@Toronto Maple Leafs

Detroit just passed us

The nightmare is here.

by BobbyAxelrod1


  1. Soggy_Specific4093

    Knew someone was waiting to post this right away lol

  2. AMaliciousWatermelon

    Couldn’t even wait for the update on lol

  3. twizzyflyguy

    Well all it takes is for us to win 1 game and Detroit to lose one to get back

  4. TheWilrus

    The leafs are not a good team.

    Shannys inability to adjust to a market that didn’t develop as projected back in 2019 is astounding.

  5. wageslave_999999999

    We are getting close to being in the passenger seat for the playoffs

  6. canuck_at_the_beach

    Maybe some adversity will wake them up instead of their usual sleepwalk to the playoffs. 

  7. They want it. A very dangerous team is one who just plays hard. Don’t need skill for that

  8. Darkhorse089

    Matty 70 goals

    Laughs miss playoffs

    Shanny/Keefe Fired

    Marner GTFO

  9. ElephantShell34

    Earlier this year Detroit had a 3-9-1 run, with only 1 of the 3 wins in regulation and losses against the Sharks, Senators, and Ducks (all current bottom 5 teams) and now look at them … back in a playoff spot. 

    Just for some perspective that the Leafs aren’t the only team that goes through rough patches and that things can turn around. 

  10. braveheart2019

    Damn NHL. We need more games against San Jose.

  11. PollutionNice7392

    Uh oh, Florida gave up a lead against Detroit. Time to blow that team up. How dare this team play down to the competition.

  12. We’re 1 point back with 2 games in hand. Calm the fuck down people.

  13. Darth_K-oz

    Wasting away again under Keefe in hockeyville

  14. Wonderful-Sea3370

    Ive said it before and ill say it again, i dont think the leafs will make the playoffs. This will be the defining off season where a forced shakeup is done. 

  15. REAPER-1_xxx

    Oilers fan here. This was in my feed.

    Welcome to Wildcard 1. Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. This spot has as many ups and downs as a🎢

  16. TiredReader87

    It’s not a nightmare. It’s a relief. This team is nowhere near good enough for the playoffs.

  17. Ravage1496

    So many sad sacks of shit in this thread, hope for the best and get a life outside of crying about the leafs.

  18. I think its going to be a struggle to get in. Not the worst thing, bit of a reality check for everyone.

  19. correct_eye_is

    Yup and this road trip doesn’t look good or get easier. Everyone talking about Edmonton(loss), Calgary, Vancouver and Seattle B2B but there’s still Winnipeg at home and then Winnipeg in Winnipeg. Makes no fucking sense. Should be playing Winnipeg on the road trip back then playing Winnipeg at home not home against Winnipeg then flying out to Winnipeg.

    Then a week off before Islanders, Dallas, Sens, Blues and Flyers. We’re about to get buried deep out of a playoff spot the way these guys are playing.

  20. Firm-Sail8871

    Montreal won as well. They are only 5 points behind us now. We will be out of the playoffs by the end of the month.

  21. BlueEyesWhiteSliver

    Don’t worry, it’s the flames tomorrow. Looking forward to being at that game.

  22. Let’s all panic after the trade deadline…. Scoreboard watching is happening too soon….

  23. Gold-Stomach-4657

    Tampa closing the gap is just as scary. Those games in hand mean nothing with the way this team is trending…

  24. lukaskywalker

    Yea well they have played two more games than us so… /s

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