@Boston Bruins



Yo what’s going on welcome back to another episode of performance talk the first episode of 2024 with my f with my queen with my girl Tanya from the Apex takeover podcast what’s going on hello everybody good morning good evening good afternoon wherever you are in the world

And I am so honored to be a guest first guest of 2024 fact what amazing year it’s going to be you guys facts facts it is you know we we had done some work last season I don’t SE no reason why we not supposed to start the season off

Right with people that are one loyal people that have character integrity and people that that with me when I with them you know what I’m saying you know you can you can try to mess with a lot of people and don’t get the same energy back but You’ always given

That same energy uh as well as Denny you know what I’m saying know so I really do appreciate it you know what I’m saying so that’s big big props to you for that listen big props as long as we’re not going uphills oh yeah yeah yeah y’all let me

Let me tell you I set I set her up on the Okie do we you know I’m I’m militant as hell so we we’re at Kota and you know we like she like hey let’s just walk there you know we trying to enjoy the track enjoy everything we trying to go

Pick up my couso so we can go go to the tops place so we get up this hill I’m telling you we having a beautiful conversation about everything life Formula 1 and just stops I’m talking about she just stops talking in her mind she think I don’t know why the

Hell he talking to me we walking up this goddamn he there’s no energy for talking I said I that when we get to the top see I’m not used to the whole left right left right let’s go Soldier no I’m not used to all that I was up there casually

Walking then I was like yo my asthma started to kick in and then it’s humid it’s hot as I don’t know what I’m like talking and talking and talking and talking but you did ask if I was okay though fact fact M she was all right got

Got some water you know try to make sure she didn’t pass out out there you know what I’m saying so we we had we had awesome time awesome experience definitely we’re we’re looking you know especially as content creators in the Formula 1 space in the F1 Eco Center as

Far as content creators that look like us very minimal we’re looking to elevate this season as we are every other season so what way to pop off then pop off like this so let’s let’s talk about some of these teams briefly we don’t have to we

We not a techy techy type all that other stuff there’s other place for that we keep it real we going to say how we feel and we don’t care about how you going to deal with it either you going to mess with us or you’re not let’s talk about

These teams going into 2024 some brief expectations of what you may be looking for what I may be looking for what do you want to start from the bottom of the top I want I want to start with hip hop I want to start with Drake oh okay so so

Then I’m G have to cross so right now we are starting at number nine Alfa Romeo stake kick finished 9 2023 with only 16 points and then how how convenient is that for 16 bars Drake stole many of those before from people and stole RS so

What do you want to start with what do you how do you feel about this whole um sober kick stake F1 situation with them in the Drake how do you feel about that okay so I just want to start by saying hip hop rules the world okay because I

Want you to hear it here I want you to hear it first and I feel like the introduction of Drake actually doing the introduction okay these glass AR going to work G all right so the Drake doing the introduction to the new steak team um I feel like they are trying to Garner

That greater demographic and then I’m going to talk about the more gossipy things all right we all know the stats we all know the stats we all know what’s going on but then also um Wan you Joe Jo Wan you how he ploted his hair and people went

Ballistic they went crazy and I’m how in the heck in this day and age 2023 we are not embracing uh everything that we are wolf pack we are diversity we are inclusion and they’re not embracing that still there’s still this big disconnect they were comparing him to Louis

Hamilton they were saying that he was a approaching upon different cultures like the Black Culture it’s like really well black people we have wuen Clan who cares who cares you know and then so with that being said all right so with that being said um I feel like it’s it’s their car

I mean they tried at the end of the day they all try to do the that’s what they have okay okay if it doesn’t work and if it is a bad car it just is I mean bodice you know we’ve all seen his cheeks right you know he’s trying to sell that ass

Out there he really selling ass Hing flow Terence Howard out there pipping valkery bots out here in these Formula One streets look she gotta do what she gotta do okay but I mean cuz his butt does look good though I mean I’m just saying this very muscular very muscular

In the river going crazy I would want to get that man injection in his hiny cause bbl’s no no BBL for no BBL for hey I’mma tell you what else he got b l got more head than he got body we go let’s go

Let’s go but as far as the team as far as the team I Only Could wish him the best in 2023 there are so many people that gave B A Hard CH when he was with Mercedes and he Lewis I just want to see him perform better because he is a clean

Driver they both are clean drivers they’re both in their own right as competitive as they possibly can be in that in that uh car so and that right okay I I I’ll give my little take on it and then I’ll pick the next team I think

This first of all what you said coming into this is real and it’s and it’s a Iceberg of a topic is deeper than people realize she said that hip-hop rules the world and that is in a small frame where she put it because it’s actually bigger

Than that and it’s no it’s no liou to what she’s talking about and not only the world is impactful to the black communities and I would also like to say it’s very tragic and disappointing to know how much of that hip hop that is Created from the black community are

Actually owned by those in the black community all right that’s just the real situation it is also a shame that many artists by way of their agents and are their record labels are pushed and promoted to rap about things that are detrimental to the black community and

This is what I find most egregious and I’m going to throw Formula 1 in there since they’ve stepped in there by using Drake and trying to use his likeness it is it is often funny that it’s okay to use the likeness to grab our our people our demographic

And try to get the dollars but when are you going to really start including us in the real processes and the events and the creation going forward as far as that’s concerned that’s what I would like to know you left out Michael B Jordan when he came in with the with the

Partial owner with MC and Reynolds you left him out like it was very little talk about him being part of that when in fact he probably was one of two black owners of all in Formula 1 history you left that out you you brought in Tyreek used up that likeness alpines bringing

In Patrick Mahomes and Anthony Joshua so it’s cool all right that’s great but when are we going to start seeing people actually involved in the inner workers and I’m not just talking about the content creation I’m talking about engineering departments I’m talking about all the jobs that are available in

Formula 1 for the fact that why Louis Hamilton has to have the commission because there is such a lack of promotion and recruitment of people of color in these positions that’s a problem so that’s all I’m going to say right there cuz I can go on with that

You know I Get Hype on that but I’m not trying to be negative I’m just speaking facts and truths so if you’re going to use Drake fine that’s great but let’s see what you going to do beyond that that’s that’s what I would like to see

So the next team I’ll pick is I’ll pick since you went with Alfa Romeo and they’re ninth 16 points I’m going to go with let’s go with McLaren let’s go with McLaren I think this season for McLaren I’ll go first I’ll let you go next I think this time

For McLaren this season they coming in you know what I’m saying they coming in they got their wind tunnel they got their Sim uh they left on a good foot they by far won probably one of the best child custody suits ever in history in Motorsports with Oscar piastri stealing

Well actually Alpine dropped the ball they abused him he left uh McLaren bought him in then they went to child custody court they won there and Oscar piastri proved to everybody that it was all worth it because that was a very big situation that was a very big commotion

Going on this guy’s never even been in Formula 1 why is there all this fuss there’s no way he should be able to dictate what he’s going to do as an athlete and he proved everybody and proved that mlar was right for doing what they did and he was right for

Choosing what he wanted to do with his career which was be one of the best rookies in mcclaren’s lineage so I think McLaren should come back uh they should come back strong they stumbled for the last two seasons new RS new errors happened uh they got off to a good foot

On this last part Oscar won a Sprint got a couple of podiums Lando looking good still don’t have that race win yet still looking for that and uh also Lando you you got to stop being a Max for stpp IND door man if you going to be a champion

One day and you going to try to get this race win you got to go ahead and put them elbows out how do you feel M I feel like I love that they held steady and they fought for Oscar piastri and it served them right I do like the

The rise of McLaren the last couple Seasons that they have they have been in Formula 1 they have started off stumbling you’re like oh my gosh is McLaren gonna be another Mercedes even though you know they got Mercedes but you’re like are they going to be another

Mercedes but then race after race I love to see them improve as far as Lando Norris I think that he’s matured as a driver okay I think that he’s matured the most over like the past he’s been in Formula One what five years now yeah Five Seasons yeah I think it’s right and

Just to see his his growth as a person uh has been something really great to see I want to see what’s going to happen next year because is he going to I’m not going to say be the for ma for Staffing even though it kind of

Appears that way don’t look like it but I know it does appear that way but is he going to be slap boxing with Oscar piastri because now it’s time it’s time for the slap boxing to commence that’s true that’s true it’s time for the big bro little bro slap boxing thing to go

On cuz now Oscar got some experience under his belt by the way I don’t want to hey McLaren finished four 302 points congratulations yes that is a huge congratulations it is so what what’s your what’s your next team you want to talk about goodness my next team my next

Team who I want to talk about who I want to talk about I want to talk about Alexander Arbon I want to talk about Williams okay let’s go seventh in the championship standing 28 points I’m sorry go ahead with seventh seventh and 28th points seventh in the championship 28 points seventh in the

Championship and 28 points let’s go Willam that’s what I’m saying I’m telling you James Mr V listen I think that he’s so handsome stud stud right it’s like I don’t know he got like you know he hang with to Wolf so like total wolf Swag like little bit some Square

Some distinguished some nerd type you know he got it going you know it’s a different it’s different yeah I got to listen to the interview that he did and he was explaining about all the processes that were so ancient in Williams and how he had to bring all

That up to part even being able to track the parts to the cars and how he had to really go into William and focus on the very minuscule things that like a top tier team like Rebel or Mercedes would have to face how he had to go in there

And he had to rearrange the way that Williams worked and as you can see oh it paid off heavily in dividends because Alexander arvon I’ve always had an admiration for him he’s gone through so much in his career even before he came into Formula 1 he is a family man

He’s funny he’s a he’s pretty good golfer I did get to see Las Vegas at the next at the Netflix uh golf tournament which was really cool but he has gone from Team to team has driven a lot of those cars up and down the grid and what he was able to pull

Off in the Williams I know he brought the team together this year and I know that sir Frank Williams would be very proud of them actually deciding to to give the team over to the the American company dton capital is who dton Capital yes it’s American team it’s American it

Is an American uh Financial Investment Company yes but giving because that’s hard you know Williams that’s like your name that you’re G that you’re giving up and he he did well his family him and his family decided to do that and um wow seven place for them I only hope that

The improvements that they have put in place this year continue on and that you we can see the improvements in the cars as well as the team I’m completely with that I’ve I’ve always told people through the seasons my whole like mention about Williams is the team that

Has fallen from H from Heaven and the angel that one day will return I do feel that way and when they do I’m going to be lit I’m going to be lit for Williams because of how they started if people don’t know uh you should inform yourself

Williams did not start off like Ferrari and some of these bigger companies they were really like a garage uh backyard homegrown type team Frank Williams definitely went through ups and downs with that team to the point where he even had to sell the team got fired from

The team that he sold as an acting had to use that money come back get into a a factory and make calls from phone booths and do everything else and get on by Enzo you know verbally in public because they felt that they were beneath them and with that he built a

Championship winning Constructors team and several drivers that have gone through Williams as Champions so people that may be just coming into Formula 1 welcome thank you for coming some people going to throw you shade don’t let them everybody enters the sport at a different time but that is something

Small that is something small that I’m telling you that’s very big about Williams so when you see them now don’t think that Williams have always been this way they haven’t always been this way and I think 2023 was a season almost similar to where it’s raining it’s thunderstorming and then the rain

Lightens up and you get this peak of SunRay that just comes through the clouds and lets you you know that there is a ray of Hope on the horizon and that’s what we saw 2023 in major credit as Tanya said to Alex Alon for that because if they had two Logan sergeants

In their damn car the most recent American driver on the grid they wouldn’t know they had a good car they think they had a car and a decent driver but it is actually the other way they got a questionable driver and a very solid car and Alex alurn showed

Them that by his performance his pace and his his continuity with the car so big shout out to Alex big shout out to Williams big shout out to James vs because I will say this in a in an in an environment where right now the rookie Market is so skewed because of Oscar

Because of the appearance of Liam Lawson after Danny Rick went out people and teams are like I want to win now or I want performance now from a rookie that has never had experience in most of these Formula 1 tracks and that’s unfair okay it’s unfair so I’m not against

Logan Sergeant being given a second chance but I will say this this second chance should be it because what you did last season was topple the cost cap by over $4 million Logan you’re not a sergeant the name Captain America needs to stop you need to earn titles like

That wait a minute who calls him Captain America like they calling this dude Captain America you didn’t see you didn’t see when Williams did the post that was all kind listen listen he not Captain America I rather call Val b as Captain America with that booty okay booty booty booty booty booty everywhere

That’s what T on booty booty so but I didn’t really say that and you see you notice like when we were you were talking about Williams and I spoke about Williams I really didn’t say too much about Logan Sergeant it’s like okay yeah put it out there we American he the

Latest American drre he gonna get some smoke if he ain’t dilling it up and he wasn’t dilling it up at all all and you know what they were like dang you just give him a hard time he’s a rookie I’m like he’s a rookie American that needs to deliver deliver speaking

About Williams too we also we also have to go back and realize that sir Frank Williams he got a lot of flag about what happened to Senna too fact that was really really big and for him to come back from that and also like all of the aerodynamic uh um aerodynamic mechanics

That they put into those cars if they they were Leading Edge in Formula One weren active suspension active suspension ex you know so they were pretty much on the Forefront and they took a lot of chances so you know big big huge shout out to Williams around for a very very long

Time that they don’t go anywhere all right all right so you pick Williams that was good one I’ll tell you who I’m going to go with now you going with a seven team I tell you what let’s go ahead and hit Ferrari 406 points third in the championship Charles lir Carlos somewhat

Having a number one driver battle dispute towards the end of 2023 Carlos proving to be the more aggressive and you know what I know what I want to do type driver calling his own shots and his shots did work Charles out there pushing the limits of a car that don’t

Have the limits he want to push and just keep wrecking the cars off track doing what Charles do but showing that he’s fast when he does it it’s not how well you drive it’s how fast you drive well and you wreck the car Charles showers that but congratulations uh these

Drivers not too far from each other in the championship standing so I tell you what you also had some awesome experiences that Ferrari was incorporated in and you work with some people that work with Ferrari and you wore Ferrari March March on here before so I’ll tell you what I’m going to throw

It to you even though I pick team ladies first on this because you you got rights on that tell me what you expecting from Ferrari this coming up 2024 season so all right first of all it it’s um Carlos SS and Charles Charles lir Ferrari okay

Because I really feel like Carlos SS is the future of Ferrari he is he has proven that Time After Time After Time After Time one thing that I like about carito is that how much time carito okay it’s carito one thing that I like about carito is how much time he actually

Spent with the engineers trying to learn the car when he first came into the team as you can see that paid off significantly how well he was able to race and how he became one with the Ferrari and he wasn’t smashing and crashing it up and then also too he was

Out there dog fighting he really was it didn’t matter if he was if it was against Master stappen Le Hamilton if he was in the front or sometimes even Charles and Charles came on the radio and he would nit he hated hated it but carito said no way man get to the back

He pulled a Jay valin [Laughter] no so that was I think that um he was underestimated this year well last year in 2022 he was underestimated I really feel like hopefully he can well this year I think he but a lot of it depends on the um

That car yeah true oh my God now they’re saying they changing like over 90% of the components on the new car that’s coming up that’s what they’re saying that’s what I heard they’re changing close to 90% of the components that were on the SF 2020 23 this coming up season

But but what p is that like in a good way or a bad way exactly that’s the point I was G to make that is exactly you switching out the parts that need to be switched out or the parts that need to be staying the whole time exactly

True true and that is the point I was going to make that is very true oh my goodness but the movie was good did you go see the movie we talking about Ferrari verse yeah Ferrar was it Ferrari Verse Ford or you talking about the the Ferrari movie no I didn’t you

Didn’t go see it I mean it was pretty good it it had you know Adam Driver played Enzo Ferrari pel Cruz played laara Ferrari it was you know yeah disappoint well I could tell you the Lamborghini movie disappointed me so I was like I’m not going to waste no money

Yeah you didn’t see the Lamborghini movie came out out yeah Lamborghini came out where they were basically that’s who they were going it was Lamborghini uh versus Ferrari when they were when D started to Lamborghini from the tractor cuz Lamborghini started as a tractor and

He went on he wanted to develop a car and so he developed a car and he was trying to rival them and Ferrari to make it super car and that whole thing and I saw that movie and I expected more from it I was like damn but Ford vers Ferrari

Was a very good movie so I thought the Lamborghini movie would be good and then it wasn’t so I was like uh I’ll wait for Ferrari come on T tuby Hulu something I I was going to go pay for that yeah you’ll like so the love story of course

And then like you know the whole thing about the Ferrari Brothers um you know that whole thing took presidence in the movie but what you will like is the actual racing part okay it reminds you of Ford versus Ferrari but then also in the in the movie theater hearing they

Did a really good job you being able to be implanted on the track and hearing the car like you they did a really good job that thought for Ford versus Ferrari did really good with that but no Ferrari did really good with you and making sure the audience really heard those cars

Switching gears and like going around that track at break next speed like they did a really good job with that um okay and then what else you need to send me the link to that Lamborghini movie because I want to see it I will because

I think that is on I think uh it is on Netflix or Hulu now what was your what was your thoughts on Gran Turismo hate to get off I tell you what like hey GR rismo was a movie that I was skeptical about going into it because there has

Not been a very good car movie in that type of genre since the maybe you know first fast and the furious uh under what was it the Need for Speed was decent everything else in between has been garbage especially a fast and the fierce product it’s been garbage as so I

Was very questionable about this movie but I can tell you all if you haven’t seen it they did a good job with it they did a good job with the storylines somewhat as it is and there is something that is very familiar in this movie that

Is in real life was depicted in that movie and still exists and that is a small amount in that movie was put in there that it seems like people still think black people don’t belong in racing it still seems like it still seems like people believe that black

People can’t drive it still seems like that it’s a oh that he that’s a black guy yeah there it’s still seems like there’s a bit of this unequal feeling that if somebody of color steps on the track especially a black man whether it be birth from the UK Africa

America wherever it is that what is he doing here yeah he can’t he can’t be a good driver it can’t happen and it was a phenomenal story and I think even more so with somebody coming from the Esports Lane which we race here wol pack e Grudge racing racing series going to

Away $1,500 worth of merch coming up shout out for that it was awesome to see that he translated his skills from the Sim to the actual track and made something happen and went through a traumatic experience so I actually like the movie to answer your question I I

Thought the movie was awesome and I gave it I gave it High Praise so one thing another common thing theme on a movie like that is opportunity you’re given the opportunity to be able to be in spaces like that to prove prove your worth and where you that yes you belong in that

Space I think a lot of people of color that’s where they struggle in Motorsport but then just also other aspects in life you can have a resume you can be the fastest Sim driver you can have like all this experience but if you are not given the

Opportunity it’s like you know no one will ever know your full potential on what you do true or what you can do in the world so I think that that’s why it’s important uh organizations like more than equal and um the F1 Academy because they make sure that

They’re going to be providing all these opportunities to all women of color right facts I’m with that okay so Ferrari third 406 points who do you pick next I picked Ferrari who do you got oh you piic you picked Ferrari yes I picked Ferrari but I let you have it because it

Was it’s like your more your thing you know you more of the Ferrari fan here you’ve been I ain’t really had deal with Ferrari one you got you got June Ambrose well she has no longer sh out to Jun of Puma but she was and she’s the one

Who came out with the scooteria Ferrari line for women um and then I got to drive a Ferrari 488 Evo while I was in Las Vegas look what I’m saying pop she ain’t even pop tags yet that’s how many tags she got to pop she didn’t had time

To pop those tags off the presses okay there you go fresh off I got to drive a Ferrari while I was in um when I was in Las Vegas around the speed Vegas track so if you guys are in Las Vegas please go to speed Vegas they have a whole

Plethora of cars trust me you will be satisfied you’ll be able to pick one two or probably even three um and I did I had a um instructor go with me and we had such it it was an awesome experience I think it did like I think we talked

About hopefully maybe coming up in the future that if we’re at the same track again for Formula 1 season that we would hop in cars and see who would lay down the best lap and if we do do that people I will have two GoPros one for one for

Me and whoever else may join if they’re there uh and we going to do that and I’m going to put it out on content let y’all see how content creators drive with insured vehicles that we ain’t got to pay for once we leave that’s right that’s amazing right right yes who you

Want next um so who do I want to go up you still got Aston you got Alpine you got alatar you got hos you got Mercedes you got Red Bull let’s let’s go to the Frenchmen okay all right let’s go to Alpine then let’s go Alpine number six

In the championship standings 120 points more investment money than they know what to do with and can they do something good with it Travis Michael B Reynolds Anthony Joshua Trent Juan Rob hell God damn you got enough money what can you doop this new addition came out here

Tell can they really make this money work for them and I will even ask you something else do you trust Alpine to really progress in 2024 based on what you saw last season where were they in the standings again they are number six 120 points they were right in front of Williams

They were okay so all right so let me just start off like this right so me and esan okan I always got beef with esan okan because I think that he is a starter I think that he starts with so many people like lowkey does like

He’s the type of person that walk to slap you and when you slap her back like why’ you do that why you do that why you do that dog and I was it was really I was really thinking like oh my gosh how are him and Pierre gastley Gonna Get Along like what

Is that Dynamic gonna be like kind of like Kevin Magnuson and Nico hogenberg but it seems like everybody has grown up and had a Kumbaya moment does it does it though I mean it this seemed like some very good started though he still started in 2023 but it wasn’t as

Bad as previous years like you know it wasn’t bad as the cut Corner carton situation of course but yeah you know him with f Fernando Alonzo and then you got Max was staing about to slap box them when remember that that was assault on Max I’m gonna put that

Out there Max assaulted okon in in the garage yo why are you pushing yeah you know was like laughing like what you doing that was hilarious I’m telling you you guys ever want to get a laugh you guys gota use watch that it was hilarious but I was very surprised to

See how well the Frenchmen did get along they came together for the commonality of their country and also the team the alping team I wish that they would have scored better though um Pierre gastley he has shown over the years flashes of promise okay I don’t care Monza was my

Favorite favorite race okay when he had ponum and Monza but was it totally their driving skills or was it their car too like and that’s another thing about 2023 I really feel like a lot of it how much of it really was the drivers because they seem

Like to this year they were scrapping for everything that they could scrap for I’ll give you that I mean like most of them I don’t know about Logan’s Sergeant yeah I mean he was scrapping that’s how you think they got the rest of that

Money had to scrap all the cars He W and get some of that money out took this to scrap yard like we getting this recycle money out here with Logan did it in another way he did it in another way but I mean when you were looking at

Racing like no one was really driving like really laxidasical they were on it like really fighting for like if it was fifth place if it was fourth place if it was second place or first like they they really were going there’s one driver I can’t give that but I’ll wait till we

Get there I’ll make a note so I Logan you there’s somebody else other than Logan yeah there’s somebody else out there that I feel like completely underperformed based on what we saw from their teammates so I will write that down and then you make sure you save

Some sips cuz you going to need to sip on that one I’m going write and you guys I’m drink I’m drinking carbonated water okay I have sworn off all soda I do not drink soda at all so now I’m you okay I see you on the healthy kit for 2024 I’m

With that all right so that’s so that’s how you feel about Al uh yeah wait hold on did they okay did they lose the team principal uh yeah he got his ass fired I’m thr this straight off the got booted yeah he lost one all right he said it

And boot it okay for real right up out there like what else was significant about Al yeah that was that was some firing going on at Al exactly I’ll let you take it away from here uh so like yeah like Tanya last mentioned there was some fire in

The Alpine French kitchen uh big shout out to ratat Tuli uh for all that zephrine that they put into the good cooking but I will also say this I’ve said it before Gastly ceiling is appeared it is here and it is installed and I do not see gastle doing

Any better than what we seen I think he I think he’s reached his potential at this point in time I will I think he reached his potential I don’t think gastle is going to go any further than he I don’t think we see any more from

Gastley than we’ve seen like you said he shows like Blitz of promise but they unkempt promises okay we thought when he came to Alpine people there were people out there were like oh my gosh this is going to change the life of Alpine I don’t believe it did I think still okon

Esty bestie is the most dominant and and better driver in Alpine and I’mma give okon this props too I ain’t never seen a back Mark marker fight like okon will fight you and he fought Max for stab and that’s why Max was staing went him

Pushed him that’s why he M OK will get his elbows out against any and everybody and it is Fair it doesn’t matter if it’s l Hamilton it don’t matter if it’s Alonzo it don’t matter if it’s Kevin Magnuson it don’t matter where the hell you are on track he don’t want to be

Pass and I’m with all that I’m with the smoke that okon want to do de out you know what I’m saying if I ever get a chance to interview okon it’s GNA be a epic interview I’m trying to tell you right now but Alpine just needs to show

Us everything that you did show us are you going to have action with it and is it going to be upgrades and progress you got you blasted and bragged about all this money you got in all this likeness you bought in you got these you completely got a French team people

Overlooked you because Audi’s coming out 2026 and everybody’s like oh they gonna have German pu German uh manufacturer German drivers well Alpine already did that Alpine is a French team French drivers French power unit and Reno so they’ve already done that but what they haven’t done is make people say damn

That that is something they haven’t done that right now what they’ve done is put two cars on a tow truck courtesy of gas in Australia that’s what they did do all right what they have done is have a bunch of of disputes on radio about who’s going to get team orders and then

In press conferences talk about what we talked about and it’s done with that’s what they did do what they what we also did see them do is a little photo op in a video so people can feel like it’s okay but is it really okay is it really

Okay because I haven’t really seen some of the camaraderie between these two like we see even with Russell and Hamilton even though we felt there was some beef there at times in the season like we I don’t I haven’t seen that I haven’t seen that they never but Pierre

Gastley and let’s be clear here Pierre gastley and and eston they were never like friends though they were at one point in time they slept together they had sleepovers they had he in the PJs they roasted s’mores and marshmallows together Tanya and it was all good their

Parents made them but they were car shopping together the type of camaraderie that um okay okay well nobody’s really had it with Max Orin let’s just be yeah that’s a fact that well you know D said he did but we’ll see but Pierre and Yuki sinoda I mean we

All saw that Blossom and boom on drive to survive and how he did give Yuki Coda like look I’m passing the chorge to you you need to um get in there and whatever driver that they bring in in my place you need to make sure that you show them

The ropes but in that case you know that really didn’t happen because of who it was but still should happened um but no I no I think that they are they had be for a minute yeah they they still got be okay I mean like Kevin Magnuson suck my be

Situation but they but they haven’t been like best of friends like for a minute true I’m with it I’m with that so you right about that so who so did you pick you pick uh Alpin yeah you picked the Frenchman so I’m going to pick the next

Team I’m going to pick the next team and you know where I’m going to go I’m going to go close to home I’m going go to the sabat I’m going go to the Espionage double agents of Agents I’m going to go to hos the most unamerican Aman Formula

1 team out here the team who doesn’t want an 11 team on the grid or was the 11 team on the grid at one time when the Mercedes Manor was there the team that feels like we don’t want to let you in the door because what are you going what

Are you going to do for us when they ain’t did for anybody hos has not brought anything to Formula 1 that you can say has been pivotable or Monumental their likeness their ability besides breaking sanction laws soal we just going to leave it there but I’m just saying what has H done in

Formula 1 nothing besides show us that you know what maybe they don’t need all them seats on the pit wall it can be smaller that’s what they’ve shown us and as much as their pit wall is small is as much as they added to Formula 1 and I’m

Just waiting to see when are they going to ingate themselves in America so that America really knows they got a Formula 1 team out there because there are a lot of people that don’t even know they got a Formula 1 team in Formula 1 I have asked there are people that don’t know

Hos even though I think it’s just the PO Box in North Carolina so they can claim they an American team there are plenty of people that don’t know that there’s an American team in Formula 1 and they should H should be a team that is completely trying to grab the American

Market and one team that’s doing it better than hos is McLaren McLaren is working hard at become America’s Formula 1 team by a long shot Mercedes lightweight kind of already is because of everything they’ve done and Louis Hamilton and the Ops and the car and they’ve done that but H has not done

That and by the way hos finished 10th with 12 damn points and uh yeah that’s that’s what we saw from hos what I don’t I don’t have any large expectations from hos I didn’t see any updates from hos that really turned into upgrades matter

Of fact it was so a busal they just said you know what k k dog Hulk what do y’all want y’all want y’all want a BMW to drive we’ll buy you we’ll go rent you a car want CH lady eat looking like a little baby in the car eating chipot

So what do you expect from the dead weight team of hos oh my gosh oh by the way they suck when it comes to keeping major sponsors they change sponsors like money Graham they have money Graham Rich energy drinks EUR which you know don’t be fool the red white and blue wasn’t American

That was Russian Colors by the way just saying just putting it out there it was it was spend yeah that that was now they F to have who Alfa ROM is Alf Romeo it’s supposed to be Alf Romeo hos at one point in time is what it said in 2024

But we’ll see if that that’s what they said confirmed that’s what I’ve been waiting to see if it’s confirmed I haven’t seen that confirmed yet so what do you got my lady I apologize I cut you off what do you got you did not cut me

Off um because I think I threw out Chipotle CA yeah because that’s probably all you could think about good with house no because when I no when I went to and I and I wonder if they still have it up when I went to the Chipotle

Restaurant they had a a picture I think it was Kevin Magnuson bag I’m like do people even know who that is no no they just open the door and they just walk in and get and con leave but I’m with you I’m with you 100% um I feel

Like there is just so much more of an expectation of of hosby and an American team with us having three American races with that monstrosity of a building that they built here in this place place the representation of the United States has to grow in Formula 1 what are they doing

Is facilitate that um Chipotle that’s about it uh and um yeah I’m just wondering how Kevin Magnuson feels though like because he had so much success when he left Formula 1 then he comes back to formula one and then it’s like yeah you know it’s like this it is

So I mean it’s like is he just doing that like to get a check at this point IAD um but I don’t know I still think that they’re going to be in the back of the field next year here I’m with you on that I am with you on that Williams

Yeah I’m with you on that all right that’s all we going to say about H ain’t much to say about who do you want next what team you want next we got alari we got Aston Martin we got Mercedes and we got Red Bull who do you want all right

So let’s talk about Aston Martin let’s talk about the good old there it is hey I don’t like your character and some of the things you done said and did but damn it Alonzo you can drive your ass off bro oh my gosh what the drives that he has had in

2023 despite everybody speaking about him oh my goodness he’s going to Aston Martin strike oh my goodness he’s in his 40 40s strike strike you know and every time he he proves who he is and his driving ability and his weight is gold it just is I mean and when you look at

All the races in 2023 a lot of the more poignant moments in Formula 1 in that season was Fernando Alonzo fighting with someone on the field true didn’t like when he was with fighting Louis Hamilton but I mean it was still something really really good to watch it was it was it

Was like 100% now L stroll we all I think we all have the same sentiments with Lan stroll about his the reason why he’s in Formula One to begin with we got Daddy stroll which I adopted that from another black content creator she already know who she is calling Daddy stroll

Crazy but but anyway so Daddy stroll owning the team um Lance stroll is just gonna be there like everyone talks about like oh his dad owns the team so you know he shouldn’t be there he should his dad should fire him his dad is not going

To fire him he will sell the team first before he fires his son but what I do want to touch on is um the recent the recent uh articles that have come out about this reporter that was was calling Lance straw I think was he saying like he was Autistic or something

Like that did you hear that I didn’t hear that but you know where that was stem from it was stem from Max fappen first doing that Max ven called uh called Lance stroll that on radio he called him aong roll which basically equals to somebody who is slow or

Special needs in a in a very derogatory way Max for steppen did that on radio and Max put that energy out there and it was and I don’t think he ever apologized for it but yeah that’s what Max did with Lance stroll which is very disgusting and very

Disrespectful yes and to me with a mom who has a child with special needs my son is on ins spectrum of autism I feel like if Lan stroll is or has or he special needs in whatever way I feel like he is a hero in the sport because

He’s still in the sport and he’s still capable of driving so I will just off of that show my respect for land stroll but has he been the best driver for Al for um ason Martin no just it just hasn’t been that way but what do you get when

You have you know Fernando Alonzo next to you that is hard that is hard to defeat a world champion like that huge shout out to Fernando Alonzo because he did sign Khloe Chambers to his management company which is a woman of color in Motorsport she was in the W

Series and she’s an American so sh out for that so long as something comes comes after that you know what I’m saying like I got to see some some fruition coming that so yeah I would say this L stroll was the other driver I was talking about L stroll we already gave

You your flowers we already talk about other things we talking about people disrespecting you I was on board with you bro when you got disrespected by Max with Stapp and I didn’t like that I don’t like uh personally attacking drivers if I don’t see anything bad personally about them and Lance stroll

Seems like a pretty cool dude he got really frustrated in the season and pushed his trainer or his phys or whoever that may have been he put his hands on and that was not the best thing to do frustrated they they handle that in shop but I’m going to say this L

Stroll it’s an indictment you have been judged weighed and measured okay this seat right now if if anybody said it beforehand they might have been wrong but right now you are proving people right you are proving that this is a npple seat you are proving that you in

Indeed do not have the situations that Sergio Perez has over at Red Bull Racing you have everything afforded to you your dad owns the team so ain’t nobody with you bro you got a car the AMR 23 wasn’t a bust until later on in the season and I really don’t even think

It was a bust in I just think the team was stagnant everybody was progressing above Aston Martin bro I’m talking to you Lance Alonso got eight podiums bro and you ain’t got you didn’t get nothing you didn’t bring any groceries home people are starving because of you at ason

Mar listen he broke his wrist and he broke the hopes of Aston Martin to try to be third in the constructive Championship that’s what he did and I’m going tell you this too listen a Formula One car is not a car you supposed to drive with one hand I saw the on boards

Bro your hand wasn’t TW quite right you had to take the hand off the steering wheel you compromise yourself you compromise everybody else but no harm no foul you did your thing you was a warrior but you wasn’t Warrior enough and I’m going to say this just like I

Said about Alban being on a different Spectrum showing Williams that this car can and is capable of other things than Logan Sergeant is doing Alonzo showed you all the AMR 23 is a gym and I got eight podiums what the this guy doing what this guy doing this your son yeah

This your son this your son over here bro so you know what Alonzo did because of this situation and Alonzo by his business Alonzo became an Alonzo that I don’t think we ever saw he came Big Brother Alonzo tell Lance he’s not under attack take his time I’m not going to

Pass him tell Lance as I’m watching TV going by way up ahead of the road he’s doing well that’s awesome tell listen that I mean what else can we give Lance so you got a partner in Alonzo Lou Hamilton damn sure having was a far better driver we ain’t never seen that

Side of Alonzo till he got with you Lance you got the best Alonzo ever in his driving career you got the best opportunity cuz your dad on the team you got a car that was very capable of getting podiums and your ass didn’t do it so I’m saying this coming up season

Hey Felipe drugovich I’m campaigning for you bro Lance you need to be Reserve driver unless you s something different I mean you got enough chance you ain’t your goddamn on simulor get back on S get back in and Lawrence I’m inditing your ass too because you own the team your your yeah

Hell yeah where are my pearls I’m clutching them CL clutch them cuz I’m taking everybody’s I’m coming in here crazy I’m I’m walking up to law table like bro listen you right now are a negligent parent all right you sitting up here you’re sitting up here and

You’re leaving your entire team in the dirt because you want your son to be something that he can’t be right now if you were a real good boss Team Management boss you would have said to yourself you know what Lance I love you and you’re not losing your seat yet but

Every one practice we going to let Felipe get in that car so he’s eligible to be put in for the race cuz God damn it son you’re up out here in these streets you’re making me look bad you’re making me look bad son did you just say take him out the car everywhere

Hey once every practice you you coming out of there we got you oh my gosh that’s what I got to say about as Mar I think they going to do good and I will say people assuming or thinking that Lawrence was going to sell the team I

Told y’all I didn’t think so I didn’t think that somebody would invest as heavily as he has would do and make the contracts for the power unit to go with Honda like he has I didn’t think that somebody like Lawrence who has made changes that showed that they are on an

Upward trajectory to spend all this money in new facilities would then go and say before he even reaps the benefits I’mma sell the team that’s hogwash that wouldn’t make no sense that would even be an indictment on him then him leaving his son in the car so

Lawrence is here to stay until he’s trying to win a championship and he’s trying to win a constructive Championship he’s not the driver Championship I don’t want to say nothing about like he’s a businessman at the end of the day was that he wasn’t I mean gosh this man owns Michael corer crying

Out loud it’s crazy oh by the way fifth in the championship standing 280 points big shout out so to the top five top five I ain’t mad at it that’s that’s good points that’s good oh that’s good money that’s good money now do something with it pay

Dr better than Michael K’s purse but it’s still a good purse you know what I’m saying he got some taste Lawrence got he’ be up there like you know this my I’m giving it to him but you got to do better that’s that’s why these women right here calling him daddy I

Guess so I ain’t calling you Daddy goddamn look my mom be like my mom says she’s like girl he look like he smell good Lawrence got him out here like hey was like look at him girl don’t he look he look like he’s SM good hey I ain’t

Going to lie Lawrence walk around like he money and he and I’m giving him the credit for that but I’m still saying man you you you might have to make some hard decisions that you don’t want to make or it will be an a what do we say about

Lawrence two seasons from now if we consent continuously see Lance underperform and the team for fighting for a constructive championship and Lawrence does nothing about it is that not an indictment it is an indictment but at the same time he’s dad though like that’s like you know taking your

Daughter out the cart you GNA take your daughter out the cart you got the money for the C yeah I am so cold it’s three seasons it’s four seasons and you killing us I’m not saying you can’t come back but you can’t be here this time always done that he’s

Always done that look at Williams remember when he was with Williams CLA was up there looking at that screen crosy in Monaco like what are we doing here like what are we doing and he was like no I look this is my my money my bread my son dried that’s true I ain’t

Saying that I’m not saying that I don’t realize what he doing I’m just saying what he doing ain’t helping no it’s not helping it ain’t helping that’s like we going listen we got new car season come up I got listen baby did good last season was her first

Season she got third in the championship standing points for her first season ever she got awarded uh best most improved driver of the Season she got a plaque for that she got a third place Trophy and she got many other trophies to go with it so you know what I got a

New chassis purple coded new graphics custom all this she going to get that cuz she earned that now if we go out here 2024 you got all new update we we going to get out here testing and tuning we’re going to get you up to speed and

You you come in 10th well I’m going say goddamn uh either I got to think about myself and think about what I didn’t do or I got to think about you so 2025 I’mma do all the studying offseason I’mma do everything I’m about to spend more bread to make sure you straight now

2025 come and I look at this sheep be like God damn all right well maybe we start doing something else maybe we come here on the weekends and just chill together but it ain’t looking good whatever you do just don’t start calling her lamb oh no no no hell no

Never that never that it’s gonna be a daddy daughter talk like hey baby you want a cart race we could card race and you know do it elsewhere but yeah true but you know you just got to keep real but he ain’t so who you who do you you picked Aston Martin

Correct I see I see what’s going on here so I’mma stay with I’mma stay with the role I see what we doing we saving some Giants for last so I’m going go with alatar the rb19 Clone coming 2024 uh Sono Yuki I was voting for my boy to get

A million dollar contract cuz they were on them giving them that 750 while I seen worst drivers get a million Yuki the main driver bringing groceries home to alpat tari and points big shout out to him y’all brought Danny Rick in he broke his wrist three races in didn’t

Do for y’all really finished the high 7th congratulations on that you bought Nick D in it on Yuki said Nick D was going to be the Elder Statesman in the number one driver y’all didn’t even give Nick D enough time to really develop you him on a rookie

Deal but Nick D you know hey I feel you and then Lim Lawson comes in it’s like voila what what’s going to happen y’all say Liam you know it’s all good what you did but we bringing Danny RIT back alatar you gon to have a rb19 hand down

I’m looking to see what y’all going to do coming up but I will say this it is a conflict of interest for Red Bull Racing to have four cars four drivers and two teams on the grid and it needs to be something done about that what say

You I do say I do feel um I Echo those settlement exactly um I feel like Yuki okay well let me just back up here huge shout out to the delivery in Las Vegas I think beautiful okay that was sexy that was so sexy want to start out with that

Um and then huge shout out to Yuki Coda showing up from head to toe from bucket hat to vest to pants everything in the same in the he wore the Livery when they did the the um Livery reveal in Las Vegas he literally wore it everywhere I

Love his fashion sense I love that he’s very Unapologetic I’m so glad that he did listen to Pierre gastley and did take a lot of pointers from him as far as training and being able to drive the car the way that he has because he’s come a long way since his rookie season

Yes um I also love the way that even though they had what three different drivers come in for the season and that second C that did not intimidate him not one bit he did not waver he still kept his head down and he kept going so I

This year in alphari was a year of Yuki was not the year of any other driver I fully agree eighth place in the championship standing and 25 points so big shout out to Yuki definitely definitely progressed not only in his driving ability but his character and his mannerism and mentality as far as

Honing in as a driver let me not make you all think a mistake about what I’m saying and I said that exactly how I wanted to say because this is what I want to say I am cool with Yuki’s fire in his character I am cool with Yuki

When he spazzes a bit because that’s still passion and what I do get tired of if it’s not a traditional White driver you all want to coin somebody as being aggressive and abrasive but if it’s a white driver he’s passionate and he’s just real about trying to hone in yo

Yuki got every right to do the same thing that y’all let Max was stappen do on radio and the shenanigans that he does in his team Yuki fired up too Yuki’s a Formula 1 driver Yuki wants to win has he had the best opportunity no

But has he been the best driver also no but still in his own right Yuki turned around and big shout out as you said credit to gastle for being because gastle is a good dude I don’t take that from him at all I don’t I haven’t really said anything bad about gastle that

Wasn’t outside his performance just being but Yuki I’m with it Yuki you’re at a Yuki and we’re going to see what happens this coming up season they bringing Danny Rick back Yuki’s coming back and we’ll see what happens with that I really want I’m really curious to

See because I don’t think that in any way that Yuki is going to back down from a challenge from Daniel Ricardo and I just want to see because Daniel Ricardo is not gonna back down either because he does have something to prove because at

The end of the day he wants to be in that red bull the other red so I want to see how that plays out because they neither one of them are gonna give no they’re just mad I I I don’t think either one of them will give but I do

Expect both of them because of their mentality their personalities to play hard but play fair I don’t think either one of them will take underhanded tactics like like we’ve seen in other teams uh of their brother team their up their varsity team I’ll call it their varsity team I don’t think we’ll see

Anything like that but we will see moments where they’re going to butt heads we will see moments where it might end up with some contact and it might get heated but I knowing in meeting Danny Rick seeing Danny Rick how he’s conducted himself as a person Yuki how

He’s been as a person I don’t see it getting foul so I I be true as well okay all right so who you want next there’s only two left you who we got this how I’m going to know if you really care for me or not I’m who whoever you leave me With all right come okay look I’m ready I’m ready we we’re gonna hit this Red Bull up okay we’re gonna hit this Raging Bull up okay okay all right oh number one in standings and whopping 860 points they laid the smack down police everyone you know and that is all

Afforded to Adrian newie facts you know he deserves the props and everything because he did design a Raging Bull he did facts um I do want to say that I have just I have affinity for czecho yeah I do I agree because my sister is a czecho

Fan um and I just love to see his fans I had someone um tell me that R and I know all right and you just you can answer this too okay but at people show up to see Max for staffen before they come up they show up

To see czecho and I don’t believe that that’s true in RA in like actual like races I’m like no oh no in Texas Kota I was there after the race they chanted that man’s name for like 20 almost 30 minutes until he came out like they were doing racer debrief racing debriefs and

Everything and they were were like jao like they were going crazy till he came out with him and his son and then even after that they had to put a partition up so people would leave because people weren’t leaving even after he was like bye right I’m leaving they did not want

To leave so just huge shout out to to czecho and his fan base I do also like the way that he supports the junior team I don’t know if people had um heard what happened in Las Vegas cuz I was there I went to the alatar Livery launch um and

The was amazing Yuki was there Daniel Ricardo was there Max for stappen was asked to attend the event he did not but czecho showed upo showed up I’m telling you he was drinking Corona but I don’t know what he was drinking in the cup but

It did look like Corona but he showed up and he showed love to the junior team and I really really can appreciate that because it just seems like no matter where he is or what he’s doing he’s always willing to to show and gar support against you with other people it

Doesn’t even matter if it’s about him or not true um so that to me that just speaks to his personality because I know like in the past he has been blamed for like a whole bunch of stuff some of the stuff was true some of it wasn’t but

Just as speak to the kind of character that this man really has I’m glad that he’s in Formula One I’m glad that Latinos and latinx people actually have you know a driver that they can cheer for and I hope that he doesn’t leave Formula One I just get upset with czecho

Because I don’t feel like he has was out enough that’s one thing that yeah you you’re about to hit it on the head and go in on it but I think that that’s his major downfall is that he does not like look you have got to stand up to Max for

Staffen if you were in the same Machinery as him and if he is sitting up here just sailing off into the sunset you should at least be right behind him you should not be constantly fighting with the freaking Ferrari or McLaren or you know sometimes on occasion um

Mercedes but you should be fighting with him so that’s the only thing that I wish like look if this is going to be a 24 2024 season with Red Bull I think that it needs to be a fight between czecho and Max for stappen St being scared

Don’t ever be scared never be scared scar scared don’t be scared go to church be scared though don’t be scared but he is okay I agree with that I I cosign that and I I’ll up that too you know what I’m saying since we in Vegas we

Got you know you know I’m about to go in godamn so listen listen to me czecho Tanya just gave you some awesome advice awesome advice and I’m just going to I’m just going to support her advice with a couple of ad libs like Jeezy you

Know what I’m saying a couple of ad libs I’m put some do I’m going to put some DOL lyrics in here it’s going to be real hey don’t play with me you know what I’m saying you know the song don’t play with me you got it you know what I’m saying y

Got it ain’t like it for a reason this what I’m about to give you check she told you put your elbows out bro I’m going tell you to put your elbows out not only on the track but in your goddamn Team bro cuz you getting disrespect it put your elbows out don’t

Tell me that you and helmet got a good relationship when this man disrespects you and a culture of people that he don’t even know don’t tell me you and helmet Marco got a good relationship this don’t even know where you from bro he thought you was from goddamn South America that’s not the

Same as Mexico don’t tell me you got a good relationship with even your SE when your with your first number one driver Max staing when he going to neglect and avoid and deny insubordination to team orders to assist when the team tells him to don’t tell me this what you need to

Do is this man keep it real keep it real with us when you do your press conference keep it real with them when they disrespect you when you’re ass at the podium let us know yo this what Red Bull doing but I ain’t going for it you

Know I’m here this I’m here to win I’m here to be part of the team I’m here to assist like I’ve always done because sheo you have an you have an extremely good record with being a driver who is known for assisting drivers and our teams and data and progression you are

Known for that I credit you for that czecho I root for you you know what I’m saying I’m with you but at some point in time we keep walking down the street together and I see a keep slapping you and you don’t do nothing I

Got to go put my hands on them and then next thing I turn around and your ass is gone I can’t keep fighting for you bro so the next time the dude slap you I’m gonna be like I’ll be right here czecho I got you I’m going to be right here if

You need me to jump in that’s what I got to do to you czecho cuz you not really standing up for yourself in the garage in the motor home in the meetings or on the track and that’s what you need to do you a better driver than we saw you

Become in the later part of the season and motor home the meetings the motor home everywhere everywhere everywhere man Max stpp and Mama Tried to ruin your relationship out here in these streets talk with your wife they made it personal checko you can’t let them get

Away with that you got do you know czecho where I grew up from in the area I grew up in bro I done seen my homeboy my brown my Latino homeboy do some real and I know if they seen you doing that if they watch Formula 1 checko they

Going to be like oh no that ain’t La Familiar bro that ain’t La Familiar bu bro that’s no bueno you go watch American me go see what happened when you ain’t with the program czecho Amer don’t get crazy out here in these streets czecho you better start showing

Up my man said you was drunk on track and you a Formula 1 driver that’s how they out here doing you so czecho I’m with you uh I think that some people give you a bad rap some people talk about you like you a bum driver you not

A bum driver I seen what you did with that kid at the GP when security didn’t want to let him through you let him through you’ve done things like that that have been Louis Hamilton s when people were booing Lewis you stood up up your people at your GP and told him

Don’t do that Max steppen ain’t going to do that you you you’re by far a better character I’m not saying that you’re as good as a driver as Max but I know you damn well better than what we saw in 2023 so I’m just asking you czecho stand

Up man man and do some 10 toes down bro and get it up when you raise that Mexican flag them people need to be proud as that’s what I’m saying so czecho you can do it go do it if it’s not with Red Bull I don’t think czecho

Should be out of Formula 1 I think it’s an indictment on Formula 1 if Red Bull want to part ways with czecho and somebody didn’t sign that man I’ll say that yeah hands down hands down so you know because I seen you gave me some

Care you know you you know took Red Bull I’m letting you just take the last two so you go ahead see the energy back so go ahead jump off with Mercedes jump off well I was I thought that you were GNA say something see I just needed to see

How you was going to treat me so then I like okay I got to treat her right treat her back so you know what I’m saying so now I see it was all good so go ahead take that Mercedes ladies first what you got Merced oh Mercedes by the way second

In the championship standing points with a busted ass raggedy car with a great Louis Hamilton driver with a nice second driver 409 points in that Championship standard so what say you Tanya as we close this out what you got okay so let me just say that I have

To be team Team Mercedes I do I have to be Team Mercedes only because I have got to meet the man the myth the legend himself Mr Toto wolf um this year and did we talk about the performance of the Mercedes no because I want to be put out the commercial but

Still but still but still total wolf knows that there’s a lot of work that needs to be done okay I just am not okay because we know never know what’s going on every time we think that it’s one way it is the complete opposite way of what is going on behind the

Scenes but it is clearly they are running at a deficit when it comes to designing that car they need to figure out he needs to figure out where that deficit is now they started firing people towards the end but they they they didn’t say fire yeah you know

Change positions was first we gonna change positions and then my dude got walked out the door softly like here you go yeah out the back door and they was like you know we’ll send your stuff by mail carrier don’t even worry about it um yeah just you know completely ask them but my

Goodness they need and I swear I’m quiet because this this this part needs a moment of silence they have got they have got to Above All Else deliver that man a championship winning C and at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about we

Can sit up here we could talk about George Russell we could sit up here we could talk about the performance of the car we could sit here talk about all the engineers and what total wolf is doing what he isn’t doing how they try to come for Susie wolf

And that whole situation that was a complete disaster and I am I was expect see look I was expecting the total wolf that laid everybody out during try to survive to show up I was waiting I was like yo where is he where is he where is he cuz

Man they came for Susie wolf I was man they issued the statement I wanted to see him take off the headset and break it and and like just go off and tell people the car is and everything like [Laughter] that oh my God and how much people are gonna be in the like

I oh my God I was waiting oh my that was good is it is it and then he was like Mercedes issues a statement I’m like oh man know oh man but he but total wolf that’s just who he is he’s upstanding person until you know like his his the car start

Purposing because once the car start pping again that’s when you gonna start cussing yeah but in the meantime they do I think that’s what the shift needs to be unfortunately during these sets of regulations as much as I want to be very optimistic if they’re going to be able to deliver

Leis Hamilton a championship winning car I’m cautiously optimistic and I I guess that’s just the best way to put it right now because without the the new changes and regulations I just don’t I don’t I don’t see a path to be that drastic but I mean

At the end of the day they’re chasing milliseconds it wasn’t like Mercedes was where H was like they were always like right there but it was really difficult to watch difficult to see and watch when McLaren started passing them I was like oh my gosh is this really happening like

Another Mercedes customer team another exactly or even when um Aston Martin with Fernando alzo and that dog fight with ls Hamilton and then it was like you know leis Hamilton they were trying he was trying to going back and forth with him and then at the end he just

Couldn’t get it done yes I was just like oh my gosh this has got to be painful to watch it’s like you know just like have a razor blade just start cutting yourself every like every time a thousand by Death By A Thousand Cuts it

Is but at the end of the day leis Hamilton he did not win all his World Championships boom boom boom like you know like all all eight of them yeah I said eight I said eight all right don’t don’t be trying don’t bleep that out eight championships um you know one after

Another there were times where you know he went like a year or two you know without winning a championship but it’s just so hard now because we know that for when he’s getting older to the the regulations are changing the Dynamics of the cars are always changing

The other drivers and the cars are improving especially when you look at um McLaren and and Williams and like all the other and that’s the thing they all got Mercedes engines WTF WTF Mercedes I’m trying to what you see all of your other car all these other cars that have

Mercedes engines improving and here y’all are fighting still fighting in between Ferrari and Aston Martin because I can’t even say Ferrari and Red Bull it’s like but did it seem like that it was like Ferrari and ason Martin and then like you know Mercedes was sandwiched in the middle there and

McLaren you know they were like constantly in that flux of those three teams and then like n you get a chance where Russell would be able to fight with the Red Bull but it would have to be some sort of Dr some by a chain of

Events right exactly to be able to lead up to that so I’m just I will always be Team Mercedes I will always you know drive a Mercedes but it’s it’s hard it really is hard you know because total wolf I I think yeah bro you got to make those decisions and

Like just start putting people on The Chopping Block yeah and start recruiting better start for yes I believe I believe that to be true too I mean they got the accelerate 25 and they have um what is it Mission 44 accelerate 25 and they have um ignite those

Programs uh about bringing more people of color in not saying that that’s going to solve the problem right right but but they should have enough information to know exactly why their car is running the way that I age I agree I agree I agree so you know Mercedes uh rumored reported new

New front suspension new rear suspension uh new Arrow package and new side Podge inbound for 2024 so with all of that being said I’m not excited I’m not excited because I’m going to keep it real I am a person that you fool me once shame on you you fool me twice shame on

Me you fool me three times I’m a fool 2022 came out 2023 just pass it’s 2024 hey you the the window is closed before Mercedes could show up to my long shark house and say you know what JP well pack I need about a million dollars you know what I’m

Saying just give me a million dollars I’m going to make it back I bring it back and you know what I say all right Toto all right Louis all right you know Russ you just new to the click but hey you with Mercedes so I got you too bro

And I signed that slip off and they go to the window you know my person at the window my gun men be there and they hand them the million dollars they walk out the door they come back like yo y’all came back early you got that work cool

Now they come to the house and you know what it’s like quiet what the hell do you want I said I was like okay we need a moment of silence it’s quiet what do you want what are you here for I know you can’t be here for a

Million dollars right you can’t you ain’t doing good with the work in these streets so yes you going to have to prove to me in testing that there is a reason to be positive about this 2024 season you have to prove to me that you are committed to give Louis Hamilton a

Carard that is competition competitive with Red Bull cuz that’s who at the front you you have to prove to me that you’re making the right organizational choices you’re putting the right people in place and you’re listening to a champion driver who knows what a champion car is supposed to drive like

And you’re implementing what he’s telling you into the development going forward don’t people piss me off telling me that Louis Hamilton doesn’t give good feedback Louis Hamilton doesn’t do work you know what that is that is still the racial typical that people want to say black people not smart oh black

People can’t be good quarterbacks oh you can’t do you can’t fly you can’t even do nothing the only thing you can cook that’s still that mentality people Louis Hamilton didn’t get to where he is because he don’t know how to understand a car because he doesn’t understand how

To give feedback because he doesn’t understand how to coach listen to me y’all need to shut the hell up Louis Hamilton is the goat he’s still active and by the way his peers not analysts not reporters not journalists not us content creators his peers that drive

And compete with him on a week in and week out basis voted him the number two best driver of 2023 so screw what you say screw what I say the people that are Elite and driv and competing Formula 1 said that Lou Hamilton is the second best driver and

I’m going tell you right now that’s only because he’s in a piece of ass car that’s why what you saw last season and the season before you saw the inverse you saw a driver do more with less and he can do that because he’s so great but greatness and talent and ability will

Only take you as far he is limited by the car Mercedes it’s your job to unlock the goat and let him go get that eighth officially on the records because y’all screwed him y’all got y’all bag you got your eighth Constructor Championship you up there he didn’t get his so it’s time

For y’all to do what needs to be and I’m going say this geord Russell bro hey I’m with it you you’re the future of the team they they had to make a choice vouchery I I wish he probably would have said let me take less stay around a

Little bit more to assist because I think V to me would have been a better mind and a better person person to give feedback to help development than Russell is Russell is okay with driving a piece of because that’s what he drove before so Russell don’t know the

Difference when he get into a car something great and something that’s like he’s comfortable with that and he does good with it I’m going give it to you but Russell you’re in a situation that even Charles L Clark said himself if Louis Hamilton was my teammate I

Would learn as much as I could from him being the driver that he is by the way Charles Aus said he was eight-time world champion as well as Christian her said that as well as a lot of other people said that just throwing that out there

But Russell you need to not chill I’m not telling you to take a back seat I’m not telling you to be less of a driver I’m not telling you to be self-serving I’m telling you to take the opportunity to play the game so that you can become

That diamond that Mercedes needs you to become when lwis walks out the door because that’s coming nobody is the greatest forever forever it’s not going to happen Lewis is going to go LeBron’s going to go Tom Brady went Arthur ashw Serena Williams and so on everybody has

Their moment where to go but it ain’t right now y’all why y’all telling Lis Hamilton retire you know why you telling that cuz you scared that he going to get that car max ain’t going to be winning like that you know he’s the only person that’s really going to compete with Max

Like that that’s why y’all want that man to retire and y’all don’t talk about Alonzo who got the longest standing Formula 1 career every damn weekend they want to brag about it you ain’t talk you ain’t campaigning for him to leave because y’all not worried about him

Y’all worried about LS lisis great leis still able LS fit LS can drive LS get that and that it’s up it’s up and if you don’t know what up is look it up in the Urban Dictionary it’s up that’s all I got to say about

All the way up to the max I broke the goddamn Knob Off pow that’s what we doing around here so oh my goodness uh tell these beautiful people where they can uh come and and get some Tanya Apex you know what I’m saying tell these

People this so everyone I am on a few platforms I am on Instagram as shy beautiful also Apex takeover podcast on Snapchat is shy beautiful but instead of the L at the end it is one in repres representation of F1 and where else oh Apex takeover. comom

You guys can uh take a look at all of everything that I’m doing at Apex takeover take a look at the new podcasts that are coming out email me if you guys want to do collabs or if you have some really cool ideas but I do also I can I

Don’t want to leave without saying huge shout out to the wonderful people at the Las Vegas GP for my wonderful hat my wonderful experience that I had there if you guys want to go to a race that I felt like was overly engaging food was amazing and racing was spectacular

Because I feel like whether you were watching it at home or if you were in the stands that was a really great race I really think that you should be thinking about investing in going to Las Vegas for 2024 I’m with it would that be

With that being said you know I I’m your boy Jay host War pack performance home at F1 minute the content creation show that involves you in the content process and right now Wolfpack F Grudge Racing Series where we are giving away over $1,000 worth of sim Racing Equipment to

People that are competing and have competed and complimented to the community so this is the first episode of 2024 performance Talk podcast with my queen Tanya from Apex takeover podcast I’m your boy Jay from Wolfpack performance and we are out see y’all soon later in the season peace yeah bye

Thanks for watching another episode of Wolfpack performance don’t forget to check out some of my other content on Formula 1 and Motorsports topics like share subscribe and we go live on the weekends see you soon

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  1. Listen it's all good with inclusion and stuff one thing you got to understand not too many minorities want to be engineers we have to convince them to be engineers cuz these are not normal mechanics these people are inventors other things outside of Formula 1 this is a hard sell to young people you can't scream inclusion you need people who can actually do the job this is what Lewis is trying to sell at the young level to young people that you can push and make it as an engineer somebody's engineers make really good money all the young people see is drivers when I hear mechanic they think it's the same mechanic that fixes their dad or mom's car it's not the same and you can't just put somebody in there because of their shade I know I'm a professional driver yes I am black man but not every black man know how to drive you have to want it Don't Force It😂

  2. It’s great to see other black Americans into f1. Not just new fans but fans of the history. I’m the only one I know of til now . Good shit 😂

  3. Child custody suit! Brilliant. Interesting and deeply relevant point you raise re inclusion. The truth is formula one is like a club for a “type”. Now this could simply be down to mathematical likelihood determines due to the ratio of qualified engineers coming out of the system. So it runs a lot deeper than formula 1. To arrive where you want to be with the inclusion and representation requires those coming through to feel inspired, motivated to get in on it. I guess if it takes the form of Drake for star appeal then hey, got to be good thing surely?

  4. Jay, thx having Tonya, she’s delightful, and knowledgeable👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻👩🏻‍🦰💜💛

  5. I'm just finna to say something my guys. As a Dominican American Brother from the hood in New Jersey. It is so refreshing to see ya my peoples in this formula one discussion and extremely knowledgeable. It is beautiful. You just earned a fan my friends holla at me what a pleasure!

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