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Bruins Highlights & Analysis: Boston Blanks Devils In Convincing, Shutout Win

Bruins Highlights & Analysis: Boston Blanks Devils In Convincing, Shutout Win

[Applause] H blocked by Frederick Frederick in the race and he [Applause] scores a diving effort puts a virtual cap on this game welcome to Bruins overtime live presented by by for offers Not Seen On TV visit by at 3 nothing shut out for the boss and Bruins

Over the New Jersey Devil so much to talk about here guys but Razer I want to bring up your point from pregame that this yes there at home was really kind of like an extension of the road trip traveled yesterday right back back at it early today tired but they didn’t show

It and they really really performed well to end this sort of streak this road trip on a good note right yeah and they take five game segments they talk about five game segments all the time so they had four in the road they had this one

They get seven points out of the 10 games they have a 700 percentage in the league and we talk everyone’s complaining about their overtime losses and now uh they’re top of the league again with 61 points so and we agree that Jersey was missing some important play that that Jack just down douge

Hamilton team no Nock well noi really hasn’t played but you’re right but no okay okay but the Bruins are still missing you know Carlo Carlo ptra olar forbert right I I me so not this isn’t you know back and forth what I’m saying is everybody’s dealing with injuries

It’s that time of year right now the Bruins seem to handle any coming home distractions beautifully I’d say better than you and I did on this game way better than I did and way better than I expected I thought that was going to be much more of a grind for them and they

Had a few minutes in the second but I I mean it was dominant dominant and it has to be it it it has to be the fact and I love that Jim Montgomery put them out the start the first and the second it has to be the impetus of that first line

The Top Line postr knock reun not reunited kept with Coyle and Maran they were Dynamite first period second period they set tone yeah I would say it’s not a coincidence they dominated the last five periods of hockey with those three together yeah and and it was led by them

And every I don’t remember them having a bad shift the last two games together there wasn’t one where they got hemmed in or turnovers or random plays that they made where you you thought o that was tough that they were just Rock Solid yeah they owned ice I don’t have the

Analytics in in in front but they owned ice there was no uh oh what are you doing don’t don’t make that play within four six feet of the Blue Line either way they were sharp and it also translated to the power play too their movement on the power play was excellent

You noticed all three of them on this goal by Charlie Co some beautiful passing between uh Brad Martian and David posn Co scoring with the backhand yeah it was 200 ft away and they moved the puck extremely quickly David PN finds an angle and then finds Mary with

A little bit of footwork pulls up and Charlie Cole makes a great quick decision great hockey sense play to put that backhander past Nico do but it’s it’s the quickness and it’s Charlie Coyle recognizing where the Open Spaces with a great backhander all right I will

Tell you when I am right some of the times and mostly when I’m wrong a lot of the time that was just Charlie M Coyle’s second backhand goal of the year I thought it was his third uh he’s other lot of back you know who else has two is

Jake de brus they’re tied for the league but lead but uh Frederick had that other beautiful one that’s a quick shot though Razer already broke down in the in the second intermission about the point of release Etc and do played a pretty darn good game and this one gets beat short

Side there back hands can make a goalie look bad they can’t and it just it it isn’t that usually it isn’t that they’re bad see feel it the same way yeah yeah exactly okay so we wanted to show you this because Charlie Coy’s career highend goals with the Bruins cuz of

Course he played for the wild as well is 16 and that was his 15th goal of the season so he’s just one away from that and as we look 32 points on the season so far 45 with the Bruins is his career high David poock from where he’s known

To score even though he’s getting all types of goals this season scoring on the power play from the circle beautiful beautiful movement Puck retrieval everything this was you know you could feel it I’m not going to say you knew it was going to happen but I sure thought

It was going to meaning they’re going to get one here they got lucky right there the puck bounced away from the defender now they’re retrieving pucks they’re working at it poock saying all right I’m in my area right and never once do you see Jersey Razer get really really

Settled they try to reset here but then post is going to be wide open hammer time I mean outside the dots by 6 fet well it starts right there Brad marshan poking the puck from what Niko do if he’s a split second behind NHL golender covers that and and deadend the play now

They’re out there for 55 60 seconds Brad just or uh David just keeps floating B it’s impossible to defend way out you can’t go out there as a Defender even though you know he’s going to get it you can’t go outside the dots and you’re not supposed to be able to beat a

Goendale hockey league but David does it night after night his ability to find a space on the golender with the short side from all the way out there is really really impressive and you’re not going out there because what you’re leaving the center of the you’re too far

Open yeah you’re too wide then you just go then you just bump it into Charlie Coyle and has shot right to the net and don’t don’t uh discard van rdik and his and his ability to screen the goenda down low he he screens dos has too far to go because of that screen

Well David poock racking up 18 points in his last 12 games four of them Power Play Goals and two game winners all of those very important okay one theme for this Bruins team All Season Take fewer penalties they did that today yes fewer and they had a good PK in the yeah well

Right they still took a pen but their PK was outstanding their footwork you know they were moving their feet all game they weren’t chasing with their sticks they were making plays with their sticks again here they protect middle of the ice they shrink that zone with three

Guys around one now they bring it to the outside and they’re allowed to just go like you pressure to a point when the player facing you you pressure to a point that you just make them uncomfortable if they turn their back then you engage if not you just stay to

The middle you let them stay to the outside Bruins did a nice job of that they did you and you you know you see New Jersey so far away from each other there’s no movement and the Bruins are just absolute sharks when it comes to a team like this they let them stay

Outside there’s no Panic they’re not going to get themselves out of position really nice job by the Bruins and it’s easy to not take penalties when you have the puck the hole n and that that was the case tonight for the Bruins not just having that one minor late in the third

They’ve taken some bad ozone penalties though too and in this one yes they had the pucking off a lot but even when they didn’t they got it back with their feet they they did it back the the right way I think the power play is also an area

Where they Devils really miss Jack te we were giving the Bruins penalty kill present but I absolutely they’re it’s not the same when you don’t have a marquee guy like a David pack we’ve seen it when David’s not in the lineup the power play doesn’t cuz you cuz you can

Just easily play off of all of players on the ice you’re not concerned about anyone and they haven’t had douge for a while but he can bring the hammer from the point yeah so anyways listen you got to play with what you got Bruins did it beautifully with what they had and they

Were better than the devils and Jeremy San excellent in this one his third straight start and he gets a shut out so his third shut out of the Season guys really really standing up in this one yeah he was great after the first period didn’t have to do much but he made some

Big saves like we talked about in the second inter mission in the second period moved to 20 and one against New Jersey Devils in his career over a 950 save percentage now he was Rock Solid gave a little fist pump at the end I think he really wanted that shut out

Especially first game at home after being an Allstar noded as an Allstar uh again Rock Solid and this is a game again for him he hasn’t played a lot of these in his career where he’s played three games and then coming home off of a road trip probably a little tired

Probably hasn’t gotten enough sleep the last couple days and as a goal turn you want to test yourself and the best Goenda oh we do star of the game first I’ll ask you a question he is our Subaru star of the game and with that we’re going to take a look at his record let me raise something here yeah yeah go ahead has he got got quicker in

My uneducated goalie eye I feel like he’s sharper with his push like he’s he’s he’s a quicker and if so how do you become quicker as a goalie decision so he’s gotten quicker because he’s not going as far I think his movements are smaller they’re they’re just as athletic

They’re just as powerful but I think his his knowledge of the crease his knowledge in Reading plays as he’s only got 105 starts he’s gaining more knowledge all the time in these games so I think he does look faster he looks bigger because he’s getting to his spots

Just that Split Second quicker because he’s reading the play a little better or he’s not out as far he’s drifting back in his game so he’s getting to his spots quicker so it looks all of those things and it’s a product of hockey sense and positioning so he’s not doing those you

Ever seen those old videos of TR check the KN jumps that’s been out there a little bit doing the the Russian dance and the whole thing I I I mean he might be doing a little bit of that but I think it’s uh I think he he’s just

Reading the game and he’s so confident at this point where it it you grow grow you get confident he’s just entering that hockey player Prime between that the physical and then the mental people think you know physical prime yeah 18 to 21 no no no it’s like 23 to 27 because

Then everything kind of comes together physically and mentally he’s really entered that well well for guys the mental takes a long time all right it’s a good point you’re still Pro proving it takes a long time next I can’t argue you’re not just kidding I don’t want to

Get trouble over here the truth the truth does hurt sometimes uh all right Jeremy San was the guest with Adam pin for the walk-off uh Jeremy coming back after a four-game road trip it can be a grind that first game back home you guys were

Able to grind it out though I think it was one of our best start to finish games of the year it was really special seeing the guys just take initiative from the drop of the puck to the end of the end of the third and and that’s what

We’re that’s what we’re working for and uh I think that road trip definitely gave us some momentum going forward with a couple tough overtime losses and I’m excited to see what we do next one- nothing game uh closing seconds of the second period you’re able to make a nice

Save on Nathan Bastion you know how are you able to see that with all the traffic in front uh they did a good job in that front and I think our guys did a great job blocking shots all night and of course boxing out letting my let my

Vision be easy so uh I got a shout out Razer we worked on uh some some screen this summer so that uh that donuts for him and finally uh first of five straight here at home how important is it to take advantage of schedule at this point

Well you don’t realize how much you miss home until you’re gone for a week and uh you know these fans are are so amazing and obviously this city is incredible to play in front of so couldn’t be happier to be back here and uh and finish off

This week you know start off with a win and and just keep rolling with it third shout out of the year for Jeremy swam and the allstar thanks man I don’t know about that I got to keep up with you I saw you in the gym this road trip so I

Got to take some notes out of your book hey man I’m just trying to keep up with you guys thanks man appreciate it nothing but love with Jeremy Swan so tell us Razer take us to what he was shutting you out for or shouting you out

Well he just did that to because he he promised that he would do that he couldn’t wait to get a show out at home and talk and and just kind of embarrass me I guess more than anything we jumped on the ice a couple times in the summer

And uh when when he needed someone to hang out with so um but I didn’t do anything along those lines in anyway are you the goalie coach that wears goalie skates or SK player skates yeah we’re player skate guys I learn that from goalie Bob yeah goalie doesn’t we we

Wear player skates don’t wear goalie skates out there like I said for goalies I’m not a goalie anymore anymore nothing but love with swiming and the Ness and crew all right guys plenty more to come on Bruins overtime live we’re going to get more reaction to this three nothing

Win against the Devils Andy Brickley is going to go one-on-one with head coach Jim Montgomery right after the break so stay tuned for that and later on in Bruins postgame final the women’s bean pot is coming to TD Garden later we’re going to hear from the players who will

Be battling out on Garden ice this year and we’re going to hear from Harvard Legend Angela roero who joined us on set earlier today we’ll be right back Bruins overtime live on nessen is presented by viat for offers Not Seen On TV visit bi

Highlights and analysis from the Boston Bruins’ 3-0 win over the New Jersey Devils on January 15th, 2024.

Boston Bruins Goals: Charlie Coyle (15), David Pastrnak (26, PP), Trent Frederic (13, EN)

New Jersey Devils Goals: N/A

Boston Bruins Goalies: Jeremy Swayman (31 Saves on 31 Shots)

New Jersey Devils Goalies: Nico Daws (33 Saves on 35 Shots)


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