@Boston Bruins

New Jersey Devils vs Boston Bruins | Live NHL Play by Play & Chat

New Jersey Devils vs Boston Bruins | Live NHL Play by Play & Chat

And we are live what is going on everybody Welcome to the stream today we’ve got some afternoon matina action coming at you between the New Jersey Devils and Boston Bruins and this should be a Dandy of a game these teams usually play very good tight games against each

Other that are a a lot of fun to watch and definitely expecting that again here today so hopefully it’s a really fun one for all of us as we get ready to get into the action coming up in a few minutes thank you guys all so much for

Watching it’s great to see people so many people dropping in the chat already a lot of viewers and we’re just getting started absolutely love to see it and um very excited for the game today this should be a really good one so um obviously you know New Jersey dealing

With a lot of injuries right now they’ve uh they’ve got quite a few pretty big names out of the lineup and have have really been dealing with um just plethora of injuries over the last few weeks and they’re fighting right now um as far as the standings are concerned

They’re in a big time playoff battle we look at the uh at the NHL standings and where everybody’s at New Jersey is battling in that wild card race they’re currently two points out of a playoff spot however they do have games in hand on both Detroit and Tampa Bay who are in

The Wild Card spots right now so you know if they were to win today and get the two points they would then move into a playoff spot in the Eastern Conference so big game for New Jersey here every Point matters for New Jersey where they’re at in the standings right now

And for the Bruins they finally get back in the win column after losing three straight games in overtime they were able to win a game in overtime against St Louis the other night and uh that got them up to 59 points on the season they continue to lead the Atlantic division

And right now they lead the entire Eastern Conference so Boston continues to play very strong despite not being as dominant uh as they were last year um they’re still the best team in the Eastern Conference right now and uh and and you know just kind of continuing to

Find ways to Win Hockey games for the most part in New Jersey the very important game for the Devils as they are in the heat of a Big Time battle but uh for the a wild card spot in the East so that’s kind of where both of these

Teams are at right now what is going on Riley Mary R1 uh Mark Victoria Ryan what is going on guys welcome in thank you so much for being here really appreciate it as uh we get ready for some Boston Bruins afternoon action and hopefully it

Is a fun one here and I think it will be devils and Bruins usually play pretty good games against each other yo thg what a legend in the in the chat welcome in dude great to see you thanks so much for us for stopping by as uh we’re still

A few minutes away from puck drop here probably another 6 or seven minutes until we’re actually underway but that’s okay as uh we we get ready to get into the action and hopefully enjoy a good afternoon battle here you know guys you know I always say the same

Things about um about afternoon games they’re either they’re either complete gong shows or they’re snooze fests and I I’m always hoping for Gong Show and uh obviously we don’t know what’s going to happen yet in this one but definitely hoping that it’s going to be a wild one

And a lot of fun to watch very entertaining game hopefully this afternoon but you know you never really know which your which way it’s going to go with afternoon games sometimes they’re very sleepy and other times they are just off-the-wall crazy so we’ll find out here starting up in a few

Minutes what’s going on Matt welcome in Leonardo great to see you in the chat thanks so much for dropping by Riley always a pleasure yo Bobby Beantown breakdown let’s go let’s get that Dono hype in the chat for Bobby everybody dropping a five on the stream let’s go

Definitely ready for a hopefully a great Bruins performance here today and uh thank you so much Bobby really really appreciate it man that is awesome your support has been incredible for as long as uh as long as we’ve followed each other’s channels and it just continues so thank you so

Much H I’m excited for this one getting pretty uh getting pretty amped up ready for this game I I haven’t uh I didn’t see a lot of the Bruins West Coast trip cuz the games were obviously uh a lot later um and you know with me getting up

For work every day I I can’t watch the 9 10 o’clock starts anymore and still get up for work so um it’s been a while I haven’t streamed a Bruins game in like two months I think November was the last time I streamed a Bruins game so I’m

Just very excited to get back here doing a Bruins game watching a good Bruins game and uh ready to have some fun also kind of a kind of a throwback here but we got a nice pink Whitney ginger ale mix ready to go so uh we’re going to

Get cheers in the chat everybody before we get Puck that is good ready to go Glenn what’s going on great to see you thanks so much for coming by and uh what do you think of the Oilers coming back from the dead H when you got that much talent you

Know obvious it’s kind of they’re finally playing like they should have been from the get-go is get is I guess what I want to say like when you’re when you’re that good and you have that much talent they’re supposed to be this good um obviously they did not have the start

Of the Season that they wanted to but they made the coaching change early enough where they still had plenty of time to to turn things around um they’ve been very very good since the coaching change um and you know obviously that was kind of the the shock to the system

I guess in the jolt to wake the team up this season and they’ve gotten themselves going and now the Oilers look like the Oilers and um you know you’ve got McDavid you know looking like Conor McDavid again you’ve got dry saddle you know there’s their stars are their Stars

Buard still phenomenal on the blue line um Zack Heyman is having a great year um you know he he’s a guy I feel like kind of flies under the radar a little bit but himman is a very important player for them and he has really been playing

Well recently it’s just you know they’ve they had a rocky rocky start but they got it together they made the change the coaching change early enough to where they got them plenty of time to get back on track and now that’s exactly what they’ve done and the Oilers are playing

Like the Oilers are supposed to they’re going to be a tough team you know you know they can put up a lot of goals they they can score um they’ve got unreal Talent they’re going to be a tough team that you know come playoff

Time is not going to be an easy one to beat hey sounds good Bobby really appreciate that man uh yes Leonardo swayan is going to the allstar game his first one ever and uh very very happy to see that he has been phenomenal in goal for the Bruins this year

Um just great to see swayan take make you know make this jump the way that he has to becoming one of the better goenda see you guys Red Rubber what is going on welcome thank you so much for being here really appreciate it Nathan welcome into the stream thanks for

Watching great to have you here yeah Frederick’s been fantastic for the Bruins uh this year especially lately uh I I would say the last month or so Frederick has been awesome so um yeah no just another guy for Boston that’s really stepped up and you know one of my favorite players

On the Bruins and that love the toughness that he brings and his willingness to to hit and fight and and bring you know the physicality to the game that there really aren’t that many guys on the Bruins anymore that play that way so Frederick kind of has to

Carry the team from a physical standpoint and uh he’s certainly not been afraid to do that and I mean Freddy’s been one of my favorite players since he was in the AHL down in Providence I loved him down there so very happy to see him having the season that he

Is uh yeah AI I I agree with you 100% those are definitely the four best teams in the um in the Pacific and I definitely think all four of those teams are making the playoffs no doubt hey what is going on Red Rubber great to see you thank you so much for

Being here yeah playoffs have been wild for sure in the NFL uh love to see the Cowboys lose we got Nico Daws in net for the Devils so we’re going to have Nico getting his fifth start of the season for New Jersey between the pipes for the

Visiting devils and then down at the other end in Boston’s net we we’ve got of course the allstar Jeremy swayan uh he’s had to carry the load here recently with um lenus omark banged up a little bit and I’m sure we’re going to get another solid performance out of him hopefully this afternoon

So um here we go Puck is dropped we are underway it’s back into the devil Zone where they’ll Chase Marino drops it for Hughes Hughes has it now he turns it over stolen ch right out in front shot and the Bruins just send it wide it was Cole with a grade A

Opportunity and oh boy a brutal brutal turnover from Luke Hughes in the defensive Zone gives Boston a golden chance just a few seconds in but they’re not able to capitalize as Coyle’s shot goes wide and it was kind of a fluttering Puck that was up on edge

Which is why he wasn’t able to get a great shot off there and it ends up banging off the end boards man that was so close worked around now in front another chance there right on the doorstep it’s kept out Devils take it now Hughes will

Skate it himself out of the Zone gets up right in front of the red line then dumps it makoy gains possession back now for the Bruins played across up into the offensive zone coil rims it around and Boston’s going to get a line change here 45 seconds into this one what’s

Going on Chris welcome in Liam welcome Chad welcome thank you guys all for watching really appreciate it that gets knocked away yesper brat will play it but he bounces it off of Danton Heinen and out of the Zone taken now dumped in W spoon sends it deep Bruins get in

On the four check trying to dig this Puck loose we spoon pinches down gets possession back passes to his D partner now on the far side thrown in front chance there zaka trying to get one off but he was tied up by Brendan Smith taken Now by The Devils Back In

Their Own Zone McLoud plays it to Smith who will hold behind the net while the Devils get a line change what’s going on Red Wings what’s going on Grinch welcome in guys thanks so much for watching awesome to have you here really appreciate it Devils dump it

In swayan comes out and play it here’s Frederick now in his own Zone he backhand one up the wall nobody home for Boston Kevin ball and one of the Bruins fight for it there it chips all the way back to the New Jersey Zone taken away now by New Jersey as

They set back up trying to break out of their end Colin Miller with it he spins back passes over to ball ball sends it up it’s deflected in by Bowers and lowai takes it in the corner Bruins trying to quickly clear they come back the other way but New

Jersey takes possession back in the neutral zone They dump it up couple of bodies Collide ends up deep in the Boston zone for low ride to play played through into the offensive zone here’s geeky Morgan geeky backhand pass doesn’t connect with boquist but it does bounce off of a skate and roll in

On dos he covers it up 1717 to go here in the first and we get a whistle ozone draw for the Bruins on the way uh what’s going on hey thank you so much for subscribing Red Wings fan let’s get some new H new sub hype in the chat

For Red Wings fan welcome to the channel awesome to have you here um Jim what’s going on welcome in Logan welcome in great to see you uh it is in the 20s right now Logan it’s about 28 degrees where I am right now taking now sander what’s going on

Welcome thanks so much for being here face off Circle there that one gets deflected away Bruins take possession back in their own Zone as they regroup still only two official shots on goal in this game both of them along to Boston as Brenan Smith steps up on post but Cole

Rips a shot nice save there by Daws uh I am going out after this one red Red Wings fan so it will probably be NFL playoffs but um I don’t know exactly what will be on where I’m going but it’ll probably be NFL playoffs 1550 to

Go here in the First Take taken up and into the offensive zone dumped Deep by McLoud Michael McLoud with it back to the point long shot there driven wide bounces off the end boards ball pinches to keep it in geeky has trouble gets help from his Wingers

Though that’s van Reams Dyke he’s up into the offensive zone back to geeki geeky backand through the middle be boquist though just didn’t go to the net for some reason he would have had a golden chance but he stopped skating and wasn’t able to reach the Puck good hit

There by the Bruins as the Devils send the puck down the ice it’s played back to makoy by grizzli passes through the middle into the offensive zone hinen gets it over to zaka zaka down low gets double teamed H Heinen comes into help him out uh that would be a fun Super Bowl

Liam I’d like to I’d like to see the Lions get in as we get some action going here Marino tied up with de Brock the original penalty here was going to John Marino for taking down Pavo zaka de brus didn’t like it and uh jumps in then Lazar comes over his teams start

To have words but it’s going to be John Marino going to the Penalty Box here Bruins are going to get the first Power Play of the game it is a TW minutes boarding penalty here to Marino and could have called it boarding could have called it a cross check

Either way zaka goes shoulder first into the boards from behind he gets right back up so that’s good to see he’s not injured and Marino is going to go off for a couple of minutes Bruins get the first Power Play opportunity let’s see if they can capitalize on

It hey I appreciate you being here dra thanks so much for watching great to have you as Boston right off here trying to get it Smith shoves van rdik off the post there as these two teams start to get into it again van reik was right in

Front of that almost was able to tuck one by dos who makes a good save and now van reik and Brendan Smith are really yapping back and forth I don’t think van rdik enjoyed getting shoved into the post by Smith what’s going on Jerry welcome in

Thank you so much for being here really appreciate it another offensive zone face off now for the Bruins just 7 seconds into the power play they win it back they’ll set up as that’s into the middle for Coyle backhand shot Daw makes the save back again for Van re across to marshan

Marshan Misses the half openen goal and bounces it off the outside of the net I believe the puck was again on edge just like Cor o earlier who had the great chance in front but missed the net the puck was flipped up on edge and they couldn’t get a good shot

Off round now back to McAvoy pass to posto they settle things down and set back up looking for a deflection in front it ends up in the corner back to the point makoy through to coil over to poock he fakes a shot pulls it to his backend now over to Maran Marian that

One bounces off of one of the Defenders and the Devils cleared all the way down just under a minute to go left here in the power play for the Bruins they’ve had some good chances in zone time just not able to finish back out High over to Lindholm Lindholm Cycles it with marshan

Who’s still out there pass across trying to find posst but it’s stolen and the Bruins will complete the change as that sent all the way back to their end Lindholm will chase played now hampis Lindholm passes through the middle that’s stolen by nemit and Boston here starting to run

Out of time as we’re down to 25 seconds left into the offensive zone on the rush de Brusque passes over around it goes stolen Again by New Jersey but it’s air mailed out and Nemitz is going to go off for delay of game here so it is going to be a very brief

16 seconds of on three for the Bruins and then back to a regular five on four power play Simone Nemitz clears the puck up over the glass trying to get it out of the Zone but he flips it into the crowd it’s delay of game

And boy that is going to give Boston an extended opportunity with the extra man here hey what’s going on Ian great to see you in the chat thanks so much for watching really great to have you here appreciate it Bruins set up now for the offensive zone Faceoff Coyle’s going to get kicked

Out so Marian’s got to come in and take it against heer heer wins it back no Bruins Wingers getting there to help out here’s makavo over to posto 10 seconds in the five on three posto shot gets blocked up into the netting and we’ll have another face off coming in the New Jersey

Zone just under 13 minutes remaining in this first period New Jersey still does not have an official shot on goal Boston has five and they’re on the power play Coyle wins that one Maran takes it passes out here’s Pock with a shot saved by Daws great job cutting down the angle

Where five on three is over we’re back to a regular power play and the Devils short-handed come up ice two on two into the offensive zone they get a shot there swayman makes the save stops the rebound as well minute and a half to go in the

Regular power play now for the Bruins as they enter the offensive zone here’s marshan on the half wall 120 left down in front trying to tuck one there and V re stke on the door step finally Boston’s able to capitalize on one of these chances it’s one Z Bruins James

Van rdik down low puts it Home and James Van RSD continues to be a phenomenal pickup for the Boston Bruins in this uh for this season man I did not like that signing when it first happened and I could not have been more wrong I thought after how bad jvr was with Philadelphia last year that he

Was cooked he was done and that I did not like the signing I could not have been more wrong he has been awesome for the Bruins this year and uh there’s another one power play goal for the for Boston and uh man he has been such a contributor in the middle six this

Year looks like the Devils might be challenging this long discussion between the referees and the devil’s bench and looks like we’ve got an offsides challenge here oh boy this is close this is close it’s posto entering the Zone with marshand this is close uh I think this one might be

Coming back I think poo was a little bit ahead of there entering the Zone uh this was a smart this was a smart challenge by the devils and if I had to guess I believe this is coming back we’ll uh we’ll see what the

Officials decide but I if I was if I was betting on this right now I would say this is going to be no goal this is coming back for off sides so I’m just going to assume that the referees agree it definitely looked like poso was ahead of Brad Maran in the puck

Entering that zone referees making the official call now this is not going to be a goal yeah goal comes back uh Boston did does not get the power play Go poor van reik he did a great job there too at the net front putting that

One home but David poo was a little too early on the far side of the ice and uh just a bit ahead of Brad marshan who also pulled the puck back at the blue line which is uh just uh one of those things that you

Don’t do um you you know Co if you talk to any hockey coach they don’t want you making side to side movements at the Blue Line um so that that wasn’t the brightest play by Maran and really the reason that the whole thing went off sides was

Because Maran pulled the puck back at the Blue Line instead of just entering the zone and getting over the line and um we’re back to a Bruins power play but the score goes back to 0 Devils clear that one makoy will start the rush back up minute five to go on

The man Advantage here for Boston into the offensive zone Maran with it pass for posto gets popped up off of a stick Coyle takes it he gets double teamed along the wall and ball doing a good job chewing some time there here’s post knock down low he gets pressured by a couple of

Devils van rste comes in to help along with Coy Puck pops back out to the middle over to Martian martian with a one-time and a great pad save by Daws Devils clear it off the save all the way down 30 seconds left on the power play 1135 to go here in the first

Period Bruins devil still scoreless Boston up to eight shots on goal New Jersey only has two but the Bruins thought they had the one Zer lead but the play was offside and they have not been able to capitalize on any of these chances yet here’s Marian with it down low again

Makoy cutting towards the net but the pucks poked away posto keeps it in Final 5 Seconds of the man Advantage passes over to makoy back out High to posto he fires a shot that’s blocked off the glass power plays over we’re back to five on five hockey

Z00 game still here as we take towards a halfway point of this period played up through the middle Devil’s trying to take it into the offensive zone Boston quickly sends it back out into the offensive zone driving is Frederick Frederick spins back along the half wall takes a hit from

Lazar Marino after it Lazar digs it out down low ball out in front turns it over Boston can’t get a shot off p it to the backand but fumbled the puck on the drive to the net front we spoon now over back played by boquist in the corner he’s hit there by

Marino Frederick comes in to help Danton Heinen there wspoon keeps it in the zone trying to get it through to Heinen but it’s chipped out by New Jersey Al thank you so much for subscribing let’s get some new sub hype in the chat for Allen a warm welcome to the channel Garrett

What’s going on Valerie welcome in Joey welcome in thank you so much for being here guys thank you for watching awesome to have you in the Stream this afternoon Oscar Steen gloves that one down dumps it in for Boston he’ll Chase is Colin Miller goes behind his own net

Spins off the steam check laid up and out of the Zone Pucks in neutral ice all the way back now swayman gives it to makoy 9 and a half remaining in the first it’s up now to Steen to the off defensive Zone he spins away from Marino

Plays it back to the point makoy stick staps in half but it results in a pass good chance there for zaka but do makes the save back the other way now chasing after it Max Wilman going in heavy against Lao on the four check Bruins clear it out

Though Devils take possession out in the neutral zone it’s Bastion Bowers Bastion and Wilman on the ice fourth line for the devils Frederick back out for the Bruins he loses it to Wilman around it goes played back to Bowers here’s a shot that gloved down by

Swayman as he grabs that one and covers it Kevin Ball fires it on goal 846 remaining in the first period we are going to go to a commercial break a scoreless start for the Bruins and Devils but not for the lack of chances especially for the Bruins who have had a

Lot of time in the offensive zone and are heavily outshooting New Jersey but not able to put home a goal yet and we are still z00 thank you guys all so much for being here really appreciate it awesome to have you in the chat this afternoon so

We’ve got a pretty good one going so far hopefully it keeps up all game long and is a really fun 60 Minutes of hockey if you guys want to know when my next stream is and haven’t seen it it is pinned at the top of the chat in the

Pinned comment uh my next live stream is going to be Tuesday January 23rd so that is a week from tomorrow uh 700 p.m. eastern time the Tampa Bay Lightning and the Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia having a very strong season as um they are in a play off spot in the

Metropolitan Division right now and have been so much better than anybody else uh expected and then um obviously the Tampa Bay Lightning are in a wild card spot right now but they are fighting for every point they are in the heat of the big time wildcard battle

That is going on in the Eastern Conference right now and um that will be Tuesday night at 7 um coming up next week so should be a fun one uh is this game on espm plus I am watching it on nessen um I am watching it on nessen because

It’s a it’s an in-market game for me Joey but I imagine it’s probably available on ESPN Plus for outof Market viewers but I’m not 100% sure on that hey what is going on Jay welcome in great to see you in the chat thanks so much for being

Here Bruins win the defensive Zone draw but can’t lift it out of the Zone Lind Holmes clearing attempt gets knocked down Lind Holmes steals it back he’ll try again up the boards and Devil’s able to keep that one in here’s Luke Hughes with it walking the line driving towards the half wall

Now back going to be a one-time from the point that gets blocked kept in the zone no by New Jersey uh because that’s what time the game is Liam I I stream the game at the time that the game is I don’t make the schedule for the NHL I I stream whenever

The NHL makes the games shot in there dos with another save as Heinen had a good chance out in front Bruins back on the attack stolen away by tley though and the Devils will try and break it out played around W spoon with it he loses

It to heer here’s a chance for Mercer with a shot and a big save there by swayan probably his best save of the game so far he hasn’t had to make many but uh that was a that was a good opportunity out in front there for the devils and swayman makes

The glove stop we will go we will go to another commercial break here as we continue along in this first uh I am watching this game on nessen Rob um but that’s CU if you’re in the New England Market you get nessen and that’s what all the Bruins games are

On so if you’re out of out of Market I’m not sure I guess it would be on ESPN plus if you’re out of Market but if you’re in New England it’s on nessen um but welcome to the channel Rob let’s get some new subhype in the chat

Welcome in thank you so much awesome to have you part of the community here and let’s give a warm welcome everybody to Rob here in the chat uh if you’re in New York it’s probably on one of the MSG channels I would imagine um let’s check the app

Here it looks like for New York it’s on uh msgs SN I believe yeah it says nessen for New England and msgn for the New York Region uh I have no idea I’m not from New York I have no idea about how the MSG channels work I’ve never watched the MSG channels

We’re back from the commercial break now played around it goes back to the point kept in there by holla former bruan and that’s up now deflected Away by posto holla plays it deep in his own Zone Devil’s trying to clear out Coyle keeps it in Coyle sends it down low for

Maran who chips it away from Daws back out high and makavo is not able to keep it in the zone he’ll Chase all the way back to his own Zone move to the middle into the offensive zone big hit there on boquist Devils take the puck back

Moved away now over the red line into the offensive zone and we get a whistle here as that puck pops up into the netting and out of play 639 to go in the first game still 0 Nico Daw has to go to the bench to get

A new stick and the Bruins will have an offensive zone face off here as we still look for our first goal of the hockey game thought we had it earlier with van rdik on the power play but um ended up getting called back for off sides Devils off the face off going to

Clear it out of the zone as it’s skated up by Marino he dumps it in around it goes Lazar gets in heavy on the four Che against shaton Kirk lowai takes the puck Bruins are up and out of the zone as that one’s cleared back the other way

Boquist giving some trouble there to ball van reke trying to steal not able to it’s up into the offensive end Holtz drops it rolls in there on swayman as Lazar goes to the neck Puck’s not covered and the Bruins send it all the way down and that was another good

Opportunity there for the Devils as they drove into the offensive zone but San keeps it out wasn’t able to cover it up as Lazar went hard to the net and Morgan geeky just throws it down the ice off the draw Devils win it back long shot there swayan able to find that

Through the traffic in front and gloves that one down and covers it now with 554 to go in the first we are going to head to our final commercial break of this first period just under 6 minutes remaining still z0 and when we come back we will finish out

Period number one and see if either team is able to find the back of the net or not what’s going on Joe welcome in thank you for watching really appreciate it great to have you here things have things have calmed down a little bit here uh lately but still a

Pretty good first period plenty of chances in this period nobody able to score yet but the goenda has definitely been a little bit more a little bit more Um busy here in this one than uh than San has uh let’s see Panthers score oh Panther’s already up two Z over Anaheim sheesh uh let’s see Vancouver’s up two to one on Columbus Buffalo is up two nothing on San Jose and Seattle and Pittsburgh is still 0

So quite a few afternoon games today in the NHL lot lots of games today and quite uh quite a few quite a few afternoon games uh no I never live stream every Bruins game on this channel I used to live stream a lot more often but I don’t

Anymore um and I never just live streamed Bruins I live streamed all different games and all different teams from around the league played back out in the neutral zone stolen back by Boston as they regroup under 6 minutes to go in the first play up kicked in that’s off sides

Marian was ahead of the play and that will get whistled down and will be a neutral zone Faceoff right outside of the devil Zone off the face off Devils have it over the line and now the Devils take their turn going off sides yo Joey with the two let’s get some Dono

Hype in the chat for Joey dropping a two on the stream thank you so so much man that is awesome really appreciate it Tak it now off the face off Devils go D to D deflected up and into the offensive zone they go down behind the

Net up the wall here’s de brosque pass passes to the middle Bruins up ice three on three into the offensive zone here’s Zach out high top of the circle shot attempt goes wide to the corner makoy plays it gets it right back Cycles back down low for Danton Heinen looking for a

Play in front that one off of zaka just wide Stephen great to see you here thanks so much for watching always a pleasure cleared again Bruins keep it in makoy with a shot through traffic that one goes wide of gloss is glove hand I always say glaws

Glove hand of Daws Bruins keep it though on the attack in the offensive zone here’s makoy a good pass through taken away by Heinen he spins gets it through to debrusk as he’s thrown down to the ice de Brusque has it now back to the point Heinen tees one up Doge through

The traffic is able to snag it with the gloving cover good chance there again Bruins in the offensive zone putting on the pressure but not able to beat Nico Daws who has been phenomenal in this game Frederick to take the draw now he’s going to get tossed out Lao will come in

To do it against Lazar former bruan Loco wins it back here’s shaton Kirk he just dumps it down low Bruin’s trying to cycle below the goal line chipped up but not out by New Jersey now they have another chance it’s Hughes Hughes spins off the hit from

Laco throws it all the way down the ice lorai first on it lorai chased by Tierney I believe Bruins quickly clear it back the other way body starting to bang along the wall here as Boston tries to get it back into the offensive zone they do here’s

Frederick drop pass for lowai lowai what a move shot saved by do Second Chance gets the pat on it as well man Boston is doing everything they can except finish here still z0 despite so many quality chances breu and steel again in the neutral zone they’ll throw it back in

Wspoon deep in behind Daws Marino’s first on it geeki sends it back to the point across for wspoon wspoon just back hands it down low played in the corner Marino not able to get it up past geeky and Morgan geeky with it now trying to drive towards the net Daws

With the Poke check keeps it to the outside chance again here van rdy to boquist back to the point long shot dos with the glove save as he covers that one 259 now to go in the first lindol fired one in from the point do snags it with the glove we stay z

Z Jersey Roots what’s going on welcome in thank you so much for being here I really appreciate it great to have you in the chat just under three minutes to go now in the first period still looking for our first goal of the game round now here’s post knock out in front

Spin around shot that’s blocked Devil’s coming back the other way trying to lift it up for holla and Puck was played with a high stick so that will get whistled down Puck was played with a high stick there by holla so the face off comes out to the neutral zone and with 246

Remaining in the period we’ll have another neutrals face off coming up Bruins win this one back pass through to Maran and Marsh not able to control it’s dumped in by New Jersey grizzli first back on it laid up the wall moved to the middle here’s makoy jumping into the play he

Had a great night offensively in St Louis not able to get that pass through and the Devils clear all the way down again played by grizzli over to poo posto turns it over to yesper brat in the neutral zone brat coming back the other way he gets run to the wall there

By Lindholm and the Bruins take possession again as Danton Heinen backand it out Mikey McLoud steals Devils have it again through to the middle here’s tley chopped away from him by the Bruins back check and now Danton Heinen throws it in for Boston McLoud has it up the wall one 140

Remaining in the first that one’s dumped in W spoon goes back to get it as the Devils get a line change moved up here’s Oscar Steen Steen deflects into the offensive zone goes heavy on the for che gets shielded away from the puck though as the Devils come

The other way Tierney passes out of the Zone up into the offensive end here’s Lazar he gets run to the wall there by loo shot down in front everybody trying to find the loose Puck Boston gets to it first and we’ll get it out of the Zone Frederick back hands it in wide

Of Daws tierne first on it under a minute remaining in the in the first period Devils regrouping in their own End 50 seconds left in the first period he almost to turn over to boquist but he couldn’t control it and now heer comes back the other way for New Jersey he fires one in pad save by swayan in the corner boquist not able to move it past

Holla both teams have a couple guys here digging forward along the wall now down low lindol up the boards out of the Zone couldn’t connect with Van re Dyke holla throws it right back in there’s a chance for Mercer and swayan gets a piece of

It geeki is able to knock the puck Lucy comes up with it skates it himself out of the Zone 8 seconds to go now in the period Morgan geeki into the middle backhand chance there not able to get a shot off for Boston chance One Last Time

Dos keeps it out in the horn set Downs right at the buzzer oh boy Bruins with a good push there right in the final 10 seconds try to get it to the front of the net but Nico do says no and we are through 20

Minutes no goals on the board it is 0 at the end of one 20 minutes down 40 minutes of hockey still to go and we’ll have to see uh which team is able to strike first in this one we certainly know it won’t be in the first period as uh it’s looking

Like the first goal is going to have to wait till the second period but that brings us now to the intermission we’ve got some time to hang out and chill in the chat while we wait for the second to begin thank you guys all so much for being here and watching

It’s awesome to have you on the channel this afternoon thank you guys so much for being here please don’t forget it really does help out the video a lot if you can hit that thumbs up button on it and uh if you like to subscribe to the

Channel and become part of the channel Community here I cover the entire NHL stream all different matchups throughout the season we’d love to have you become part of the community and uh hit that subscribe button if you would like to so thank you guys again for watching this

Is uh was a overall a good first period for the Bruins they just weren’t able to score a goal um it’s like you know they controlled a large majority of the play they heavily outshot the Devils um they they had the puck in the offensive zone a ton and um

They just weren’t able to legally score a goal they did put the puck in the back of the net once but the play ended up getting called back for offside so it was no goal so here we are 0 at the end of one when Boston really could have EAS

Easily had a a two nothing or one nothing or two nothing lead but they weren’t able to finish and Nico Daws has been absolutely phenomenal in goal for the Devils um he’s made some huge saves from New Jersey already in this game just nothing but good things about

The way that Nico do has played in that first hey thank you Joey yeah this was this is the uh the jersey that uh Jeremiah gave to me it’s the uh hampus Lindholm uh Centennial Jersey so um very very glad to have this one um and yeah this this was a great gift

From Jeremiah who uh isn’t in I haven’t seen in the chat yet today but is uh often in these chats when I’m streaming but I I haven’t seen him today yet but it was a uh fantastic fantastic gift from him so we’re at the first intermission

Now we’ll have some time to kind of chill out for a bit and wait for this second to begin uh as we know I know Red Rubber has done a phenomenal phenomenal job of keeping everybody updated with other scores that uh with other games going on around the league right now

We’ve got Buffalo up 2 to zero on San Jose we got Vancouver up 2 to one on Columbus Florida is up 2 to one on Anaheim and just like us Seattle and Pittsburgh is also at the first intermission 0 so uh that is where we stand with the

Other games that are going on right now later today at 300 p.m. eastern time we’ve got Carolina versus LA at 6:00 p.m. eastern time we’ve got Minnesota against the New York Islanders we have the Vegas golden knights against the Nashville Predators at 700 p.m eastern time we’ve got a a uh Montreal Canadians

Versus Colorado Avalanche matchup and then the last game to start will come at 800 PM the Philadelphia Flyers against the St Louis Blues so overall I believe it is 10 games in the NHL today all uh when it’s all said and done and a lot of them a lot of them

Are afternoon games today uh a lot Red Rubber um probably hundreds if not thousands but there will probably be a lot of snowballs thrown in Buffalo today Uh yes Brendan britan a Michigan product former first round draft pick of the golden knights is expected to make his uh NHL debut for uh you know actually a game that counts obviously he’s played in the preseason but as far as playing actual games that count he’s expected to make his debut for

Vegas and um definitely an interesting guy to watch for sure drafted uh back in 2020 was a first round pick went to the UN University of Michigan had a very um very productive college career if I’m not mistaken hey Jersey Roots thank you so much let’s get some subhype for Jersey Roots new

Subscriber to the channel awesome awesome to have you thank you so much for watching so uh again guys if you didn’t hear earlier I know people are hopping in and out of the chat as it goes along my next live stream is going to be NE a week from tomorrow next Tuesday January

23rd Tampa Bay Lightning versus Philadelphia Flyers in a very important game as far as playoff positioning is concerned for both of those teams yo Kelly what is going on welcome thank you so much for being here really really appreciate it hey Gregor what is going on welcome in

Thank you for being here really appreciate it hey what’s going on Richie great to see you thanks so much for coming by we’re uh I’m not sure how long we’ve got until we start the uh second we’re probably about halfway through the intermission so far I would say uh yeah looks like we

Got about 8 minutes until the beginning of the second period a wonderful Monday afternoon matina game here between the devils and Bruins and uh I thankfully have the day off from work so I could actually watch this game and um yeah it’s been it’s

Been a pretty good one you know a lot of chances in the first per period just not able to capitalize on any of those chances and find the back of the net we stay 0 0 through one what’s going on nil welcome in thank you for being here

Uh who do I want to win um well considering I’m a Boston Bruins fan I want the Boston Bruins to Win okay getting ready for uh getting ready for the second here still got a little ways to go in this intermission Boston with 17 shots in the first period 17 shots but they weren’t able to score also 0 for two on the power play Devils have not had a power

Play yet I think it’s very likely they get the next power play in this game cuz that’s just usually how it goes Boston’s already had two I imagine the Devils will get the next one and um you know eventually somebody’s going to have to

Find a way to score a goal here but uh we’ll we’ll have to see who’s able to do it first coming up this next period end up going to overtime absolutely could see that going to to OT just I feel like the Bruins and Devils play so many close games against

Each other that it just would not surprise me at all if we go to OT in this one these teams play in general very very tight matchups usually wow this is already the last meeting of the Season between New Jersey and Boston I didn’t realize that they

Had played twice already this year year but back on December 13th the Devils beat the Bruins in overtime 2 to one and then on December 30th right before the new year Boston beat New Jersey 5-2 and this is already their third and final meeting of the season this

Year so they uh they won’t be playing again this season unless they happen to meet up in the playoffs uh looks like the Panthers and Ducks are back underway for the second period um and the Canucks and Blue Jackets are starting the second period as well

All right this I think is going to be the last commercial break before the uh action resumes finally we’ll get the scoreboard set for the second period and uh yeah I would not be would not be surprised if we get a devil’s power play coming up here pretty quickly

As Boston had both the power plays in the in the uh first period devil probably get one pretty early on here in the second uh Connor I don’t know if you’re watching the wrong League this year or if you’re just an AB solute but the Boston Bruins are first place in the

Eastern Conference so um take take your dumbass comment somewhere else Kano what is going on welcome in thank you so much for being here really appreciate it great to see you in the chat thanks so much for coming by always great to see you really app appreciate

It we’re getting ready to drop the puck here on period two Z hockey game still all evened up we’ll see who’s able to break the ice here hopefully within the next 20 minutes hey Pittsburgh scores they’re up one Z there you are up one Z now over the

Seattle Kraken Drew Drew ‘ Conor I watched him play quite a bit in the AHL uh down in wilbury Scranton and um he’s got the Penguins up one Zer in that game that’s a very important one for Pittsburgh who is yet another team yet another team who is in the midst of

This absolutely crazy wild card battle going on in the Eastern Conference right now all right here we are lining up at Center Ice coil against heer a pair of 13s will take the face off and we are going to get started in Period number two as a referee drops the puck kind of

A stalemate off the draw eventually the Devils Come Away With It they move it up ice and deflect it into the offensive zone and where already getting a quick whistle here and a Faceoff coming back out to the neutral zone right at the center dot again off the draw taken now dumped in

By posto Bruins will chase on the four check maran’s not able to get to it Devils come back the other way it’s carried up ice now by New Jersey fired in big glove save by sway back the other way we go here’s pasta with marshy into the offensive zone

Marshy spins off the hit gets it to Coyle Coyle on the backand he scores no doubt about that one what a backand from Charlie Coyle who tucks it inside the post and this time for real it’s one nothing Boston a beautiful play by the Bruins Top Line as posto to Martian Martian to Coy and Coyle with a slick little backhand blocker side short side uh pass Nico DAW and right to the back of the net the Bruins lead Charlie Coyle now has 11 points in his last 11

Games and we will finally line up and get back into the action here ensuing Faceoff Bruins with the first goal of the game just 30 seconds into the second period here come the now that pass gets stolen by Heinen Danton Heinen takes a check from mlau to dump it into the

Offensive zone back the other way here comes New Jersey brat with speed into the offensive end pass in front thrown again Swan’s able to cover it up as Hughes was driving to the net and a good answering shift there for the Devils to try and get some momentum

Swung in their way and a good chance out in front offensive zone Faceoff coming now for New Jersey Curtis laar is going to take it he loses it to yesper boquist who clears it up and out of the Zone Bruins have it now neutralized boquist into the

Offensive end turns it over over to nemit what’s going on Justin welcome in great to see you in the chat thank you so much for being here really really appreciate it Bruins trying to work the puck up and out of their own zone now it’s up the wall played there by

Boquist over to geeky loses it to the devil’s D back the other way now deflected into the offensive zone by Tierney here’s lowai lowai skates it away boquist takes a big hit to get it out back the other way lowai jumps into the play drives it wide waiting for some help throws it

Towards the front it’s deflected Away by Colin Miller and the devil’s defense gets to it all right see you later nil thank you for watching thanks for stopping by and uh hopefully we see you again soon what’s going on Aries welcome in thank you for watching really appreciate you coming

In just about two minutes into this second period that puck deflects up and out of play we’ll get a whistle and it will be an offensive zone draw for New Jersey now as they look to tie this game oh all right all good no worries that’s good nille we’re glad to have you

Here thanks for watching glad you can stay and linesman doesn’t like that puck drop he’s going to redo it holla against Coy and that’s deflected away Bruins trying to clear it out of the Zone but having some trouble grizzl goes back to the other corner makavo is

Not there but marshand is now it’s up through the middle into the offensive zone here’s Coyle on the rush spins back passes to Mary marshy tries to get it through there to poock but it’s stolen by a good defensive play by Nico heser brought up now into the offensive

Zone across for holla holla with a shot that’s blocked aside Bruins come back the other way grizzli jumps up into the play but can’t control that pass for Maran who has it now yesper brat fires one on the back end trying to get it out in front there for a streaking teammate

Towards the goal but it doesn’t get through around it goes now out High long shot there swayan able to find it keeps it out deflected again knocked down by the Bruins that’s brought up played by New Jersey back the other way into the offensive zone there’s to Foley

Blocker Sav by swayan kept in by nemit down low for McLoud McLoud turns it over trying to pass to to Foley Bruins clear the puck all the way down it’s going to be icing as nobody was able to get a stick on it 1633 now to go here in the

Second period Bruins lead it 1 to zero on Charlie Coyle’s goal that’s the only goal so far we have an offensive zone faceof coming up for the devils yo John dropping a 20 on the stream a big time 20 burger for John let’s get some hype in the chat and a big big

Thank you thank you so much man that is awesome absolutely incredible support from John thank you so much Tak it now out in the neutral zone cleared away New Jersey with it TIY forward in front of the benches against zaka Alexander Holtz joins the fry Bruins Come Away with the puck

Though as Lindholm will break up ice good pass there to zaka into the offensive end he drives to the corner gets it back out High Bruins keep it in at the point looking for a Play Back Down Low cycle game going out in front nobody on it here’s shaton Kirk now from

Out high with a shot that deflects off glass wide all right around it goes lowai in the corner Cycles back for Heinen excuse me de brosque de brosque back to lowai lorai with a shot through traffic goes wide New Jersey first on the loose Puck

They’ll clear it out of the Zone 15 and a half to go here in the second pass in front New Jersey looking for an answer swayan with a great save Trent Frederick takes the puck now for the Bruins as they look to back uh go back up ice the

Other way they’ll settle things down now looking to break it up all right see you later nil thanks for watching was good to have you here appreciate it uh David posto has come on work trying to see how many goals he’s up to now he’s got a lot he’s an Allstar

Again this year okay well doesn’t want to work so I have to wait on that what’s going on Eddie welcome in man thank you so much for watching really appreciate it Devils win the draw in the offensive zone that chance there good stick by Van rdik to break it

Up taking off the wall there Mercer Dawson Mercer Ducks the hit Bruins Come Away With It trying to work it out of the Zone there’s van rdik back hands it to the middle boquist helps out Ducks one hit not able to get past the Blue Line though and they’ll spin back as

Grizzli takes possession Bruins dump it in now in behind Daws Marino first on the puck John Marino plays it D to D up through the neutral zone deflected into the offensive end in behind swayan off glass Bruins with it now back in the offensive zone trying to extend the lead

Big Board battle down low Pucks in the corner New Jersey trying to clear Bruins get in heavy on the four check pick goes devils are out of the Zone with speed Devil’s rushing up ice pass across there not able to get it on goal back to the other side spin around

Shot Finds Its way blocked off of a body Bruins come the other way up ice couple players fall down back the other way we go Devils with the puck cycling in the offens event still in the Brewing Zone Boston finally able to clear back out to neutral ice round it

Goes Devils have it again lifted up maran’s going to carry out of the Zone gain the red line cross Corner dump in Devils first on it in their own end playing it down low they’ll come back the other way over the red line New Jersey into

The offensive zone 1235 to go here in the second period as we approach the halfway point of this game Bruin steal it back here’s Danton Heinen get some help makoy jumps into the Play De Brusque with a shot and a big glove save there by Daw what’s going on a ar

Welcome in thank you so much for being here really appreciate it great to have you uh David poso has 25 goals so far this season it finally loaded David Posh knock’s up to 25 goals this season and we are off to a commercial break here Bruins and Devils still a one- nothing Boston

Lead just under 12 minutes remaining in this second period hey Canuck score Canuck score to make it 3-2 now they have the lead back on Columbus Buffalo is still up two to nothing on San Jose Florida is taking a 3-2 lead over Anaheim and Pittsburgh is up two nothing on Seattle those are your other games going on right now hey John what’s going on dirty water welcome in thank you so much for

Watching great to see you here in the chat really appreciate it we’ve got a good tight one going here between the devils and Bruins one- nothing Boston in the second period we’re at a first commercial break of period two and uh right around the uh closing in on the halfway point of this

Game hope you guys are enjoying this one it’s been fun here we go offensive zone faceof coming for the Devils Eric Hall is going to take it against Charlie Coyle former teammates here in Boston linesman get ready to drop it Hollow wins it back Devils have it offensive zone Colin Miller pass

Over played there by Marino shot in front San with the save rebound chance swayan stops that one as well and we got some pushing and shoving in front of the net as holla and W spoon get into it swayan with a good stop there and a good

Job covering it up not allowing any more opportunities for the devils New Jersey catching up in shots on goal as well as it’s now 1815 in favor of Boston that goes off of marsh and skate poso trying to get it out Puck taken though by niik heser Devils keep it in the offensive

Zone that’s cleared all the way down by the Bruins Colin Miller back to get it doesn’t reach for icing Devils with a quick pass back up into the offensive zone here’s holla tees one up Swan with the save and Mercer goes flying his we spoon was not going to let him get to

The front of the net 1120 to go here in the second hey Eagles what’s going going on welcome in thanks for coming by and watching I’m doing pretty well how are you good to see you in the chat as we’re down now another offensive zone faceof

On the way for the Bruins or excuse me for the Devils as these last few minutes they’ve started to tilt the ice very much in their favor looking to tie this game up that one right off the draw rolls in on swayan covers it up and they’ll

Basically just redo that last face off off the draw one back to nemt Nemitz with a shot through traffic puck gets blocked to the corner Devil’s maintain possession another long shot there blocked on the way through second chance doesn’t get out in front worked away and

Finally the Bruins are able to bounce it out of the Zone boquist into the offensive end he gets sent to to the outside by nemt Simone Nemitz good job defensively there Bruins gain it gain possession again out in the neutral zone dump it back in we’ll try and get hard

On the four check it’s geeky Puck moved quickly by New Jersey makoy knocks down McLoud and now McLoud and McAvoy are getting into it in front of the benches van RSD comes over and we’ve got another gathering here as Charlie M avoy and McLoud go at each other right in front of the

Benches and they’re going to get matching miners here looks like McLoud and macavoy both pick up two minutes for roughing and we’re going to get a little bit of fouron four action here so the ice is going to open up a little bit hasn’t really been a super physical game

But the last three or four shifts we’ve it started to pick up quite a bit and starting to sense a little bit more life into this game and and some animosity between the teams as uh the past few shifts we’ started to see a little bit more pushing and shoving and and uh

Spiciness between the two what’s going on Thomas welcome in I’m good how are you thank you for watching great to see you here uh welcome in Blacks good to have you in the chat yes there are checks playing in this game I know the Bruins have uh

David posro and paval zaka um I’m not sure about who is cck on the um on the New Jersey side other than uh Simone Nemitz is I believe but I’m not sure if anyone else for New Jersey is but yes there are Czech players in in this

Game taken now up out of the Zone moved over the red line into the offensive end Bruins going Devils steal it and go back the other way here’s Marino into the offensive end drops for heer Heir Dodges two Bruins gets a pass through to Mercer minute and a half to go here in

The fouron four we’ve got 10:05 left in the second period we’re just about halfway through this hockey game played out now back to the blue line and out of the zone as nobody’s there for the Devils Marino regroups as the Devils get a line change here’s yesper

Brat Nemitz takes a hit sends it over here’s tley top of the circle Tyler tley pass back good shot there by ball and a big save by swayan getting it with the shoulder 50 seconds left in the four on four into the offensive zone here come the Bruins postrock with a shot second

Chance and Daw keeps that out as well Vernon what is going on great to see you my friend thanks so much for watching awesome to have you here that’s moved across played by tley Devil’s Back In on the attack in the offensive zone stolen away by w spoon gets it up

To posto posto who’s at the end of his shift out of gas not able to go on much of a rush there Bruins take it back in their own Zone we spoon over to lowai and now we got marshan getting into it with nemit as they come together

Marian’s got to head to the bench as he lost his helmet into the zone is lowai lowai rips a shot and that’s deflected up and out of play now we got more going on after the whistle as Holtz and Frederick get into it and Alexander Holtz wants nothing to do with that ball

Finally comes over Frederick and ball have uh fought before and eventually everything breaks up here we’re going off the U uh off to a commercial break now 8:38 to go in the second period and things really starting to heat up between the Bruins and the Devils here in this one and this is

Starting to get really really good really really good uh yes Chara is retired BX yes ah some real nastiness growing here between the Bruins and devils in this second period after a very quiet first period physically not the case here in the middle frame this is beautiful Boston continues to lead one to

Nothing Buffalo scored again they’re now up 30-0 on San Jose Vancouver continues to hold a 3-2 lead over Columbus Anaheim gets one back to make it 43 in Florida and Pittsburgh holds on to the two lead over Seattle as well so Vancouver taking care of so far taking

Care of business in Columbus but that’s a tight game Florida in a tight game with Anaheim Pittsburgh looking good up by a couple over Seattle and buffalo doesn’t seem to be having any problems with the San Jose Sharks as they shouldn’t so we’re back from the commercial break

Now getting ready for this face off uh Carlo is on IR John Carlo is on IR so um he’s going to be out a little bit for the Bruins offensive zone draw here for Boston as we look to get back into the action 838 to go in the second

Period Saka gets kicked out of the faceoff dot so Danton heining comes in off the draw Devils get to the loose Puck and they carry it out here’s Luke Hughes dumped into the offensive end there it goes over to makoy makoy with it spins it up the wall down in the

Corner through to De Brusque de Brusque is out of the Zone zaka into the offensive end kicks to his stick but Hughes does a good job defensively getting back here’s makoy again looking for a redirection zaka tips it just wide Bruins keep it in the offensive

Zone back to the Blue Line into the middle now here’s a spin around shot from Hind and goes off of es skate Boston still has it down low zaka against marino marino out muscles him the Devils take the puck not able to get it out of the zone as lowai keeps it

In here’s another chance dos with a good pad save there back again shot from the point blocker stopped by do lowai plays it taken geeki sends it across far side of the Ice Boston with it van rdik spins away from Hughes drives down by the goal

Line looking to throw it out in front it goes off the back of the goal Devils come the other way now up ice poked away from Marino though by Boston boquist takes possession the former devil he plays it up deflected up into the offensive end van reke chips it

Around played back to the blue line lowai he has trouble with it mccloud’s out of the Zone dumps it into the Boston end he’ll go heavy on the four check against wspoon hammers him to the end Boards New Jersey takes the puck keeps it in wspoon steals though and he’ll

Come back the other way joining The russan Dumping in first on it on the four check down below the goal line played Away by McLoud now back the other way up into the offensive zone around loo he goes behind the n chased Again by a couple of Bruins Frederick was all over

Him poked again down in the corner Lindholm knocks his Man Down Bruins Come Away with the puck here’s Frederick lifted by everybody Loco wins the race so there’s no icing Loco on it against ball in the Corner Frederick hammers down Lazar there Bruins take the puck ball knocks

Away on loo Frederick comes or no Steen comes over and lays a big hit Loco goes after a devil but New Jersey moves the puck up ice here’s Loco with Frederick into the offensive zone Loco fires a shot rebound chance in front they can’t get to it second opportunity again for the Bruins

Trying to find it digging away Daws keeps it out shaton Kirk chases Wilman away he just dumps it in both teams need line changes Bruins quick back up here’s Maran Marian to Coyle Coyle double teamed in the corner post comes in to help out steals the puck takes it back

Back to the Blue Line long shot dos with the save rebound chance Puck is loose but do finds it with the glove and covers up 527 remaining in the second it will be an offensive zone draw for the Bruins when we come back from the commercial and this I believe will be our

Final uh commercial break this will be a final commercial break of the second period Boston up 10 Z on a goal earlier in this period by Charlie Coyle the only scoring so far and uh this has been a good one between New Jersey and Boston this afternoon still a very tight game late

In Period two we’ll see if this is how we go to the intermission or if either of these teams is able to score before the break uh thank you BX really appreciate it awesome to uh awesome to have you here I’m glad that you’re enjoying the stream and thank you for

Watching this is definitely fun hockey Sabers have officially won that game is over coming back now from the commercial break Coyle will take the offensive zone face off against heer 13’s in the dot again heer wins it defensively that one’s up and not out of the Zone Bruins keep it control it hot

Pass too hot to handle and it goes wide T Foley gets jammed there by Lindholm ends up bouncing out to the point for marino marino now long shot past everybody lindol on it muscles it to Danton Heinen who carries the other way out of the Zone into the offensive end

For the Bruins Danton Heinen he gets knocked down as he tried to go to the net up the wall it goes out to The Point Long Shot there just deflects wide do good positioning Bruins back on it 345 to go here in the period both teams will get changes

Devil’s looking to break out here’s John Marino also something I just realized is I have not seen Brendan Smith for the Devils since definitely sometime back in the first period so I’m it appears he seems to have an injury and be out of this game um because I have not seen Brendan Smith

In a long time for New Jersey and I know he was out there early on in the game but I haven’t seen him since uh yes he is Jersey Roots the two the two Bruins I know are for sure are Czech or David posnock and Pavo

Zaka around it goes now van rdik through geeky ends up getting there to Frederick Frederick pinned along the wall Miller takes it back for New Jersey behind his own net 240 to go in the second period that’s a long pass to nobody it’s dumped in makoy back on it with merer

Chasing Frederick pins a man along that’s holla former teammates devil still have here’s Mercer on the backand in front up and over the bar misses high and then the Bruins just throw it all the way down the ice they’re exhaust did but they ice the puck not going to be able to

Change but they uh just had to do whatever they could to get that puck outside out of their Zone Shane what is going on welcome in thank you so much for being here really appreciate it great to see you in the chat a very good tight game here between

New Jersey and Boston not a lot of scoring with only one goal but a very tight game as loo lands a hit on ball there moved across here’s McLoud into the offensive zone Devil’s back on the attack Bruins were able to get fresh legs on the ice however 120 to go here

In the second New Jersey trying to tie it up they lose the puck to marshan Maran to Coyle trying to get through to posto play is off sides as posto was a little bit ahead of it and we get another whistle with just over a minute remaining in the second and a neutral

Zone draw on the way hey Duke what is going on thanks so much for coming by really really appreciate it Lazar snaps his stick on the face off Bruin get it into the offensive zone poock around everybody nobody there for the Bruins so chasing back is wspoon all the way to his own

End Bastion with a good play on the for che to keep it in New Jersey possession played in the corner now back behind the net trying to work it out up the wall it goes played by heer 40 seconds to go in the second period back out in front

Chance there Swan with a great save on the point blank chance Bruins get to the loose Puck and finally cleared out they gain the red line and dump it all the way down boy it has been all Devils here the last few shifts incredible save there by

Swayan to keep the Bruins in front and that one is a long dump in that rolls right in on the goenda for New Jersey on the way what’s going on Joey welcome in thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for subscribing let’s get some new sub

Hype in the chat for Joey everybody thank you so much for being here great to have you and they must have adjusted the shots on goal at intermission Joey that’s all it’s the only explanation I could think I can think of is they went back and and readjusted the shot totals at intermission

Around now there’s McLoud down in the corner final five seconds of the period is grizli gets knocked down Puck pops loose Bruins on it horn sounds that does it period two has come to an end and we did get a goal finally but only one as Charlie Coy’s

Backhand short side is the only goal so far in this game we are 40 minutes down 20 minutes of action still to go and the Bruins take a one nothing lead into the second intermission on home ICE a big third period coming up here between the Bruins and Devils very very tight game

And likely going to be one heck of a third between these two teams as they fight for the win on this Monday afternoon so thank you guys all so much for watching it’s awesome to have you here really appreciate the support please don’t forget it really does help

Out a ton if you hit that thumbs up button on the video helps the channel big time and if You’ like to become part of the channel Community here we’d love to have you subscribe and uh become part of the group I stream all different NHL

Games all season long and we try and have as much fun as possible also if you if you’ve just hopped in and haven’t heard me talk about it yet my next live stream is pinned at the top of the chat in the pinned comment it is January

23rd uh a week from tomorrow next Tuesday night Tampa Bay Lightning versus Philadelphia Flyers a game that has huge implications in the standings as far as the playoff off race is concerned very important for both of those teams should be an absolutely phenomenal matchup there between the Flyers who have been

Significantly better than anybody expected and the lightning who are trying to maintain a playoff spot hey Leon thank you so much for subscribing let’s get some new Sub hpe in here for Leon as well welcome to the channel thank you thank you thank you let see Avatar uh no sick palot and

Nemits are the cck players for the Devils thank you uh thank you avatar for putting that in the chat appreciate that uh yes Shane it’s going to be another Flyers stream coming up uh not uh coming up next week yeah not not this Tuesday as in tomorrow but next Tuesday coming

Up next week w so we have some time now to chill and uh hang out in the chat while we wait for the third to begin should be a very good third period coming up up between these two um it’s been a great game so far but

Uh we got a little little ways to go here at the intermission I’m also thinking about um potentially uh potentially doing another stream next Friday night the 26 as well so um next week might might end up being a two stream stream uh week I I might do Tuesday and Friday I’m thinking

Obviously Tuesday I’m going to be doing the um lightning and flyers and I’m thinking about doing maybe a late stream on Friday night do the Kings avalanch game on uh Friday the 26th I think that’d be a really fun one to do so and I haven’t done a western conference game

In quite a while so I’d like to I’d like to get another Western Conference match up in there so I’m thinking King’s Avalanche would be fun on the 26th and with my on call schedule that would those would most likely be my last two streams of um January would be 20

23rd and 26 and then uh that’s probably it for January yeah mcdb I’ll definitely ask and see if anybody’s interested um in coming over the 26 that would be a lot of fun to do a a group stream with with my friends over for that for sure a

Friday night like that’s perfect for that everybody’s doing pretty well mcdb every everyone’s hanging in there holding their own you know everyone’s you know obviously busy with work and stuff we don’t we don’t we actually we still see each other a pretty good amount um generally it’s been kind of not as much

During the holidays because of how busy everyone’s been but we still see each other usually at least once a week and um at least once every couple of weeks depending on how busy everyone is and still good uh next game Matt is pinned at the top of the chat and the pinned comment

Lightning and Flyers next [Laughter] Tuesday uh that’s that is funny M that is funny mced up so uh the Buffalo San Jose game is over Buffalo won that one 3 to zero Vancouver continues to lead Columbus 3-2 Florida is still up 4 to3 on Anaheim and Pittsburgh is still up two nothing on

Seattle every game going on right now is currently at intermission so there’s no actual um action going on anywhere right now everyone’s at intermission and the next game to start will be the kings in hurricanes at 3:00 uh which is about 10 minutes away now they’ll uh they’ll be getting going

Down in uh in Carolina for that one uh my favorite player Leon uh with now Patrice berson retired is now Charlie makoy makoy is my favorite Bruins player but I like most of the players on the Bruins but makavo is my fave the NHL is very smart um making all

These uh one o’clock afternoon games so they don’t have to um so they don’t have to uh compete with the NFL because they know like once once the NFL playoff games start uh the viewership for NHL is going to be non-existent so um they they were very

Smart in scheduling all of these early afternoon games that they did so they could get them done and over with by the time people are watching football uh I don’t think so blex berson seems perfectly fine hey Bon what’s going on welcome in thank you for watching it’s great to have you

Here and happy to see you in the chat again thanks so much for coming by we’re at the second intermission getting ready for third period action between the Bruins and Devils one goal hockey game only goal of the Game Belongs to Charlie Coyle of the Bruins and they lead one

Nothing heading into the final 20 minutes we’ll see if they can hang on and win this uh this big home afternoon mattina or if the Devils have a comeback in them and are going to get the all important two points looking to move into a wild card position in the Eastern

Conference devils are currently two points out of a wild card spot but have games in hand and if they were to win today would pass Tampa Bay and Detroit in the standings because of those games in hand and they would move into the first wild card spot in the uh in the Eastern

Conference and then that could potentially change depends on what goes on with other games later today as well but um yeah Pittsburgh can’t reach 49 but if they beat Seattle which they’re up two nothing right now they get to 48 and then uh Buffalo’s already won today but they’re they’re way back

They’re only at 42 points I think they’re pretty out of it at this point I think Buffalo Montreal Columbus and Ottawa are out of it in the Eastern Conference from Buffalo on down in the East is out of it they’re not making the playoffs and in the west I would say

Obviously San Jose Chicago and Anaheim are out of it Minnesota is probably pretty out of it as well at 39 points if if you don’t have 40 points yet you’re donez um you’re definitely not making the playoffs from there so I think everybody from Arizona upwards in the

West has a chance to possibly make it and in the Eastern Conference everybody from Washington on up in the standings has a chance to make it uh leading score in the NHL uh so far this season I don’t know why the stats page won’t load on um it’s really getting annoying actually

Let’s see if it works on the app probably not no it do Nikita kucherov leads the league right now with 72 points Nikita kucherov 72 points is first in the NHL insane numbers leading goal scorer is Austin Matthews with 33 goals he is on Pace to score 60 again this year

No MC McDavid only has 57 points this year he’s not even he’s not even top five in scoring he’s only at 57 points um kerov has more than him McKinnon has more than him uh panarin has more than him poo has more than him and JT Miller has more than him

Uh yeah Nikita kucherov at 72 points right now literally on Pace for 130 something Point season for kucherov uh yes McKinnon is second in the league in points with 69 nice and um has had an absolutely phenomenal year for Colorado uh oet numbers have not been great he’s definitely looking like he’s

Starting to slow down um oetkin currently where is he yeah oetkin is not even in the top 40 in the league in scoring I don’t believe no I don’t see him anywhere um see if I can get to aesan player page man it doesn’t even look like he

Has that many Power Play Goals this year I don’t see Alexander oetkin anywhere uh Washington oetkin only has 27 points he only has eight goals and 27 points this year very big time down season for oetkin uh Patrick Kane Patrick Kane has well he just got hurt again in

Detroit’s last game he’s got seven goals he’s got where is he Patrick Kane’s got 16 points for the Red Wings now he’s only played 19 games he’s only played 19 games but he’s got seven goals and nine assists in 16 points 19 games and he just got hurt

Again for uh for Detroit anyway we’re about to start the third period here big third period coming up very tight game very good game between these two um and we’re going to drop the puck now on period three so thank you bon appreciate it we’re going to be dropping the puck here teams

Are out on the ice getting ready to line up at the center Dot and uh we’re about 30 seconds away from beginning the third period Boston has the one zero lead on Charlie Coyle’s goal the only goal of this game so far the goal tending has been phenomenal particularly Nico Daw in

Net for New Jersey just absolutely outstanding Swan was a lot more busy in the second period for the Bruins than he was in the first and um just a phenomenal goal tending across the board in this one hey BC Transportation what is going on Austin welcome in thank you guys so much for

Being here I really appreciate it great to have you in the chat we’re getting ready for a very fun third period about to begin here in Boston we’re going to have the pair of 13s taking the face off again he sure against Coy referees ready to go teams

Are lined up off the draw he sure wins it back Devil’s up into the offensive zone here’s Luke Hughes with a shot and getting a piece of that is swayman it deflects up and out of play just seven seconds in we’ll have another face off uh zusa thank you so much for

Subscribing welcome in get get some let’s get some new sub hype in the chat for zusa everybody Welcome to the Chan thank you so much awesome to have you here Devils trying to maintain in the offensive zone here makoy up the wall takes a hit not able to get it out

Bruins good job defensively though taking away the chances for the Devils finally they dump it behind Hughes back the other way around it goes up the boards chipped away over the red line Bruins get it back it’s wspoon hey Brian what is going on rajie ghost welcome in thank you guys so much

For watching awesome to have you as always love seeing the familiar names pop up in the chat as that one gets gloved down by swayman on the long shot from yesper brat and 1912 to go here in the third be an offensive zone draw for New Jersey

Yeah hopefully it’s a good game Avatar we’ll see um they they went to overtime the last time they played a couple weeks ago so um we’ll see what happens if uh it’s another close one like that probably will be taken now brat again below the goal line spins it around keeps possession

Fires one in from a sharp angle good save there by swayan brought up over the line gloved down by ball Devils take it back here’s McLoud pass up the wing round it goes played by W spoon uh which will happen first that’s a great question Red Wings fan that is a

Phenomenal question to put forth there uh I’m going to lean towards Crosby because Crosby’s still putting up points at a very high Pace um you know he’s he’s still a point per game player so you would arguably you know Crosby should assuming he stays healthy um get those 44 points this season

Whereas uh McDavid still has 93 to go before he gets to a th that may not happen this season um we’ll have to see how the rest of the year goes so um no that definitely won’t happen this season never mind he’s not getting 93 points in

Half a season um I I just don’t see that happening so I think Crosby’s going to happen first but McDavid is getting very close to a th off the draw now Devils take it here’s Hughes pass over shot and glove down by swayman as he finds that on the

Point shot grabs it with the glove and just under two minutes into this third it will be another attacking Zone face off on the way for the devils taken away now up the boards into the offensive zone here’s geeky backhand pass for makoy going in

Tries to tuck it dos with a huge save and stops the rebound as well oh it ends up being a holding call makoy does draw the penalty it’s going to be a Bruins power play but how in the world did Charlie McAvoy not score there a great pass from geeky he’s in

All alone in front all he had to do was tuck it around Daws and he wasn’t able to get it home I think he hit the post pulled it to the backand and it did it rolled right off the post it looked like oh my God that was so close

Yep absolutely right off the post there for makoy and then do made a huge save on the rebound attempt Bruins do get the power play though Bruins setting up in the offensive zone over to makoy he fumbles the puck a little bit gains it back in the corner Cycles

Around for posto Chloe what’s going on welcome in thanks for watching it’s awesome to have you here van rdik posto bnar back up the boards played there by marshan marshan with a shot through traffic ends up deflecting wide to the corner makoy with it minute 20

Still to go on the power play Bruins in the offensive end setting up shot posto back out High makoy shot blocked over to posto back through to Martian backand and a save by Daw through again poock with a shot Daws with the save maran’s on it 55 seconds

Still to go on the power play over to makoy makoy to post posto scores the patented one timer on the power play he blasts it by Daw it’s two nothing Boston a huge goal there and a power play goal for the Bruins as a lot of chances in the offensive zone that they’re not able to put away finally they’re able to beat Nico dos and it is macavoy with a pass over to poso who is waiting for the

Onetime and blast it by the Blocker of Daws taken now up into the offensive zone looking for an answer is New Jersey here’s a chance out in front McLoud saved by swayan Bruins get to the loose Puck lifted out to the neutral zone Devils knock it down breu and steel

Again they got it back carried into the offensive zone de brusk drives wide around it goes played there by Heinen hean brusk fighting forward along the wall against to three Devils Hughes Miller and Bastion Luke Hughes comes away with it he just throws it off the boards to the

Blue Line shaton Kirk keeps it in Second Chance they’re able to clear Devils coming the other way into the offensive zone Curtis Lazar he’s checked there by lowai and that’s driven back by Frederick Tierney goes to get it 1522 to go in the third period Bruins with a

Two-goal lead up two nothing second period goal by Charlie Coy third period goal by David posto here’s San he passes it up the wing himself Bruins are out of the Zone into the offensive end played there taken by boquist he’s muscled off the puck by ball Devils clear again up into the

Offensive end drop pass for holla holla with a shot that goes wide grizzli now in the corner able to move it to boquist boquist plays it back to makoy Bruins maintain possession and get a line change Maran with it now over through the neutral zone into the

Offensive end D driving wide Pock trying to find Coy he just deflects It Wide delayed penalty coming up against New Jersey Boston’s going to get a power play again a whistle the play dead it’s a tripping call Tyler tley is going to the Penalty Box and the Bruins will get their fourth

Power play of the game as tley Tri down marand out at Center Ice just got a little too lazy with the stick there right into the skates of Maran Who falls down and Boston will have an opportunity to extend the lead again on the power play 1414 to go here in the third

Uh no snow on the ground Brian but it is very cold and it’s supposed to snow tomorrow so we’ll we’ll see there will be snow on the ground tomorrow but none right now back up it goes cleared there Tierney short-handed break now for New Jersey fired a little fluttering

Backhand in on S who turns it aside good penalty kill so far for the Devils I am from Massachusetts Leon poso had to wait for everybody to get on side Bruins look completely out of sorts here on this power play they’re bumping into each other guys are off sides like

They’re just bumbling around out there got to get this back on track 115 still to go on the advantage that’s turned over and cleared by Colin Miller Devils have not had a power play in this game Jay which uh I’m very surprised Boston’s had four and the

Devils have not had one yet Samuel what is going on welcome in thank you for watching it’s great to have you here really appreciate you coming by final 50 seconds of the power play back out to the blue line over to posto pasta plays it down low to the

Corner below the goal line Cycles back around good hit by McLoud Bruins keep the puck in the attacking end though final 30 seconds of the power play and here’s Mikey McLoud he clears it all the way down 12 and a half to go in the third period brought up into the offensive

End zaka trying to get it out in front was Heinen that bounces back to the point Bruins keep possession here’s another chance geeky on his backand that goes off a devil’s skate 1205 left here in the third Bruins up by a couple game is definitely not

Over yet we’re back to five on five as the Devils have killed the power penalty and nemit holds behind the net they’re looking to break up ice and get the offense going that’s knocked down though by Jacob loo dumped in Deep by the Bruins they have their fourth line on the

Ice round it goes taken there Loco heavy on the four check Steen gets in there as well kept in by W spoon he F fakes a shot then takes one Puck bouncing around in the crease everybody trying to find it Devils get possession first kept in though by the Bruins loo with a

Shot and a nice save by Daw back it goes stolen away by Hughes back up ice come New Jersey into the offensive zone Hughes is pass too far in front for holla up it goes played here by Lao gains the red line dumps it in line change coming for Boston

Devils cycling around cross ice pass into the attacking Zone driving now is mlau that goes off of a body McLoud gets it back played out by the blue line cross Corner dump Lindholm first on it Cycles it with makoy makoy gets it to zaka and the Bruins are out of the

Zone pass across shot there by Heinen and a nice glove save by doy stops the second one as well and covers that with the glove 1026 to go here in Period three Bruins lead by a couple we’re going to also head to our first commercial break of the third

Period hey nille welcome back thanks for stopping in again great to see you appreciate everybody watching this afternoon hope you’re enjoying the game and enjoying the stream it has been a good one between the devils and Bruins and we’re getting down now into the final 10 minutes Devils need to find

Some offense quickly if they’re going to come back the Bruins they’re trying to hang on to this lead really appreciate everybody here in the Stream in the chat and uh it would mean a lot if you haven’t yet hitting that Thumbs Up Button really helps out a lot and if

You’d like to become part of the channel Community here and watch uh watch live streams chat with everybody in the chat please hit that subscribe button if you would like to I cover all different games from across the NHL all season long and um we’d love to have you become

A part of the group here on the channel but uh thank you guys for being here and um this has been a very fun fun game very good hockey game so far Devils obviously need to try and find some offense if they’re going to come back but um still very tight heading into

These final 10 minutes uh I do not know when my next Bruins game is going to be Leon I am not sure I do know that my next live stream is going to be next Tuesday night January 23rd I’ll be doing the Tampa Bay Lightning against the Philadelphia

Flyers very important game for playoff uh standings wise for both of those teams so that should be a very fun one Parker what is going on welcome thank you for being here really really appreciate it we are back from the commercial break getting ready for this face off

Around it goes now over the line backhanded in big hit there boquist trying to keep it in on the for check but it’s cleared by New Jersey it sent all the way down geeky with it Bruins clear back out of their Zone too far in front for Coyle

Miller will be first on it he goes D to D with Hughes I cannot do the night of the 22nd Nill I’m on call for work uh the night of the 22nd so I cannot do that night I can do the 23rd so that’s where my next

Stream will be oh big hit there is Maran absolutely flattens one of the devil defenseman what a hit I believe it was Hughes I think it was it was Luke Hughes just got absolutely demolished by Brad Maran what a beautiful hit and that is going to bring us to

Another quick commercial break here pass the halfway point of the Third bruan continue to lead by a couple and Mary just laid out Luke Hughes in the neutral zone yeah Brian I mean the bolts are going to be fighting for their playoff lives pretty much all season long I

Think they’re they’re one of those teams that it’s going to come down right to the end of the season as to whether or not they get in um they’re just the Eastern Conference is very very tough right now I mean you’ve got the Flyers who nobody thought

Was going to going to be any good at 52 points and in a playoff spot you’ve got the Red Wings in a playoff spot the lightning in a playoff spot you have the Islanders only one point back new jerseys only two points back and the Penguins in capitals are only three

Points back so you’ve really got you like you’ve got two four six you’ve got like eight eight or nine teams fighting for a limited number of spots and uh the the Eastern Conference is just an absolute battle as far as getting into the playoffs this year uh Rob I am an alarm technician

Apprentice um working on getting my license right now um but I just started back in May working on alarm systems doing security systems camera systems fire alarm all that kind of stuff makavo trying to get it out of the Zone good pinch by Miller keeps it

In brought up now here’s geeky in behind the D tucking in back hand and a great save by Daw Daw with a good pad save there makes a big stop on geeky to keep it a two-goal game under nine minutes now to go in the

Third well I mean Shane I don’t see any reason why the Flyers can’t continue like this we’re more than halfway through the season now you know if it was only a month or two that’d be one thing but this is uh this is a lot more

Than just a hot a hot start for the Flyers th this this is a full half seon now of being a playoff level team so I see no reason why they’re I mean I mean I’m not saying they’re necessarily going to finish in third place but I don’t

Think Philadelphia is just going to flame out and fall off a cliff and end up finishing you know seventh in the division like I mean they’re still very tight with teams like Carolina and uh the Islanders Devils Penguins capitals all of them they’re still in a very

Tight race with all of those teams but I don’t see them just like plummeting all the way to the bottom of the standings I think they’re they’re going to be in that battle all the way till the end of the season I mean whether or not they

Get in is going to probably come down to the last couple of weeks but um they’re going to be in that battle all year long I think Bruins with it now trying to carry through that’s a long stretch pass attempt that does not connect and that’s

Going to be icing that’s going to be icing here against Boston Devils will get an offensive zone face off uh yes Chris Boston is first place in the Eastern Conference they’re they’re not even close to the playoff line they’re pretty much already guaranteed to be in the

Playoffs yeah Boston Florida and the New York Rangers I’m counting as guaranteed to be in the playoffs I mean they’re they’re the best three teams in the conference right now Bruins Flyers first round I would absolutely love that I mean that would be a series that I would want to watch

Every second of that would definitely be my kind of hockey if the Bruins and flyers played in the first round would be absolutely awesome love it uh the Oilers are currently yes in a wildcard spot in the Western Conference they are in a playoff spot and I think they’re probably going to continue

Climbing the standings even further they’re finally playing like the Oilers should be played up now McAvoy dumps it in Frederick goes in hard on the for check trying to come away with the puck but the Devils keep it under 8 minutes to go they clear their Zone here’s Chris

Tierney and we got a delayed penalty call coming against the Bruins New Jersey is finally going to go on a power play they have not had a power play yet in this game the Bruins have had four they’re finally going to get a power play uh yeah B Florida’s one of the best

Florida is only a few points behind Boston they’re second place in the Eastern Conference right now I mean they went to the finals last year so there it’s really not a surprise that Florida is good they were in the Stanley Cup finals last year and now

They’re one of the best teams in the East again it’s a high sticking penalty against Trent Frederick he heads off to the Penalty Box and the Devils will get their first Power Play of the game down here in the third period second half of the third

Period so the Devils get the ozone draw on the man Advantage here trying to make this a one-goal game let’s see if B Austin can kill it off or if the Devils have a goal in them here’s Luke Hughes walking the line he’s pushed out of the Zone by Cole great

Great penalty killing defense there by Charlie Coyle Devils have to regroup now here’s yesper brat up into the offensive zone to Mercer back to tley to Hughes Hughes to tley looking for a play into the middle nothing there back out High over to heer heer to Hughes

Bruins clear it up and are able to get it out Maron knocks the puck away Devils take possession back in their own year 6 and a half minutes to go now in the third period minute 10 left to go on the power play t Foley has it as the Devils set up

In the offensive zone played over to brat he’s checked by De Brusque and the Bruins send it all the way down but it doesn’t reach as it’s knocked down in the neutral zone by heer played now to Foley again Devil’s back into the offensive zone played in front brat with a shot

Attempt deflected on goal San makes the save Bruins clear the rebound Daws is going to leave it for Nemitz penguins are going to win they’re up now 3 to Z over Seattle as that game comes to a close they’re going to win that one that will put them ahead of New

Jersey now in the standings by a point unless New Jersey comes back and wins this game Tierney taken down holler around it goes Devils still have it in the offensive zone Boston’s almost killed the penalty what’s going on Connor welcome in thanks for coming by and watching really appreciate it

There’s a shot that’s ripped wide Bruins have killed the penalty we’re back to five on five Frederick is out of the box and into the offensive zone he backhands one that’s shouldered Away by Daws so we’re five on five again Bruins continue to lead two to nothing we’re

Under five minutes now to go in the third period it goes kept in by holla here’s lowai laid up there shaton Kirk gets it to geeky geeky through the middle boquist into the offensive zone he drives wide trying to cut to the forehand loses it off the end of his

Stick McLoud comes back the other way gains the red line turns it over to the Bruins who will play geeky up deep we’re down 410 to go in the third McLoud drives in good shot trying to tuck it under the arm of swayan but sway makes

The save and we are going to go to our final commercial break of the third as swayan with another huge stop there for the Bruins 408 remaining in the third period and Boston continues to hang on to the two lead we’ll see if they can finish this game off or if New Jersey’s

Got the comeback in him we’re going to head to our final commercial stoppage of this one and when we come back it’s going to be all out offense for the New Jersey Devils as they try and get themselves going in this game other games going on that or that have

Wrapped up include the Buffalo Sabers beating the San Jose Sharks 3 to zero the Pittsburgh Penguins are a few seconds away from beating the Seattle Kraken 3 to Zer the Vancouver Canucks and Columbus Blue Jackets are in overtime tied 3 to3 and the Anaheim Ducks and Florida Panthers are tied 4 to

Four late in the 3D also the Carolina Hurricanes and LA Kings have dropped the puck it is 0 early in the first in that one all right coming back from the commercial break it ready for the face off in the Boston Zone Heir is going to take the draw for the

Devils and he tries to win it back to the point it’s stolen away though by posto here comes marshan and posto into the offensive zone pass across deflected by Hughes good job there defensively to break it up now Coyle gets knocked down and the Devils take the puck they come

The other way it’s t Foley pass up for heer too hot to handle for him and they got to chase back through the neutral zone around it goes there’s grizzli 335 to go in the third period Kevin ball with it for New Jersey Bruin sitting back just trying to not

Make mistakes defensively Bastion dumps it in around it goes for Tierney gets it to Lazar Lazar on the backand and a good save there again by swayman who covers 318 to go in the third it will be another attacking Zone face off for the Devils Boston does have a power play

Goal by David poo in this game his 26th goal of the Season he also has an assist so another multi-point game for David posto who has made a habit of putting up points like it’s nothing here for the Bruins he’s got two more today as the Bruins lead by a couple New Jersey

Trying to change that now in the offensive zone McLoud back to the point shot through traffic that gets blocked de Brusque is on it have not said deus’s name much in this game he hasn’t done a whole lot but he’s out there now with zaka and Frederick holla from below the goal line

Out in front for McLoud trying to kick it through and finally it’s covered up by swayman in the crease McLoud jamming away at the blue paint there but swayman stays strong another offensive zone Faceoff for New Jersey on the way and New Jersey is pulling the

Goenda they decide now is the time with the offensive zone face off they have pulled Nico dos to the bench for the extra attacker and we’ve got six skaters on the ice now for the Devils 247 left to go in the third off for the face off played by Nemitz Devils

Keep it in the offensive zone Nemitz gets hit there by Coyle he’s up and out of the Zone Martian for the empty net just misses it wide he was pestered by a couple of Devils on the back check taken Now by New Jersey up we go brat into the offensive zone rolls off

His stick bruan steel they get it back out to the neutral zone where the Devils have to regroup and try again New Jersey with it into the offense Zone pass makoy Hughes down low for Mercer Mercer loses it grizzli able to take up to coy coy

Pass for posto to Martian who misses the open net as it goes off the outside of the goal are they trying not to score here this is unbelievable how they’ve missed the open net twice now back the other way here comes new Jersey 145 to go in the game over to

Holtz Bastion out there for the board battles Luca what is going on welcome Lind Holmes going to be on it he just fires it up the boards it’s deflected by everybody and knocked down in the neutral zone by the Devils no it went into the devil’s bench it looks like

They’re going to say it was deflected up into the devil’s bench and when went out of play I I I have no idea how Maran just missed that last one minute and a half to go here in the third net still empty Bruins still up by

Two off the draw one back Devil’s shot by holla gets blocked by Frederick Frederick steals gets it out of the Zone trying to win a race but nemit is on him Frederick Dives puts it in what a goal for Trent Frederick a diving poke at the

Puck knocks it into the empty net out muscles Simone Nemitz Freddy scores and it’s 30-0 Boston this one is Over All Hustle there from TR Frederick and he puts it away for the Bruins as they go up three to zero just just able to get to that puck before Nemitz does and is able to poke it into the empty net 13th goal now for Trent Fredick this

Year he very likely scores around 25 goals this year if he stays healthy phenomenal season for Trent Frederick Bruins Ice the puck now off the last Faceoff play and 107 to go in the third Bruins up by three all right mcds have a great rest of your day Mary Bon Chris thank

You guys so much really appreciate all of you watching have a great rest of your day a great week um good to see you guys thank you so much for watching Derek what is going on welcome in Alex welcome in thank you for being here really appreciate it

Devils with a shot there that one blocked wide under a minute remaining now in the third period Ian thank you so much really appreciate it Red Rubber see you Tuesday next Tuesday not tomorrow next Tuesday Alex great to see you thanks so much for dropping by final 35 seconds

Yeah I saw that on Instagram Alex that’s awesome man that is absolutely awesome Tierney’s into the offensive zone pass too far in front for Lazar back out High long shot there by Miller who teas one up and a good save 19.8 seconds left in the period 19.8 one back by the Devils final

Seconds of this third period back to the point long shot by ball and swayan covers that one as well as he makes a save through traffic all right Jay have a great rest of your day have a great week see you next stream thank you so much for watching 13 seconds to

Go thank you Joe really appreciate it have a great week Leon thank you so much have a great week ruins block another shot Frederick just eats it in the corner to kill some time and the final seconds tick off The Horn that is going to do it and the Boston Bruins win

Three and I can finally say the the s word it’s a shut out for Jeremy swayan as they handle the Devils on this Monday afternoon this game goes final that is going to do it for me thank you guys so so much for watching it was great to

Have everybody here please don’t forget it helps out a ton if you hit that Thumbs Up Button really beneficial for the channel also if you’d like to subscribe and become part of the community here fans of every team are welcome and wanted we’re just covering NHL hockey all year long trying to have

Some fun really appreciate all of you spending your afternoon with me and hopefully you enjoyed this game and enjoyed this stream my next live stream will be Tuesday a week from tomorrow January 23rd Tampa Bay Lightning versus Philadelphia Flyers 700 p.m eastern time and um very big points on the line for

Those two teams in that game so it should be a really good one thank you guys all again really appreciate you and um that is going to do it for me here this afternoon hopefully I see you again next stream or at a stream further on in

The future and uh a big win for the Bruins as they come back home after a 4game road trip and pick up a nice regulation win on home ICE have a great rest of your day have a great week everybody and hopefully I’ll be talking to you soon see you all next time


New Jersey Devils vs Boston Bruins live game coverage 2023-24 NHL season. Live play by play, reaction, and group chat. NO GAME FOOTAGE!
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Live Stream Rules

No Spam. Please do not spam the chat. It clogs up the chat and ruins it for everyone

No politics, religion, or divisive talk (racism, homophobia, etc) of any kind. We are here to have fun and enjoy the stream together. Divisive talk that causes arguments will not be tolerated

No overtly offensive content in the chat. There is no need for content that is purposely in bad taste, discriminatory, or over the line of human decency. Please remain respectful when being funny

Do not give out the personal information of anyone but yourself. Even if you give your own out, make sure you are comfortable with it being public information that anyone can see. I would highly advise against giving out any personal information at all during the stream

No self promotion. If I let one person do it, I have to let everyone do it. You don’t want that, so it’s not allowed for anyone.

No, I will not show the game. That violates copyright laws and YouTube will take down the stream and eventually terminate my channel. It’s not happening.

There is a strict three strike rule for violating these rules. First offense results in a warning. Second offense gets you timed out of the chat for 5 minutes. Third offense gets you banned from the channel. No exceptions.

Please follow these rules and most of all have fun. That’s what we’re here for. Have fun, enjoy the stream, enjoy the game, and please be respectful of everyone.

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