@Tampa Bay Lightning

A debut for the ages, Matthews’ unforgettable first NHL game

On the night of October 12th, 2016 Auston Matthews exploded into the NHL with a performance that ignited the hockey world on fire and gave fans a hint of what to expect from Toronto’s young superstar.


  1. Leafs still have not won the cup with him.
    Leafs have not even won a playoff series with him.

    How is that "so special"????

  2. Watching this after we defeated Tampa in 6, 2023! Brings a tear to the eye. We're so lucky to have this guy! Go Leafs Go!!!

  3. I was relieved by this game because it reassured he won't be a Patrick Stefan or Alexander Daigle.

  4. Connor Bedard is going to be exciting to watch as a hockey fan. I just wish fans, media outlets and the NHL just lets these kids be themselves and not be the next great one.

  5. No hate on his mom whatsoever but idk any hockey mom that doesn't know exactly how many goals their 14 yr old has let alone the number 1 overall pick in the NHL, its just kind of odd

  6. Almost duplicated this tonight. Hat trick. Auston is the best player in the nhl imo. This clip showed all the guys who are the best. They’re tied. Each apples his talents , experience and intelligence differently. And it’s damn fun to watch.

  7. The way the current season is going, this will forever by the pinnacle of Matthew's career with Toronto. I can't wait til he comes to America to play REAL hockey.

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