@Buffalo Sabres

Rasmus Dahlin Leaves Game After Receiving High Hit From J.T. Miller

Rasmus Dahlin Leaves Game After Receiving High Hit From J.T. Miller

Uploaded by Alyssa Hope

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Alyssa Hope Twitter: @_alyssa_hope

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Clean stance leaning into the hit, just a bit too far to the right made contact with the head. + bonus ref ruffage. Miller's the complete player.

  2. Ive gotta blame the ref for getting in the way. Ive never seen a ref skate with the puck, what a idiot, he made it harder for him to get the puck and made him comeout off the boards a little putting him in a more vulnerable position.

  3. Illegal check to the head. I've seen that given for less. But, hey, you get whatever you get on any given night in the NHL.

  4. NHL the no hitting league!!! watering down sports…no fighting anymore,or a lot less then before pretty soon we will have almost no hitting….sad,part of the game…

  5. Obvious shoulder cap to the face. Not sure what some people are seeing. Power should be ashamed of himself, as should these homer announcers and the officials.

  6. People are delusional for thinking this is a clean hit lol. Canucks fans are like too scared to admit it or something. At least I can admit when my team makes an unfavorable play. I guess not everyone can see the sport objectively though. Oh well. I know I'm right lol

  7. Point that’s missed here is how Miller shows respect to Sabres player by not punching when he clearly could have tuned that kid up. Need more of that in this league. Too many so called tough guys these days jump on kids that are clearly out of their weight class and take advantage of the situation. Miller showed class.

  8. Clean hit. Would’ve liked to see Miller get the 12-6 elbows going on Power while he was sitting on his knees trying to wrestle.

  9. a lot of fuckingg dummies on here dont understand that a hit to the head is a hit to the head, was targeting shouldve been 5+10. I guess youll get that with Canadadians circle jerking on each other over having a decent team the entire country can root for.

  10. 😂😂😂😂 Owen Power's response is to attempt to give Miller a blow job. 😂😂😂😂😂

    Doesn't that sum up the Buffalo Sabres since Milan Lucic ran over Ryan Miller?


  11. Miller would have destroyed him. I guess he figured powers embarrassed himself enough with that grade school wrestling.

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