@Buffalo Sabres



What is up everyone welcome back to another episode of hockey toown University you are here with us your host once again berthday boy Derek and Zach Derek happy birthday thanks buddy yeah I feel a little bit older today I mean I made it around the Sun one more

Time and a little bit closer to death so you know it’s feeling pretty good happy birthday Derek congratulations on turning 28 hopefully you uh recover here during this episode because we got some pretty interesting stuff to cover but before we do that we want to take some

Time and say thank you all for joining us once again if you are returning but if you are new thank you for joining us if you wouldn’t be as so kind if you haven’t done so already whether if you’re returning or you’re new hit that subscribe button that goes a long way

For us and then hit the Thumbs Up Button if you really do like this episode that takes us a long way as well if you’re on Spotify go ahead and leave us five stars by following us as well that really goes a long way that frowns upside down on the octopus right

Derek Matt’s mad at you by the way for not getting us any for Christmas any octopuses I’m sorry I me yell at my sister she got this for free at one of the hockey games I think let’s go ahead and jump into it dererk and what do we got today well

Obviously we are going to recap the Red Wings versus the Los Angeles Kings game which happened on Thursday then we will get into some Red Wings news covering the world junior Championship Alex and Brad going to the All-Star Game jump into the main topics of like it says in

The title of this episode probably the main reason why you clicked on this episode to watch it and then capping off with Around The League news with broken jaws by Red Wings Legends yes we will talk about that so Derek let’s go ahead and kick it off yes Detroit Red Wings

Played against the Los Angeles Kings winning 4 to3 in a shootout lion did started nut the Kings did score within the first two minutes kempe received a cross ice pass and of the Nets which he was able to bury into the Nets Kings quickly get another one four minutes in

Afterwards I believe to make it two to Zero by Matt Roy off a rebound coming down the slot off the rush Wings played a very soft first period Derek it was just same old song and dance like I’ve kept saying um allowing the Kings just

To control the pace of play and just I’m pretty sure they were outshot that whole entire period too let’s see 7 to eight shots they were outshot the Detroit run wings so what do you think of that first period seems like it’s pretty typical of them right made pretty happy to the fact

That I didn’t get off work in time to see the first period I came in at the perfect moment turning on Bal Sports just to see I believe it was confer scor the first goal I was like nice oh no that was fabri he scored it I’m pretty

Sure he was fa yeah so going into yeah so fa yep uh I have right here sprong makes it two to one with a strong Puck battle win by Ma to get it out to the front with an opportunity goal I don’t know why I had that there must

Have changed and everything but yeah fabry got the first goal um then you got Lin battling behind the Kings net gets a nice pass to Petri who lets it rip to tie the game two to two with a nice screen in front by pan Which happened

Late in the second period um Joe Valena also got the secondary assist on that so you’re closing out the second period two to two so that’s a great comeback by the wings which is something we see but we don’t really see at the same time so I’m

Getting really tired of this but who who’s been saying that we just have to have no goalie in the net for the first two goals then we’ll throw them back out there the Red Wings do so much better every time coming down from a deficit

After the first why I don’t get it hey you know what they say the most dangerous lead in hockey is a two lead at least that’s what we say in Shell I guess it works in the NHL too same exact thing every time the worst lead ever

They have and coming out of a first period it’s just crazy I mean heck we saw with the New York game yesterday too even though no one’s here to listen about that but they lost so it doesn’t matter then you go into the third period uh pretty quickly Robbie fabry on the

Doorstep makes it three to2 six minutes into the third period off a nice rebound off the gulie from spr with a behind the back pass behind the net uh from Patrick Kane so yeah Patrick Kane started off to play with a really nice behind the back

Pass uh he was behind the net to Daniel sprong who ripped it fabri there with the rebound which is awesome so um then you put this note in here dere can you make sense of this one for me impresses with how lad this place got I’m assuming you meant loud this place

Got in the third go Kings go uh was at battle with Go Wings go at one point love all the wings fans in Cali was that you oh yeah that was me when I was putting all my rambling in there but if you could listen to him in the third

Periods every person you heard in there you had go ke go and then they battled back with go wien go I was like thank God California has some smart people because I saw a lot of Detroit jerseys in that place I was like nice that’s right everybody escapes over here and

Goes to the sunny places yeah when the game started I was actually I didn’t get to see Center R so I was like is this a home game and then saw Center R I was like there’s a lot of red and white jerseys out there I was quite impressed

By it so yeah continuing on with the games the Kings did tie it three to three with uh kempe scoring uh pretty lean into the third with less than five minutes left in the game goes into overtime overtime was very hectic it was very back and forth but it does go into

A shootout Wings do win thanks to Lucas Raymond and Patrick Kane Los Angeles Kings did not scoring their shootout so thank goodness Lucas Raymond once again and Patrick Kane once again closing it out for us in the shootout when it really matters and so yeah great game overall honestly Derek Detroit battle

Back and forth just a really bad first period Robie fabry doing good with doing with getting two goals strong getting two assists um a couple other players getting points in this game uh Raymond and Kane really good in the shootout like I said they’ve been very clutch for

Us lion had a 40 save performance for us which is huge you know being out on the road going up against these West Coast teams two two pretty good West Coast teams honestly you could say for the most part and I mean really I mean they

Beat us really you can say that they beat us the last time okay they beat us remind me it’s not good that they beat us either that wasn’t a pretty game to sit through all right all right to be fair okay going up against a good La team and

Then beating a poor San Jose Sharks team you’re walking out there with four points you’re undefeated in January so far after a very very sad month of December where I’m pretty sure you only you went like 5 n and one or something like that in that whole entire month so

That’s not very good but yeah honestly huge for this team first time beating La since uh 2017 back in January back on January 6 though pretty much a year or not a year oh shoot six years later oh my goodness off I’m living in 2018 still um

But no it is Sunday it is 11:30 almost am while we’re recording this just on the record for everyone listening so you guys know but yeah Derek what do you think about the game overall in general I mean great to see Robbie Fab getting up there Robbie fabry now has 11 goals

In 27 games Daniel sprong has 26 points 10 goals in 39 games see these line I mean I know it’s not our top lines that are producing everything but it’s good to see that the production is going through the entire forwards line right now even see like

Jeff Petri second goal the season he did something finally for us yeah like I don’t know what we needed to get him going obviously not what we were anticipating getting when we made that trade but you know what he scored he did something for us the only thing I would

Say from watching that game is that I need Raymond to start shooting that puck from yeah everywhere like I I would had to watch both those like just on the power plays alone he had like two or three opportunities just to take a ripper and then he passes it backwards

To somebody who’s not even like having to Lan the shoe I’m like buddy you have a great shot we’ve seen him take those rippers he Snipes everything bar down if he wants to if he’s standing above the hash marks and even above the circles a

Little bit he needs to take that shot he probably had four or five more shots last night and probably wouldn’t even had to go go to overtime because I feel like one of those guys would have had gone in but I digressed Red Wings came back they did what they needed to do

Showtime came clutch at the end with that five hole that was pretty I could watch him just two shootouts all day long I’m not gonna lie I hate the fact that I like game now it’s so weird I’m I’m still not I’m still not okay with it

I think my body still rejects liking him hey that Jersey you gota admit that Jersey is very beautiful right there come on now it is the second thing you’ve seen in 202 prod the points he is I I can’t argue it no you definitely

Can’t I mean like I just uh was about to say he’s just under a point per game player 14 points in 15 games what more could you ask for six goals in those 15 games I mean I I I would be shocked if anyone legitimately said before coming

In starting and playing with the Detroit rings that Patrick Kane would be at a point per game Pace I don’t think anyone really had that pegged on their bingo card and if ad one did I 90% of them are probably lying because I didn’t think he

Would be that I I pegged him more to be half a point per game player and I was going to be happy with just that but going and talking about Jeff Petri like you said Derek yes Jeff Petri I really didn’t know what to expect getting out of him in the trade

But 11 points in 30 Games he’s a plus two in the plus minus category I there’re still I mean I still don’t want Jeff Petri a lot of fans don’t really want a Jeff Petri they’re times where I see Jeff Petri making quite a few mistakes out there

But like you said I digress too and going into you know you talked about Raymond shooting you know this team like I said lion had 40 saves made the LA Kings have 43 shots on N we had 27 total and the Red Wings typically hardly it seems like ever get

Near or over the 30 shots on goal Mark and I don’t know what it is but the Red Wings even in this game they blocked 22 shots the LA Kings were on a shooting tear and I’m with you on on that on that train though Lucas Raymond just needs to

Shoot the puck anytime that the puck comes onto his stick at any angle just rip it his shot looks like it’s gotten better since he’s joined the team two years ago even from last season and you see it he is doing like that nice little tow drag like right before he’s shooting

It for those wrist shots I I don’t know what kind of Slap Shot he has but his shot looks hard and he’s got a really quick release now Derek and I do think that we could have another Alex to Brink at on our hands if Lucas Raymond really

Just hones in on that shot would you agree with me on that I mean I would throw it into that uh Pawn fire for it just because the fact that he’s on a great Pace right now and if he just ups that shooting I mean one of them one of every

Extra five shots I say has to go in doesn’t matter the angle it could be a bad one I mean heck even if it produces a goal from somebody else that’s all we’re really looking for goals don’t have to always be pretty if as long as

You hit the net and it bounces out there’s a rebound that’s another chance I mean it’s a lot better than just seeing an open net then passing it back to somebody else because you don’t want to risk missing the net I I’m gonna tell you what his thought process is when he

Doesn’t take the shot but I feel like it’s just a much more beneficial for us when he does yeah red wings too they’re one of the team one of the highest scoring teams in the league through defense too right so I don’t know if that’s just the way our

System is implemented that you’re making all this passing and you’re allowing the defense to be more creative and get more involved in the play which is awesome we want our defense to be involved in the scoring but I wonder if that’s just part of the system that Lucas Raymond now is

Adverting to passing it more rather than shooting to get the defense involved or at least to get the other Wingers involved I really don’t know but yeah Lucas rayan starts shooting more but I really do think that you could have a 30 plus goal season if

You just hone that shot a little bit more and just start collecting those goals I I noticed that you were going on a heater you’re on a little Point heater right now you’re starting to collect points I mean Lucas Raymond he’s third on the team he’s got 31 points in 39

Games 11 goals 20 assist that’s really good honestly I didn’t think Lucas Raymond was going to be at this point I kind of P him to be closer to like the 20 to 25 points only because of you know all the line shuffling that alone and what the team has suffered

Through all of December but Lucas Raymond is coming into his Zone and he is controlling pretty much the second line now and that’s what we need him to do especially if Alex brickhead and Kane are gonna play be playing on the top line with Dylan Larin and so

Derek I think we can move on buddy I think that’s that’s good stuff about the game right there red W let’s go yeah hey undefeated let’s keep it going with a win against Anaheim tonight which is at 800m I’m saying this early but just leaving it out there and so

Derek let’s go ahead and jump into the Red Wings news um we would go into the main topics now but it’s easier for us to go into the Red Wings news and then jumping into the main topics yeah Red Wings news Alex bricket named to the allstar

Team is it the team or is he just named as an All-Star player is it even a team anymore I I mean he’s named to it I there’s no teams yet cuz what they’re letting them pick their own teams again right so he’s just allars correct some so he’s just an Eastern Conference

Player picked so he’s his own entity technically still okay so I guess that makes sense um what does that mean for Detroit Red Wings you could still go and do a fan vote are you really going to pick other Red Wings I I went on there and I picked actually most Hider Jake

Walman and Alex lion a lot of people are probably saying they’re like why would you not pick Dyan Lin or Patrick Kane Patrick Kane that would be like his 10th time going I’m sure he does not want to go anymore and Dy Lin has verbally said

No I don’t want to go to these and so that is the reason why I’m not picking them and I’m sure that they would appreciate the time off and we need to understand that they need to time off so I I pick two players that Simon and Walt

Wman they uh get implemented into tough situations a lot uh highest defensive pairing in the league and so that was my reason for picking him and lion just had 40 saves so yeah pick him he deserves it what do you think Derek I mean I I do

The bricket was GNA go mainly because he just has the most points on our team right now yes correct time that tends to lead that player to being picked to go not on every team but our team at least we have enough points right now cuz our

Boys can actually score so it’s nice to see that and honestly I would wouldn’t be upset to see one of our defensive boys make it to but hey if you don’t get chosen that just means you have a nice time off you get to relax at home

Watching all the other guys suffer on the ice still yeah I’m not upset if no one else gets picked I mean I could make that argument for even someone like Shane ghostbear to be in there but there’s plenty of other players in the Eastern Conference and even the Western

Conference anywhere that you can make the case for over other Red Wings players then deat Kane and Lin and so yeah give our players or do our players a favor and so leave it at Alexon brickhead I think it’s cool enough that Alexon brickhead gets to go I don’t know

If this is his first time being an All-Star um if it is awesome if it’s not first time being a Redwing that’s awesome um are you gonna watch it Derek uh depends on when they play because obviously I have a weird schedule and if this on a weekend duh

Watch it all weekend long I believe it’s early February February 1st to the 3D in Toronto all right there we go sweet I don’t care that’s in Toronto but yeah all right well can you tell ell news and other news uh let’s see wins have won three

Out of the last four after going two and six in the previous eight that’s what happens when your team is healthy so that’s good right A lot of people we’re nervous well shouldn’t be anymore our team is healthy minus the goalies right what do you take of that D

I’m I’m happy everyone’s healthy still scares me the fact that if we uh lose one or two components of our lines our team tends to fall apart still a little bit yeah that’s that’s probably the most worrisome thing I have right now if we stay healthy I think we’re still sitting

Good and a nice playoff contending team even possibly still I mean especially if Li wants to keep pulling out 40 saves Knights i’ rather not have uh that many shots on him I don’t want that many goals going in anyways and the fact that we had 22 block shots doesn’t make me

Feel any better either but it was a win he pulled it out of his ass if he keeps doing that heck guys I is going to be a good 2024 season then yeah yeah you haven’t been on the last couple episodes so I guess I can

Ask you know um I I think that this team still has a chance to be playoff team so it sounds like you still think that there’s a chance too well right I do think there’s a chance it was a rough December for us but we’re not completely

Out of it yet obviously we we have to have a bunch of these winning streaks to actually make like a contending team this year and it’s looking I know last year it was like to get in the playoffs it was like 92 points was the I think

The floor not gonna be that same this year I’m pretty sure the year before that was like a hundred yeah so so at this point I’m pretty sure it’s probably going to be somewhere towards that 100 point mark especially with how the teams are playing this year because we have

All these teams like Philly we got even Tampa Bay who’s not even doing crazy Vegas Boston all these guys that are just blowing up and certain teams that we didn’t even think we’re going to blow up so it’s going to be a little bit more

Of a push for us to get there now especially after last month but I still think it’s possible for us to do it yeah I mean I I don’t think it’s really possible for us to catch up to Boston who is first in in the Atlantic but you

Look at the Florida Panthers there still somewhat is a chance in 39 games they have 52 points then you got Toronto third with 37 games at 47 points um Toronto doesn’t have good goal tending right now so they’re trying to do the best offense and defense they can

To save their third or fourth String Goalie whichever one it is for them that’s in that’s um then you look at then you go into the wild card spots and you have the New York Islanders 39 games 46 points they got soken they’re probably most likely going to be in the playoffs

I will be shocked if they don’t make it into the playoffs Philadelphia Flyers I don’t know what’s going on with them they might fall off they might not who knows but right now they’re third in in the Metro then you got the New Jersey Devils their goal tending

Sucks what are they going to do closer to the trade deadline they got to make a decision here pretty quick but they’re holding down the second wild card spot with 44 points and 38 games played then you got the Tampa baby lightning who are fourth in the Atlantic right before us

With 41 games 43 points then you got the Caps Penguins then you have a 39 games 42 points so technically we are ahead of Tampa at this points we are very close it is a very close race but then you look at Montreal who’s below us 39 games

39 points they’re only three points behind us this is a very close race in the Eastern Conference the Western Conference stacked I think that the the Western Conference has taken over as the best conference in the league now for the longest time it was the Eastern Conference now it’s out west Eastern

Conference Derek it is basically West world out there it is anyone’s game it is Wild Wild West Guns and blaz and that’s why goal scoring is so high right now I feel like because everyone’s just trying to take over and showcase that they belong as a playoff team and every

Goalie every team every goalie is struggling this year it is insane um I mean there’s no like highlevel goal tending left in the NHL what do we have beesi maybe we have he’s doing bad he’s doing bad either like yeah Aiden Hill’s been injured right so yeah Soros helbach soken um sokin

Has you know no there’s not really one goalie standing on top of their head with a 93 save per percentage I could be wrong I’m really not looking this up right now but yeah there’s really not three main goenda after his injury with lions still

Standing on his head the way that he is right now the Lions definitely still have a chance to make the playoffs and I know you guys have heard from me multiple times I feel like I’ve been talking about this every episode but now that Derrick’s on we really wanted to

Hear his side and what he thought about that but as long as the Red Wings can keep scoring and they can somehow figure out the defense I mean at the trade deadline they might have to plug in some some defensive holes whether if that’s on defense or with a defensive minded

Forward stay competent at goal tending as long as you can I think you’re good right Derek oh yeah I’m looking up the who has the best records right now let’s see yeah Eden Hills right now at a 933 so we have one goalie in the NHL that is

Above what Zach was hoping for yeah like you’re you’re looking at like I’m not going to count Ling green I’m like I’m sorry like a 0.928 but how many games did you play for Washington so far like here here you even go the easiest way

You can do it is by going by wins and you got gorgiev at the top with 21 he has an 894 save percentage then you got babski 912 Demco 916 heluk 921 shesterkin I forgot shesterkin I forgot to name him 908 Saros 901 allmark 915 we all knew that he was going to

Drop eventually right him him and San had an unbelievable year last year uh soken he’s ranked four 14th and wins and he’s got a 909 Swan’s got a 922 Andre’s got a 901 yeah Aiden Hill like you said he’s he’s got 10 wins and he’s got a 934 and he’s

The only one so far that I’m seeing on this list yeah the only one with 10 10 wins or more with with a 93 so gold tending is very much in the air this season and so I the Red Wings just need to get they’re not going to solve their

Problem with gold tending at this point it looks like because every team is struggling with Goal tending so the best way to do it is by getting defense or an off or a defensive minded forward um Derek we kind of went into a rabbit hole so we got drained into that hockey

Hockey World with bullies because it’s a scary topic right now yeah so okay we both agree that they’re a playoff team Matt is kind of on the fence if I remember properly but yeah let’s go ahead and talk about the world junior Championship because uh there were two

Very uh recent draft picks by the Red Wings that were involved in and if you guys have been following along with us you guys know exactly who that is and that would be EXO sanine POA with Team Sweden versus Trey Augustine with Team USA well before we get into that

Um Sweden did defeat czechia to make it to the gold medal game ASP did register one goal and assist and was a plus one he played 20 minutes that game um he did get an assist uh that led to the game-winning goal so that’s good to see

With him uh Johansson did not play a single minute that game single second uh in that fact actually um and then USA defeats Finland 3 to2 uh Trey Augustine and the rest of the team played lights out after the first period coming back from a two to0 deficit um Trey Augustine

Did posted two goals against 19 saves out of 21 made uh 905 save percentage and then the uh bronze medal game was between chuia uh and Finland chuia wins I don’t even have to score here I think it was like six to like two or something something crazy or six to

Three but we’ll go with it it’s okay we we have more important teams going into the gold medal game so yes Augustine verse ASP uh this happened on Friday USA does win gold they win 6-2 and free burritos from Chipotle for a year which is the greatest thing ever if

Chipotle wants to sponsor us or this video feel free to do it I eat you guys at least once every week or two weeks if not one week so please I love your food if you want to start sponsor I’ll eat you every day I’ll get new boers every week if I

Have to for meting Chipotle I don’t mind we do two episodes per week that’s then we get around two to 300 views depending on what the video is about so please sponsor thanks jle moving along ASP did complete this game with one assist 23 minutes played he was um assigned as

Theihf uh director defenseman of the tournament so recognized as the best defenseman of the tournament which is awesome awesome it was welld deserved uh every single game he was playing 20 minutes plus contributing everywhere out on the ice during the power play and the penalty kill and so yeah finishes the

Tournament with two goals four assists for six points and seven games played uh then you look at Trey Augustine who wins gold finishes the game with 24 saves and a 923 save percentage Augustine finished the tournament with four wins probably would have been more if he did not get

Sick in the tournament that is why the other goalie got some playing time uh he finished though the tournament with a 1.75 goals against average a 936 save percentage Derek and one gold medal Johansen also played 12 seconds in this game and was given 12 minutes and

Penalty ice minutes for going ham on the USA player Lane Hudson where Lane Hudson eventually uh scuffled with him for the second time in that same shift and uh put him in a mean headlock did you did you see that course I saw that everybody saw that who watched that game that was

Hilarious that 64 Behemoth has got taken down real quick after not playing I’m like I don’t like the fact that he’s one of our prospects correct uh Anton Johansson yes correct y don’t like that it was our Prospect don’t like the fact that he wasn’t really playing much

Either and didn’t really get the good showing that we were hoping from him but it was still fun to watch yeah that was pretty much his only shift in the game 12 seconds and he was given 12 minutes and penalty ice minutes so that’s not what you love to see um he

Got a lot of uh prelim time not so much as the stretch went on but he still got silver so that’s good to see right hopefully he’s a right-handed defenseman uh the future for the Detroit Red Wings because that’s the position he plays much like ASP and so yeah um Derek

What do you think overall of the gold medal game I guess I mean honestly it’s exactly what I was anticipating to happen USA has been was stacked this year the only real thing that I was surprised to see was Canada not getting a medal at all after what was it six

Seven years of utter Domination by the Canadians up there to even get a medal this year and having celebrini on your team just like oh just to look at that be like okay you got the best player that’s quite possibly going to be in the draft next year and you still couldn’t pull

Anything off cool I’ll take that yeah they yeah Team Canada speaking about it with Matt their go heading wasn’t exactly there and they’ve struggled with go heading in the previous years we saw it with kosa in the last two years very very stacked team on paper

Right you look at the names they got the names you mentioned CBR is going to be a top probably top three pick most likely if not top one top three pick in this year’s upcoming draft um CBR is playing fourth line you got Nate Danielson playing third line then you’re putting

Them like fourth line Wing I don’t know it just seems like that they whoever was managing Team Canada was not managing them very well and from my understanding a lot of people have been very frustrated with Team Canada organization or however it all works they’re just not very happy

With Canada as a whole yeah there’s a lot of things that team Canada needs to work on it seems like so um that’s that was one of the stranger things definitely to see in the tournament but going over this gold medal game I’m just happy that two Red Wings prospects got

To walk away with medals sorry Nate Danielson but uh hopefully you get traded um pretty soon here in the W get some more good looks and get a little more Point production he’s been a little slow this year compared to last year so maybe that change of scenery is what he needs

Yeah I think the part of that is his team sucks and that did he he also joined them late in the season remember he played with the Red Wings in the preseason pretty late and so that carried into the WHL season so it took him some time to get back into things

And so I think that’s partially why but yeah all right well Derek yeah continuing on basically but we’re going to go into the main topics now how would you rank the 2023 draft prospects between Nate Danielson Axel sine pela and Trey Augustine amongst one another I mean I’d sit back our first

Round picks were fantastic I like all of them I like August Augustine I like uh Danielson and I like ASP I’m not gonna lie I would have 100% thought it was going to be the other way around though with the picks our first pick was going

To be ASP then our last pick in the first round would have been Danielson that would have been perfect on not upset with where we got ASP I still think that’s a steal Danielson I don’t know what the ceiling is still like obviously he’s on a bad

Team right now he didn’t get to produce as much as he probably wanted to for Canada and that um the world juniors not on him that’s just having a team after so many years you can’t continuously just be that good you’re going to have a year where you start to fall apart the

Red Wings seen it happen we’re trying to get out of B out of almost 10 years so Canada has a little bit of a time to get back into it but I’m happy with those were the way they were not upset with our picks I’m happy that we got

Augustine in the second round that was a great pickup of a first I know it was the first goalie Chosen and he was very much the one that needed to be chosen first because the way he’s playing right now just lights out and the fact that

He’s in the NCAA too so he has a little bit more time develop down there I love that so I mean I know ranking them I say we got exactly what we were hoping for out of most of them Danielson I’m just hoping for a little bit more production

Augustine hitting above ASP hitting way above so I say that was a in all first good round good first round picks for us I’d say where okay where are you placing them is it Danielson ASP then Augustine or is two three okay yeah that’s go at

That point we got Augustine at one ASP at two then deison at three okay okay okay tell me tell me why well Augustine as of right now PL like I said playing lights out he probably has one of the best goal percent goal save percentages goals against that I’ve seen in the NCAA

In a while beautiful Run the World Cup right here he’s pretty much from what I’m seeing him playing compared to kosa he’s far above even kosa would be at this point at the same age so just by seeing how his production has been and of course ASP is over there

Just everyone saying the next Eric Carlson I don’t want to technically him being the next Eric Carlson I want a little bit more defensive minded Eric Carlson that’d be cool like okay you can score but could also play on the back end which it’s looking like ASP can he has good skating

He has good movement good flow out there he can get back when he needs to and he knows when to take the shot so that’s why I put him at number two and Danielson I just don’t think we’ve seen enough of him yet we need to get him on

A good team get him getting get his production moving and then maybe he’ll bounce back up towards the top there but right now he’s sitting at three okay yeah and yeah and I asked why only because I’m kind of I’m kind of right there with you but I’m between ASP

And Trey Augustine uh I do think that I would put ASP ahead of tra Augustine only because ASP has a higher shot of making the wings first before Augustine don’t get me wrong I think if Augustine has a fantastic I mean l more lights out than what he’s currently doing and right

Now I’m currently trying to my computer’s running slow so I’m trying to look it up on my on my phone Trey Augustine stats with MSU currently and so yeah the only reason why I’m picking ASP for or yes I’m going to pick ASP Augustine then Nate Danielson

ASP it’s there right and so I do think that he has the ability to make the jump right away however all Augustine really needs to do is if he has a super lights out season next season with Michigan State University and the NCAA I can see

Him making the jump as early as after the deadline next season I think the Red Wings could give him some love if kosa still doesn’t seem like that he’s there um and that’s quite possible kosa is looking very good let’s see kosa kosa right now with the Grand Rapid Griffin

Has a 901 Trey Augustine has a 916 um in 17 games in the NCAA Trey Augustine has at 297 goals against average 916 save percentage for a freshman in the NCAA 18 years old going up against players that are 20 21 22 23 sometimes even 24 year olds playing in NCAA if

They want to be their fifth or sixth year however R I don’t know but that’s that’s where I’m putting them and Nate Danielson this is nothing against Nate Danielson but based on what he has done and much what Derrik said it is kind of it it

Sucks that he did play with a team Canada team that that buried him and that we really didn’t get to see too much out of him he he he put up some really good points um with them so you can’t really knock him on that but I

Would have liked to have seen more and that’s like I said that’s nothing on him yeah maybe once he gets traded in the WHL from the Brandon we Kings we can start seeing a little bit more out of them I’m trying to pull up a stats right

Now but yeah 25 points and 25 games with Brandon uh being their captain and then in five games in the World Junior Championships uh he put up one goal two assists and I’m pretty sure he was playing under 15 minutes every single game in the World Junior Championships

Which is literally nothing and that’s just garbage in my opinion so um he’s only third because of unfortunate circumstances not because of anything that he’s done I do think that he’s a really good player but yeah it’s ASP Trey Austine then Nate Danielson for me based on those three picks

And looking back at it you basically can say that you got three first round picks out of it I Trey Augustine could have gone in the first round and you got him in the seconds but genders you truly just never know um but Derek moving along looking back seven to eight months

Later did Stephen Chris do well drafting these players in their spots you basically already answered this question so yeah you already answered this question I agree I think they did a really good job like you said you could have made the decision to draft ASP then maybe had Nate Danielson where ASP was

Taken um had you have taken tra Augustine in the first I probably would have questioned you because you did take kosa like a year or two for that in the first round and so taking two goalies in the first round pretty backto back just does not bode well with fans at home and

So yeah good job Stephen Chris hey they saw something about the goalie situation at least like you said they didn’t do first round but first pick second round I think they’re just getting ahead of the they knew something was coming this season and we’re all seeing it right now

Yeah and we said I mean we all knew that this draft was going to be super heavy and and it was I mean going into that second round there were loads of players you could have picked from I mean Trey Augustine was one of them but you could

Have you could have made a couple of other picks and the Red Wings did they ended up moving one of the three picks because they had back to back to back picks they moved one of them um but they picked project players which I don’t necessarily agree with but we’ll just

Have to wait and see it it is what it is but Derek moving along looking at four years into the future and talking about some of these players that we just mentioned like ASP Danielson and Trey Augustine let’s look at four years into the future of the Detroit Red Wings right and

So Steve Eiserman has been in charge for what this is technically his fifth season right going into his or being his fifth year so he already started off with Lin and ever since then he’s to just been adding right so in four years going have Lin and Danielson as your one

And two see hopefully right you’re going to have cider and ax pela as your one and two right-handed de pair you’re going to have CA Augustine as your 1A and 1B TD tandem situation hopefully hope it’s probably not going to be lion or or whoo who else could it

Be at this point right and so that’s what we got in four years from now and I do think both of these these goalies could be on the team in four years now this is where it starts to get a little tricky Derek because we really haven’t quite figured this out

Yet is that we got Edinson as your potential number one left-handed defenseman who who’s going to be the number two and then for Raymond you got your number one Winger who who technically is the second I mean you got you got like left-handed D you got Johansson you got

Wallander then on Winger you got berren Carter merer these names that I just said are these number two pairing guys you look at Edinson he can’t even make it onto this lineup when are these players ever going to make it onto the lineup Bean can’t even make it onto the lineup some of

These players that I named off are they going to have to end up being traded I mean or is Steve Eiserman gonna have to start looking at some of these positions because I’m thinking that Steve Eiserman going into this draft people probably aren’t going to like this and I’m gonna

Say it into the mic he’s gonna draft def man that was terrifying to hear that closely that was some ASR ASMR yeah that from you Zack thank you though I think going into this draft he’s gonna draft another defenseman there’s some pretty good defenseman in this draft um

But yeah Derek what do you what do you think about these names and what do you think about it looking four years into the future well I’m trying to think of our lineups right now and the fact that in four years it’s pretty much just going to be butchered down that’s when

Pretty much all these contracts are up and no one you see in the team right now potentially will be on the team again so we’re have a lot of spots to fill and the whole Grand riers GI Evanson burger and all those guys like I don’t know how they haven’t been

Pulled up yet Evanson being one of the ones that blows my mind he’s destroying it down in Grand rampid scrip I think he has 19 points in like 30 games or something right now came down a little bit on the point streak but still dominating out there on the ice and when

He comes up and plays with us he’s actually doing well like again I put it out there why don’t we have the guy that’s going to make the same mistakes as the veterans come up and actually learn from those mistakes instead of having the veterans continuously make

The same mistakes and they’re not going to learn anymore because they’re in their 30s like they’re at the end like Petri at the end like this is his last run right now like let’s be honest he’s not going to be traded off anywhere he has a

Two-year deal with the red WIS and he’s probably going to retire here with us he’s got to he’s got to move no trade clause too so you can’t even trade him the only thing that you can do and he’s got one more year left you can buy him

Out you can bury him um but that’s part of the issue too Derek and sorry I’m cutting you off here but maybe this will get you going too is that next year when you go into the offseason the Red Wings have one spot open on defense only one

Player will not be on this team based their contract ending and so now you have six defenseman still you basically have to buy out someone trade someone or bury them next season if you want Sim Evanson to make this team you have like four left-handed defensemen right now

You have Walman you have sherat you have wall or um Ma I already said uh yeah and then do you want to bring ghost bear back i’ like ghost bear back I’m not gonna lie he’s the one player that’s been doing something so then how does s

Have fit into this eventually you either have to I think you buy out Petri right or we got in here and then you have to trade MAA or something I mean then you have Justin hall for another two years who plays on and off and he’s been looking worse as time go goes

On he’s ging more right Steve has a lot of work to do this offseason but when does someone like Simon Evanson make the lineup and that’s when I started asking you got Wallander Johansson when are these guys going to make the lineup eventually you’re going to have

To trade them and is that when you say okay we trade Johansson and Wallander for a Winger for to to match Raymond because we don’t have a top Winger when you have barran who can’t even crack the lineup and then merer like maybe they can make it next year but how

Many how many freshman prospects do you want want first year players do you want on this roster next year I mean I want a couple of them there’s a few players that just need to be up with us but at the same time like after next this

Season is the only like last season that they can be stuck down there that’s the thing these players need to get up they’re getting old enough they’re supposed to be in the league basically well Evon I’d say now but next year would be literally the I’d say like the

Ceiling for when they’re supposed to be in the league and they all have the to actually be up here right now some more than others but they could still be producing either for us or you know Stevie start making some magic get some first round second round picks for some

Of these high-end players that we have we just can’t let them sit down there collecting dust on Grand Rapids a team that again not very good besides our star prospects that we have down there yeah and and with those players I named off and going off of what you were

Saying I don’t think that you’re going to trade some of these players to get picks you’re going to start trading them for players that can fill in roles for you now right is that you know you look at the lineup for the Red Wings and we really don’t have a top left Winger

Derek we put Alex the brat on the left he shoots right um then you have Lucas Raymond who also shoots right you have Patrick Kane who’s a right winger um Daniel sprong is p uh Pan’s a right hand go Jesus Christ we don’t have any lefties on our forward

Do we I did not realize that until now and so that’s where bearr and Maser come in and so if you’re so full on left-handed defenseman you’re obviously going to bring up Edinson right and so and I know we’re supposed to be talking about four

Years in the future but you have to talk now because some of these players might not be here four years into the future and so I can see a world where Johanson and willander willander Wallander Wallander are traded for probably a forward player a left-handed or or left-handed Winger

Because that’s what we need and then you look at Players even like Marco Casper really isn’t thriving like we thought he would you have Nate Danielson coming up um amadas Lombardy doc can play center too if he wants to I don’t even know what he’s

Going to be like either and so we have a lot of wh ifs with these prospects and I get that people want these prospects to make the team and I said this on the last episode I’m at the point where either you start trading some of these

Players for players that can come in now and play for you for the next eight years plus or you start letting them play now and stop filling these holes with free agent old players or players like Andrew cop and you’re paying them 5 mil I’d much rather you bring up a

Prospect for $800,000 than paying someone five mil who can’t even I mean Andrew cop 38 games five goals 12 assists I can get that out of janathan berren for p sake it’s a lot hell of a lot cheaper yeah but no one’s gonna take Andrew cop

And we can’t buy him out so um but yeah dere I know that this war years into the future thing this is kind of like all over the place now but yeah I guess um you got to look at next year to realize what’s going to happen in four years

To yeah but speaking about these names looking at it for years in the future Lin and Danielson you’re one and 2C cider and ASP your one and right or one and two right-handed D pairing C and Augustine one in one a one b 10d and then you got aninon maybe Waller

Johansson and then Raymond maybe Barren and merer what is does that scream to you when I say all those names I mean because to me music my ears sweet friends sweet sweet music to my ears if we stood Pat four years from now and we

Did nothing I love it but it’s not going to work out that way but what do you think about that as Lin and Danielson and all these other names and the pairings that we have going on for the future I mean what we have right here obviously looks nice as long as everyone

Keeps up with the prod C that they’re doing and their skill set just improves instead of declines as they get older and if that happens with everybody and some reason we end up keeping everybody and we just sit here for another four years while we kind of suffer as a

Almost playoff team not playoff team which obviously could happen I don’t want it to happen I feel like why we’re picking up all these players this year was to make a push kind of which technically is still possible for us but at the same time I’d rather

Just know that we have a team that can make it and we can just sit back relax and watch them dominate the league and hopefully the players that we have that are technically on paper right now supposed to do that for us can work out in four years obviously like you said

The probability of us having all these players still on the team in four years is probably nil to none just because that’s just how it works we’re not going to just wait for four years y’s going to do something within the next six months here that’s probably going to blow our

Minds and we’re probably going to be a little sad watching one of these prospects disappear but in the long run in check in the short run it could actually help us out but in the long run hopefully they know what they’re doing yeah yeah honestly everything’s working out fine

In Dy now I like the fact that you’re going out and you’re adding players like Daniel sprongs on really cheap contracts that are basically on Pace to score almost 30 goals for us and put up almost 60 points right for a really cheap contract under $3 million and you’re

Getting players like ghost bear I don’t know what’s going to happen with him um Alex De Brat you’re going out and trading for him you’re getting players like Kane coming in um I love the fact that we’re getting these players interested in Detroit but we also have prospects that are very much interested

In Detroit and so you have to find the perfect balance between the two because we didn’t there’s no New Prospect on this team from the previous year before that uh you had I think it was not even Barren I don’t think there was even one

Last year and so you have to start doing that right you have to start rotating these prospects in and out um and you got to start figure out what their value is before it’s too late um much kind of like Ras M and valeno maybe it was too late valeno

Might be at the highest right now his value Ras M His Highest value was probably last season before he got injured and so either so yeah I mean B’s doing good in Grand Rapids he’s over a point per game player with them I think if not a

Point per game player I can actually check that real quick I believe he’s one point over a point per game 234 points in 23 games I think yep 20 yep 23 points in 22 games and so yeah I mean there’s got to be a team out there that’s

Probably interested in him and if you gotta you know if Barr’s not happy with not being on the lineup go ahead and do him a favor to and trade him we’ll just have to wait and see like you said because not a lot of the not

All these players are going to be with the team there’s a good chance that Marco Casper maybe Edinson won’t be with this team who knows we’ll just have to wait and see I highly doubt it don’t quote me on that don’t shoot me all right Derek do you have anything else

You want to say about four years into the future H honestly no just because I know everything I Pro will say now and look back at this in four years I’ll be like wow I was completely and utterly wrong probably me too yeah just like how

We normally are but this is why it’s just a discussion we’re not here to be right or wrong we’re here to discuss on what we think and we want yall to do the same in the comments go ahead and do that this is a friendly discussion so

Yeah no one pay us to do this anyway so we can say whatever we want no we we charge ourselves to do this to talk to you guys so um DK all right that’s enough of the main topics looking into the future of the Detroit Red Wings um

But let’s go into the round The League news and then we can close it off after that and not really that much around the League news that we’re probably missing a bunch honestly I know that there was one player suspended for really bad hits

Um but I can’t remember who it is so if you want to take the time to look that up real quick that would be awesome if not that’s okay but anyways I’ll fill the void um former Red Wings Legend Brendan Smith gives Conor Bard a fracture jaw and placed them on the

Injured reserve list um Derek I kind of want Brendan Smith back on the team I’m just kidding no I don’t but oh I know oh oh I’m happy because this actually goes I found out who it is and it goes into one of the people actually the next thing I have on here

Okay okay awesome so yeah Derek what do you think about the hit from Brendan Smith on the Conor and fracturing his job we were talking about this before we recorded actually so I mean it was a great hit well there is nothing bad about it it was a solid shot

Right from the shoulder to his face it just sucks that Connor was so much shorter than Brendan Smith that his face lined up perfectly with his shoulder and man he popped his ass sorry for the language but he just like raged all him to the ground and he

Got up holding his face I was like oh oh that Jaws gone I saw him walk off I was like oh yep his draw is gone he’s going to be sewed up for the next month now Chicago goodbye yeah that’s that’s very brutal that it’s injured reserve I don’t know

How long it’s going to take for a job probably like at least three weeks four weeks Derek he’ll be out for a month at least three weeks with it probably if it’s bad enough it’ll be wired shut so yeah eating yogurt and drinking Tropical Smoothie it’s not good man no it’s probably

I don’t know sounds bad um yeah honestly I thought it was a clean hit uh good on Nick Felino for uh going up to Brendan Smith I believe they fought Twice first round sucked um but good on Brendon Smith for answering the Bell as well he’s been around the league

He knows exactly what his job is and what you got to do but I believe neck felo also got injured for fighting Brendan Smith and so now they’re out Nick Felino and so gotta go black Hawks with the first overall pick in the 2024 NHL draft you get mlin celini with Conor

Bard congratulations it’s it’s rigged once again you guys get the next Kane and tve Duo combo basically so congratulations um it’s not rigged um I I I think it is kind of I don’t like it mly I’m mainly joking but yeah okay um moving along is Dylan cousins be has

Dylan cousins become most hated player in the NHL is this the one you were talking about yep cuz the one you’re thinking about because Dylan cousins after uh smacking who was it I forget who it was one of the Minnesota players went down and he got nailed he nailed

From behind on his knees into the boards yeah zarell came up out of nowhere probably 10 seconds later and just smashes him from behind right into the boards I was like yes that’s EX exactly what I wanted to see I don’t condone it I just think Dylan cousins is just becoming the new

Brad marchan but actually hated more so than Brad marchan is like I’ve never seen someone Turtle like getting scrums Turtle so many times because he doesn’t want to get hit in the face after he just messes around with the other team it’s like I’m sorry dude take your

Medicine you’re going to be an player at least Brad Maran will come back and start smacking you back no does not do that right now and he’s not producing enough to be able to do any of the stuff he’s doing so he’s annoying me too there definitely seems to be a lot

Of Penn in the NHL lately when it comes to players getting hit and then people defending their teammates I don’t know is pettiness the wrong word I think it’s kind of pettiness you know you saw your player get hit okay then you’re GNA do it okay then you’re going

To be a little and you’re going to Turtle much like you said so is that pettiness in my using the right word there or not really I feel like there there’s definitely another word that could be used that’s not pettiness but I’ll go with it for an now just because

It’s just so stupid like you’re playing it played for so long you know you’re gonna act like that take your medicine get punched in the face a couple times it’s what you deserve sorry not sorry like I understand like where you’re coming from with people coming back like the reing right now is

Atrocious and the bad part about the reing being Ates is that the teams are starting to take things into their own hands then because if the refs aren’t going to call something like zuk gello here on cousins after cousins just smack somebody on their knees into the boards no

Call of course he’s gonna get his rocked after that and zuk Carell three game suspension probably not what he was hoping for comes in just crushes them into the board from behind I’m like sorry eyes sorry NHL sorry refs that’s what’s going to happen when you don’t do

Your jobs yep yeah 100% down on this St like the stupid like I go with it the stupid petty like Dylan cousins they have to come down on this stuff or you’re gonna have players getting the crap knocked out of them getting injured and getting suspended all because little things

Aren’t being called like I don’t want every call be like every little penalty to be called of course not that’s not how hockey works it’s a rough game a little slash here a little poke there no but if you’re going to hit someone from behind to the boards when they’re

Underneath yeah you probably should call that or if you want to go into our next topic when some even though it doesn’t look like it was on purpose and you find out it was on purpose later go ahead take it away it’s all you you’re already

Going go ahead take it away well jump right into it with uh how har our favorite player in the Red Wings who slew footed are beautiful to Brink it got a only $4,400 fine for who was that two handing what was it the Jets one out their upcoming Stars Peretti right into the

Face multiple stitches and the best part one you what I must have missed this one are you missed this oh yeah this is a big one right now cuz everybody’s fumed because the best part about this all uh what’s his name Peretti he was wearing a

Wire the whole time for like some weird thing the Jets were doing for like you know behind the scenes and Hart comes up to him and tells him into the mic yeah I did that on purpose that was intentional I had to get you someone had to get had

Someone had to get it back for uh Capri off getting hurt and I was like so yeah I’m watching the video right now of him saying yeah I did it on purpose what oh my God and the worst part about that is because that stupid rule they made

Forever ago when with the NHL and having people wired up they can’t use any of that to come back on him yeah so so right here spin chicklets four days ago posted a video saying Ryan Hartman straight up to a cold profet he High sticked him on purpose because of the

Dylan capris off incident POF got get over it dude partman get over it this is why he dropped you from fantasy hockey dude play hockey not dumb stuff like this oh my goodness like I get it Capri up like you go the the best player gets injured

Yeah you go after somebody you probably you obviously Hartman went after the Jets new upcoming best player but still there’s so many other things caprisa got hit hard that was it Hart just twoand someone to the face with a stick yeah I think got like four or five stitches he had to

Get like come on that’s just that’s not hockey that’s just some petty ass that’s Petty I used it right that time like if you’re gonna do anything like like like go ahead you can Target that guy make it clean hit him while he’s coming around the net with the puck smoke his ass

Whatever stop with the stick like this it’s a it’s horrible people are trying to kill people with their sticks right now and faces like I don’t get it like when did this what did this year become such a weird year for sticks going to faces like stop just hit

Somebody just said yeah I agree with you Derek yeah it’s got to stop the League’s got to do something about it they got to tell the Reps to take more control over the game before the players start losing their minds and going back crazy on other players yes sorry that is my one

Swear word for the day it is towards the end of the episode so worth it um Derek that’s actually that’s it that’s all we got for today so I think my rant yeah I think I think we can close it off now so um but before we do the

Upcoming games there’s a game today by the time you guys watch this it’s probably already Monday or whatever day maybe you’re watching this three months from now who knows but on January 7th 2024 Sunday 8m Easter time the Red Wings do play The Mighty Ducks and then next week or this upcoming week

Thursday uh they play against the Edmonton Oilers 7 PM eastern time which we will be doing a recording before then but just letting you y’all know about that but Derek let’s go ahead and close it off buddy so give them your final thoughts oh let’s go Red Wings let’s get

Another dub tonight let’s get the win streak for 2024 going hopefully we see some movement with our prospects I I don’t want to be inside you guys mind so I’m just going to let him do that stuff right now and hopefully it turns out for

The best for us so let’s go Red Wings let’s go prospects let’s kick the duck’s butt amen a amen all right I like it yeah my final thoughts are let’s go Red Wings I still think that we’re a playoff team uh congratulations to Trey Augustine for

Winning gold Team USA it’s our sport now USA USA that’s what everyone on social media was saying it was so funny um uh USA did win with class Johanson you probably shouldn’t have done what you did to Lane Hudson you made Lane Hudson very mad um ASP very good job out

There that silver medal we’re very proud of you that was awesome Nate Danielson we’re still proud of you no matter what um sorry Team Canada just did not know how to utilize you properly uh but you will be great for us four years in the future the team four years in the future

It’s looking great Eiserman Chris you guys are doing a fantastic job but please start drafting a little bit better outside of the first round we need capris off type of players that you find randomly in the second round and can just come in and make a huge

Difference right away and so yeah let’s go Red Wings once again those are my final thoughts we miss you Matt hopefully we’ll see you soon and until next time we’ll see y’all on the next one on hockeytown University bye-bye bye y’all I always H my mic you SM it like five times already

On today’s episode, Derek and Zack who the better 2023 draft pick is after the World Junior Championship and what the Detroit Red Wings depth will look like for its top lines and pairs 4 years from now.

Around the league news:

– Former red wings legend Brendan Smith gives Connor Bedard a fractured Jaw and placed on IR
– Is Dylan Cozens become most hated player in the NHL?
– Did we talk about Hart and the jets?I hope not bc damn I can’t wait for that next game.

Red Wings News:

– ADB named to the Eastern Conference All Star team
– Wings have won 3 of the last 4 after going 2-6 in the previous 8 games
– Still possible playoff team?

– Sweden defeats Czechia 5-2
– ASP registers 1G, 1A +1 20mins played
– Assist led to game winning goal
– Johansson did not play

– USA defeats Finland 3-2
– Trey Augustine and the rest of the team played lights out after the 1st period coming back from a 2-0 deficit
– 2GA, 19-21 saves made, .905SV%

Czechia vs Finland Bronze medal game
– Czechia wins

USA vs. Sweden Gold Medal Game (Friday)
– Augustine vs. ASP
– USA wins gold 6-2 and free burritos from chipotle for a year
– ASP 1 Assist, 23mins played IIHF directorate Defenseman of the tournament. Finishes tourney with 2G4A6P in 7GP
– Augustine 24-26 saves made, .923SV% in the game
– Augustine finished tourney with 4Wins, 1.75GAA, .936SV%, 1 gold medal🔥
– Johansson played 12secs and given 12PIMs for going HAM on a USA player

Main Topics:

– How would you rank 23’s draft picks between Danielson, ASP and Augustine amongst one another? Explain why
– Looking back 7-8 months later, did Steve and Kris do well drafting these players in their spots?

4yrs into future
– Larkin, Danielson (1&2C)
– Seider, ASP (1&2RHD)
– Cossa, Augustine (1A&1B tendy)
– Edvinsson, ??? (1&2LHD)
– Raymond, ??? (1&2Winger)
Game notes:

Wings vs Kings (Thursday)
– Lyon in net
– Kings score first 2mins kempe received a cross ice pass in front of the net
– Kings quickly get another one 4mins in to make it 2-0 Matt Roy off a rebound coming down the slot late off the rush
– Wings played a soft 1st period allowing the Kings to control the pace of play
– Sprong makes it 2-1 with a strong puck battle win by Maata to get it out in front to get the opportunity goal
– Larkin battling behind the Kings net, gets a nice pass to Petry who lets it rip to tie the game 2-2 with a nice screen by Perron late in the 2nd period
– Fabbri on the doorstep makes it 3-2 6mins into the 3rd period off a nice rebound off the goalie from Sprong with a behind the back pass behind the net
– Impresses with how load this place got in the third. “Go kings go” was at battle with “Go wings go” at one point. Love all the wings fans in Cali.
– Kings tie it up 3-3
– Free hockey! OT
– Shootout! Wings win thank you Raymond and Kane!
– Overall, Detroit battled back after a bad start & got the job done Robby Fabbri scores goals Sprong: another multi-point game, he’s been excellent Raymond & Kane clutch in the shootout Lyon 40 save win 4/4 points on the road trip so far is HUGE. First time beating LA since 1-6-17
– Fabbri (2G) and Sprong (2A)
Upcoming Games

Mighty ducks Sunday 8pm est
Edmonton Oilers Thursday 7pm ET

#lgrw #redwings #nhl #detroit #nhlplayoffs #nhltradedeadline #nhl23 #nhl24 #detroitredwings #kings #losangeles #lakings #losangeleskings #ducks #anaheimducks #anaheim #bedard #connorbedard #chicagoblackhawks #worldjuniors #worldjunioricehockeychampionship #wjc #wjc2024 #usa #teamusa #canada #teamcanada #sweden #teamsweden


  1. Wings will continue to be undefeated up against a bad Ducks team with baby girl Zegras.

    It’s gonna stink seeing the wings takes another LHD, but makes sense if that’s what’s available and yeah the future of Johansson and Wallinder are looking bleak.

    Augustine>Cossa but that duo will be sick in 4yrs.

  2. I still think Johansson could be a 6/7th dman for a year or two, but unless Yzerman makes a move or two that isn’t happening and it’s frustrating. Ik GRG isn’t doing so hot but the young guys are starting to come around as of late so who knows! The wings do need to invest in another skilled top pair D IMO. Poor Nate Danielson is 3rd out of the 3 drafted last year

  3. If we don’t draft a left winger who has top 6 potential this draft I think we should trade our 1st rd pick plus an extra D prospect for Zach Benson or Casey Middlestat if possible. Buffalo is going to have another high pick and maybe they need to shake up their core, I wish we could have got Benson

  4. Great episode boys! Ill agree, either play the prospects, or start trading some for ready now players instead of getting the Justin Holl's and Andrew Copps via free agency. Draft wise, we legitimately have no top wingers outside of Raymond. We have no idea what Berggren and Mazur can become at the NHL level. Maybe 40-50pt guys? we need a 70-90pt guy

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