@Boston Bruins

Masteron, Primo, EQ & Their Influence On Estrogen

Masteron, Primo, EQ & Their Influence On Estrogen

Hypothetical question for Dave Scott let’s say someone on trt with prescription and oh and then he he made a mistake let’s say summon with trt with a prescription and then I go to jail he said then I go to jail is is H is is hypothetical question the new

Asking for a friend I I I don’t Know what’s up guys welcome back to the podcast with Dave Crossland I’m Scott mcnell all the programming is brought to you by true use our code think for additional savings on basically every carb you can think of every protein powder you can think of

Every flavor you can think of hit me up if you have any questions strong Sports Nutrition for you guys in the UK especially those of you on the special supplements you’re going to need to hit up strong for a health stack um go to eval blood analysis to get your lab work

Done by Dave in the UK supplement source. C8 for our Canadians and check out our t-shirts we’ve got Christmas cabbage t-shirts Dave how about that yes so I have discovered um I’m saying nothing I have to uh what did my grand I’ll use my

Grandpa’s term so I I I reached out to a tent in awning shop and they were going to make a t-shirt specially for you my grandpa used to say he had his clothes made at the Tent and Awning store yeah the the common joke was Billy

Smart circus tent but I W all right anyways guys we appreciate having you back we got to make this one quick it’s been a busy week um I’m actually heading off to uh mini to get my car worked on this morning Dave had internet trouble yesterday but we couldn’t leave you guys

Hanging without an episode so I want to launch this one with a question uh we are in January now right and it is the new year and it’s a really good time to put on muscle we’re all wearing like hoodies and stuff like that people aren’t seeing how fat you’re getting so

This is a great time to like seriously buckle down eat all your food right uh train your butt off try to grow as best as possible Dave if you were to give everybody one tip to do something different to make the best progress they can make in 2024 muscle growth-wise what

Would that tip be I put Dave on the spot he didn’t know I was going to ask him this well I would normally go to training but I go to training all the time so so I’m going to put that to one side because it’s like I’m not going to

Give them the same info I’ve already given them okay uh so the other thing I would suggest is we’re all familiar with Progressive overload for training or progressive resistance however you want to label it and everybody has their own definition of that but I don’t think people are as Progressive with their

Diets so people will tend to go right I’m in a cup I’m gonna bulk and they’ll stick to 3,000 2,500 calories whatever as an increase um now it may be that your current calorie intake is significantly below where you want it to be but I would always advise making incremental

Increases they may be even weekly to start with rather than wholesale changes with food and I think that’s one thing that people don’t do is they don’t incrementally increase their calories as they move along they tend to do big wholesale start jumps yeah and and

They’ll be good for a few weeks and then you’ll start to see things stall and buged down and I think the other thing is they get too interested in where their hunger is ah as as a mark to increase calories rather than their progression and so one

Of my simple bulking rules is weight condition has weight gone up no has conditions stayed the same or improved if it has foods are going up I don’t care how you feel I don’t care how hungry you are get it down you food’s going up weights increased but have lost

Condition right hold food weights increase by L condition again then reduce food so be adaptive to what you’re seeing happen to you but if condition is the same or as improved food’s going up if if if weight is increasing and conditioning is maintaining or improving food stays the

Same but as soon as that linear progression of weight or strength fails then the first I’m going to consider is uping calories if I’m not losing condition yeah there’s always going to be an element of softening but obviously that has to be you know considered reasonably which is why even if you’re

Self- coaching so to speak pitches are important to you because it gives you a static it gives you a mark a data point that you can refer back to and do a comparison to AG I think a lot of people will say I’m bulking song look me calories by a

Thousand four five weeks later they’re starting to struggle a little bit appetite but they’re not seeing any progression within their physique and and often they just undereat because and they’ve killed their appetite and they’ve killed their response because they’ve done this big jump where they did little small changes but frequently

They’d maintain appetite and then they can continue to increase the calories based on how their body’s responding and where their condition is yeah I I’ll throw something in just to kind of add to this I find that carbs are generally the direction I go you know a full-time

Coach when Dave and I aren’t podcasting you I’m I’m helping people try to reach those goals Dave I’ve seen some of your Transformations lately with your clients man you’ve done a a great job like I’ve seen some guys put on an incredible amount of muscle so congrats to you guys

I think that carbohydrates tend to be more the area that I’ll lean toward and I try to keep those carbs cleaner I think a lot of times guys are like hey I need to I need to bulk I’m going to add in a bunch of cereal a bunch of Rice

Krispie treats you know a bunch of garbage basically I’m eating Pop-Tarts all the time I I think there’s a time and a place for simple carbs and sugars but I try to base the majority of the diet around good highquality complex carbs and I find that we’re able to keep

Appetite up longer that way versus once you’ve just riddled the diet with simple sugars all the way through I think that you’re going to negatively impact your insulin Sensi faster and you’re also going to affect your appetite faster too it’s it’s not as easy to eat two cups of

Rice compared to you know two Pop-Tarts but at the end of the day you’re going to get better results completely and 110% agree you are very few people are gifted enough in the metabolism Department to be able to consume simple sugars not get resistance and not get fat or sabotage their growth

Um offseason is not an excuse to eat [ __ ] uh a lot of people look at it as being so and it’s not um it needs to be kept clean I completely agree it is more the thing is as well if you are eating super clean even as you push the

Calories higher you will actually find it harder to get fat it will happen but you’ll find it harder to do it than if you’ve got a smiger in and even if it’s a smiger in of [ __ ] every day that smiing of [ __ ] every day will soon start

To have a negative impact um and you’ll be sat there scratching your head like why am I not get pressing why am I suddenly because it feels like it happens all of a sudden yeah why am I suddenly getting fat and it’s not sudden you’ve just been slowly but surely

Trashing your insulin sensitivity throughout throughout your diet because you are having that clump of sweets every day or you’re having that bit of crap every day if you need an offseason cheat and to be fair the only reason you need a cheat is psychological there’s no physical nutritional requirement for a cheat it

Is purely mental I’m not saying that’s a problem but that’s the re the truth of it you know a cheat meal is a mental thing uh even in a even in a cut phase you can have a clean refeed and and have just as much benefit as would for eating

Crap you don’t need to eat crap but you want to your brain wants to you want to um and that isn’t so in itself a bad thing it’s just recognized for what it is you know that a cheap meal is a mental thing definitely not a physical thing and I

Did most of my bulking no cheats just clean but a lot of food and that’s always being my problem is I don’t like being [ __ ] hungry I don’t mind eating boiled rice and boiled chicken every day I could eat that even now every day it wouldn’t be an issue as long as there’s

Enough of it when you take my food away is when I struggle which is why I’ve never really bought bothered with the condition stuff because I hate being hungry I absolutely Lo it yeah it’s crazy watching under construction the movies Dave was in you two documentaries

In case you guys didn’t know um putting on massive amounts of weight at the highest peak 415 PBS not a pretty 415 but I mean you you were a big dude it was a lot of clean food that you were shoveling down you know what we still

Have to do that eating competition thing that we’re talking about I’ll reach out to him this week we’ll we’ll get something set up but listen let’s jump to our listener questions it’s great to be back first of all and we had a lot of people who echoed that a lot of people

Happy to have you back and and hear your stories from Thailand and everything else I’m just going to jump straight into our listener questions guys like I said we got to keep this one brief but we wanted to make sure we still got something out to you hope everybody’s

Doing good by the way um if you guys have any questions for the next episode then definitely comment below we’re probably not going to get to everything today so if we don’t get to your question please recomment on this episode be sure to tackle it um how

About this one and I’m going to I found I’m having better luck by not actually putting the questions up on the screen um from diesel he says uh can you guys compare the AI serum effect of Primo Mast EQ I feel like EQ having an anti-estrogen effect is something we’ve

Only heard about in the last few years I had a dog called diesel did you really yeah oh what kind of dog is jaanese really I thought you always been a bulldog guy no no I have had a keas for a while um so science says Primo is AI uh Mast is

Um EQ it is a metabolite that is an anti-estrogen the metabolite is not produced in high quantities and I find EQ very hit and miss it seems to be particularly person dependent and I don’t know why um I think it’s a stretch to say EQ is an

Anti-estrogen but I think it it’s so I would I would definitely confirm that in certain people it does have a strong anti effect in other people it has none whatsoever um however so Primo is has both a serm and an AI action so it acts

As a um er block as well as as a um aromatized inhibiting agent masteron is without doubt um er receptor Agonist sorry no antagonist I always get them to mixed up uh but it does seem to have an anti- an AI effect in certain people as well but not in

Everybody but it definitely does have an anti effect in certain people it’s something that that vigorous has discussed he was he had a podcast with a guy um a research Doctor Who was looking at the metabolite properties of certain compounds particularly their antiestrogen properties okay and he they

Were discussing the fact that masteron on paper should only have an ER blocking action but the reality of it is that lots of people have reported lower estrogen with Maston too much for it to just be coincidental Steve being one of them himself yeah yeah um and then the

EQ like I say that seems to be very hit and miss the biggest problem that I have with all this is that it’s difficult we see science and we’ve seen this all along that there are things that happen in laboratory environments that aren’t necessarily carried over into real

World uh the other thing is that for something to have a certain action doesn’t necessarily mean that AC is strong enough to have any real world impact use it all the time and I’ll go back to it again Nova de low as igf one in lab studies the reality of that with

Anabolics is it has no negative impact whatsoever yeah um so but I have seen blood work where EQ has been introduced and estrogen has significantly dropped for no other apparent reason the big stumbling block that I always have and most of us have is that we never really

Know that what we’re taking is what it should be at the dose it should be so it’s difficult to be absolute or scientific when you’ve got this big unknown variable all the time which is the quality of the drug yeah um so I I wouldn’t start throwing EQ into Cycles

Thinking it’s going to give you a massive antien effect but I would be aware of the fact that if you do run EQ it would be worth checking your estrogen just to see if it has had an antiestrogen effect because obviously super low is going to cause US problems

As well so we don’t really want to be there unnecessarily yeah if I were putting a playing together I I would look at it this way I would know okay so test has you know it’s going to have some percentage of conversion that’s going to be something I need to be aware

Of um I’m using masteron I know that I’m going to be really safe with that low side effects as far as estrogen is concerned EQ I know I’m going to be really safe with that I I kind of like looking at it as like like versus something like um you know dball for

Instance I know oh we’re going to h i i kind of almost put it on a scale of you know what compounds are going to have potentially more risk I found personally with EQ uh hematocrit was the main limiting factor like that’s for me in my experience the number one thing that

I’ve seen be a limiting factor in using EQ outside of that I’ve seen very few side effects you know is it going so that’s the way I go into it and then yeah then we can check we can check your blood work you know four weeks in six

Weeks in see where you’re at and then maybe make some determinations but I would never add EQ in thinking to myself okay we’re going to do this so that we can control estrogen you know it it’s it’s a recent trend is to use anabolics as anti-estrogens um there’s been almost a

Very anti AI attitude I’m not going to use an AI but what I will do instead is I will use an andren compounder as an AI effect yeah and I don’t have an issue with if you’re going to run test and Mast or you’re going to run test and

Primo then yeah use it for its AI benefit as well because you might as well it’s an added benefit that it offers you but when you see people where they’re right well my cycle was going to be say 600 Mig a test I want to control

Estrogen so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to add 800 quid a master to that because I want that to control estrogen it’s like well hang on a minute you’ve just overd doubled your cycle right with your proposed AI why not just

Use a bloody AI yeah you know all these compounds none of them are the devil even the big old T you know Tren Tren is not the devil it’s the misuse and mismanagement of the drug that’s the problem I would agree um and that’s where it all gets screwed

Up yeah I’d agree that’s been the number one thing I’ve I’ve been concerned with is with this new trend because initially you’re right it it’s kind of been an Evolution H you know years ago I would go back 15 years it was a staple to put

A redex in your plan you know and then from there like just in the last few years and we we realized oh my God you know we’re destroying your estrogen and all these potential side effects so no AI but then that’s left us in this void

Which it may work out okay for people on trt but uh when you’re starting to push your doses up into the Super physiological level of testosterone then we’re going to get those super physiological levels of estrogen we’re going to have issues so I think that this has been the answer to that that’s

My biggest concern exactly what you’re saying let’s not let’s also remember that these compounds aren’t just completely innocuous incar it’s not like vitamin C you know to to make you safe yeah I mean there’s this big ha campaign around AI because it lowers Ean it does

This it does that and then well I’m going to mean you’re using an androgenic to lower estrogen which is a DHT there’s a shitload of negatives there as well particularly when you start to see doses of 6 800 a gram even Primo a gram you know that’s still a gram yeah uh and

Primo is an incredibly mild drug but it’s not mild on your cholesterol it trashes HDL beyond belief I mean out of all the anabolics we use it’s the harshest on HDL by far but it it’s particularly gentle in every other aspect so you don’t see high inflammation you don’t see high blood

Pressure you don’t tend to see blood thinking so all those areas it’s really it’s really gentle with but not when it comes to your lipid it destroys them um so it it swings and roundabouts see there’s there’s you know it I keep going back and I I’ve pinched it off Rodrick and I

Will continue to do so tool for the job and it is as simple as that every chemical has a list of properties it has a list of actions it does certain things use those actions to your advantage all right some of those AC you don’t want

Some of those actions you do and you’ve just got to manage that in what you’re trying to achieve all right we’ll try to jump through a bunch of these here um question for the next podcast does taking an SSRI prevent mental issues from nalone or should a person be taking

The or should a person who is taking them uh should they stay away from 19 nors love your content keep on going thank you very much I’m not 100% sure on the full cognitive impact around serotonin with nandra loans so what I do know with nandra loon is that they are

Trend B particularly efficient increasing neuron activity and lowering Gaba which is what leads to anxiety and overthinking all o bics do it to a degree but TR does it to a greater degree uh nandra loans particularly lower neuropeptide Y which affects um memory and nandon have an impact on dopamine transport proteins which

Obviously affects dopamine yeah levels which in turn then affects prolactin levels which is one of the drivers around raise prolactin using an andelin and that’s a big concern to me then if we’re talking about something that’s going to interfere with your ability to utilize dopamine and dopamine and

Serotonin are kind of a Ying to a Yang you know what I’m saying and now we’re going to push that serotonin up higher it sounds like a uh it sounds like it could be a mess to me so I I genuinely aren’t sure in I don’t think there’s any interaction

Between an SSRI and an andela I don’t think there’s any in chemical reaction but I’m not sure what the net result would be with that combination um most people that I’ve ever had discussions around ssris who use them have always said it doesn’t particularly make them feel good it just

Makes them feel numb so rather than having highs and lows they just have this sort of midlevel okayness about life yeah which you know um faced with severe depression that is definitely a favored alternative um but yeah from from what I’ve spoke to people that have actually

Used ssris long term they they’ve said it’s more of just a an acceptable even Keel but it does take take the the highs and lows out of life very much so yeah um whereas Tren from a point of view of just a usage seems to be a more extreme reaction rather than

This leveling of emotions it seems to be a more up and down roller coaster of stuff um a lot of people speak about Deca leaving them feeling a little bit low and depressed many times I’ve heard that but I think that’s the pure dopamine action because dopamine is our

Reward chemical it’s what gives us our feel-good Factor about doing things yeah so when we eat we get a dopamine hit when we have sex we get a dopamine hit and that dopamine which is why a lot of people get addicted to food and have food relationship problems because post

Eating something they enjoy they get a dopamine hit they get a reward and that’s training same with training man there’s a don’t tell me it’s not in there you know what I mean we get that workout and we’re like oh man I feel good I needed that

Which is not it could be a good thing or a bad thing I guess depends what it is right yeah I mean but that’s our basic mechanisms of our brain saying well done you’ve given me some food I can I can survive longer well done you’ve reproduced the the species will carry on

For a bit longer well done you bench 315 you’re a boss yeah but um obviously Deca removes that reward or lessens that feeling of reward of life’s activities so life becomes un reward in or depressing yeah um so I do think that the the the DECA um impacts on on mood

And cognitive is is very much through that dopamine axis rather than the serotonin axis uh but beyond that unfortunately I I’m sorry I don’t know yeah yeah I I’ll tell you one thing and this isn’t just the with DACA but just SSRI eyes in general you know serotonin is our uh

Neurotransmitter of contentment right so when serotonin’s high which is supposed to happen at night time that we the dopamine kind of subsides and clears and we produce serotonin um that’s our sense of contentment relaxation we don’t feel the need like dopamine is the opposite of that dopamine is the the molecule of

More as it’s called where we and everybody knows about it now with uh you know all the podcasts and stuff neurosciences being so popular to talk about but just think about that there’s there’s one thing where we’re chasing more we want to achieve and SSRI is at

The opposite of that is like contentment so I I do I have seen it have a negative effect on people who maybe overdosed the SSRI to get to the point where they like just feel content they don’t necessarily want to train they don’t have that drive

You know so there’s there’s a I think just a balance in using it just in general because we’ve gotten the question many times do ssris affect our bodybuilding in a negative way but hey you know opposite of the spectrum if you’re so down that you can’t get

Yourself out of B bed in the morning then that’s definitely going to have a bigger negative effect on your training right yeah very much so all right let’s see what else we got here um ooh hypothetical question for Dave and Scott let’s say someone on trt with

Prescription and oh and then he he made a mistake let’s say summon with trt with a prescription and then I go to jail he said then I go to jail is is hi is is hypothetical question the new asking for a friend I I I don’t know uh

He goes to prison for random crime um will he be able to get trt in prison how is the law in the US in the UK is he an international criminal going to Bull he’s going to do some time like the circuit and he he has um also will they

Give me medication to PCT if I was blasting on gear just curious thanks slads so I could speak for the UK PCT you’ve got no chance it’s illegal medically it cannot be done uh I believe it’s the same in the states as that was part of the issue with Michael scall

When he he had his doctor’s license revote it was also part to do with his prescribing as well but prescription rules within the UK do not allow the use of PC meditation to be prescribed for someone an assist station of steroid use there is currently I believe it’s King’s

College an end chronologist at King’s College that or it might be Royal College of London that is currently looking at this from a UK perspective uh with the potential of possibly trying to have some legislation changes where PCT may be available in certain circumstances okay and the prison entry would be one

Of the considered circumstances technically the healthcare system in prison is run by the NHS um so in theory you should have your trt maintained the reality of that in practice is that though it may happen it may take several months for it to get sorted uh and it may not even happen at

All I’m not aware of anyone receiving trt in prison but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening some where along the line the problem is with most Gearheads that they don’t have a prescription they just self admin in between Cycles so they have no proof of the problem moving into

Prison um so I can’t comment on whether trt is actually available in theory it should be but I suspect knowing the prison service from both inside and out that the reality of that is it may not happen we had uh several listeners who have had experience with with this they

Commented to him to let him know uh shout out to our fan base um if you’re inside right now and you’re listening to the podcast shout out to you do some do some push-ups today do some jumping jacks body weight squats and uh and think of us don’t forget to

Stash your phone when you finish yeah um so here’s here’s the deal in the US your chances for when there’s no PCT number one and even if you had medically supervised trt the likelihood of you actually getting on it is going to be very slim very very slim I’ve heard of

Many bodybuilders who’ve gotten put away and there there’s nothing there you know you’re not going to have that opportunity that said uh Dave you did have some experience inside so you’ve seen you at the time you had seen anabolics in there I wonder if that’s gained in popularity with the popularity of

Anabolics yeah I mean anabolics uh are the probably the the secret dug of the UK prison system in that a lot of Prisons don’t want to recognize that they have a problem with it okay but it is without doubt very present um particularly in the more open prisons so

As security leisures because we have a I presume you’ll have the same as well we have a grade in of prison so cat a cat B cat C cat D okay cat D is an open prison where there’s much more freedom caty is old school

Semi-open cat a is Max and Cat B is still quite high security So within cat D and Cat C there’s a very high um steroid population use uh it gets a little bit less in cat B and cat Hay because it’s a lot harder to get it in

Yeah yeah uh orals are by far the most popular because of the ease of storing and they’re not requirement for injection equipment and everything else that goes with it yeah um I mean I think Castle Huntley in Scotland last time I spoke to them which

Is a number of years ago I have to admit and I used to do quite a lot of steroid work with them they were saying they had estimated at a 50% user rate within their prison population within the open prison 50 50% but bear in mind they’ve

Only got one open prison in Scotland they used to have two they closed one down so they’ve only got one now so Castle Huntley is the only open prison in Scotland and uh what they were seeing was a lot of lads because they go out to

Work every day ah so that’s when they were getting access to the drugs and then returning but they they regularly had you know searches and found steroids within within the Prison Press premises as well um there’s a job gone to court in Liverpool of a prison officer that brought

In something like I think it was about 40 50 vs a test into the prison got caught holy crap as along with a load of phones and Other Drugs as well but so that you know there is there is without doubt without usage within prison yeah

Um orals tend to be more popular for the simple reason of consumption and storage uh but we still see injectables as well so it definitely going on um I’ve argued for a long time that to provide PCT on the National Health in the UK would be difficult because it would simply be

Abused so someone do a you know someone do a cycle can’t be asked buying the PCT go to the doctors get it from them and then they just go back on cycle and that’s not the the the the reason so there was discussion around if it was to

Be offered it would have to be in a cation program but where it could be offered uh with much less risk of abuse would be in a prison environment H so so if someone came in off the street declared they were on steroids use they

Could get a managed PCT but in all these scenarios with in prison you’re not going to go and get the drugs given to you you’re going to have to go and collect them daily yeah here’d be my thought is get get if you if you were in that situation

You had time before you were going in I would try to get my recovery as best as possible now you know what I mean yeah yeah I mean there’s there’s been cases of guys lifted off the street that were midcycle and actually experiencing withraw problems because um one of

Scotland’s strongest men he got imprison midcycle and he was having all sorts of health problems from a sudden withdrawal which was was odd and I don’t know why but he did have a world of problems but there is concern obviously prison is not a pleasant environment risk within prison is high

Add to that crashed hormones and it is a recipe for some particular problems yeah um there’s been a couple of Prisons that have had particular issues around within the prison I by the way I got to edit that word don’t say that word again okay not alive

Problems yes that’s it unived that’s a good word yeah unived so leads Army um actually had the highest unive rate of any any prison in the UK and I mean I’ve been in there when they were around Christmas time and it was now on a daily occurrence that that somebody was going

Out on alive um and they started a very active stop on Al living campaign all right um so there is there is talk about it but currently your stuff is is the reality of it let’s see what else we have here we’ll try to whip through a

Couple more and like I said guys leave comments below because like I said we couldn’t get to everything today um so I did a whole podcast at one time with Scott Stevenson about sarcoplasmic hypertrophy David Scott do you guys know the difference between sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myof fibular hypertrophy

Do the Reps matter or is it just gear in genetics um my friend told me that myop fibular is like Bruce Lee and sarcoplasmic is Ronnie Coleman I don’t trust that prick to be honest so the sarcoplasmic is the the fluid in the muscle and you can increase

That fluid but your ability to increase it is going to be much smaller like I can’t remember what the percentage is but we’ll say like I’m going to make up a number 10% of the muscle is there there’s sarcoplasmic space that you can expand um but then after you tap that

After you’ve done that you’ve tapped that out so you’re not going to just keep filling it up with fluid and fluid until you’re the size of Ronnie Coleman you know versus myop fibular is going to be actual solid tissue so I would argue that both Bruce Lee and Ronnie Coleman

Had uh had myop fibular hypertrophy well my my understanding of it in reality is that you get an an element of Saro um and then as your fiber increases then that will increase again and it’s a bit like a one two step um so obviously the more muscle

Fiber you have the more more fluid capability you have within that muscle yeah yeah um but um I I wouldn’t say that the fluid was was something I would focus on from a point of view as a method of of growth yeah yeah I would I go ahead I would see

It more as a side effect of true muscular growth which is obviously fiber tissue um and and I mean a simple way of putting this in very Layman done is the more muscle you’ve got the Fuller that muscle can be yeah and that’s that’s effectively it

Um so um yeah I don’t think there’s a particular one above the other in in this I think they work in tandem to a large extent but obviously to me fiber is going to Trump everything else every time absolutely and there’s a lot more potential there as well yeah very do you

Guys think running lower test and higher Mast will be able to keep my muscle while cutting um just for Aesthetics I’m not trying to be a mass monster I’m asking this because I am a high aromatizer I hate popping two aex just to control E2 from 350 to 400 Test Pro

Um I don’t get gyno easily but I feel heavy and breathless due to the water retention in my upper body um when I have high e to you know I I wonder Dave do you remember we talked about um I kind of have a bone to pick with

People who say that they’re high aromatizer because they see high estrogen and they’re like oh yeah I obviously am a higher converter to estrogen that’s the answer and then we talked about clearance so the other aspect of that is how well are you clearing estrogen I would challenge him

To consider that first you know look at and that all comes down to things like your liver producing enzymes that are going to help to break that estrogen down now you asked me a question a while ago because we talked about calcium de glucarate and how this can be used to

Clear estrogen and and basically prepare to eliminate faster and you said well wouldn’t would you be concerned about that also lowering test levels and I would say no I would say no because it has nothing to do with aromatizing okay so you it’s only working through those it’s not it’s not

Doing the same thing to testosterone as it is to estrogen because I thought it was funny I was just sitting here just kind of dazing off the other day and I I just I randomly thought about it so if calcium de glucarate helps prepare estrogen to be eliminated from the body

And if you can speed that process up your estrogen level your estrogen levels will drop you know it’s not it’s not also speeding up the aromatization of test to estrogen you know so your no I was I was Wonder have any direct effect on on testosterone levels in in the Met

Metabolism of test itself as well well yeah to be removed yeah no I don’t I don’t believe it does so that’s yeah that would be a whole other thing so I mean this yeah this particular question this gentleman’s just asked we’ve sort of already covered when we were talking

About using Primo Mast or EQ as AI in the I struggle to understand the logic around I don’t want to take two adex a day but I’ll take more Master on and another anabolic it it’s like what is your reason for not wanting to take two

Adex on a weekly basis or whatever it is uh but you’re more than happy to take more anabolics and and we have this attitude that more steroids is always better and it’s not necessarily the case running a low to medium test and a high mass cycle is is definitely productive

In a cut there’s no denying that I mean I don’t think any any of us would ever would ever say though no that’s a bad way to go but if you’re increasing your overall andren intake higher than you would normally do because you don’t want

To take an AI then I would suggest that that may be an unsound thought process but if your total Androgen intake is around what you would normally do and you’re not pushing stuff much higher than normal then it’s a perfectly vile approach yeah there’s there’s nothing

Wrong with that and it would be muscle retentive like any anabolic would be in your system yeah and I and I think too the idea of retaining muscle in a Diet phase is like our our fears of losing muscle are um they’re they’re much larger yeah thank you they’re much

More exaggerated than what the reality is our ability to retain muscle on just having good testosterone levels is you you’ll really do okay you don’t need to take a bunch of gear in my opinion and experience you just need your test levels supported if you had just even

Trt is really going to be enough to help you sustain muscle Now Grant where do I worry about muscle loss if I’m working with a guy who say is um doing an hour of cardio and he’s eating uh protein only and we still and he’s 218 and we

Need him to be 205 to get on stage and we have six weeks to make that happen and we’re doing protein veg hour of cardio and he’s got to lose somewhere like 12 PBS 14 lbs still I my concern there is you know about losing muscle a

Guy who is at 15% body fat you can do that down to 7% body fat and your actual risk of losing muscle is going to be pretty slim you know if you’re keeping the protein high if your if you take your time with your diet you’re going to

Be just fine but people they they see they feel smaller and their cloes and they start thinking that they lost muscle when they’re just in a better fat loss position muscle goes a little flatter when you’re dting you know yeah say flatness is a big issue here as well

Um I think the other thing is as well is where you’ve coming from is if you started at 35% and you’re trying to get to sub 10 then yeah that back end of that diet either is probably going to be more in danger of losing muscle because you’re

Going to have to just get so much more extreme even though you’re not get into very extreme body fat levels you’re still around 10% but that area then becomes fragile because you’ve come from such a high amount of body fat so your diet has has to be Progressive to

Maintain that that forward momentum um but yeah I and the other thing is someone who’s already massively above their genetic potential when it comes to muscle mass carrying you know if you’re naturally a 140b guy and you’re sitting at 260 then there’s probably a a bigger drive for needing anabolics a little bit

More because you’re so beyond where you would naturally be yeah with your muscle mass so I can see an argument there but for the vast majority of us we’re going to retain muscle mass quite well particularly in the short window we’re we’re talking about as well and yes I do

Agree I think most people OV exaggerate the muscle loss that they feel their experiencing all right one more real quick one and then I want to hear some uh Uncle Dave advice before we go Billy Ryan back with us he took a break he you

Made a post over in the think big group uh had a bunch of Life stuff but he’s still training looks great uh what are our thoughts on using uh growth in tandem with mk677 I wouldn’t why and he also says use the code think at Amino Asylum good

Man uh what what what is your concern what are you thinking my main concern is the insulin resistance side of things uh yeah MK is really bad for that isn’t it I would go GH on off with a SECU like ghrp6 or cj1 1295 so you do GH Monday peptide Tuesday

GH Wednesday I I could definitely see that but I wouldn’t run MK stacked with GH I think the insulin resistance I mean GH itself can create insulin resistance long term depending on your Doses and your exposure yeah and it’s actually it’s actually one of the concerns around GH

Medication is insulin resistance has to be managed it has to be checked they do keep an eye on it because it is one of the Contra interdictions for GH um Administration in in people that have naturally low GH need it to help growth um and it’s one of the big red flags

That’s been risen with this super slow acting GH that that’s come out is ah the increased risk of insulin resistance with it okay um so yeah I wouldn’t be compounding them two um MK I think is a useful drug in the right place but it’s not something I would look to start with

GH yourself no man I got the best sleep in my life taking MK really good sleep that was like the number one thing I liked it for yeah it’s good for sleep and it’s good for appetite I wouldn’t particularly you they’re the tools I use it for rather than anything else I don’t

Particularly use it for it GH stimulation I use it more for the grundling or or the improved sleep um but yeah they’re not ones I would choose I feel like when I took MK and I woke up in the morning like I’d get up and I’d

Stretch and the Sun was looking at me smiling and I looked over and there was like a little cartoon bird on my shoulder smiling at Me they that was the LSD mate oh different yeah you’re right you’re totally right I was thinking of something else um all right before we go Dave we we need some some Uncle Dave’s advice of the week I’m stealing this one actually oh you came prepared by

Stealing from somebody else no I just literally thought about it but it is so I’ve got two okay and I’ve stolen them both all right and they are sort of Interlink so the first one is something that I saw Tom Hanks say in interview okay and it was basically that this time will

Pass if you’re having a bad time it will pass if you’re having a good time it will pass time is not a constant good times don’t last forever bad times don’t last forever they will pass yeah it is so true and then the thing that get and

This is genuine now people might take the piss over this but this is a genuine thing I do actually use in my head and I do remember on a regular basis and it’s to do with getting through the times and it’s a quote from I think one

Of the greatest philosophers of all time Scott McNelly no just keep swimming from Dory oh you told us that one before yeah but it’s true I just but it fits the things I I genuinely believe if you just keep going yeah when life gets you down you know

What you got to do I don’t want to know what you got to do just keep swimming just keep swimming if you just keep putting one step in front of the other no matter how small it is you will progress and that a little fish move forward yes

Little fish out of Finding Nemo Finding Nemo okay the problem is when you stop so it doesn’t matter how [ __ ] life gets you just keep put in step one step four but at the same time and this is where a lot of people [ __ ] up when life

Gets good you still keep putting one step forward because that’s the time we actually start to stand still that makes sense so when life gets good we tend to go yeah you still got to keep swimming you’ve still got to keep moving forward because otherwise those good times will

Last even less than they’re going to do anyway yeah that makes total sense all right guys that’s all the time we’ve got here like I said uh comment with your questions for future episodes if we didn’t get to your question this time I apologize but like I said we had to keep

This one short but we still wanted to make sure we got we wanted to make sure we got a show in um you can reach out to Dave I’ve got his social media down in the description you can reach out to me mcns also down in the description eval blood

And St service nutrition in the UK and supplement source. ca for Canadians great deals that change week to week true use our code think and Dave sir sir I’ve got something to say sir please Dave David Crossland in the back behind Christmas cabbage uh yes I am doing a training

Workshop on the 4th of February at ultraflex gym in Ram it’s all day of a job oh so we start in a classroom with Theory gy yeah yeah we do hinges levers mechanisms of lift muscle stimulation muscle shortness all this sort of stuff and then before lunch we do the three

Main compounds so bench dead and squat and then post lunch we do individual uh exercise technique and then be just before the end of the day we do intensity lunch is included gym entry is included it’s not cheap sorry but it’s taken me 20 years to gain this knowledge

It’s 249 quid ahead but that does include gym entry at 15 quid and it does include your lunch and like I say it’s a 10hour that’s a full day that’s a full day that’s cool that’s cool all right well I encourage everybody to go check that out plus Kuba gym is freaking

Awesome from what I hear well it we I’m I’m actually putting the first ads up tonight so there’s only 10 slots and the reason there’s only 10 slots not because I’m trying to make it precious because I want to be hands on with everybody and I can’t handle any more people than 10

That makes sense all right guys um send me a link if you have it you probably don’t have links to that do you it’s just going to be a flyer on your social media type thing you know I’m [ __ ] with internet stuff yes it will just be a

Poster on all right guys well you can find out more about that go to Dave’s social media um you can comment here and once again guys we appreciate apprciate you thank you for watching the show and I genuinely appreciate all the fun positive feedback the interactions we

Have I have a blast doing this Dave does too whether he will admit it or not and uh we appreciate you guys so for another episodes of the podcast we will see you soon thanks D I’ve got a question to ask before well you can go but I’ve got a

Question to ask oh okay okay see you guys so just keep swimming swimming swimming what do we do we swim swim Dory no singing St

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Dave Crosland & Scott McNally DNS Podcast 211


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  1. Never ran E.Q./DHB

    But from my perspective,
    Primo = an "anabolic" a.i.
    Mast = just an a.i.

    I always suggest spending the extra $ on the primo. This may sound stupid, but I always just feel "healthier" and "cleaner" when i use primo. I mean mast works. But primo just makes makes me feel "good" idk how to explain it. Mast drops the estrogen, and without estrogen being high youre gonna feel good regaurdless. But primo E. just has this synnergy for ME with test prop. Just my 2 cents.

  2. Great episode! Question for the next show:

    Is there value in taking 4-8 weeks off, after a 12-16 week cycle before starting TRT?

    Been cycling for 8+ years, so not trying to establish natural levels, so I’m not talking about PCT, but basically a period of time off to let blood markers, test and oestrogen etc come down before going to PCT, essentially to speed up the process of getting back to baseline.

  3. Unlike Mast & Primo, EQ is a testosterone derivative, so I find it hard to believe it has A.I. properties. If this would be the case then I would like to know the mechanism behind this.

  4. Question for any episode “when to up the dose” for advanced users. Training maxed out, food at the max before getting needlessly fat should we look to up our anabolics? And if so how much? 20%?

  5. I’ve been bodybuilding for over 25 years. Diabetes runs in my family. There is a difference between glycemic index and glycemic load. A lot of people focus and glycemic index but glycemic load is actually what has the significant impact on blood glucose levels. After over two decades of consuming a low-fat, high protein and high complex carbohydrate, diet coming, mostly in the form of starches, I have become type two diabetic. so in order to reverse that I have been consuming low carbohydrates mostly in the forms of fruit. Because they have a lesser impact on my blood glucose levels. Also consuming over 200 g of fat per day. I have been able to better manage my glucose levels, as well as Increased my total chloric intake and still be able to gain muscle and stay leaner. When I was on a low-fat high carbohydrate diet, I would gain fat very easily.

  6. As someone who takes SSRIs, have been on them for 10 years, I can say from personal experience that I stay away from 19-Nor compounds due to its negative mental effects. Even at low doses it does add a numb feeling, but at higher doses, it appears to make depressive thoughts more intense.

  7. Hey man, big fan of the show. Had a question that y’all might be able to answer on the show:

    What advice would you guys give to someone that has gone from being out of shape with a lot of insecurities, to being in a lot better shape, but mentally you still see yourself looking like a busted can of biscuits?

  8. Do you guys have tips for someone who just learned they have new LVH in the last 6 months? Thanks guys always great content. Are my ped days over outside of trt?

  9. I always use primo for AI and it controlled my estrogen. I also get legit gear which is tested.
    Running an AI even a small amount of aromasin destroys ny estrogen, and yoy need to have estrogen in your body for the HGH to work fully. If your estrogen is too low you wont get much out of the HGH. Look up Dr. Todd Lee. He describes it too

  10. Just checked out Under Construction, and man… I thought my training was intense, turns out I had NO IDEA what intensity is…

    Very cool that this insane cycle is documented. How jealous I am of that medicine cabinet. And super impressed by the art! A man of many talents.

  11. Question: my schedule is subject to change Mon-Friday. So I can not control my meal times as a lineman. But I can control my macros. Is it alright to just hit my HGH 6ius at night; wake up eat my high carb/protein meal with Humalog and hit the gym before work? Running HGH for 6months+ and insulin for only 12 weeks at a time.

  12. The singer of As I Lay Dying went to prison coming off AAS and tried to sue for not being allowed SERMS and alleged gyno and other side effects

  13. Hi Scott and Dave, I plan to do a cycle and then TRT. PCT doesn’t help to keep the muscles for me. Two question: What would be the minimum TRT dosage to keep the muscles? Also, what would be your maximum TRT dosage you would go for, and why?

  14. Love the show as always! Question for the next show if possible.

    I've never actually used any injectable versions of your typical oral steroids. I don't actually use steroids at all anymore but at the latter part of my usage I found I couldn't tolerate them at all as they just killed my appetite within a couple of days.

    Can you explain how the dosages would work from say oral dbol to injectable dbol, and what would be comparable for the others like Winstrol, superdrol and anadrol if they do that in injectable form if they arent just all the same ratio etc. From memory I believe the half life on the injectable to be longer so presume the dose isn't 1:1 but would like you guys to confirm.


  15. Love the episode guys, well done! Quesiton for the next episode – how long would I need to be on TRT before starting a cycle? Considering that my bloods have been fine throughout my cycle.

  16. Lads , i need your advice I am travelling to Lyon france in 4 weeks from UK im currently on test prop 350 and mast p 350 , but do you guys think i can pct in 4 weeks or should i take a longer ester like test e .

    Im not staying for too long just for 6 days including travelling. Can i inject test E like once a week im thinking of low dose like 125 mg/wk so i might need no ai or try to sneak few arimadex ! Or Maybe shoot mast e

    how will i change esters ?? And go from blast to cruise if going on test e is a good idea?
    btw this is my first cycle !

    Or give me advice on finding a steroid dealer lol 😅! Thanks dave and scott

    Top lad x

  17. Scott and Dave Happy belated New Year. My quesiton is: higher Test cycle requires higher anti-estrogen (such as Arimidex/Aromasin) intake. Would you rather have lighter Test cycle but less anti-estrogen intake, or would you go hard with Test cycle and take more anti-estrogens?

  18. Primo as ai: reduces serum e2

    Mast as ai : has serm properties + gives you less water due to aldosterone system effect

    Eq as ai : e1 takes over e2 receptors so can lower serum e2

    Also some people aren’t really effected by ai and serm metabolites of these compounds so it is genetic and dose dependent

  19. So I've never really taken EQ, 5 years ago when I took EQ I relapsed 4 weeks into the cycle and I had always wondered if the estrogenic related effects of EQ had a dark hand in my relapse. Through some research, I see other people have had issues with relapsing when they started toying with their estrogen. I just wasn't fully serious with my recovery nor was I doing everything possible to set myself for success in recovery at that time.
    Fast forward to now, I've had gyno flaring up in my left nipple for some time now. Tried nolvadex and raloxifine to attempt to dry it up some, it had a small effect but nothing to write home about. I know I'll have to get surgery at some point regardless, just experimenting. Dropped the serms for around 2 weeks prior to starting EQ. Prior to starting the EQ and while using serms, I was using 800mg testosterone, so for sure gyno territory for myself. I'm now 3 weeks into my cycle, I know EQ is no where near peak saturation yet. But my gyno has dried extremely, while using 800mg testosterone. I always pin daily, I stopped taking AIs because I was going to do blood work with the EQ to get an accurate assessment of what it does in my body.
    I don't know if the EQ is just beating the test to the receptors in my breast tissue, or what is going on but in a matter of these few weeks my gyno has shrunk by about 90% and the gyno had been there for roughly 5 months.

  20. Cortisol as we know is catabolic, it's released during exposure to stress etc. let's say (hypothetically), I finished cleaning the entire house (that took me few hours), just to find later that day, that "roomba" runs my dog vomits all over the floor, for that I wanna throw my dog to parents in law (let them suffer too) and roomba through the window. Is it beneficial to take 10mg Anavar or Dbol at that moment to fight the catabolic effects of cortisol? Have to mention that I will loose apetite for few hours too in situation like this. Thank you in advance. BTW No animal was hurt during this "hypothetical" situation.
    PS. Roomba didn't survived.

  21. Another great show , thanks guys .
    Side note Dave Palumbo received his testosterone in jail(I believe Rick got it for him) , I also knew 2 other guys serving time in jail also received it.

  22. I was on TRT prior to going to prior to going to prison in 2007 and they kept me on it at a dose of 200 mgs per week the entire time.

  23. I seem to be fine with sugars and stuff as long as fats stay as low as possible when fats get higher it slows digestion so much it makes it hard to get all my meals in.

  24. Just finished my 16 week bulk at 750 test/600 EQ and two weeks of 30mg superdrol, pre workout only 4x per week, at the end. For me personally, EQ dropped my e2 considerably, but my e1 was quite high. On the surface though, I had zero estrogenic side effects and I didn't use an AI. For reference, my max tolerable dose of test with no other compounds or auxiliaries is 400mg per week. It was an amazing cycle.

  25. Hey, I’ve run a few sarm cycles with great success, went from 140lbs c. 10% BF to 185lbs c. 15% BF with no problems. Did a cycle of Test E 400/week and turned out to be hyper aromatizer. I’m now doing 100 Test for physiological estrogen and 1200 deca per week with .5mg armidex twice a week. 6 weeks in and going well. Should I be concerned about health running deca this high?

  26. I watched the minimum effect dose of anadrol video and a you read a comment of a person who mention they did daves calf workout and the person mentioned they were so sore they couldnt extend their leg. Could you ask dave to explain what he does for calves? I tried too look it up amd search for his calf workout but couldnt not find it….

  27. Hey guys, love the show!!
    I've run 3 cycles now with just 300 Eq whilst running 500 test and not needed a ai… where as the cycles before without Eq, I needed an ai. I really think there is something to this

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