@Ottawa Senators

Hockey Gods, This is Just Cruel.

Nhl hockey colorado avalanche vs ottawa senators was a wild one, it definitely sparked a larger discussion with this. For recaps/reactions to nhl highlights today , hockey news/trade rumors, coverage of specific players and teams as well as funny moments usually on-ice mishaps or inadvertent mic’d up during the game – Subscribe to johnny hawkey. In this one, we dive into the avalanche vs senators game highlights , but also the sens and by the way let me know if you want more content from this team (I want to make a tim stutzle and brady tkachuk video at some point). Nhl 2024

#hockey #nhl #highlights #ottawasenators #coloradoavalanche


  1. As a Leafs fan who lives close to Ottawa, I've been to more games there than in Toronto. And I'm part of the fan base who will travel just about anywhere to see the Leafs at a cheaper price than at home. But I've never felt as unsafe as in Ottawa with the jerk fans there.

    I've been in Boston, where it was all good-natured fans chirping one another and having a laugh. I've been in Montreal where English and French taunts were being exchanged in equal numbers, all in good fun. But I've nearly been physically assaulted at almost every Leafs-Sens game because of bad fans.

    So as much as I'd like to see a successful team, I can't feel bad for Sens fans.

  2. I saw that face and I thought, "Who is that? He looks familiar?!" Jacques Martin is coaching again? Holy cow. I assumed this guy was retired!

    I like to stay busy and will always be involved in coaching, volunteering, teaching, et cetera, but I really don't want to be coaching a last-place team when I'm 71!

  3. Senators have this odd place in my heart as a Flyers fan. You guys plagued us for a while, but I loved some of those old players. Spezza was my first non-Flyer that I chose as my favorite in the NHL (aside from Brind’Amour who was a Flyer and traded, so that doesn’t count 😉). I also love the jerseys – black and red is cool as hell. Anyway, I really hope they see some success soon. Them and the Buffalo Sabres.

  4. Lets be real, Ottawa is not winning a cup or getting a #1 any time soon.
    The Sens are like the red headed step child of Canadian teams.

  5. Being a sens fan really hurts this year. I was so hopeful be we would hold the lead, I'm more hopeful now that we will get the first overall pick and build a future off of it

  6. What’s with all the stick plays for defence? Where are all the pushing and playing the body to keep the offence at bay? We need more aggression and not just let them skate around you because you don’t want to be physical

  7. The Sens’ defence is very irresponsible defensively, but I found their breakout passes quite good last game. And their offense is so dynamic imo

  8. Yeah I'm not exactly in the best mind about this. I am a DIE HARD send fan I bleed red, I watch every game and to see them lose over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again is not exactly the best feeling on planet earth. Our players are failing us and themselves night after night and it's not only pathetic it's genuinely humiliating. Do not forget the fact that almost every lose out of the last ten, we've blown a lead, our goalies have let us down and our tradition defence is arguably the worst in the league. All I'm saying is it's much easier to cheer for a team when a potential all-star littered lineup isn't playing like they wanna lose.

  9. This isnt cruel, this is karma for the way sens fans acted after the game where larkin got knocked out lol.

  10. Not gonna throw these over paid bums a pity party, get rid of everyone except Giroux. Sens mgmt have proven that anyone can put together a team better than they can.

  11. this season has been pretty crazy a lot of games where ottawa has 30+ shots and loosing 5-1 to a team with 15 shots or blown leads we honestly cant catch a break this year and its pretty frustrating

  12. i have a feeling celebrini will end up in chicago because bedard needs someone to play with even though i would love to see him in ottawa and see ottawa win for a change. ps im not salty about the lottery last year because chicago totally deserved to "win" the lottery instead of anaheim

  13. Do exactly what the ShanaPLAN and YzerPLAN was all about, lose often and be rewarded for failure with even more high draft picks. Of course the Sens should tank and I don't even care if it's obvious. Is it possible Staios put Martin and AlFredo behind the bench to ensure the lising would continue? Their record is worse than DJ's.

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