@Pittsburgh Penguins

Gotta See It: Rakell mobbed by Blackhawks after smashing Crawford

Rickard Rakell smashes into Blackhawks goalie Corey Crawford and pays the price, with Chicago going after him after the whistle.


  1. Crawford saw him coming and it even looks like he was trying to put the hit on. He leaned into him ffs.

  2. Crawford obviously heard him skating behind or saw him in the reflection of the glass and purposely moved into his way. So blatant lmfao.

  3. Crawford leaned into him on purpose, I don't know why or how would anyone argue against that. I get the that the players stand up for their goalie though, even if it's because of stupid shit like this.

  4. Correction : Corey Crawford initiates contact by trying to do a reverse-hit. His tactic fails as Rakell pushes him. Oduya then punches Rakell at the back of the head and puts him in a headlock dragging him down.

  5. If u saw someone coming towards you that fast wouldn't you at least lean into it? Cuz I would like Crawford did lol

  6. It is called Crawford being stupid. He would have gotten a penalty had he played the puck. It was out of the trapizoid. He had no business leaving the crease. Plus he initiated the contact. Rakell was going for the puck. Crawford interfered.

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