Miller Lazar do it is like a who’s who there are so many guys missing for this team and I get the whole next man up mentality but if you’re bringing

Up a bunch of players from the AHL to fill those spots again you don’t have that cohesiveness number two you’re playing the Boston Bruins in the garden um listen can New Jersey go in there and win sure they can are they gonna win I wouldn’t put my money on it you got to

Give me a lot more than plus 145 on the Devils for to to get me to want to play this team given their current injuries on the team so it’s got to be the it’s got to be the Bruins and I probably lean to the under here first game back from a

Road trip you play a little tightened up defense at home and against a team that’s missing some players that uh may not score um more than a couple goals the four- tws in play 3-2 3-1 final something like that for the Bruins uh that’s where I’m

Looking all right km uh you know looking for more of a tight one but uh obviously don’t want to bet the the Devils here uh the injuri is really affecting this team and you you mentioned the AHL guys um I like what you said there with the next

Man up mentality it sounds so nice as a quote but does it ever really work that well sometimes it does but you know in in the NHL there’s only so many teams in the league that can really overcome the adversity of missing key players or you know it’s really important to look

Across some of these key teams and see how many of them have had the same lineup out there for consecutive games some teams like the devils like the wild have had to deal with injuries all season long and that means you’re you’re not getting that chemistry you’re

Changing your lines all the time you have a different guy to your left different guy to your right if you’re a centerman your defensive pairings are changing a lot and that to me is a is a big problem um this Devil’s team as well their identity this year which last year

Was their defense has been a lot of sloppiness I mean even the games they’ve played well in Karm they’ve had to score quite a few goals to win those games like last year I think back they were a like 31 win type of game you know Team

All season long this team would shut teams down they had great goaling they had good defense something has changed uh with them this year and um the Bruins although in the past they did struggle during their Day games they have looked good during their Day games at home at

The Garden here they’ve won five straight games at home against these New Jersey Devils here in their divisional matchups I think a lot of people out there watching pck time probably know where I’m going in this game I don’t want the regulation don’t want the 170 I

Want the team total at minus 110 over three and a half great price there four straight losses for this Devil’s team they’ve given up at least four goals I got quite fortunate on Saturday my only NHL play ended up being the team total over for the Bruins they get to four but

It happened in overtime K doesn’t matter how you catch the ticket though as long as you get to the window afterwards with it I’m hoping the Bruins can get hot and one thing I like you always say this Karm you don’t want to catch a team on a

Streak you know five or six games in you want to catch them early right well they did lose three straight games they bounced back out of it won a tight one against the Blues who’s to say the Bruins aren’t about to go onto a run right

Now um I can’t disagree with you Andrew um the breu listen um the Bruins played well on that road trip uh whether they dropped a couple games or not the Bruns played well they they’re a good team um from from the back up solid solid goal

Tending Swan and all Mark uh and the guys up front you know you got pasta up there you got Marsha up there um they’re a good team so uh they’re not going to drop off they’re goingon to finish in one of the top three spots uh in uh in

The Atlantic you have to believe uh they’re likely going to finish first or second in the Atlantic it it’s uh right now it’s a battle between them and uh them in Florida and then if the Leafs at some point wake up and start to string some winds together they’ll get they may

Get back into that race but they’re just playing some very good hockey and Boston’s not a venue where a lot of teams go in and win it’s it just it just isn’t uh those Beantown Bruins man they’re playing well and uh we all know what home ICE Advantage can do for

Some team we’ll find out uh how it helps out the Bruins uh moving forward but of course today like I mentioned five straight wins at home at the Garden against the New Jersey Devils K let’s take a deep breath here and uh let’s both vent some rage here against this LA

Kings team they’ve screwed me over they screwed you over they’re screwing everybody over man and I tweeted out on Friday I think hey guys if you haven’t gotten in already it’s a good time to jump in NHL Stanley cut future 15 to1 well it sounds like I’m going to be able

To get even better of number because this team just can’t get it together they’re getting out coached their goal tending is sliding their defense I’m not even as worried about their defense though as I really am about their their offense they’re supposed to be a deep team and yet this this team is

Struggling offensively given up goals we’ve got the Kings we’ve got the hurricanes and realistically I don’t I don’t see this hurricane team being the team that the Kings bounce out of it against really unless they’re waiting for one of their toughest test yet but let’s take a look

At this matchup go through some of the stuff here we’re seeing uh in this Kings game Karm obviously looking at the current price uh on this game minus 150 near price here for the Hurricanes six being the total minus one and a half is plus 165 for the Hurricanes what are

Your thoughts on this matchup and how do you approach this one with this price here for Carolina they’re almost intriguing you now to continue to look towards this king’s team but as the old saying goes do we want to try and catch that falling knife one more time because

My hands killing me from Catching it my hand is my hand has scabs all over it from trying to catch this knife uh Andrew I’ve got stab wounds all over me from that game uh in Detroit uh um I I was close to going to Best Buy

The next day uh to get a new TV for How uh upset I was with how the Kings have played and and here’s the thing is normally you equate a team that that is that has now lost after that Detroit game eight games in a row with like a

Bottom eight team a team that’s not very good but as you mentioned it uh it’s squarely on the offense you cannot you cannot fault the defense here the LA Kings have allowed 102 goals this season okay it’s the second low Po in the NHL for goals allowed second only to the

Winnipeg Jets who have allowed 97 goals this season and this if you remember the LA Kings in the first seven to eight games of season they were getting into these high-scoring games where they they were getting lit up as well too so they played so well defensively in this in on

This eight game losing streak of theirs five of them have gone to OT so they can’t they’re not even getting the puck luck in OT but they haven’t scored more than three goals and any of these eight games they have 100 I think it is 129

Goals scored so they’re plus 27 which is a a good goal differential but uh when you’re looking at 40 games and you got 129 goals you’re scoring just a little over three goals a game it’s not enough it’s not gonna that’s like 3.1 you got teams at the higher part of the three

The 3.8 3.9 and those are the ones winning that’s the difference you might not think it’s much okay what’s the difference between 3.8 and 3.1 other than than S it is wins and losses and and this is why they have eight losses this this team uh the line is

Suspiciously low but I think it’s just because again you take the core numbers of these uh of the LA Kings and this eight game losing streak and they aren’t losing games by margins they’re losing one goal games and it’s they just aren’t scoring uh and this is why I like the

Under I’m going to take the under six in this game because because uh this very well could be another game where they lose by a goal and they lose 3-2 or 2-1 or um let’s hope it’s not 43 but um another one goal loss for this team is highly

Likely uh I’m still a canes fan in the sense of the canes have made me more money this year than I think any other team this season so I’m gonna I’m I’m gonna look to the canes but I am going to take the under in this game

You mentioned that number Karm it’s just so interesting to look at here we got one team seven and one their last eight and one team that’s lost eight straight games and this is a frustration that I have and and I don’t mind you know I I’m here every single weekday on Puck time

Everybody that watches they hear me you know be excited about results complain about results venting about certain things one thing that I made for my New Year’s resolution as a handicapper was to keep things simple and and kind of follow what I’m seeing don’t try and reinvent the wheel and

When you look at this you’ve got a struggling team it’s kind of like the Seattle Kraken like look at the schedule that they had the prices they were being given and they just continued to win games and now this Kings team continues to lose games that’s the I I just I

Don’t understand it really um to me it’s it’s just the price makes sense um but you’re kind of just waiting on that that moment for this Kings team to really get it going and the big thing for me too is that their penalty kill has actually

Looked good so you know Brian when he talks about the advanced metrics he talks a lot about five on five numbers because you know the the power play and penalty kill varies per game depending on how many you know penalties you’re taking or power play opportunities you

Receive well their P their penalty kill is actually pretty good that means that the LA Kings a lot of their goals they’re giving up are five on five goals so Karm look I I don’t like it when we’re against each other but I’m actually on the team total over uh for

Carolina over three and a half uh minus 105 so um there’s a way that we can both win and that way is just La you know absolutely having a stinker again I guess we just need LA to get like shut out out for both of us to win but when I

Look at this thisa this Kane’s team you know they they have been winning games and you know they’re seven to one their last eight but scoring goals in the process like I I’ve been surprised by some of the games they played this year they’ve almost like swap places with

Like the New Jersey Devils of last year except for they scoring goals like they’re not just a team that is a defensive team anymore when they win games we can go through the list of some of these games that they’ve won you know where they’re still putting up like they

They’ve scored four five five six six theyve scored six goals uh three times in a handful of their last games I to me this is a team that I trust to continue scoring against an LA Kings team that’s my only worry is at this point if La shows any type of

Effort the game’s going to go I think La really decides the total is what I’m trying to say here I I don’t don’t trust their defense their offense is what trusts the total so if I was playing the under I’d probably look towards the Kings team total

Under yeah I could see that um again they haven’t scored more than three goals uh uh over the course of this eight game losing streak and you know you look at the game against uh against Detroit I know I’m not sure if it’s just Detroit or the way uh I’m trying to

Figure out and I still haven’t figured out maybe you guys in the chat if you watch the game because this was a a bigger play for me uh the minute Detroits uh took scored a goal they just they came in waves and then they get another one and then they get another

One after that and it just got out of hand and I’m not sure if that’s just the Kings falling apart or it was Detroit uh just again coming in waves because we saw Detroit do that to to Toronto as well too um on a side note what a great

Weekend to be um a Detroit fan you have the Detroit Lions win yesterday you have the you have the wings pick up a couple wins uh I’m not even sure if the Pistons have won a game yet uh they had that 28 game losing streak maybe they won on the

Weekend too if you’re a Detroit sports fan you you definitely had a great uh a great weekend but until something turns around with this team Andrew um how how do you play any teen totals for the LA Kings you can’t bet a a king’s team total over and

Know you’re talking about under but you can’t bet a Kings team total over um on the due Factor well they’re due to score some goals the due Factor will send you to the bank because your payments are due and you have no money betting that Doe Factor so stick away

Stay away from that but uh yeah uh let’s find a way to get there Andrew how about 41 canes and uh and my under hits and your team total um hits does that work for you that that’s completely fine with me and as as Petty as I am when a team

Loses me a bunch of money I want to just watch them continue to lose like we know the kings are going to make the playoffs at least they should but I want them to suffer like I had to suffer many games in a row by taking them and watching

Them slide so there’s not I don’t know I don’t know if anybody else is like this but to me it’s kind of like if if I was thinking about betting on a team and I didn’t end up doing it I cheer for that pick to lose and it’s the same thing for

Me after a team screws me over I want them to start losing some games so um guys just a reminder let us know below uh comment and let us know in the live chat or afterwards who you’re betting on K and I both love to see what you guys

Think obviously we’ve got all kinds of great cappers in our live chat in the comment section all you guys to watch um we appreciate your opinions whether you agree with us or disagree um it’s great to have all of you guys here with us watching and please do us a

Favor hit the like button we are the first show of the day every single day here on wager talk TV that means in my opinion we should have the most likes and the most views too but uh we’ll see about that hard hard to compete with the

Football shows but uh guys please hit the like button on this video we do appreciate it K I do have a promo code to mention it’s a pretty good one here super 20 20% off any all access pass from one day all the way to one year

That’s super 20 that applies for three days 7 day one month 90day whatever it may be that’s super 20 20% off any long-term extended package uh or shortterm so guys we always say hey look our plays are up we have this package up for today if anyone’s interested in our

Long-term stuff even if you want to just get a week of plays promo code super 20 uh a great promo codee there um to get you know to get to Noah Capper but also just to get a bunch of plays at a great discounted price that’s 20% off with

Super 20 as a great promo code there Karm what do you have going this week man what kind of sports are you handicapping right now and are you betting the Aussie open at all I wanted to ask you that I have not but uh I’ve done fantastic at wager talk with tennis

Plays but here’s the thing uh Andre is um at this point in time I need to focus on NHL and uh and you know the NFL playoffs I haven’t even released any soccer plays in a couple weeks because my attention is focused straight on straightening out NHL making sure I’m

Getting some winners to my clients and uh and keep a good NFL season going so I didn’t want to stretch myself th uh I will uh start doing it um probably in the later rounds because there’s less NFL to focus on as well too um but I

Want to mention that is a great deal as far as that promo code uh I would you if if you guys are out there watching and Andrew will mentioned the promo code again I know you got a 5% play going Andrew I know you got some NHL plays

Today so the one day all access because it’s good on anything from a one day all access all the way up so pick up a one day all access which is 39 you knock 20% off of that and it’s less than the price of the 5% play that Andrew has going it

Today uh in the NFL so uh that is a great deal and Andrew I wish you the best of luck I’m sure you’ll tell me after the show who you bet on um one more thought just before we get to this uh real quickly before we get to the Nashville Vegas game uh

Because I saw some of this stuff on Twitter people complaining about the fact that the game in Buffalo was postponed until today uh and saying come on toughen up uh it’s just a little snow um you guys you know can play in that it’s weather elements it’s not about the

Players it’s not about the fans and the stands it is about the safety of people in the City of Buffalo does anyone not remember that the last time the bills had a similar weather thing like this 47 people died 47 people died so having to wait 24 hours to watch a football

Game um is not that is is is is a good thing you have an extra game today let’s think about that instead of uh well we needed another game on on Sunday to watch sure I would have loved to watch the Bills yesterday but I’ll have just

As much fun watching them at 4:30 today uh with a you know a pint of beer and some wings at uh at a sports bar come on man 47 people died last year during that uh storm in which the game was eventually moved to Detroit um so uh let’s put our

Priorities in place and now let’s talk about the Vegas golden knights and Nashville Predators so I can get off my soap box I do agree with you though Kum I in fact think that uh that game should have been postponed before it got postponed probably a little bit beforehand because

They knew how bad it was going to be but let’s talk about this game here we are talking Predators we’re talking Vegas golden knights Vegas of course being the home team and they are minus 125 total is at uh six here slightly shaded towards the under this Predators team

Karm looking pretty sharp lately playing some decent hockey can’t really say the same thing for this Vegas golden knights team Jack eel put on the longterm injury reserve they’re struggling to score right now but this is still a Vegas golden knights team that has ton of talent great home ICE Advantage usually

How do you feel about this game well um I saw a guy mention in the chat and I thank you for mentioning the chat uh as part of the six 60 did say the Calgary Flames would go in to Vegas and uh and beat them and that they did

But again this is the whole uh you know the the whole argument on injuries on a team and when you’re uh and what it does to a team uh it it just takes you out of syn and that’s kind of where Vegas is right now if you look at the markets if

Nothing else and you go to wager talks live lines was absolutely free you just got to click on a button and get there and at the NHL lines you can see the openers you can see what the books have you can see the movement as it happens

And it’s absolutely free it’s a great service provided by wager talk this line opened at 145 for Vegas it’s now down to what 125 I’m seeing 120 at some places and shirka has quite possibly the lowest number and that’s never a good thing if

You uh uh if it’s on the team that you want to play uh Nashville you get plus 105 they’re five and two their last seven games but you have to look at Vegas um goendale and Patera um are both out right now it’s say showing eel you mentioned Theodore Carlson uh even

Stephenson uh missing and uh you might not think okay well Stevenson but the guys got seven goals this season it’s still some of the offense out of that lineup uh six o’clock game uh not a lot of Vegas goals we saw it against Calgary I see this one playing out almost like

That Calgary one did on Saturday hence I’m taking the under in this game uh I like the under in this game six goals I think uh you look at Nashville and they’re playing well right now I think three of the last four wins against the Isles and a couple against

Dallas as well too so it’s not like they’re beating up on the Lesser lights they’re being up on some uh on some good teams as well too so give me the under in this one Andrew I love it Kum I’m right there with you on the exact same page I’d said

Before that I want to start going with the flow more I I I don’t like when I see all kinds of people on these trains and on on these streaks and I’m just not one of them because for some reason I have a bad habit of liking to you know

Go against the grain not anymore you know you need to use the eye test look what you’re seeing and you know it’s like we always say a streak will only be broken once but it can continue and continue and continue and continue and you look at this Vegas go kns team one

Goal against Calgary two goals against Boston shut out against Colorado one goal against Florida shut out against Seattle this team is struggling in a major way whether they win or lose tonight we’re probably going to see a low-scoring affair to me this Nashville Predators team is getting good goal

Tending their defense has been there I I think overall this is going to be a real big defensive battle no Jack eel out there it it’s really tough for me to imagine a breakout offensive game and the funny thing is I really think even if the Vegas golden knights do get their

Offense going they do have the ability to play defense and protect the lead I don’t think that a team that’s been struggling so much like Vegas will get a lead and then and then play the same style if they go up two nothing in this game they’re gonna sit back like old

School hockey clog up that middle of the ice and not allow a single thing into their own dzone so I think the under is a great play in this one this Vegas golden knights team is on underwatch until future notice I do think they will

Get it going but I do think it’ll be in defensive fashion so I’m right there with you on the under in this one um I will tell you though I I think that UC Saros save props could be a good one here tonight because we could see a lot

Of shots when teams are struggling to score Karm what’s the very simple thing coaches do tell your team get pucks on net I don’t care what angle I don’t care how hard the shot is I don’t care who it is that’s shooting it get the puck on

The net so might be a good time for a save prop tonight on a Nashville goenda like you mentioned uh you know being on like the underwatch early in the season Vegas got off to that great start there was no Stanley Cup uh let down on this team or hangover and they

Were playing good d uh they were allowing like one or two goals a game you know when you’ve got some of your scoring out and eel’s obviously a big Miss sometimes you revert back to playing that kind of uh that that style of hockey where you commit more to D and

I think I think you have to with Thompson in goal like of the three obviously you want Hill and net even Peta hasn’t uh uh hasn’t been bad to this season as well too in the few starts that he’s gotten so we’ll we’ll see where they go here but um uh I

Wanted to comment on uh uh some of the stuff that went on uh going on in the chat uh I have really no uh thought on the Pittsburg Seattle Kraken game the Kraken are playing absolutely lights out hockey but Pittsburgh’s playing well as well too and at least as far as the

Early Market goes a little bit of money went on Pittsburgh opened 140 it’s at 145 I thought it might go a nickel or a dime the other way just because Seattle’s on an insane win streak at the moment so we’ll see how that goes uh and then you know I talked

About the weekend and on Saturdays wanting to literally throw the remote at the TV and end up at Best Buy obviously it’s a joke you know you’re gonna you’re gonna have some really good days you’re gonna have some really bad days sometimes you’re wearing the golden

Somero Andrew where you go like 0 and three or 0 and four and you’re like and you’re watching your teams blow leads you know uh and it’s just so frustrating the Leafs blow a lead three nothing lose the game Boston Bruins blow a lead in

The third perod he goes to OT but you got him in regulation it is and then the Sabers in Vancouver somehow decide to play a one- nothing game when you see a one- nothing game in the NHL uh there are few and far between but it’s not a

Good thing when you have over six and a half so no I was not going to Best Buy uh and let’s change it back to you Andrew because it’s Monday and you had a five in one week last week with your buy and sell teams so where are we going

This week with your buy and sell well look K I mean uh the buy and sell segment overall you’re obviously want to catch teams that are playing really well and are RedHot but sometimes you want to find a team in an opportunity where they have to step up

In competition and turn things around a little bit and that’s what I’m looking to do this week with the buy and sell segment after being five- one last week my buy team Vegas golden knights we just talked about them a moment ago here on Puck time they’ve got the Predators

They’ve got the Rangers and they’ve got the Penguins three games that should be tough but three games I think that will certainly wake up the Vegas golden kns I believe this team has a ton of depth all kinds of great goal scores but I think the defensive game will help them the

Most we’re seeing them right now be involved in all kind of low-scoring games once they get some scoring they’ll get that lead and protect it I still believe they’re an under team but this team has all kinds of great goal scorers no Jack eel for them I believe the team

Will rally around that they’re seeing a lot more shots lately in some of their games they dropped that game against Calgary they’ve got a couple teams coming in to face them that might be feeling a little bit good about themselves for how they’ve been playing and I think we’re going to get some

Great prices here on Vegas you you know a lot of times I could come on here and tell you guys to bet against the Canadians bet against the Blue Jackets bet against the Sharks well I want to give you guys some good prices and with this we’re gonna see a good price on

Vegas against Nashville a great price Vegas against New York and a pretty good price with Vegas against Pittsburgh so I say if you go ahead and bet this Vegas team for the next week and a half you will make some money getting back on track with this Vegas golden knights team

Let’s move to the sell team for this week and K I am selling this Washington Capitals team two straight losses for them over the weekend against the New York Rangers their offense is sliding big time they were overachieving at one point uh during the season where they were gathering some wins together

Because they have a goal tender that’s top five in the league and expected goals against uh excuse me goals saved above expected he’s making a big difference Charlie Ling but really comes to a point where your goal tending can’t save you anymore if you have bad defense

It eventually will get exposed oetkin is now hurt for this team when he’s out it’s a very big loss they have the Ducks Blues twice Wild Avalanche and stars on their radar you’re gonna get some great prices fading this capitals team moving forward you’re not laying a ton of chalk

When you got the Ducks obviously and blues twice let’s fade this capitals team and make some money betting against the OV list Washington Capitals this week car um to quote um I think it was the what was the movie with the Average Joe’s in it A True Underdog Story that’s

A bold move cotton let’s see if it works out dodgeball dodgeball uh that’s a bold move cotton uh let’s see with the Vegas one I get the Wasington Washington one the Vegas One the good thing is you’re going to get some great prices on the Vegas golden knights because uh they may

Not even be favored against the New York Rangers and uh and then the Pittsburgh Penguins are playing well as well too especially if they get a win today against the Seattle Kraken uh they’re on a nice little run themselves as well so um we’ll see we’ll reconvene next Monday

On next Monday show to discuss how you did but uh you know 5- one last week um if it does if it ain’t broke don’t fix it man let’s uh get a six and0 week out of you and K you know I’ve obviously talked about it a lot on the show about doing

This like how I want to start going with streaks more is that something that you look to do too like I I think that you know when a team is making you money like with Calgary um I was on them last week with my buy segment but you know if you look

At some of the these teams that you’re looking to bet on moving forward it’s like what Andy Lang says with his prop bets if a guy misses for him one day he still goes back to him the next and when you have a buy symbol on a team or a buy

Sign you got to just keep betting on them and I find that I’m better at doing that with a sport like baseball but with hockey I I’ll get in with one team they’ll make me money and then I’ll get out and try and find another team to bet

On the next day meanwhile the team I made money on yesterday goes on a 4 in one run is a very streaky sport as you used to always tell me about you know forecasting these streaks are you doing this sometimes like find yourself backing a certain team multiple times in

The span of like two weeks uh yeah if if I see a team on a run I was doing it with uh with Carolina as well too um you know the the problem for us sometimes or the problem for me sometimes is uh is sort of the

The high limit on a line that I want to um I want to release that I feel comfortable with so you know take a case in point the the Carolina Hurricanes you know if I hit with them on the road and they’re minus 140 and I

Come back and I play them at minus 150 and they win again for clients and then all of a sudden you know they’re on a nice run and they’re minus 190 I don’t want to release a 190 so I’m looking for another way to bet them it might be the

Puck line it might be a lit of the puck line money line to bring the because the puck line is a plus money and you bring that uh the your overall risk to a lower amount essentially creating a minus one type of uh game with the teams or you

Look at in regulation the the only the only thing is you know if those split out you’re you end up with an even night but um ride the streaks you know I wish uh I had I had um listened to myself day in and day out with the dollar Stars

Home overs that now sit at 14 straight games they’ve gone over the total at home I’ve only released about five of them maybe six uh I would have loved to have released all 14 it’s just like those old for any of the old guys watching this show who were up at two

O’clock in the morning um doing whatever you’re doing by watching those infomercials Ron poel used to put uh he used to sell those stupid little stoves where it just you twist the D and they would say set it and forget it and uh you’d come back and whatever you were

Cooking was cooked um same way you bet the overs you just bet it and forget it move on to another game and uh come back later and cash that ticket 14 in a row is absolutely insane we ride every other streak why not ride a streak like that

Andrew I I don’t get it either but I will say I was on the under Friday night and there were five goals in the uh third period and it made me very very disappointed so I will say that I went against the grain and I have to stop

Doing that K we got to wrap this show up man we’ll go back to you for Best Bet here today on this show reminder folks at home uh this is a day with all kinds of Day game so km what do you have for us yeah action’s kicking off at one

O’clock guys H and this is an early one for you guys as well too and this is a client play for mine so um the last couple weeks we have not lost a show best bet knock on wood that I do not mush myself but I am going with the

Vancouver Canucks and the Columbus Blue Jackets over six and a half Columbus has allowed what 24 or 25 goals in their last five home games not playing well right now the last three losses I think they’ve allowed 16 goals the Canucks UNC characteristic game where they only win

One- nothing in Buffalo the Sabers just played some great D in that game game the kuu 166 and five I believe to the over on the road this season or 166 and2 to the over on the road this season I’m riding that number I’m taking the over

Six and a half in this game and uh that’s one of my client plays uh three plays in total right now might add one more uh and then one NFL game up as well too uh for today’s playoffs um and uh go let’s go bills Mafia Andrew back to you

Best of luck uh to you and your guys today K should be a great game uh man I’m pumped here today on a Monday we got day college hoops day uh NHL we’ve got two NFL games going to be a great day guys promo code super 20 that’s super 20

Takes 20% off any short-term or long-term package here at and also a great promo code here punt 20 P nt20 will take $20 off my 5% NFL play going tonight really looking forward to it and uh hoping to cash big after a great weekend for me in the NFL uh my

Play today uh for the show is going to be Boston team total up and over three and a half here uh I just love this matchup in New Jersey uh four straight losses for them they’ve given up at least four goals some of those being five six goals so their defense is just

Not the same right now and this Boston team getting production from all over over the ice led by Captain Brad marshan but defenseman like Charlie McAvoy contributing to the scoring as well and their power play is looking as good as ever right now really getting back on

Track so I’ll look for the Bruins to get to four goals today at a great minus 110 price turning a one minus 170 into a minus 110 with the team totals protect those Bank roles guys and uh wishing you all a great day and ton of luck here

Today on the big board so thanks for being with us here Puck time all kinds of great shows coming up here on wager talk TV we’ll see you next time right here on Puck time

🥅 The Predators take back-to-back wins into Vegas facing the Golden Knights as we have NHL action set all day today! How can we approach the schedule from a betting standpoint? Join Carmine and Andrew for PuckTime as we preview the January 15th NHL betting slate!

Monday’s games for discussion:
New Jersey Devils vs Boston Bruins (1 PM)
Nashville Predators vs Vegas Golden Knights (6 PM)
Los Angeles Kings vsCarolina Hurricanes (3 PM)

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  1. Great show Boys……Like the Nashville / Vegas UNDER play today…….still chewing on the card……Let’s Go!!!!….Oh Yah…..woke up this morning to – 37 C in Edmonton…….BRRRRRR…….Carm how do the leafs play on the road when the outside temp is below -20 ????…..get into the Data Base Ralph if you can for us…..😂😂😂

  2. Believe game postponement more about money than player history – as always. If commentators cannot see the field, advertisers will bail. NFL will always prioritize money.

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