@Buffalo Sabres

Jeremy Davies Post Skate | 01.17.2024

Jeremy Davies Post Skate | 01.17.2024

We were talking a little off camera just that outdoor game what was that experience like being back outside oh it was awesome uh weather turned out perfectly um the just the the whole baseball park overlooking the city was just a really cool atmosphere for us to play in and um

You know it was really good fun weekend overall for for our team it’s probably almost impossible to top playing outside at Fenway Park but we were saying like for a AAA stadium that had to be really nice really nice I mean Charlotte’s obviously a beautiful city and to have that ballpark kind of

Overlooking the skyline um was really cool and um like I said the weather turned out perfectly um you know sunny skies and um kind of the perfect temperature probably for the ice too so it was perfect you’re uh this team is roughly at the Midway point of the season um

Where do you think you guys stand in the way you want to play your identity standings everything um we’re playing well we uh we think we’re getting better every week um obviously a huge week this week for us with uh three three big games so um you know we’re looking to

Keep doing the same things uh obviously we have a ton of skill and speed in our locker room and we’re trying to um use that as much as we can on the ice uh so if we keep doing that we should be successful we’re talking to AB ear like you were in the

Game against Lehigh Valley in November safe to say this one’s going to be totally different just cuz you didn’t have Rose Ros and cool leag you had gotten on a bosson that drive five hours after a Friday night game this one I really should be pretty charged up to

Play right yeah I mean the boys are ready to go uh obviously Last Time Around in Lehi didn’t go the way we wanted to but uh we still think we played pretty well but um you know this time around I think our team’s matured um over the the past couple weeks and um

Um I think the boys are ready to go are these games like at the Midway point of the Season pretty hard too because you look around and your opponents are in very similar spots like they’re desperate in their division for points they’re near the bottom of that playoff

Cut off line it’s kind of where you guys are is that sort of bring out the best in teams for sure I mean um you know looking back last year down the stretch we really became a really good team and obviously that helped us a ton going

Into the playoffs so just trying to recreate that same thing this year um you know the first 33 games or whatever we’ve played this season are done and um you know the closer you get to play off time the more more meaningful the games are so uh like I said this week’s huge

Could be wrong but at the end of that game against leehigh were you and I think a bunch of guys just involved in some sort of chaos around the end of the whistle there uh I was not on the ice but yeah there was some chaos going on I

Think uh Justin Richards got punched in the face or something um so I mean we uh we remember that um we know they’re they’re strong heavy team and um you know we’re expecting a physical fast game tonight how do you balance like if you look they have

They’re one of the league leaders in pel Mets as a team so how do you balance matching their physicality but also not getting into the extracurriculars and catching yourself in the box at time for sure like obviously you want to stay out of the box as much as you can but you

Don’t want to back down um we know that they uh you know they’re a heavy team they got some big bodies there so we want to match that uh you know the last thing you want to do is get bullied out there so we’re we’re definitely ready

For that we’re going to match that but um obviously staying out of the box is huge you guys are a team that in a lot of ways is based off speed a very quick team up the ice can you take advantage of that against a heavy team that may

Traditionally be ATT Tad slower for sure um I mean against any team we try to really use our strengths which is our speed our skill our playing transition so um you know breaking out the puck is going to be key against a really good forward checking team and you know if we

Got opportunities from there we’ll take them

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