@Calgary Flames

Devils Coleman

Found a pic of Coleman and stone battling it out in front of the net. Not sure what year this is

by Admirable-Nerve-8289


  1. SirLunatik

    2017 was the only year Coleman wore #40 in NJ

    Edit: Jan 13, 2017. Second game of Coleman’s career

    Edit 2: I was wrong that game was in Calgary not NJ and Stone wasn’t a Flame yet. It appears it was likely this game was on Feb of 2018 and hockey-reference doesn’t have the correct information on Coleman’s jersey numbers

  2. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Coleman then: 👶

    Coleman now: 🧔

    Stone then: đź—ż

    Stone now: đź—ż

  3. tristan1616

    Both our top two scorers this year are former Devils

  4. misterktomato

    My boy Stone has aged well

    Same with Colesy

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