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by goddamnitwhalen


  1. Vivid_Walk_1405

    Good on Val hope he’s able to find help. We might need to make our trade deadline move a little earlier though so we don’t have to play mack and mikko 25 minutes a night

  2. Avs4life16

    ffs should of done that back when he dipped playoff time. Is there something coming down the pipeline that hasn’t been said from the NHL / NHLPA like they are actively testing guys now and if positive you have to check in if you don’t want results in the media?

  3. cam_huskers

    According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), approximately 90% of individuals who have struggled with alcohol addiction will experience at least one relapse during their lifetime.

    Keep building the foundation and you will be successful. As long as you never give up on beating it.

    See you soon, Val

  4. Exciting_Ad4264

    The human in me: good for nuke hope he gets well
    The avs fan in me: NOOOOOOO

  5. el_loco_avs

    Full support for Val. He can take all the time necessary.

  6. colonelkangaroo

    Good for him. You’ve got this Val. There’s more important things in life than hockey, and sports in general. Do it for you and your family.

    Obviously each person is different, but I have no doubt that the Avs will give Val everything he needs to make this a successful recovery. I’m sure Sammy G will be in his corner helping him.

  7. CryptographerTop6473

    So Val has been playing outta his mind with this hanging over his head?? I can’t believe what he is gonna do when he feels ready to come back and got the needed help he needs.

  8. i-like-legos2

    Take all they time you need my guy. We’re all here for you. We be welcome back with open arms.

  9. AltruisticEnd9

    Well this worked super well for Spinny Boi. Here’s hoping for similar results for Val. Even if not, nothing but love for our Chu Chu Train!

  10. Pummelinho

    Oh boy, so sorry for Val. It‘s incredible that he was playing on this level while feeling bad.
    Big shout out to the Avs organization. It seems that they are taking care of the human, not of the player. Get well soon, Val! ❤️

  11. xCUBUFFSx

    I’ve had a couple family need to enter rehab for alcohol related abuse. This is a huge step towards recovery. Whether it’s drugs or alcohol, good on Val for wanting to be better for himself and his family.

  12. Knurling_Turtle

    I hope this was his decision and not the team forcing his hand.

  13. usernamefromhell

    Love you chu chu

    Take care of yourself, buddy

  14. Good luck, Nuke. Get healthy and do what you need to do for yourself and your loved ones.

    Avs fans will be waiting with open arms whenever you feel ready.

  15. goatcopter

    Glad he and Sammy are facing their demons and getting help, and I hope they maintain. Hockey is a bonus, but this is something that impacts their whole life.

  16. InevitableAvalanche

    It is amazing to me he can be one of the best players in the NHL while still battling an issue.

    Super disappointed since he was playing so well but glad he is getting some help.

  17. Murky-Pass6571

    Sammy has been playing out of his mind since he came back, IMO. Hope he gets it worked out before we need him in the playoffs!

  18. _redacteduser

    I volunteer to do all the substance abuse for the team so they can all get sober and healthy.

  19. RickolisH

    I wonder if Sammy going through something earlier may have been a factor in Val choosing to do the same here?

  20. schewbacca

    The last game he played was the Vegas game. Hard not to be tempted by that atmosphere and surroundings. Hope he’s able to get the help he needs.

  21. Orangatation

    God damn this hurts, but hes still the next jersey i want to get. Dude was a beast in thr playoffs and has been a beast ever since joining us. We wouldnt be the team we are without him.

  22. Anhedonic98

    In my experience, one of the hardest things about addiction is admitting you have the problem and actually taking the steps to find a solution, cant imagine how much tougher something like that is for a public figure so good on Val for doing this, hopefully he is able to get the help he needs to overcome this

  23. Sedgwicks_Spurs

    Avsolutely nothing but love and support for Big Val. If you need help, get the help you need!

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