@Buffalo Sabres

Habs lose to the Buffalo Sabres 6-1 in terrible efforted game | Habs 2023-24 Season | Episode 38

Habs lose to the Buffalo Sabres 6-1 in terrible efforted game | Habs 2023-24 Season | Episode 38

Hello everybody my name is har rice welcome back to the channel I my name is Harry rice IW games for the Montreal Canadians usually I would be live to talk about the game that happened tonight however for some reason my streamlabs OBS is not working so

Basically I can turn off the Dallas logo and get the Buffalo logo up but as soon as I try and change the game score from 4 to three montol which was the score of the last game to 61 Buffalo uh it doesn’t let me input any numbers it keeps crashing streamlabs OBS

So I figured why not I’ll come up on regular OBS Studio because I still have that luckily uh I figured I’ll come up on this one and I’ll just record I figured streaming it’ll take a while to get going and yeah I would love to start streaming on OBS Studio again I

Just I’m going to have to get used to uh these controls again as opposed to OBS so yeah the Montreal Canadians played tonight against the Buffalo Sabers um I tried my best by the way to recreate what the stream layout is uh you guys don’t have the uh you guys have a little

Bit bigger thing here obviously there’s no chat because we’re not going live yeah if anyone is new here usually when we are live and and how we are right now we take a look at the lines for both teams we go through the stats uh sorry the game summary and Analysis little

Recap I guess you could say for the Montreal Canadians and then uh we go through the stats for the can well for the game in general and then we go through the stats for the Canadians and uh yeah like I said usually we’d be live however my streamlabs OBS is not working

Unfortunately I’ll see if I can get it restarted for next game uh where casy scenario I just have to recreate what it looks like maybe I don’t know maybe just delete the source I don’t know like I said I’ll I’ll try I didn’t want to

Waste a lot of time I wanted this up probably before 11: um plus this is actually better because I do have uh family staying over tonight so uh I won’t be able to make a lot of noise and wake them up for two hours you know so

Yeah the open LS for the Montreal Canadians were CAU suuki sovi Anderson Monahan Gallagher Evans Ulen pizetta Stevens armia Matson svard ghouly Baron struble Harris and Koba savich so the Canadians going with once again 11 forwards and 7D uh and Jake Allen gets to go ahead and

Net for the Canadians I think you could tell and Ken Primo backs him up tonight giving mons and bow the night off as surprisingly he’s been solid doesn’t get the start though um yeah for me um uh I thought that overall was an okay game yeah Jake Allen first two goals not

Really much he could do on three and four what the hell was he doing fifth he wasn’t on the ice four and then sixth yeah at that point it doesn’t matter so I really didn’t care so yeah um and we’ll get into some news regarding a Christian Dvorak actually I might as

Well get to here because I didn’t put him the before the game stuff uh Christian Dvorak by the way it is confirmed and also Anderson after being injured last game he’s back in um apparently he just had a a frozen knee basically was the extent of his injury

And he’s back in the lineup Dvorak though is out for the season with uh a completely torn pectoral muscle that has got a hurt any wrestling fans in here you’ll know Cody rhods I believe had a torn PEC um that’s basically what Dvorak has apparently he completely tore it

So God I would not want to be Christian Dvorak right now he’s apparently going in for tomorrow that’s very good he’s getting it fixed but again he will be out for the mjor of the season and also before we actually get into the Sabers

Lines and the rest of the game uh I will be on the Habor normals podcast tomorrow that that’s coming out um sometime tomorrow I don’t know exactly what time but yeah I will post the link in the description if I remember to I’m hoping

That I do uh yeah check it out it’s on Spotify I don’t know if it’s anywhere else where you can get podcasts I know for sure it’s on Spotify uh I was actually co-hosting with Rick uh for this episode uh Matt unfortunately was not able to be there and so I filled

Inir and um just from having recorded it I think it’s a pretty fun episode I think it’s a really solid one you guys go check it out again link will be in the description um if you got Spotify I don’t if you can set reminders or notify

Me when there’s new episode but if you guys can do that that’d be much appreciated it’s a great prodcast when or with when when I’m on or when I’m not on it’s it’s a great podcast I love listening to it I’m very happy that I’ve

Been on uh two times now so again please go check that out support not only your boy but support the other boy talking Habs Rick and Matt the open lands for the Sabers were Skinner Thompson tuck Quinn uh cousins petka Quinn sorry green white middle stad Benson and

Gurgenson Krabs Olson Dalene Yoki Haru Samuelson Clifton and power Johnson that’s a great porn name uh don’t don’t try and tell me otherwise Devon Levi gets the starting net against his hometown team in Montreal that’s awesome and ukap peka lukanin backs him up as Eric Comer has officially been sent down

He’s going to take a sip on my milkshake I got McDonald’s today so was a pretty good day uh and officially before the game shout out Nick Suzuki who goes to his I believe it’s third straight NH HL allstar game uh voted in 2021 voted last year and he’s voted this

Year that’s going to be fun to see um who ends up making it if there’s another Canadian maybe Coffield joins him I could see Matson maybe joining him that’d be really cool um I don’t know best case scenario maybe monimbo that’d be really cool considering there’s no

Good goalies I think on the All-Star team right now um yeah that’d be really cool good to see what team Nick Suzuki is voted to I don’t even think they have the captains yet which that’s going to be fun but uh yeah like I said Nick Suzuki

Going to his third straight allstar game shout out the captain of the loral Le Canadians uh Canadians get an early chance for this fourth line pizetta has a nice shot he’s then cheap shotted uh strubel has two nice hits that gets the crowd into the game Sabres get a couple

Looks petka off the post Habs then ice it that almost made it one- nothing uh Sabers then get another good look on a rrap try that’s stopped by Allen rebounds are being cleaned up nice by him early in the game uh Canadians get a few looks Ulin in anolin and Gallagher

Right in the creely whack at a puck that was loose and we got a little bit of a scrum uh ref are reviewing for a potential goal but there’s no evidence that it crosses the line so there is no goal still a scoreless game that would have been really funny if both those

Goals had went in the PK off the post and that one so we’re 1-1 this game technically would end 7 to2 which uh sabes then pushed back off the ensuing face off they’re able to tie the shots 7 seven after they were I believe 7 to3 for the Canadians uh Coffield gets

In on a nice break he finds Masson but the shots just high and wide uh Sabers get a couple chances and they go to the power play the former saber yel armz called for a hook saber getting an early chance from darene that’s held by Allen

Habs are able to send it down they clear the puck um and yeah Allen makes a couple good stops but and the Canadians are now one for one on the PK tonight then there’s a penalty coming up right as arm leaving the box maybe two seconds after he leaves the Box whistle blows

Thought it was an offside on the sabes however it’s a penalty on the Sabers you can’t go offside that’s a penalty no it was a bench Miner for Too Many Men that’s the call how many people for a split second actually think wait offsides a penalty now but no it was a

Bench Miner for Too Many Men uh I forget who they had served the penalty it might have been Jack Quinn I I’m I forget uh but Habs have great control Sabers are able to clear the puck to start however again the Canadians just really really working over the Sabers at this point

Coffield gets a couple looks sovi then tries to bury a couple rebounds Habs look great uh keeping pressure for just about the full two minutes just not able to score unfortunately the Habs are 0 for one on the power play tonight uh Stevens then shoves a saber who’s in

Front of Allen you can’t get in the goalie’s face everyone gets a little involved no fights though um surprisingly for how tough the Sabers want to think they are there were no fights tonight and I was a little bit disappointed but at the same same time

It’s the Buffalo Sabers so it kind of makes sense that they’ll they’ll stir some up and then just not um not U St step up to the Bell uh final minute havs end up pushing there’s a good steal by SLA with 10 seconds left Suzuki nearly buries it on the centering feed

So the shots after the first period are 15 to 14 for the Canadians but unfortunately a scoreless tie after 20 minutes of play uh and in the second period early on havs get some looks and and we score in the opening two minutes yel Aria buries a chance for his 100th

Point as a Canadian but wait there’s a coach’s challenge for goalie interference Michael bazetta had bumped into Devin Levi he was trying to go around Conor Clifton ends up skating by I get why that’s illegal by the way so there’s no go call um but I just feel

There’s a second maybe a second and a half for Levi to get set back up I feel you could have called that still a good goal but yeah petta you definitely got to find a different way to get away from Conor Clifton and yeah it’s a it’s

Unfortunately a called off goal and the Canadians are still without a goal in this game hson go to the PK as David sard’s called for a hook on a JJ PKA chance very lucky that wasn’t called a penalty shot I thought that was borderline on being a penalty shot sabes

Do press though and they score Casey middlest stat gets the one- nothing sabes lead gets them on the board Math’s in way out of position nobody’s able to cover for him middle stats able to just bury it by middle stat by Allen on the two onone basically cross grease chance and it’s a

One for two on the PK for the Canadians and they go right back to the PK it’s about a minute later with the fourth line on the ice Mitchell Stevens has a clean shoulder shoulder hit and naturally because the Canadians are pulling it off it’s called two for

Interference yeah uh and the saber score it’s an identical goal cross crease shot Jeff Skinner makes it two nothing for the Sabers I put we are shout out Muse and one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard abs are one for three on the P tonight Sab press sovi is

Getting put out with the top line to try and get some energy Coffield nearly finds a shot Sabers then press um 9 minutes remaining in the in the second period there was just no life for the Canadians and again the two identical goals that’ll do that to a team HS and go back

To the PK as petta is called for a trip uh he then gets a skate to the lower jaw that looks scary thankfully doesn’t cut too deep it’s just a scar looks kind of cool actually thankfully just a just a little bit of a cut not super deep

Thankfully um yeah he would actually uh actually funny enough the Canadians um actually with the Canadians after we got the first uh whistle of the PK pett actually came out of the box he went to the back to get some repairs Gallagher went in uh in exchange for him and the

Commentators apparently cannot see a giant gash on peta’s face uh well not giant but it’s clearly noticeable um and they were wondering why he went to the back and they I don’t think they ever corrected themselves and found out what was going on but yeah uh the Canadians

Score we’re able to get some clears maths and ends up having a two-on-one that doesn’t get get buried but with the second unit PK out there daling is stripped by armia great shot that buries it for legitimately Point number 100 with the Canadians for yoel Aria and

Just like that it’s two to one the Canadians try to get back in it with a nice short-handed goal Habs are now two for four on the PK technically one for four in terms of scoring goals um hon tried to press late it’s all Sabers uh

Allen making a couple good uh good stops early here we need them to we’ll need him to be solid in the uh we’ll need him to be solid in the third period if that’s even possible um the Habs then finally go to the power play with two minutes left exactly uh Anderson finally

Draws a tripping penalty on cousins Habs looked decent early on and then Eric Johnson decides to hit Brennan Gallagher from behind and then give Josh Anders s a cross check to the back of the head there’s no penalty on either call naturally Sabers then press short-handed

A couple chances Suzuki has a nice shove after a whistle with a saber getting a little too close to Jake Allen Habs got a couple chances late but we can’t score Habs are over for two on the power play and the shots are 2721 for the Habs but

The Sabers with the 2-1 lead after 40 minutes uh Canadians look fairly okay in the opening minutes Sabres get a couple chances Fort minutes in um it’s three to one Sabers Jack Quinn buries one pass Allen doesn’t even try to make a save just oh it’s across saying it’s in yeah

Uh and then it’s 4-1 Sabers about a minute and a half later Allan decides to flop out of his net like a fish he leaves a wide open net and Alex tuck it’s either Alex tuck or Tage Thompson who end up getting the goal uh yeah I

Don’t know what Alan was doing on those two goals and and I I said this I was on talking hream earlier in the chat um and I mentioned this and I’ll say it here too Jake Allen is maybe the worst goalie in the NHL to have when you need someone

To be clutch in the third period at least with the Canadians it genuinely feels like if we’re down by like a goal or two or we’re up by a couple goals Jake Allen when we need him to be at least half decent he never is first and

Second period he’ll make all great stops and then third period comes and it’s like oh oh oh we were up three to one now we’re down four to four to four we’re down four to four we’re down five to five to four oh you know like Jake

Allen just isn’t it anymore and I can’t wait until he gets traded uh Josh Anderson we also talked about J G’s trade value on that podcast uh the talk on the habn normals podcast that’s coming out sometime um yeah um Josh Anderson in front uh great stop by Devon Levi that

Should have made it for it too uh but yeah uh the mask of Levi is actually loose on the shot play is stopped uh funny enough uh off the shot he holds the mask comes a little loose he flips it back he wants the play to keep going

Uh but the rest B whistle so he takes the mask off he fixes it so that was that was something fun most goalies would flick it off immediately but Levi want to keep playing so that’s that’s admittedly something a little cool um also shout out Devon Levi and Sam

Monteno being teammates back in college apparently and apparently living together as well when they were College that’s pretty cool uh H TR pressed but just bad passing leans turnovers Buffalo’s Buffalo presses with 6 minutes left uh then we got a scrap cousin ends up poking at monteno when he’s covering

A puck Matson gives him a nice elbow goes after him give him some punches sard then gets in uh Cousins being a little Buffalo he is hides behind the referees um and yeah so it’s five on five all three guys get M get miners for interference matth and sard with miners

For interference and then cousins gets two because he was involved twice uh and according to the ref they all wash it’s 555 I’ve never heard they all wash before from an official so I don’t know which one that was but even though they kind of the Canadians tonight I

I’ll admit that was that was a little funny uh there’s an empty net with five minutes left and the Sabers score uh Rasmus Dalene gets the goal from his own Zone I I get why some people might be upset that we pulled the goalie down by

That down by that much with five minutes left but it’s either you pull him then or you’re probably not going to be able to pull until you got like a minute left I’d rather take that chance with five minutes left you’re down by three anyways if you get one then okay you

Probably keep alling him for another minute or two so nah I I I I really didn’t mind so it’s 5 to one there Canadians try to get anything but bad passing leads to more Sabers chances and it’s six to one off of off a nice rush

Two-on-one for the can for the sabes uh paig Thompson buries it I believe that gives Jeff Jeff Skinner his fourth point of the night he had obviously the goal and he had three assists for four points total yeah Tage Thompson bar cares it and that would be the game final shots

Were 38 33 for the Buffalo Sabers so they came out big with 17 shots in that third period um not a lot of them were really huge stops for Allen a lot of them just basic little glove stops and chest shots um which is very funny because again Sabres pressed a lot they

Just could not again those those two goals that made it three and four nothing that Allen looked like on uh Allen got on I should say um and then you obviously the empty net what’s Allen G to do he’s on the bench you can try

And he can try and blow at the puck but he’s not going to do a goddamn thing when he’s 70 feet away basically um or 30 feet away he’s not going to be able to blow that goddamn thing nobody’s going to be able to but uh yeah and then that sixth goal again

So two-on one that one I think he could have had that’s the only two onone goal tonight I think he he honestly could have had but um but yeah that’s the game Final Shots are 3833 for the sabes and a 6 to1 victory in regulation for Buffalo

Once again as well let’s get into the final stats then I’ll get my I’ll get out of you guys’ hair uh then again if you guys are watching I’d assume that you are willingly watching and hopefully not kidnapped and being made to watch these videos if you are I apologize for

How tortured you are seriously next Suzuki leads the Canadians with 12 goals 22 assists 34 points Cole Coffield has 11 goals 16 assists for 27 points uh genis upload something about the Canadians actually I don’t know I’m assuming I’m I’m assuming that it’s the um yeah it’s the scrum yeah so it’s the

One with sard I’m pretty sure so yeah that’s fun um but yeah uh go Coffield leads sorry has 11 goals 16 assists 27 points surprisingly does not leading goals again that is Nick Suzuki uh Mike Matson has six goals 21 assist 27 points say it with me now remember Mike Matson

Wasn’t playing like a top 15 D5 games ago yes I do Sean Monahan has nine goals 13 assists 22 points yovi’s got four goals 10 assists 14 points Alex new Hook is out for another two months I believe he has seven goals six assist 13 points Justin Baron Justin Baron has six goals

Six assist 12 points brenon Gallagher five goals seven assists for 12 points Joshua Anderson six goals five assists and 11 points Jake Allen sorry Jake Evans I wish Jake Allen had these stats that’d be hilarious but Jake Evans has got two goals nine assists 11 points uh Kaden gh’s got three goals

Seven assists for 10 points Tanner Pearson who some hals fans seem to forgotten about yeah he does exist four goals four assists eight points Jonathan kovich has got five goals two assists for seven points Christian Dvorak who is now out for the remainder of the Year and David sard both have three goals

Four assists for seven points yesie ul’s got three goals three assists for six points Michael petta has got a goal for five assists six points yel arm’s got five goals that’s not too bad Jaden strubel dude’s got to start passing the puck he needs an assist before at the

End of the year uh but Jaden struble’s got two goals three assists for Five Points Jordan Harris a goal for four assists and Five Points Gustaf Lindstrom who is currently I believe in lval actually I should mention that uh he’s not been playing with Canadians for a

While three goals and assists for Four Points Rafael har perard with four assists uh Arbor Jacky who’s also currently in the V with Goal two assists for three points Mitchell Stevens with two goals Kirby doc uh who’s unfortunately off for remainer of the year and Kaden Primo with two assists

And Jake Allen and Samuel monmo each with an assist again I really hope that Kaden Primo gets another assist cuz it’d be really funny to say that our backup goenda bazetta has got four Arbor Jacky’s got three Joshua Anderson’s got two y kovski k let me try that again y

Kovski Kaden gouie taner Pearson and Jaden struble each have one singular fight so yeah that is going to do it for today’s video guys or yeah video actually yeah surprisingly the first video of 2024 actually too I just realized but again that is going to do

It for today’s video guys thank you all so much for watching don’t forget to like comment subscribe favorite share everything which includes but it’s notlimited to YouTube Facebook Twitter Instagram tell else my name is first subscrib on puff Club the H Club subub up dation if you’re a member of The Mod

Squad thank you for REM comments on any streams and R viws it’s much greatly appreciated again guys thank you all so much for watching my name is her rice and I am out links description Sor on Amazon P box PayPal letter box spin account and the twitch and the

Streamlabs are down there as well again thank you all so much for watching my name is s again and I am out love you guys Al no matter no matter better last year how fairly okay we like this year go ABS go baby thank you guys I pinched

My nipple that hurt thank you guys so much for watching my name is ran and I am out love you guys see you guys bye guys love you guys see you guys bye guys love you guys see you guys bye guys bye

The Montreal Canadiens played tonight at home in the Bell Centre against the visiting Buffalo Sabres and would end up losing to them by a final score of 6-1 in regulation. In the 1st period there would be no goals from either team. In the 2nd period power-play goals from Casey Mittelstadt and Jeff Skinner would make it 2-0 Sabres before a shorthanded goal late from Joel Armia would make it 2-1. In the 3rd period 2 quick goals from Jack Quinn and Tage Thompson would put the game out of reach with a 4-1 lead before the empty netter from Rasmus Dahlin with 5 left and an extra goal for Tage Thompson in the dying minutes would give the Sabres a 6-1 lead and close out this game. With this loss the Montreal Canadiens are now 16-17-5 with 37 points for 6th in the Atlantic Division.

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Harry Rice
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